Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 142 in total

  1. Shah SA, Safian N, Ahmad S, Nurumal SR, Mohammad Z, Mansor J, et al.
    J Multidiscip Healthc, 2021;14:2931-2940.
    PMID: 34703245 DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S326209
    Purpose: Older people often have chronic diseases which require a continuity of care over the long term. Countries undergoing population aging need to ensure that older people are receiving the care they need. This study assesses the prevalence of, reasons for, and factors associated with unmet healthcare needs among older people individuals in Malaysia.

    Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study used data collected during 2018-2020 from 1204 older adults aged 60 and older selected from Selangor state, Malaysia. A comprehensive face-to-face interview based on the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES-BM) questionnaire was administered to gain information on unmet healthcare needs, socioeconomic factors, health-related factors, and measures of function (activities of daily living, depression, visual impairment, hearing impairment, memory impairment, and walking impairment). Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with their unmet healthcare needs.

    Results: Overall, the percentage of older people respondents with unmet healthcare needs is 6.6%. The most reported reasons for forgoing or delaying healthcare were lack of knowledge about healthcare and financial barriers to care. The inability to travel alone (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.51), being overweight (aOR 1.88), and having self-reported depression (aOR 2.23) were each associated with a higher likelihood of having unmet healthcare needs in their daily life.

    Conclusion: The prevalence of unmet healthcare needs among older people in this part of Malaysia is lower than that reported in some other countries. However, it is possible to further reduce unmet healthcare needs by improving people's knowledge and attitudes about appropriate healthcare utilization, strengthening financial protection measures and providing support to people at high risk of having unmet healthcare needs.

  2. Kalok A, Zabil SA, Jamil MA, Lim PS, Shafiee MN, Kampan N, et al.
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018 Apr;38(3):339-343.
    PMID: 29017359 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1355896
    This was a prospective observational study to determine the predictive factors for a successful vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) and to develop a relevant antenatal scoring system. Patients with one previous caesarean section were included in this study. All data including maternal demographics, obstetric history, pregnancy progress and outcomes were collected and analysed. A total of 142 out of the 186 women (76.3%) had successful VBAC. History of previous vaginal delivery and non-recurrent indications for previous caesarean section were the significant predictive factors for a successful VBAC. Five variables for our scoring tool were selected. By using a proposed mean score of 4 out of 7, the scoring system had a sensitivity of 81.0%, specificity of 52.3% and a positive predictive value of 84.6%. VBAC antenatal scoring system was potentially a useful predictive tool in antenatal counselling. Impact statement What is already known on this subject: Planned vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) is an important strategy to limit the overall caesarean section rate, which is related to maternal morbidities. However, trial of vaginal delivery does involve potential complications including scar dehiscence, postpartum haemorrhage and emergency hysterectomy. What the results of this study add: Clinical predictors of a successful VBAC include non-recurrent indications for the previous caesarean section, previous vaginal delivery, spontaneous onset of labour and birthweight less than 4kg. There were multiple screening tools developed to predict the likelihood of successful VBAC. These scoring systems involved various variables such as age, ethnicity, Bishop's score and previous caesarean indication. We had prospectively developed an antenatal scoring system based on five variables. Our result showed that patient with a score of four and above will have around 85% chance of successful VBAC. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research: We have also found that, estimated foetal weight based on ultrasound scan is a potential predictor for successful VBAC. This simple scoring method will be useful in-patient counselling regarding mode of delivery after one previous caesarean section. A multicentre study involving large cohort of patients is ideal to validate our scoring system.
  3. Sooriyaghandan IV, Mohamad Jailaini MF, Nik Abeed NN, Ng BH, Yu-Lin AB, Shah SA, et al.
    BMC Pulm Med, 2023 Jan 10;23(1):10.
    PMID: 36627598 DOI: 10.1186/s12890-023-02304-y
    BACKGROUND: Patient comfort during invasive and therapeutic procedures is important. The use of virtual reality (VR) devices during flexible bronchoscopy (FB) as a method of distraction to increase patient tolerability and improve satisfaction has not been investigated. We aim to assess the satisfaction and tolerability of participants undergoing FB with or without VR.

