The Family Health Programme in Malaysia started off with a humble beginning in the 1920s by the introduction of midwifery legislation under the Straits Settlement Ordinance and the Federal Malay states Midwifery Enactment. Institutionalisation of nursing training took placed in the 1940s while the rural health services for pregnant women and children were established in the 1950’s. In 1967, the school health program was initiated, followed by the de-livery of the school health services in 1972. The Ministry of Health (MoH) set up a Maternal and Child Health unit within the MoH organisation in 1974 to oversee the maternal, child and school health activities. In 1996, the Family Health Development Division was established with the prenatal, adolescent, adult, people with disability and nu-trition health services were incorporated into the family health activities. Subsequently, the age-group wellness and population genetic screening were introduced in year 2000. The family health programme has embraced the public health approach as its building blocks. Throughout the years, individual patient care has advanced the most through the improvement of standards and quality of services within the health clinics. Plateauing of maternal mortality ratio and under-5 mortality rate, increasing trend of non-communicable diseases, remerging of communicable diseases, urbanisation and globalization, and increasing ageing population are new challenges in the delivery of family health services to the community. In order to cater for these challenges, it is crucial to recognise the population health as one of the main component in the family health programmes. Transformation in the scope of new family and popu-lation health is needed to improve the delivery of family programme beyond the boundary of MoH facilities.
A simple water iodizing system, which incorporates the Venturi principle in combination with the controlled release mechanism of a silicone-sodium iodide elastomer, for the iodization of rural piped-water supply in the control of endemic iodine deficiency has been developed and its effectiveness evaluated in three Iban longhouse villages in the iodine-deficient district of Lubok Antu, Sarawak. Urines were collected for iodine assays from women aged 15-40 years before and at 6 and 12 months after the connection of the iodinating device; goiter assessment was performed on the women at the start and end of the 1-year study. Water samples were collected for iodine assays at 2-weekly intervals. In all three villages, significant and sustained increases in median urinary iodine excretions, reaching levels recommended for an iodine-sufficient population, were observed; goitre prevalences were reduced in all the villages (by 22.6% to 35.8%). The iodine levels in the water ranged from 34 micrograms/l to 212 micrograms/L. In the control village, median urinary iodine excretions remained essentially unchanged but a small increase in goiter prevalence was observed. The iodized water was well received by the villagers and no adverse effects of water iodization were observed. The system functioned unattended throughout the one year period. The cost of providing supplemental iodine via the iodizing device is approximately 60 cents (U.S.) per family per year which is affordable by either the Government or the villagers. It is concluded that the iodizing system offers a new cost-effective strategy for the control of endemic iodine deficiency in Sarawak and may have applications in other areas with similar water sources.
Introduction: Even though exclusive breastfeeding prevalence has increased from 19.3% in 2006 to 47.1% in 2016, this practice was slightly higher in urban areas (48.3%) compared to rural area (45.1%) in Malaysia. National Plan of Action for Nutrition of Malaysia III has set an indicator to achieve at least 70% exclusive breastfeeding by 2025. Therefore this study is to identify predictors that influenced exclusive breastfeeding practice in rural areas. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in six rural health clinics in Hulu Langat District, Selangor among moth- ers with youngest child aged 6-48 months old. Respondents were selected through systematic random sampling. Validated self-administered questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographic factors, maternal factors, external factors and child’s factors. Mother’s height and weight was measured and body mass index was calculated. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the predictors for ex- clusive breastfeeding practice. Results: Response rate was 96% with a total of 311 mothers participated in this study. More than half of the mothers exclusively breastfed (52.4%). The predictors for exclusive breastfeeding were Malay ethnicity (AOR=3.951, 95% CI: 1.374-11.358), having tertiary education (AOR=2.401, 95% CI: 1.100-5.241) and positive attitude toward breastfeeding (AOR=7.755, 95% CI: 1.382-43.502). Conclusion: Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was higher in this study than the national level. Programme planners should pay special attention to Chinese and Indian ethnicities, mothers with lower level of education and negative attitude in order to improve breastfeeding practice among rural mothers.
