Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 2112 in total

  1. Nagendrababu V, Murray PE, Ordinola-Zapata R, Peters OA, Rôças IN, Siqueira JF, et al.
    Int Endod J, 2021 Sep;54(9):1491-1515.
    PMID: 33982298 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13565
    Guidance to authors is needed to prevent their waste of talent, time and resources in writing manuscripts that will never be published in the highest-quality journals. Laboratory studies are probably the most common type of endodontic research projects because they make up the majority of manuscripts submitted for publication. Unfortunately, most of these manuscripts fail the peer-review process, primarily due to critical flaws in the reporting of the methods and results. Here, in order to guide authors, the Preferred Reporting Items for study Designs in Endodontology (PRIDE) team developed new reporting guidelines for laboratory-based studies: the Preferred Reporting Items for Laboratory studies in Endodontology (PRILE) 2021 guidelines. The PRILE 2021 guidelines were developed exclusively for the area of Endodontology by integrating and adapting the modified CONSORT checklist of items for reporting in vitro studies of dental materials and the Clinical and Laboratory Images in Publications (CLIP) principles. The process of developing the PRILE 2021 guidelines followed the recommendations of the Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting Guidelines. The aim of the current document is to provide authors with an explanation for each of the items in the PRILE 2021 checklist and flowchart with examples from the literature, and to provide advice from peer-reviewers and editors about how to solve each problem in manuscripts prior to their peer-review. The Preferred Reporting Items for study Designs in Endodontology (PRIDE) website (http://pride-endodonticguidelines.org/prile/) provides a link to the PRILE 2021 explanation and elaboration document as well as to the checklist and flowchart.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design; Research Report
  2. Ismael Al-Sanjary O, Ahmed AA, Sulong G
    Forensic Sci Int, 2016 Sep;266:565-572.
    PMID: 27574113 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.07.013
    Forgery is an act of modifying a document, product, image or video, among other media. Video tampering detection research requires an inclusive database of video modification. This paper aims to discuss a comprehensive proposal to create a dataset composed of modified videos for forensic investigation, in order to standardize existing techniques for detecting video tampering. The primary purpose of developing and designing this new video library is for usage in video forensics, which can be consciously associated with reliable verification using dynamic and static camera recognition. To the best of the author's knowledge, there exists no similar library among the research community. Videos were sourced from YouTube and by exploring social networking sites extensively by observing posted videos and rating their feedback. The video tampering dataset (VTD) comprises a total of 33 videos, divided among three categories in video tampering: (1) copy-move, (2) splicing, and (3) swapping-frames. Compared to existing datasets, this is a higher number of tampered videos, and with longer durations. The duration of every video is 16s, with a 1280×720 resolution, and a frame rate of 30 frames per second. Moreover, all videos possess the same formatting quality (720p(HD).avi). Both temporal and spatial video features were considered carefully during selection of the videos, and there exists complete information related to the doctored regions in every modified video in the VTD dataset. This database has been made publically available for research on splicing, Swapping frames, and copy-move tampering, and, as such, various video tampering detection issues with ground truth. The database has been utilised by many international researchers and groups of researchers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
  3. Ismail Mustapha, Samihah Mustaffh, Md Fakarudin Ab Rahman, Roslan Yahya, Lahasen @ Norman Shah Dahin, Nor Pa’iza Mohd Hasan, et al.
    Non-destructive and real time method becomes a well-liked method to researchers in the oil palm
    industry since 2000. This method has the ability to detect oil content in order to increase the
    production of oil palm for better profit. Hence, this research investigates the potential of neutron
    source to estimate oil content in palm oil fruit since oil palm contains hydrogen with chemical
    formula C55H96O6. For this paper, oil palm loose fruit was being used and divided into three
    groups. These three groups are ripe, under-ripe and bruised fruit. A total of 21 loose fruit for each
    group were collected from a private plantation in Malaysia. Each sample was scanned using
    neutron backscattered technique. The higher neutron count, the more hydrogen content, and the
    more oil content in palm oil fruit. The best correlation result came from the ripe fruits with r2=0.98.
    This research proves that neutron backscattered technique can be used as a non-destructive and
    real time grading system for palm oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
  4. Alaghmand, S., Abdullah, R., Abustan, I., Vosoogh, B.
    As a crucial demand in urban areas, flood risk management has been considered by researchers and decision makers around the world. In this case, hydrological modelling that simulates rainfall-runoff process plays a significant role. This paper quantified the roles of three main parameters in river basin hydrological response, namely, rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition. The case study area of this research was Sungai Kayu Ara basin which is located in the western part of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of twenty seven scenario were defined for this research, including three different rainfall event durations (60, 120 and 360 minutes), three different ARIs (20, 50 and 100 years) and in three different land-use conditions (existing, intermediate and ultimate). The results of this research indicate that rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition have considerable effects of the surface runoff hydrographs in terms of peak discharge and volume.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
  5. RHODE K
    Med J Malaysia, 1964 Sep;19:50-1.
