Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 35 in total

  1. Nordashima, A.S., Azyani, Y., Amizatul Aini, S., Boekhren, K.B., Hamidah A., Pathmanathan R.
    Medicine & Health, 2019;14(1):228-233.
    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue malignancy in children and adolescents. The rarity of its occurrence in infant poses a great difficulty in terms of diagnosis and management. Here, we report an aggressive case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in an infant who presented with neck swelling and neurological complications. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed a soft tissue swelling of the neck with intraspinal extension and spinal cord compression, raising the possibility of a neurogenic or malignant nerve sheath tumour. Histopathological examination revealed a primitive, small round cell tumour with no rhabdoid differentiation. The clinical presentation, neurological symptoms, tumor location and the histopathologic features were highly suggestive of neuroblastoma. However, the tumour cells were positive for desmin with focal and weak nuclear positivity for myogenin and MyoD1; immunoexpressions which were in favour of rhabdomyosarcoma. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) confirmed the presence of a translocation t(2;13)(q35;q14), supporting the diagnosis of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Despite chemotherapy, patient succumbed to death after two months due to septic shock. Rhabdomyosarcoma is highly aggressive mesenchymal neoplasm which may present with diagnostic difficulty. This case highlights the importance of molecular studies in making an accurate diagnosis so that appropriate chemotherapy may be instituted.

  2. Hamidah, A., Poulsaeman, V., Suria, A.A., Zarina, A.L., Zulfiqar, M.A., Jamal, R.
    Medicine & Health, 2010;5(1):49-54.
    Thymomas comprise about 1% of all mediastinal tumours and are rare in children. Typically, these tumours are aggressive, with a poor outcome. The current treatment of invasive thymoma is often multidisciplinary. We report a 16-year-old boy with invasive thymoma who was successfully treated with systemic chemotherapy, surgical resection and irradiation. The patient has been in continuous remission for 6 years without radiographic evidence of tumour recurrence.
  3. Azma, R.Z., Zarina, A.L., Hamidah, A., Cheong, SK, Jamal, R., Hamidah, N.H.
    Medicine & Health, 2010;5(1):22-33.
    Residual disease in patients with acute leukaemia indicates unfavorable prognosis. The evaluation of remission using flow cytometry allows a better estimation of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction chemotherapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) cases. Patients in morphological marrow remission with presence of blast cells of less than 5%, may still have up to 1010 leukaemic cells. However with flow cytometric analysis, lower levels of the residual leukaemic cells (1 in 104 cells) can be detected and it can be used as a tool to predict relapse. This study compared the presenting clinical and haematological features of children with ALL and their residual disease status determined by flow cytometry. Analysis of their MRD status following remission-induction chemotherapy were done at day-28, week-12 and week-20. The cases were also followed up to five years, to determine their survival status. Their residual disease status by flow cytometric immunophenotyping was also compared with their bone marrow findings morphologically. Thirty-eight cases of precursor B-ALL in pediatric patients from UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) were analyzed. There was no significant correlation between demographic, clinical and haematological features with MRD status at day-28. However, there was a significant correlation between MRD status by flow cytometry and by morphological marrow examination at week-12. Three cases showed persistent MRD findings until week-20 where two of the cases relapsed and died subsequently. Twenty four patients were still alive after five years of follow up.
  4. Syam AM, Hamid HA, Yunus R, Rashid U
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:268385.
    PMID: 24363616 DOI: 10.1155/2013/268385
    Many kinetics studies on methanolysis assumed the reactions to be irreversible. The aim of the present work was to study the dynamic modeling of reversible methanolysis of Jatropha curcas oil (JCO) to biodiesel. The experimental data were collected under the optimal reaction conditions: molar ratio of methanol to JCO at 6 : 1, reaction temperature of 60°C, 60 min of reaction time, and 1% w/w of catalyst concentration. The dynamic modeling involved the derivation of differential equations for rates of three stepwise reactions. The simulation study was then performed on the resulting equations using MATLAB. The newly developed reversible models were fitted with various rate constants and compared with the experimental data for fitting purposes. In addition, analysis of variance was done statistically to evaluate the adequacy and quality of model parameters. The kinetics study revealed that the reverse reactions were significantly slower than forward reactions. The activation energies ranged from 6.5 to 44.4 KJ mol⁻¹.
