Displaying publications 1061 - 1080 of 2034 in total

  1. Asmat Armad, Nur Diana Mehat, Usup G, Rahimi Hamid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:543-550.
    This study was carried out to know the bacteria population density in the blood cockle (Anadara granosa) and green lipped mussel (Perna viridis), to analyse the bacteria resistance towards antibiotics and antimicrobial activity of isolates against selected pathogen. Samples of blood cockle and green lipped mussel were obtained from five areas in Kedah and Negeri Sembilan. Bacterial population densities in mussels and cockles were 3 x 102 - 8 x 108 cFulmL and 5 x 102 - 5 x 108 cFulmL, respectively. A total of 162 isolates were obtained, of which 131 isolates were from mussels and 31 isolates were from cockles. Vibrio sp. was the most dominant genus in both types of samples. Antibiotic testing of all isolates showed most were resistant to Penicillin (10 U) and most were sensitive to Ciprofloxacin (5 Jig). Most isolates (160/162) showed resistance to at least two antibiotics and 10 isolates were resistant to more than five antibiotics. Multiple antibiotic resistance indices (MAR) were calculated based on the antibiotic resistance results. Most isolates had a MAR index value of 02 which indicated the isolates were not contaminated with antibiotic residues. The highest index value was 0 .7 . Fifteen out of 39 isolates which produced beta-lactamase enzyme were tested for antimicrobial activity against selected pathogen. Results indicated that antimicrobial activity were varies among the isolates. Isolate smii-Ip produced antimicrobial activity against six out of the nine tested pathogen and none of the isolates active against Pseudomonas mirabilis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  2. Tan AKG, Yen ST
    DOI: 10.1007/s10389-016-0754-3
    Aim: To investigate cigarette consumption patterns exhibited by non-smokers, occasional smokers, and daily smokers in Malaysia.
    Subjects and methods: A sample of 4204 individuals from the 2011 Malaysian Global Adult Tobacco Survey is analyzed. A zero-inflated ordered probit model is used to accommodate the ordinal nature of smoking outcomes with excessive zero observations of non-smokers.
    Results: Socio-demographic characteristics are closely associated with consumption patterns of non-smokers, occasional smokers, and daily smokers. Specifically, urbanites, government employees, and Malays exhibit greater tendencies to be daily smokers and lower propensities to be non-smokers than others. Education is a deterring factor in cigarette smoking as higher education up to the tertiary level raises the propensity of being a non-smoker by 8.16 percentage points. The role of ethnicity is highlighted as individuals of Malay and other ethnic backgrounds are more likely to smoke daily, while exhibiting lower propensities of being non-smokers. Males are more likely to engage in occasional or daily smoking than females. Employment in government or non-government sectors increases the probability of daily smoking.
    Conclusions: Our results suggest the need to include measures to cope with internal or external cues among smokers with specific socio-demographic characteristics. Cessation interventions should focus on daily smokers in urban surroundings with low education levels and those of Malay ethnic origins. Anti-smoking measures in line with occasional smoking may include ameliorating the male attitude toward smoking and policies to prohibit workplace indulgence.
    Study name: Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS-2011)
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  3. Welch AR
    Folia Primatol., 2019;90(4):258-266.
    PMID: 31129672 DOI: 10.1159/000499655
    Several slow loris (Nycticebus) sightings have occurred on the island of Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia, from 2011 to 2018. Records discussed here represent the first confirmed sightings and photographic evidence of Nycticebus on Tioman since its discovery in 1915, refuting presumptions that the Tioman slow loris is extinct. Although originally considered a subspecies of the Sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), several morphological characteristics apparent in all observed individuals, including the white interocular stripe, rufous colouration and pale dorsal stripe, are similar to the Philippine slow loris (Nycticebus menagensis). Further, the broad snout and ears may be unique to this population and suggest that the population may be distinct. I, therefore, recommend that future studies consider the taxonomic status of remote and isolated Nycticebus populations given the possibility that they may represent distinct and unrecognised taxa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  4. Du P, Liu X, Zhong G, Zhou Z, Thomes MW, Lee CW, et al.
