Kajian keberkesanan sifat antimikrob ekstrak kacangma dijalankan menggunakan ujian resapan cakera dan ujian perencatan langsung. Hasil menunjukkan ekstrak etanol dengan kepekatan 50 dan 100 mg/mL merencat Staphylococcus aureus. Bagi ekstrak air, kepekatan 10, 25, 50 dan 100 mg/mL merencat Aspergillus niger, 25, 50 dan 100 mg/mL dapat merencat Saccharomyces cerevisae dan kepekatan 100 mg/mL dapat merencat Staphylococcus aureus. Perlakuan suhu yang berbeza ke atas ekstrak dalam ujian perencatan langsung tidak menunjukkan sebarang perbezaan ke atas perencatan mikroorganisma yang dikaji.
Aktiviti pengoksidaan ekstrak etanol dan air daripada kacangma (Leonurus sibiricus) telah dikaji menggunakan tiga sistem ujian. Berdasarkan turutan aktiviti antipengoksida, ekstrak etanol kacangma kering didapati tinggi dalam sistem pengoksidaan asid linoleik (LP) 71.6%, sederhana dalam sistem penindasan superoksida xantin oksidase (XOD) 69.7% dan rendah dalam sistem penindasan radikal bebas 1,2-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) 48.8%. Sebaliknya, ekstrak air kacangma kering didapati tinggi dalam ketiga-tiga sistem iaitu masing-masing 72.7, 76.3 dan 78.2%. Pengekstrakan air didapati lebih berkesan dalam mengeluarkan bahan antipengoksida daripada kacangma kering berbanding pengekstrakan alkohol.
Food contaminations are global problems that arise from industrial polluÂtion, agricultural practices, or from food preparation and storage processes. Food contamination may lead to adverse health effects and there is considÂerable effort on the part of governments and industry to minimize the level of contamination. A joint Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme under the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) in conjunction with FAO and WHO was established in 1976. There are increases in numbers of 40 countries participating the programme in 1992. The main objectives of the Programme is to be informed about levels and trends of contamination in food, their contribution to total human exposure and significance with regard to public health and trade. The Programme have been concerned with levels of priority chemicals in foods of major dietary importance and a significant portion of the data concerns the estimated total dietary intake of those contaminants selected for further comparison with toxicologically available standards or tolerance intake levels.
The formulation of chicken in kacangma herbal soup, a traditional delicacy of Sarawak was developed. Processing parameters for the canned product was established. The product was canned and retorted at 121°C in an overpressure retort to achieve commercial sterility. A three-component constrained mixture according to a symmetrical-simplex interior design was used to determine the optimum formulation. Result showed that a mixture with 82% blended ginger, 17% dried kacangma and 1% cornstarch would give a mean sensory score of more than 6.6 for taste, colour, texture, consistency and overall acceptability. Meanwhile, a score above 5.5 was given for aroma. The study showed that the thermal process applied with Fo value of 8.36 is sufficient to produce commercially sterile products.
Kacangma (Leonurus sibiricus L.) is a popular traditional herb that has been consumed for decades by the people of Sarawak as a herbal medicine or culinary ingredient. The toxicity of dried kacangma herb on Sprague Dawley male and female rats was evaluated through 90-day sub-chronic studies. The rats were fed kacangma at the rate of 0.5 (low dose), 5 (medium dose) and 25 (high dose) g/kg body weight. The control groups of rats received only the commercial rat pellet. Minor treatment-related effects were observed for body weights, organ weights and the lipid profile parameters and these did not appear to be of toxicological significance. In the sub-chronic toxicity studies, some indications of renal and liver toxicity were evident in the medium and high dose groups when plasma creatinine and liver enzymes were found to be higher when compared with the control and the low dose groups. The hematology study reveals statistically significant mild anemia in rats from the medium and high dose groups as indicated by decreases in hemoglobin, red blood cell count and packed cell volume (hematocrit value). Administration of kacangma herb at medium and high dose was also found to cause adverse effects in histopathological structure of the liver and kidney of both male and female rats. However, low dose group showed no significant differences compared to the control. Therefore, it is considered safe and less chance of developing toxicity if the herb is consumed at the dose of 0.5 g/kg body weight as observed throughout the 90 days period of sub-chronic study.
