Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 298 in total

  1. Lim KH, Teh CH, Heng PP, Pan S, Ling MY, Yusoff MFM, et al.
    Tob Induc Dis, 2018;16:51.
    PMID: 31516448 DOI: 10.18332/tid/96297
    INTRODUCTION: Understanding how and where youth obtain tobacco products are major factors in the development of suitable intervention programs to reduce youth smoking. This study aimed to determine the source of cigarettes and the associated factors among Malaysian school adolescent smokers.

    METHODS: Our sample consisted of 1348 youth aged 10-17 years who were current smokers (having smoked at least once in the last 30 days). The source of cigarettes (commercial, over-the-counter purchases; or social, borrowing or obtaining from someone else) was the dependent variable, and multivariable logistic regression was employed to determine its association with independent variables (i.e. sociodemographics, smoking behavior, and knowledge of laws prohibiting sales of cigarettes to youth).

    RESULTS: Over half (54.3%) of current smokers obtained cigarettes from commercial sources, with a proportion nearly two times higher (84.2% vs 43.7%) among frequent smokers (i.e. those smoking more than 20 days per month) compared to less-frequent smokers, and among young males (56.5% vs 32.0%) compared young females. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that in urban areas, young females (AOR=12.5, 95% CI: 1.38-99.8) frequent smokers (AOR=4.41, 95% CI: 2.05-9.46), and those studying in lower (AOR=3.76, 95% CI: 1.41-10.02) and upper secondary (AOR=4.74, 95% CI: 1.72-13.06) school students were more likely to obtain cigarettes from a commercial source. On the other hand, in rural areas, only frequent smokers were more likely to get their cigarettes from commercial sources, whilst other variables were not significant.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of youth smokers who obtained cigarettes from commercial sources appeared to be high, suggesting that law enforcement and health promotion activities should be enhanced to reduce the rate of smoking among Malaysian youth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  2. Samsuddin MF, Karim J, Salim AA
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:571027.
    PMID: 33868035 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.571027
    Introduction: Stress level among the caregivers is often related to caregivers' lack of knowledge and skill to care for the patients. A health education program to the caregivers is one of the important elements in increasing the knowledge and skills in managing patients at home. The specific objectives of this study were to determine caregiver's stress level in managing post total knee replacement (TKR) patients pre and post of a health education program. Materials and Methods: A clinical intervention trial design was conducted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) with a sample size of 32 caregivers. A validated Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) questionnaire was used to measure the stress level pre and post of the health education program on the management of patients post-TKR surgery which was adopted from Fresno Surgical Hospital in California. Results: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between pre and post level of stress (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: This study revealed the positive outcome of the health education program. It reduced the stress level among the caregivers in caring for their relatives with post-TKR surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  3. Castillo-Carandang NT, Buenaventura RD, Chia YC, Do Van D, Lee C, Duong NL, et al.
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2020;13:803-819.
    PMID: 32765135 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S256165
    Introduction: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states. Progress has been slow despite the World Health Organization action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs in the region. This paper presents recommendations focused on practical strategies for optimizing NCD management in the ASEAN region.

    Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts from six ASEAN member states convened for two face-to-face meetings to discuss barriers and possible recommendations for optimizing NCD management, focused on cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, in the region. Multiple approaches, ie, analysis of insights from the meetings and a review of existing literature on NCD programs in the ASEAN region were followed. The proposed recommendations were also based on selected successful interventions in ASEAN member states, thus providing actionable strategies.

    Results: The gaps identified in NCD management for cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders in the ASEAN region were classified into gaps relating to policies and to clinical and public health practice. The proposed solutions addressing policy gaps include fostering multisectoral public-private partnerships, employing "whole-of-government" and "whole-of-society" approaches and promoting "health-in-all policies approach" to manage issues with financing, accessibility, efficiency and quality of health services. Whereas proposed solutions to bridge clinical and public health practice gaps entail strengthening primary care services, building the capacity of trained healthcare workers and employing collaborative care for holistic management of patients.

