METHODS: This is a cluster randomized controlled trial which involved schoolchildren aged 13, 14 and 16 years old from 15 out of 415 government secondary schools in central Peninsular Malaysia which were randomly assigned into six intervention (N = 579 schoolchildren) and nine control (N = 462 schoolchildren).The intervention group followed MyBFF@school program carried out by trained personnel for 6 month while the control group only followed the existing school curriculum by the Ministry of Education. The primary outcomes presented in this study were body mass index adjusted for age (BMI z-score), waist circumference (WC), percentage body fat (PBF) and skeletal muscle mass (SMM), measured at baseline, three and six months. Analyses of all outcomes except for the baseline characteristics were conducted according to the intention-to-treat principle. Mixed linear models adjusted for baseline outcome value and gender were used to evaluate the effectiveness after three and six months of intervention.
RESULTS: Overall, there was no significant difference in the mean difference (MD) of BMI z-score (MD = 0.05, Confident Interval (95%CI: -0.077 to 0.194), WC (MD = 0.437, (95%CI:-3.64 to 0.892), PBF (MD = 0.977,95%CI:-1.04 to 3.0) and SMM (MD = 0.615,95%CI:-2.14,0.91) between the intervention and control group after 6 months of intervention after controlling for outcomes measured at baseline and gender.
CONCLUSIONS: Although the MyBFF@school programme appeared promising in engaging children and promoting awareness of healthy behaviors, it did not lead to significant improvements in the anthropometric outcomes. Possible reasons for the lack of effectiveness could include the need for more intensive or targeted interventions, parental involvement, or challenges in sustaining behavior changes outside of school settings.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial number: NCT04155255, November 7, 2019 (Retrospective registered). National Medical Research Register: NMRR-13-439-16,563. Registered July 23, 2013. The intervention program was approved by the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia and Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD), Ministry of Education Malaysia. It was funded by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
METHODS: This is a school-based, cluster randomized controlled trial involving selected primary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Negeri Sembilan. A total of 1,397 primary-school students aged 9-11 with a body mass index (BMI) z -score (corrected for age) greater than + 1 standard deviation based on the World Health Organization 2007 Growth Reference were assigned to intervention ( n = 647 ) and control ( n = 750 ) groups. BMI z-score, waist circumference (WC), percentage body fat (PBF), and skeletal muscle mass (SMM) were assessed at baseline and after three and six months of the study. Analyses of all outcomes except for the baseline characteristics were conducted according to the intention-to-treat principle.
RESULTS: After three months, there was no significant difference in the BMI z-score or PBF between the control and intervention groups, but SMM and WC were significantly higher in the intervention group versus the control group with mean difference of 0.15 kg; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.07-0.22, p Health Malaysia and the Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD), Ministry of Education Malaysia. It was funded by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
METHODS: This is an economic evaluation. We constructed an individual-based Monte Carlo method to simulate with probabilistic sensitivity analysis the development of breast cancer over a woman's lifetime in a hypothetical birth cohort aged 20 years in 2018 (n = 33500) using best available data mainly from government statistics. We predicted the cases of, and deaths due to breast cancer in the base case (with the actual breastfeeding rate in 2018) and two hypothetical optimal scenarios (90% exclusive breastfeeding for six months or cumulative exclusive/partial breastfeeding for at least 12 months). The healthcare cost-savings, the number of deaths averted and the increase in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to the prevention of breast cancer attributed to a higher breastfeeding rate were then deduced, assuming an annual discount rate of 3%.
RESULTS: Increasing the proportion of parous women breastfeeding exclusively for six months from 26 to 90% averted 266 (95% CI 259, 273) or ~ 10% of all-stage breast cancer cases, 18 deaths (95% CI 17, 19) and 399 DALYs (95% CI 381, 416), over the lifetime of each annual cohort of women in Hong Kong. The lifetime medical costs that could be saved would be ~ USD3 million using 2018 prices. However cost-savings were 5-times less in another scenario where the cumulative partial/exclusive breastfeeding for 12 months in parous women is increased to 90% due to its weaker protection against breast cancer compared to exclusive breastfeeding.
