Cornsilk is traditionally used to treat illnesses related to kidney and as diuretic agent. The study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of Malaysian cornsilk in elevating diuresis and their dose response relationship in normal Sprague-Dawley rat. The diuresis activity was determined by administered the rats with different dose treatments of 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 mg/kg. Cumulative urine was significantly increased with the dosage levels (400-600 mg/ kg) ranging from 14.06 - 20.13 mL. Cumulative urine of aqueous extract of cornsilk (AEC) at 400 mg/kg (14.06 mL) and 500 mg/kg (15.21 mL) treatments found to be significantly lower than positive control (21.25 mL). In addition, Na+ content was significantly higher compared with negative control at dosages of 500, 600, 700 and 800 mg/kg. At any rate, K+ and Cl- content of all AEC treatments were not significantly different during 24 h monitoring. The pH values were increased paralleled with the increment of AEC dosages, though it was not significant. On the other result, the ED50 of AEC was observed at 454.10 mg/kg. Malaysian AEC had shown a mild diuretic activity in elevating urine and Na+ content at dosages from 500 to 800 mg/kg. Whilst, AEC also showed an effect of potassium sparing diuretics. Thus, it is suggested that Malaysian cornsilk can be used as an alternative natural diuretic agent.
Bahagian aktif bagi enzim toksin bakteria daripada Burkholderia pseudomallei, Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan difteria merupakan domain ADP-ribosilasi. Domain ini didapati terpelihara di antara ketiga-tiga mikroorganisme. Di dalam kajian ini, domain ADP-ribosilasi Burkholderia pseudomallei telah diamplifikasi daripada genom B. pseudomallei virulen dengan menggunakan pencetus-pencetus yang dibina berdasarkan kepada jujukan domain ADP ribosilasi Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Hasil DNA amplifikasi ditulenkan dan digunakan sebagai prob (HPCR2) untuk menyaring DNA selitan daripada B. pseudomallei yang diklonkan ke dalam vektor pengekspresan pSport-I. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menyaring lapan klon yang positif hasil daripada penyaringan awal melalui pendekatan immunoblot menggunakan antitoksin daripada arnab. Penyaringan ini juga melibatkan tiga klon yang tidak memberikan isyarat positif semasa penyaringan secara immunoblot. Keputusan menunjukkan hanya satu klon (L31) daripada lapan klon immunoblot positif mempunyai domain ADP-ribosilasi. Penjujukan DNA separa klon L31 secara manual melibatkan dua pencetus menghasilkan jujukan sepanjang 450pb. Analisis selanjutnya mendapati daripada enam kemungkinan translasi kepada polipeptida hanya satu polipeptida wujud yang tidak mempunyai sebarang kodon penamat pada jujukan kodonnya.
Vermicomposting using Lumbricus rubellus was conducted in two different durations, 10 and 30 weeks in the same plots. Three different of treatments combination were prepared with eight replicates for each treatment namely cow dung : kitchen waste in 30:70 ratio (T1), cow dung : coffee grounds in 30:70 ratio (T2), and cow dung : kitchen waste : coffee grounds in 30:35:35 ratio (T3). Macronutrients elements in the vermicompost from each treatment were measured in the tenth and thirtieth week. Comparatively longer duration of vermicomposting by using Lumbricus rubellus enhanced the quality of vermicompost by the increase of the macronutrient elements while reducing the heavy metal concentration and C/N ratio.
The otoliths of sea bass (Lates calcarifer) were sampled from 23 locations in Peninsular Malaysia in order to analyse the Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. This study found that these elements/Ca ratios in sea bass otoliths were correlated with the salinity zone (thalassic series) compared with elements/Ca ratios in ambient water. The contradictory pattern of Sr/ Ca ratios and Ba/Ca ratios in otoliths was found according to salinity zone variations. Thus, oligohaline waters showed the highest Ba/Ca ratios while the highest Sr/Ca ratios were recorded for saline waters. The terrigenous enrichment of Ba in water also affects the Ba content in otoliths. The presence of Mg in otoliths acts as a rival to Ba, thus affecting Mg and Ba deposition. Meanwhile, Ba is the tracer for salinity fluctuations based on the partition coefficient (D) and it shows significant changes. However, the elements in otoliths were found to originate indirectly from the water column. The sequence of the elements/Ca ratios in otoliths and ambient water was Sr/Ca>Mg/Ca>Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca>Ba/Ca>Mg/ Ca, respectively.
