Displaying all 17 publications

  1. Lau ET, Khew CY, Hwang SS
    J Biotechnol, 2020 May 20;314-315:53-62.
    PMID: 32302654 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.03.014
    Black pepper is an important commodity crop in Malaysia that generates millions of annual revenue for the country. However, black pepper yield is affected by slow decline disease caused by a soil-borne fungus Fusarium solani. RNA sequencing transcriptomics approach has been employed in this study to explore the differential gene expression in susceptible Piper nigrum L. and resistant Piper colubrinum Link. Gene expression comparative analysis of the two pepper species has yielded 2,361 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Among them, higher expression of 1,426 DEGs was detected in resistant plant. These DEGs practically demonstrated the major branches of plant-pathogen interaction pathway (Path: ko04626). We selected five groups of defence-related DEGs for downstream qRT-PCR analysis. Cf-9, the gene responsible for recognizing fungal avirulence protein activity was found inexpressible in susceptible plant. However, this gene exhibited promising expression in resistant plant. Inactivation of Cf-9 could be the factor that causes susceptible plant fail in recognition of F. solani and subsequently delay activation of adaptive response to fungal invasion. This vital study advance the understanding of pepper plant defence in response to F. solani and aid in identifying potential solution to manage slow decline disease in black pepper cultivation.
  2. Yeo BPH, Bhave M, Hwang SS
    J Plant Res, 2018 Jan;131(1):191-202.
    PMID: 28921169 DOI: 10.1007/s10265-017-0977-6
    The small genome size of rice relative to wheat and barley, together with its salt sensitivity, make it an ideal candidate for studies of salt stress response. Transcriptomics has emerged as a powerful technique to study salinity responses in many crop species. By identifying a large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) simultaneously after the stress induction, it can provide crucial insight into the immediate responses towards the stressor. In this study, a Malaysian salt-tolerant indigenous rice variety named Bajong and one commercial rice variety named MR219 were investigated for their performance in plant growth and ion accumulation properties after salt stress treatment. Bajong was further investigated for the changes in leaf's transcriptome after 6 h of stress treatment using 100 mM NaCl. Based on the results obtained, Bajong is found to be significantly more salt tolerant than MR219, showing better growth and a lower sodium ion accumulation after the stress treatment. Additionally, Bajong was analysed by transcriptomic sequencing, generating a total of 130 millions reads. The reads were assembled into de novo transcriptome and each transcript was annotated using several pre-existing databases. The transcriptomes of control and salt-stressed samples were then compared, leading to the discovery of 4096 DEGs. Based on the functional annotation results obtained, the enrichment factor of each functional group in DEGs was calculated in relation to the total reads obtained. It was found that the group with the highest gene modulation was involved in the secondary metabolite biosynthesis of plants, with approximately 2.5% increase in relation to the total reads obtained. This suggests an extensive transcriptional reprogramming of the secondary metabolic pathways after stress induction, which could be directly responsible for the salt tolerance capability of Bajong.
  3. Cheng Z, Hwang SS, Bhave M, Rahman T, Chee Wezen X
    J Chem Inf Model, 2023 Nov 13;63(21):6912-6924.
    PMID: 37883148 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.3c01252
    Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) and p38γ mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38γ) play important roles in cancer pathogenesis by controlling cell cycle progression and are therefore attractive cancer targets. The design of multitarget inhibitors may offer synergistic inhibition of distinct targets and reduce the risk of drug-drug interactions to improve the balance between therapeutic efficacy and safety. We combined deep-learning-based quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling and hybrid-based consensus scoring to screen for inhibitors with potential activity against the targeted proteins. Using this combination strategy, we identified a potent PLK1 inhibitor (compound 4) that inhibited PLK1 activity and liver cancer cell growth in the nanomolar range. Next, we deployed both our QSAR models for PLK1 and p38γ on the Enamine compound library to identify dual-targeting inhibitors against PLK1 and p38γ. Likewise, the identified hits were subsequently subjected to hybrid-based consensus scoring. Using this method, we identified a promising compound (compound 14) that could inhibit both PLK1 and p38γ activities. At nanomolar concentrations, compound 14 inhibited the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma cells in vitro. This study demonstrates the combined screening strategy to identify novel potential inhibitors for existing targets.