Although maternal and child mortality are on the decline in southeast Asia, there are still major disparities, and greater equity is key to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We used comparable cross-national data sources to document mortality trends from 1990 to 2008 and to assess major causes of maternal and child deaths. We present inequalities in intervention coverage by two common measures of wealth quintiles and rural or urban status. Case studies of reduction in mortality in Thailand and Indonesia indicate the varying extents of success and point to some factors that accelerate progress. We developed a Lives Saved Tool analysis for the region and for country subgroups to estimate deaths averted by cause and intervention. We identified three major patterns of maternal and child mortality reduction: early, rapid downward trends (Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand); initially high declines (sustained by Vietnam but faltering in the Philippines and Indonesia); and high initial rates with a downward trend (Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar). Economic development seems to provide an important context that should be coupled with broader health-system interventions. Increasing coverage and consideration of the health-system context is needed, and regional support from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations can provide increased policy support to achieve maternal, neonatal, and child health goals.
This article examines the numerous problems faced by primary health care in Malaysia, care that traditionally has been a private sector activity. While general practitioners have adapted, and are continually adapting, to the needs of a multiracial society with diverse cultural patterns, it is hoped that with the emergence of a dynamic discipline of family practice, family doctors will be able to provide a sophisticated form of primary health care that will serve the needs of the people.
The objective of this study was to elucidate the association of various risk factors with dengue cases reported in Lundu district, Sarawak, by analyzing the interaction between environmental, entomological, socio-demographic factors. Besides conventional entomological, serological and house surveys, this study also used GIS technology to generate geographic and environmental data on Aedes albopictus and dengue transmission. Seven villages were chosen based on the high number of dengue cases reported. A total of 551 households were surveyed. An overall description of the socio-demographic background and basic facilities was presented together with entomological and geographical profiles. For serological and ovitrap studies, systematic random sampling was used. Serological tests indicated that 23.7% of the 215 samples had a history of dengue, either recent or previous infections. Two samples (0.9%) were confirmed by IgM ELISA and 49 samples (22.8%) had IgG responses. A total of 32,838 Aedes albopictus eggs were collected in 56 days of trapping. Cluster sampling was also done to determine whether any of the risk factors (entomological or geographical) were influenced by geographical location. These clusters were defined as border villages with East Kalimantan and roadside villages along Lundu/Biawas trunk road. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 10.01. Descriptive analysis using frequency, means, and median were used. To determine the association between variables and dengue cases reported, and to describe the differences between the two clusters of villages, two-sample t-test, and Pearson's Chi-Square were used. Accurate maps were produced with overlay and density function, which facilitates the map visualization and report generating phases. This study also highlights the use of differential Global Positioning System in mapping sites of 1m accuracy. Analysis of the data revealed there are significant differences in clusters of villages attributable to container density, house density, distance of the house from the main road, and number of Ae. albopictus eggs from ovitraps set indoor, outdoor and in dumping sites (Person's Chi-Square = 6.111, df = 1, p < 0.01). Further analysis using t-test showed that house density, container density, indoor mosquitoes egg count, outdoor mosquitoes egg count, and dumping sites mosquitoes egg count were higher at the roadside villages compared to border villages. A number of potential risk factors including those generated from GIS were investigated. None of the factors investigated in this study were associated with the dengue cases reported.