    Conclusion: The scale of premature and preventable deaths from NCDs in the ASEAN region remains a serious public health concern and requires a "whole-of-system approach". The interventions proposed in this paper build on regional collaborations and knowledge sharing to help develop a concerted and targeted response to NCDs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  4. Yau A, Haque M
    Medeni Med J, 2019;34(4):387-395.
    PMID: 32821466 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2019.54775
    The round-the-clock demands of healthcare services, coupled with the shortage of healthcare providers in many parts of the world, have made shiftwork widespread among healthcare workers. Understanding how to mitigate unfavourable effects of shiftwork on well-being is essential to improve health promotion, to prevent disease prevention, and to increase quality of life. This comprehensive review aims to present evidence linking shiftwork with cardiovascular diseases and cancers among healthcare workers. Several studies have demonstrated evidence indicating the relationship between long-term exposure to shiftwork tempo and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Health workers are increasingly witnesing unfavourable effects of shiftwork on their health state. Shiftwork disturbs circadian rhythm and cardiopulmonary processes, leading to adverse health outcomes. Increasing prevalence of shiftwork in healthcare industries due to population expansion and public health threat of cancers call for investigation towards a better understanding of the underlying mechanism of shiftwork-induced diseases. The shift work period has been considered in different studies using various criteria, resulting in inconsistent definition of measurement criteria leading to misclassification of the study population. There is a need for a more considerable and holistic effort towards standardization of shiftwork definition and conduct an assessment to establish a more conveniently appliacable framework for intervention strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  5. Segaran Ramodran, Billy Bryan Jafrin, Mellonna Ignatia Jeffrey Liew, Nurul MadihahMohd Raeh, Juecella Joyce Jalius
    Introduction: EC1773 is a community outreach program conducted annually by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). It serves as a platform for nursing and medical students to collaborate hands-on health promotion for rural commu- nities. As of date, there has been no empirical study to gauge student`s post-program satisfaction. This study aims to evaluate satisfaction among students who have undergone the UMS-led community out-reach program and identify gaps for improvement. Methods: The study entailed a cross-sectional design involving 165 (N) nursing(n=65) and medical students (n=100) who had completed a 10-day rural outreach program. Ethical approval was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of UMS as well-informed consent from respondents. A 25- item questionnaire requir- ing Likert-scale responsewas used to evaluatethe level of satisfaction across 5 sub-categories namely; pre-departure preparation & briefing;onsite facilities and logistics; teamwork; community participation and learning achievements. Results: Among 165 nursing -medical students in the study, 88% (n=146) were satisfied and 12% (n=19) were dis- satisfied with the UMS-led outreach program. Sub-category items rated as satisfactory were community participation 96% and learning achievements 91%. Poor satisfaction highlighted by respondents regarding the out-reach program were inadequacy of facilities and poor logistics 62% and quality of pre-departure preparation and briefing 66%. Nursing students reported significantly higher dissatisfaction (p=0.04) regarding teamwork and adequacy of onsite facilities and logistics. Conclusion: Findings from this study infers that student’s post-evaluation towards the UMS-led outreach is generally satisfactory but has specific shortfalls that need to be addressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
    owadays the increasing prevalence of dietary disease has raised consumers’ awareness of healthy diet and lifestyle. The rise in the use of nutrition and health claims to promote health benefits in food products help consumers make effective food choices. There is very limited research regarding nutrition and health claims in Malaysia. This research focused on consumers’ knowledge, perception (i.e. perceived quality, perceived healthiness, perceived value, perceived importance, trust and perceived familiarity), and attitude towards nutrition and health claims on dairy products as well as their purchase intention towards the products, and examinethe relationship between these variables in Johor Bahru, Johor. All responses were collected by distributing questionnaire to convenience and quota sample (n=200). Data was analysed to obtain descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The results showed that most of the consumers (46%) had moderate knowledge of nutrition and health claims on dairy products. Consumers generally had almost positive perception and attitude towards nutrition and health claims on dairy products and positive purchase intention towards dairy products. Almost all independent variables correlated with purchase intention towards dairy products. Consumer attitude had the strongest positive relationship with purchase intention (r=0.722), followed by moderate positive correlation between consumer perception and purchase intention (r=0.671), while consumer knowledge only had low relationship with purchase intention (r=0.299). This study added new knowledge regarding public purchasing behaviour towards dairy products with nutrition and health claims. This research also provided valuable information for both food manufacturers and companies to help them make effective decisions to improve the presentation of nutrition and health claims for better expression of information as well as the goodness of food products in order to attract the attention of health-conscious consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  7. Chin Yit Siew, Tee E Siong, Zawiah Hashim, Rasyedah Ahmad Raqi, Norimah A Karim
    Introduction: This paper discussed the effectiveness of “Healthy Kids Programme (HKP)”, specifically in improving the body weight status as well as knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the children. Methods: In this longi- tudinal intervention study, a total of 12 primary schools in Klang Valley were randomly selected and divided into intervention and control groups. There were 386 standard three children participated at baseline. All children in the intervention group participated in the HKP that was conducted by nutritionists. The evaluations included the pre- and post-Immediate Impact survey (IIS) (every topic), and changes in nutrition KAP survey and anthropometric assess- ment of the children at the beginning and end of every year for three years. Results: School children in intervention group reported with an increased in the IIS score for each topic and achieved a significantly higher mean nutrition knowledge score than those in the control group over time. There were no significant differences in mean attitude and practice scores between two groups after the intervention. Children in the intervention group had lower rates of overweight and obesity (pre-test: 27.3%; post-test: 32.5%) than their counterpart (pre-test: 26.6%; post-test: 44.0%). Conclusions: The HKP is effective in improving nutrition knowledge of the children. A lower rate of overweight and obesity was observed in intervention group than control group. This approach will contribute towards inculcating healthy eating and active lifestyle habits among Malaysian children that bring about long-term health benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  8. Sarah Dib, Jonathan CK Wells, Nurul Husna M Shukri
