Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 248 in total

  1. Nik Adib NA, Ibrahim MI, Ab Rahman A, Bakar RS, Yahaya NA, Hussin S, et al.
    PMID: 31091735 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16101684
    BACKGROUND: Caregivers are the initial gatekeepers in the health care management of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the factors associated with caregivers' satisfaction with different levels of health care services in managing children with ASD in Kelantan. The satisfaction scores of 227 main caregivers of confirmed ASD children were assessed with a modified Parent Satisfaction Scale (PSS) questionnaire.

    RESULTS: The analysis showed that caregivers who waited longer for a doctor's consultation in primary care had a reduced PSS score, whereas caregivers who were satisfied with the waiting time in primary care had higher PSS scores. At the secondary care level, caregivers who possessed at least a diploma had reduced PSS scores, whereas caregivers who were satisfied with both doctors' consultation times and occupational therapy appointments had higher PSS scores. At the tertiary care level, caregivers with an underlying medical problem and who had children undergoing occupational therapy for two months or more had reduced PSS scores. Nevertheless, the analysis showed that caregivers who were concerned with their children's sleeping problems, who had been informed about parental support, who were satisfied with speech and occupational therapy appointments, who were satisfied with waiting times at tertiary care clinics, and who were satisfied with their doctor's knowledge and experience had higher PSS scores.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study elucidated the importance of understanding caregivers' satisfaction in attaining care for their ASD children and highlighted the need to promote factors that would increase caregivers' satisfaction with current ASD services.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*
  2. Baharudin AD, Din NC, Subramaniam P, Razali R
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Jun 13;19(Suppl 4):447.
    PMID: 31196141 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6868-0
    BACKGROUND: The main aim of this study was to determine the association between Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) and caregiver burden, and the mediating role of coping strategy and personality style of caregivers to patients with dementia (PWD).

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 202 caregivers to PWD in home-based settings. Recruited caregivers were administered questionnaires regarding BPSD which was measured using Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q), caregiver burden using Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Brief COPE for coping strategies and Big-Five Inventory which measured personality traits.

    RESULTS: Majority of the caregivers were female (71.3%), aged 50 and above (55%), single (46%), married (43.6%), working full time (45%) while the rest work part time (22.3%), unemployed (7.4%) and retiree (25.2%), and majority were parents (58.9%) and spouse (18.3%). The duration of caregiving was less than a year (33.7%) while the rest are more than a year. Results demonstrated that the most frequent types of BPSD exhibited by PWD was irritability, followed by apathy and agitation. All of the types of BPSD showed to be significantly correlated to caregiver burden except for anxiety, elation and appetite. Of personality traits, only conscientiousness was found to mediate the relationship between BPSD and caregiver burden (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*
  3. Horn R, Heng C, Chea C, Sieng C, Louv C, Turton B, et al.
    Gerodontology, 2018 Mar;35(1):45-50.
    PMID: 29226455 DOI: 10.1111/ger.12315
    OBJECTIVE: Older adults (those above the age of 60) are an emerging demographic in Cambodia, and very little is understood about their oral health experiences, needs, perceptions and behaviours. The aim of this study was to explore the oral health experiences, practices and perceptions of a convenience sample of a small but diverse group of older adults in Cambodia.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional qualitative study in which focus group interviews were conducted by 5 trained senior Cambodian dental students. A convenience sample of 56 older adults and caregivers was recruited across urban, semi-urban and rural locations. Focus group conversations were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically.

    RESULTS: The themes that emerged were around low expectations for both general health and oral health. A communal responsibility for health was expressed, and both money and transport were identified as key barriers to accessing care. Participants recognised that they had oral health problems, and acknowledged the impact of poor oral function on health and nutrition.

    CONCLUSION: This study is an important first step in better understanding the oral health experiences and perceptions of older people in Cambodia. Participants described the impacts of poor oral health as being important, even when compared with other general health conditions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers*
  4. Hamzaid NH, Flood VM, Prvan T, O'Connor HT
    J Intellect Disabil Res, 2018 05;62(5):422-430.
    PMID: 29484759 DOI: 10.1111/jir.12480
    BACKGROUND: Good nutrition knowledge among carers of people with intellectual disability (ID) living in group homes is essential as they have a primary role in food provision for residents. Research on the nutrition knowledge of carers is limited.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional study assessed the level of general nutrition knowledge in a convenience sample of Australian carers (C) of people with ID and compared this to the general Australian community (CM). Nutrition knowledge was evaluated using the validated General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire. Total knowledge score as well as performance on instrument sub-sections (dietary guidelines, nutrient sources, healthy food choices and diet disease relationships) were assessed (expressed as %). Knowledge scores were adjusted for known confounders (age, sex, education level, BMI, living arrangement and English spoken at home) using generalised linear modelling.