    PMID: 14240063
    Matched MeSH terms: Research*
    Med J Malaya, 1959 Jun;13:327-30.
    PMID: 13822231
    Matched MeSH terms: Biomedical Research*
  7. Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Asnarulkhadi, A.S.
    Introduction: The purpose of this article is to review the definitions of food security and food insecurity as well as the concepts related to food security.
    Methodology: This is a systematic review on a few papers, research, and articles according to studies and research by various organizations, experts, scholars on food security in developed and developing countries.
    Result: The first definition of food security was given to reflect the comprehensive concerns on the availability of world food supplies. The definition was expanded to incorporate accessibility of food for all people at all times. Then, the complex definitions of food security incorporated food accessibility and availability as well as the quality of food intake. Latest definition integrates the social aspect of food that should be accessed in a socially acceptable way. Broad definition of food insecurity and several terms that closely related were also discovered. The four main concepts of food security from these definitions were identified; availability, accessibility, acceptability and adequacy. These concepts of food security are relevant to micro, meso and macro levels of social and administrative organizations. Conclusion: Understanding definitions and concepts of food security can assist researchers, policy makers and program implementers to conduct research that address the issues of food security.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
  8. Mak, Joon-Wah
    The International Medical University (IMU) has encouraged and facilitated research activities since 2001. Research activities by undergraduates, postgraduates, and faculty members have increased substantially since then. The governance aspects of research activities are closely monitored by the Institutional Review Board which is the IMU-Joint Committee on Research and Ethics. (Copied from article)
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Ethics Committees, Research
  9. Mohd Khairol Anuar Mohd Ariffin, Masood fathi, Napsiah Ismail
    Assembly line balancing is well-known in mass production system but this problem is non-deterministicpolynomial-time(NP)-hard, even for a simple straight line. Although several heuristic methods havebeen introduced and used by researchers, knowing and using an effective method in solving these typesof problems in less computational time have a considerable place in the area of line balancing problem.In this research, a new heuristic approach, known as critical node method (CNM), was introduced andtested by solving several test problems available in the literature so as to solve straight assembly lines.Finally, the obtained results are compared with 9 other heuristic rules in some performance measures.Thus, it is concluded that the proposed CNM is better than the rest in all the measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
  10. Wan Nor Arifin
    One of the most common reasons why researchers seek help from statistician is sample size calculation. However despite the common believe that it only involves formula and calculation, researchers often ignore other aspects of research design that leads to proper sample size calculation. In this article, the author outlines basic steps toward sample size calculation. The author also introduces the logic behind sample size calculation for single mean and single proportion in simplified and less intimidating forms to those not statistically inclined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design; Research Personnel
  11. Ching CY
    Med J Malaysia, 1978 Sep;33(1):20-2.
    PMID: 750890
    Matched MeSH terms: Operations Research*
  12. Sandosham AA
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Dec;26(2):75-6.
    PMID: 4260863
    Matched MeSH terms: Research*
  13. Sandosham AA
    Med J Malaya, 1969 Mar;23(3):189-91.
    PMID: 4240072
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Personnel/education*
  14. Peach P
    Med J Malaya, 1968 Dec;23(2):127-38.
    PMID: 4240823
    Matched MeSH terms: Research*
    Med J Malaya, 1959 Sep;14:36-46.
    PMID: 13851977
    Matched MeSH terms: Biomedical Research*
  16. Saidatulnisa Abdullah, Shitan, Mahendran
    The analysis of the spatial data has been carried out in many disciplines such as demography, meteorology, geology and remote sensing. The spatial data modelling is important because it recognizes the phenomenon of spatial correlation in field experiments. Three main categories of the spatial models, namely, the simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models (Whittle, 1954), the conditional autoregressive (CAR) models (Bartlett, 1971), and the moving average (MA) models (Haining, 1978) have been studied. Whittle (1954) presented a form of bilateral autoregressive (AR) models, whereas Basu and Reinsel (1993) considered the first-order autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model of the quadrant type. Awang, N. and Mahendran Shitan (2003) presented the second-order ARMA model, and established some explicit stationary conditions for the model. When fitting the spatial models and making prediction, it is assumed that, the properties of the process would not change with sites. Properties like stationarities have to be assumed, and for this reason, it was therefore imperative that the researchers had made certain that the process was stationary. This could be achieved by providing the explicit stationarity conditions for the model. The explicit conditions, for a stationary representation of the second-order spatial unilateral ARMA model denoted as ARMA(2,1;2,1), have been established (Awang, N. and Mahendran Shitan, 2003) and in this paper, some explicit conditions are established for a stationary representation of the second-order spatial unilateral ARMA model, denoted as ARMA(2,2;2,2).
    Matched MeSH terms: Research; Research Personnel
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