Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 388 in total

  1. Nadarajan VS, Sthaneshwar P, Jayaranee S
    Int J Lab Hematol, 2010 Apr;32(2):215-21.
    PMID: 19566741 DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-553X.2009.01174.x
    Individuals with alpha-thalassaemia (ATT), beta-thalassaemia (BTT) and HbE trait (HET) are often initially identified based on haematological parameters. However, the values of these parameters usually overlap with iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and anaemia of chronic disease (ACD). We evaluated the use of RBC-Y in 156 normal individuals and 332 patients; ATT (n = 37), BTT (n = 61), HET (n = 25), HbH disease (n = 5), ACD (n = 67), IDA (n = 83) and ACD with IDA (n = 54). Diagnostic efficiency was analysed by receiver operating characteristics (ROC). MCH was better compared with RBC-Y in discriminating normal from abnormal with sensitivity and specificity of 94% at a cut-off of 26 pg. The Green and King (G&K) index performed the best in discriminating carriers from IDA and ACD with area under the ROC curve (AUC(ROC)) of 0.81. However, if ACD was excluded, RBC-Y/MCV was a good discriminator for carriers from IDA with AUC(ROC) = 0.845. In general screening of populations with ATT, BTT and HET, we propose that hypochromic individuals be first identified by MCH <26 pg and carriers distinguished within these hypochromic individuals from IDA by using RBC-Y/MCV. However, if the prevalence of ACD were high within the screening population, G&K index would be a more suitable discriminator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/diagnosis; Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/genetics*
  2. Nadarajan VS, Eow GI
    Malays J Pathol, 2002 Dec;24(2):99-102.
    PMID: 12887168
    Iron deficiency is a major complication of regular blood donation as a result of regular iron loss from each donated blood unit. Ninety-two regular blood donors and 95 first time blood donors attending a hospital-based blood transfusion centre were assessed as to their haematological and iron status by blood counts and serum ferritin levels as an indicator of iron stores. All donors had passed the haemoglobin-screening test using a copper sulphate method prior to blood donation. Ferritin levels were found to be significantly lower among regular blood donors (47.8 mmol/L) as compared to first time blood donors (94.2 mmol/L). Iron deficiency as observed by low ferritin levels was seen in 7.4% of all first time donors as compared to 17.4% in regular donors. Male first time donors showed a low prevalence of iron deficiency but the prevalence significantly increased with regular blood donation. Female first time and regular blood donors however did not show any significant differences in prevalence of iron deficiency, with both groups exhibiting prevalence rates similar to male regular donors. The association between haemoglobin levels and iron deficiency was poor and the copper sulphate-screening test was found insensitive to anaemia with many donors passing the test and donating blood despite being anaemic. It is concluded that a high prevalence of iron deficiency is present among regular male blood donors and all female donors. Besides, the use of the copper sulphate screening test as a sole criterion for anaemia screening should be reviewed. Ferritin measurements should be included in the routine assessment of blood donors especially among regular blood donors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/blood; Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/epidemiology*
  3. Fadilah SA, Hamidah AB, Cheong SK
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):383-5.
    PMID: 11045070
    The presence of serum cold agglutinin can be the initial presentation of lymphoproliferative diseases. Conditions with persistent cold agglutinins are a spectrum of diseases that vary from benign lymphoproliferation of the "autoimmune-like chronic cold agglutinin disease" to malignant lymphoma. We report a case of a 72-year-old woman who presented with severe anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly and episodes of peripheral haemagglutination precipitated by cold exposure. The haemoglobin was 5.6 g/dL with a cold agglutinin titer of 1:256 at 4 degrees C and 1:8 at room temperature (30 degrees C). The cold agglutinin showed anti-I specificity and kappa light chain restriction. Peripheral blood showed atypical lymphoid cells with a B-cell immunophenotype. Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement study by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed an amplified band at 100 bp, consistent with a clonal proliferation of B-lymphocytes. We believe that our patient had cold antibody haemolytic anaemia as the initial presentation of a low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The association of cold antibody haemolytic anaemia with low-grade B-cell lymphoma is unusual.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Hemolytic/blood; Anemia, Hemolytic/etiology
  4. Nti J, Afagbedzi S, da-Costa Vroom FB, Ibrahim NA, Guure C
    Biomed Res Int, 2021;2021:9957160.
    PMID: 34395630 DOI: 10.1155/2021/9957160
    Background: The Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2014 report indicates that anemia among women in their reproductive age in the country stood at 42 percent, making it a severe public health problem according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. WHO Global Observatory data indicates that some sub-Saharan African countries have been able to reduce the prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age compared to Ghana in 2016. To inform policy decisions, data from the Demographic and Health Surveys 2014-2018 were analyzed to determine the disparities in the prevalence of anemia and related factors among women of reproductive age in Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda.