Anggaran kuantiti dan pencirian fizikokimia sisa buangan makanan adalah pra-keperluan untuk mengoptimumkan proses pengkomposan. Satu tinjauan untuk menganggar jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dijana oleh sektor komersial (n=10) dan isi rumah (n=50) di Bandar Baru Bangi telah dilakukan. Kehadiran komponen sisa nasi, sisa berasaskan daging, ikan, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan dan sisa buangan makanan basah yang lain juga diperiksa. Ciri fizikokimia sisa buangan makanan juga dianalisis. Jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dijana di Bandar Baru Bangi dianggarkan sebanyak 11.41 MT sehari. Sektor isi rumah menyumbang 67.3% manakala sektor komersial menyumbang 32.7% daripada jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dihasilkan. Kekerapan sisa buangan makanan berkeadaan basah adalah lebih tinggi (p<0.05) di sektor komersial berbanding sektor isi rumah. Sisa nasi merupakan komponen sisa buangan makanan yang paling kerap dijana oleh sektor isi rumah dan sektor komersial. Penilaian ciri fizikokimia menunjukkan nilai pH, kandungan abu, bahan organik, karbon organik, nitrogen dan lemak serta nisbah C/N adalah berbeza (p<0.05) antara sisa buangan makanan yang dijana pada hari yang berlainan. Sisa buangan makanan bersifat asid (pH 4.82-5.17) mempunyai kandungan air (65.9-69.5%) dan lemak yang tinggi (13.1-20.2%) tetapi kandungan nitrogen yang rendah (0.63-0.85%). Walau bagaimanapun, nisbah C/N masih berada dalam julat (20-25) yang sesuai untuk pengkomposan yang berkesan. Oleh yang demikian, dengan memperkenalkan proses pengkomposan, sisa buangan makanan berkenaan berpotensi digunakan sebagai kompos.
Makanan berasaskan kacang soya terkenal di Asia sejak beribu tahun dahulu dan ia tidak hanya diiktiraf sebagai makanan tradisi tetapi mempunyai potensi untuk kesihatan. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan penerimaan, kesukaan dan kadar penggunaan produk soya dalam kalangan pengguna di Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai 330 responden telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Mereka terdiri daripada pelajar universiti dan masyarakat umum yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas. Setiap responden diminta untuk mengisi borang soal selidik dengan seliaan penyelidik. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa 56% responden lebih menyukai susu soya berbanding dengan produk soya yang lain seperti taufufa (16%), kicap (9%), tempeh (8%), tauhu telur (7%) dan tauhu soya (4%). Sebahagian besar responden (>50%) percaya produk soya boleh mengurangkan risiko kanser dan osteoporosis. Sebanyak 89.4% responden makan tauhu soya. Sementara itu, 63.9% responden makan tauhu telur dan 42.2% suka tauhu telur yang digoreng. Lebih daripada 80% responden meminati warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur tauhu telur.
Sebanyak 6 jenis sampel nuget ikan komersial yang dipasarkan di Malaysia telah ditentukan komposisi proksimat (kandungan air, protein, lemak, abu dan karbohidrat), warna, kehilangan memasak, keupayaan memegang air, aktiviti air dan pH. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan bererti (p<0.05) bagi komposisi proksimat dan ciri-ciri warna, kehilangan memasak dan keupayaan memegang air. Kandungan air, protein, lemak, abu dan karbohidrat masing-masing berada dalam julat 58.97-64.58%, 9.30-11.60%, 0.14-5.23%, 1.95-2.84% dan 22.81-23.69%. Nilai L*, a* dan b* bagi warna, masing-masing adalah antara 49.72-56.80, 16.64-19.57 dan 38.40-59.58. Walau bagaimanapun tiada perbezaan yang bererti (p>0.05)untuk nilai aktiviti air dan pH antara sampel nuget ikan.