    PMID: 32023897 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17030889
    Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia play a major role in global drug trade and abuse. Use of amphetamine-type stimulants has increased in the past decade in Malaysia. This study aimed to apply wastewater-based epidemiology for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to estimate the consumption of common illicit drugs in urban population. Influent wastewater samples were collected from two wastewater treatment plants in Kuala Lumpur in the summer of 2017. Concentrations of twenty-four drug biomarkers were analyzed for estimating drug consumption. Fourteen drug residues were detected with concentrations of up to 1640 ng/L. Among the monitored illicit drugs, 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) or ecstasy had the highest estimated per capita consumptions. Consumption and dose of amphetamine-type stimulants (methamphetamine and MDMA) were both an order of magnitude higher than those of opioids (heroin and codeine, methadone and tramadol). Amphetamine-type stimulants were the most prevalent drugs, replacing opioids in the drug market. The prevalence trend measured by wastewater-based epidemiology data reflected the shift to amphetamine-type stimulants as reported by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Narcotics Cooperation Center. Most of the undetected drug residues were new psychoactive substances (NPSs), suggesting a low prevalence of NPSs in the drug market.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  5. Md Naim D, Kamal NZM, Mahboob S
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2020 Mar;27(3):953-967.
    PMID: 32127775 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.01.021
    The population genetics study is crucial as it helps in understanding the epidemiological aspects of dengue and help improving a vector control measures. This research aims to investigate the population genetics structure of two common species of Aedes mosquitoes in Penang; Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus using Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker. Molecular investigations were derived from 440 bp and 418 bp mtDNA COI on 125 and 334 larvae of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus respectively, from 32 locations in Penang. All samples were employed in the BLASTn for species identification. The haplotype diversity, nucleotide diversity, neutrality test and mismatch distribution analysis were conducted in DnaSP version 5.10.1. AMOVA analysis was conducted in ARLEQUIN version 3.5 and the phylogenetic reconstructions based on maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods were implemented in MEGA X. The relationships among haplotypes were further tested by creating a minimum spanning tree using Network version 4.6.1. All samples were genetically identified and clustered into six distinct species. Among the species, Ae. albopictus was the most abundant (67.2%), followed by Ae. aegypti (25.2%) and the rest were counted for Culex sp. and Toxorhynchites sp. Both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus show low nucleotide diversity (π) and high haplotype diversity (h), while the neutrality test shows a negative value in most of the population for both species. There are a total of 39 and 64 haplotypes recorded for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus respectively. AMOVA analysis revealed that most of the variation occurred within population for both species. Mismatch distribution analysis showed bimodal characteristic of population differentiation for Ae. aegypti but Ae. albopictus showed unimodal characteristics of population differentiation. Genetic distance based on Tamura-Nei parameter showed low genetic divergent within population and high genetic divergent among population for both species. The maximum likelihood tree showed no obvious pattern of population genetic structure for both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus from Penang and a moderate to high bootstrap values has supported this conclusion. The minimum spanning network for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus showed five and three dominant haplotypes respectively, which indicates a mixture of haplotypes from the regions analysed. This study revealed that there is no population genetic structure exhibited by both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Penang. Mutation has occurred rapidly in both species and this will be challenging in controlling the populations. However, further analysis needed to confirm this statement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  6. Pendley CJ, Becker EA, Karl JA, Blasky AJ, Wiseman RW, Hughes AL, et al.
    Immunogenetics, 2008 Jul;60(7):339-51.
    PMID: 18504574 DOI: 10.1007/s00251-008-0292-4
    Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are quickly becoming a useful model for infectious disease and transplantation research. Even though cynomolgus macaques from different geographic regions are used for these studies, there has been limited characterization of full-length major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I immunogenetics of distinct geographic populations. Here, we identified 48 MHC class I cDNA nucleotide sequences in eleven Indonesian cynomolgus macaques, including 41 novel Mafa-A and Mafa-B sequences. We found seven MHC class I sequences in Indonesian macaques that were identical to MHC class I sequences identified in Malaysian or Mauritian macaques. Sharing of nucleotide sequences between these geographically distinct populations is also consistent with the hypothesis that Indonesia was a source of the Mauritian macaque population. In addition, we found that the Indonesian cDNA sequence Mafa-B7601 is identical throughout its peptide binding domain to Mamu-B03, an allele that has been associated with control of Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) viremia in Indian rhesus macaques. Overall, a better understanding of the MHC class I alleles present in Indonesian cynomolgus macaques improves their value as a model for disease research, and it better defines the biogeography of cynomolgus macaques throughout Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  7. Kannan A, Rama Rao S, Ratnayeke S, Yow YY
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e8755.