    Methods: This research utilized data from the Demographic and Health Surveys 2014, 2016, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016 from Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, respectively. Respondents were women aged between 15 and 49 years. Hemoglobin levels were measured by HemoCue hemoglobin meter. 45,299 women data were extracted from the five countries with 4,644, 14,923, 6,680, 13,064, and 5,988 from Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, respectively. Association between anemia and selected predictive variables was assessed using Pearson's chi-square test statistic. Poisson regression with robust standard errors was used to estimate the prevalence rate ratios of developing anemia. The deviance goodness of fit test was employed to test the fit of the Poisson model to the data set.

    Results: There was a statistically significant difference in prevalence of 1,962 (42.3%), 3,527 (23.6%), 1,284 (19.3%), 5,857 (44.8%), and 1,898 (31.7%) for Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, respectively, χ 2 = 2,181.86 and p value < 0.001. Parity, pregnancy status, and contraceptives significantly increased the prevalence rate ratio of a woman developing anemia. Women in Ethiopia with a parity of six or more were 58% more likely to develop anemia than those with parity of zero. Tanzanian women who were pregnant had a 14% increased rate ratio of developing anemia. Factors that significantly decreased anemia in this study were wealth index, women's age, and women's highest level of education. Women who were in the higher education category in Ethiopia were 57% less likely to develop anemia. Ugandan women in the richest category of the wealth index were 28% less likely to develop anemia. Rwandan women in the middle category of the wealth index were 20% less likely to develop anemia. Women who were within the 45-49 age category in Ethiopia were 48% less likely to develop anemia.

