Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 151 in total

  1. Noor NM
    J Soc Psychol, 2006 Feb;146(1):95-115.
    PMID: 16480124
    The author carried out the present study to examine the determinants of Malaysian women's well-being. Specifically, the author proposed a theoretical model of women's roles and well-being--made up of roles, negative affectivity, conflict, and health--and statistically validated it in a group of women occupying both work and family roles (N = 389). Using a life-course approach (P. Moen, 1998) to roles and well-being, the author further examined the model in women of 3 different age groups (age of Group 1 = 20-29 years, age of Group 2 = 30-39 years, and age of Group 3 = 40 years and older). The results supported the proposed model, which showed reasonable fit when applied to the 3 groups of women. The results also indicated that the predictors of women's well-being differ according to their respective age groups. The author discussed these findings in relation to the life-course approach to women's roles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  2. Beshir SA, Hanipah MA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(9):4427-30.
    PMID: 23167355
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women in Malaysia. Despite the campaigns undertaken to raise the awareness of the public regarding breast cancer, breast cancer screening rates are still low in the country. The community pharmacist, as one of the most accessible healthcare practitioners, could play a role in the provision of breast cancer health promotion services to the community. However, there are no documented data regarding the community pharmacists' involvement in breast cancer related health promotion activities. Hence, this study was conducted to examine self-reported knowledge, practice and perception of community pharmacists on provision of breast cancer health promotion services and to investigate the barriers that limit their involvement. This cross-sectional survey conducted between May to September 2010, included a sample of 35 community pharmacists working in the districts of Hulu Langat and Sepang in state of Selangor. A 22-item validated questionnaire that included both closed and Lickert scale questions was used to interview those pharmacists who gave their informed consent to participate in the study. The data was analysed using SPSS. Only 11.3% of the community pharmacists answered all the questions on the knowledge section correctly. The mean overall knowledge of the community pharmacists on risk factors of breast cancer and screening recommendations is 56%. None of the respondents was currently involved in breast cancer health promotion activities. Lack of time (80%), lack of breast cancer educational materials (77.1%) and lack of training (62.9%) were the top three mentioned barriers. Despite these barriers, 94.3% (33) of the community pharmacists agreed that they should be involved in breast cancer health promotion activities. Hence, there is need to equip community pharmacists with necessary training and knowledge to enable them to contribute their share towards prevention and screening of breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  3. Mahmud Mohd MN
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:28-31.
    PMID: 16315620
    The Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) operates under the Medical Act of 1971, which defines its core functions related to (a) the registration and practice of medical practitioners (b) the period of compulsory service (c) provisions to be enacted for purposes of (a) and (b). In the early years the MMC used the list of recognised colleges or Universities that appeared in the list of degrees recognised by the General Medical Council of United Kingdom (GMC). Over the years the MMC has undertaken the role of granting recognition to other medical schools in the country and overseas, and added the name of these schools to the existing register of recognised medical degrees in the second schedule of the Act. For the purpose of recognition of medical schools the MMC endorsed a guideline on standards and procedures on accreditation developed in 1996, which was later realigned with international and regional guidelines, in 2000 and 2001. It is recommended that the MMC establishes an active functional 'Education Committee' and that the role of MMC in medical education should be clearly and explicitly stated in the Act. An amendment to the Act would require the MMC to be responsible not only for undergraduate medical education but medical education in its entire phase.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  4. Chin CK
    Malays J Pathol, 1993 Jun;15(1):21-3.
    PMID: 8277784
    Dengue fever is endemic in Malaysia with frequent epidemics especially in urban areas. This infection can present in a wide range of severity, from a nonspecific febrile illness to life threatening dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. It is worth noting that dengue haemorrhagic fever comprised 11.2% of all reported cases in Malaysia in 1991.Patients tend to consult their primary care physicians early. It is the duty of the primary care physicians to make an accurate diagnosis and to detect the complications. However, there has not been any known reliable predictor for the occurrence of complications during the early stage of the illness. Hence, primary care physicians often face the problem of having to deal with this uncertainty. Referring all these patients to the hospitals for admission is obviously not practical but managing them at home may involve high risks. In order to assist primary care physicians, the Primary Care Unit in the University Hospital uses a set of guidelines for the outpatient management of the infection. These guidelines and their assessment will be discussed.
    Study site: Primary Care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role
  5. Mason KO, Palan VT
    Demography, 1981 Nov;18(4):549-75.
    PMID: 7308536
    Multivariate analysis of the 1974 Malaysian Fertility and Family Survey tests the hypothesis that an inverse relationship between women's work and fertility occurs only when there are serious conflicts between working and caring for children. The results are only partly consistent with the hypothesis and suggest that normative conflicts between working and mothering affect the employment-fertility relationship in Malaysia more than spacio-temporal conflicts do. The lack of consistent evidence for the hypothesis, as well as some conceptual problems, lead us to propose an alternative framework for understanding variation in the employment-fertility relationship, both in Malaysia and elsewhere. This framework incorporates ideas from the role incompatibility hypothesis but views the employment-fertility relationship as dependent not just on role conflicts but more generally on the structure of the household's socioeconomic opportunities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  6. Elnaem MH, Cheema E
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2021 01;17(1):1938-1941.
    PMID: 32507575 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.05.030
    The current pandemic of the COVID-19 infection, coupled with the increased global burden of diabetes, has imposed significant challenges to the healthcare providers in providing effective and sustained care to patients with diabetes during the ongoing pandemic. It is, therefore, important for healthcare providers to understand and follow the recommended changes in the delivery of care, lifestyle modifications, and pharmacotherapy to ensure optimal care to the patients during and post-pandemic era. This commentary aims to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care and the important considerations for pharmacists during this pandemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  7. Shekhawat KS, Chauhan A, Sakthidevi S, Nimbeni B, Golai S, Stephen L
    Indian J Dent Res, 2020 8 10;31(3):354-357.
    PMID: 32769266 DOI: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_352_18
    Background: Work-related musculoskeletal pain (MSPs) is not uncommon among dentist and often limits their work efficiency impacting their quality of life.

