Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 192 in total

  1. Ali A, Howden-Chapman P
    J Public Health Manag Pract, 2007 May-Jun;13(3):278-86.
    PMID: 17435495 DOI: 10.1097/01.PHH.0000267686.08282.3c
    This study was undertaken to explore the roles played by bidan kampungs and understand their contribution to rural Malay women during pregnancy and childbirth hundred sixteen pregnant women, 13 Western midwives, and 12 bidan kampungs were recruited using convenience and snowball sampling. Data were collected from focus groups, in-depth interviews, field notes, and observations. The findings indicated that although the women were happy to have Western maternity care, they valued the social and spiritual support received from bidan kampungs during pregnancy and postnatal care. Western care was considered useful for "modern" illnesses. The traditional maternity care that women received included pantang or ritual prohibitions that helped them through pregnancy and helped them achieve better postnatal recovery. The study indicates that there is a need to combine Western and traditional care for the benefit of the pregnant women and their infants' health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services/manpower*
  2. Hairi F, Ong CH, Suhaimi A, Tsung TW, bin Anis Ahmad MA, Sundaraj C, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2003;15(1):37-43.
    PMID: 14620496
    A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practices concerning dengue and its vector Aedes mosquito among selected rural communities in the Kuala Kangsar district from 16-25th June, 2002. It was found that the knowledge of the community was good. Out of the 200 respondents, 82.0% cited that their main source of information on dengue was from television/radio. The respondents' attitude was found to be good and most of them were supportive of Aedes control measures. There is a significant association found between knowledge of dengue and attitude towards Aedes control (p = 0.047). It was also found that good knowledge does not necessarily lead to good practice. This is most likely due to certain practices like water storage for domestic use, which is deeply ingrained in the community. Mass media is an important means of conveying health messages to the public even among the rural population, thus research and development of educational strategies designed to improve behaviour and practice of effective control measures among the villagers are recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health/statistics & numerical data*
  3. Low LL, Sondi S, Azman AB, Goh PP, Maimunah AH, Ibrahim MY, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2011 Sep;23(5):690-702.
    PMID: 21878464 DOI: 10.1177/1010539511418354
    Patients with issues or health problems usually plan to discuss their concerns with their health care providers. If these concerns were not presented or voiced during the health care provider-patient encounter, the patients are considered to have unvoiced needs. This article examines the extent and possible determinants of patients' unvoiced needs in an outpatient setting. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 Ministry of Health Malaysia primary health facilities throughout the country. Of 1829 who participated, 5 did not respond to the question on planned issues. Of the 1824 respondents, 57.9% (95% confidence interval = 47.1-68.7) claimed to have issues/problems they planned to share, of whom 15.1% to 26.7% had unvoiced needs. Extent of unvoiced needs differed by employment status, perceived category of health care provider, and study center. Perceived category of health care provider, method of questionnaire administration, and study center were the only significant determinants of unvoiced needs. Unvoiced needs do exist in Malaysia and there is a need for health care providers to be aware and take steps to counter this.

    Study site: 5 Ministry of Health Malaysia primary health facilities throughout the country
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services/statistics & numerical data
  4. Chin CY, Pengal S
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2009 Oct;21(4):410-20.
    PMID: 19661103 DOI: 10.1177/1010539509343973
    It has been argued that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is not very prevalent in developing countries, particularly in a rural community. This study examined the prevalence of CVD risk of a semirural community in Malaysia through an epidemiological survey.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health/statistics & numerical data*
  5. Foo LH, Khor GL, Tee ES, Prabakaran D
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2004;13(1):48-55.
