METHODS: This baseline study was conducted in two urban municipalities of Lalitpur district as preparation for a larger intervention study (Mahalaxmi municipality will be the intervention and Godawari the comparison/control area). The study population was women belonging to the mother's groups of 45 female community health volunteers (FCHVs) from each municipality. The study was done from September 2023 to January 2024. A total of 1207 individuals (580 in Mahalaxmi and 627 in Godawari) were involved. Data on demographics, knowledge, attitude, practice, and adherence was collected using a pre-validated structured questionnaire.
RESULTS: The average age, educational status, monthly income, occupation, presence of respiratory disease, chronic diseases and communicable diseases were found to be not different among the two municipalities. Work experience, presence of respiratory disease and of health worker in the household was different in the baseline survey among the two locations. Knowledge was higher in Mahalaxmi municipality, but adherence was higher in Godawari municipality (p <0.0001). No significant difference was seen in attitude and practice scales. Knowledge, attitude, practice and adherence scores among different subgroups of respondents in the two municipalities were found to be significantly different for occupation (p <0.0001), and education (p <0.0001). The attitude scores were also significantly different according to presence/absence of respiratory disease in the household (p = 0.027).
CONCLUSION: At baseline the two study sites were broadly comparable in terms of participants' demographic characteristics. There was higher knowledge and lower adherence in Mahalaxmi municipality. An educational intervention to improve KAP and adherence is required and will be conducted.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire survey of 255 dermatologists in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
RESULTS: Familiarity with diagnostic criteria varied considerably. The usage of moisturisers by the respondents from Vietnam and Indonesia was significantly less frequent than the other countries. Most respondents (91% to 100%) used topical corticosteroids in children with mild-to-moderately severe dermatitis. Some respondents in the Philippines (17% to 19%) and Vietnam (11% to 25%) only used topical corticosteroids for severe disease. For infected eczema, most respondents would prescribe systemic antibiotics for mild-to-moderate infection. A minority in the Philippines (14%) and Vietnam (11%) did so only for severe infection. The top 4 systemic antibiotics prescribed most frequently were: erythromycin, cloxacillin, cephalosporin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. In Indonesia, a large proportion of the respondents (47%) prescribed amoxicillin most frequently. The majority of respondents (60% to 100%) prescribed both sedating and non-sedating oral antihistamines. Most respondents used oral corticosteroids to treat severe AD. Some in Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam used cyclosporin (7% to 58%), azathioprine (5% to 31%) and methotrexate (5% to 14%). With the exception of those in Singapore, the majority of respondents (71% to 97%) did not use phototherapy.
CONCLUSION: Familiarity with diagnostic criteria, the early and judicious use of moisturisers and topical corticosteroids, as well as the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus superinfection with penicillinase-stable antibiotics should be emphasised in this region.
METHODS: Bactericidal effect of GO against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, antioxidant activity, and hydroxyapatite-like bone layer formation, gene expression analysis and appropriate biodegradation of the microbe-mediated synthesis of graphene was studied.
RESULTS: Isolated extracellular contents Streptomyces achromogenes sub sp rubradiris reduced nano-GO to graphene (rGO), which was further examined by spectrometry and suggested an efficient conversion and significant reduction in the intensity of all oxygen-containing moieties and shifted crystalline peaks. Electron microscopic results also suggested the reduction of GO layer. In addition, absence of significant toxicity in MG-63 cell line, intentional free radical scavenging prowess, liver and kidney histopathology, and Wistar rat bone regeneration through modulation of OPG/RANKL/RUNX2/ALP pathways show the feasibility of the prepared nano GO.
CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates the successful synthesis of biographene from actinobacterial extracellular metabolites, its potential biomedical applications, and its promising role in addressing health and environmental concerns.