    Aim: The present research was conducted to identify site-specific pain resulting from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among practicing dentists and determine its impact on their quality of life.

    Setting and Design: A cross-sectional questionnaire study conducted among practicing dentists of Puducherry Taluk, Puducherry, India.

    Method and Materials: A closed-ended, self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 95 practicing dentists to identify site-specific MSP from the study subjects. Data on pain due to MSDs, frequency of pain, its impact on quality of life, relieving factors, patients attended per day, working hours per day, and awareness on ergonomics were also recorded.

    Statistical Analyses: The data were analyzed for descriptive statistics, and Chi-square tests was used for proportions.

    Results: Almost all respondents experienced pain due to MSDs. Approximately, 11.1% "always" experienced elbow pain; 5.6% "always" experienced pain in neck and back. Approximately, 83% "sometimes" experienced pain in the back. Pain in elbow was significantly associated with gender (P = 0.036), qualification (P = 0.029), and years of practice (P = 0.032). Approximately, 36% reported having an impact on their life.

    Conclusion: The magnitude of the problem is slowly shifting from "sometimes" to "always." Although small in proportion, pain due to MSDs has an impact on dental practitioners' quality of life, and elbow pain was reportedly higher in the study setting. Measures need to be implemented before MSD becomes a career limiting occupational hazard.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  8. ABM Tofazzal Hossain, Shaila Kabir, Constance Liew Sat Lin, Fairrul Kadir, M Tanvir Hossain Parash, Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, et al.
    Introduction: Role of nurses is very important in raising awareness, motivation level and increasing rate of organ donation subsequently. There are many studies on critical care nurses’ roles and education affect organ donation. Methods: A narrative literature review article of published research. Twelve published articles from ten different countries were found using different renowned online search engines. Results: Knowledge about organ donation among nursing students almost all over the world is inadequate than expectation and requirement in respective country. Marlene R et al showed that scores on the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs subscales were positively cor- related with the number of requests for tissue and organs and consents obtained (0.76); and consents obtained for tissues and consents obtained for organs (0.72). Professional education was indicated in 43% of nurses surpassing family beliefs, religion and mass media. The cognitive part (knowledge) is directly depends on non-cognitive (Aware- ness and Attitude). Findings from almost all articles suggest the need of adding organ donation topic in the nursing and medical curriculum to prepare competent nurses and health care providers for future. Conclusion: This study suggests that there is a need to integrate organ donation aspects into the educational program to prepare nurses for their roles in organ and tissue procurement as well as awareness among policy makers in this regard for the well-be- ing of our patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  9. Kc B, Khan TM, Xuan WY, Alrasheedy AA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Leggat PA
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2019 07 31;33:101463.
    PMID: 31376464 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2019.07.019
    BACKGROUND: Millions of tourists visit Malaysia annually while a large number of Malaysians travel overseas. Taking care of travellers' healthcare needs is important aspect of the healthcare system. Community pharmacies are ideally positioned to provide travel health-related services. However, studies are lacking in this area. Therefore, this study aims to explore the nature and type of travel health-related services provided by Malaysian community pharmacies.