Analisis ke atas ciri-ciri fiziko-kimia dan penilaian sensori untuk lima jenama tauhu telur komersial telah dijalankan. Kandungan lembapan, kandungan protein dan kandungan lemak untuk lima jenama tauhu telur adalah antara 85.2 – 87.0%, 5.9 – 8.7% dan 3.7 – 4.6% setiap satu. Nilai pH tauhu telur pula adalah antara 6.2 – 7.1. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan bererti (P>0.05) yang dilihat untuk nilai sineresis (2.2-2.6%) bagi kesemua jenama tauhu telur. Setiap jenama mempamerkan kecerahan warna yang berbeza secara bererti (p<0.05) mengikut urutan: Jenama D < Jenama A < Jenama E < Jenama C < Jenama B. Tauhu telur jenama E mempunyai tekstur yang paling keras iaitu 31.35 N, manakala jenama D pula mempunyai tekstur yang paling lembut iaitu 5.38 N. Keputusan penilaian sensori secara nyata menunjukkan bahawa ahli panel menyukai atribut rupabentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur (kelembutan) dan penerimaan keseluruhan tauhu telur jenama A, D dan E berbanding jenama B dan C.
Fish is one of the most important sources of arsenic exposure in human diet and the Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health since 2007 has required routine monitoring of total arsenic in seafoods such as fish. This study describes an improved extraction method of total arsenic in fish using microwave assisted acid digestion procedure before being analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The parameters studied were pre-treatment of sample, digestion temperature, time programme and the chemicals (HNO3/H2O2) used. Arsenic contents in fish samples under these conditions were compared using the standards additions technique. Microwave assisted acid digestion method with a combination of ultrapure concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) to concentrated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at a ratio of 7 mL: 1 mL, run time of 25 min and digestion temperature of 200°C with no pre-treatment was found to have recovery of 100.7% as compared to other digestion procedure where the recovery were 115.5, 111.6 and 101.8%. Validation using certified reference material (CRM) of fish tissue (DORM-3) showed a recovery of 101.4 ± 2.5% for total arsenic from the CRM.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengesahkan kemampuan teknologi DNA mikroaturan cip gen OliproTM FoodPATH bagi mengesan bakteria patogen makanan. Sebanyak 9 jenis DNA bakteria patogen makanan telah digunakan iaitu Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. dan Campylobacter spp. Sebanyak 36 kombinasi templat DNA bakteria patogen makanan telah digunakan. Pengesahan bagi mengesan bakteria patogen makanan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaedah reaksi berantai polimerase (PCR) dan penghibridan Southern-blotting di atas cip gen untuk mengesahkan kemampuannya. Keputusan daripada analisis hibridasi di atas cip gen telah dibandingkan dengan hasil gel elektroforesis 2.0% (w/v). Lima saringan diperlukan untuk menghabiskan 36 kombinasi templat DNA bakteria patogen makanan. Setiap saringan, satu cip gen telah digunakan sebagai kawalan negatif tidak diinokulasikan dengan sebarang kombinasi DNA bakteria patogen makanan. Daripada hasil kajian, didapati bahawa semua kombinasi templat DNA bakteria patogen makanan telah dapat dikesan. Cip yang digunakan sebagai kawalan negatif tidak menunjukkan kehadiran DNA. Oleh itu, daripada kajian ini cip gen OliproTM FoodPATH didapati memberikan keputusan yang lebih baik berbanding dengan 2.0% (w/v) gel elektroforesis.
An efficient analytical technique capable of analyzing three most common phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors (vardenafil, sildenafil and tadalafil) simultaneously in premix coffee was developed. Sample extractions using either acetonitrile or methanol with two different extraction techniques (with and without evaporation steps) were evaluated. Identification and quantitation was conducted by high performance liquid chromatography with photo-diode-array (HPLC-DAD) at different wavelengths; 230 nm, 245 nm and 290 nm; and by time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-MS-TOF). Extraction with acetonitrile (without evaporation with nitrogen) showed recovery ranging from 105% to 113% (± <10%) for HPLC-DAD at 245 nm and 93% to 102% (± <2.5%) for LC-MS-TOF. Chromatogram separation was best achieved with mobile phase consisted of water (0.1% formic acid) and acetonitrile (0.1% formic acid) with gradient elution within 20 min. Thus, the results indicated that extraction using acetonitrile without evaporation step was the most efficient technique for determination of PDE5 inhibitors in premix coffee.