  5. Hamidah A, Thambidorai CR, Jamal R
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Oct;60(4):517-9.
    PMID: 16570722
    We describe a patient with HbE-beta thalassaemia and chronic hepatitis C virus infection (genotype 1a) who was treated successfully with peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin, following failure to respond to standard interferon and ribavirin therapy. She had sustained virological response for nearly 24 months after completing peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin therapy. Transfusion requirements were significantly increased during combination therapy due to ribavirin-induced haemolysis. The adverse effects of interferon were well tolerated. Combination therapy with peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin maybe a feasible treatment option for a subset of thalassaemia/HCV infected non-responders to standard interferon-based therapy.
  6. Yin, Ping W., L., C-Khai, Hamidah, A., Nur Maya Sabrina, T., Muaatamarulain, M., Geok, Chin T.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(2):124-139.
    Empat subkumpulan molekul teras medulloblastoma yang mempunyai profil transkripsi dan nilai prognostik yang berbeza diperkenalkan baru-baru ini. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan varian histologi dan subkumpulan molekul medulloblastoma melalui aplikasi imunohistokimia (YAP-1 dan beta catenin) sebagai penanda surrogate di populasi kami, di samping menghubungkan varian histologi dan subkumpulan molekul ini dengan parameter klinikopatologi. Kami telah melibatkan seramai tujuh belas pesakit medulloblastoma yang berusia empat bulan hingga 14.3 tahun dari tahun 2002 hingga 2017. Histologi klasik (76.5%) adalah histologi medulloblastoma yang paling umum, diikuti oleh varian sel besar/ anaplastik (LCA) (17.6%) dan desmoplastik/nodular (DN) (59%). Subkumpulan molekul yang paling kerap adalah tumor bukan SHH/WNT (64.7%), diikuti oleh tumor SHH (35.3%). Di antara tumor SHH, 66.7% adalah histologi klasik dan selebihnya 33.3% adalah varian LCA. Yang menariknya, satu kes yang menunjukkan histologi DN memaparkan imunonegativiti kepada YAP-1 dan beta catenin, dan tergolong kepada subkumpulan molekul bukan SHH/WNT. Majoriti (88.2%) medulloblastoma berada di lokasi pertengahan ventrikel keempat, termasuk varian DN. Dianggarkan tiga tahun kelangsungan hidup bebas penyakit (DFS) dan survival keseluruhan (OS) masing-masing adalah 60% dan 86.7%. Umur 5 cm, histologi LCA dan kumpulan berisiko tinggi adalah berkorelasi terbalik dengan DFS. Bayi
  7. Nurasyikin, Y., Shenaz, S.K., Suria, A.A., Azma, R.Z., Zarina, A.L., Hamidah, A., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(2):112-119.
    Megakaryoblastic leukaemia is the commonest form of leukaemia occuring in Down syndrome infants. However, it’s subtype with translocation t(1;22)(p13;q13) is uncommon comprising
  8. Hamidah A, Rahmah R, Azmi T, Aziz J, Jamal R
    PMID: 11944728
    One of the major complications in patients with transfusion dependent thalassemia is growth impairment secondary to iron overload. We studied the growth status in 66 patients with beta-thalassemia major and HbE-beta thalassemia who were transfusion dependent, aged from 2 to 24 years, and 66 controls matched for sex and age. The prevalence of short stature in transfusion-dependent thalassemics was 54.5% compared to 4.5% in control group (p<0.001). Short stature was more prevalent in those above the age of 10 years in this study group (83.3% vs 16.7%). Transfusion dependent thalassemics with short stature were found to have significantly lower mean standing height standard deviation scores (SDS), sitting height SDS and subischial leg length SDS values (p<0.001). There was also a significant difference between the mean sitting height SDS and the mean subischial leg length SDS in our thalassemics with short stature, suggesting that the short stature was due to disproportionate truncal shortening. Serum ferritin levels were significantly higher in transfusion dependent thalassemics who were short compared to those who were of normal height (p = 0.002). However, the mean pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels did not differ significantly between patients with short stature and those with normal height (p = 0.216). The prevalence of short stature also did not differ significantly between those with beta-thalassemia major and those with HbE-beta thalassemia (p = 0.32). This study highlighted the importance of providing optimal treatment in these patients, including monitoring of growth parameters and optimizing iron chelation therapy.