    RESULTS: A total of 589 participants were recruited (C: n = 40; CM: n = 549). Age (C: 40.8 ± 12.1 year; CM: 37.8 ± 13.3 years; P = 0.145), sex distribution (C: 62.5%; CM: 67.2% female; P = 0.602) and English spoken at home (C: 82.5%; CM: 89.6%; P = 0.183) were similar between groups, but BMI (C: 28.5 ± 5.7 kgm-2 ; CM: 25.3 kgm-2 ; P = 0.002) was significantly lower and tertiary education (C: 52.5%; CM: 85.1%; P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/statistics & numerical data*
  5. Aman Z, Liew SM, Ramdzan SN, Philp I, Khoo EM
    Singapore Med J, 2020 May;61(5):238-245.
    PMID: 31423540 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2019100
    INTRODUCTION: Many older people rely on caregivers for support. Caring for older people can pose significant burdens for caregivers yet may also have positive effects. This study aimed to assess the impact on the caregivers and to determine factors associated with caregivers who were burdened.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 385 caregivers of older people who attended a community clinic in Malaysia. Convenience sampling was employed during the study period on caregivers who were aged ≥ 21 years and provided ≥ 4 hours of unpaid support per week. Participants were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire, which included the Carers of Older People in Europe (COPE) index and the EASYCare Standard 2010 independence score. The COPE index was used to assess the impact of caregiving. A highly burdened caregiver was defined as one whose scores for all three COPE subscales were positive for burden. Care recipients' independence was assessed using the independence score of the EASYCare Standard 2010 questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the factors associated with caregiver burden.

    RESULTS: 73 (19.0%) caregivers were burdened, of whom two were highly burdened. Caregivers' median scores on the positive value, negative impact and quality of support scales were 13.0, 9.0 and 12.0, respectively. Care recipients' median independence score was 18.0. Ethnicity and education levels were found to be associated with caregiver burden.

    CONCLUSION: Most caregivers gained satisfaction and felt supported in caregiving. Ethnicity and education level were associated with a caregiver being burdened.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*
  6. Arrivé E, Ayaya S, Davies MA, Chimbetete C, Edmonds A, Lelo P, et al.
    J Int AIDS Soc, 2018 Jul;21(7):e25157.
    PMID: 29972632 DOI: 10.1002/jia2.25157
    INTRODUCTION: Disclosure of HIV status to HIV-infected children and adolescents is a major care challenge. We describe current site characteristics related to disclosure of HIV status in resource-limited paediatric HIV care settings within the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium.

    METHODS: An online site assessment survey was conducted across the paediatric HIV care sites within six global regions of IeDEA. A standardized questionnaire was administered to the sites through the REDCap platform.

    RESULTS: From June 2014 to March 2015, all 180 sites of the IeDEA consortium in 31 countries completed the online survey: 57% were urban, 43% were health centres and 86% were integrated clinics (serving both adults and children). Almost all the sites (98%) reported offering disclosure counselling services. Disclosure counselling was most often provided by counsellors (87% of sites), but also by nurses (77%), physicians (74%), social workers (68%), or other clinicians (65%). It was offered to both caregivers and children in 92% of 177 sites with disclosure counselling. Disclosure resources and procedures varied across geographical regions. Most sites in each region reported performing staff members' training on disclosure (72% to 96% of sites per region), routinely collecting HIV disclosure status (50% to 91%) and involving caregivers in the disclosure process (71% to 100%). A disclosure protocol was available in 14% to 71% of sites. Among the 143 sites (79%) routinely collecting disclosure status process, the main collection method was by asking the caregiver or child (85%) about the child's knowledge of his/her HIV status. Frequency of disclosure status assessment was every three months in 63% of the sites, and 71% stored disclosure status data electronically.

