Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 171 in total

  1. Pingguan-Murphy B, El-Azzeh M, Bader DL, Knight MM
    J Cell Physiol, 2006 Nov;209(2):389-97.
    PMID: 16883605
    Mechanical loading modulates cartilage homeostasis through the control of matrix synthesis and catabolism. However, the mechanotransduction pathways through which chondrocytes detect different loading conditions remain unclear. The present study investigated the influence of cyclic compression on intracellular Ca2+ signalling using the well-characterised chondrocyte-agarose model. Cells labelled with Fluo4 were visualised using confocal microscopy following a period of 10 cycles of compression between 0% and 10% strain. In unstrained agarose constructs, not subjected to cyclic compression, a subpopulation of approximately 45% of chondrocytes exhibited spontaneous global Ca2+ transients with mean transient rise and fall times of 19.4 and 29.4 sec, respectively. Cyclic compression modulated global Ca2+ signalling by increasing the percentage of cells exhibiting Ca2+ transients (population modulation) and/or reducing the rise and fall times of these transients (transient shape modulation). The frequency and strain rate of compression differentially modulated these Ca2+ signalling characteristics providing a potential mechanism through which chondrocytes may distinguish between different loading conditions. Treatment with apyrase, gadolinium and the P2 receptor blockers, suramin and basilen blue, significantly reduced the percentage of cells exhibiting Ca2+ transients following cyclic compression, such that the mechanically induced upregulation of Ca2+ signalling was completely abolished. Thus cyclic compression appears to activate a purinergic pathway involving the release of ATP followed by the activation of P2 receptors causing a combination of extracellular Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ release. Knowledge of this fundamental cartilage mechanotransduction pathway may lead to improved therapeutic strategies for the treatment of cartilage damage and disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  2. Hazwani A, Sha'Ban M, Azhim A
    Organogenesis, 2019;15(4):120-136.
    PMID: 31495272 DOI: 10.1080/15476278.2019.1656997
    Extracellular matrix (ECM) based bioscaffolds prepared by decellularization has increasingly emerged in tissue engineering application because it has structural, biochemical, and biomechanical cues that have dramatic effects upon cell behaviors. Therefore, we developed a closed sonication decellularization system to prepare ideal bioscaffolds with minimal adverse effects on the ECM. The decellularization was achieved at 170 kHz of ultrasound frequency in 0.1% and 2% Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) solution for 10 hours. The immersion treatment as control was performed to compare the decellularization efficiency with our system. Cell removal and ECM structure were determined by histological staining and biochemical assay. Biomechanical properties were investigated by the indentation testing to test the stiffness, a residual force and compression of bioscaffolds. Additionally, in vivo implantation was performed in rat to investigate host tissue response. Compared to native tissues, histological staining and biochemical assay confirm the absence of cellularity with preservation of ECM structure. Moreover, sonication treatment has not affected the stiffness [N/mm] and a residual force [N] of the aortic scaffolds except for compression [%] which 2% SDS significantly decreased compared to native tissues showing higher SDS has a detrimental effect on ECM structure. Finally, minimal inflammatory response was observed after 1 and 5 weeks of implantation. This study reported that the novelty of our developed closed sonication system to prepare ideal bioscaffolds for tissue engineering applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  3. Merican AM, Amis AA
    J Biomech, 2009 Jul 22;42(10):1539-1546.
