Displaying publications 1281 - 1300 of 3017 in total

  1. Padmanabhan H, Hassan NT, Wong SW, Lee YQ, Lim J, Hasan SN, et al.
    PLoS One, 2022;17(2):e0263675.
    PMID: 35167615 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263675
    There is an increasing number of cancer patients undertaking treatment-focused genetic testing despite not having a strong family history or high a priori risk of being carriers because of the decreasing cost of genetic testing and development of new therapies. There are limited studies on the psychosocial outcome of a positive result among breast cancer patients who are at low a priori risk, particularly in women of Asian descent. Breast cancer patients enrolled under the Malaysian Breast Cancer Genetic Study between October 2002 and February 2018 were tested for BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 genes. All 104 carriers identified were invited by a research genetic counsellor for result disclosure. Of the 104 carriers, 64% (N = 66) had low a priori risk as determined by PENN II scores. Psychosocial, risk perception and health behaviour measures survey were conducted at baseline (pre-result disclosure), and at two to six weeks after result disclosure. At baseline, younger carriers with high a priori risk had higher Cancer Worry Scale scores than those with low a priori risk but all scores were within acceptable range. Around 75% and 55% of high a priori risk carriers as well as 80% and 67% of low a priori risk carriers had problems in the "living with cancer" and "children" psychosocial domains respectively. All carriers regardless of their a priori risk demonstrated an improved risk perception that also positively influenced their intent to undergo risk management procedures. This study has shown that with sufficient counselling and support, low a priori risk carriers are able to cope psychologically, have improved perceived risk and increased intent for positive health behaviour despite having less anticipation from a family history prior to knowing their germline carrier status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/psychology*; Genetic Counseling/psychology*
  2. Lee WS, Chai PF, Ismail Z
    Singapore Med J, 2012 Nov;53(11):755-9.
    PMID: 23192504
    This study aimed to determine the emotional impact on parents of young children who require hospitalisation for acute diarrhoea (AD), and the disruption of daily activities experienced and costs incurred by them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diarrhea/psychology*; Parents/psychology*
  3. Yeap R, Low WY
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Dec;50(12):1169-76.
    PMID: 20087554
    This study examines the general public's knowledge of mental health and explores effective tools to promote good mental health through a household survey of a representative sample of the Malaysian population residing in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/psychology*; Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology*
  4. Aman Z, Liew SM, Ramdzan SN, Philp I, Khoo EM
    Singapore Med J, 2020 May;61(5):238-245.
    PMID: 31423540 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2019100
    INTRODUCTION: Many older people rely on caregivers for support. Caring for older people can pose significant burdens for caregivers yet may also have positive effects. This study aimed to assess the impact on the caregivers and to determine factors associated with caregivers who were burdened.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 385 caregivers of older people who attended a community clinic in Malaysia. Convenience sampling was employed during the study period on caregivers who were aged ≥ 21 years and provided ≥ 4 hours of unpaid support per week. Participants were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire, which included the Carers of Older People in Europe (COPE) index and the EASYCare Standard 2010 independence score. The COPE index was used to assess the impact of caregiving. A highly burdened caregiver was defined as one whose scores for all three COPE subscales were positive for burden. Care recipients' independence was assessed using the independence score of the EASYCare Standard 2010 questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the factors associated with caregiver burden.

    RESULTS: 73 (19.0%) caregivers were burdened, of whom two were highly burdened. Caregivers' median scores on the positive value, negative impact and quality of support scales were 13.0, 9.0 and 12.0, respectively. Care recipients' median independence score was 18.0. Ethnicity and education levels were found to be associated with caregiver burden.

    CONCLUSION: Most caregivers gained satisfaction and felt supported in caregiving. Ethnicity and education level were associated with a caregiver being burdened.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Psychological/psychology*; Caregivers/psychology*
  5. Ng WL, Abdullah N
    Singapore Med J, 2020 Feb;61(2):81-85.
    PMID: 32152640 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2020016
    INTRODUCTION: Medical emergencies occur at a rate of one in 604‒753 flights. Doctors travelling on commercial flights may encounter an in-flight medical emergency requiring their assistance. There is a paucity of studies on how confident primary care doctors are in managing in-flight medical emergencies. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, confidence and attitude of primary care doctors in managing in-flight medical emergencies.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on all primary care doctors working in government health clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from October 2016 to November 2016. A self-reported questionnaire was used, which included questions on demographic information, knowledge of in-flight medicine, and the attitude and confidence of primary care doctors in managing in-flight medical emergencies.