    CONCLUSION: The majority of the sites reported offering disclosure counselling services, but educational and social support resources and capacities for data collection varied across regions. Paediatric HIV care sites worldwide still need specific staff members' training on disclosure, development and implementation of guidelines for HIV disclosure, and standardized data collection on this key issue to ensure the long-term health and wellbeing of HIV-infected youth.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers*
  7. Aziz NA, Pindus DM, Mullis R, Walter FM, Mant J
    BMJ Open, 2016 Jan 06;6(1):e009244.
    PMID: 26739728 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009244
    INTRODUCTION: Despite the rising prevalence of stroke, no comprehensive model of postacute stroke care exists. Research on stroke has focused on acute care and early supported discharge, with less attention dedicated to longer term support in the community. Likewise, relatively little research has focused on long-term support for informal carers. This review aims to synthesise and appraise extant qualitative evidence on: (1) long-term healthcare needs of stroke survivors and informal carers, and (2) their experiences of primary care and community health services. The review will inform the development of a primary care model for stroke survivors and informal carers.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will systematically search 4 databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and CINAHL for published qualitative evidence on the needs and experiences of stroke survivors and informal carers of postacute care delivered by primary care and community health services. Additional searches of reference lists and citation indices will be conducted. The quality of articles will be assessed by 2 independent reviewers using a Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist. Disagreements will be resolved through discussion or third party adjudication. Meta-ethnography will be used to synthesise the literature based on first-order, second-order and third-order constructs. We will construct a theoretical model of stroke survivors' and informal carers' experiences of primary care and community health services.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The results of the systematic review will be disseminated via publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at a relevant conference. The study does not require ethical approval as no patient identifiable data will be used.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*
  8. Chong ASS, Ahmad M, Mohd Harizan NB, Alias H, Iqbal Hussain R, Lateh A, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2023 Jun 01;24(6):1923-1929.
    PMID: 37378920 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.6.1923
    OBJECTIVE: The caregivers of children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) are believed to experience post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), depression and anxiety. This present study endeavoured to explore the prevalence and predictors of PTSS, depression, and anxiety among the caregivers of children with ALL.

    METHODS: Purposive sampling was used to select the 73 caregivers of children with ALL who participated in this cross-sectional study. The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to measure psychological distress.

    RESULT: There was a low prevalence (11%) of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the participants. Although all the criteria for PTSD were not met, a few post-traumatic symptoms remained, suggesting that PTSS was likely present. Most of the participants reported minimal symptoms of depression (79.5%) and anxiety (65.8%). Anxiety, depression, and ethnicity predicted the PTSS scores (R2 = .77, p =.000). Subsequently, depression predicted the PTSS scores (R2 = 0.42, p =0.000). Participants of 'Other' or 'Indigenous' ethnicity had lower PTSS scores and higher anxiety scores (R2 = 0.75, p =0.000) than participants of Malay ethnicity.

    CONCLUSION: The caregivers of children with ALL experience post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), depression, and anxiety. These variables co-exist and may have different trajectories in different ethnic groups. Therefore, healthcare providers should take ethnicity and psychological distress into consideration when providing paediatric oncology treatment and care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology
  9. Tan SH
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Nov;27(8 Suppl):41S-51S.
    PMID: 26122314 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515592461
    Information on unmet health care needs reveal problems that are related to unavailability and inaccessibility of services. The study objectives were to determine the prevalence, and the reasons for unmet service needs among children with disabilities in the state of Penang, Malaysia. Caregivers of children with disabilities aged 0 to 12 years registered with the Penang Social Welfare Department in 2012 answered a self-administered mailed questionnaire. A total of 305 questionnaires were available for analysis (response rate 37.9%). Services that were very much needed and yet highly unmet were dental services (49.6% needed, 59.9% unmet), dietary advice (30.9% needed, 63.3% unmet), speech therapy (56.9% needed, 56.8% unmet), psychology services (25.5% needed, 63.3% unmet), and communication aids (33.0% needed, 79.2% unmet). Access problems were mainly due to logistic issues and caregivers not knowing where to obtain services. Findings from this study can be used to inform strategies for service delivery and advocacy for children with disabilities in Penang, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/statistics & numerical data
  10. Lee WS, Toh TH, Chai PF, Soo TL
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2011 Aug;47(8):535-40.
    PMID: 21392144 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2011.02017.x
    To analyse the self-reported degree of and factors influencing the compliance to desferrioxamine (DFO) therapy in children with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia major in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*; Caregivers/statistics & numerical data
  11. Abdul Majid AH, Zakaria MN, Abdullah NAC, Hamzah S, Mukari SZS
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2017 Oct;101:107-111.
    PMID: 28964278 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2017.07.036
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to investigate the effects of perceived attitude and anxiety on awareness of UNHS among caregivers in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Using cross sectional research approach, data were collected and some 46 out of 87 questionnaires distributed to caregivers attending UNHS programs at selected public hospitals were usable for analysis (response rate of 52.8%). Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) algorithm and bootstrapping technique were employed to test the hypotheses of the study.