    METHODS: A survey was carried out at 135 community pharmacies in nine districts of Selangor, Malaysia, from November 2017 to February 2018, using a self-administered standardized questionnaire.

    RESULTS: The majority (n = 95, 85%) of community pharmacies reported to have provided services to both international travellers and outbound Malaysian travellers. The common healthcare services provided to international travellers were monitoring of chronic diseases including hypertension and diabetes, and advice on minor ailments, supplements and medical devices. The key health services provided to outbound Malaysian travellers were advice on vaccination requirements, better management of chronic diseases and necessary medications to manage illness during travel. Most of the respondents supported the provision of travel health-related services through the community pharmacies.

    CONCLUSION: The study findings showed that Malaysian community pharmacies provided several travel health-related services to both international and Malaysian outbound travellers. Pharmacists in Malaysia are ideally positioned to have an increased role in travel medicine. They have the training to advise on complex medication issues especially with regard to interactions and polypharmacy. However, further training and courses should be provided that are tailored specifically for the needs of this professional group.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  10. Manchester A
    Nurs N Z, 2016 Mar;22(2):16-7.
    PMID: 27186616
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  11. Toh LS, Lai PSM, Othman S, Wong KT, Low BY, Anderson C
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2017 11;13(6):1142-1150.
    PMID: 27780658 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.10.004
    OBJECTIVES: This study describes the perspective of patients, nurses, pharmacists, doctors and policy makers to identify the level of collaboration and the areas for improvement to achieve inter-professional collaboration between doctors, nurses, pharmacists and policy makers in a primary care clinic.

    METHODS: Patients (n = 20), Nurses (n = 10), pharmacists (n = 11), doctors (n = 10) and policy makers (n = 5) from a primary care were individually interviewed using a semi-structured topic guide. Purposive sampling was used. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis informed by constant comparison.

    RESULTS: Patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and policy makers were eager for pharmacists to be more proactive in creating health awareness and conducting osteoporosis screening at the primary care clinic via inter-professional collaboration. These findings were further examined using the D'Amour's structural model of collaboration which encompasses four main themes: shared goals and visions, internalization, formalization and governance. This model supports our data which highlights a lack of understanding of the pharmacists' role among the doctors, nurses, policy makers and pharmacists themselves. There is also a lack of governance and formalization, that fosters consensus, leadership, protocol and information exchange. Nonetheless, the stakeholders trust that pharmacists have sufficient knowledge to contribute to the screening of osteoporosis. Our primary care clinic can be described as developing towards an inter-professional collaboration in managing osteoporosis but is still in its early stages.

    CONCLUSIONS: Inter-professional collaboration in osteoporosis management at the primary care level is beginning to be practised. Efforts extending to awareness and acceptance towards the pharmacists' role will be crucial for a successful change.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  12. Aziz NL
    Stud Fam Plann, 1978 Sep;9(9):41-2.
    PMID: 734714 DOI: 10.2307/1965636
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  13. Idler EL
    Soc Sci Med Med Psychol Med Sociol, 1979 Nov;13A(6):723-31.
    PMID: 538486
    Matched MeSH terms: Sick Role
  14. Jayasinghe RD, Jayasooriya PR, Amarasinghe H, Hettiarachchi P, Siriwardena B, Wijerathne U, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2021 Apr 01;22(4):1287-1293.
    PMID: 33906324 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.4.1287
    BACKGROUND: Prevalence of smoking in Sri Lanka has shown a gradual reduction whilst the use of smokeless tobacco and areca nut exhibits an increasing trend. At present, only a few well-structured smokeless tobacco (SLT)/areca nut (AN) cessation programs have been conducted in Sri Lanka, which is a gross underachievement as betel chewing-related oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in Sri Lankan males. As General Dental Practitioners (GDP) do not contribute significantly to SLT/AN cessation activities at present, capacity building programs on SLT/AN control were carried out. The study evaluated the knowledge, attitude and practices  imparted on SLT/AN control among dental surgeons.

    METHODS: Following a single day capacity building program on smokeless tobacco / areca nut control, two self-administered questionnaires were used to assess the improvement of knowledge and change of attitudes among 663 GDPs.