    Conclusion: The individual country governments should encourage the implementation of increasing female enrollment in higher education. Women in their reproductive age should be encouraged to use modern contraceptives to reduce their anemia prevalence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia/etiology; Anemia/epidemiology*
  5. Chuncharunee S, Wong R, Rojnuckarin P, Chang CS, Chang KM, Lu MY, et al.
    Int J Hematol, 2016 Oct;104(4):454-61.
    PMID: 27376944 DOI: 10.1007/s12185-016-2053-8
    Due to the unavailability of horse antithymocyte globulin (ATG) in many markets worldwide, patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) are limited to the use of rabbit ATG. We aimed to analyze hematologic response and overall survival (OS) of Asian patients treated with rabbit ATG as first-line therapy of SAA. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 97 consecutive patients who received rabbit ATG as first-line treatment of SAA from 2006 to 2012 at centers in four Asian countries. The primary endpoint was 6- and 12-month overall response rates (ORR) for patients receiving rabbit ATG within the recommended dose range (2.5-3.75 mg/kg/day). Secondary endpoints included ORR in patients receiving any dose of rabbit ATG and 2-year OS. For patients who received rabbit ATG within the recommended dose range, 6- and 12-month ORRs were 17.4 and 63.6 %, respectively. For patients who received any dose of rabbit ATG, 6- and 12-month ORRs were 24.3 and 68.6 %, respectively. The 2-year OS rate was 86.3 %. Rabbit ATG is effective for treatment of SAA in Asian patients. The 12-month ORR and 2-year OS with rabbit ATG were comparable to historical results obtained with horse ATG.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Aplastic/drug therapy*; Anemia, Aplastic/mortality
  6. Suzana Shahar, Lee X.K., Siti Balkis Budin, Mokhtar Abu Bakar, Nor Aini Umar, Junara Mohd Halim
    The relationship between anaemia and cognitive function was evaluated among 35 Chinese elderly (24 men and 11 women) aged 60 to 85 years (mean age 70.1 ± 6.7 years) from five old folks homes in Klang Valley. They were interviewed to obtain information on social and health status, habitual dietary intake and cognitive function. Hodkinson's Abbreviated Mental Test was used to measure the cognitive function. Haematological indices which included Full Blood Count (FBC), serum iron, serum ferritin, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), serum folate and serum cobalamine (vitamin B12) were measured using an automated analyzer. Anthropometric measurements and clinical signs of anaemia were also examined. The findings indicated that the prevalence of anaemia as assessed using haemoglobin alone was 22.9%, while iron deficiency anaemia based on low serum iron, microcytic and hypochromic criterion was detected among 5.7% of the sample. Subclinical folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies were diagnosed among 34.3% and 8.6% of the subjects. However, there was no occurrence of megaloblastic anaemia. There was a positive correlation between cognitive score with mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) (r=0.547, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia; Anemia, Megaloblastic; Anemia, Iron-Deficiency
  7. Dixit R, Nettem S, Madan SS, Soe HH, Abas AB, Vance LD, et al.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2016 Feb 16;2:CD011130.
    PMID: 26880182 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011130.pub2
    BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease is a group of disorders that affects haemoglobin, which causes distorted sickle- or crescent-shaped red blood cells. It is characterized by anaemia, increased susceptibility to infections and episodes of pain. The disease is acquired by inheriting abnormal genes from both parents, the combination giving rise to different forms of the disease. Due to increased erythropoiesis in people with sickle cell disease, it is hypothesized that they are at an increased risk for folate deficiency. For this reason, children and adults with sickle cell disease, particularly those with sickle cell anaemia, commonly take 1 mg of folic acid orally every day on the premise that this will replace depleted folate stores and reduce the symptoms of anaemia. It is thus important to evaluate the role of folate supplementation in treating sickle cell disease.

    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the efficacy and possible adverse effects of folate supplementation (folate occurring naturally in foods, provided as fortified foods or additional supplements such as tablets) in people with sickle cell disease.

    SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings. We also conducted additional searches in both electronic databases and clinical trial registries.Date of last search: 07 December 2015.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised, placebo-controlled trials of folate supplementation for sickle cell disease.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Four review authors assessed the eligibility and risk of bias of the included trials and extracted and analysed the data included in the review. We used the standard Cochrane-defined methodological procedures.

    MAIN RESULTS: One trial, undertaken in 1983, was eligible for inclusion in the review. This was a double-blind placebo-controlled quasi-randomised triaI of supplementation of folic acid in people with sickle cell disease. A total of 117 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease aged six months to four years of age participated over a one-year period (analysis was restricted to 115 children).Serum folate measures, obtained after trial entry at six and 12 months, were available in 80 of 115 (70%) participants. There were significant differences between the folic acid and placebo groups with regards to serum folate values above 18 µg/l and values below 5 µg/l. In the folic acid group, values above 18 µg/l were observed in 33 of 41 (81 %) compared to six of 39 (15%) participants in the placebo (calcium lactate) group. Additionally, there were no participants in the folic acid group with serum folate levels below 5 µg/l, whereas in the placebo group, 15 of 39 (39%) participants had levels below this threshold. Haematological indices were measured in 100 of 115 (87%) participants at baseline and at one year. After adjusting for sex and age group, the investigators reported no significant differences between the trial groups with regards to total haemoglobin concentrations, either at baseline or at one year. It is important to note that none of the raw data for the outcomes listed above were available for analysis.The proportions of participants who experienced certain clinical events were analysed in all 115 participants, for which raw data were available. There were no statistically significant differences noted; however, the trial was not powered to investigate differences between the folic acid and placebo groups with regards to: minor infections, risk ratio 0.99 (95% confidence interval 0.85 to 1.15); major infections, risk ratio 0.89 (95% confidence interval 0.47 to 1.66); dactylitis, risk ratio 0.67 (95% confidence interval 0.35 to 1.27); acute splenic sequestration, risk ratio 1.07 (95% confidence interval 0.44 to 2.57); or episodes of pain, risk ratio 1.16 (95% confidence interval 0.70 to 1.92). However, the investigators reported a higher proportion of repeat dactylitis episodes in the placebo group, with two or more attacks occurring in 10 of 56 participants compared to two of 59 in the folic acid group (P < 0.05).Growth, determined by height-for-age and weight-for-age, as well as height and growth velocity, was measured in 103 of the 115 participants (90%), for which raw data were not available. The investigators reported no significant differences in growth between the two groups.The trial had a high risk of bias with regards to random sequence generation and incomplete outcome data. There was an unclear risk of bias in relation to allocation concealment, outcome assessment, and selective reporting. Finally, There was a low risk of bias with regards to blinding of participants and personnel. Overall the quality of the evidence in the review was low.There were no trials identified for other eligible comparisons, namely: folate supplementation (fortified foods and physical supplementation with tablets) versus placebo; folate supplementation (naturally occurring in diet) versus placebo; folate supplementation (fortified foods and physical supplementation with tablets) versus folate supplementation (naturally occurring in diet).