    PMID: 32274263 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8755
    Invasive apple snails, Pomacea canaliculata and P. maculata, have a widespread distribution globally and are regarded as devastating pests of agricultural wetlands. The two species are morphologically similar, which hinders species identification via morphological approaches and species-specific management efforts. Advances in molecular genetics may contribute effective diagnostic tools to potentially resolve morphological ambiguity. DNA barcoding has revolutionized the field of taxonomy by providing an alternative, simple approach for species discrimination, where short sections of DNA, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene in particular, are used as 'barcodes' to delineate species boundaries. In our study, we aimed to assess the effectiveness of two mitochondrial markers, the COI and 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (16S rDNA) markers for DNA barcoding of P. canaliculata and P. maculata. The COI and 16S rDNA sequences of 40 Pomacea specimens collected from six localities in Peninsular Malaysia were analyzed to assess their barcoding performance using phylogenetic methods and distance-based assessments. The results confirmed both markers were suitable for barcoding P. canaliculata and P. maculata. The phylogenies of the COI and 16S rDNA markers demonstrated species-specific monophyly and were largely congruent with the exception of one individual. The COI marker exhibited a larger barcoding gap (6.06-6.58%) than the 16S rDNA marker (1.54%); however, the magnitude of barcoding gap generated within the barcoding region of the 16S rDNA marker (12-fold) was bigger than the COI counterpart (approximately 9-fold). Both markers were generally successful in identifying P. canaliculata and P. maculata in the similarity-based DNA identifications. The COI + 16S rDNA concatenated dataset successfully recovered monophylies of P. canaliculata and P. maculata but concatenation did not improve individual datasets in distance-based analyses. Overall, although both markers were successful for the identification of apple snails, the COI molecular marker is a better barcoding marker and could be utilized in various population genetic studies of P. canaliculata and P. maculata.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  8. Kabir MJ, Hassanzadeh-Rostami Z, Ashrafian Amiri H, Nasrollapour Shirvani SD, Keshavarzi A, Hosseini S
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(3):28-36.
    PMID: 32175038
    Background and objective: A successful family physician program needs ongoing and full cooperation between people and the organizations in charge. Ensuring the satisfaction of family physicians through improvement of the underlying factors could motivate them to provide high-quality services. This study aimed to determine the family physicians' satisfaction level with the factors affecting the dynamism of the urban family physicians program in the Fars and Mazandaran provinces of Iran.

    Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out in urban areas in the Fars and Mazandaran provinces in 2016. The sample consisted of 143 and 96 family physicians, respectively, in Fars and Mazandaran provinces and was selected using the stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire and included both sociodemographic variables and factors assessing the family physicians' satisfaction levels. Each factor was scored based on a Likert scale from 0 to 5 points, and any satisfaction level higher than 3 out of 5 was equated with being satisfied.

    Results: The overall satisfaction levels among family physicians in Fars and Mazandaran provinces were 2.77±0.53 and 3.37±0.56, respectively, revealing a statistically significant difference between provinces (p<0.001). Moreover, the mean satisfaction scores for the performances of healthcare centers, insurance companies, specialists, healthcare workers, and the population covered were 2.78±0.1, 2.54±0.9, 2.52±0.8, 4.24±0.07, and 2.96±0.8, respectively. The family physicians' levels of satisfaction were significantly correlated with population size (p=0.02, r= -0.106), and willingness to stay in an urban family physician program (p<0.001, r= +0.398).

    Conclusion: This study revealed that family physicians exhibited a low level of satisfaction with the urban family physician program. Given the direct association between family physicians' satisfaction levels and retention in the program, it is expected that family physicians will no longer stay in the program, and it is likely to have subsequent executive problems.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  9. Wong JKH, Lee KK, Tang KHD, Yap PS
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Jun 01;719:137512.