    RESULTS: Majority had a good knowledge on harmful effects of SLT but not on areca nut. Knowledge of the current legislation on SLT control in Sri Lanka and carcinogenicity of areca nut was not satisfactory. Almost all agreed that proper counseling leads to patient quitting the habit, a formal training is necessary to conduct tobacco control activities and it should be a part of the regular treatment modalities. More than 80% of the participants support strict legislation. Most important factors leading to poor involvement in tobacco cessation activities were lack of expertise and inadequate educational material and not breach of patient privacy and lack of financial incentives. 20.1% dental surgeons had consumed smokeless tobacco / areca nut products in the past and only a few were current users of tobacco and/or areca nut.

    CONCLUSIONS: Well planned workshops are efficient in improving knowledge, practices and attitudes of dental surgeons towards SLT/AN cessation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  15. Lee SWH, Mak VSL
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2017 Dec;39(6):1166-1170.
    PMID: 29052115 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-017-0540-5
    Background Studies have highlighted the benefits of having community pharmacists to deliver cardiovascular screening to patients. However, only few of such trainings are provided in Malaysia. Objective To describe the implementation and evaluation of a cardiovascular train-the-trainer program for community pharmacists. Method Community pharmacists' attended a 5 h train-the-trainer program. A pre and post-training survey was administered to participants who attended the workshop to determine their requirements for education and effectiveness of the training provided. Results Forty community pharmacists participated and were trained with 35 of them completing both the pre and post training assessment. Participants self-reported confidence, knowledge and ability to conduct a workshop on cardiovascular health increased between 0.22 and 0.75 points post-training (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  16. Chew CC, Lim XJ, Letchumanan P, George D, Rajan P, Chong CP
    Trials, 2024 Apr 25;25(1):279.
    PMID: 38664701 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-024-08111-y
    BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis is a chronic respiratory disorder that significantly impacts patients' quality of life (QoL) and work performance. Pharmacists are recognized as suitable professionals to provide patient education and pharmaceutical care for managing allergic rhinitis patients. However, local clinical practice guidelines, particularly regarding pharmaceutical care in public healthcare institutions, are lacking. This study protocol outlines a randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led educational model (AR-PRISE Model) in managing allergic rhinitis in adult patients compared to standard pharmaceutical care. The AR-PRISE model delivers patient educational material and a pharmaceutical care algorithm.

    METHOD: This is a 6-month, single-center, prospective, randomized, two-arm, and parallel-group controlled trial. The trial recruits patients attending the otorhinolaryngology clinics of a tertiary referral hospital. Participants are randomized into control or intervention groups in a 1:1 ratio using permuted block randomization. The total number of participants estimated is 154, with each group requiring 77 participants. The control group receives standard pharmaceutical care, while the intervention group receives pharmacist-led education according to the AR-PRISE model. Both groups are assessed for middle turbinate endoscopy findings, disease severity, knowledge level, symptom control, medication adherence, and QoL at baseline and the end-of-study follow-up (day 180 ± 7). Depending on feasibility, intermediate follow-ups are conducted on days 60 ± 7 and 120 ± 7, either virtually or face-to-face. During intermediate follow-ups, participants are assessed for symptom control, medication adherence, and QoL. The intention-to-treat analysis includes all participants assigned to each group. An independent T-test compares the mean difference in knowledge level between the two groups. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA analysis is employed to determine between-group differences for scores of symptom control, adherence rate, and QoL. A P-value role of pharmacist-led interventions in enhancing the management of allergic rhinitis in public healthcare settings.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT06027736 . Registered on 9 July 2023-retrospectively registered.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  17. Hatipoğlu Ö, Hatipoğlu FP, Javed MQ, Nijakowski K, Taha N, El-Saaidi C, et al.
    J Endod, 2023 Jun;49(6):675-685.
    PMID: 37094712 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2023.04.005
    INTRODUCTION: Direct pulp capping (DPC) procedures require the placement of a bioactive material over an exposure site without selective pulp tissue removal. This web-based multicentered survey had 3 purposes: (1) to investigate the factors that affect clinicians' decisions in DPC cases, (2) to determine which method of caries removal is preferred, and (3) to evaluate the preferred capping material for DPC.

    METHODS: The questionnaire comprised 3 sections. The first part comprised questions regarding demographic features. The second part comprised questions on how treatment plans change according to factors such as nature, location, number and size of the pulp exposure, and patients' age. The third part composed of questions on the common materials and techniques used in DPC. To estimate the effect size, the risk ratio (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using a meta-analysis software.