    RESULTS: R square value is 0.205, and it implies that exogenous latent variables explained 21% of the variance of the endogenous latent variable. This value indicates moderate and acceptable level of R-squared values. Findings from PLS structural model evaluation revealed that anxiety has no significant influence (β = -0.091, t = 0.753, p > 0.10) on caregivers' awareness; but perceived attitude has significant effect (β = -0.444, t = 3.434, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology*; Caregivers/statistics & numerical data
  12. Choo WY, Low WY, Karina R, Poi PJ, Ebenezer E, Prince MJ
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2003;15(1):23-9.
    PMID: 14620494 DOI: 10.1177/101053950301500105
    This study aims to examine selected factors of dementia patients and their caregivers that were associated with the burden of family caregivers. This cross sectional study involves face-to-face interview with family caregivers of patients with dementia. Participants were recruited through convenient sampling from geriatric and psychiatry outpatient clinics from three government hospitals, one university hospital, one rural health centre and Alzheimer Disease caregivers' support groups. 70 caregivers took part in the study. Measures included patient and caregiver demographic variables and caregiver burden using the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI). Caregiver burden was found to be significantly associated with both ethnicity and informal support. Chinese caregivers were found to have a higher level of burden compared to Indians and Malays. Informal support, in particular assistance from family members, was significantly associated with a lower burden perceived by the caregivers. However, the study shows that formal support such as assistance from maids and private nurses did not alleviate the burden of caregivers. Results highlighted the importance of improving the coping skills in burdened caregivers particularly among family members with dementia relatives. Interventions should be designed for specific needs of caregivers of different ethnicities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/classification; Caregivers/psychology*
  13. Tham SW, Wong MF, Ismail MB, Ismail Bukhary NBB
    BMC Psychol, 2025 Jan 09;13(1):25.
    PMID: 39789657 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-024-02279-3
    BACKGROUND: Child maltreatment in daycare is a public health issue. As childcare is stressful, high care provider negativity independently predicts more internalizing behaviour problems, affecting children's psycho-neurological development. This study aimed to determine psychosocial factors associated with the mental health of preschool care providers in Kuala Lumpur.

    METHODS: A random cluster sampling cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2019. The study involved registered care providers for preschoolers under four years old without acute psychiatric illness. The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (Malay-CES-D) and Karasek's Job Content Questionnaires (Malay-JCQ) were used to assess depression symptoms and psychosocial job-related risks. Logistic regression (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers/psychology; Caregivers/statistics & numerical data
  14. Ab Malik N, Zhang J, Lam OL, Jin L, McGrath C
    J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2017 01;24(1):209-217.
    PMID: 27274013 DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocw045
    Computer-aided learning (CAL) offers enormous potential in disseminating oral health care information to patients and caregivers. The effectiveness of CAL, however, remains unclear.

    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to systematically review published evidence on the effectiveness of CAL in disseminating oral health care information to patients and caregivers.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A structured comprehensive search was undertaken among 7 electronic databases (PUBMED, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, SCOPUS, WEB of SCIENCE, the Cochrane Library, and PsycINFO) to identify relevant studies. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies were included in this review. Papers were screened by 2 independent reviewers, and studies that met the inclusion criteria were selected for further assessment.