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: One doubIe-blind, placebo-controlled triaI on folic acid supplementation in children with sickle cell disease was included in the review. Overall, the trial presented mixed evidence on the review's outcomes. No trials in adults were identified. With the limited evidence provided, we conclude that, while it is possible that folic acid supplementation may increase serum folate levels, the effect of supplementation on anaemia and any symptoms of anaemia remains unclear.Further trials may add evidence regarding the efficacy of folate supplementation. Future trials should assess clinical outcomes such as folate concentration, haemoglobin concentration, adverse effects and benefits of the intervention, especially with regards to sickle cell disease-related morbidity. Trials should include people with sickle cell disease of all ages and both sexes, in any setting. To investigate the effects of folate supplementation, trials should recruit more participants and be of longer duration, with long-term follow up, than the trial currently included in this review.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Sickle Cell/blood; Anemia, Sickle Cell/drug therapy*
  8. Siti-Noor AS, Wan-Maziah WM, Narazah MY, Quah BS
    Singapore Med J, 2006 Nov;47(11):935-9.
    PMID: 17075659
    To determine the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in Kelantanese pre-school children and to identify risk factors that best predict the presence of ID.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/etiology*; Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/epidemiology
  9. Abdullah HR, Ang AL, Froessler B, Hofmann A, Jang JH, Kim YW, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 2020 Jun;61(6):287-296.
    PMID: 31044255 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2019037
    Preoperative anaemia is common in the Asia-Pacific. Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is a risk factor that can be addressed under patient blood management (PBM) Pillar 1, leading to reduced morbidity and mortality. We examined PBM implementation under four different healthcare systems, identified challenges and proposed several measures: (a) Test for anaemia once patients are scheduled for surgery. (b) Inform patients about risks of preoperative anaemia and benefits of treatment. (c) Treat IDA and replenish iron stores before surgery, using intravenous iron when oral treatment is ineffective, not tolerated or when rapid iron replenishment is needed; transfusion should not be the default management. (d) Harness support from multiple medical disciplines and relevant bodies to promote PBM implementation. (e) Demonstrate better outcomes and cost savings from reduced mortality and morbidity. Although PBM implementation may seem complex and daunting, it is feasible to start small. Implementing PBM Pillar 1, particularly in preoperative patients, is a sensible first step regardless of the healthcare setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia; Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/drug therapy*
  10. Dixit R, Nettem S, Madan SS, Soe HHK, Abas AB, Vance LD, et al.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2018 Mar 16;3(3):CD011130.
    PMID: 29546732 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011130.pub3
    BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of disorders that affects haemoglobin, which causes distorted sickle- or crescent-shaped red blood cells. It is characterized by anaemia, increased susceptibility to infections and episodes of pain. The disease is acquired by inheriting abnormal genes from both parents, the combination giving rise to different forms of the disease. Due to increased erythropoiesis in people with SCD, it is hypothesized that they are at an increased risk for folate deficiency. For this reason, children and adults with SCD, particularly those with sickle cell anaemia, commonly take 1 mg of folic acid orally every day on the premise that this will replace depleted folate stores and reduce the symptoms of anaemia. It is thus important to evaluate the role of folate supplementation in treating SCD.