Kajian terhadap kesan suhu pengeringan (50, 60, 70oC) dan kepekatan garam (3, 5, 7%) terhadap kualiti ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) telah dilakukan. Analisis kandungan proksimat menunjukkan nilai yang berbeza secara bererti (p<0.05), terutama kandungan protein (76.66%) ikan yang dikering pada suhu 50°C. Pengeringan pada suhu dan kepekatan garam yang tinggi cenderung untuk menghasilkan ikan tongkol kering dengan wama yang agak gelap (72.39). Ikon tongkol kering memiliki keupayaan memegang air yang rendah iaitu antara 3.43-3.66 ml/g sampel. Aktiviti air (aw) ikon tongkol yang hanya mencapai 0.76 atau kurang, merupakan tahap yang paling baik untuk tujuan penyimpanan, dan dapat mengawal pertumbuhan mikroorganisma, merencat aktiviti enzim dan memenuhi keperluan pembungkusan.
Genomic DNA of 13 fish (n=13) species consist of four freshwater which were catfish (Clarias gariepinus), shark catfish (Pangasius larnaudii), tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), perch (Lates calcarifer) and nine marine species which were black pomfret (Parastromateus niger), anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii), mabong (Rastrelliger kanagurta), red snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus), herring (Chirocentrus dorab), ray fish (Himantura gerrardii), sardine (Decapterus macrosoma), mackerel (Euthynnus affinis) and tuna (Thunnus tuna) were differentiated using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Seven endonucleases of AluI, BsaJI, HaeIII, HindIII, HinfI, MboI and MboII were examined for the ability to digest cyt b amplicon from each species. Genomic DNA of pork (Sus scrofa domestica) were differentiated from fishes by comparing the digestion patterns produced by similar amplified region and enzymes used. In the present study, it was demonstrated that fishes and pork DNA genome were successfully differentiated using all endonucleases except for HindIII. Thus, PCR-RFLP analysis was found useful for future pork DNA detection in fish products.
Seaweed contains various nutrients that has the potential to be a source of nutritious food, but only a few studies done on
the red seaweeds in Malaysia. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the macronutrients content, amino acid
profile and fatty acid component in Kappaphycus alvarezii and Kappaphycus striatum. The study found that the range
of moisture, fat, ash, protein, fiber and carbohydrates content for both red seaweeds were 6.9% - 7.3%, 0.5% - 2.6%,
29.4% - 30.9%, 2.5% - 5.7% , 5.3% - 5.5% and 50.1% - 53.3% respectively. A total of 16 amino acids were identified
in which the essential amino acid for K. alvarezii and K. striatum were 41.11% and 36.15% respectively. A total of 34
fatty acids were identified in which the content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) was the highest (42.7% - 72.8%), followed
by mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) (13.8% - 36.2%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was the lowest (13.5%
- 21.2%). In conclusion, this study suggest that K. alvarezii and K. striatum are potentially be used as raw materials or
food ingredients to improve the nutritional value of the human diet.
Sifat pengelatinan salutan semasa peringkat awal penggorengan pada beberapa suhu yang berbeza telah dikaji. Nuget ayam, sebagai substrat, dicelup ke dalam cecair penyalut dan kemudiannya digoreng pada 150, 165 dan 180oC selama 0, 6, 18 dan 30s. Selepas penggorengan, bahagian salutan dan substrat dianalisis secara berasingan untuk kandungan lembapan. Bahagian salutan juga dianalisis untuk suhu permulaan (To), puncak (Tp) dan akhir (Te) serta entalpi pengelatinan. Keputusan menunjukkan tiada kesan ketara oleh suhu penggorengan terhadap kandungan lembapan kedua-dua bahagian salutan dan substrat. Tetapi, terdapat pola pengurangan kandungan lembapan dengan peningkatan masa penggorengan sehingga 30s untuk setiap suhu yang dikaji. Tiada kesan ketara oleh suhu penggorengan terhadap To, Tp dan Te. Tetapi, penggorengan pada 180 oC menghasilkan darjah pengelatinan yang lebih tinggi selepas 6s. Peningkatan kadar pengelatinan apabila digoreng pada suhu yang lebih tinggi boleh disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar perpindahan haba semasa penggorengan.