    RESULTS: 182 doctors completed the questionnaire (92.9% response rate). The mean knowledge score was 8.9 out of a maximum score of 20. Only 11.5% of doctors felt confident managing in-flight medical emergencies. The majority (69.2%) would assist in an in-flight medical emergency, but the readiness to assist was reduced if someone else was already helping or if they were not familiar with the emergency. Total knowledge score was positively associated with confidence in managing in-flight medical emergencies (p = 0.03).

    CONCLUSION: Only one in ten primary care doctors in this study felt confident managing in-flight medical emergencies. A higher total knowledge score of in-flight medical emergencies was positively associated with greater confidence in managing them. Educational programmes to address this gap in knowledge may be useful to improve doctors' confidence in managing in-flight medical emergencies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Emergencies/psychology*; Physicians, Primary Care/psychology*
  6. Nasreen HE, Pasi HB, Aris MAM, Rahman JA, Rus RM, Edhborg M
    Arch Womens Ment Health, 2022 Apr;25(2):377-387.
    PMID: 34313824 DOI: 10.1007/s00737-021-01165-w
    The association between maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms and impaired bonding with infants were widely studied, but not in fathers and none in Malaysia. We investigated the impact of different trajectories of perinatal depressive and anxiety symptoms on parent-infant impaired bonding during 2-3 months postpartum in both mothers and fathers in two areas of Malaysia. This study originated from a psychiatric morbidity cohort study carried out in health clinics in east and west Malaysia. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and anxiety subscale of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale at late pregnancy and 2-3 months postpartum and Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire were completed by 566 mothers and 457 fathers. About 11.7% mothers and 16.1% fathers reported depressive symptoms during pregnancy, 6.5% mothers and 10.5% fathers during 2-3 months postpartum, and 3-4% mothers and fathers both depressive and anxiety symptoms 2-3 months postpartum. The mean impaired bonding score was highest in mothers and fathers who had both depressive and anxiety symptoms 2-3 months postpartum. Impaired bonding is associated with higher EPDS and DASS (anxiety subscale) scores 2-3 months postpartum in both parents. Physical partner violence and deteriorated marital relationship were associated with increased risk of impaired bonding in mothers. The association between depressive, anxiety, and comorbidity of depressive and anxiety symptoms in both mothers and fathers and parent-infant impaired bonding during 2-3 months postpartum urges for screening and treatment of depressive and anxiety symptoms in both parents during early parenthood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Mothers/psychology
  7. Tong SF, Ng CJ, Lee BC, Lee VK, Khoo EM, Lee EG, et al.
    Asian J Androl, 2012 Jul;14(4):604-11.
    PMID: 22635164 DOI: 10.1038/aja.2011.178
    This study aimed to investigate the effect of intramuscular injection of testosterone undecanoate on overall quality of life (QoL) in men with testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS). A randomized controlled trial over a 12-month period was carried out in 2009. One hundred and twenty men aged 40 years and above with a diagnosis of TDS (serum total testosterone <12 nmol l(-1) and total Aging Male Symptom (AMS) scores ≥27) were invited to participate. Interventions comprised intramuscular injection of either placebo or 1000 mg testosterone undecanoate, given at weeks 0, 6, 18, 30 and 42. This paper presents the secondary analysis of QoL changes measured in the scores of Short-Form-12 (SF-12) scale at baseline, weeks 30 and 48 after the first injection. A total of 56/60 and 58/60 men from the active treatment and placebo group, respectively, completed the study. At week 48, before adjusting for baseline differences, the QoL of men in the treatment group improved significantly in five out of the eight domains on SF-12. The physical health composite scores improved 4.0 points from a baseline of 41.9±7.0 in the treatment group compared to 0.8 point from a baseline of 43.7±7.1 in the placebo group (F=3.652, P=0.027). The mental health composite scores improved 4.4 points from a baseline of 37.1±9.0 in the treatment group compared to 1.0 points from a baseline of 37.6±7.9 in the placebo group (F=4.514, P=0.018). After adjusting for baseline differences, significant improvement was observed in mental health composite scores, but not in physical health composite scores. Long-acting testosterone undecanoate significantly improved the mental health component of QoL in men with TDS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/psychology; Quality of Life/psychology*
  8. Kamaruddin MNSB, Hashim NAB, Mohamed SB, Azhari ZIB
    East Asian Arch Psychiatry, 2023 Dec;33(4):114-119.
    PMID: 38955783 DOI: 10.12809/eaap2342
    BACKGROUND: Suicidal behaviour can be influenced by attitudes towards suicide and psychological distress. This study aimed to investigate the associations between psychological distress, attitudes towards suicide, and suicidal behaviour and to determine the prevalence of suicidal behaviour among students of a public university in East Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 521 students from a public university in East Malaysia were asked to complete the Malay versions of the Suicidal Behaviour Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R), the Attitudes Towards Suicide Scale, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale.