    Introduction: Baby-friendly hospital practices and family support are recognised to improve the chances of success- ful breastfeeding. The associations between support and maternal psychological state and breastfeeding problems are less explored. This study aimed to assess the influence of professional and family support on breastfeeding ad- verse events and postpartum depression at 2 weeks and exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) status at 12 weeks postpartum, and to identify predictors of positive outcomes. Methods: 64 primiparous Malaysian mothers were interviewed face-to-face, at 2, 6 and 12 weeks post-delivery, to collect data regarding family support, hospital and infant feeding practices, breastfeeding problems and pain, maternal perceptions and depression. Logistic regression and correlation were used to ascertain associations between support and EBF, adverse events and postpartum depression. Results: Neither professional nor family support predicted EBF at 12 weeks. Eighty-five percent of the mothers received high family support, which was associated with lower depression scores (r=-0.36, p=0.005); higher depression scores were associated with more breastfeeding problems. EBF discontinuation before 12 weeks was predicted by maternal perception of insufficient milk supply (OR=8.96, CI=1.78, 45.18). Earlier breastfeeding initiation (r=0.26, p=0.04) and skin-to-skin contact (r=0.25, p=0.048) were associated with lower breastfeeding pain. EBF in hospital was cor- related with fewer breastfeeding problems (r=0.31, p=0.01). Conclusion: Mothers with greater family support suf- fered from less depressive symptoms, which could lower the incidence of breastfeeding problems and prolong EBF duration. Skin-to-skin contact, early breastfeeding initiation and EBF in hospital were associated with less adverse events, thus better compliance with these Baby-Friendly practices is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  9. Smith EMD, Ainsworth S, Beresford MW, Buys V, Costello W, Egert Y, et al.
    Pediatr Rheumatol Online J, 2020 Sep 11;18(1):71.
    PMID: 32917217 DOI: 10.1186/s12969-020-00465-2
    There is a lack of awareness of paediatric rheumatic diseases (PRDs), among the public, and certain groups of healthcare professionals (HCPs), including general practitioners. To help improve international awareness and understanding of PRDs, World yOung Rheumatic Diseases (WORD) Day was established on 18 March 2019. Its aim was to raise awareness of PRDs and the importance of timely referral plus early diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment and support. A steering committee was established, and an external agency provided digital support. A social media campaign was launched in December 2018 to promote it, and analytics were used to measure its impact. Face-to-face and virtual events took place globally on or around WORD Day 2019, with 34 countries reporting events. Examples included lectures, social gatherings and media appearances. A total of 2585 and 660 individuals followed the official Facebook and Twitter accounts respectively, up until WORD Day. The official #WORDDay2019 hashtag was seen by 533,955 unique accounts on 18 March 2019 alone, with 3.3 million impressions. WORD Day 2019 was the first international campaign focused solely on PRDs. It demonstrated that despite awareness events being often resource-light, they can be implemented across a range of diverse settings. WORD Day has now become an annual global awareness event, facilitated by a growing network of patient, parent and professional community supporters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  10. Mohamad Noh K
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(Special Issue):50-56.
    Primary health care is an approach to health and a spectrum of services beyond the traditional health care system while primary care is just one element within PHC that focuses on health care services. The present status of PHC in Malaysia and the strides it has made in uplifting the health status of the nation is described. The challenges that the Malaysia health system are facing have necessitated a review of the structure of the whole health system and reforms in PHC will ensue in due course. The concept of 1Care, the proposed re-structuring of the health system, is discussed with emphasis on the reform in the PHC delivery system. The reforms are aimed at addressing three main concerns on seamless integration of care especially for the management of chronic diseases, ensuring universal coverage and responsiveness of the health system in the face of increasing client expectations and patient safety. The opportunity for macro reform to improve the health of Malaysians by developing a sustainable and high performing health care system is being seized by the Ministry of Health in 1Care. The micro reforms are discussed as regards to increasing access to services, development of primary health care teams to deliver comprehensive PHC, the application of ICT, the renewed emphasis on health promotion & prevention activities and a renewed focus on community empowerment and participation. Support in terms of human resource, governance & funding models, capacity building in monitoring & evaluation as well as change management to affect the reforms are identified. The paper concludes with lessons learnt from other countries and the importance of systemic reform for a well functioning health delivery system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  11. Arbaiah, O., Daud, A.R., Surinah, A., Noorhaida, U., Shaharom, N.A.M.C.D., Rahim, A.
    Introduction : The 2006 -2007 flood in Johore which displaced more than 312,386 residents of the state was an extraordinary event and tested everyone preparedness. The disaster caused massive material, economic and environmental losses exceeded the state and local community capacity, forcing them seeks help from other states. Needs assessment, effectiveness of health services as well as leadership and nongovernment organization involvement were evaluated and constitute lessons learnt from the experiences.