    PMID: 32229011 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137512
    The ubiquitous occurrences of microplastics in the environment have raised much concern and resulted in voluminous studies related to microplastics. Studies on microplastics pollution of the marine environment have received significantly higher attention compared to those of the freshwater and terrestrial environments. With the impetus to better understand microplastics in the freshwater and terrestrial environments, this review elucidates the findings of >100 articles related to the prevalence, fates and impacts of microplastics therein and the sustainable solutions, mostly in the past 10 years. This review shows the interconnection between terrestrial and freshwater microplastics with wastewater and sewage treatment plants as the most significant contributors of environmental microplastics via sludge and effluent discharges. Microplastics in both ecosystems comprise the primary and secondary forms with the latter resulted from weathering of the former. Besides retaining in soil and infiltrating with rainwater underground, terrestrial microplastics also enter the freshwater environment. The environmental microplastics interact with the biotic and abiotic components resulting in entrainment, settlement, biofouling, degradation, fragmentation and entry into the food chain, with subsequent transfer across the food chain. The abundance of environmental microplastics is attributed to population density and urbanization though tidal cycle, storms, floods and human activities can affect their distribution. The leaching of additives from microplastics poses major health concern and sustainable solutions target at reduction of plastics use and disposal, substitution with bioplastics and wastewater treatment innovations. Further studies on classification, detection, characterization and toxicity of microplastics are necessary to permit more effective formulation of solutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  10. Huang R, Pimm SL, Giri C
    Conserv Biol, 2020 02;34(1):266-275.
    PMID: 31183898 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13364
    As a landscape becomes increasingly fragmented through habitat loss, the individual patches become smaller and more isolated and thus less likely to sustain a local population. Metapopulation theory is appropriate for analyzing fragmented landscapes because it combines empirical landscape features with species-specific information to produce direct information on population extinction risks. This approach contrasts with descriptions of habitat fragments, which provide only indirect information on risk. Combining a spatially explicit metapopulation model with empirical data on endemic species' ranges and maps of habitat cover, we calculated the metapopulation capacity-a measure of a landscape's ability to sustain a metapopulation. Mangroves provide an ideal model landscape because they are of conservation concern and their patch boundaries are easily delineated. For 2000-20015, we calculated global metapopulation capacity for 99 metapopulations of 32 different bird species endemic to mangroves. Northern Australia and Southeast Asia had the highest richness of mangrove endemic birds. The Caribbean, Pacific coast of Central America, Madagascar, Borneo, and isolated patches in Southeast Asia in Myanmar and Malaysia had the highest metapopulation losses. Regions with the highest loss of habitat area were not necessarily those with the highest loss of metapopulation capacity. Often, it was not a matter of how much, but how the habitat was lost. Our method can be used by managers to evaluate and prioritize a landscape for metapopulation persistence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  11. Chang W, Ee-Uli J, Ng WL, Rovie-Ryan JJ, Tan SG, Yong CSY
    Sci Rep, 2019 06 11;9(1):8504.
    PMID: 31186469 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44870-4
    Macaca fascicularis, also known as the cynomolgus macaque, is an important non-human primate animal model used in biomedical research. It is an Old-World primate widely distributed in Southeast Asia and is one of the most abundant macaque species in Malaysia. However, the genetic structure of wild cynomolgus macaque populations in Malaysia has not been thoroughly elucidated. In this study, we developed genic-simple sequence repeat (genic-SSR) markers from an in-house transcriptome dataset generated from the Malaysian cynomolgus macaque via RNA sequencing, and applied these markers on 26 cynomolgus macaque individuals. A collection of 14,751 genic-SSRs were identified, where 13,709 were perfect SSRs. Dinucleotide repeats were the most common repeat motifs with a frequency of 65.05%, followed by trinucleotide repeats (20.55%). Subsequently, we designed 300 pairs of primers based on perfect di- and trinucleotide SSRs, in which 105 SSRs were associated with functional genes. A subset of 30 SSR markers were randomly selected and validated, yielding 19 polymorphic markers with an average polymorphism information content value of 0.431. The development of genic-SSR markers in this study is indeed timely to provide useful markers for functional and population genetic studies of the cynomolgus macaque and other related non-human primate species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  12. Mohammed Abdelfatah Alhoot, Mohammed Faez Baobaid, Abdelqader MA, Lavannya Rangas Paran, Bavani Kannaiah, Kavitha Balasingam, et al.
