METHODS: All final-year students registered for 2013/2014 across 11 dental schools in Malaysia were invited to participate in a self-administered questionnaire (n = 530). The instrument explored short- and long-term career expectations, influences and students' background using a mix of open- and closed-ended questions. The chi-square test was used for comparison according to student and school characteristics.
RESULTS: Three-hundred and fifty-six (83%) students, across eight schools, completed the questionnaire. In the short term, undertaking specialist training (46%) was the most commonly cited career goal, and achieving financial stability (79%) was the greatest influence. In the long term, 59% planned to specialise (with a significant difference found according to ethnic group), and 67% considered working full-time, with men significantly more likely to do so than women (P = 0.036). More Malay students (90%) ranked childcare commitments as an important influence on the number of sessions they planned to work per week compared with Chinese students (75%) and Others (74%; P = 0.001). Work-life balance (95%) and high income/financial security (95%) were the main influences on respondents' long-term goals.
CONCLUSION: There was a high level of interest in specialisation and a desire to achieve financial stability and work-life balance in the group of dental students who responded to the survey. Long-term career expectations varied according to student but not according to school characteristics.
METHOD: An audio-taped focus group interview was undertaken with 14 medical students using a semi-structured interview guide. The recorded discussion was transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis was performed.
RESULTS: Initial apprehension about interacting with patients lessened as the students engaged in shared activities. Students described their increased awareness of the normality and competence of psychiatric patients. As future doctors, they reported a greater understanding of the benefits of social inclusion for patients and carers alike. Promoting positive experiences of patient contact … may be important in influencing medical students' attitudes to people with mental illness
DISCUSSION: Medical students' joint participation in a group activity programme for people with mental illness in non-hospital settings may have advantages in promoting positive attitudinal change. Clinical teachers could usefully incorporate this type of experience into the undergraduate psychiatry curriculum.