A study was carried out to evaluate the effects of frying pressure (102 and 156 kPa) and temperature (150, 165 and 180°C) on sensory characteristics of chicken nuggets coated with wheat, rice and sago flours. Batters from wheat, rice and sago flours were prepared by mixing each flour with water at a weight ratio of 1:1.2 (flour: water). Chicken nuggets were dipped in the prepared batters and fried at the different pressure and temperature for 7 minutes. Sensory evaluation was done using trained panelists (n=7) with two replication. Attributes assessed were color, aroma, coating thickness, adhesiveness, hardness, crispness, oiliness, juiciness and overall acceptance. Results showed that using different frying pressures and temperatures did significantly affect (p<0.05) all the sensory attributes of chicken nuggets coated with wheat, rice and sago flours. It was observed that coated chicken nuggets fried at a pressure of 156 kPa and temperature of 165°C was most preferred by the trained panellists.
This study was carried out to determine the properties of coatings made from wheat, rice and sago flour when fried under different frying temperature and pressure during the initial period of deep-fat frying. Three types of batter made from wheat, rice and sago flour were prepared by mixing each flour with water at a ratio of 1:1.2 (flour: water). Poultry nuggets were dipped in the prepared batter and fried for 0, 6, 18 and 30 seconds at three frying temperatures (150, 165, 180°C) and two frying pressures (102 and 156 kPa). Results showed that the frying pressure applied did not produce any significant effect on moisture content, normalized moisture loss and fat content up to 30 seconds of frying. All parameters except moisture content of the coating region were significantly (p<0.05) affected by flour type. Coating from sago flour produced the highest normalized moisture loss and fat content compared to other flour.
The effect of solvent type in antioxidant compounds extraction from banana tissues was studied. The solvent system used was pure methanol, ethanol, acetone and their aqueous solution at 50% and 70% concentrations. Comparison among three common cultivars of banana in Malaysia (Berangan, Mas and Raja) had been done and their antioxidant activities were determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging system, ferric reducing ability in plasma (FRAP)
assays and total phenolic content (TPC) assays. Acetone 70% had the strongest antioxidant compounds extraction power as compared to other solvent. All banana samples were found to be low in primary antioxidant but powerful secondary antioxidant source of fruit. The ascending order of banana cultivars in term of their antioxidant activities in all antioxidant assays carried out were Berangan < Mas < Raja. FRAP-TPC assays were highly correlated (R2>0.70) than FRAP-DPPH
and TPC-DPPH assays due to the same mechanism that occurred in the reaction of FRAP and TPC assays.
Kajian yang dijalankan adalah berkaitan dengan penentuan model yang sesuai serta analisis data penyerapan logam berat oleh sayuran berdaun yang terpilih iaitu kangkung (Ipomea aquatica), sawi bunga (Brassica chinensis var parachinensis), bayam (Amaranthus oleraceus L) dan sawi putih (Brassica chinensis L.). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan membandingkan kandungan serta corak pengambilan logam berat yang diserap oleh sayuran dan juga bahagian-bahagiannya yang meliputi daun, batang dan akar. Penentuan model yang dibuat bertujuan bagi melihat corak penyerapan logam berat oleh sayuran atau bahagian sayuran tertentu. Logam berat yang dikaji terdiri daripada kadmium , kromium, kuprum, ferum , mangan, plumbum dan zink. Plot serakan digunakan bagi menentukan corak pengambilan logam berat dalam sayuran dan bahagian-bahagiannya. Selain itu ujian Kruskal-Wallis digunakan bagi membuat perbandingan median di antara logam berat yang diserap oleh sayuran yang dikaji. Nilai khi-kuasa dua dan juga nilai-p digunakan bagi menentukan sama ada sesuatu logam berat yang diserap itu berkait rapat dengan jenis sayuran secara signifikan. Secara umum bolehlah dikatakan bahawa logam Fe, Mn dan Zn adalah dominan dalam semua bahagian sayuran yang dikaji. Selain itu, melalui ujian Kruskal-Wallis didapati penyerapan kesemua logam berat pada setiap bahagian sayuran adalah berbeza secara signifikan. Penyuaian model regresi linear, kuadratik, kubik atau eksponen telah dilakukan terhadap data ini dan didapati kebanyakan data dapat disuaikan dengan baik oleh model kuadratik dan kubik berdasarkan nilai pekali penentuan (R2).