    Dengue fever is the most common vector-borne disease and major concern issues in Malaysia. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate factors influencing knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding dengue fever among patients in Hospital Taiping. A total of 300 patients were incorporated into a descriptive, public based cross-sectional study. The questionnaires were formulated to include several questions on demographic data, knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning dengue fever. Most of the respondents were from the age group of more than 35 (43.3%). The largest representations of the participants were Malay (59.3%), married (65.7%), SPM is the highest education level (53.3%), and 60.7% of the participants were conscious about dengue fever eruption. Television/radio was voted as the frequent source of information (97.3%). There is no significant relationship between knowledge score and socio-demographic factors. However, around 57.0% of the respondents believe that abdominal pain is not a symptom of dengue fever and 32% convinced that blood transfusion can transmit dengue. No significant correlation was found between attitude and practice score to socio-demographic characters. However, a good practice towards dengue fever is associated with good knowledge (65.4 %) nevertheless it did not influence their attitude. Moreover, the attitude seems to be poor regardless of knowledge level (44.0%). Therefore, more prevention practices to raise the awareness of population toward dengue fever such as health campaigns and health education in school level should be initiated. These activities will aid in fertilizing better attitude and prevention practice towards dengue fever and bring down its incidence in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups
  13. Lee CC, Neoh KB, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2014 12;107(6):2154-62.
    PMID: 26470081 DOI: 10.1603/EC14193
    The efficacy of chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) against fungus-growing termites is known to vary. In this study, 0.1% chlorfluazuron (CFZ) cellulose bait was tested against medium and large field colonies of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen). The termite mounds were dissected to determine the health of the colony. Individual termites (i.e., workers and larvae) and fungus combs were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis to detect the presence of CFZ. In this study, 540.0 ± 25.8 g (or equivalent to 540.0 ± 25.8 mg active ingredient) and 680.0 ± 49.0 g (680.0 ± 49.0 mg active ingredient) of bait matrix were removed by the medium- and large-sized colonies, respectively, after baiting. All treated medium-sized colonies were moribund. The dead termites were scattered in the mound, larvae were absent, population size had decreased by 90%, and the queens appeared unhealthy. In contrast, no or limited effects were found in large-sized colonies. Only trace amounts of CFZ were detected in workers, larvae, and fungus combs, and the population of large-sized colonies had declined by only up to 40%. This might be owing to the presence of large amount of basidiomycete fungus and a drastic decrease of CFZ content per unit fungus comb (a main food source of larvae) in the large-sized colonies, and hence reduced the toxic effect and longer time is required to accumulate the lethal dose in larvae. Nevertheless, we do not deny the possibility of CSI bait eliminating or suppressing the higher termite if the test colonies could pick up adequate lethal dose by installing more bait stations and prolonging the baiting period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  14. Chong KF, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2009 Aug;102(4):1586-90.
    PMID: 19736772
    An evaluation of several insecticides, namely, 0.01% fipronil, 0.05% indoxacarb, and 2% boric acid in liquid bait formulations were carried out against field populations of the longlegged ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes (Fr. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The baits were formulated in brown cane sugar solution (50%, wt:wt) and placed in an experimental bait station. Each bait was evaluated against populations of A. gracilipes at four buildings. Fipronil, indoxacarb, and boric acid were effective against A. gracilipes, with > 90% reduction of workers within 3 d posttreatment. Total reduction (100%) was achieved within 7 d for fipronil, 14 d for indoxacarb, and 56 d for boric acid. The performance of fipronil and indoxacarb baits did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) in all postbaiting sampling intervals. Reduction of A. gracilipes resulted in an increase in other ant species [Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Monomorium floricola (Jerdon), Monomorium orientale Mayr, Monomorium destructor (Jerdon), Tapinoma indicum Forel, Pheidole sp., and Camponotus sp.] at the baited locations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  15. Foo FK, Singham GV, Othman AS, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2011 Oct;104(5):1675-9.