    PMID: 19481211 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.03.041
    The iliotibial band (ITB) has an important role in knee mechanics and tightness can cause patellofemoral maltracking. This study investigated the effects of increasing ITB tension on knee kinematics. Nine fresh-frozen cadaveric knees had the components of the quadriceps loaded with 175 N. A Polaris optical tracking system was used to acquire joint kinematics during extension from 100 degrees to 0 degrees flexion. This was repeated after the following ITB loads: 30, 60 and 90 N. There was no change with 30 N load for patellar translation. On average, at 60 and 90 N, the patella translated laterally by 0.8 and 1.4mm in the mid flexion range compared to the ITB unloaded condition. The patella became more laterally tilted with increasing ITB loads by 0.7 degrees, 1.2 degrees and 1.5 degrees for 30, 60 and 90 N, respectively. There were comparable increases in patellar lateral rotation (distal patella moves laterally) towards the end of the flexion cycle. Increased external rotation of the tibia occurred from early flexion onwards and was maximal between 60 degrees and 75 degrees flexion. The increase was 5.2 degrees, 9.5 degrees and 13 degrees in this range for 30, 60 and 90 N, respectively. Increased tibial abduction with ITB loads was not observed. The combination of increased patellar lateral translation and tilt suggests increased lateral cartilage pressure. Additionally, the increased tibial external rotation would increase the Q angle. The clinical consequences and their relationship to lateral retinacular releases may be examined, now that the effects of a tight ITB are known.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  4. Ahamad NA, Kamangar S, Badruddin IA
    Biomed Mater Eng, 2018;29(3):319-332.
    PMID: 29578467 DOI: 10.3233/BME-181734
    The current study investigates the curvature effect due to various angles of curvature on the blood flow in human artery. The stenosis is considered to have three sizes 70%, 80% and 90% blockage before the curve section of artery. Numerical study of four different angle of curvature was considered to understand the flow behavior of artery having various curvatures, on the hemodynamics factors that includes drop in arterial pressure, flow velocity as well as wall shear stress. It was found that, the augmentation of the flow resistance due to the curvature increases in presence of stenosis. It was also noted that the wall shear is higher at the outer wall as compared to the inside wall in four models considered. Results showed that both the curvature of artery and size of the stenosis have significant impact. These two factors should be considered by cardiologist to assess the complexity of stenosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  5. Ramlee MH, Sulong MA, Garcia-Nieto E, Penaranda DA, Felip AR, Kadir MRA
    Med Biol Eng Comput, 2018 Oct;56(10):1925-1938.
    PMID: 29679256 DOI: 10.1007/s11517-018-1830-3
    Pilon fractures can be caused by high-energy vertical forces which may result in long-term patient immobilization. Many experts in orthopedic surgery recommend the use of a Delta external fixator for type III Pilon fracture treatment. This device can promote immediate healing of fractured bone, minimizing the rate of complications as well as allowing early mobilization. The characteristics of different types of the Delta frame have not been demonstrated yet. By using the finite element method, this study was conducted to determine the biomechanical characteristics of six different configurations (Model 1 until Model 6). CT images from the lower limb of a healthy human were used to reconstruct three-dimensional models of foot and ankle bones. All bones were assigned with isotropic material properties and the cartilages were assigned to exhibit hyperelasticity. A linear link was used to simulate 37 ligaments at the ankle joint. Axial loads of 70 and 350 N were applied at the proximal tibia to simulate the stance and swing phase. The metatarsals and calcaneus were fixed distally in order to prevent rigid body motion. A synthetic ankle bone was used to validate the finite element model. The simulated results showed that Delta3 produced the highest relative micromovement (0.09 mm, 7 μm) during the stance and swing phase, respectively. The highest equivalent von Mises stress was found at the calcaneus pin of the Delta4 (423.2 MPa) as compared to others. In conclusion, Delta1 external fixator was the most favorable option for type III Pilon fracture treatment. Graphical abstract ᅟ.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  6. Leong CN, Dokos S, Andriyana A, Liew YM, Chan BT, Abdul Aziz YF, et al.
    Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, 2020 01;36(1):e3291.
    PMID: 31799767 DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3291
    Myocardial infarct extension, a process involving the enlargement of infarct and border zone, leads to progressive degeneration of left ventricular (LV) function and eventually gives rise to heart failure. Despite carrying a high risk, the causation of infarct extension is still a subject of much speculation. In this study, patient-specific LV models were developed to investigate the correlation between infarct extension and impaired regional mechanics. Subsequently, sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the causal factors responsible for the impaired regional mechanics observed in regions surrounding the infarct and border zone. From our simulations, fibre strain, fibre stress and fibre stress-strain loop (FSSL) were the key biomechanical variables affected in these regions. Among these variables, only FSSL was correlated with infarct extension, as reflected in its work density dissipation (WDD) index value, with high WDD indices recorded at regions with infarct extension. Impaired FSSL is caused by inadequate contraction force generation during the isovolumic contraction and ejection phases. Our further analysis revealed that the inadequacy in contraction force generation is not necessarily due to impaired myocardial intrinsic contractility, but at least in part, due to inadequate muscle fibre stretch at end-diastole, which depresses the ability of myocardium to generate adequate contraction force in the subsequent systole (according to the Frank-Starling law). Moreover, an excessively stiff infarct may cause its neighbouring myocardium to be understretched at end-diastole, subsequently depressing the systolic contractile force of the neighbouring myocardium, which was found to be correlated with infarct extension.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  7. Alsemiry RD, Sarifuddin, Mandal PK, Sayed HM, Amin N
    Biomed Res Int, 2020;2020:7609562.