    RESULTS: 197 women and 290 men (mean age, 19.13 years) completed the questionnaires, giving a response rate of 93.4%. The prevalence of high-risk suicidal behaviour (SBQ-R score ≥7) was 23.8%. Suicidal behaviour was positively associated with psychological distress and favourable attitudes towards suicide, and negatively associated with unfavourable attitudes towards suicide. Predictors for suicidal behaviour were psychological distress and favourable attitudes towards suicide ('the ability to understand and accept suicide').

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of suicidal behaviour is high among students in a public university in East Malaysia. Services and education for mental health awareness and screening for early detection and intervention of psychological distress should be provided to university students. Implementation of suicide awareness policies and suicide prevention training is crucial.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicide/psychology; Suicide, Attempted/psychology
  9. Cheah MH, Gan YN, Altice FL, Wickersham JA, Shrestha R, Salleh NAM, et al.
    JMIR Hum Factors, 2024 Jan 26;11:e52055.
    PMID: 38277206 DOI: 10.2196/52055
    BACKGROUND: The HIV epidemic continues to grow fastest among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Malaysia in the presence of stigma and discrimination. Engaging MSM on the internet using chatbots supported through artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially help HIV prevention efforts. We previously identified the benefits, limitations, and preferred features of HIV prevention AI chatbots and developed an AI chatbot prototype that is now tested for feasibility and acceptability.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to test the feasibility and acceptability of an AI chatbot in promoting the uptake of HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in MSM.

    METHODS: We conducted beta testing with 14 MSM from February to April 2022 using Zoom (Zoom Video Communications, Inc). Beta testing involved 3 steps: a 45-minute human-chatbot interaction using the think-aloud method, a 35-minute semistructured interview, and a 10-minute web-based survey. The first 2 steps were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Emerging themes from the qualitative data were mapped on the 4 domains of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and social influence.

    RESULTS: Most participants (13/14, 93%) perceived the chatbot to be useful because it provided comprehensive information on HIV testing and PrEP (performance expectancy). All participants indicated that the chatbot was easy to use because of its simple, straightforward design and quick, friendly responses (effort expectancy). Moreover, 93% (13/14) of the participants rated the overall chatbot quality as high, and all participants perceived the chatbot as a helpful tool and would refer it to others. Approximately 79% (11/14) of the participants agreed they would continue using the chatbot. They suggested adding a local language (ie, Bahasa Malaysia) to customize the chatbot to the Malaysian context (facilitating condition) and suggested that the chatbot should also incorporate more information on mental health, HIV risk assessment, and consequences of HIV. In terms of social influence, all participants perceived the chatbot as helpful in avoiding stigma-inducing interactions and thus could increase the frequency of HIV testing and PrEP uptake among MSM.

    CONCLUSIONS: The current AI chatbot is feasible and acceptable to promote the uptake of HIV testing and PrEP. To ensure the successful implementation and dissemination of AI chatbots in Malaysia, they should be customized to communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and upgraded to provide other HIV-related information to improve usability, such as mental health support, risk assessment for sexually transmitted infections, AIDS treatment, and the consequences of contracting HIV.

    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology; Homosexuality, Male/psychology
  10. Abdullah N, Kueh YC, Kuan G, Wong MS, Tee V, Tengku Alang TAI, et al.
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17265.
    PMID: 38708340 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17265
    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the inter-relationship between psychosocial variables and their impact on symptom severity and quality of life (QoL) concerning abdominal bloating.