    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the efficacy and possible adverse effects of folate supplementation (folate occurring naturally in foods, provided as fortified foods or additional supplements such as tablets) in people with SCD.

    SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings. We also conducted additional searches in both electronic databases and clinical trial registries.Date of last search of the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register: 17 November 2017.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised, placebo-controlled trials of folate supplementation for SCD.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Four review authors assessed We used the standard Cochrane-defined methodological procedures.Four review authors independently assessed the eligibility and risk of bias of the included trials and extracted and analysed the data included in the review. The quality of the evidence was assessed using GRADE.

    MAIN RESULTS: One trial, undertaken in 1983, was eligible for inclusion in the review. This was a double-blind placebo-controlled quasi-randomised triaI of supplementation of folic acid in people with SCD. A total of 117 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease aged six months to four years of age participated over a one-year period (analysis was restricted to 115 children).Serum folate measures, obtained after trial entry at six and 12 months, were available in 80 of 115 (70%) participants. There were significant differences between the folic acid and placebo groups with regards to serum folate values above 18 µg/L and values below 5 µg/L (low-quality evidence). In the folic acid group, values above 18 µg/L were observed in 33 of 41 (81%) compared to six of 39 (15%) participants in the placebo (calcium lactate) group. Additionally, there were no participants in the folic acid group with serum folate levels below 5 µg/L, whereas in the placebo group, 15 of 39 (39%) participants had levels below this threshold. Haematological indices were measured in 100 of 115 (87%) participants at baseline and at one year. After adjusting for sex and age group, the investigators reported no significant differences between the trial groups with regards to total haemoglobin concentrations, either at baseline or at one year (low-quality evidence). It is important to note that none of the raw data for the outcomes listed above were available for analysis.The proportions of participants who experienced certain clinical events were analysed in all 115 participants, for which raw data were available. There were no statistically significant differences noted; however, the trial was not powered to investigate differences between the folic acid and placebo groups with regards to: minor infections, risk ratio (RR) 0.99 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85 to 1.15) (low-quality evidence); major infections, RR 0.89 (95% CI 0.47 to 1.66) (low-quality evidence); dactylitis, RR 0.67 (95% CI 0.35 to 1.27) (low-quality evidence); acute splenic sequestration, RR 1.07 (95% CI 0.44 to 2.57) (low-quality evidence); or episodes of pain, RR 1.16 (95% CI 0.70 to 1.92) (low-quality evidence). However, the investigators reported a higher proportion of repeat dactylitis episodes in the placebo group, with two or more attacks occurring in 10 of 56 participants compared to two of 59 in the folic acid group (P < 0.05).Growth, determined by height-for-age and weight-for-age, as well as height and growth velocity, was measured in 103 of the 115 participants (90%), for which raw data were not available. The investigators reported no significant differences in growth between the two groups.The trial had a high risk of bias with regards to random sequence generation and incomplete outcome data. There was an unclear risk of bias in relation to allocation concealment, outcome assessment, and selective reporting. Finally, There was a low risk of bias with regards to blinding of participants and personnel. Overall the quality of the evidence in the review was low.There were no trials identified for other eligible comparisons, namely: folate supplementation (fortified foods and physical supplementation with tablets) versus placebo; folate supplementation (naturally occurring in diet) versus placebo; folate supplementation (fortified foods and physical supplementation with tablets) versus folate supplementation (naturally occurring in diet).

