Displaying publications 1101 - 1120 of 2034 in total

  1. Loong SK, Tan KK, Zainal N, Phoon WH, Zain SNM, AbuBakar S
    Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 2017 Dec;112(12):857-859.
    PMID: 29211248 DOI: 10.1590/0074-02760170132
    Kocuria marina has recently emerged as a cause for catheter-related bloodstream infections in patients with underlying health complications. One K. marina strain was recently isolated from the lung tissues of a wild urban rat (Rattus rattus diardii) caught during rodent surveillance. Here, we present the draft genome of the first K. marina animal isolate, K. marina TRE150902.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  2. Ratnayeke S, van Manen FT, Clements GR, Kulaimi NAM, Sharp SP
    PLoS One, 2018;13(4):e0194217.
    PMID: 29617402 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194217
    Mammalian carnivores play a vital role in ecosystem functioning. However, they are prone to extinction because of low population densities and growth rates, and high levels of persecution or exploitation. In tropical biodiversity hotspots such as Peninsular Malaysia, rapid conversion of natural habitats threatens the persistence of this vulnerable group of animals. Here, we carried out the first comprehensive literature review on 31 carnivore species reported to occur in Peninsular Malaysia and updated their probable distribution. We georeferenced 375 observations of 28 species of carnivore from 89 unique geographic locations using records spanning 1948 to 2014. Using the Getis-Ord Gi*statistic and weighted survey records by IUCN Red List status, we identified hotspots of species that were of conservation concern and built regression models to identify environmental and anthropogenic landscape factors associated with Getis-Ord Gi* z scores. Our analyses identified two carnivore hotspots that were spatially concordant with two of the peninsula's largest and most contiguous forest complexes, associated with Taman Negara National Park and Royal Belum State Park. A cold spot overlapped with the southwestern region of the Peninsula, reflecting the disappearance of carnivores with higher conservation rankings from increasingly fragmented natural habitats. Getis-Ord Gi* z scores were negatively associated with elevation, and positively associated with the proportion of natural land cover and distance from the capital city. Malaysia contains some of the world's most diverse carnivore assemblages, but recent rates of forest loss are some of the highest in the world. Reducing poaching and maintaining large, contiguous tracts of lowland forests will be crucial, not only for the persistence of threatened carnivores, but for many mammalian species in general.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  3. Arciero E, Kraaijenbrink T, Asan, Haber M, Mezzavilla M, Ayub Q, et al.
    Mol Biol Evol, 2018 Aug 01;35(8):1916-1933.
    PMID: 29796643 DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msy094
    We genotyped 738 individuals belonging to 49 populations from Nepal, Bhutan, North India, or Tibet at over 500,000 SNPs, and analyzed the genotypes in the context of available worldwide population data in order to investigate the demographic history of the region and the genetic adaptations to the harsh environment. The Himalayan populations resembled other South and East Asians, but in addition displayed their own specific ancestral component and showed strong population structure and genetic drift. We also found evidence for multiple admixture events involving Himalayan populations and South/East Asians between 200 and 2,000 years ago. In comparisons with available ancient genomes, the Himalayans, like other East and South Asian populations, showed similar genetic affinity to Eurasian hunter-gatherers (a 24,000-year-old Upper Palaeolithic Siberian), and the related Bronze Age Yamnaya. The high-altitude Himalayan populations all shared a specific ancestral component, suggesting that genetic adaptation to life at high altitude originated only once in this region and subsequently spread. Combining four approaches to identifying specific positively selected loci, we confirmed that the strongest signals of high-altitude adaptation were located near the Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 and Egl-9 Family Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 loci, and discovered eight additional robust signals of high-altitude adaptation, five of which have strong biological functional links to such adaptation. In conclusion, the demographic history of Himalayan populations is complex, with strong local differentiation, reflecting both genetic and cultural factors; these populations also display evidence of multiple genetic adaptations to high-altitude environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  4. Iskandar K, Molinier L, Hallit S, Sartelli M, Hardcastle TC, Haque M, et al.
    Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 2021 03 31;10(1):63.
    PMID: 33789754 DOI: 10.1186/s13756-021-00931-w
    Data on comprehensive population-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance is lacking. In low- and middle-income countries, the challenges are high due to weak laboratory capacity, poor health systems governance, lack of health information systems, and limited resources. Developing countries struggle with political and social dilemma, and bear a high health and economic burden of communicable diseases. Available data are fragmented and lack representativeness which limits their use to advice health policy makers and orientate the efficient allocation of funding and financial resources on programs to mitigate resistance. Low-quality data means soaring rates of antimicrobial resistance and the inability to track and map the spread of resistance, detect early outbreaks, and set national health policy to tackle resistance. Here, we review the barriers and limitations of conducting effective antimicrobial resistance surveillance, and we highlight multiple incremental approaches that may offer opportunities to strengthen population-based surveillance if tailored to the context of each country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  5. Annavi G, Newman C, Dugdale HL, Buesching CD, Sin YW, Burke T, et al.