    PMID: 22066198
    A survey of the infestation rate of colonies of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) with the koinobiont endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni Disney & Neoh (Diptera: Phoridae) was conducted in Malaysia from September 2009 to January 2011 in the states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Terengganu, and Sarawak. Of the 1,125 M. gilvus mounds surveyed, 12.4% contained termites parasitized by M. mindeni and these mounds occurred only in the states of Penang and Perak. High frequencies of mounds containing parasitized termites were found at sites in Penang: Bayan Lepas (21.1%), Minden Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia ([USM]; 24.5%), Teluk Bahang (28.0%), and Bukit Mertajam (35.0%); the lowest frequency (4.0%) was recorded from Gelugor. The parasitized colonies at all sites were classified as healthy, with exception of several from the Minden Campus of USM (96.4% healthy) and Ayer Itam (87.5% healthy). Most parasitized colonies (71.2%) had a low level of M. mindeni infestation. Only 16.7 and 12.1% of the infested colonies had moderate or high parasite infestation levels, respectively. The height of infected mounds was significantly higher than that of the healthy mounds, but there was no difference between the mound diameters of infested and uninfested mounds. Parasite infestation level was not significantly correlated with mound height or mound diameter. The ambient light intensity at sites with infested mounds was significantly lower than that of uninfested mounds. There was also a significant negative relationship between light intensity and degree of parasitism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  16. Kesy A
    Pol J Vet Sci, 2002;5(4):283-7.
    PMID: 12512564
    This article reviews the actual world FMD situation. In 2000, fifty nine countries officially reported outbreaks of FMD. The disease occurred in Europe (Greece), Asia (Russia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, in Caucasian region--Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia as well as in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan), Africa (Egypt, Kenya, Mauritania, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela). In 2001, FMD was still spreading throughout the endemic regions and appeared in some of the west European countries--Great Britain, The Netherlands, France and Ireland. In South America, FMD occurred in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Colombia. In Asia the FMD spread in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iran, Bhutan, Nepal, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. The FMD situation in Africa was unclear, but probably most countries in West, East and South Africa were affected. The most recent data of the OIE from May 2002 confirmed FMD outbreaks in population of pigs in Republic of Korea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  17. Ng SC, Kaplan GG, Tang W, Banerjee R, Adigopula B, Underwood FE, et al.
    Am J Gastroenterol, 2019 01;114(1):107-115.
    PMID: 30177785 DOI: 10.1038/s41395-018-0233-2
    INTRODUCTION: Living in an urban environment may increase the risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is unclear if this observation is seen globally. We conducted a population-based study to assess the relationship between urbanization and incidence of IBD in the Asia-Pacific region.

    METHODS: Newly diagnosed IBD cases between 2011 and 2013 from 13 countries or regions in Asia-Pacific were included. Incidence was calculated with 95% confidence interval (CI) and pooled using random-effects model. Meta-regression analysis was used to assess incidence rates and their association with population density, latitude, and longitude.

    RESULTS: We identified 1175 ulcerative colitis (UC), 656 Crohn's disease (CD), and 37 IBD undetermined (IBD-U). Mean annual IBD incidence per 100 000 was 1.50 (95% CI: 1.43-1.57). India (9.31; 95% CI: 8.38-10.31) and China (3.64; 95% CI, 2.97-4.42) had the highest IBD incidence in Asia. Incidence of overall IBD (incidence rate ratio [IRR]: 2.19; 95% CI: 1.01-4.76]) and CD (IRR: 3.28; 95% CI: 1.83-9.12) was higher across 19 areas of Asia with a higher population density. In China, incidence of IBD (IRR: 2.37; 95% CI: 1.10-5.16) and UC (IRR: 2.63; 95% CI: 1.2-5.8) was positively associated with gross domestic product. A south-to-north disease gradient (IRR: 0.94; 95% CI: 0.91-0.98) was observed for IBD incidence and a west-to-east gradient (IRR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.05-1.24) was observed for CD incidence in China. This study received IRB approval.