The effects of dietary protein level on the growth performance and ammonia excretion of the leopard coral grouper,
Plectropomus leopardus were investigated for eight weeks. Fish were fed diets with 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60% crude protein
levels in separate recirculating systems. Fish fed with the 50% crude protein containing diet showed the best ingestion
rate, which was significantly higher than that found in the other groups. As the dietary protein level increased, the
specific growth rate increased significantly and it reached the highest level at 50% crude protein containing diet. Based
on the results of all measured parameters 50% protein containing diet was the best among all test diets. The regression
equation for dietary protein level versus ammonia excretion indicated that the optimal dietary protein level with the
least ammonia excretion was 53.14%. More research is still needed to elucidate the effects of 53.14% crude protein
containing diet on the specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and ingestion rate of leopard
coral grouper before recommending this level. Until then, 50% protein containing diet can be recommended for leopard
coral grouper culture in the recirculation system.
Two experiments were conducted to develop Acartia erythraea and Oithona brevicornis cultures: The performance of five microalgal diets to produce nauplii, copepodites and adults of A. erythraea; and the performance of the same diets to produce nauplii, copepodites and adults of O. brevicornis. The five different microalgal diets were Isochrysis galbana (IG), Chaetoceros affinis (CA), Chlorella marina (CM), Nannochloropsis oculata (NO) and mixed algae (mixture of IG, CA, CM and NO at an equal abundance to provide the exact cell density). The results indicated that the abundance of both A. erythraea and O. brevicornis was higher in tanks supplied with IG and mixed algae than the tanks supplied with CA, CM and NO. IG and mixed algal diets were statistically similar on the mean abundance for both A. erythraea and O. brevicornis. The maximum production of A. erythraea nauplii was observed on day 12 of culture period and the nauplii production decreased from day 13 onwards. The mean abundance of A. erythraea copepodites and adults increased along with time up to the end of the culture period. In the case of O. brevicornis nauplii, the maximum abundance was observed on day 9 day of culture period and the nauplii production decreased from day 10 onwards. The mean abundance of O. brevicornis copepodites and adults increased gradually from the beginning to the end of the culture period. Under the experimental conditions of this study, both IG and mixed algal diets can be recommended for the best growth performance of A. erythraea and O. brevicornis.
Isu kepuasan kerja telah menjadi fokus banyak kajian dalam psikologi industri dan organisasi kerana ia merupakan satu petunjuk kepada pencapaian tinggi. Banyak instrumen psikologi telah dibina untuk mengukur kepuasan kerja dan satu daripadanya ialah Job Descriptive Index (JDI). Kajian ini bertujuan menilai aspek psikometrik Job Descriptive Index (JDI) khususnya kesahan konvergen dan diskriminan. Sejumlah 366 responden dipilih dalam kalangan pegawai polis yang berkhidmat sebagai pegawai keselamatn di satu organisasi. Mereka diminta menjawab JDI. Analisis statistik yang digunakan ilah kolerasi Pearson, alfa Cronbach dan analisis multitret-multimetod menggunakan pekali W. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa JDI mempunyai kesahan konvergen yang memuaskan dengan lima subskala Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). Dapatan ini jelas menunjukkan bukti kesahan gagasan telah diperoleh dalam analisis matriks multitret-multimetod. Disamping itu, JDI juga menunjukkan kesahan kriteria dengan kolerasi signifikan di antara kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi. Bukti-bukti kesahan gagasan dan kriteria ini disokong oleh keputusan alfa cronbach yang tinggi menunjukkan bahawa ia adalah satu instrumen yang mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan untuk mengukur kepuasan kerja.
The periostracum is the outermost layer overlying the inner prismatic and nacreous layers of the shells of bivalves. In the present study, the distributions of Cd and Pb in the soft tissues (ST) and periostracum of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis sampled from 15 sampling sites in the coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia were determined. The concentrations of Cd (0.21-10.87 mg/g dry weight) and Pb (1.16-40.20 mg/g dry weight) in the periostracum were generally higher than those in the ST (Cd: 0.10-5.55 mg/g dry weight; Pb: 2.53-18.62 mg/g dry weight). Based on correlation analysis from nine geographical populations, the higher correlation coefficients (R values) between the periostracum-geochemical fractions of the sediments than between the ST-geochemical fractions of the sediments indicated that the periostracum could be a potential biomonitoring material for Pb. Hence, the present results supported the use of the periostracum of P. viridis as a potential biomonitoring material for Pb but not for Cd. However, more studies are warranted to verify its usefulness for the biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution in tropical coastal waters.
