Displaying publications 101 - 117 of 117 in total

  1. Suleiman AB
    Healthcare investment is critically important for the health and well-being of the population, and different health systems are developed to meet the needs and priorities of each country. What has become clear has been that despite major advances in medicine, science and technology, there are major issues related to access and equity as well as quality and patient safety in healthcare services. The issue of patient safety was highlighted by the reports of the Institute of Medicine, USA1,2 and this had received worldwide attention. It is also an irony that despite being in an age of major advances in medicine, science and technology, with the acceptance of evidence-based medicine, so much of medicine and healthcare delivered is of little or no proven value. This poses a major challenge on health policy, and on how this can be addressed in any health reform process that focuses on improving access, equity, efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  2. Devendra, C.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(2):173-184.
    In agricultural systems, animals play a very important multifunctional role for developing communities
    throughout the world. This is reflected in the generation of value-added products like meat, milk and eggs for food security; socio-economic benefits like increased income, security and survival, and an infinite variety of services such as the supply of draught power and dung for soil fertility. However, and despite this importance, the situation is awesome since the projected total meat and milk consumption levels in 2020 are far in excess of anticipated supply, and projections of both meat and milk will have to be doubled by 2050 to meet human requirements. Strategies for productivity growth from animals are therefore urgent, and are discussed in the context of the scenario of waning agriculture, extreme poverty and hunger, food crisis, the current contributions from the components of the animal industries, prevailing constraints, opportunities and strategies for improved production. Current trends suggest that the non-ruminant pig and poultry industries will continue to contribute the major share of meat and all of egg production to meet projected human needs. With ruminants by comparison, overall meat production continues to come mainly from the slaughter of numbers. Strategic opportunities exist for maximising productivity in improved production systems. These include targeting rainfed areas, development of small farms, integrated crop-animal systems, intensive application of productivity-enhancing technologies, promoting intensive use of crop residues and expanding the R&D frontiers with interdisciplinarity and farming
    systems perspectives. The issues, together with increased investments and institutional commitment, provide for expanded animal production systems and productivity which can forcefully impact on improved human welfare in Asia in the immediate tomorrow.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  3. Devendra, C.
    ASM Science Journal, 2007;1(1):63-73.
    The increased human demand for animal proteins in Malaysia is led by several factors: population growth, urbanisation, income growth and changing consumer preferences. Meeting the projected increased demand in the future is an awesome and challenging task. Presently, the non-ruminant poultry and pig industries, mainly private sector led, make the most significant contribution to total animal protein supplies, and inefficient ruminant production systems lag well behind. The strategy for promoting productivity growth to increase animal protein supplies from ruminants requires concerted efficient natural resource management that can target specific production systems. Two distinct economic opportunities are the development of oil palm-based cattle and goat production. The value addition to oil palm cultivation due to the beneficial crop-animal-soil interactions are enormous. The prerequisites are inter-disciplinary efforts, holistic systems, participatory community-based research and development that are needs-based and address constraints, increased research investments, institutional commitment and a policy environment that can enhance total factor productivity in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  4. Hussain J, Zhou K, Guo S, Khan A
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Mar 16;723:137981.
    PMID: 32208210 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137981
    Chinese enterprises that conduct overseas investment projects encounter diverse challenges that emerge from political, economic, social, and environmental risks in the host countries. To better assess the overseas investment risks faced by Chinese enterprises, this study introduced and assessed novel aspects and an indicator system. Moreover, the "Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution" (TOPSIS) method based on entropy weight was performed to generate a comprehensive assessment of China's foreign investment risk and natural resource potential in 63 "Belt & Road Initiative" (BRI) countries. This study aims to encourage Chinese enterprises to devise suitable overseas investment decision-making strategies concerning natural resource potential in host countries. A Geographic Information System (GIS) map was also created to assess the potential risks and opportunities for Chinese enterprises when making investment decisions in host countries. The findings indicate that the majority of countries in Central and Eastern Europe and other BRI countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, Armenia, and the United Arab Emirates were the most suitable choices for Chinese enterprises engaging in overseas investment. Based on these results, Chinese enterprises could manage and execute BRI projects more effectively to minimise potential risks and maximise their investment benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  5. Guoyan S, Khaskheli A, Raza SA, Ali S
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jun;30(26):68143-68162.
