PURPOSE: Applying self-regulation theory, we conducted a randomized, controlled trial testing the efficacy of mental imagery techniques promoting arousal reduction and implementation intentions to improve sleep behavior.
METHOD: We randomly assigned 104 business employees to four imagery-based interventions: arousal reduction, implementation intentions, combined arousal reduction and implementation intentions, or control imagery. Participants practiced their techniques daily for 21 days. They completed online measures of sleep quality, behaviors, and self-efficacy at baseline and Day 21; and daily measures of sleep behaviors.
RESULTS: Participants using implementation intention imagery exhibited greater improvements in self-efficacy, sleep behaviors, sleep quality, and time to sleep relative to participants using arousal reduction and control imagery.
CONCLUSIONS: Implementation intention imagery can improve sleep behavior for daytime employees. Use of arousal reduction imagery was unsupported. Self-regulation imagery techniques show promise for improving sleep behaviors.
OBJECTIVE: To localize and quantify geometric morphometric differences in facial soft tissue morphology in adults with and without OSA.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty adult Malays, consisting of 40 patients with OSA and 40 non-OSA controls, were studied. Both groups were evaluated by the attending physician and through ambulatory sleep studies. 3-D stereophotogrammetry was used to capture facial soft tissues of both groups. The 3-D mean OSA and control facial configurations were computed and subjected to principal components analysis (PCA) and finite-element morphometry (FEM).
RESULTS: The body mass index was significantly greater for the OSA group (32.3 kg/m(2) compared to 24.8 kg/m(2), p < 0.001). The neck circumference was greater for the OSA group (42.7 cm compared to 37.1 cm, p < 0.001). Using PCA, significant differences were found in facial shape between the two groups using the first two principal components, which accounted for 50% of the total shape change (p < 0.05). Using FEM, these differences were localized in the bucco-submandibular regions of the face predominantly, indicating an increase in volume of 7-22% (p < 0.05) for the OSA group.
CONCLUSION: Craniofacial obesity in the bucco-submandibular regions is associated with OSA and may provide valuable screening information for the identification of patients with undiagnosed OSA.
ABSTRACT: Oxidative stress-mediated lipid peroxidation is a known cause of endothelial injury or dysfunction. Deprivation of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is associated with oxidative stress. To date, the pathogenesis of increased blood pressure after sleep deprivation remains poorly understood, particularly in the REM sleep phase. Our aim was to investigate the effects of REM sleep deprivation on blood vessels in the REM sleep-deprived rat model. Twenty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four equal groups: free-moving control rats, rats deprived of REM sleep for 72 h (REMsd), tank control rats and 72 h sleep-recovered rats after 72 h of REM sleep deprivation. The rats were deprived of REM sleep using the inverted flowerpot technique. Food consumption, body weight gain and systolic blood pressure were monitored. At the end of the experiment, the descending thoracic aorta was isolated for the measurement of oxidative stress markers. Despite a significant increase in food consumption in the REMsd group compared with the other groups, there was a significant reduction in body weight gain. Systolic blood pressure also showed a significant increase in the REMsd group compared with the other groups. Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly lower and malondialdehyde concentrations significantly higher in the REMsd group compared with the other groups. Increased levels of malondialdehyde are suggestive of lipid peroxidation in the blood vessels, and oxidative stress may be attributed to the initiation of the process. The changes after REM sleep deprivation revert during sleep recovery. In conclusion, the findings of the present study provide convincing evidence that REM sleep deprivation induced lipid peroxidation, leading to endothelial damage.
METHODS: This was a prospective, observational cohort study replacing the undivided nasal cannula with a divided nasal cannula during routine polysomnography (n = 28).
RESULTS: Integration of the divided nasal cannula pressure transducer system into routine polysomnography was easy and affordable. Most patients (89%) demonstrated nasal cycle changes during the test. Nasal cycle changes tended to occur during body position changes (62%) and transitions from non-rapid eye movement sleep to rapid eye movement sleep (41%). The mean nasal cycle duration was 2.5 ± 2.1 hours. Other sleep study metrics did not reveal statistically significant findings in relation to the nasal cycle.
CONCLUSIONS: Replacing an undivided nasal cannula with a divided nasal cannula is easy to implement, adding another physiologic measure to polysomnography. Although the divided nasal cannula did not significantly affect traditional polysomnographic metrics such as the apnea-hypopnea index or periodic limb movement index based on this small pilot study, we were able to replicate past nasal cycle findings that may be of interest to sleep clinicians and researchers. Given the ease with which the divided nasal cannula can be integrated, we encourage other sleep researchers to investigate the utility of using a divided nasal cannula during polysomnography.
METHODS: Adults from the general-population (n = 392) completed online measures of Type D personality (DS14) and insomnia severity.
RESULTS: Individuals with the Type D personality trait reported significantly greater symptoms of insomnia relative to Non-Type Ds. Moreover, insomnia-symptoms were independently related to negative affectivity (NA) and social inhibition (SI) and the Type D interaction (i.e. synergistic product of SI and NA). Linear regression analysis determined that NA but not SI significantly predicted insomnia symptoms after controlling for age and sex. However, after accounting for the Type D interaction, negative affectivity remained the only significant predictor of insomnia-symptoms.