    PMID: 15003914
    Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency in the world affecting the general health and wellbeing of millions. In Malaysia, moderately high prevalences of anaemia have been reported amongst infants, young children and women of childbearing age. Data is scant for the adolescents. This study was undertaken to assess the iron status and dietary intake of 165 adolescents, comprising 74 male and 91 female subjects, aged 12 to 19 years, from the rural communities in Tuaran District of Sabah, Malaysia. Convenience sampling was used for the selection of study subjects. Multiple iron status indicators namely, serum ferritin (SF), transferrin saturation (TS), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and haemoglobin (Hb) were determined for the study. The mean age of the subjects was 15.2 +/-2.1 years. While the majority of the subjects (77.6%) had normal body mass index (BMI) values, 17.6% were underweight and 4.8% overweight. About 35% to 40% of the subjects showed deficient values for haematocrit, serum ferritin, serum iron, mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and transferrin saturation (TS), and 20% were anaemic (Hb <12 g/L). Using the multiple criteria of iron status indicators, the prevalence of iron depletion, iron deficiency and IDA in the male and female adolescents were 5.4% vs. 6.6%, 18.9% vs. 26.4% and 5.4% vs. 26.4%, respectively. Iron deficiency anaemia (85.0%) contributed largely to the prevalence of anaemia. The dietary iron intake of the adolescents was unsatisfactory, with approximately 98% of subjects failing to meet the Malaysian RDA level. Almost all the female subjects (91%) had dietary iron intake below two-thirds of the RDA level compared with a much smaller proportion for the male adolescents (68%). The prevalence of IDA in the present study population, especially in the female adolescents, appears to be a significant public health problem. Priority should therefore be given to the eradication of iron deficiency in adolescents from low-income areas by dietary modification and micronutrient supplementation amongst female adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health*
  6. How V, Hashim Z, Ismail P, Md Said S, Omar D, Bahri Mohd Tamrin S
    J Agromedicine, 2014;19(1):35-43.
    PMID: 24417530 DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2013.866917
    Children are the vulnerable group in the agricultural community due to their early exposure to pesticides through the dynamic interplay between genetic predisposition, environment, and host-related factors. This study aims to identify the possible association between the depression in blood cholinesterase level and genotoxic effect among farm children. The results of micronuclei assay and comet assay showed that the reduced blood cholinesterase level from organophosphate pesticide exposure is significantly associated with an increase in chromosome breakage and DNA strand breaks. These genotoxicity end points suggest that farm children's cells experience early DNA damage that may lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation during their adulthood. Thus, farm children who grow up near pesticide-treated farmland have a higher probability of developing cancer than children with minimal or zero exposure to pesticides.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  7. Jie Y, Isa ZM, Jie X, Ju ZL, Ismail NH
    PMID: 23625129 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6898-1_2
    In this review, our aim was to examine the influence of geographic variations on asthma prevalence and morbidity among adults, which is important for improving our understanding, identifying the burden, and for developing and implementing interventions aimed at reducing asthma morbidity. Asthma is a complex inflammatory disease of multifactorial origin, and is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. The disparities in asthma prevalence and morbidity among the world's geographic locations are more likely to be associated with environmental exposures than genetic differences. In writing this article, we found that the indoor factors most consistently associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in adults included fuel combustion, mold growth, and environmental tobacco smoke in both urban and rural areas. Asthma and asthma-related symptoms occurred more frequently in urban than in rural areas, and that difference correlated with environmental risk exposures, SES, and healthcare access. Environmental risk factors to which urban adults were more frequently exposed than rural adults were dust mites,high levels of vehicle emissions, and a westernized lifestyle.Exposure to indoor biological contaminants in the urban environment is common.The main risk factors for developing asthma in urban areas are atopy and allergy to house dust mites, followed by allergens from animal dander. House dust mite exposure may potentially explain differences in diagnosis of asthma prevalence and morbidity among adults in urban vs. rural areas. In addition, the prevalence of asthma morbidity increases with urbanization. High levels of vehicle emissions,Western lifestyles and degree of urbanization itself, may affect outdoor and thereby indoor air quality. In urban areas, biomass fuels have been widely replaced by cleaner energy sources at home, such as gas and electricity, but in most developing countries, coal is still a major source of fuel for cooking and heating, particularly in winter. Moreover, exposure to ETS is common at home or at work in urban areas.There is evidence that asthma prevalence and morbidity is less common in rural than in urban areas. The possible reasons are that rural residents are exposed early in life to stables and to farm milk production, and such exposures are protective against developing asthma morbidity. Even so, asthma morbidity is disproportionately high among poor inner-city residents and in rural populations. A higher proportion of adult residents of nonmetropolitan areas were characterized as follows:aged 55 years or older, no previous college admission, low household income, no health insurance coverage, and could not see a doctor due to healthcare service availability, etc. In rural areas, biomass fuels meet more than 70% of the rural energy needs. Progress in adopting modern energy sources in rural areas has been slow. The most direct health impact comes from household energy use among the poor, who depend almost entirely on burning biomass fuels in simple cooking devices that are placed in inadequately ventilated spaces. Prospective studies are needed to assess the long-term effects of biomass smoke on lung health among adults in rural areas.Geographic differences in asthma susceptibility exist around the world. The reason for the differences in asthma prevalence in rural and urban areas may be due to the fact that populations have different lifestyles and cultures, as well as different environmental exposures and different genetic backgrounds. Identifying geographic disparities in asthma hospitalizations is critical to implementing prevention strategies,reducing morbidity, and improving healthcare financing for clinical asthma treatment. Although evidence shows that differences in the prevalence of asthma do exist between urban and rural dwellers in many parts of the world, including in developed countries, data are inadequate to evaluate the extent to which different pollutant exposures contribute to asthma morbidity and severity of asthma between urban and rural areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  8. Zalilah MS, Mirnalini K, Khor GL, Merlin A, Bahaman AS, Norimah K
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Mar;61(1):48-58.