There has been a significant decline in maternal mortality from 540 per 100,000 live births
in I957 to 28 per 100,000 in 2010. This decline is due to several factors. Firstly the introduction of the rural health infrastructure which is mainly constructing health centres and midwife clinics for the rural population. This provided the accessibility and availability of primary health care and specially, antenatal care for the women. This also helped to increase the antenatal coverage for the women to 98% in 2010 and it increased the average number of antenatal visits per women from6 in 1980 to 12 visits in 2010 for pregnant women. Along with the introduction of health centres, another main feature was the introduction of specific programmes to address the needs of the women and children. In the 1950s the introduction of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programme was an important
step. Later in the late 1970s there was the introduction of the High Risk Approach in MCH care and Safe Motherhood in the 1980s. In 1990, an important step was the introduction of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD). Another significant factor in the reduction is the identification of high risk mothers and this is being done by the introduction of the colour coding system in the health centres. Other factors include the increase in the number of safe deliveries by skilled personnel and the reduction in the number of deliveries by the Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs). The reduction in fertility rate from 6.3 in 1960 to 3.3 in 2010 has been another important factor. To achieve the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to further reduce maternal deaths by 50%, more needs to be done especially to identify maternal deaths that are missed by omission or misclassification and also to capture the late maternal deaths.
Insufficient physical activity and growing obesity levels among Malaysian adolescents are becoming a public health concern. Our study is to identify the trends of self-reported physical activity (PA) levels, blood lipid profiles, and body composition (BC) indices from a cohort of 820 adolescents. The self-reported PA was assessed using a validated Malay version of the PA Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C). Fasting blood samples were collected to investigate their lipid profiles. Height, weight, waist and hip circumferences as well as body fat percentage were measured. The baseline and the first follow-up were conducted in 2012 and 2014, respectively. A downward trend in the PA level was seen in all categories with a significant reduction among all rural adolescents (P = 0.013) and more specifically, PA among girls residing in rural areas dropped significantly (P = 0.006). Either a significant reduction in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or a significant increment in BC indices (i.e., body mass index [BMI], waist circumference [WC], hip circumference, and body fat percentage [BF %]) were seen in this group. Female adolescents experienced more body fat increment with the reduction of physical activity. If not intervened early, adolescents from rural areas may increase their risk of developing cardiovascular diseases earlier.
Foreword. M K Rajakumar
Introduction: The transformation of health care in Malaysia. p1. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH
PART I: The state and the private sector in the financing and provision of health care. p17
1 The growth of corporate health care in Malaysia. p19. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH
2 Regulating Malaysia’s private health care sector. p40. NIK ROSNAH WAN ABDULLAH
3 Rising health care costs: the contradictory responses of the Malaysian state. p59. PHUA KAI LIT
4 Malaysian health policy in comparative perspective. p72. M. RAMESH
5 The welfarist state under duress: global influences and local contingencies in Malaysia. p85. CHAN CHEE KHOON
6 Equity in Malaysian health care: an analysis of public health expenditures and health care facilities. p102. WEE CHONG HUI AND JOMO K.S.
PART II: People’s access to health care. p117
7 Health care for the Orang Asli: consequences of paternalism and non-recognition. p119. COLIN NICHOLAS AND ADELA BAER
8 Women’s access to health care services in Malaysia. p137. CHEE HENG LENG AND WONG YUT LIN
9 HIV/AIDS health care policy and practice in Malaysia. p154. HUANG MARY S.L. AND MOHD NASIR MOHD TAIB
10 Health care and long-term care issues for the elderly. p170. ONG FON SIM
11 Health care in Sarawak: model of a public system. p187. KHOO KHAY JIN
Epilogue: Civil society and health care policy in Malaysia. p208. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH
Introduction: Little is known about anxiety symptoms among diabetic patients, especially among those who are living in rural areas in Malaysia. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate the prevalence of anxiety among diabetic patients and factors associated with anxiety in rural communities in Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 464 diabetes mellitus patients in rural health districts and outpatient clinics in Malaysia was conducted. Each participant was interviewed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: Respondents consisted of 193 (41.6%) males and 271 (58.4%) females. The mean age of participants was 59.65 ± 10.16 years and the mean duration of diabetes mellitus was 6.9 ± 6.3 years. Results indicate that 15% of the participants have anxiety symptoms. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that patients with history of ischemic heart disease and depression and those who were underweight have higher anxiety scores with adjusted OR 5.06 (95% CI 1.79 to 14.27), 27.71 (95% CI 14.23 to 53.98) and 14.6 (95% CI 2.49 to 84.82), respectively. Conclusions: This study suggests that although the prevalence of anxiety among diabetics is low, primary care physician should be trained to identify high risk patients and to manage their condition in order to improve the clinical outcome.