    RESULTS: A total of 2915 papers were screened, and full texts of 53 potentially relevant papers (κ = 0.885) were retrieved. A total of 5 studies that met the inclusion criteria (1 RCT, 1 quasi-experimental study, and 3 post-intervention studies) were identified. Outcome measures included knowledge, attitude, behavior, and oral health. Significant improvements in clinical oral health parameters (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  15. Ariffin F, Ramli AS, Naim N, Selamat MI, Syed-Jamal SJ
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Oct;69(5):210-5.
    PMID: 25638233
    Dengue is life-threatening and the paediatric population is highly susceptible to complications. Deterioration can occur rapidly and ability to recognise early warning signs is crucial. This study aims to determine the knowledge and awareness of parents and carers and to predict their ability in recognising life-threatening symptoms and signs of dengue in children and to assess their health-seeking behaviour in dengue emergency. Methods This is a crosssectional study involving parents and carers of children ≤ 12 years old in schools and kindergartens in the Gombak district. Demographic details, knowledge on life-threatening symptoms and signs of dengue and health-seeking behaviour were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and knowledge scoring was done. The questionnaire was pilot tested with a Cronbach alpha of 0.82. The results were analysed using SPSS version 20.0. Results Total respondents were 866 with 44.8% men and 55.2% women. The mean age was 40.3 years (SD ± 5.7). Knowledge score of dengue life threatening features among respondents were good (30.0%) to average (56.8%). Respondents were able to recognise fever (98.5%), petechial rash (97.1%) and bleeding (65.2%) but were less able to recognise abdominal pain (22.3%) and passing less urine (28.2%) as life threatening dengue features. However, the ability to recognise fever is a poor predictor in recognising life threatening dengue in children compared to all other symptoms which were good predictors. A respondent that recognise stomach pain or neck stiffness were five times more likely to recognise life-threatening dengue. Respondents preferred to bring their children to the clinic (50.8%) or hospital (37.8%) themselves Instead of calling for ambulance. Worryingly, some would give antipyretics (3.6%) or wait for improvements (7.8%). Conclusion Concerted efforts by the schools, healthcare professionals and health authorities are required to educate parents and carers to identify life-threatening features of dengue and to improve their health seeking-behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  16. Syed Hassan ST, Jamaludin H, Abd Raman R, Mohd Riji H, Wan Fei K
    Trauma Mon, 2013 Sep;18(2):56-61.
    PMID: 24350153 DOI: 10.5812/traumamon.11522
    CONTEXT: As with care giving and rehabilitation in chronic illnesses, the concern with traumatic brain injury (TBI), particularly with diffuse axonal injury (DAI), is that the caregivers are so overwhelmingly involved in caring and rehabilitation of the victim that in the process they become traumatized themselves. This review intends to shed light on the hidden and silent trauma sustained by the caregivers of severe brain injury survivors. Motor vehicle accident (MVA) is the highest contributor of TBI or DAI. The essence of trauma is the infliction of pain and suffering and having to bear the pain (i.e. by the TBI survivor) and the burden of having to take care and manage and rehabilitate the TBI survivor (i.e. by the TBI caregiver). Moreover many caregivers are not trained for their care giving task, thus compounding the stress of care giving and rehabilitating patients. Most research on TBI including DAI, focus on the survivors and not on the caregivers. TBI injury and its effects and impacts remain the core question of most studies, which are largely based on the quantitative approach.

    EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Qualitative research can better assess human sufferings such as in the case of DAI trauma. While quantitative research can measure many psychometric parameters to assess some aspects of trauma conditions, qualitative research is able to fully reveal the meaning, ramification and experience of TBI trauma. Both care giving and rehabilitation are overwhelmingly demanding; hence , they may complicate the caregivers' stress. However, some positive outcomes also exist.

    RESULTS: Caregivers involved in caring and rehabilitation of TBI victims may become mentally traumatized. Posttraumatic recovery of the TBI survivor can enhance the entire family's closeness and bonding as well as improve the mental status of the caregiver.