    PMID: 37120502 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-27136-5
    According to the United Nations Agenda, the 2023 sustainable environment is necessary to secure this planet's future; public-private partnerships investment in energy is crucial to sustainable development. The research examines the quantile association between public-private partnership ventures in energy and environmental degradation in ten developing nations, and data is used from January 1998-December 2016. The advanced econometrics quantile-on-quantile regression approach is used to control the issues of heterogeneity and asymmetric relationship. According to the quantile-on-quantile approach, there is a strong positive association between public-private partnerships in energy and environmental degradation in Argentina, Brazil, Bangladesh, and India. But the negative relationship is observed on different quantiles of China, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Thailand, and the Philippines. The findings suggest that the world needs to act as a single community and divert its resources toward renewable energy sources to control climate change; also, to accomplish the UN 15-year road map of Agenda 2023 with 17-SDGs; out of these 17 sustainable goals, SDG-7 is related to affordable and clean energy, SDG-11 is about sustainable cities and communities, and SDG-13 focuses on climate action for sustainable development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  6. Çitil M, İlbasmış M, Olanrewaju VO, Barut A, Karaoğlan S, Ali M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Apr;30(18):53962-53976.
    PMID: 36869955 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-26016-2
    As the negative repercussions of environmental devastation, such as global warming and climate change, become more apparent, environmental consciousness is growing across the world, forcing nations to take steps to mitigate the damage. Thus, the current study assesses the effect of green investments, institutional quality, and political stability on air quality in the G-20 countries for the period 2004-2020. The stationarity of the variables was examined with the Pesaran (J Appl Econ 22:265-312, 2007) CADF, the long-term relationship between the variables by Westerlund (Oxf Bull Econ Stat 69(6):709-748, 2007), the long-run relationship coefficients with the MMQR method proposed by Machado and Silva (Econ 213(1):145-173, 2019), and the causality relationship between the variables by Dumitrescu and Hurlin (Econ Model 29(4):1450-1460, 2012) panel causality. The study findings revealed that green finance investments, institutional quality and political stability increased the air quality, while total output and energy consumption decreased air quality. The panel causality reveals a unidirectional causality from green finance investments, total output, energy consumption and political stability to air quality, and a bidirectional causality between institutional quality and air quality. According to these findings, it has been found that in the long term, green finance investments, total output, energy consumption, political stability, and institutional quality affect air quality. Based on these results, policies implications were proposed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  7. Chan CY, Tran N, Cheong KC, Sulser TB, Cohen PJ, Wiebe K, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261615.
    PMID: 34936682 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261615
    One of the most pressing challenges facing food systems in Africa is ensuring availability of a healthy and sustainable diet to 2.4 billion people by 2050. The continent has struggled with development challenges, particularly chronic food insecurity and pervasive poverty. In Africa's food systems, fish and other aquatic foods play a multifaceted role in generating income, and providing a critical source of essential micronutrients. To date, there are no estimates of investment and potential returns for domestic fish production in Africa. To contribute to policy debates about the future of fish in Africa, we applied the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agriculture Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) to explore two Pan-African scenarios for fish sector growth: a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario and a high-growth scenario for capture fisheries and aquaculture with accompanying strong gross domestic product growth (HIGH). Post-model analysis was used to estimate employment and aquaculture investment requirements for the sector in Africa. Africa's fish sector is estimated to support 20.7 million jobs in 2030, and 21.6 million by 2050 under the BAU. Approximately 2.6 people will be employed indirectly along fisheries and aquaculture value chains for every person directly employed in the fish production stage. Under the HIGH scenario, total employment in Africa's fish food system will reach 58.0 million jobs, representing 2.4% of total projected population in Africa by 2050. Aquaculture production value is estimated to achieve US$ 3.3 billion and US$ 20.4 billion per year under the BAU and HIGH scenarios by 2050, respectively. Farm-gate investment costs for the three key inputs (fish feeds, farm labor, and fish seed) to achieve the aquaculture volumes projected by 2050 are estimated at US$ 1.8 billion per year under the BAU and US$ 11.6 billion per year under the HIGH scenario. Sustained investments are critical to sustain capture fisheries and support aquaculture growth for food system transformation towards healthier diets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  8. Galaz V, Rocha J, Sánchez-García PA, Dauriach A, Roukny T, S Gaard J Rgensen P
    Lancet Planet Health, 2023 Dec;7(12):e951-e962.
    PMID: 38056966 DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00232-2
    BACKGROUND: Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (EIDs), such as Ebola virus disease and highly pathogenic influenza, are serious threats to human health and wellbeing worldwide. The financial sector has an important, yet often ignored, influence as owners and investors in industries that are associated with anthropogenic land-use changes in ecosystems linked to increased EIDs risks. We aimed to analyse financial influence associated with EIDs risks that are affected by anthropogenic land-use changes. We also aimed to provide empirical assessments of such influence to help guide engagements by governments, private organisations, and non-governmental organisations with the financial sector to advance a planetary health agenda.