    CONCLUSIONS: Regions in Asia with a high population density had a higher CD and UC incidence. Coastal areas within China had higher IBD incidence. With increasing urbanization and a shift from rural areas to cities, disease incidence may continue to climb in Asia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  18. Maddirevula S, AlZahrani F, Anazi S, Almureikhi M, Ben-Omran T, Abdel-Salam GMH, et al.
    Genet Med, 2018 01;20(1):64-68.
    PMID: 28640246 DOI: 10.1038/gim.2017.78
    PurposeGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been instrumental to our understanding of the genetic risk determinants of complex traits. A common challenge in GWAS is the interpretation of signals, which are usually attributed to the genes closest to the polymorphic markers that display the strongest statistical association. Naturally occurring complete loss of function (knockout) of these genes in humans can inform GWAS interpretation by unmasking their deficiency state in a clinical context.MethodsWe exploited the unique population structure of Saudi Arabia to identify novel knockout events in genes previously highlighted in GWAS using combined autozygome/exome analysis.ResultsWe report five families with homozygous truncating mutations in genes that had only been linked to human disease through GWAS. The phenotypes observed in the natural knockouts for these genes (TRAF3IP2, FRMD3, RSRC1, BTBD9, and PXDNL) range from consistent with, to unrelated to, the previously reported GWAS phenotype.ConclusionWe expand the role of human knockouts in the medical annotation of the human genome, and show their potential value in informing the interpretation of GWAS of complex traits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  19. Md Hamzah N, Yu MM, See KF
    Health Care Manag Sci, 2021 Jun;24(2):273-285.
    PMID: 33651316 DOI: 10.1007/s10729-020-09539-9
    Malaysia was faced with a life-threatening crisis in combating COVID-19 with a number of positive cases reaching 5305 and 88 deaths by 18th April 2020 (the first detected case was on 25th January 2020). The government rapidly initiated a public health response and provided adequate medical care to manage the public health crisis during the implementation of movement restrictions, starting 18th March 2020, throughout the country. The objective of this study was to investigate the relative efficiency level of managing COVID-19 in Malaysia using network data envelopment analysis. Malaysia state-level data were extracted from secondary data sources which include variables such as total number of confirmed cases, death cases and recovered cases. These variables were used as inputs and outputs in a network process that consists of 3 sub processes i) community surveillance, ii) medical care I and iii) medical care II. A state-level analysis was performed according to low, medium and high population density categories. The efficiency level of community surveillance was highest compared to medical care processes, indicating that the overall inefficiency is greatly influenced by the inefficiency of the medical care processes rather than the community surveillance process. Results showed that high-density category performed well in both community surveillance and medical care II processes. Meanwhile, low-density category performed better in medical care I process. There was a good overall performance of the health system in Malaysia reflecting a strong preparedness and response level to this pandemic. Furthermore, resource allocation for rapid response was distributed effectively during this challenging period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  20. Swami V, Todd J
    Body Image, 2022 Dec;43:385-392.
    PMID: 36306557 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2022.10.007
    Studies of body appreciation have typically focused on measurement of the construct in urban populations and there remains very little research on body appreciation in rural communities. To fill this gap, the present study examined rural-urban differences in body appreciation in an adult Kadazan-Dusun sample from the state of Sabah in Malaysia. Participants from rural (n = 215) and urban (n = 219) locales in the West Coast administrative district of Sabah were asked to complete Malay versions of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale, and to provide their demographic details. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis evidenced both partial metric invariance (by allowing loadings for three items to vary) and partial scalar invariance (by freeing the intercept for one item) on the BAS-2. Between-group analyses indicated that rural participants had significantly greater body appreciation than urban participants overall. Additionally, urban men had significantly greater body appreciation than urban women, but there was no gender difference in the rural subsample. Finally, correlational analyses indicated that body appreciation was significantly associated with life satisfaction in both the rural and urban subsamples. The present results highlight the importance of further considering the phenomenology of body appreciation in rural communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
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