    J Evol Biol, 2014 Oct;27(10):2191-203.
    PMID: 25234113 DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12473
    Extra-group paternity (EGP) occurs commonly among group-living mammals and plays an important role in mating systems and the dynamics of sexual selection; however, socio-ecological and genetic correlates of EGP have been underexplored. We use 23 years of demographic and genetic data from a high-density European badger (Meles meles) population, to investigate the relationship between the rate of EGP in litters and mate availability, mate incompatibility and mate quality (heterozygosity). Relatedness between within-group assigned mothers and candidate fathers had a negative quadratic effect on EGP, whereas the number of neighbouring-group candidate fathers had a linear positive effect. We detected no effect of mean or maximum heterozygosity of within-group candidate fathers on EGP. Consequently, EGP was associated primarily with mate availability, subject to within-group genetic effects, potentially to mitigate mate incompatibility and inbreeding. In badgers, cryptic female choice, facilitated by superfecundation, superfoetation and delayed implantation, prevents males from monopolizing within-group females. This resonates with a meta-analysis in group-living mammals, which proposed that higher rates of EGP occur when within-group males cannot monopolize within-group females. In contrast to the positive meta-analytic association, however, we found that EGP associated negatively with the number of within-group assigned mothers and the number of within-group candidate fathers; potentially a strategy to counter within-group males committing infanticide. The relationship between the rate of EGP and socio-ecological or genetic factors can therefore be intricate, and the potential for cryptic female choice must be accounted for in comparative studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  6. Loh DA, Naqiah Hairi N, Mohd Hairi F, Peramalah D, Kandiben S, Abd Hamid MAI, et al.
    J Aging Phys Act, 2023 Aug 01;31(4):531-540.
    PMID: 36509091 DOI: 10.1123/japa.2022-0047
    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a multicomponent exercise and therapeutic lifestyle (CERgAS) intervention at improving gait speed among older people in an urban poor setting in Malaysia. A total of 249 participants were divided into the intervention (n = 163) and control (n = 86) groups. The mean (SD) age of participants was 67.83 (6.37) and consisted of 88 (35.3%) males and 161 (64.7%) females. A generalized estimating equation with an intention-to-treat analysis was used to measure gait speed at four time points, baseline (T0), 6 weeks (T1), 3 months postintervention (T2), and 6 months postintervention (T3). The results showed significant changes for time between T0 and T3 (mean difference = 0.0882, p = .001), whereas no significant association were found for group (p = .650) and interaction (p = .348) effects. A 6-week intervention is inadequate to improve gait speed. Future efforts should introduce physical activity monitoring and increase exercise duration, frequency, and intensity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  7. Naserrudin NA, Lin PYP, Monroe A, Culleton R, Baumann SE, Sato S, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2023 Jul 10;23(1):1316.
    PMID: 37430300 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-16173-x
    BACKGROUND: The control of Plasmodium knowlesi malaria remains challenging due to the presence of macaque monkeys and predominantly outdoor-biting Anopheles mosquitoes around human settlements. This study aims to explore the barriers and facilitators related to prevention of mosquito bites among rural communities living in Sabah, Malaysia using the participatory visual method, photovoice.

    METHODS: From January through June 2022, 26 participants were recruited from four villages in Kudat, Sabah, using purposive sampling. Participants were male and female villagers, aged > 18 years old. After photovoice training in the villages, participants documented facilitators of and barriers related to avoiding mosquito bites using their own smartphone cameras, and provided narratives for their photos. Twelve Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) sessions in three rounds were held to share and discuss the photos, and to address challenges to the avoidance of mosquito bites. All discussions were conducted in the Sabah Malay dialect, and were video and audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. The Ideation Model, a meta-theoretical model of behaviour change, underpinned this study.

    RESULTS: The most common types of barriers identified by participants included (I) intrapersonal factors such as low perceived threat of malaria, (II) livelihood and lifestyle activities consisting of the local economy and socio-cultural activities, and (III) physical and social environment. The facilitators were categorized into (I) intrapersonal reasons, including having the opportunity to stay indoors, especially women who are housewives, (II) social support by the households, neaighbours and healthcare workers, and (III) support from healthcare services and malaria awareness program. Participants emphasized the importance of stakeholder's support in implementing feasible and affordable approaches to P. knowlesi malaria control.