CONCLUSIONS: Promoting and protecting breastfeeding could lead to cost-savings for treating breast cancer in Hong Kong. Our analysis can inform the annual healthcare budget that could be allocated to promote exclusive breastfeeding for six months.
OBJECTIVES: To perform a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines for falls prevention and management for adults 60 years or older in all settings (eg, community, acute care, and nursing homes), evaluate agreement in recommendations, and identify potential gaps.
EVIDENCE REVIEW: A systematic review following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses statement methods for clinical practice guidelines on fall prevention and management for older adults was conducted (updated July 1, 2021) using MEDLINE, PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, PEDro, and Epistemonikos databases. Medical Subject Headings search terms were related to falls, clinical practice guidelines, management and prevention, and older adults, with no restrictions on date, language, or setting for inclusion. Three independent reviewers selected records for full-text examination if they followed evidence- and consensus-based processes and assessed the quality of the guidelines using Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II (AGREE-II) criteria. The strength of the recommendations was evaluated using Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation scores, and agreement across topic areas was assessed using the Fleiss κ statistic.
FINDINGS: Of 11 414 records identified, 159 were fully reviewed and assessed for eligibility, and 15 were included. All 15 selected guidelines had high-quality AGREE-II total scores (mean [SD], 80.1% [5.6%]), although individual quality domain scores for clinical applicability (mean [SD], 63.4% [11.4%]) and stakeholder (clinicians, patients, or caregivers) involvement (mean [SD], 76.3% [9.0%]) were lower. A total of 198 recommendations covering 16 topic areas in 15 guidelines were identified after screening 4767 abstracts that proceeded to 159 full texts. Most (≥11) guidelines strongly recommended performing risk stratification, assessment tests for gait and balance, fracture and osteoporosis management, multifactorial interventions, medication review, exercise promotion, environment modification, vision and footwear correction, referral to physiotherapy, and cardiovascular interventions. The strengths of the recommendations were inconsistent for vitamin D supplementation, addressing cognitive factors, and falls prevention education. Recommendations on use of hip protectors and digital technology or wearables were often missing. None of the examined guidelines included a patient or caregiver panel in their deliberations.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This systematic review found that current clinical practice guidelines on fall prevention and management for older adults showed a high degree of agreement in several areas in which strong recommendations were made, whereas other topic areas did not achieve this level of consensus or coverage. Future guidelines should address clinical applicability of their recommendations and include perspectives of patients and other stakeholders.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study will assess community member and community health volunteer knowledge, attitudes, and practices on noncommunicable disease prevention, risk factors, and health-seeking behavior in three geographical areas of Kuala Lumpur, each representing a different ethnicity (Malay, Indian, and Chinese). Assessment will take place before and after a 9-month intervention period, comparing intervention areas with matched control geographies. We plan to engage 2880 community members and 45 community health volunteers across the six geographic areas. A digital health needs assessment will inform modification of digital health tools to support project aims. Intervention co-creation will use a discrete choice experiment to identify community preferences among evidence-based intervention options, building from data collected on community knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Community health volunteers will work with local businesses and other stakeholders to effect change in obesogenic environments and NCD risk. The study has been approved by the Malaysian Ministry of Health Medical Research Ethical Committee.
Discussion: The Better Health Programme Malaysia anticipates a bottom-up approach that relies on community health volunteers collaborating with local businesses to implement activities that address obesogenic environments and improve community knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to NCD risk. The planned co-creation process will determine which interventions will be most locally relevant, feasible, and needed. The effort aims to empower community members and community health volunteers to drive change that improves their own health and wellbeing. The learnings can be useful nationally and sub-nationally in Malaysia, as well as across similar settings that are working with community stakeholders to reduce noncommunicable disease risk.
Trial registration: National Medical Research Register, Malaysia; NMRR-20-1004-54787 (IIR); July 7, 2020.