The effects of various concentrations of honey and sucrose on the longevity and fecundity of Apanteles metesae (Nixon), an endoparasitoid of oil palm bagworm, Metisa plana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) were studied in the laboratory. Our results showed that there were a significant difference (p<0.05) in the longevity of A. metesae fed on various concentrations of honey solutions. Longevity of A. metesae was significantly longer when fed on 50% honey than on pure honey. Nonetheless, longevity of A. metesae females when fed on 50% honey was relatively longer than other honey concentrations. The parasitoid lived significantly longer when fed on 20% sucrose than fed on 50% sucrose and distilled water. However, the parasitoid fed on 50% honey had a longevity that was statistically similar to 20% sucrose and 50% sucrose. Fecundity of A. metesae differed significantly (p<0.05) when fed on 50% honey, 20% sucrose and 50% sucrose. The highest and lowest fecundity was when the parasitoids fed on 20% sucrose and distilled water, respectively. Overall, the result showed that 20% sucrose was a more suitable diet for A. metesae females as compared with other diets.
Decomposition is degradation process of a corpse into basic respective constituents macroscopically and microscopically by action of microorganisms, arthropods and scavengers. Post mortem changes could be separated into early post mortem changes (i.e. algor mortis, rigor mortis and livor mortis) and putrefaction stages of corpse. These changes function as suitable indicators for determination of post mortem interval (PMI). In this paper, different stages of post mortem changes, possible variations such as mummification and formation of adipocere and special circumstances such as burial condition is discussed. This article also refers to several arguments in the different texture of adipocere and the influence of different types of fabric in affecting the post mortem changes and formation of adipocere. This is largely due to the property of permeability and resistance of material against degradation process. Undeniably, decomposition process involves numerous potential variables including burial condition, presence of clothing, potential formation of adipocere and mummification. Hence, studies in forensic taphonomy combined with real case scenario are crucial in understanding the nature of decomposition and estimation of PMI with higher accuracy.
Growth performance, sexual reproduction and clonal propagation of I. japonica population in contrast reciprocal habitats; Open Area of Forest Edge (OAFE) and Bamboo Forest (BF) on Jinyun Mountain were studied to understand the adaptability of growth and reproductive of I. japonica in different habitats. The results were as follows: quantitative characteristics of growth and clonal propagation of I. japonica at genet (a group of genetically identical individuals, consists of whole ramets) level and at ramet (a unit composed of a shoot and root, with independent morphological and physiological traits in the same genet) level were higher in BF. However, quantitative characteristics of sexual reproduction at genet and ramet level were higher in OAFE. Biomass and allocation also showed the same trend as quantitative characteristics. Reproductive components (at ramet level) were significantly different and had trade- off in contrast reciprocal habitats. Allocation to clonal propagation and sexual reproduction of mother ramet was significantly negative correlation with allocation to daughter ramet (especially in BF). There was a trade-off between reproduction components (allocation to sexual reproduction and clonal propagation of mother ramet) in OAFE. Therefore, it showed predominantly sexual reproduction in OAFE and clonal propagation in BF. The results indicated that the contrast environmental stress shaping growth performance and reproduction variation of I. japonica in genet and ramet level in contrasting habitats might pronounce adaptive population differentiation among forest habitats.
Three different designs of heat exchanger, V-groove, honeycomb and stainless steel wool had been tested to study their effectiveness in improving the overall performance of a photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) air base solar collector. Heat exchangers were installed horizontally into the channel located at the back side of the PV module. The system was tested at irradiance of 828 W/m2 with mass flow rate spanning from 0.02 kg/s to 0.13 kg/s. It was observed that at mass flow rate of 0.11 kg/s, the maximum thermal efficiency of the system with V-groove is 71%, stainless steel wool is 86% and honeycomb is 87%. The electrical efficiency of the systems is 7.04%, 6.88% and 7.13%, respectively. The experimental results showed that honeycomb design is the most efficient design as heat exchanger. The design which is simple and compact is suitable for building integration.