    PMID: 16708734 MyJurnal
    The purpose of this study was to report on the estimates and distribution of body mass index in a sample of Malaysian adolescents. The study utilized a cross-sectional design and multi-stage random sampling of secondary schools to select 5 urban and 9 rural schools in Kedah and Penang. A total of 6555 male and female adolescents (11-15 years old) of Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups were measured for weights and heights for body mass index calculation. Information on household demographic and socioeconomic were obtained from parents through self-administered questionnaires. Analyses of body mass index distribution by location, ethnicity, gender and age were conducted using Chi-square test of SPSS 11.5. More of the rural (12.1%) and urban (19.4%) adolescents were underweight and overweight, respectively. While in all ethnic, gender and age groups, rural adolescents were more likely to be underweight, more of the urban adolescents were overweight. The prevalence of underweight was highest among the Indians (19.2%) and lowest in Chinese (7.2%). The prevalence of overweight in the three ethnic groups was in the range of 18-19%. More male than female adolescents were underweight (15% vs 7.8%) and overweight (19.5% vs 16.7%). Consistent patterns were also observed across location, ethnic and age groups. As age increased, the prevalence of overweight decreased across the ethnic and gender groups. The reported findings can serve as current reference on body mass index distribution of Malaysian adolescents and a basis for future efforts in health and nutrition interventions for Malaysian children and adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  9. Hisham R, Liew SM, Ng CJ, Mohd Nor K, Osman IF, Ho GJ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0152649.
    PMID: 27031700 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152649
    BACKGROUND: Evidence-based medicine is the integration of individual clinical expertise, best external evidence and patient values which was introduced more than two decades ago. Yet, primary care physicians in Malaysia face unique barriers in accessing scientific literature and applying it to their clinical practice.
    AIM: This study aimed to explore the views and experiences of rural doctors' about evidence-based medicine in their daily clinical practice in a rural primary care setting.
    METHODS: Qualitative methodology was used. The interviews were conducted in June 2013 in two rural health clinics in Malaysia. The participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Four focus group discussions with 15 medical officers and three individual in-depth interviews with family medicine specialists were carried out. All interviews were conducted using a topic guide and were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, checked and analyzed using a thematic approach.
    RESULTS: Key themes identified were: (1) doctors viewed evidence-based medicine mainly as statistics, research and guidelines, (2) reactions to evidence-based medicine were largely negative, (3) doctors relied on specialists, peers, guidelines and non-evidence based internet sources for information, (4) information sources were accessed using novel methods such as mobile applications and (5) there are several barriers to evidence-based practice, including doctor-, evidence-based medicine-, patient- and system-related factors. These included inadequacies in knowledge, attitude, management support, time and access to evidence-based information sources. Participants recommended the use of online services to support evidence-based practice in the rural settings.
    CONCLUSION: The level of evidence-based practice is low in the rural setting due to poor awareness, knowledge, attitude and resources. Doctors use non-evidence based sources and access them through new methods such as messaging applications. Further research is recommended to develop and evaluate interventions to overcome the identified barriers.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services
  10. Singh B, Cox-Singh J
    Trends Parasitol, 2001 Dec;17(12):597-600.