    METHODS: This was a single-center, open-label study on patients undergoing bronchoscopy, randomized into the control and interventional (VR) groups. The control group received standard care during FB. The interventional group was given a VR device during FB showing nature videos with soothing instrumental music. Pain, breathlessness, and cough were evaluated using a 10 cm visual analogue scale administered before and after FB. Anxiety was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Satisfaction questionnaire (5-point Likert scale) was given to participants post FB.

    RESULTS: Eighty participants enrolled, 40 in each arm. Median (IQR) satisfaction score in the VR group was 5.0 (3.0-5.0), and in the control group was 4.0 (3.0-5.0); (p 

  4. Lai YM, Tan GC, Shah SA, Abd Rahman R, Mohd Saleh MF, Mansor S, et al.
    Placenta, 2024 Mar 06;147:21-27.
    PMID: 38278001 DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2024.01.012
    INTRODUCTION: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) exerts a great impact on the placenta and reflects changes on placentas both morphological and functionally. The aims of this study are to evaluate the prevalence of placental histopathological lesions in pregnancies complicated by GDM compared to gestational age-matched controls, and their association with maternal and fetal complications.

    METHODS: Fifty-four singleton GDM-complicated pregnancies were recruited and compared to 33 consecutive normal pregnancies. Two pathologists, blinded to all clinical data, reviewed and evaluated all histological samples of the placentas in accordance with Amsterdam criteria. Relevant demographic, clinical data and primary birth outcomes were recorded.

    RESULTS: A myriad of histomorphological abnormalities, including chronic inflammation (n = 9/54, p = 0.031), histological chorioamnionitis (n = 23/54, p 

  5. Sahardin SN, Jailaini MFM, Abeed NNN, Ban AY, Hau NB, Azmel AA, et al.
    Front Med (Lausanne), 2023;10:1202380.
    PMID: 37332765 DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1202380
    BACKGROUND: Aerobika® oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) device promotes airway clearance in many respiratory diseases. However, studies have yet to focus on its effectiveness in improving small airway resistance via impulse oscillometry (IOS) measurement in COPD subjects. We aim to evaluate the improvement of small airway resistance (via IOS), lung function (spirometry), exercise capacity [via 6-min walking test (6MWT)], symptoms [COPD assessment test (CAT)] and severe exacerbation events among COPD subjects using Aerobika® OPEP.

    METHODS: This was a prospective, single-arm interventional study among COPD subjects with small airway disease. Subjects were instructed to use twice daily Aerobika® OPEP (10 min each session); for 24 weeks; as an additional to standard therapy. IOS, spirometry, 6MWT, CAT score and severe exacerbation events were evaluated at baseline, 12 weeks and 24 weeks.

    RESULTS: Fifty-three subjects completed the study. Aerobika® usage showed improvement of IOS parameters; e.g. measurement of airway resistance at 5 Hz (R5), cmH20/L/s, (12-week p = 0.008, 24-week p 