    CONCLUSION: Results provided insights regarding the challenges to preventing P. knowlesi malaria in rural Kudat, Sabah. The participation of communities in research was valuable in expanding knowledge of local challenges and highlighting possible ways to overcome barriers. These findings may be used to improve strategies for zoonotic malaria control, which is critical for advancing social change and minimizing health disparities in malaria prevention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  8. Mahkamova K, Latar NM, Aspinall S, Meeson A
    Exp Cell Res, 2019 01 01;374(1):104-113.
    PMID: 30465733 DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2018.11.012
    Comparison of studies of cells derived from normal and pathological tissues of the same organ can be fraught with difficulties, particular with cancer where a number of different diseases are considered cancer within the same tissue. In the thyroid, there are 4 main types of cancer, three of which arise from follicular epithelial cells; papillary and follicular which are classified as differentiated, and anaplastic which is classified as undifferentiated. One assay that can be utilised for isolation of cancer stem cells is the side population (SP) assay. However, SP studies have been limited in part due to lack of optimal isolation strategies and in the case of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) are further compounded by lack of access to ATC tumors. We have used thyroid cell lines to determine the optimal conditions to isolate viable SP cells. We then compared SP cells and NSP cells (bulk tumour cells without the SP) of a normal thyroid cell line N-thy ori-3-1 and an anaplastic thyroid cancer cell line SW1736 and showed that both SP cell populations displayed higher levels of stem cell characteristics than the NSP. When we compared SP cells of the N-thy ori-3-1 and the SW1736, the SW1736 SP had a higher colony forming potential, expressed higher levels of stem cell markers and CXCR4 and where more migratory and invasive, invasiveness increasing in response to CXCL12. This is the first report showing functional differences between ATC SP and normal thyroid SP and could lead to the identification of new therapeutic targets to treat ATC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Side-Population Cells/drug effects; Side-Population Cells/metabolism; Side-Population Cells/pathology*
  9. Gan ST, Teo CJ, Manirasa S, Wong WC, Wong CK
    PLoS One, 2021;16(7):e0255418.
    PMID: 34324602 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255418
    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) germplasm is exclusively maintained as ex situ living collections in the field for genetic conservation and evaluation. However, this is not for long term and the maintenance of field genebanks is expensive and challenging. Large area of land is required and the germplasms are exposed to extreme weather conditions and casualty from pests and diseases. By using 107 SSR markers, this study aimed to examine the genetic diversity and relatedness of 186 palms from a Nigerian-based oil palm germplasm and to identify core collection for conservation. On average, 8.67 alleles per SSR locus were scored with average effective number of alleles per population ranging from 1.96 to 3.34 and private alleles were detected in all populations. Mean expected heterozygosity was 0.576 ranging from 0.437 to 0.661 and the Wright's fixation index calculated was -0.110. Overall moderate genetic differentiation among populations was detected (mean pairwise population FST = 0.120, gene flow Nm = 1.117 and Nei's genetic distance = 0.466) and this was further confirmed by AMOVA analysis. UPGMA dendogram and Bayesian structure analysis concomitantly clustered the 12 populations into eight genetic groups. The best core collection assembled by Core Hunter ver. 3.2.1 consisted of 58 palms accounting for 31.2% of the original population, which was a smaller core set than using PowerCore 1.0. This core set attained perfect allelic coverage with good representation, high genetic distance between entries, and maintained genetic diversity and structure of the germplasm. This study reported the first molecular characterization and validation of core collections for oil palm field genebank. The established core collection via molecular approach, which captures maximum genetic diversity with minimum redundancy, would allow effective use of genetic resources for introgression and for sustainable oil palm germplasm conservation. The way forward to efficiently conserve the field genebanks into next generation without losing their diversity was further discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  10. Nurin-Zulkifli IM, Chen CD, Wan-Norafikah O, Lee HL, Faezah K, Izzul AA, et al.