    METHODS: For this integrative analysis, we identified regions in the world where there was evidence of a connection between EIDs and anthropogenic land-use changes between Nov 9, 1999, and Oct 25, 2021, through a targeted literature review of academic literature and grey literature to identify evidence of drivers of anthropogenic land-use change and their association with commodity production in these regions. We only included publications in English that showed a connection between deforestation and the production of one or more commodities. Publications merely describing spatial or temporal land-use change dynamics (eg, a reduction of forest or an increase of palm-oil plantations) were excluded. As we were assessing financial influence on corporate activities through ownership specifically, we focused our analysis on publicly listed companies. Equity data and data about ownership structure were extracted from Orbis, a company information database. We assessed financial influence by identifying financial entities with the largest equity ownership, descriptively mapping transboundary connections between investors and publicly listed companies.

    FINDINGS: 227 public and private companies operating in five economic sectors (ie, production of palm oil, pulp and wood products, cocoa, soybeans, and beef) between Dec 15, 2020, and March 8, 2021, were identified. Of these 227, 99 (44%) were publicly listed companies, with 2310 unique shareholders. These publicly listed companies operated in six geographical regions, resulting in nine case-study regions. 54 (55%) companies with complete geographical information were included in the countries network. Four financial entities (ie, Dimensional, Vanguard, BlackRock, and Norway's sovereign wealth fund) each had ownership in 39 companies or more in three of the case-study regions (ie, north America, east Asia, and Europe). Four large US-based asset managers (ie, Vanguard, BlackRock, T Rowe Price, and State Street) were the largest owners of publicly listed companies in terms of total equity size, with ownership amounts for these four entities ranging from US$8 billion to $21 billion. The specific patterns of cross-national ownership depended on the region of interest; for example, financial influence on EIDs risks that was associated with commodity production in southeast and east Asia came from not only global asset managers but also Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean financial entities. India, Brazil, the USA, Mexico, and Argentina were the countries towards which investments were most directed.

    INTERPRETATION: Although commodity supply chains and financial markets are highly globalised, a small number of investors and countries could be viewed as disproportionally influential in sectors that increase EIDs risks. Such financial influence could be used to develop and implement effective policies to reduce ecological degradation and mitigate EIDs risks and their effects on population health.

    FUNDING: Formas and Networks of Financial Rupture-how cascading changes in the climate and ecosystems could impact on the financial sector.

    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  9. Zinn JS, Kashlak RJ, Balotsky ER
    Hosp Health Serv Adm, 1994;39(1):17-30.
    PMID: 10132097
    As growth potential in the U.S. market declines and regulatory constraints increase, providers of health-related services may look increasingly to international opportunities as a way to supplement the lost domestic market. In this article, critical factors bearing on the decision to compete in international markets are identified. Existing theories of multinational competition are expanded to provide a framework for analyzing international competition. Applied in the context of the proprietary hospital industry, the critical factors governing both the selection of foreign markets and mode of entry are proposed to be host country receptivity and market growth potential.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments/economics
  10. Martin PL
    Int Migr Rev, 1991;25(1):176-93.
    PMID: 12316776
    "A recent conference sponsored by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan examined the growing importance of labor migration for four major Asian labor importers (Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore) and five major labor exporters (Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand).... The conference concluded that international labor migration would increase within Asia because the tight labor markets and rising wages which have stimulated Japanese investment in other Asian nations, for example, have not been sufficient to eliminate migration push and pull forces...."
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments*
  11. Baker BK
    PLoS Med, 2016 Mar;13(3):e1001970.
    PMID: 26954325 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001970
    Brook Baker describes the potential harms to global health from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and its failure to balance the interests of patients and the public with those of industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments*
  12. Hamer JW
    Malays J Pathol, 1997 Dec;19(2):99-103.
    PMID: 10879248
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  13. Deng J, Zhang N, Ahmad F, Draz MU
    PMID: 31208141 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16122130
    :The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance and its regional heterogeneity. Based on the theoretical mechanism of the aforementioned variables, this study uses the Chinese provincial panel data from 2001 to 2016. We use the super-efficiency data envelopment analysis (SE-DEA) to evaluate regional innovation performance. To systematically examine the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance, we build a panel date model using the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) method. The results indicate that: the regional innovation performance can be significantly improved through technological spillover; local governments compete for foreign direct investment (FDI) to participate in regional innovative production. Moreover, improvements in environmental regulation intensity enhance regional innovation performance through the innovation compensation effect. Our results show that the local governments tend to choose lower environmental regulation intensity to compete for more FDI, which has an inhibitory effect on regional innovation performance. Furthermore, due to regional differences in factor endowments, economic reforms and economic development levels in Chinese provinces, there exists a significant regional consistency in the impact of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity on regional innovation performance. Therefore, institutional arrangements and incentive constraints must be adopted to enhance regional innovation performance as well as to guide and foster the mechanism of green innovation competition among local governments. At the same time, considering the regional heterogeneity of local government competition and environmental regulation intensity affecting regional innovation performance, policy makers should avoid the "one-size-fits-all" strategy of institutional arrangements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  14. Khor, G.L.