  4. Tnah LH, Lee CT, Lee SL, Ng KK, Ng CH, Hwang SS
    Am J Bot, 2011 May;98(5):e130-2.
    PMID: 21613180 DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1000469
    Microsatellite markers of an important medicinal plant, Eurycoma longifolia (Simaroubaceae), were developed for DNA profiling and genetic diversity studies.
  5. Tan XW, Kobayashi K, Shen L, Inagaki J, Ide M, Hwang SS, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Dec;6(12):e05743.
    PMID: 33376820 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05743
    Oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and shear stress (physical effect) are risk factors associated with the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Rice bran, a by-product of rice milling process, is known to house polyphenols and vitamins which exhibit potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Through recent emerging knowledge of rice bran in health and wellness, the present study was aimed to assess the ameliorative effects of rice bran extracts (RBE) derived from Japanese colored rice varieties in modulating risk factors of atherosclerosis via in vitro and in vivo study models. Pre-treatment of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated murine J774A.1 macrophage-like cells with RBE alleviated nitric oxide (NO) overproduction and downregulated gene expressions of pro-inflammatory modulators: tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-6, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In addition, RBE also significantly attenuated LPS-stimulated protein expressions of iNOS, TNF-α, IL-1α, and IL-6 in J774A.1 macrophage-like cells as compared to non-treated LPS control group. In in vivo, 12 weeks of RBE dietary supplementations significantly reduced (p < 0.05) total cholesterol, triglycerides, and pro-atherogenic oxidized LDL/β2-glycoprotein I (oxLDL/β2GPI) complexes at plasma levels, in high fat diet (HFD) induced low density lipoprotein receptor knockout (Ldlr-/-) mice. En face pathological assessments of murine aortas also revealed significant reductions by 38% (p < 0.05) in plaque sizes of RBE-supplemented HFD mice groups as compared to non RBE-supplemented HFD control mice group. Moreover, gene expressions of aortic (iNOS, TNF-α, IL-1β) and hepatic (TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-1β) pro-inflammatory modulators were also downregulated in RBE-supplemented mice groups. Present study has revealed the potent health attributes and application of RBE as a dietary supplement to attenuate risks of inadvertent oxidative damage and chronic inflammation underlying the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Intrinsically, present preliminary findings may provide global health prospects for future dietary implementation of RBE in management of atherosclerosis.
  6. Lau ET, Tani A, Khew CY, Chua YQ, Hwang SS
    Microbiol Res, 2020 Nov;240:126549.
    PMID: 32688172 DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2020.126549
    Black pepper production in Malaysia was restricted by various diseases. Hazardous chemical products appear to be the best solution to control diseases in black pepper cultivation. However, persistence of chemical residues in peppercorns could affect the quality of exports and consumptions. Application of fertilizers is crucial to sustain pepper growth and high yield. But, continuous use of chemical fertilizers could affect the soil ecosystem and eventually restrict nutrient uptake by pepper roots. Therefore, we propose biological approaches as an alternative solution instead of chemical products to sustain pepper cultivation in Malaysia. In this study, we have isolated a total of seven indigenous rhizobacteria antagonistic to soil-borne Fusarium solani, the causal fungus of slow decline, the most serious debilitating disease of black pepper in Malaysia. The isolated bacteria were identified as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus siamensis, Brevibacillus gelatini, Pseudomonas geniculata, Pseudomonas beteli, Burkholderia ubonensis and Burkholderia territorii. These bacteria were effective in production of antifungal siderophore with the amount of 53.4 %-73.5 % per 0.5 mL of cell-free supernatants. The bacteria also produced appreciable amount of chitinase with chitinolytic index was ranged from 1.19 to 1.76. The bacteria have shown phosphate solubilizing index within 1.61 to 2.01. They were also efficient in ACC deaminase (0.52 mM-0.62 mM) and ammonia (60.3 mM-75.3 mM) production. The isolated antagonists were efficacious in stimulation of black pepper plant growth and root development through IAA (10.5 μg/mL-42.6 μg/mL) secretion. In conclusion, the isolated rhizobacteria are potent to be developed not only as biocontrol agents to minimize the utilization of hazardous chemicals in black pepper disease management, but also developed as bio-fertilizers to improve black pepper plant growth due to their capabilities in plant growth-promotion.