  6. Azmin S, Khairul Anuar AM, Tan HJ, Nafisah WY, Raymond AA, Hanita O, et al.
    Parkinsons Dis, 2014;2014:472157.
    PMID: 24800102 DOI: 10.1155/2014/472157
    Background. The nonmotor symptoms are important determinants of health and quality of life in Parkinson's disease but are not well recognized and addressed in clinical practice. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of nonmotor symptoms and their impact on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Methods. This was a cross-sectional study among patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Exclusion criteria were a Mini Mental State Examination score of <21/30. Prevalence of nonmotor symptoms was determined using the NMSQuest. The severity of nonmotor symptoms and the quality of life were assessed using validated disease-specific questionnaires (PDQ-39 and NMSS). Results. A total of 113 patients consisting of 60 males and 53 females were recruited. The median duration of illness was 5.0 (2.0-8.0) years. The prevalence rate of nonmotor symptoms in our cohort was 97.3%. The most common reported nonmotor symptom in our cohort was gastrointestinal (76.1%). We found that the severity of the nonmotor symptoms was associated with poorer quality of life scores (r s : 0.727, P < 0.001). Conclusions. Nonmotor symptoms were highly prevalent in our patients with Parkinson's disease and adversely affected the quality of life of our patients. In contrast to western studies, the most common nonmotor symptom is gastrointestinal. The possibility of an Asian diet playing a role in this observation requires further study.
  7. Razali R, Jean-Li L, Jaffar A, Ahmad M, Shah SA, Ibrahim N, et al.
    Compr Psychiatry, 2014 Jan;55 Suppl 1:S70-5.
    PMID: 24314103 DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.04.010
    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a known precursor to Alzheimer disease, yet there is a lack of validated screening instruments for its detection among the Malaysian elderly.
  8. Hee TG, Shah SA, Ann HS, Hemdan SN, Shen LC, Al-Fahmi Abdul Galib N, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(11):6327-30.
    PMID: 24377526
    Haematuria is a common presentation of bladder cancer and requires a full urologic evaluation. This study aimed to develop a scoring system capable of stratifying patients with haematuria into high or low risk groups for having bladder cancer to help clinicians decide which patients need more urgent assessment. This cross- sectional study included all adult patients referred for haematuria and subsequently undergoing full urological evaluation in the years 2001 to 2011. Risk factors with strong association with bladder cancer in the study population were used to design the scoring system. Accuracy was determined by the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. A total of 325 patients with haematuria were included, out of which 70 (21.5%) were diagnosed to have bladder cancer. Significant risk factors associated with bladder cancer were male gender, a history of cigarette smoking and the presence of gross haematuria. A scoring system using 4 clinical parameters as variables was created. The scores ranged between 6 to 14, and a score of 10 and above indicated high risk for having bladder cancer. It was found to have good accuracy with an area under the ROC curve of 80.4%, while the sensitivity and specificity were 90.0% and 55.7%, respectively. The scoring system designed in this study has the potential to help clinicians stratify patients who present with haematuria into high or low risk for having bladder cancer. This will enable high-risk patients to undergo urologic assessment earlier.
  9. Chan LF, Maniam T, Saini SM, Shah SA, Loh SF, Sinniah A, et al.
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2013 Apr;5 Suppl 1:123-6.
    PMID: 23857848 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12057
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the association between sexual abuse, substance abuse and socio-demographic factors with suicidal ideation (SI), plans (SP) and deliberate self-harm (DSH) and propose steps to prevent youth suicidal behavior.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 6786 adolescents aged 17-18 years, selected randomly from all Malaysian adolescents to undergo compulsory youth camps located in Selangor, Malaysia (2008-2009). Participants were assessed using self-administered questionnaires developed to reflect the local cultural setting. However, only 4581 subjects were analyzed after excluding incomplete data.