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: One doubIe-blind, placebo-controlled triaI on folic acid supplementation in children with SCD was included in the review. Overall, the trial presented mixed evidence on the review's outcomes. No trials in adults were identified. With the limited evidence provided, we conclude that, while it is possible that folic acid supplementation may increase serum folate levels, the effect of supplementation on anaemia and any symptoms of anaemia remains unclear.If further trials were conducted, these may add evidence regarding the efficacy of folate supplementation. Future trials should assess clinical outcomes such as folate concentration, haemoglobin concentration, adverse effects and benefits of the intervention, especially with regards to SCD-related morbidity. Such trials should include people with SCD of all ages and both sexes, in any setting. To investigate the effects of folate supplementation, trials should recruit more participants and be of longer duration, with long-term follow-up, than the trial currently included in this review. However, we do not envisage further trials of this intervention will be conducted, and hence the review will no longer be regularly updated.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Sickle Cell/blood; Anemia, Sickle Cell/drug therapy*
  11. Sagin DD, Ismail G, Mohamad M, Pang EK, Sya OT
    PMID: 12236440
    A cross-sectional survey of 365 individuals, (51.9% males, 48.1% females; ages 5-85 years), from five remote interior communities in upper Rejang River basin Sarawak, Malaysia, found 24.4% were anemic. The range and mean of Hb concentration in male and female were: 7.2-17.0 mg/ml and 13.7 mg/ml and 7.9-15.7 mg/ml and 12.9 mg/ml respectively. Amongst the five tribes surveyed, the prevalence of anemia (range: 10.6-46.7%), was higher among the Penans (46.7%), Kenyahs (31.1%), Kajangs (27.8%) and Kayans (19.3%), than amongst the Ukits (10.6%). Anemia is more common among males >40 years and among adolescents and young reproductive females, as well as elderly females > 61 years old. Of the 83 anemic individuals, 6.0% and 3.6% had Trichuris trichiura or hookworm respectively; however there is no clear association with intestinal worm infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia/complications; Anemia/epidemiology*
  12. Muzaffar TM, Shaifuzain AR, Imran Y, Haslina MN
    PMID: 19058606
    In this study, we compared the platelet count with erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR) in patients with tuberculous spondylitis to evaluate the correlation. This was a retrospective 3-year study covering January 2004 to December 2006 at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Platelet counts, hemoglobin levels, ESR, peripheral blood counts and peripheral blood smears on 17 patients with tuberculous spondylitis were obtained. The ages of the patients ranged from 20- to 70-years-old. The male to female ratio was 3.2:1. The majority of the patients were anemic (88.2%) and 52.9% of the patients had thrombocytosis. All the patients had normal lymphocyte counts and a high in ESR at diagnosis. There was a linear correlation between the platelet count and ESR (r = 0.60, p < 0.01). The platelet count was also significantly correlated with the hemoglobin level (r = -0.6, p < 0.02). The degree of thrombocytosis was related to the degree of inflammation measured by the ESR. Thrombocytosis also correlated with the hemoglobin level. We suggest that evaluating hematological values in suspected cases of tuberculosis should be considered. The presence of hematological changes should raise the suspicion of tuberculosis in spondylitis patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia/blood; Anemia/microbiology
  13. Cappellini MD, Viprakasit V, Georgiev P, Coates TD, Origa R, Khelif A, et al.
    Lancet Haematol, 2025 Mar;12(3):e180-e189.
    PMID: 39947215 DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3026(24)00376-4
    BACKGROUND: Treatments to reduce red blood cell (RBC) transfusion burden among patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia remain limited. Here, we report long-term follow-up data from the phase 3 BELIEVE trial of luspatercept for transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia.

    METHODS: BELIEVE was a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study performed at 65 sites in 15 countries. The trial included adults with transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia or haemoglobin E/β-thalassaemia and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score of 0-1. Patients were randomly assigned (2:1) using integrated response technology stratified by region to luspatercept (1·0-1·25 mg/kg) or placebo administered subcutaneously once every 21 days. After study unblinding, patients could receive luspatercept in the open-label extension phase (crossover allowed). The primary endpoint results (proportion of patients with reduction in transfusion burden of ≥33% and ≥2 RBC units during weeks 13-24) are described elsewhere; herein we present an update to the primary endpoint analysis consequent to late-reported transfusion events. We also report long-term efficacy (intention-to-treat population) and safety data (safety population) for patients followed up for approximately 3 years. This trial is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02604433) and is completed.