    Methodology : This is a descriptive review of the Johore flood. The review was based on literature search using established data and published reports of previous disasters. Discussion will focus on the 4 S’s of the surge capacity that is Structure, Staffing, Supplies and System (policies & procedures). Result : Structure- although 49 or 14% of health facilities in the state were affected by the flood, health services continued to be given. Majority of the relief centers were schools with better facilities. Funding for repairs obtained early approval as estimation of damages was timely applied. Temporary isolation centers for the conjunctivitis outbreak was appropriate implemented. Staffing- Leadership was assumed by the Johore State Health Department, the strongest and most prepared health sector. Needs assessment resulted in additional staff being deployed from other states allowing local staff to have their break from work as well as personal stress. Local staff became multi-skilled players. Training in disaster preparedness has to be of utmost priority to support such needs. Supplies- Personnel protective and pest control equipment, and medical supplies were adequately supplied. The laboratory services were well prepared. Pamphlets, posters, buntings and banners were distributed including five new health promotion materials. System- Flood disaster plan of action was well in place resulting in efficient management of the operating rooms, data management, coordination of services and disease surveillance through early warning system.
    Conclusion : Public health preparedness is a matter of good governance and management based on evidence and experience. There is a need for a permanent and stable program for the Ministry of Health to prepare and coordinate the response to all disasters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  12. Mohanty DP, Mohapatra S, Misra S, Sahu PS
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2016 Sep;23(5):577-83.
    PMID: 27579006 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.06.005
    Milk-derived bioactive peptides have been identified as potential ingredients of health-promoting functional foods. These bioactive peptides are targeted at diet-related chronic diseases especially the non-communicable diseases viz., obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Peptides derived from the milk of cow, goat, sheep, buffalo and camel exert multifunctional properties, including anti-microbial, immune modulatory, anti-oxidant, inhibitory effect on enzymes, anti-thrombotic, and antagonistic activities against various toxic agents. Majority of those regulate immunological, gastrointestinal, hormonal and neurological responses, thereby playing a vital role in the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, hypertension and other disorders as discussed in this review. For the commercial production of such novel bioactive peptides large scale technologies based on membrane separation and ion exchange chromatography methods have been developed. Separation and identification of those peptides and their pharmacodynamic parameters are necessary to transfer their potent functional properties into food applications. The present review summarizes the preliminary classes of bioactive milk-derived peptides along with their physiological functions, general characteristics and potential applications in health-care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  13. Wan Norlida Ibrahim, Syed Aljunid, Aniza Ismail
    Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is a major contributor for rapid rise in healthcare cost in developing countries since the last decade. It was estimated that around 54% of deaths in developing countries are due to chronic non-communicable diseases which is predicted to rise by 65% by 2030. Diabetes mellitus is among the most prevalent chronic diseases suffered by more than 180 million people worldwide. By 2030 it is estimated that around 400 million people in the world will be afflicted with diabetes. Annual deaths attributable to diabetes are probably as high as 3 million with more than 80% occur in developing countries. India, China and Indonesia are three countries in the Asian region with most number of people with diabetes. The total number of cases in these three countries is expected to increase more than double from 61 million in 2000 to 163 million in 2030. China and India will suffer cumulative GDP loss of 13.8% and 16.7% respectively, over the next ten year period. Assessing economic burden of diabetes is a challenging task for researchers because identification of direct and indirect cost of the disease is often complex since patients with diabetes also suffers from other complications and co-morbidities. In conclusion, the heavy economic burden of diabetes pose major challenges to health policy makers in developing countries to assess the current approach in managing this chronic disease. Serious efforts should be made on focusing and up-scaling activities on health promotion and prevention of diabetes so that to provide a more cost-effective solution to this condition with huge and increasing economic loss.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  14. Lim, Chin Choon, Asrul Akmal Shafie, Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali
    Programmes that increase awareness of childhood obesity are vital to reducing the
    number of obese adults and adults with cardiovascular diseases. However, the
    effectiveness of these programmes must be evaluated to optimise resources for childhood
    obesity awareness programmes. The present study was conducted to assess the
    intermediate cost-effectiveness and provide a cost analysis of childhood obesity health
    promotion programmes. This quasi-experimental study compared the intermediate
    outcomes of the Sahabat Sihat and Be Best programmes over a six-month period. Data
    regarding health-related quality of life (EQ-5D and EQ-VAS), the Knowledge, Attitude and
    Practice questionnaire, and biomedical data were obtained from booklets prepared by
    MySihat for childhood obesity-related health promotion programmes. Data regarding cost
    was obtained from the expenditure records of the respective health promotion
    programmes. The intergroup and intragroup comparisons between the EQ-5D and
    EQ-VAS results, the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice scores, and the biomedical data
    were explored using the Mann-Whitney and Friedman tests. Descriptive statistics were
    utilised in the analysis of the cost results. Be Best and Sahabat Sihat were successful in
    helping to prevent overweight respondents from becoming obese. The Attitude score was
    higher among the Sahabat Sihat cohort, but the Practice score was higher among the Be
    Best cohort. Be Best had a lower mean cost per participant and was more cost-effective
    than Sahabat Sihat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  15. Ab Murat, N., Watt, R.G.
    Ann Dent, 2006;13(1):1-5.