    RESULTS: The rates of SI, SP and DSH were 7.6%, 3.2% and 6.3%, respectively. The multivariable-adjusted odds ratio showed that sexual abuse was associated with SI 1.99 (95% CI: 1.56-2.55), SP 1.57 (95% CI: 1.09-2.27) and DSH 2.26 (95% CI: 1.75-2.94); illicit drug use was associated with SI 4.05 (95% CI: 2.14-7.67), SP 2.62 (95% CI: 1.05-6.53) and DSH 2.06, (95% CI: 1.05-4.04); for alcohol use DSH was 1.34 (95% CI: 1.00-1.79). Being female was associated with all suicidal behaviors: SI 2.51 (95% CI: 1.91-3.30), SP 2.07 (95% CI: 1.39-3.08) and DSH 1.59 (95% CI: 1.19-2.11).
    DISCUSSION: Given the well-founded concern of increasing risk of suicidal behavior among youth, preventive efforts should adopt a more comprehensive approach in dealing with sexual abuse and substance abuse, and their sequelae, especially in girls.
    KEYWORDS: adolescent; risks; sexual abuse; substance abuse; suicidal behavior
  10. Kalok A, Ong MY, Hasrori A, Chiang KS, Yazim F, Baharuddin S, et al.
    PMID: 32987806 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17196990
    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with maternal and neonatal complications. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between the abnormalities of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and adverse pregnancy outcomes. This was a retrospective study of GDM patients over a five-year period in a Malaysian tertiary center. The diagnosis of GDM was based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline. The data on patients' demographics, OGTT results, GDM treatment, and pregnancy outcomes were analyzed. A total of 1105 women were included in the final analysis. The percentage of women with isolated abnormal fasting glucose, isolated two-hour abnormality, and both abnormal values were 4.8%, 87.1%, and 8.1%, respectively. Women with both OGTT abnormalities had a higher risk of preeclampsia (odds ratio (OR) 4.73; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.45-15.41) and neonatal hypoglycemia (OR 8.78; 95% CI 1.93-39.88). Isolated postprandial abnormality was associated with an 80% lesser risk of neonatal hypoglycemia (OR 0.19; 95% CI 0.04-0.87). Both isolated fasting and multiple OGTT abnormalities were associated with insulin therapy. Multiple OGTT abnormalities were a positive predictor of adverse pregnancy outcomes, while isolated postprandial abnormality was associated with a lesser risk of neonatal complication. Further prospective study is essential to validate these findings.
  11. Borhanuddin B, Mohd Nawi A, Shah SA, Abdullah N, Syed Zakaria SZ, Kamaruddin MA, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2018;2018:2979206.
    PMID: 30111990 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2979206
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) leads to high morbidity and mortality rate worldwide. Therefore, it is important to determine the risk of CVD across the sociodemographic factors to strategize preventive measures. The current study consisted of 53,122 adults between the ages of 35 and 65 years from The Malaysian Cohort project during recruitment phase from year 2006 to year 2012. Sociodemographic profile and physical activity level were assessed via self-reported questionnaire, whereas relevant CVD-related biomarkers and biophysical variables were measured to determine the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The main outcome was the 10-year risk of CVD via FRS calculated based on lipid profile and body mass index (BMI) associated formulae. The BMI-based formula yielded a higher estimation of 10-year CVD risk than the lipid profile-based formula in the study for both males (median = 13.2% and 12.7%, respectively) and females (median = 4.3% and 4.2%, respectively). The subgroup with the highest risk for 10-year CVD events (based on both FRS formulae) was the Malay males who have lower education level and low physical activity level. Future strategies for the reduction of CVD risk should focus on screening via BMI-based FRS in this at-risk subpopulation to increase the cost-effectiveness of the prevention initiatives.
    Study name: The Malaysian Cohort (TMC) project
  12. Zainul Rashid MR, Lim JF, Nawawi NH, Luqman M, Zolkeplai MF, Rangkuty HS, et al.
    Gynecol Endocrinol, 2014 Mar;30(3):217-20.
    PMID: 24552449 DOI: 10.3109/09513590.2013.860960
    Gestational hypertension (GH) remains one of the main causes of high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide with the highest incidence among primigravidae of about 10%-15%. However, it was noted that the incidence of GH in primigravidae who conceived following assisted reproductive technique (ART) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) supplemented with dydrogesterone during the first trimester was low.