    CONCLUSIONS: A long-term longitudinal study encompassing integrated research is needed to fully understand the traumatic experiences of caregivers. Unless research on TBI or DAI trauma is given its proper attention, the burden of trauma and injury on societies will continue to exacerbate globally.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  17. Chan HK, Hassali MA, Lim CJ, Saleem F, Tan WL
    J Clin Pharm Ther, 2015 Jun;40(3):266-72.
    PMID: 25865563 DOI: 10.1111/jcpt.12272
    WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE: It has been reported that more than 80% of out-of-hospital medication errors among the young children involve liquid formulations. The usefulness of pictorial aids to improve communication of medication instructions has not been extensively investigated for child health. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pictorial aids used to assist caregivers in the administration of liquid medications.
    METHODS: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ScienceDirect, Scopus and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles published up to February 2015. Studies that used pictorial aids with liquid medications and measured at least one of the following outcomes were included: dosing accuracy, comprehension of medication instructions, recall of information and adherence of caregivers. Two authors independently selected studies, extracted data and assessed methodological quality of studies using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool.
    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Five experimental studies (four hospital based and one community based) with a total of 962 participants were included. A wide range of liquid formulations were studied, including both prescription and over-the-counter medications. The existing findings suggest that pictographic interventions reduced dosing errors, enhanced comprehension and recall of medication instructions and improved adherence of caregivers. Incorporating pictorial aids into verbal medication counselling or text-based instructions was more beneficial than using the single approach alone. Mixed results were identified for the relationship between health literacy of caregivers and effectiveness of pictorial aids.
    WHAT IS NEW AND CONCLUSION: The evidence remains limited due to the small number of studies found and variations in methodological quality. This review suggests that pictorial aids might be potential interventions, but more high-quality studies are needed to support the routine use of any pictogram-based materials with liquid medications in the clinical settings.
    KEYWORDS: caregivers; graphics; health literacy; medication adherence; medication errors; paediatrics
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  18. Bamatraf AA, AlAmodi AA, Ali MA, Chan CM, Mazlan M, Shareef MA
    J Family Med Prim Care, 2020 Jun;9(6):2990-2994.
    PMID: 32984161 DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_247_20
    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the level of strain and various influencing factors among informal care providers of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a single center in Malaysia via recruiting care providers of patients with TBI. The modified caregiver strain index (MCSI) questionnaires were utilized to ascertain the level of strain. The demographic data of informal care providers were also obtained. Independent sample t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and a linear regression model were processed for data analysis.

    Results: A total of 140 informal care providers were included in the study. More than half of informal care providers claimed to have strain (54.3%). Factors associated with increased strain include receiving tertiary education, being of Chinese background, and employed experience higher strain level. Informal care providers with characteristics such as being single, retired and provided care for 5 years experienced a lower level of strain.

    Conclusion: Guidance on integrating the TBI knowledge into practice, assessing the care provider's level of strain regularly and providing supportive measures may aid in supporting informal care providers at risk.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  19. Al Madfai F, Zaidi STR, Ming LC, Wanandy T, Patel RP
    Eur J Hosp Pharm, 2018 Oct;25(e2):e115-e119.
    PMID: 31157080 DOI: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2017-001221
    Background: Severe infections such as endocarditis and osteomyelitis require long-term treatment with parenteral antibiotics and hence prolonged hospitalisation. Continuous infusion of ceftaroline through elastomeric devices can facilitate early hospital discharge by managing parenteral antibiotics in patient's home. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the stability of ceftaroline in a commonly used elastomeric device.

    Method: A total of 24 elastomeric devices were prepared, and six elastomeric devices containing 6mg/mL of ceftaroline (three in each type of diluents) were stored at one of the following conditions: 4°C for 6 days, 25°C for 24hours, 30°C for 24hours or 35°C for 24hours. An aliquot was withdrawn before storage and at different time points. Chemical stability was measured using a stability indicating high-performance liquid chromatography, and physical stability was assessed as change in pH, colour and particle content.

    Results: Ceftaroline, when admixed with both diluents, was stable for 144, 24 and 12hours at 4°C, 25°C and 30°C, respectively. At 35°C, ceftaroline admixed with normal saline (NS) and glucose 5% was stable for 12hours and for 6hours, respectively. No evidence of particle formation, colour change or pH change was observed throughout the study period.

    Conclusions: Our findings support 12 or 24hours continuous elastomeric infusion of ceftaroline-NS admixture, and bulk preparation of elastomeric pumps containing ceftaroline solution in advance. This would facilitate early hospital discharge of patients eligible for the elastomeric-based home therapy and avoid the need for patient's caregivers travelling to the hospital on a daily basis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
  20. Fadzil A
    Children (Basel), 2021 Feb 09;8(2).
    PMID: 33572155 DOI: 10.3390/children8020122
    Sleep quality is one of the domains of sleep. Having adequate quality sleep is defined as one's "feeling fresh" after waking-up. Inadequate sleep quality results in sleep insufficiency producing a variety of symptoms and signs. The central nervous system is affected the most in children, although other system too may be involved. Several factors affect sleep quality in children including genetics, sleep habits, medical problems, parents/caregiver factors, screen time and the child's environment. These factors are inter-related and dynamic. The outcome of sleep insufficiency is many involving neurocognitive and neurobehavior, mood and emotional issues and specific conditions, like pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and obesity. Management should start with proper history taking to identify the multifaceted nature of the condition. Treatment is planned cognizant of the age of the patient and the associated etiological factors, and should involve both the children and their parents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Caregivers
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