  9. Hamidah A, Thambidorai CR, Jamal R
    PMID: 16124452
    We describe a patient with Evans syndrome (autoimmune hemolytic anemia and autoimmune thrombocytopenia) who was refractory to steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin. She responded to splenectomy and has remained in clinical remission for 3 years. In the majority of cases, splenectomy rarely induces a durable remission but it may be beneficial in a small group of patients, hence should be considered as alternative therapy in the management of these patients.
  10. Fadilah SA, Hamidah AB, Cheong SK
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):383-5.
    PMID: 11045070
    The presence of serum cold agglutinin can be the initial presentation of lymphoproliferative diseases. Conditions with persistent cold agglutinins are a spectrum of diseases that vary from benign lymphoproliferation of the "autoimmune-like chronic cold agglutinin disease" to malignant lymphoma. We report a case of a 72-year-old woman who presented with severe anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly and episodes of peripheral haemagglutination precipitated by cold exposure. The haemoglobin was 5.6 g/dL with a cold agglutinin titer of 1:256 at 4 degrees C and 1:8 at room temperature (30 degrees C). The cold agglutinin showed anti-I specificity and kappa light chain restriction. Peripheral blood showed atypical lymphoid cells with a B-cell immunophenotype. Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement study by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed an amplified band at 100 bp, consistent with a clonal proliferation of B-lymphocytes. We believe that our patient had cold antibody haemolytic anaemia as the initial presentation of a low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The association of cold antibody haemolytic anaemia with low-grade B-cell lymphoma is unusual.
  11. Hamidah A, Yong JF, Zulkifli HI, Jamal R
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Sep;57(3):353-6.
    PMID: 12440276
    We describe two cases of transfusion dependent thalassaemics with chronic hepatitis C virus infection whom were treated successfully with interferon and ribavirin, following failure of response or relapse after an initial response to interferon monotherapy. They had sustained virological response for more than twelve months after completing therapy. Transfusion requirements were significantly increased during the combination therapy, probably due to ribavirin-induced haemolysis. Serum ferritin level decreased significantly during the treatment. Combination therapy with interferon alfa and ribavirin may be a feasible treatment option for some nonresponders to prior interferon monotherapy.
  12. Hamidah A, Rizal AM, Nordiah AJ, Jamal R
    Singapore Med J, 2008 Jan;49(1):26-30.
    PMID: 18204765
    We evaluated piperacillin-tazobactam in association with amikacin in the initial empirical therapy of febrile neutropenic children.
  13. Zarina AL, Hamidah A, Zulkifli SZ, Jamal R
    PMID: 15916058
    Thalassemia is the commonest hemoglobinopathy in Malaysia. Patients with thalassemia major are transfusion dependent, and a large proportion of them will require splenectomy. As this particular group of patients is immunocompromized, overwhelming sepsis is a recognized complication. We report a series of three patients who all developed intra-abdominal abscesses following splenectomy.
  14. Kong MH, Goh BS, Hamidah A, Zarina AL
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Feb;69(1):9-12.
    PMID: 24814621 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in β-thalassaemia patients treated with Desferrioxamine (DFO) and determine the correlation of SNHL with average daily DFO dosage, serum ferritin level and Therapeutic index (T.I).