    Study site: Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Department, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia PPUKM
  13. Wong YP, Vincent James EP, Mohammad Azhar MAA, Krishnamoorthy Y, Zainudin NA, Zamara F, et al.
    Diagn Cytopathol, 2021 Jun;49(6):718-726.
    PMID: 33629823 DOI: 10.1002/dc.24731
    BACKGROUND: The International Academy of Cytology (IAC) Yokohama reporting system was recently proposed to serve as a standardized diagnostic platform for the cytological interpretation of breast fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Five cytological categories were suggested, linked to a certain risk of malignancy (ROM). The aim of this study was to assess the potency of this newly proposed reporting guideline, with a review of literatures.

    METHODS: This is a retrospective study over 8-year duration in which all the breast FNABs performed in our institution were recategorized in accordance to the IAC Yokohama reporting system. Kappa coefficient was used to evaluate the agreement between the proposed cytological category and corresponding histological diagnosis, with the level of significance set at 5%. Cyto-histopathological correlation and its diagnostic performance were also assessed.

    RESULTS: A total of 1136 breast FNABs were analyzed, including 31 repeat FNABs. Of these, 521 (47.1%) cases had matched histopathological results. Respective ROM for each category was: "insufficient" 13.6%, "benign" 0.4%, "atypical" 25.0%, "suspicious" 85.7%, and "malignant" 100%. There was substantial agreement (κ=0.757) between cytology and histopathological results. Our data revealed a high-diagnostic specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive value of 99.3% (95% CI: 97.6%-99.9%), 94.2% (95% CI: 87.9%-97.9%), 98.0% (95% CI: 92.5%-99.5%), 98.0% (95% CI: 96.1%-99.1%) respectively when both the "suspicious" and "malignant" cases were considered as positive tests, with area under the curve of 0.993.

    CONCLUSIONS: The IAC Yokohama system is a reliable, evidence-based, and standardized reporting system that helps to facilitate communication among cytopathologists, radiologists, and surgeons toward individualized patient management.

  14. Borhanuddin B, Ahmad N, Shah SA, Murad NAA, Zakaria SZS, Kamaruddin MA, et al.
    Int Health, 2018 Sep 01;10(5):382-390.
    PMID: 29462329 DOI: 10.1093/inthealth/ihx075
    BACKGROUND: The investigation of risk factors of cardiovascular disease (e.g., major endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases) across job sectors is useful for targeted public health intervention. This study examined the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypercholesterolemia and obesity in 21 job sectors in the general population.

    METHODS: A baseline cross-sectional analysis of the Malaysian Cohort was conducted, which included 105 391 adults. Multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted for these three diseases across 20 job sectors compared with the unemployed/homemaker sector.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of T2DM, hypercholesterolemia and obesity was 16.7%, 38.8% and 33.3%, respectively. The Accommodation & Food Service Activities and Transportation & Storage sectors had significantly higher odds for T2DM (adjusted [adj.] prevalence odds ratio [POR] 1.18, p=0.007 and adj. POR 1.15, p=0.008, respectively). No job sector had significantly higher odds for hypercholesterolemia compared with the unemployed/homemaker sector. Only the Accommodation & Food Service Activities sector had significantly higher odds for obesity (adj. POR 1.17, p≤0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Many job sectors were significantly associated with lower odds of having these three diseases when compared with the unemployed/homemaker sector. These differing associations between diverse job sectors and these diseases are important for public health intervention initiatives and prioritization.

  15. Dalila AS, Mohd Said MS, Shaharir SS, Asrul AW, Low SF, Shamsul AS, et al.
    Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci., 2014 Jul;30(7):337-42.
    PMID: 24924839 DOI: 10.1016/j.kjms.2014.02.010
    The purpose of this study was to compare the serum interleukin (IL)-23 levels between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and healthy controls and to determine the correlation of IL-23 levels with disease activity, joint damage and functional disability in RA. Serum samples were obtained from 45 patients with RA and 45 healthy controls. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method was used for quantitative analysis of IL-23. All the RA patients were assessed for disease activity based on the 28-joint disease activity score, joint damage based on modified Sharp score, and functional ability using the Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index. The mean serum IL-23 level was much higher among the RA patients (24.50 ± 13.98 pg/mL) compared to the controls (5.98 ± 3.40 pg/mL; p < 0.01). There was a significant positive relationship between IL-23 levels and disease activity and questionnaire scores (p = 0.003 and 0.020, respectively). On logistic regression analysis, IL-23 levels were significantly higher in patients with moderate to high disease activity (p = 0.008, odds ratio = 1.073, 95% confidence interval = 1.019-1.130) and patients with significant functional disability (p = 0.008, odds ratio = 1.085, 95% confidence interval = 1.021-1.153). RA patients have significantly higher levels of serum IL-23. The IL-23 levels correlate well with disease activity and functional disability but not with radiographic joint damage.