CONCLUSIONS: The Type D personality type appears to be related to insomnia-symptoms, both as a categorical and dimensional construct. These outcomes support prior research evidencing that whilst Type D personality is related to poor sleep in adolescents, NA appears to be the main contributor.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among physicians who were currently working in primary care clinics in the capital state of Kuala Lumpur. The validated "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire" (OSAKA) and nine additional practice questions were used as the survey instrument.
RESULTS: Of 207 physicians queried, the response rate was 100%. The mean (± SD) total knowledge score was 11.6 (± 2.8) (range 1-18). The majority of respondents had a positive attitude towards the importance of OSA but lacked confidence in managing OSA. Primary care doctors' most common practice for patients with suspected OSA was referral to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinic.
CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that primary care doctors demonstrated adequate knowledge about OSA and were aware of the importance of OSA as a core clinical problem. However, only a minority felt confident in managing patients with OSA. The results of the study may encourage improvement of primary care doctors' efforts to prevent and manage OSA.
OBJECTIVE: To summarize current evidence from systematic reviews that has evaluated pharyngeal airway changes after mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies.
METHODOLOGY: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases were searched with no restriction of language or date. Systematic reviews studying changes in pharyngeal airway dimensions and respiratory parameters after mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies have been identified, screened for eligibility, included and analyzed in this study.
RESULTS: Six systematic reviews have been included. While isolated mandibular setback osteotomies result in reduced oropharyngeal airway dimensions, the reduction is lesser in cases with concomitant upper jaw osteotomies. Only scarce evidence exists currently to what happens to naso- and hypo-pharyngeal airways. There is no evidence for post-surgical OSA, even though some studies reported reduced respiratory parameters after single-jaw mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies.
CONCLUSION: Although mandibular setback osteotomies reduce pharyngeal airway dimensions, evidence confirming post-surgical OSA was not found. Nevertheless, potential post-surgical OSA should be taken into serious consideration during the treatment planning of particular orthognathic cases. As moderate evidence exists that double-jaw surgeries lead to less compromised post-surgical pharyngeal airways, they should be considered as the method of choice especially in cases with severe dentoskeletal Class III deformity.
STUDY REGISTRATION: PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42016046484).
OBJECTIVE: We aim to evaluate the cognitive function of obstructive sleep apnea patients by using the 'Mini Mental State Examination'.
METHODOLOGY: This was a cross sectional study to evaluate the cognitive function of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea patients with age ranged from 18 to 60 old who attended our sleep clinic. These patients were confirmed to have moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea by Type 1 polysomnography (attended full overnight study). The age, gender and ethnicity were noted and other relevant data such as weight, height, body mass index and apnea and hypopnoea index were recorded accordingly. The cognitive function was evaluated using validated Malay version of Mini Mental State Examination which measured 5 areas of cognitive functions comprising orientation, registration, attention and calculation, word recall and language abilities, and visuospatial.
RESULTS: A total of 38 patients participated in this study. All 19 patients of moderate group and 14 patients of severe group had normal cognitive function while only 5 patients in severe group had mild cognitive function impairment. There was a statistically significant difference between the moderate group and severe group on cognitive performance (p value = 0.042).
CONCLUSIONS: Severe obstructive sleep apnea patients may have impaired cognitive function. Mini Mental State Examination is useful in the screening of cognitive function of obstructive sleep apnea patients but in normal score, more sophisticated test batteries are required as it is unable to identify in 'very minimal' or 'extremely severe' cognitive dysfunction.
METHODS: This is an open-label randomized controlled trial with 60 participants divided into 2 study groups in a 1:1 ratio. The intervention group will receive 12 weeks of Guolin Qigong intervention with a 4-week follow-up while control will receive usual care under waitlist. The primary outcome will be feasibility measured based on recruitment and retention rates, class attendance, home practice adherence, nature, and quantum of missing data as well as safety. The secondary subjective outcomes of fatigue, sleep quality and depression will be measured at Week-1 (baseline), Week-6 (mid-intervention), Week-12 (post-intervention), and Week-16 (4 weeks post-intervention) while an objective 24-hour urine cortisol will be measured at Week-1 (baseline) and Week-12 (post-intervention). We will conduct a semi-structured interview individually with participants within 3 months after Week-16 (4 weeks post-intervention) to obtain a more comprehensive view of practice adherence.
DISCUSSION: This is the first mixed-method study to investigate the feasibility and effect of Guolin Qigong on breast, lung, and colorectal cancer survivors to provide a comprehensive understanding of Guolin Qigong's intervention impact and participants' perspectives. The interdisciplinary collaboration between Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine expertise of this study ensures robust study design, enhanced participant care, rigorous data analysis, and meaningful interpretation of results. This innovative research contributes to the field of oncology and may guide future evidence-based mind-body interventions to improve cancer survivorship.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study has been registered with ANZCTR (ACTRN12622000688785p), was approved by Medical Research Ethic Committee of University Malaya Medical Centre (MREC ID NO: 2022323-11092) and recognized by Western Sydney University Human Research Ethics Committee (RH15124).