OBJECTIVE: To evaluate strength profile of the upper and lower limbs among adolescent elite Malaysian badminton players.
DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
SETTING: Laboratory.
PARTICIPANTS: Forty-eight asymptomatic athletes (24 males and 24 females) were grouped into early and late adolescence (13-14 y old and 15-17 y old, respectively).
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Strength (absolute and normalized) of the external/internal rotators of the shoulder and flexor/extensor of the knee and strength derivatives, conventional strength ratio (CSR), dynamic control ratio (DCR), and bilateral deficits were measured.
RESULTS: Males showed greater strength in all strength indices (P < .05). The older group had greater strength compared to younger for most of the upper and lower limb indices (P < .05); these effects diminished when using normalized data. For females, there was no age group effect in the shoulder and knee strength. All players displayed lower shoulder and knee normative values for CSR and DCR. Dominant and non-dominant knee strength were comparable between sex and age groups.
CONCLUSIONS: For males, growth and maturation had a greater contribution to strength gained compared to training, whereas for females, growth, maturation, and training did not improve strength. The normalized data indicated that training did not improve all indices measured apart from external rotator strength in females. All players also displayed lower normative values of CSR and DCR. These results suggest that training in elite adolescent Malaysian badminton players lacks consideration of strength gain and injury risk factors.
METHODS: MMG signals in longitudinal, lateral and transverse directions of muscle fibres were recorded from the elbow flexors of twenty-five male subjects using triaxial accelerometers. Cross-correlation coefficients were used to quantify the degree of crosstalk in all nine possible pairs of fibre axes, all muscle pairs and all exercises.
RESULTS: MMG root mean square (RMS) was statistically significant among the fibre axes (p<0.05, η2=0.17- 0.34) except for biceps brachii and brachioradialis in supination and brachialis in flexion. Overall mean crosstalk values in the three muscle pairs (biceps brachii & brachialis, brachialis & brachioradialis and brachioradialis & biceps brachii) were found to be 6.09-52.17%, 4.01-61.42% and 2.16-51.85%, respectively. Crosstalk values showed statistical significance among all nine axes pairs (p<0.05, η2=0.16-0.51) except for biceps brachii & brachialis during pronation. The transverse axes pair generated the lowest mean crosstalk values (2.16-9.14%).
CONCLUSION: MMG signals recorded using accelerometers from the transverse axes of muscle fibres in the elbow flexors are unique and yield the least amount of crosstalk.