    PMID: 32090110 DOI: 10.1155/2020/7609562
    The simultaneous effect of flexible wall and multiple stenoses on the flow and mass transfer of blood is investigated through numerical computation and simulations. The solution is obtained using the Marker and Cell technique on an axisymmetric model of Newtonian blood flow. The results compare favorably with physical observations where the pulsatile boundary condition and double stenoses result in a higher pressure drop across the stenoses. The streamlines, the iso-concentration lines, the Sherwood number, and the mass concentration variations along the entire wall segment provide a comprehensive analysis of the mass transport characteristics. The double stenoses and pulsatile inlet conditions increase the number of recirculation regions and effect a higher mass transfer rate at the throat, whereby more mass is expected to accumulate and cause further stenosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  8. Abdullah AM, Mohamad D, Rahim TNAT, Akil HM, Rajion ZA
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2019 Jun;99:719-725.
    PMID: 30889745 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.02.007
    This study reports the influence of ZrO2/β-TCP hybridization on the thermal, mechanical, and physical properties of polyamide 12 composites to be suited for bone replacement. Amount of 15 wt% of nano-ZrO2 along with 5,10,15,20 and 25 wt% of micro-β-TCP was compounded with polyamide 12 via a twin-screw extruder. The hybrid ZrO2/β-TCP filled polyamide 12 exhibited higher thermal, mechanical and physical properties in comparison to unfilled polyamide 12 at certain filler loading; which is attributed to the homogenous dispersion of ZrO2/β-TCP fillers particle in polyamide 12 matrix. The hybrid ZrO2/β-TCP filled PA 12 demonstrated an increment of tensile strength by up to 1%, tensile modulus of 38%, flexural strength of 15%, flexural modulus of 45%, and surface roughness value of 93%, as compared to unfilled PA 12. With enhanced thermal, mechanical and physical properties, the newly developed hybrid ZrO2/β-TCP filled PA 12 could be potentially utilized for bone replacement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  9. Teo YX, Chan YS, Gouwanda D, Gopalai AA, Nurzaman SG, Thannirmalai S
    Sci Rep, 2021 07 22;11(1):15020.
    PMID: 34294775 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-94268-4
    Although global demand for palm oil has been increasing, most activities in the oil palm plantations still rely heavily on manual labour, which includes fresh fruit bunch (FFB) harvesting and loose fruit (LF) collection. As a result, harvesters and/or collectors face ergonomic risks resulting in musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) due to awkward, extreme and repetitive posture during their daily work routines. Traditionally, indirect approaches were adopted to assess these risks using a survey or manual visual observations. In this study, a direct measurement approach was performed using Inertial Measurement Units, and surface Electromyography sensors. The instruments were attached to different body parts of the plantation workers to quantify their muscle activities and assess the ergonomics risks during FFB harvesting and LF collection. The results revealed that the workers generally displayed poor and discomfort posture in both activities. Biceps, multifidus and longissimus muscles were found to be heavily used during FFB harvesting. Longissimus, iliocostalis, and multifidus muscles were the most used muscles during LF collection. These findings can be beneficial in the design of various assistive tools which could improve workers' posture, reduce the risk of injury and MSD, and potentially improve their overall productivity and quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  10. Anuar MS, Briscoe BJ
    Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 2010 Aug;36(8):972-9.