Kajian ekologi nyamuk merupakan kajian yang penting dalam merangka sesuatu aktiviti kawalan penyakit bawaan nyamuk. Satu kajian ekologi nyamuk Aedes telah dijalankan di Senawang, Negeri Sembilan dari Julai 2009 hingga Febuari 2010. Senawang terletak di pinggir bandaraya Seremban yang merupakan kawasan perindustrian kecil dan sederhana dengan jumlah penduduk yang padat. Kajian ekologi vektor ini bertujuan menentukan komposisi nyamuk secara keseluruhan terutamanya kepadatan populasi Aedes, masa kemuncak gigitan nyamuk, mengenal pasti kehadiran tempat pembiakan nyamuk dan menentukan hubung kait antara nyamuk Aedes dengan faktor persekitarannya seperti suhu, kelembapan relatif, halaju angin dan curahan hujan. Pensampelan nyamuk Aedes menggunakan empat kaedah iaitu perangkap cahaya (CDC), tangkapan nyamuk berumpan kaki (BLC), ovitrap dan kajian Aedes. Terdapat dua spesies nyamuk di lokasi kajian yang didominasi oleh Ae. albopictus (93.29%) dan Ae. aegypti (0.11%). Terdapat dua masa kemuncak gigitan nyamuk Ae. albopictus iaitu awal pagi (0700-0900 pagi) dan lewat petang (jam 1700-1900). Suhu persekitaran, kelembapan relatif dan kelajuan angin didapati mempunyai kaitan dengan gigitan nyamuk Aedes pada perumah (p < 0.05). Taburan hujan didapati tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan kepadatan nyamuk Aedes (r = -0.137, n =6 , p > 0.05). Kepadatan nyamuk Ae. albopictus adalah tinggi di lokasi kajian dengan Indeks Ovitrap 100% bagi kesemua stesen. Kajian Aedes mendapati daripada 30 bekas yang positif larva, 93.33% daripadanya didominasi oleh Ae. albopictus. Kajian ini menunjukkan kepadatan Ae. albopictus adalah tinggi dan berpotensi membawa penyakit demam denggi dan chikungunya di lokasi kajian. Penjagaan persekitaran perlu ditekankan kepada masyarakat setempat untuk mengawal penyebaran penyakit-penyakit tersebut.
This study compared some allometric parameters (shell length, shell width, shell height, total dry weight of soft tissues, condition index and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in the different soft tissues of Perna viridis collected from Sebatu and Muar estuary. It was found that the total dry weight of soft tissues and condition index of mussels collected from Sebatu were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in Muar. The significantly (p<0.05) higher concentrations of Cu in most soft tissues and some of Cd indicated a higher bioavailability of Cu and Cd at Muar than Sebatu. In addition, the significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb in surface sediments collected from Muar supported the observable anthropogenic impacts at Muar than Sebatu and hence, higher metal contamination at Muar than Sebatu. The higher condition index value in mussels recorded in Sebatu than in Muar was believed to be a result of higher metal contamination at Muar estuary.
The optimization of protein content in earthworm-based fish feed formulation was investigated in the study. Full factorial design (FFD) and central composite design (CCD) were used as a statistical tool to screen the range of the selected parameters and to optimize the process, respectively. Three components were combined in the fish feed formulation
namely earthworm powder, chicken guts and soybean waste as the protein source. The optimum nutritional values were obtained at 25%, 25% and 5.95% for earthworm powder, soybean waste and chicken guts, respectively, to give an optimum protein content of 35.97%. Formulation of fish feed from earthworm powder can be an alternative in aquaculture industry in the near future.
This study was carried out to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of three concentrations of Labisia pumila (Blume) F. Vill-Naves aqueous leaf extract in rats. The effects of these extracts as anti-inflammatory agents were determined using two experiments namely formalin-induced paw licking and carrageenan-induced paw oedema test. The exposure of inflammation to various treatments resulted in significant differences between treatments in formalin-induced paw licking in rats experiment whereas in phase 2, 50 mg kg-1 of L. pumila extract showed the most significant inhibition of 82.12%, followed by 10 mg kg-1 with 76.00% and 25 mg kg-1 with 57.80%. Similarly, different treatments showed significant effects at p<0.05 in the carrageenan inducing paw oedema experiment. All treatments were able to suppress the oedema formation induced by carrageenan as compared with the control. It is evident that the anti-inflammtory effect of every concentration of L. pumila extract started as early as the first hour of carrageenan injection and showed the maximum inhibition during the fifth hour. Again, 50 mg kg-1 of L. pumila extract was found to be the best treatment that could reduce inflammation with highest inhibition of 64.59% followed by 25 mg kg-1 with 56.99% and 10 mg kg-1 with 5.55%. The result of this study has shown that these extracts of L. pumila can be effective for anti-inflammation purposes which supports and justifies traditional uses of this plant.