    RESULTS: A tendency toward more invasive treatment was observed for the clinical scenario with carious-exposed pulp (RR = 2.86, 95% CI: 2.46, 2.32; P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  18. Khan MJ, Chelliah S, Haron MS, Ahmed S
    Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J, 2017 Feb;17(1):e11-e17.
    PMID: 28417022 DOI: 10.18295/squmj.2016.17.01.003
    Travel motivations, perceived risks and travel constraints, along with the attributes and characteristics of medical tourism destinations, are important issues in medical tourism. Although the importance of these factors is already known, a comprehensive theoretical model of the decision-making process of medical tourists has yet to be established, analysing the intricate relationships between the different variables involved. This article examines a large body of literature on both medical and conventional tourism in order to propose a comprehensive theoretical framework of medical tourism decision-making. Many facets of this complex phenomenon require further empirical investigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Role
  19. Lio EL, Maharajan MK, Rajiah K
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2025 Feb 07;33(1):58-63.
    PMID: 39603261 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riae066
    OBJECTIVES: Smoking remains a significant public health concern, necessitating effective smoking cessation interventions. This study explores the barriers community pharmacists face in delivering smoking cessation services in Malaysia and potential solutions to improve their contribution to public health.

    METHODS: This qualitative study employed purposive and snowball sampling to recruit community pharmacists in Malaysia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, exploring pharmacists' perspectives on barriers, counselling approaches, follow-up strategies, and opinions on smoking cessation services. Thematic analysis was employed to identify key themes and sub-themes.

    KEY FINDINGS: Three main themes emerged from the data analysis: barriers, counselling and enhancing follow-up, and pharmacists' opinions on professional fees. Under the theme of barriers, sub-themes included underutilization by the public, poor follow-up by customers, time constraints, lack of educational materials and support, and customer perception. The counselling and enhancing follow-up theme encompassed shared decision-making, motivational intervention, follow-up via phone calls or messaging apps, and providing rebate vouchers. Pharmacists' opinions on professional fees revealed mixed perspectives, with some advocating for fees to recognize the professional service provided, while others expressed concerns about access barriers.

    CONCLUSIONS: Community pharmacists face challenges in delivering smoking cessation services, such as underutilization, poor follow-up, time constraints, and affordability. However, strategies like shared decision-making and proactive communication can enhance effectiveness. Addressing professional fees and collaborative efforts are essential to optimising these services.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  20. Shrestha S, Sapkota S, Teoh SL, Kc B, Paudyal V, Lee SWH, et al.
    Support Care Cancer, 2024 Nov 27;32(12):828.
    PMID: 39601933 DOI: 10.1007/s00520-024-08989-z
    INTRODUCTION: Cancer pain management is frequently insufficient worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries where significant challenges related to workforce resources persist. Clinical pharmacists could potentially enhance outcomes in this context, yet their role remains largely unexplored.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of integrating clinical pharmacists into the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to manage cancer pain and assess preliminary outcomes in cancer patients receiving pain treatment. This pilot study was undertaken to inform a future definitive randomized controlled trial (RCT).

    METHODS: The protocol was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05021393). The PharmaCAP trial was conducted in two oncology centers in Nepal, where patients were randomly enrolled into usual care (UC) or an intervention group (PharmaCAP). The latter received a clinical pharmacist-led medication review, which involved a comprehensive assessment of the patient's current medications, identification of potential drug-related problems, and personalized recommendations for optimizing pain management. This was accompanied by pain assessment, education and counseling on pain management strategies. Baseline and 4-weeks post-intervention assessments measured primary outcomes, i.e., feasibility metrics (recruitment of the patients, retention of patients, patient satisfaction). Secondary outcomes included pain intensity, health-related QoL, anxiety, depression, barriers to pain management, and medication adherence at 4 weeks.

    RESULTS: Out of 140 screened patients, 108 were evaluated for eligibility, with 16 opting out primarily due to lack of interest (n = 11) and communication barriers (n = 5). A total of ninety-two participants with cancer pain were randomized into two groups, with 91 patients successfully recruited and 85 (93.4%) completing 4 weeks post-intervention assessment). Completion rates for the UC and PharmaCAP groups were 91.3% and 93.4%, respectively. The primary feasibility outcomes were positive: 100% of patients found random allocation acceptable. Retention rates were high, with 91.3% in the UC group and 93.4% in the PharmaCAP group, despite a few dropouts due to being unreachable, COVID-related issues, and changes in treatment centers. No evidence of contamination between groups was found, as participants did not discuss interventions or influence each other's attitudes, ensuring effective isolation of interventions The PharmaCAP intervention showed significant improvement in QoL (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
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