    METHODS: The study adopted a cross-sectional design with purposive sampling. Participants who consented and met the criteria for bloating based on the Rome IV classification completed designated questionnaires. Independent variables comprised health beliefs, intentions, health-promoting behaviors, social support, depression, and anxiety, while dependent variables included bloating severity (general and within 24 h) and QoL. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted utilizing Mplus 8.0 to analyze the relationships between these factors.

    RESULTS: A total of 323 participants, with a mean age of 27.69 years (SD = 11.50), predominantly females (64.7%), volunteered to participate in the study. The final SEM model exhibited good fit based on various indices (CFI = 0.922, SRMR = 0.064, RMSEA (95% CI) = 0.048 (0.041-0.054), p-value = 0.714), with 15 significant path relationships identified. The model explained 12.0% of the variance in severity within 24 h, 6% in general severity, and 53.8% in QoL.

    CONCLUSION: The findings underscore the significant influence of health beliefs, intentions, behaviors, social support, depression, and anxiety on symptom severity and QoL in individuals experiencing abdominal bloating.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Depression/psychology
  11. Boey CC, Goh KL
    J Psychosom Res, 2001 Oct;51(4):559-62.
    PMID: 11595243
    This study aimed to look at the link between childhood recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) and the presence of recent life-events in an urban community in Malaysia. School children aged from 9 to 15 years in the city of Petaling Jaya were randomly selected to fill in a questionnaire and to be interviewed. The prevalence of RAP among 1488 school children studied was 9.6% (95% confidence interval (CI), 8.18-11.25). Higher prevalences of RAP were found in children who had experienced the following life-events in the previous year: loss of a family member through death (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Somatoform Disorders/psychology*; Abdominal Pain/psychology*
  12. Mohammed M, Kumar N, Zawiah M, Al-Ashwal FY, Bala AA, Lawal BK, et al.
    J Racial Ethn Health Disparities, 2024 Aug;11(4):2284-2293.
    PMID: 37428357 DOI: 10.1007/s40615-023-01696-1
    ChatGPT represents an advanced conversational artificial intelligence (AI), providing a powerful tool for generating human-like responses that could change pharmacy prospects. This protocol aims to describe the development, validation, and utilization of a tool to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice towards ChatGPT (KAP-C) in pharmacy practice and education. The development and validation process of the KAP-C tool will include a comprehensive literature search to identify relevant constructs, content validation by a panel of experts for items relevancy using content validity index (CVI) and face validation by sample participants for items clarity using face validity index (FVI), readability and difficulty index using the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test, Gunning Fog Index, or Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG), assessment of reliability using internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha), and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to determine the underlying factor structures (eigenvalues, scree plot analysis, factor loadings, and varimax). The second phase will utilize the validated KAP-C tool to conduct KAP surveys among pharmacists and pharmacy students in selected low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) (Nigeria, Pakistan, and Yemen). The final data will be analyzed descriptively using frequencies, percentages, mean (standard deviation) or median (interquartile range), and inferential statistics like Chi-square or regression analyses using IBM SPSS version 28. A p<0.05 will be considered statistically significant. ChatGPT holds the potential to revolutionize pharmacy practice and education. This study will highlight the psychometric properties of the KAP-C tool that assesses the knowledge, attitude, and practice towards ChatGPT in pharmacy practice and education. The findings will contribute to the potential ethical integration of ChatGPT into pharmacy practice and education in LMICs, serve as a reference to other economies, and provide valuable evidence for leveraging AI advancements in pharmacy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pharmacists/psychology; Students, Pharmacy/psychology
  13. Thomas BAWM, Kaur S, Hairol MI, Ahmad M, Wee LH
    F1000Res, 2018;7:1834.
    PMID: 30815251 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.17006.1
    Background: Congenital colour vision deficiency (CCVD) is an untreatable disorder which has lifelong consequences. Increasing use of colours in schools has raised concern for pupils with CCVD. This case-control study was conducted to compare behavioural and emotional issues among age, gender and class-matched pupils with CCVD and normal colour vision (NCV). Methods: A total of 1732 pupils from 10 primary schools in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur were screened, of which 46 pupils (45 males and 1 female) had CCVD. Mothers of male pupils with CCVD (n=44) and NCV (n=44) who gave consent were recruited to complete a self-administered parent report form, Child Behaviour Checklist for Ages 4-18 (CBCL/ 4-18) used to access behavioural and emotional problems. The CBCL/ 4-18 has three broad groupings: Internalising, Externalising and Total Behaviour Problems. Internalising Problems combines the Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints and Anxiety/ Depression sub constructs, while Externalising Problems combines the Delinquent and Aggressive Behaviour sub constructs. Results: Results from CBCL/ 4-18 showed that all pupils from both groups had scores within the normal range for all constructs. However, results from the statistical analysis for comparison, Mann-Whitney U test, showed that pupils with CCVD scored significantly higher for Externalising Problems (U=697.50, p=0.02) and Total Behaviour Problems (U=647.00, p= 0.01). Significantly higher scores were observed in Withdrawn (U=714.00, p=0.02), Thought Problems (U=438.50, p<0.001) and Aggressive Behaviour (U=738.00, p=0.04). Odds ratios, 95% CI, showed significant relative risk for high Total Behaviour Problem (OR:2.39 ,CI:1.0-5.7), Externalising Problems (OR:2.32, CI:1.0-5.5), Withdrawn (OR:2.67, CI:1.1-6.5), Thought Problems (OR:9.64, CI:3.6-26.1) and Aggressive Behaviour (OR:10.26, CI:3.4-31.0) scores among pupils with CCVD. Conclusion: Higher scores among CCVD pupils indicates that they present more behavioural and emotional problems compared to NCV pupils. Therefore, school vision screenings in Malaysia should also include colour vision to assist in the early clinical management of CCVD children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child Behavior/psychology*; Color Vision Defects/psychology*
  14. Law LS, Norhasmah S, Gan WY, Mohd Nasir MT
    Public Health Nutr, 2018 Oct;21(15):2819-2830.
    PMID: 29976262 DOI: 10.1017/S136898001800160X
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the types of coping strategies practised by Indigenous women or Orang Asli (OA) in Peninsular Malaysia during times of food shortage and to determine the level of severity for food insecurity that will trigger each specific coping strategy.