    Food and fuel prices have soared in recent years affecting most adversely the poor and those with fixed incomes. Since 2000, wheat price in the international market has more than tripled and maize prices have more than doubled. The price of rice, the staple of billions in Asia, has tripled in the past year. The surge of food prices has been blamed on multiple factors including higher energy and fertilizer costs, greater global demand, drought, the loss of arable land to biofuel crops and price speculation. In light of the spiraling rise in food prices, there is the prospect of increasing rates of under-nutrition worldwide. As it is, 800 million are estimated to be suffering from chronic malnourishment, with another 2.1 billion people living close to subsistence levels on less than US$2 a day. Some perspectives of the food production experience of Malaysia are shared here as a case of a country that has built up capabilities and resources through high level of foreign and domestic investment leading to a diversified economy. In response to the recent surge in the price of rice, the Malaysian government announced the setting up of a dedicated fund amounting to US$1.25 billion to increase production of food including fruits and vegetables, and targeting 100% self-sufficiency in rice, by growing rice on a massive scale in Sarawak. During the current five-year development plan for the period of 2006-2010, (Ninth Malaysia Plan), the role of the agriculture sector is considerably enhanced to be the third pillar of economic growth, after manufacturing and services. Among the measures taken, are those aimed at increasing incomes of smallholders and fishermen mainly through improving productivity. These measures include encouraging more rice farmers to participate in mini-estates and group farming, providing financial assistance to rehabilitate cocoa, pepper and sago smallholdings, enhancing the capabilities of coastal fishermen, and setting up of a special program to assist poor households in the agriculture sector to diversify their sources of income. The various socio-economic programs in Malaysia that have been put in place over the years may have cushioned to some extent so far the severity of the dramatic hikes in food prices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  15. Devendra, C.
    ASM Science Journal, 2011;5(2):139-150.
    The effects of anticipated climate change and the potential impact on animal production are discussed in the context of varying biophysical features, agro-ecological zones (AEZs), ecosystems, land use, and responses in animal genetic diversity and production. The AEZs in Asia have great diversity in their links to food production in crop-animal small farm systems, the poverty complex and livelihoods of the poor. In these environments. climate change effects on animals were mediated through heat stress, water availability, quantity and quality of the available feed resources, type of production system and productivity. The responses to heat stress are tabulated and they vary according to species, breeds within-species, AEZs, physiological and nutritional status, genetic potential and multifunctionality. Among ruminant production systems, dairy production was especially vulnerable to heat stress. Interestingly in India, buffalo numbers owned largely by the landless and small farmers in the semi-arid and arid regions have grown twice as fast as the buffalo population in the irrigated areas. The implications and strategies to cope with climate change involve mitigation, adaptation and policy. The principal strategy is targetting to the reduce on in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the agricultural sector from enteric fermentation and manure, and ways to intensify C sequestration. An important link is that of breeding and conserving indigenous animal genetic resources as a means to mitigate climate change, with associated benefits to the trade of live animals and animal products. Improved integrated tree crops-ruminant systems are an important pathway to enhance C sequestration. The opportunities for research and development (R&D) are enormous and they would need policy support and large investments to provide improved understanding of ways to ensure sustainable animal production systems. Coping with the totality of the effects and impact of climate change constitutes the challenges for agricultural R&D and the improved livelihood of the resource-poor in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  16. Islam R, Ahmad R, Ghailan K, Hoque KE
    J Relig Health, 2020 Jun;59(3):1327-1343.
    PMID: 31134517 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-019-00832-8
    People with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) commonly pose problems to their family as well as to society because of their vulnerable health and economic conditions. Contrarily, PLWHA encounter social discrimination and adverse realities while finding it difficult to continue in their jobs. These complex phenomena interact to push them into a low economic status. A microfinance program can hopefully assist poor patients to cope with the negative economic consequences of this disease. But the conventional market-oriented microfinance institutions show reluctance to serve this group of people due to the possibilities of having credit risk. In this paper, we propose an alternative microfinancing technique that can provide a better economic life of the PLWHA while absorbing the credit risks. A comprehensive model is designed using specific Islamic financial instruments in conjugation with household economic portfolio theory. Critical realism method was adopted to construct this model. We concluded that the application of Islamic microfinance can enhance income of HIV patients while reducing the productivity-loss. This model can be useful to the microfinance practitioners and policymakers for addressing a different market segment, diversifying products, and formulating policy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  17. Saleem H, Jiandong W, Aldakhil AM, Nassani AA, Abro MMQ, Zaman K, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 May;26(14):14435-14460.
    PMID: 30868457 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04692-3
    The objective of the study is to evaluate socio-economic and environmental factors that influenced the United Nations healthcare sustainable agenda in a panel of 21 Asian and African countries. The results show that changes in price level (0.0062, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
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