    The main aim of this study is to get the Malaysian chief dentists’ perceptions of the oral health promotion activities currently taking place in their respective states in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of these activities. A qualitative method using an open-ended questionnaire was used to obtain this information. The study samples consist of all the chief dentists in Malaysia who represented a majority of population in their states. The results showed that the main current oral health promotion activities is dental health education talks which aims to disseminate oral health information through health education talks, toothbrushing drills, dental exhibition, pamphlets, brochures and publications. Half of the respondents felt that the commitment of the staff, the support of the public sectors and collaboration with other agencies are the main strengths while the lack of staff and fund has been said as the weaknesses. A range of opportunities however exist to strengthen oral health promotion in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  16. Aishah Knight, A.S.
    Cancer screening is an important part of any cancer control program and the success of any screening program is partly dependent on having large numbers of the high risk population availing themselves of the service. The purpose of this study was to assess the cancer screening behavior of fulbtime employed women staff of an institute of higher learning using the Health Belief Model (HBM) construct. The results showed that the rate of reported regular cancer screening behavior (Pap smear screening, breast self examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CBE) and mammography screening) were low. The rates for regular screening were 42.5% (Pap smear), 20.9% (BSE), 15.5% (CBE) and 9.4% (mammography). There were differences in the dimensions of the HBM between the women who reported regular screening and those that did not. The perceived barriers", "perceived benefits” and “motivation” dimensions were different in Pap smear screening, whereas the "confidence” dimension was different in BSE. Recommendations were made for a health education program targeting both women and men to increase uptake of cancer screening services by women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  17. NoorZurani MHR, Mohammad Hussain H
    Smoking cessation programmes have been available for almost 2 decades in Malaysia. However the programmes have mainly focussed on outpatient primary care settings. More attention is needed to address and treat smokers presenting to hospitals with acute and chronic medical illness as hospitals provide good settings to implement smoking cessation intervention. For instance, a tobacco related medical illness may boosts a smoker\'s motivation to stop, especially when the smoker perceives smoking as the cause of his illness and understands the gains achieved by smoking cessation. Besides bringing a smoker in contact with health personnel who may offer assistance to a smoker to help him stop smoking, a hospital stay also provide an opportunity for the health carer to initiate and practice the government policy of no smoking in the hospitals. This article addresses the importance of having a hospital-based smoking cessation programme for the Malaysian hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  18. Kimman M, Jan S, Kingston D, Monaghan H, Sokha E, Thabrany H, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(2):421-5.
    PMID: 22524800
    Cancer can be a major cause of poverty. This may be due either to the costs of treating and managing the illness as well as its impact upon people's ability to work. This is a concern that particularly affects countries that lack comprehensive social health insurance systems and other types of social safety nets. The ACTION study is a longitudinal cohort study of 10,000 hospital patients with a first time diagnosis of cancer. It aims to assess the impact of cancer on the economic circumstances of patients and their households, patients' quality of life, costs of treatment and survival. Patients will be followed throughout the first year after their cancer diagnosis, with interviews conducted at baseline (after diagnosis), three and 12 months. A cross-section of public and private hospitals as well as cancer centers across eight member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will invite patients to participate. The primary outcome is incidence of financial catastrophe following treatment for cancer, defined as out-of-pocket health care expenditure at 12 months exceeding 30% of household income. Secondary outcomes include illness induced poverty, quality of life, psychological distress, economic hardship, survival and disease status. The findings can raise awareness of the extent of the cancer problem in South East Asia and its breadth in terms of its implications for households and the communities in which cancer patients live, identify priorities for further research and catalyze political action to put in place effective cancer control policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  19. Yusof, Z.Y.M., Jaafar, N.
    Ann Dent, 2013;20(1):13-19.
    Long term evaluations of impacts of community
    based health promotion programmes are not an easy or
    straightforward task to do due to lack of validated and
    reliable indices. Objective: To develop and test an index
    to measure schoolchildren’s oral health knowledge,
    attitudes, and behaviour as a result of a school-based health
    promotion programme in Malaysia called the Doktor
    Muda (Junior Doctor) Programme (DMP). Materials and
    Methods: The index was developed in English based on
    the DMP module and translated into Malay. The Malay
    version was tested on 174, 11-12 year old schoolchildren.
    Psychometric analysis of the index involved content and
    face validity tests as well as factor analysis, internal and
    test-retest reliability. Results: Factor analysis yielded 3
    factors with groups of items viz. oral health knowledge
    (OHK), oral health attitudes (OHA) and oral health
    behaviour (OHB). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the
    three factors were 0.61, 0.73, and 0.64, respectively. The
    Kappa coefficients were 0.70, 0.77 and 0.73, respectively
    (intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.72, 0.70 and 0.78).
    The final questionnaire comprised 33 items, namely; OHK
    11 items, OHA 15 items, and OHB 7 items. Conclusion:
    The Health Promotion Questionnaire Index (HPQI) to
    measure the DMP impact on schoolchildren’s oral health
    knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours was empirically
    verified to be valid and reliable for use among 11-12 year
    old Malaysian schoolchildren.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  20. Mokhsin A, Mokhtar SS, Mohd Ismail A, M Nor F, Shaari SA, Nawawi H, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2018 12 04;8(12):e021580.
    PMID: 30518581 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021580
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS), ascertain the status of coronary risk biomarkers and establish the independent predictors of these biomarkers among the Negritos.