Study site: rural health districts and outpatient clinics in Malaysia
An IgM dot-immunobinding assay (IgM-DIA) was developed for the diagnosis of scrub typhus infection. The whole cell antigens of Karp, Kato and Gilliam strains of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi were immobilized onto nitrocellulose paper and reacted with patients sera. The presence of IgM R. tsutsugamushi specific antibody in the patient sera could be detected by the observation of a visible brown dot on the nitrocellulose paper. The IgM-DIA has a sensitivity of 90.4% and specificity of 81.4% as compared to the indirect immunoperoxidase test. The IgM-DIA is rapid, simple, cost-effective, does not require microscope or incubator. It is recommended as a rapid screening test for the diagnosis of scrub typhus infection in the field or rural area within the hyperendemic region.
In a survey of 974 villagers (408 males, 566 females; ages = 11-82 years) of the Ai (n = 496; 212 males, 284 females) and Lemanak (n = 478; 196 males, 282 females) rivers in the district of Lubuk Antu in Sarawak's Sri Aman Division during July 1993, goiter was found in 31.8% of the subjects. The goiter prevalence was higher in the more interior Ai river area than in the Lemanak river area (36.9% vs 26.5%). In females aged 15 years and above, the goiter prevalence was 75.4% and 49.1%, respectively, in the Ai and Lemanak river areas. The difference in goiter prevalence between the two areas was related to the degree of iodine deficiency in the two areas. The median urinary iodine excretion in the Ai river villagers was 22.1 micrograms/l compared to 72.9 micrograms/l in the Lemanak river villagers (p < 0.0001). Goitrous subjects tended to have lower urinary iodine concentration than non-goitrous subjects. In the males, smoking of tobacco was associated with a two-fold increase in goiter frequency. Despite on-going distribution of iodized salt by the medical and health services in the State, only 23% of the 135 salt samples obtained from the households in the areas contained detectable iodine.
The infection rate and relationship of enterobiasis with socio-economic status were determined in children aged 1-8 years, living in a rural area in Malaysia. Of the 178 subjects 40.4% were infected with Enterobius vermicularis. The distribution of enterobiasis among these children were analyzed in relation to age groups and sex. The rate of infection was significantly higher in older children (5-7 years). The association of enterobiasis with other factors studied such as number of persons per house, household income per months and mother's employment status were not significant. The sensitivity of three successive days anal swabs compared to a single swab was found to be statistically significant.
A survey was carried out in a Malay-speaking Muslim community in southern Thailand to obtain baseline data for planning of long term multidisciplinary research and development. By using a 30-cluster sampling technique, 210 households of 1,308 subjects were studied in the post-Ramadan period. It was found that the community was in a social transition. The crude birth rate was 4% and 37.6% of the households had at least one migrant. About half of these migrants had been to Malaysia and mainly worked in rubber plantations. Ninety-five per cent of the households had electricity whereas only 23.8% had a latrine. Boiled or rain water was regularly drunk in only 13.3 per cent of the households. Home-grown agricultural products were not sufficient to provide adequate food. Twenty-six per cent of the adults were unemployed and 24.6% were illiterate. Of the pregnancies 26.7% had no antenatal care and complete tetanus toxoid was given to only 27.8%. Traditional birth attendants conducted 81.1% of the deliveries and only 28.9 and 24.4% of the umbilical cords were correctly cut and correctly dressed, respectively. Breast feeding was still a common (87.8%) practice. However, complete immunization was given to only 10.8%, and 37.8% of the infants had at least one diarrheal episode in the previous month. It was concluded that high birth rate, high migration, low education, low income and bad health of infants are major problems. These problems were interlinked and needed a special multidisciplinary approach. In addition to common obstacles for routine health delivery, migration may create international complications, particularly related to maternal and child care.