    DESIGN: A qualitative case study was conducted. Pertinent information about each type of coping strategy was gathered by in-depth interviews. To gauge the level of severity for each of the coping strategies, focus group discussions (FGD) were held. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis.

    SETTING: OA villages in the states of Kelantan, Pahang, Perak and Selangor, Malaysia.

    SUBJECTS: Sixty-one OA women from three ethnic groups (Senoi, Proto-Malay and Negrito) for in-depth interviews and nineteen OA women from the Proto-Malay ethnic group for three FGD.

    RESULTS: The findings identified twenty-nine different coping strategies and these were divided into two main themes: food consumption (sub-themes of food consumption included dietary changes, diversification of food sources, decreasing the number of people and rationing) and financial management (sub-themes of financial management included increasing household income, reducing expenses for schooling children and reducing expenses on daily necessities). Three levels of severity were derived: less severe, severe and very severe.

    CONCLUSIONS: This information would enable local authorities or non-governmental organisations to more precisely target and plan interventions to better aid the OA communities needing assistance in the areas of food sources and financial management.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*
  15. Gan Kim Soon P, Lim SK, Rampal S, Su TT
    PLoS One, 2019;14(8):e0220411.
    PMID: 31404075 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220411
    INTRODUCTION: End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is increasing globally, and renal transplantation (RT) is the preferred renal replacement therapy to treat ESRD. Internationally, there are only a few countries with RT rates above 50 per million population (pmp), while most of the countries have RT rates between 30-40 pmp. The low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) makes up the majority for the RT rates below 20 pmp in which Malaysia belongs to despite its increasing ESRD rates. There is a need to explore the barriers to access RT with targeted solutions to improve the RT rates and service in LMIC. Thus, a qualitative study was undertaken in Malaysia to address this issue.

    METHOD: A qualitative methodological approach was performed between March-May 2018. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore current RT policy and service availability. Key-informants were identified from a detailed stakeholder analysis of RT system in Malaysia. Interviews were digitally audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, coded with ATLAS.ti software and underwent thematic analysis thoroughly.

    RESULTS: Eight key-informants participated in the study. Barriers and related solutions were classified using the socio-ecological model (SEM). As reported, the barriers and solutions of RT in Malaysia are the results of a complex interplay of personal, cultural, and environmental factors. Key barriers are linked to public's attitude and perception towards RT and the unaccommodating practices in the healthcare fraternity for RT. Key-informants provided a systematic solution that shed light on how RT could be improved at each SEM level via effective communication, education and inter-agency collaboration.