    FINDINGS: Between May 2, 2016, and May 16, 2017, 336 patients were randomly assigned to luspatercept (n=224) or placebo (n=112). The median age of patients was 30 years (IQR 23-40); 195 (58%) were female and 141 (42%) male. As of Jan 5, 2021, the median duration of treatment in the luspatercept group was 153·6 weeks (IQR 81·0-171·0) and median study follow-up was 163·1 weeks (140·5-176·2). Due to the difference in treatment duration between the luspatercept and placebo groups, no comparative analyses between the two groups were performed after week 96. Patients in the luspatercept group showed a sustained reduction in RBC transfusion burden from baseline through week 192, with mean decreases of 6·2 RBC units (SD 5·7) during weeks 97-144 and 6·4 RBC units (4·3) during weeks 145-192. In the luspatercept group, a 33% or greater reduction in transfusion burden from baseline was observed in 173 (77%) patients over any 12-week interval and in 116 (52%) patients over any 24-week interval. The median total duration of 33% or greater transfusion burden reduction response during any period of at least 12 weeks was 586·0 days (IQR 264·0-1010·0). The most common grade 3 or worse treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) among all patients who received luspatercept (n=315, including 92 patients who crossed over after study unblinding) were anaemia (nine [3%]), increased liver iron concentration (seven [2%]), and bone pain (seven [2%]); serious TEAEs occurred in 71 (23%) patients. No treatment-related deaths occurred in any group during the study.

    INTERPRETATION: These long-term results affirm luspatercept's efficacy in addressing key unmet needs of patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassaemia with a manageable safety profile.