  7. Tan XW, Bhave M, Fong AYY, Matsuura E, Kobayashi K, Shen LH, et al.
    Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2018;2018:3136860.
    PMID: 29599895 DOI: 10.1155/2018/3136860
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1155/2016/6943053.].
  8. Yeo BPH, Foong LC, Tam SM, Lee V, Hwang SS
    Biochem Mol Biol Educ, 2018 01;46(1):47-53.
    PMID: 29131478 DOI: 10.1002/bmb.21089
    Structures and functions of protein motifs are widely included in many biology-based course syllabi. However, little emphasis is placed to link this knowledge to applications in biotechnology to enhance the learning experience. Here, the conserved motifs of nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeats (NBS-LRR) proteins, successfully used for the isolation and characterization of many plant resistance gene analogues (RGAs), is featured in the development of a series of laboratory experiments using important molecular biology techniques. A set of previously isolated RGA sequences is used as the model for performing sequence alignment and visualising 3D protein structure using current bioinformatics programs (Clustal Omega and Argusdock software). A pair of established degenerate primer sequences is provided for the prediction of targeted amino acids sequences in the RGAs. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is used to amplify RGAs from total RNA samples extracted from the tropical wild relative of black pepper, Piper colubrinum (Piperaceae). This laboratory exercise enables students to correlate specific DNA sequences with respective amino acid codes and the interaction between conserved motifs of resistance genes with putatively targeted proteins. © 2017 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 46(1):47-53, 2018.
  9. Ha CHX, Lee NK, Rahman T, Hwang SS, Yam WK, Chee XW
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2023 Apr;41(6):2146-2159.
    PMID: 35067186 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2022.2028677
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection is a global pandemic that has claimed 33 million lives to-date. One of the most efficacious treatments for naïve or pretreated HIV patients is the HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs). However, given that HIV treatment is life-long, the emergence of HIV strains resistant to INSTIs is an imminent challenge. In this work, we showed two best regression QSAR models that were constructed using a boosted Random Forest algorithm (r2 = 0.998, q210CV = 0.721, q2external_test = 0.754) and a boosted K* algorithm (r2 = 0.987, q210CV = 0.721, q2external_test = 0.758) to predict the pIC50 values of INSTIs. Subsequently, the regression QSAR models were deployed against the Drugbank database for drug repositioning. The top-ranked compounds were further evaluated for their target engagement activity using molecular docking studies and accelerated Molecular Dynamics simulation. Lastly, their potential as INSTIs were also evaluated from our literature search. Our study offers the first example of a large-scale regression QSAR modelling effort for discovering highly active INSTIs to combat HIV infection.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
  10. Tan XW, Bhave M, Fong AY, Matsuura E, Kobayashi K, Shen LH, et al.
    Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2016;2016:6943053.
    PMID: 27239253 DOI: 10.1155/2016/6943053
    This study was aimed at preliminarily assessing the cytoprotective and antioxidative effects of rice bran extracts (RBEs) from a Sarawak local rice variety (local name: "BJLN") and a commercial rice variety, "MR219," on oxidative stress in rat H9c2(2-1) cardiomyocytes. The cardiomyocytes were incubated with different concentrations of RBE and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), respectively, to identify their respective IC50 values and safe dose ranges. Two nonlethal and close-to-IC50 doses of RBE were selected to evaluate their respective effects on H2O2 induced oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes. Both RBEs showed dose-dependent cytotoxicity effects on cardiomyocytes. H2O2 induction of cardiomyocytes pretreated with RBE further revealed the dose-dependent cytoprotective and antioxidative effects of RBE via an increase in IC50 values of H2O2. Preliminary analyses of induction effects of RBE and H2O2 on cellular antioxidant enzyme, catalase (CAT), also revealed their potential in regulating these activities and expression profile of related gene on oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes. Pretreated cardiomyocytes significantly upregulated the enzymatic activity and expression level of CAT under the exposure of H2O2 induced oxidative stress. This preliminary study has demonstrated the potential antioxidant effects of RBE in alleviating H2O2-mediated oxidative injuries via upregulation in enzymatic activities and expression levels of CAT.