    CONCLUSION: The SEM provided a framework to foster a better understanding of current practice, barriers, and solutions to RT in Malaysia. This study is the first to explore the barriers and related solutions to RT comprehensively as a whole. Implications of these findings could prompt a policy change for a better RT service delivery model not just for Malaysia but also for other LMIC. Further stakeholder engagement and evaluation of the systems are required to provide insight into best practices that will help to improve the RT rates and service in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Personnel/psychology; Psychology
  16. Schliemann D, Ismail R, Donnelly M, Cardwell CR, Su TT
    BMC Public Health, 2020 Apr 06;20(1):464.
    PMID: 32252721 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08581-0
    BACKGROUND: Cancer incidence in Malaysia is expected to double by 2040. Understanding cancer awareness is important in order to tailor preventative efforts and reduce the cancer burden. The objective of this research was to assess nationwide awareness about the signs and symptoms as well as risk factors for various cancers in Malaysia and identify socio-demographic factors associated with awareness.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted from March-November 2014 in the form of a telephone survey. Participants aged 40 years and above were randomly selected across Malaysia and interviewed using the validated Awareness Beliefs about Cancer (ABC) measurement tool. Linear regression was conducted to test the association between symptom and risk factor recognition and socio-demographic variables.

    RESULTS: A sample of 1895 participants completed the survey. On average, participants recognised 5.8 (SD 3.2) out of 11 symptoms and 7.5 (SD 2.7) out of 12 risk factors. The most commonly recognised symptom was 'lump or swelling' (74.5%) and the most commonly recognised risk factor was 'smoking' (88.7%). Factors associated with prompted awareness were age, ethnicity, education and smoking status.

    CONCLUSION: Recognition of symptom and risk factors for most cancers was relatively low across Malaysia compared to previous studies in high-income countries and to studies conducted in Malaysia. There is a need to conduct regular public health campaigns and interventions designed to improve cancer awareness and knowledge as a first step towards increasing the early detection of cancer.

    Matched MeSH terms: Neoplasms/psychology*; Symptom Assessment/psychology*
  17. Griffiths AW, Cheong WL, Saw PS, Parveen S
    BMC Med Educ, 2020 Mar 20;20(1):82.
    PMID: 32192471 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-1972-5
    BACKGROUND: One of the major challenges worldwide is the stigma associated with dementia. There is limited dementia awareness within Malaysian communities, including levels of confusion regarding the differences between dementia and the usual ageing progress, which can lead to delays in support seeking. The need for additional training and education for healthcare professionals has been highlighted. The present study aimed to evaluate the benefits of a one-hour dementia education session (Dementia Detectives workshop) for pharmacy and medicine undergraduate students at a Malaysian university.

    METHODS: Participants attended the workshop and completed pre- (Time 1) and post-workshop (Time 2) questionnaires consisting of validated measures exploring attitudes towards dementia and older people more broadly.

    RESULTS: A total of 97 students were recruited. Attitudes towards people with dementia showed significant positive changes between Time 1 and Time 2, whereas no differences were found for attitudes towards older people.

    CONCLUSIONS: As medical and pharmacy students develop theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional attitudes during their undergraduate studies, it is important for students to also learn about the humanistic side of diseases and conditions through workshops such as the one presented here. Further research should now be conducted to consider how Dementia Detectives can be delivered to non-healthcare students and what the barriers and facilitators to wider delivery are.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Pharmacy/psychology*
  18. Akhtari-Zavare M, Mohd-Sidik S, Periasamy U, Rampal L, Fadhilah SI, Mahmud R
    Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2018 Aug 13;16(1):163.
    PMID: 30103759 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-018-0989-5
    BACKGROUND: Cancer is a serious public health problem not only in Malaysia, also worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the determinants of quality of life (QOL) among cancer patients in Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted among 2120 cancer patients in Peninsular Malaysia, between April 2016 to January 2017. All cancer patients aged 18 years old and above, Malaysian citizens and undergoing cancer treatment at government hospitals were approached to participate in this study and requested to complete a set of validated questionnaires. Inferential statistical tests such as t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to determine the differences between demographic variables, physical effects, clinical factors, psychological effects and self-esteem with the quality of life of cancer patients. Predictor(s) of quality of life were determined by using Multivariate linear regression models.