The definition of primary health care is basically the same, but the wide variety of concepts as to the form and type of worker required is largely due to variations in economic, demographic, socio-cultural and political factors. Whatever form it takes, in many parts of the developing world, it is increasingly clear that primary health care must be provided by non-physicians. The reasons for this trend are compelling, yet it is surprisingly opposed by the medical profession in many a developing country. Nonetheless, numerous field trials are being conducted in a variety of situations in several countries around the world. Non-physician primary health care workers vary from medical assistants and nurse practitioners to aide-level workers called village mobilizers, village volunteers, village aides and a variety of other names. The functions, limitations and training of such workers will need to be defined, so that an optimal combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes best suited to produce the desired effect on local health problems may be attained. The supervision of such workers by the physician and other health professionals will need to be developed in the spirit of the health team. An example of the use of non-physicians in providing primary health care in Sarawak is outlined.
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and its clustering. The findings are to help shape the Malaysian future healthcare planning for cardiovascular disease prevention and management.
METHODS: Data from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey was used. The survey was conducted via a face-to-face interview using a standardised questionnaire. A total of 37,906 eligible participants aged 18 years and older was identified, of whom 34,505 (91%) participated. Focus was on hypertension, hyperglycaemia (diabetes and impaired fasting glucose), hypercholesterolaemia and central obesity.
RESULTS: Overall, 63% (95% confidence limits 62, 65%) of the participants had at least one cardiovascular risk factor, 33% (32, 35%) had two or more and 14% (12, 15%) had three risk factors or more. The prevalence of hypertension, hyperglycaemia, hypercholesterolaemia and central obesity were 38%, 15%, 24% and 37%, respectively. Women were more likely to have a higher number of cardiovascular risk factors for most age groups; adjusted odds ratios ranging from 1.1 (0.91, 1.32) to 1.26 (1.12, 1.43) for the presence of one risk factor and 1.07 (0.91, 1.32) to 2.00 (1.78, 2.25) for two or more risk factors.
CONCLUSIONS: Cardiovascular risk-factor clustering provides a clear impression of the true burden of cardiovascular disease risk in the population. Women displayed higher prevalence and a younger age shift in clustering was seen. These findings signal the presence of a cardiovascular epidemic in an upcoming middle-income country and provide evidence that drastic measures have to be taken to safeguard the health of the nation.
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2006)
Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health/statistics & numerical data
Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide. The prevalence of anaemia in the developing countries is three to four times higher than that in the developed countries. The iron status was assessed in 199 apparently healthy male and female adolescents aged 12-19 years living in a fishing community in Sabah, Malaysia. Data on socio-economic characteristics, lifestyles, anthropometry measurements, iron status, and dietary intake were gathered. Dietary intake of energy, iron, and most nutrients (with the exception of protein and vitamin C) were below the recommended levels for Malaysian adolescents. Three-quarters of the iron was derived from plant foods. The mean haemoglobin value for the male was 13.9 +/- 1.3 g/dl with 9.5% having less than 12 g/dl, while the respective figures for the female were 12.4 +/- 1.6 g/dl and 28.6%. The mean serum ferritin concentrations for male and female adolescents were 21.5 and 15.4 microg/l, respectively; with 25.7% of the males and 49.5% of the females having deficient levels of ferritin. Dietary intake of total energy and iron, and gender were found to be independent determinants of serum ferritin and haemoglobin levels, accounting for over 40% of the variations for each of these iron indicators. In males, but not in females, the intake of dietary protein and iron, and physical activity were also found to be significant determinants of serum ferritin. The age of subjects and household size were significant determinants of haemoglobin levels for male subjects, but not for female subjects. The findings indicate the importance of adequate intake of energy and dietary iron for improving the iron status of adolescents.