    Study site: Rheumatology clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
  16. Razlan H, Marzuki NM, Tai ML, Shamsul AS, Ong TZ, Mahadeva S
    Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2011;2011:235796.
    PMID: 21687605 DOI: 10.1155/2011/235796
    The accuracy of the (13)C-methacetin breath test ((13)C-MBT) in differentiating between various stages of liver disease is not clear. A cross-sectional study of Asian patients was conducted to examine the predictive value of the (13)C-MBT in various stages of chronic liver diseases. Diagnostic accuracy of the breath test was determined by sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and area under the curve analysis. Seventy-seven patients (47 men/30 women, mean age 50 ± 16 years) were recruited. Forty-seven patients had liver cirrhosis (Child Pugh A = 11, Child Pugh B = 15, and Child Pugh C = 21), 21 had fibrosis, and 9 had chronic inflammation. The sensitivity and positive predictive value for liver fibrosis, cirrhosis (all stages), Child-Pugh A, Child-Pugh B, and Child-Pugh C were 65% and 56%, 89% and 89%, 67% and 42%, 40% and 40%, and 50% and 77%, respectively. Area under curve values for fibrosis was 0.62 (0.39-0.86), whilst that for cirrhosis (all stages) was 0.95 (0.91-0.99). The (13)C-methacetin breath test has a poor predictive value for liver fibrosis but accurately determines advanced cirrhosis.
  17. Abdul Muizz AM, Mohd Shahrir MS, Sazliyana S, Oteh M, Shamsul AS, Hussein H
    Int J Rheum Dis, 2011 Feb;14(1):18-30.
    PMID: 21303478 DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-185X.2010.01593.x
    AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients without clinically evident cardiovascular manifestations and to estimate whether there is any correlation between RA disease severity and disability and LV diastolic dysfunction.
    METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional study involving 53 patients (47 female and 6 male) with RA without clinically evident heart disease and 53 healthy subjects (47 female and 6 male) who served as a control group. Both groups were matched for age and sex. Echocardiographic and Doppler studies were conducted in all patients with RA and control subjects.
    RESULTS: Of 17 cardiac parameters assessed, only two were abnormal. None of the specific cardiac diastolic dysfunction parameters were significantly different in RA patients compared to the control group. There was no significant correlation between diastolic function values in RA patients and value of Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS-28) and value of Health Assessment Questionnaires Disability Index (HAQDI). Atrial (A) wave velocity was greater in RA patients compared to the control group (0.71 [0.58-0.83] vs. 0.61 [0.51-0.71]; P < 0.04). However, interventricular relaxation time (IVRT) ([73.08 ± 9.92 vs. 70.74 ± 9.02], P = 0.207), lower E/A ratio (1.27 [1.02-1.56] vs. 1.42 [1.20-1.68], P = 0.102), diastolic dysfunction parameters according to Redfield Classification (25 [47.2%] vs. 27 [50.9%] P = 0.56), diastolic dysfunction using E/A (P = 0.321) and tissue doppler imaging (E/E') (P = 0.148) were not different.
    CONCLUSION: Prevalence of diastolic dysfunction in the rheumatoid arthritis group (47.2%) was not different from controls (50.9%). LV diastolic function had no significant correlation with RA disease severity and duration of disease.
  18. Moore MA, Manan AA, Chow KY, Cornain SF, Devi CR, Triningsih FX, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2010;11 Suppl 2:81-98.
    PMID: 20553070
    Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor and the Philippines constitute peninsular and island South-East Asia. For reasons of largely shared ethnicity, with Chinese elements added to the basic Austromalaysian populations, as well as geographical contiguity, they can be usefully grouped together for studies of chronic disease prevalence and underlying risk factors. The fact of problems are shared in common, particularly regarding increasing cancer rates, underlines the necessity for a coordinated approach to research and development of control measures. To provide a knowledge base, the present review of available data for cancer registration, epidemiology and control was conducted. The most prevalent cancer site in males is the lung, followed by the liver, colon or the prostate in the majority of cases, while breast and cervical cancers predominate in most female populations. However, there are interesting differences among the racial groups, particularly regarding the stomach. General tendencies for increase in adenocarcinomas but decrease in squamous cell carcinomas and gastric cancer, point to change in environmental influence over time. Variation in risk factors depends to some extent on the level of economic development but overall the countries of the region face similar challenges in achieving effective cancer control. A major task is persuading the general populace of the efficacy of early detection and clinical treatment.
  19. Lim JTY, Cheng Q, Ng YP, Pheh KS, Panirselvam RR, Tay KW, et al.
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:666027.
    PMID: 34975604 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.666027