    RESULT: A total 1620 out of 2120 cancer patients participated in this study, giving a response rate of 92%. The majority of cancer patients were female 922 (56.9%), Malays 1031 (63.6%), Muslim 1031 (63.6%), received chemotherapy treatment 1483 (91.5%). Overall, 1138 (70.2%) of the patients had depression and 1500 (92.6%) had anxiety. Statistically significant associations were found between QOL and clinical factors, physical side effects of cancer, psychological effects and self-esteem (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Neoplasms/psychology*; Quality of Life/psychology*
  19. Barmania S, Aljunid SM
    BMC Int Health Hum Rights, 2017 05 10;17(1):12.
    PMID: 28490382 DOI: 10.1186/s12914-017-0120-8
    BACKGROUND: HIV screening has existed in numerous methods as an important part of HIV prevention efforts over the years. Premarital HIV testing for couples who wish to marry has been implemented in a number of regions, which often operate in a mandatory rather than voluntary basis and is considered a contentious issue, with viewpoints held in favour and against. One such region is Malaysia which has a policy of mandatory premarital HIV testing of prospective Muslim married couples. The purpose of this study is to understand stakeholders' views on premarital HIV testing given the Malaysian Islamic context.

    METHODS: 35 in-depth face to face semi-structured interviews were undertaken with key stakeholder groups involved in HIV prevention policy in Malaysia, namely, officials from the Ministry of Health, religious leaders and people living with HIV. Participants were recruited from the Klang Valley area, from July to December 2013, using purposive sampling techniques. Inclusion criteria necessitated that participants were over the age of 18 and provided full consent. Interviews were audiotaped, followed a standardised topic guide, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a framework analysis.

    RESULTS: Participants identified pre-marital HIV testing as an effective HIV prevention policy implemented in Malaysia and was viewed, for the most part, as a positive initiative across all stakeholders. Religious leaders were supportive of testing as it provides a protective mechanism, in line with the teachings of the Shariah, while Ministry of Health officials considered it a normal part of their HIV prevention screening initiatives. However, there were concerns surrounding issues such as confidentiality, counselling and discrimination surrounding the test described by the PLHIV group.

    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study show that among the participants interviewed was strong support for mandatory premarital HIV testing, which could possibly expose the vulnerability to HIV, reluctance to test and other areas in the HIV response in Malaysia that need to be addressed. Furthermore, although international health organisations are vehemently against mandatory premarital HIV testing, the strong local support for such measures and the mismatch between these views is worth exploring in more detail, given the cultural, social and religious context.

    Matched MeSH terms: Islam/psychology*; Premarital Examinations/psychology
  20. Lysaght T, Capps B, Bailey M, Bickford D, Coker R, Lederman Z, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(1):e0170967.
    PMID: 28129409 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170967
    BACKGROUND: One Health (OH) is an interdisciplinary collaborative approach to human and animal health that aims to break down conventional research and policy 'silos'. OH has been used to develop strategies for zoonotic Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID). However, the ethical case for OH as an alternative to more traditional public health approaches is largely absent from the discourse. To study the ethics of OH, we examined perceptions of the human health and ecological priorities for the management of zoonotic EID in the Southeast Asia country of Singapore.

    METHODS: We conducted a mixed methods study using a modified Delphi technique with a panel of 32 opinion leaders and 11 semi-structured interviews with a sub-set of those experts in Singapore. Panellists rated concepts of OH and priorities for zoonotic EID preparedness planning using a series of scenarios developed through the study. Interview data were examined qualitatively using thematic analysis.

    FINDINGS: We found that panellists agreed that OH is a cross-disciplinary collaboration among the veterinary, medical, and ecological sciences, as well as relevant government agencies encompassing animal, human, and environmental health. Although human health was often framed as the most important priority in zoonotic EID planning, our qualitative analysis suggested that consideration of non-human animal health and welfare was also important for an effective and ethical response. The panellists also suggested that effective pandemic planning demands regional leadership and investment from wealthier countries to better enable international cooperation.

    CONCLUSION: We argue that EID planning under an OH approach would benefit greatly from an ethical ecological framework that accounts for justice in human, animal, and environmental health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Zoonoses/psychology; Communicable Diseases, Emerging/psychology
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