    METHODS: This is a cross sectional descriptive study carried out for a period of 14 months and 54 patients were recruited. The recruited patients are transfusion dependant β- thalassaemia patient aged 3 years and above treated with DFO. An interview, clinical examination and hearing assessment, which included tympanogram, and Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) or behaviour alaudiometry were performed. The data on age started on DFO, average daily DFO, duration of DFO intake, serum ferritin past 1 year and Therapeutic Index (T.I) were obtained from patients' case notes.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of SNHL was 57.4% and majority has mild hearing loss (93.6%). Fourteen patients (25.9%) have bilateral ear involvement and as many as 17 patients (31.5%) have SNHL in either ear. A total of 23 patients (42.6%) have normal hearing level. Although the prevalence of SNHL was 57.4%, only a small percentage of the patient noticed and complained of hearing loss (11.1%). There is no association between age started on DFO, average daily DFO and duration of DFO intake with normal hearing group and those patients with SNHL. Positive correlation was seen between average daily DFO with 2000 and 4000Hz on PTA in the left ear and between serum ferritin level past 1 year with 4000 and 8000Hz in the right ear and 8000Hz in the left ear. No significant correlation was seen between T.I on PTA.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of SNHL from hearing assessment is high in β-thalassaemia patients in this study. However, it is manifested clinically in a smaller percentage. We suggest a baseline hearing assessment should be carried on all β-thalassaemia patients prior to DFO chelation therapy.
  15. Hamidah A, Rashid RA, Jamal R, Zhao M, Kanegane H
    Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2008 Feb;50(2):432.
    PMID: 17417794
  16. Ainoon O, Hamidah AB, Cheong SK, Hamidah HN
    Malays J Pathol, 2000 Jun;22(1):5-11.
    PMID: 16329531
    Rearrangement of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene has been used as a marker of lineage and clonality in the diagnosis of B lymphoproliferative disorders. A number of PCR-based techniques have been developed to overcome the disadvantages of Southern blotting, the standard technique in detecting IgH gene rearrangement. Using an established seminested PCR technique with consensus primers to the V and J regions of the IgH gene, we analysed DNA prepared from peripheral blood and/or bone marrow specimens from 30 cases of known B cell malignancies (16 chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 11 acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 3 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma), 3 cases of T lymphoproliferative disease and 3 cases of reactive lymphocytosis diagnosed in Hospital UKM to detect rearranged IgH gene. We found that monoclonality as represented by the presence of rearranged IgH gene were demonstrated in all the 30 cases. The PCR findings showed 100% concordance with the Southern blot analysis results which also showed rearranged IgH bands in all the 30 cases. We also found that none of the cases of T lymphoproliferative diseases and reactive lymphocytosis showed presence of rearranged IgH band, suggesting that the amplification using the IgH primers is lineage-specific. In conclusion, we find the PCR a useful method to detect IgH gene rearrangement in peripheral blood and bone marrow specimen. Since the PCR results are comparable to that of the Southern blotting in demonstrating B cell monoclonality and owing to its many advantages we feel that it can replace the Southern blot technique for the diagnosis of B cell malignancies.
  17. Zarina AL, Radhiyah R, Hamidah A, Syed Zulkifli SZ, Rahman J
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(2):73-83.