    Background: Suicide remains an important cause of premature deaths and draws much media attention. However, unsafe reporting and portrayal of suicides by the media have been associated with increased risk of suicidal behavior. Current evidence suggests that media capacity-building could potentially prevent suicide. However, there are still knowledge gaps in terms of a lack of data on effective strategies for improving awareness and safe reporting of suicide-related media content. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a workshop conducted with members of the media community on the safe reporting of suicide-related content. Methods: An interventional single-arm pre and post pilot study was conducted on a sample of the Malaysian media community recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. The media safe reporting workshop was conducted by a suicide prevention expert with a media industry background. Thirty participants completed a self-reported evaluation questionnaire on their awareness and knowledge of reporting on suicide-related media content; before and after the interventional workshop. Results: There was a significant difference between the total scores before and after the intervention, with a large effect size. Post-intervention scores were significantly improved in 8 items, namely those related to the reporting of: (i) the content of any suicide note; (ii) headlines with methods of suicide; (iii) headlines with the location of suicide; (iv) cases of suspected suicide despite the unconfirmed cause of death; (v) suicide news to cater to readers' interests; (vi) cause of suicide; (vii) details of the location of suicide; and (viii) the negative impact to media community when reporting suicide stories. In particular, there was an improvement in the majority of items for people from the media community with no lived experience of suicidal behavior. Conclusion: The media safe reporting workshop is a potentially effective intervention for improving awareness and knowledge measures relating to safe reporting on suicide among the media community, with a more pronounced effect in those without lived experience of suicidal behavior. Limitations in the sample size, generalizability, short-term evaluation, and lack of a control group warrant future larger, longer-term controlled, and more representative studies.
  20. Loo JL, Mohamad Kamal NA, Goon JA, Ahmad Damanhuri H, Tan JAC, Abdul Murad NA, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:698911.
    PMID: 34916966 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.698911
    Background: Oxidative stress markers are found to be linked with depression and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder (BD), although the role of DNA damage as a marker of suicidal ideation and attempt has yet to be determined. We aim to investigate the association between DNA damage and suicidal behaviour, i.e., suicidal ideation and suicide attempt, among suicidal ideators in BD patients while accounting for clinical and psychosocial risk factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre on 62 consecutive BD patients diagnosed using the M.I.N.I. Neuropsychiatric Interview and 26 healthy control participants. Socio-demographic and clinical assessments were performed using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) for lifetime suicidal ideation and attempt, Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) for depression severity, Clinical Global Impression for Bipolar Disorder (CGI-BD) for illness severity [both mania (CGI-Mania) and major depressive episode (CGI-MDE)], Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) for change in life events, and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) for behavioural impulsivity. The degree of DNA damage in peripheral blood samples was determined using a standard protocol of comet assay. Results: Multivariable logistic regression revealed higher scores of CGI-MDE as the sole significant factor for lifetime suicidal ideation (OR = 1.937, 95% CI = 1.799-2.076). Although initial bivariate analysis showed a significant association between DNA damage, malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), and suicidal behaviour, the findings were not seen in multivariable logistic regression. Bivariate subgroup analysis showed that moderate and severe DNA damage (p = 0.032 and p = 0.047, respectively) was significantly associated with lifetime suicide attempts among lifetime suicidal ideators. The study is the first to look at the connexion between DNA damage and suicidal risk in bipolar patients. It is limited by the small sample size and lack of information on illicit substance use. Conclusions: More severe DNA damage was significantly associated with lifetime suicide attempts among lifetime suicidal ideators in BD. However, the severity of depression was found to be independently associated with lifetime suicidal ideation per se rather than DNA damage in BD. Larger prospective studies are required to ascertain the potential of DNA damage as a biomarker for the transition from suicidal ideation to a suicide attempt.
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