    PMID: 26867376
    Surveillance of mosquitoes and their distribution in association with rainfall, relative humidity, and temperature were conducted in selected suburban and forested areas, namely, Sungai Penchala (Kuala Lumpur) and Taman Alam (Selangor) for 12 months. Armigeres kesseli was the most abundant species in Sungai Penchala while Aedes butleri was the most dominant species in Taman Alam. A positive correlation between mosquito distribution and rainfall was observed in selected mosquito species in Sungai Penchala (Armigeres kesseli, r = 0.75; Armigeres subalbatus, r = 0.62; and Aedes albopictus, r = 0.65) and Taman Alam (Armigeres sp, r = 0.59; Ae. butleri, r = 0.85; and Ae. albopictus, r = 0.62). However, no significant cor- relation was found either between selected mosquito species in both study areas and relative humidity or temperature. Results obtained suggested that vector control programs to be conducted based on temporal distribution of vectors in order to achieve beneficial outcomes with effective costing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  11. Chua KB, Chua IL, Chua IE, Chua KH
    PMID: 15689073
    A study was made of the oviposit behavior of gravid female Aedes mosquitos in man-made habitats under field conditions. The study showed that the gravid female Aedes mosquitos preferred containers with relatively easy access but not too open to external environmental influence. The dark surface of the containers served as the initial and long-range attractant to the breeding sites. Volatile chemicals generated by the decaying vegetation in the container may serve as a close-range attractant. Finally, the water quality and the quantity of 'food' derived from decaying vegetative matter in the water determined the amount of eggs deposited in each container. The study confirmed previous findings that each gravid female Aedes mosquito had the tendency to lay her eggs in more than one container. However, the results of the study suggests that under favorable conditions, each gravid female Aedes mosquito could be encouraged to lay all her eggs in a single breeding site.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  12. Ayyamni UD, Seang CC
    PMID: 3064318
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  13. Hashim NA, Ahmad AH, Rawi CS, Tahir NA, Basari N
    PMID: 18567442
    Life tables were constructed for twelve cohorts of immature stages of the dengue vector Ae. albopictus in a wooded area of Penang, Malaysia. The development time of Ae. albopictus ranged from 6 to 10 days depending on the mean environmental temperature (r = - 0.639, p < 0.05). Total cohort mortality was correlated with total development time (r = 0.713, p < 0.05) but not temperature (r = -0.477, p > 0.05). Rainfall was correlated with neither development time (r = 0.554, p > 0.05) nor mortality (r = 0.322, p > 0.05). There was a significant difference among the total mortality that occurred in the twelve cohorts (H = 119.783, df = 11, p < 0.05). There was also a significant difference in mortality among the different stages (H = 274.00, df = 4, p < 0.05).
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Growth
  14. Latif B, Heo CC, Razuin R, Shamalaa DV, Tappe D
    Emerg Infect Dis, 2013 Aug;19(8):1340-1.
    PMID: 23876448 DOI: 10.3201/eid1908.121710
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  15. Divis PCS, Hu TH, Kadir KA, Mohammad DSA, Hii KC, Daneshvar C, et al.
    Emerg Infect Dis, 2020 07;26(7):1392-1398.
    PMID: 32568035 DOI: 10.3201/eid2607.190924
    Population genetic analysis revealed that Plasmodium knowlesi infections in Malaysian Borneo are caused by 2 divergent parasites associated with long-tailed (cluster 1) and pig-tailed (cluster 2) macaques. Because the transmission ecology is likely to differ for each macaque species, we developed a simple genotyping PCR to efficiently distinguish between and survey the 2 parasite subpopulations. This assay confirmed differences in the relative proportions in areas of Kapit division of Sarawak state, consistent with multilocus microsatellite analyses. Analyses of 1,204 human infections at Kapit Hospital showed that cluster 1 caused approximately two thirds of cases with no significant temporal changes from 2000 to 2018. We observed an apparent increase in overall numbers in the most recent 2 years studied, driven mainly by increased cluster 1 parasite infections. Continued monitoring of the frequency of different parasite subpopulations and correlation with environmental alterations are necessary to determine whether the epidemiology will change substantially.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  16. Hocking SE, Divis PCS, Kadir KA, Singh B, Conway DJ
    Emerg Infect Dis, 2020 08;26(8):1749-1758.
    PMID: 32687018 DOI: 10.3201/eid2608.190864
    Most malaria in Malaysia is caused by Plasmodium knowlesi parasites through zoonotic infection from macaque reservoir hosts. We obtained genome sequences from 28 clinical infections in Peninsular Malaysia to clarify the emerging parasite population structure and test for evidence of recent adaptation. The parasites all belonged to a major genetic population of P. knowlesi (cluster 3) with high genomewide divergence from populations occurring in Borneo (clusters 1 and 2). We also observed unexpected local genetic subdivision; most parasites belonged to 2 subpopulations sharing a high level of diversity except at particular genomic regions, the largest being a region of chromosome 12, which showed evidence of recent directional selection. Surprisingly, we observed a third subpopulation comprising P. knowlesi infections that were almost identical to each other throughout much of the genome, indicating separately maintained transmission and recent genetic isolation. Each subpopulation could evolve and present a broader health challenge in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  17. Abdullah F, Sina I, Fauzee F
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2008 Nov 01;11(21):2478-83.