    SETTINGS: Health screening programme conducted in three inland settlements in the east coast of Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia.

    SUBJECTS: 150 Negritos who were still living in three inland settlements in the east coast of Malaysia and 1227 Malays in Peninsular Malaysia. These subjects were then categorised into MS and non-MS groups based on the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) consensus worldwide definition of MS and were recruited between 2010 and 2015. The subjects were randomly selected and on a voluntary basis.

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: This study was a cross-sectional study. Serum samples were collected for analysis of inflammatory (hsCRP), endothelial activation (sICAM-1) and prothrombogenesis [lp(a)] biomarkers.

    RESULTS: MS was significantly higher among the Malays compared with Negritos (27.7%vs12.0%). Among the Malays, MS subjects had higher hsCRP (p=0.01) and sICAM-1 (p<0.05) than their non-MS counterpart. There were no significant differences in all the biomarkers between MS and the non-MS Negritos. However, when compared between ethnicity, all biomarkers were higher in Negritos compared with Malays (p<0.001). Binary logistic regression analysis affirmed that Negritos were an independent predictor for Lp(a) concentration (p<0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that there may possibly be a genetic influence other than lifestyle, which could explain the lack of difference in biomarkers concentration between MS and non-MS Negritos and for Negritos predicting Lp(a).

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
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