    FUNDING: Celgene and Acceleron Pharma.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia/drug therapy; Anemia/etiology
  14. Eng LL, Lopez CG, Eapen JS, Eravelly J, Wiltshire BG, Lehmann H
    J Med Genet, 1972 Sep;9(3):340-3.
    PMID: 5079107 DOI: 10.1136/jmg.9.3.340
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic/blood*; Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic/enzymology; Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic/genetics; Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic/urine
  15. Katakam PK, Hegde AP, Venkataramaiahyappa M
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Jan 12;2018.
    PMID: 29330271 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-222302
    Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegans is a known cause of megaloblastic anaemia. We report an adolescent girl who presented with jaundice and weight loss for 6 months secondary to vitamin B12 deficiency, leading to megaloblastic anaemia. Replacement with vitamin B12 reversed her symptoms, resulting in weight gain, and normalised her haemoglobin, red blood cell morphology, bilirubin levels and serum vitamin B12 levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Megaloblastic/diet therapy*; Anemia, Megaloblastic/etiology; Anemia, Megaloblastic/physiopathology; Anemia, Megaloblastic/psychology
  16. Susanto TAK, Bhattacharyya R
    J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2017 Jul;39(5):408-409.
    PMID: 28644307 DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000000814
    Dimorphism in peripheral blood film was noted in a 16 year old Malay boy with anemia who was eventually diagnosed with X-linked sideroblastic anemia. A mutation in ALAS2 S568G was identified which has not been described previously in a Malay ethnic group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Sideroblastic/diagnosis*; Anemia, Sideroblastic/drug therapy; Anemia, Sideroblastic/ethnology; Anemia, Sideroblastic/genetics
  17. Shmukler BE, Kedar PS, Warang P, Desai M, Madkaikar M, Ghosh K, et al.
    Am J Hematol, 2010 Oct;85(10):824-8.
    PMID: 20799361 DOI: 10.1002/ajh.21836
    Familial distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) can be caused by mutations in the Cl2/HCO32 exchanger of the renal Type A intercalated cell, kidney AE1/SLC4A1. dRTA-associated AE1 mutations have been reported in families from North America, Europe, Thailand, Malaysia, Papua-New Guinea, Taiwan, and the Philippines, but not India. The dRTA mutation AE1 A858D has been detected only in the context of compound heterozygosity. We report here two unrelated Indian patients with combined hemolytic anemia and dRTA who share homozygous A858D mutations of the AE1/SLC4A1 gene. The mutation creates a novel restriction site that is validated for diagnostic screening.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/complications; Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital/genetics*; Anemia, Macrocytic/complications; Anemia, Macrocytic/drug therapy
  18. Choy YC, Lim WL, Ng SH
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Oct;62(4):299-302.
    PMID: 18551933 MyJurnal
    The main goal of perioperative transfusion is to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with inadequate delivery of oxygen to the tissues during surgery. In this audit, the primary trigger for transfusion was clinical anaemia assessed by examination of a patient's conjunctiva [40.7%] followed by estimation of blood loss of greater 20% of total blood volume [29.3%]. Haemoglobin estimation in the operation theater was not done in 45.9% of studied patients and only 7.8% patients had transfusion based on this criteria. A common practice is to transfuse blood for hypovolaemia. This was the indication for blood transfusion in 96 patients (7.8%). Inappropriate use of blood in this way has led to wastage of a valuable resource and exposed patients to potential risks of unwanted side effects. Analysis of haemoglobin estimation at recovery room showed 32% of patient with co-morbidities had Hb > 10 gm% while 65% and 29.5% of patients without co-morbidities had Hb > 8 gm% and 10 gm% respectively. This reflects the practice of anaesthetists in maintaining a target of Hb of 10 gm% for both groups of patients while a target of 8 gm% is still relatively safe for patients with good cardiovascular reserves. This has resulted in signifant use of homologous blood which will certainly burden the blood bank and increase the cost of healthcare.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia/etiology; Anemia/prevention & control*
  19. Leong CF, Zainina S, Cheong SK
    Malays J Pathol, 2005 Jun;27(1):39-43.
    PMID: 16676692
    Anaemia is a frequent complication in patients with haematological malignancies and is caused by a variety of mechanisms including neoplastic cell infiltration into the bone marrow, haemolysis, nutritional deficiencies and defect in erythropoiesis or dysplastic anaemia as a result of the disease itself. However, acquired dysplastic anaemia which mimic congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia (CDA) type II morphology in the bone marrow is very rare. A 41-year-old Chinese man presented with refractory symptomatic anaemia in September 2001. He was clinically pale with no other significant physical finding. His initial peripheral blood picture showed normochromic normocytic anaemia with haemoglobin level of 26g/L, with no evidence of haemolysis and a poor reticulocyte response of 0.6%. Bone marrow aspiration was done and showed congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia (CDA) type II-like morphology. He was treated symptomatically with regular blood transfusions approximately every 3 weeks, until August 2002 when he developed multiple cervical lymphadenopathy with loss of appetite, loss of weight and low grade fever. Biopsy of the lymph node confirmed the diagnosis of small lymphocytic lymphoma. Staging with computed tomography and bone marrow aspirate revealed the infiltration of lymphoma cells into the marrow cavity consistent with the staging of IVB. This case report illustrates that CDA type II-like dysplastic anaemia can preceed the development of lymphoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital/pathology*; Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital/physiopathology
  20. Hasmah MS, Omar AR, Wan KF, Hair-Bejo M, Aini I
    Acta Virol., 2004;48(2):85-9.
    PMID: 15462283
    It has been shown that a chicken anemia virus (CAV) isolates which had undergone 60 passages in MSB-1 cells (SMSC-1/P60, 3-1/P60) acquired 33-66 nucleotide substitutions at the coding region resulting in 13-16 amino acid changes as compared to the CAV isolates passaged only 5 times in MSB-1 cells (SMSC-1 and 3-1) (Chowdhury et al., Arch. Virol. 148, 2437-2448, 2003). In this study we found that a low CAV (BL-5) and a high CAV passage (BL-5/P90) differed by only 15 nucleotide substitutions resulting in 11 amino acid changes. Phylogenetic analysis based on VP1 also revealed that both isolates were close to each other but not to other CAV isolates from Malaysia, namely SMSC-1 and 3-1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chicken anemia virus/genetics*; Chicken anemia virus/growth & development*
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