    PMID: 19205267
    An assemblage of beetle specimens from family Carabidae (ground beetles) was carried out at Kenyir water catchment as an indicator to measure disturbance. The samplings were conducted from 30th July to 1st August 2007 at limestone forest of Teluk Bewah and the dipterocarp forest of Sungai Cicir. 28 individuals from 13 species were collected from Teluk Bewah whereas 54 individuals from ten species was sampled from Sungai Cicir. The carabids were more specious (Simpson Diversity index: 0.97) and more abundant (Margalef index: 5.35) at Teluk Bewah compared to Sungai Cicir (Simpson Diversity index, 0.72: Margalefindex, 2.22). Light trapping was most efficient assembling 97.56% of ground beetles compared to Malaise trap, pitfall and net sweeping. This is the first record of beetle assemblage at Kenyir water catchment, Malaysia. New records for Kenyir, Terengganu, Malaysia are Abacetus sp. 1, Abacetus sp. 2, Acupalpus rectifrotis, Aephnidius adelioides, Dischissus notulatus, Dolichoctis sp., Dolichoctis sp. 2, Dolichoctis straitus, Ophinoea bimaculata, Perigona sp., Pheropsophus piciccollis, Pheropsophus occipitalis, Stenolophus quinquepustulatus, Stenolophus smaragdulus, Stenolophus sp., Tachys coracinus, Casnoidea sp., Orthogonius sp. Seven species coded as Cara C, Cara J, Cara M, Cara N, Cara O, Cara R and Cara S were unidentified and are probably new species to be described in another report. There is moderately high diversity (Simpson Diversity index: 0.846) of Carabidae indicating that ecotourism does not affect diversity of ground beetle at Kenyir Lake.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  18. Azidah AA
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2007 Jul 01;10(13):2152-8.
    PMID: 19070174
    The aim of this study is to determine the Spodoptera exigua larva population in the field and factor affecting their density. Population study of S. exigua larva and its affecting factors was carried out in Sekinchan, Selangor during 2003-2004. The larval density was found fluctuating during the study, where the highest number of larvae was an averaged of 18.17 per m2, while the lowest number was an averaged of 1.5 per m2. The mean number of larvae per plant also varies from 1.83 to 5.42. It was found that the larval density was influenced by the age and availability of the host plant. A total of 1881 larvae were collected, where 18.29 and 20.31% were successfully becoming female and male moths, respectively; 20.63% was being parasitized, where 7.07, 11.43, 0.11 and 2.02% were being parasitized by Microplitis manilae, Chelonus sp., Temelucha sp. and Peribaea orbata, respectively. Besides that, other biotic factors such as fungal or bacterial infection also cause death to the S. exigua larva, where a total of 1.91 and 10.89% were infected by them, respectively. Whilst 16.64% of the collected larvae were dead due to pesticide and 7.44% were not known cause of the death. Besides that, 3.89% of the S. exigua died during pupal stage or emergence. Further, climatic factor was found not influencing the larva populations. There were no correlation between the number of larva collected with the means of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  19. Ahmad AK, Nur-Hazwani MNR, Aisyah Syed Omar S, Aweng ER, Taweel A
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2020 Jan;23(11):1374-1379.
    PMID: 33274864 DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2020.1374.1379
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Malaysia reported experiencing serious invasive species intrusion in various rivers and threatening some local species to distinct. A study was undertaken to estimate and compare their composition and species richness in two pristine and two disturbed freshwater ecosystems.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Invasive and local species growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis. Sampling was conducted using cast net and electric shock in each river twice in 12 months. Fish collected were identified, photo captured and measured for their weight and length. The growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 188 fishes were caught, comprises of 8 families and 15 species (ten local species with 119 individuals and five alien species with 69 individuals). Sistomus binotatus was the most dominant local species, whereas Tilapia nilotica was the most dominant alien species. There is no significant difference in composition between local and invasive species occur indicates the raise of alien species in those ecosystems even local species still dominated. The growth pattern for Sistomus binotatus and Clarias batrachus is isometric in the pristine ecosystem but negative isometric in disturbed rivers. Contrary, Tilapia nilotica has isometric for both ecosystems.

    CONCLUSION: This study concluded the capability and potential of colonization of alien species in stress ecosystem especially Tilapia nilotica. Thus, there is potential colonization of alien in Malaysia freshwater systems and a threat to local species due to food competition, site preferences and survival ability.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
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