    PMID: 20515396 DOI: 10.3109/03639041003610807
    It is generally accepted that the tablet elastic relaxation during compaction plays a vital role in undermining the final tablet mechanical integrity. One of the least investigated stages of the compaction process is the ejection stage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  11. Alani AH, Toh CG
    Oper Dent, 1997 Jul-Aug;22(4):173-85.
    PMID: 9484158
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  12. Abu Osman NA, Gholizadeh H, Eshraghi A, Wan Abas WAB
    Prosthet Orthot Int, 2017 Oct;41(5):476-483.
    PMID: 28946824 DOI: 10.1177/0309364616670396
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate and compare a newly designed suspension system with a common suspension in the market.

    STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study.

    METHODS: Looped liners with hook fastener and Iceross Dermo Liner with pin/lock system were mechanically tested using a tensile testing machine in terms of system safety. A total of 10 transtibial amputees participated in this study and were asked to use these two different suspension systems. The pistoning was measured between the liner and socket through a photographic method. Three static axial loading conditions were implemented, namely, 30, 60, and 90 N. Furthermore, subjective feedback was obtained.

    RESULTS: Tensile test results showed that both systems could safely tolerate the load applied to the prosthesis during ambulation. Clinical evaluation confirmed extremely low pistoning in both systems (i.e. less than 0.4 cm after adding 90 N traction load to the prosthesis). Subjective feedback also showed satisfaction with both systems. However, less traction at the end of the residual limb was reported while looped liner was used.

    CONCLUSION: The looped liner with hook fastener is safe and a good alternative for individuals with transtibial amputation as this system could solve some problems with the current systems. Clinical relevance The looped liner and hook fastener were shown to be good alternative suspension for people with lower limb amputation especially those who have difficulty to use and align the pin/lock systems. This system could safely tolerate centrifugal forces applied to the prosthesis during normal and fast walking.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  13. Razali MF, Mahmud AS, Mokhtar N
    J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2018 Jan;77:234-241.
    PMID: 28954242 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.09.021
    NiTi arch wires are used widely in orthodontic treatment due to its superelastic and biocompatibility properties. In brackets configuration, the force released from the arch wire is influenced by the sliding resistances developed on the arch wire-bracket contact. This study investigated the evolution of the forces released by a rectangular NiTi arch wire towards possible intraoral temperature and deflection changes. A three dimensional finite element model was developed to measure the force-deflection behavior of superelastic arch wire. Finite element analysis was used to distinguish the martensite fraction and phase state of arch wire microstructure in relation to the magnitude of wire deflection. The predicted tensile and bending results from the numerical model showed a good agreement with the experimental results. As contact developed between the wire and bracket, binding influenced the force-deflection curve by changing the martensitic transformation plateau into a slope. The arch wire recovered from greater magnitude of deflection released lower force than one recovered from smaller deflection. In contrast, it was observed that the plateau slope increased from 0.66N/mm to 1.1N/mm when the temperature was increased from 26°C to 46°C.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  14. Razak AA, Abu-Hassan MI, Al-Makramani BM, Al-Sanabani FA, Al-Shami IZ, Almansour HM
    J Contemp Dent Pract, 2016 Nov 01;17(11):920-925.
    PMID: 27965501
    AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of surface treatments on shear bond strength (SBS) of Turkom-Cera (Turkom-Ceramic (M) Sdn. Bhd., Puchong, Malaysia) all-ceramic material cemented with resin cement Panavia-F (Kuraray Medical Inc., Okayama, Japan).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty Turkom-Cera ceramic disks (10 mm × 3 mm) were prepared and randomly divided into four groups. The disks were wet ground to 1000-grit and subjected to four surface treatments: (1) No treatment (Control), (2) sandblasting, (3) silane application, and (4) sandblasting + silane. The four groups of 10 specimens each were bonded with Panavia-F resin cement according to manufacturer's recommendations. The SBS was determined using the universal testing machine (Instron) at 0.5 mm/min crosshead speed. Failure modes were recorded and a qualitative micromorphologic examination of different surface treatments was performed. The data were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) tests.