    Parenting stress is the stress level experienced within the role of a parent (Hoekstra-Weebers et al. 1998). The source of stressors is variable and dependent on the phase of disease and chemotherapy (Sawyer et al. 2000). Failure to cope with these stressors may in turn affect the child’s emotional and social adjustment towards the diagnosis of cancer in addition to poor medical treatment adherence behaviour (Sawyer et al. 1993). The objectives of this study are to determine the level of parenting stress, the risk factors contributing to high parenting stress, and the coping mechanisms used to handle the stress. This single centred, cross-sectional study was done amongst 117 parents at the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Unit, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) over two years duration. Self-administered questionnaires comprising the Parenting Stress Index/Short Form (PSI/SF) and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (CISS) were distributed to parents of children who were 12 years old and below. The mean total parenting stress score amongst parents of children diagnosed with acute leukaemia was 91.5±21.1(95% CI). A total of 27.3% of parents experienced a high total parenting stress score (defined as total PSI score ≥ 75th centile, ie ≥ 103). Task-oriented coping mechanism was used by the majority of parents. Emotion-oriented coping mechanism was the only identifiable risk factor for high parenting stress score following multiple logistic regression analysis. A parent who used emotion-oriented coping mechanism was 7.1 times (95% Confidence Interval 1.2 to 41.4) more likely to have a high parenting stress score compared to a parent who used other coping mechanisms. By identifying these at-risk parents, appropriate counselling and psychological support may be offered early to alleviate the stress as well as assist in the coping and adjustment mechanisms of these parents.
  18. Zarina AL, Hamidah A, Zulkifli SZ, Zulfiqar MA, Jamal R
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Dec;48(12):e320-2.
    PMID: 18043827
    Pancreatic carcinoid tumours are rare, particularly within the paediatric population. The clinical presentation is largely dependent on the functionality of the tumour. Although the tumour is generally slow-growing, surgical resection is still the mainstay of curative treatment. Morbidity is, however, significantly contributed by secretion of excess hormones; in view of this, biotherapy is an important treatment strategy. Octreotide, a somatostatin analogue, has been shown to be successful in both symptomatic control and stability of tumour progression. We report a 12-year-old girl, who presented with hypertensive crisis, and showed good response to a combination of chemotherapy and octreotide.
  19. Hamidah A, Arini MI, Zarina AL, Zulkifli SZ, Jamal R
    PMID: 19058587
    Growth impairment is commonly seen in children with thalassemia despite regular blood transfusions and desferrioxamine treatments. We investigated the growth velocity of 26 prepubertal patients with beta-thalassemia or HbE-beta thalassemia who were transfusion dependent aged between 2 and 13 years. The prevalence of impaired growth velocity (ie, growth velocity less than the third percentile) amongst the transfusion dependent prepubertal thalassemics was 57.7% compared to 19.2% in the control group. The mean height velocity of the thalassemics was 11.1% less than controls but this difference was not statistically significant (4.23cm/year vs 4.76cm/year, p = 0.08). The mean serum ferritin level of the thalassemics with a height < 3rd percentile was higher compared to those with a height > 3rd percentile (4,567.0 vs 2,271.0, p = 0.01). Our study showed that there was a high prevalence of impaired growth velocity amongst our transfusion dependent prepubertal thalassemics. This highlights the problem of inadequate chelation therapy, and compliance with chelation therapy amongst our patients. This study emphasizes the importance of monitoring growth parameters and optimal iron chelation therapy in these patients.
  20. Jamal R, Baizura J, Hamidah A, Idris N, Jeffrey AH, Roslan H
    PMID: 15906681
    The aim of this study was to: (1) determine the prevalence and patterns of lung dysfunction among transfusion dependent thalassemics; (2) determine the associated factors that might contribute to this problem. This was a cross-sectional study involving 66 patients with transfusion dependent thalassemia aged 10 years and above. All patients underwent physical examination, standardized pulmonary function tests including spirometry, lung volume, and the carbon monoxide diffusion capacity. A restrictive pattern of lung dysfunction was observed in 22 patients (33.3%) and none showed the presence of obstructive ventilatory impairment. A reduction in the carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DLCO) was seen 87.9% of the patients, including 7.6% who had evidence of hypoxemia. Ten patients showed a reduction in the FEF25-75% although they did not fulfil the criteria for small airway disease. No correlation was found between lung dysfunction and serum ferritin levels in the patients. Restrictive lung dysfunction and diffusion impairment were the predominant abnormalities found in our cohort of patients.
    Study site: Thalassemia clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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