A unit root test based on the modified least squares (MLS) estimator for first-order autoregressive process is proposed and compared with unit root tests based on the ordinary least squares (OLS), the weighted symmetric (WS) and the modified weighted symmetric (MWS) estimators. The percentiles of the null distributions of the unit root test are also reported. The empirical probabilities of type I error and powers of the unit root tests were estimated via Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation results showed that all unit root tests can control the probability of type I error for all situations. The empirical power of the test is higher than the other unit root tests, and Apart from that, the and tests also provide the highest empirical power. As an illustration, the monthly series of U.S. nominal interest rates on three-month treasury bills is analyzed.
Introduction: Entomological surveillance is crucial to determine the abundance of dengue vector and to evaluate breeding areas of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The objective of this study is to determine the distribution and breeding preference for both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in dengue endemic areas. Materials and Methods: Ovitraps surveillance was conducted in two dengue endemic areas; AU2, Keramat and Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Selangor. A minimum number of 100 ovitraps were deployed for 5 days in the study sites. Samples collected were brought back to the lab and all larvae recovered were identified to species level. Results: The ovitap index (OI) in both localities exceeded the transmission threshold of 10% with the OI recorded ranged from 42.3-79.8% in AU2, Keramat and 16.7-42.9% in Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. Ae. albopictus was the dominant species in AU2 Keramat with the highest ratio Ae. aegypti to Ae. albopictus recorded was 1.00:22.79. Nonetheless, in Seksyen 7, Shah Alam the difference in Ae. aegypti to Ae. albopictus ratio is not really prominent with 1.00:3.61 for ovitraps deployed outdoor and 3.40:1.00 for ovitraps set indoor. It was determined that single infestation of either Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus is more frequent for ovitraps deployed indoor and/or outdoor, respectively. It was also determined that mixed infestations were found in this study indicating that both species can oviposit in the same container. Conclusion: This study indicates that OI is still above transmission threshold in both study sites. While Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus remain as a dominant indoor and outdoor breeder, respectively, mixed breeding of Aedes species in a same container was also observed.
This study presents a theoretical framework based on power law distribution to identify the vulnerable regions to soil loss in Susu river basin at Cameron Highlands, Malaysia by using the geomorphologic factors from Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Drainage area is used to describe the runoff aggregation structure of the watershed which represents the magnitude of discharge. Stream power is also used to describe the energy expenditure pattern of the watershed. They are fitted to power law distribution by means of the maximum likelihood to estimate the threshold for soil loss. The landscape stability condition is assessed through the mechanism of channel initiation. Two regions in the slope area plot are recognized as the regimes susceptible to soil loss, in that discharge, local slope and energy are sufficient for the initiation of soil movement. The result is further improved by incorporating the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) aiming to locate vulnerable regions to soil loss under the dynamic saturation process. The final result indicates that the vulnerable regions expand from perennial reaches to ephemeral reaches as saturation process develops. It implies the transition of runoff generation from groundwater in perennial reaches to surface runoff in ephemeral reaches. Identification of soil loss vulnerable regions under the dynamic saturation process helps in planning of the mitigation measures for soil erosion.
While the conservation role of remaining natural habitats in anthropogenic landscapes is clear, the degree to which agricultural matrices impose limitations to animal use is not well understood, but vital to assess species' resilience to land use change. Using an occupancy framework, we evaluated how oil palm plantations affect the occurrence and habitat use of terrestrial mammals in the Colombian Llanos. Further, we evaluated the effect of undergrowth vegetation and proximity to forest on habitat use within plantations. Most species exhibited restricted distributions across the study area, especially in oil palm plantations. Habitat type strongly influenced habitat use of four of the 12 more widely distributed species with oil palm negatively affecting species such as capybara and naked-tailed armadillo. The remaining species showed no apparent effect of habitat type, but oil palm and forest use probabilities varied among species. Overall, generalist mesocarnivores, white-tailed deer, and giant anteater were more likely to use oil palm while the remaining species, including ocelot and lesser anteater, showed preferences for forest. Distance to nearest forest had mixed effects on species habitat use, while understory vegetation facilitated the presence of species using oil palm. Our findings suggest that allowing undergrowth vegetation inside plantations and maintaining nearby riparian corridors would increase the likelihood of terrestrial mammals' occurrence within oil palm landscapes.