    RESULTS: The SBS of the control, sandblasting, silane, and sandblasting + silane groups were: 10.8 ± 1.5, 16.4 ± 3.4, 16.2 ± 2.5, and 19.1 ± 2.4 MPa respectively. According to the Tukey HSD test, only the mean SBS of the control group was significantly different from the other three groups. There was no significant difference between sandblasting, silane, and sandblasting + silane groups.

    CONCLUSION: In this study, the three surface treatments used improved the bond strength of resin cement to Turkom-Cera disks.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The surface treatments used in this study appeared to be suitable methods for the cementation of glass infiltrated all-ceramic restorations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  15. Ramlee MH, Beng GK, Bajuri N, Abdul Kadir MR
    Med Biol Eng Comput, 2018 Jul;56(7):1161-1171.
    PMID: 29209961 DOI: 10.1007/s11517-017-1762-3
    The provision of the most suitable rehabilitation treatment for stroke patient remains an ongoing challenge for clinicians. Fully understanding the pathomechanics of the upper limb will allow doctors to assist patients with physiotherapy treatment that will aid in full arm recovery. A biomechanical study was therefore conducted using the finite element (FE) method. A three-dimensional (3D) model of the human wrist was reconstructed using computed tomography (CT)-scanned images. A stroke model was constructed based on pathological problems, i.e. bone density reductions, cartilage wane, and spasticity. The cartilages were reconstructed as per the articulation shapes in the joint, while the ligaments were modelled using linear links. The hand grip condition was mimicked, and the resulting biomechanical characteristics of the stroke and healthy models were compared. Due to the lower thickness of the cartilages, the stroke model reported a higher contact pressure (305 MPa), specifically at the MC1-trapezium. Contrarily, a healthy model reported a contact pressure of 228 MPa. In the context of wrist extension and displacement, the stroke model (0.68° and 5.54 mm, respectively) reported a lower magnitude than the healthy model (0.98° and 9.43 mm, respectively), which agrees with previously reported works. It was therefore concluded that clinicians should take extra care in rehabilitation treatment of wrist movement in order to prevent the occurrence of other complications. Graphical abstract ᅟ.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  16. Kamangar S, Badruddin IA, Badarudin A, Nik-Ghazali N, Govindaraju K, Salman Ahmed NJ, et al.
    Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 2017 Mar;20(4):365-372.
    PMID: 27612619 DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2016.1233402
    The current study investigates the hyperemic flow effects on heamodynamics parameters such as velocity, wall shear stress in 3D coronary artery models with and without stenosis. The hyperemic flow is used to evaluate the functional significance of stenosis in the current era. Patients CT scan data of having healthy and coronary artery disease was chosen for the reconstruction of 3D coronary artery models. The diseased 3D models of coronary artery shows a narrowing of >50% lumen area. Computational fluid dynamics was performed to simulate the hyperemic flow condition. The results showed that the recirculation zone was observed immediate to the stenosis and highest wall shear stress was observed across the stenosis. The decrease in pressure was found downstream to the stenosis as compared to the coronary artery without stenosis. Our analysis provides an insight into the distribution of wall shear stress and pressure drop, thus improving our understanding of hyperemic flow effect under both conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  17. Lim KO, Cheong KC
    Med Eng Phys, 1994 Nov;16(6):526-30.
    PMID: 7858787
    In the fabrication of a bioprosthetic heart valve from bovine pericardial tissues, the tissues are subjected to suturing. The stress-strain response of sutured as well as unsutured strips of this tissue were examined. The stress-strain response was determined using a tensile-testing machine. It was found that suturing weakens the tissue in that sutured strips are more extensible, exhibit a lower stress at rupture and a lower final elastic modulus. In addition, it was also found that the bigger the suture/needle size used the greater the decrease in tissue strength. In all, tissue strength was observed to decrease by 22 to 59% in this study. The weakening of the tissue is attributed to the puncture holes created by the surgeon's needle which create regions of weakness. This response of bovine pericardial tissue to suturing should be given due consideration in the fabrication of a bioprosthetic heart valve using this tissue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  18. Ramlee MH, Kadir MR, Murali MR, Kamarul T
    Med Eng Phys, 2014 Oct;36(10):1322-30.