    PMID: 11756045
    Malaysia is a developing country with a range of parasitic infections. Indeed, soil-transmitted helminths and malaria parasites continue to have a significant impact on public health in Malaysia. In this article, the prevalence and distribution of these parasites, the problems associated with parasitic infections, the control measures taken to deal with these parasites and implications for the future will be discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  11. Khan TF, Raj SM, Visvanathan R
    Trop Doct, 1993 Jul;23(3):117-8.
    PMID: 8356738
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  12. Desmarchelier P, Lew A, Caique W, Knight S, Toodayan W, Isa AR, et al.
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1992 7 1;86(4):448-50.
    PMID: 1440833
    The H2S water screening test and the membrane filtration faecal coliform count were compared with Escherichia coli counts for water samples collected from household water sources and domestic drinking water in rural Malaysia. Water samples were taken from 151 wells, 44 taps supplying water from the treated municipal supply and 192 domestic stored water supplies. E. coli were detected in 20% of the samples (42% of wells, 7% of tap water and 6% of drinking water). Excellent correlation (Spearman's rank correlation rs = 0.93) was found between the faecal coliform and E. coli counts for all sample types. The H2S method was poorly correlated whether read at 18 or 30 h. False positive rates were highest for well water, and false negative rates were highest for both well and drinking water samples, with low E. coli counts. The faecal coliform test was an excellent predictor of the presence of E. coli in these water samples, while the H2S test was very inadequate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  13. DaVanzo J, Habicht JP, Butz WP
    Soc Sci Med, 1984;18(5):387-404.
    PMID: 6729519
    This paper presents evidence from the Malaysian Family Life Survey that mothers' reports of their babies' birthweights, including reports of unweighed babies' approximate size at birth, can be used to examine many biological and socioeconomic correlates of birthweight. The study uses a sample of 5583 singleton births that occurred between 1945 and 1976. In these data, the frequency distribution of birthweights and their bivariate and multivariate relationships with the biological correlates of mother's age, baby's sex, first parity and infant mortality are consistent with those found in prospective studies. A new biological correlate, mother's age at menarche, is introduced as a proxy for the mother's nutrition during childhood. Late age at menarche is associated with lower birthweight. Other results show mothers younger than 20 years and older than 35 appear to be at greater risk of bearing small babies, but the former effect is no longer important when parity is controlled. Short interbirth intervals are associated with small babies. We attempt to distinguish whether this is due to prematurity or to maternal nutritional depletion; both effects appear to be operating. Higher income appears to mitigate the pernicious effect of short interbirth intervals. Indian babies weigh significantly less than those of other ethnic groups. Furthermore, birthweights have increased since the 1950s for Malays and Chinese, but not for Indians. The lower birthweights and lack of improvement over time for Indians appear to be due to close birthspacing, lack of access to medical care and falling incomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  14. Maberly GF, Eastman CJ, Corcoran JM
    Lancet, 1981 Dec 05;2(8258):1270-2.
    PMID: 6118679
    An iodinator was fitted to the existing gravity-fed water-supply of a remote village in Sarawak, Malaysia, where goitre was endemic. Within nine months, the prevalence of goitre had been reduced from 61% to 30%, with 79% of goitres showing visible reduction in size. All subjects were clinically euthyroid before and nine months after the start of iodination, although pre-treatment serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations varied from normal up to 24 mU/l. Before treatment basal serum triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations were typical of endemic goitre with a low mean serum T4 (80 +/- 30 [SD] nmol/l) and a slightly raised mean serum T3 (2.3 +/- 0.7 nmol/l). After iodination, circulating TSH concentration was generally undetectable (less than 0.1 mU/l), mean T3 concentration was unchanged, but the mean T4 rose significantly to 109 +/- 41 nmol/l (p less than 0.01). Urinary iodine concentrations fluctuated; this largely reflected intermittent blockage of the iodinator, but concentrations became consistent with a return to the iodine-replete state. There was no evidence of the Jod Basedow effect in the group studied. Iodinated water was more convenient to distribute than iodised salt and is less likely to cause Jod Basedow phenomenon than are injections of iodised oil. Moreover, iodination of water is effective in killing most microorganisms and this additional benefit could contribute significantly to village health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  15. Chen PC, Tan YK
    Trop Geogr Med, 1981 Dec;33(4):403-9.
    PMID: 7342391
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
  16. Thambu JA
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Jun;25(4):293-4.
    PMID: 4261304
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health
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