    PMID: 25127377 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2014.05.015
    Pilon fractures are commonly caused by high energy trauma and can result in long-term immobilization of patients. The use of an external fixator i.e. the (1) Delta, (2) Mitkovic or (3) Unilateral frame for treating type III pilon fractures is generally recommended by many experts owing to the stability provided by these constructs. This allows this type of fracture to heal quickly whilst permitting early mobilization. However, the stability of one fixator over the other has not been previously demonstrated. This study was conducted to determine the biomechanical stability of these external fixators in type III pilon fractures using finite element modelling. Three-dimensional models of the tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, three cuneiforms and five metatarsal bones were reconstructed from previously obtained CT datasets. Bones were assigned with isotropic material properties, while the cartilage was assigned as hyperelastic springs with Mooney-Rivlin properties. Axial loads of 350 N and 70 N were applied at the tibia to simulate the stance and the swing phase of a gait cycle. To prevent rigid body motion, the calcaneus and metatarsals were fixed distally in all degrees of freedom. The results indicate that the model with the Delta frame produced the lowest relative micromovement (0.03 mm) compared to the Mitkovic (0.05 mm) and Unilateral (0.42 mm) fixators during the stance phase. The highest stress concentrations were found at the pin of the Unilateral external fixator (509.2 MPa) compared to the Mitkovic (286.0 MPa) and the Delta (266.7 MPa) frames. In conclusion, the Delta external fixator was found to be the most stable external fixator for treating type III pilon fractures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  19. Ramlee MH, Kadir MR, Murali MR, Kamarul T
    Med Eng Phys, 2014 Oct;36(10):1358-66.
    PMID: 25092623 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2014.07.001
    Subtalar dislocation is a rare injury caused by high-energy trauma. Current treatment strategies include leg casts, internal fixation and external fixation. Among these, external fixators are the most commonly used as this method is believed to provide better stabilization. However, the biomechanical stability provided by these fixators has not been demonstrated. This biomechanical study compares two commonly used external fixators, i.e. Mitkovic and Delta. CT imaging data were used to reconstruct three-dimensional models of the tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, three cuneiforms and five metatarsal bones. The 3D models of the bones and cartilages were then converted into four-noded linear tetrahedral elements, whilst the ligaments were modelled with linear spring elements. Bones and cartilage were idealized as homogeneous, isotropic and linear. To simulate loading during walking, axial loading (70 N during the swing and 350 N during the stance phase) was applied at the end of diaphyseal tibia. The results demonstrate that the Mitkovic fixator produced greater displacement (peak 3.0mm and 15.6mm) compared to the Delta fixator (peak 0.8mm and 3.9 mm), in both the swing and stance phase, respectively. This study demonstrates that the Delta external fixator provides superior stability over the Mitkovic fixator. The Delta fixator may be more effective in treating subtalar dislocation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  20. Bajuri MN, Kadir MR, Raman MM, Kamarul T
    Med Eng Phys, 2012 Nov;34(9):1294-302.
    PMID: 22277308 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2011.12.020
    Understanding the pathomechanics involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) of the wrist provides valuable information, which will invariably allow various therapeutic possibilities to be explored. The computational modelling of this disease permits the appropriate simulation to be conducted seamlessly. A study that underpins the fundamental concept that produces the biomechanical changes in a rheumatoid wrist was thus conducted through the use of finite element method. The RA model was constructed from computed tomography datasets, taking into account three major characteristics: synovial proliferation, cartilage destruction and ligamentous laxity. As control, a healthy wrist joint model was developed in parallel and compared. Cartilage was modelled based on the shape of the articulation while the ligaments were modelled with linear spring elements. A load-controlled analysis was performed simulating physiological hand grip loading conditions. The results demonstrated that the diseased model produced abnormal wrist extension and stress distribution as compared to the healthy wrist model. Due to the weakening of the ligaments, destruction of the cartilage and lower bone density, the altered biomechanical stresses were particularly evident at the radioscaphoid and capitolunate articulations which correlate to clinical findings. These results demonstrate the robust finding of the developed RA wrist model, which accurately predicted the pathological process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
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