  11. Khew CY, Harikrishna JA, Wee WY, Lau ET, Hwang SS
    Int J Genomics, 2020;2020:1540915.
    PMID: 32399475 DOI: 10.1155/2020/1540915
    Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a vital spice crop with uses ranging from culinary to pharmacological applications. However, limited genetic information has constrained the understanding of the molecular regulation of flower and fruit development in black pepper. In this study, a comparison among three different black pepper varieties, Semengok Aman (SA), Kuching (KC), and Semengok 1 (S1), with varying fruit characteristics was used to provide insight on the genetic regulation of flower and fruit development. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology was used to determine the flower and fruit transcriptomes by sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform followed by de novo assembly using SOAPdenovo-Trans. The high-quality assembly of 66,906 of unigenes included 64.4% of gene sequences (43,115) with similarity to one or more protein sequences from the GenBank database. Annotation with Blast2Go assigned 37,377 genes to one or more Gene Ontology terms. Of these genes, 5,874 genes were further associated with the biological pathways recorded in the KEGG database. Comparison of flower and fruit transcriptome data from the three different black pepper varieties revealed a large number of DEGs between flower and fruit of the SA variety. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis further supports functions of DEGs between flower and fruit in the categories of carbohydrate metabolic processes, embryo development, and DNA metabolic processes while the DEGs in fruit relate to biosynthetic process, secondary metabolic process, and catabolic process. The enrichment of DEGs in KEGG pathways was also investigated, and a large number of genes were found to belong to the nucleotide metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism categories. Gene expression profiling of flower formation-related genes reveals that other than regulating the flowering in black pepper, the flowering genes might also be implicated in the fruit development process. Transcriptional analysis of sugar transporter and carbohydrate metabolism genes in different fruit varieties suggested that the carbohydrate metabolism in black pepper fruit is developmentally regulated, and some genes might serve as potential genes for future crop quality improvement. Study on the piperine-related gene expression analysis suggested that lysine-derived products might present in all stages of fruit development, but the transportation was only active at the early stage of fruit development. These results indicate several candidate genes related to the development of flower and fruit in black pepper and provide a resource for future functional analysis and potentially for future crop improvement.
  12. Gunasinghe J, Hwang SS, Yam WK, Rahman T, Wezen XC
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2023;41(12):5583-5596.
    PMID: 35751129 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2022.2091659
    High-risk (HR) Human papillomavirus (e.g. HPV16 and HPV18) causes approximately two-thirds of all cervical cancers in women. Although the first and second-generation vaccines confer some protection against individuals, there are no approved drugs to treat HR-HPV infections to-date. The HPV E1 protein is an attractive drug target because the protein is highly conserved across all HPV types and is crucial for the regulation of viral DNA replication. Hence, we used the Random Forest algorithm to construct a Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) model to predict the potential inhibitors against the HPV E1 protein. Our QSAR classification model achieved an accuracy of 87.5%, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 1.00, and F-measure of 0.87 when evaluated using an external test set. We conducted a drug repurposing campaign by deploying the model to screen the Drugbank database. The top three compounds, namely Cinalukast, Lobeglitazone, and Efatutazone were analyzed for their cell membrane permeability, toxicity, and carcinogenicity. Finally, these three compounds were subjected to molecular docking and 200 ns-long Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. The predicted binding free energies for the candidates were calculated using the MM-GBSA method. The binding free energies for Cinalukast, Lobeglitazone, and Efatutazone were -37.84 kcal/mol, -25.30 kcal/mol, and -29.89 kcal/mol respectively. Therefore, we propose their chemical scaffolds for future rational design of E1 inhibitors.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
  13. Mejin M, Tiong WN, Lai LY, Tiong LL, Bujang AM, Hwang SS, et al.
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2013 Aug;35(4):621-8.
    PMID: 23661171 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-013-9783-y
    BACKGROUND: Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) loss-of-function polymorphisms are more common in Asian populations and have been associated with diminished antiplatelet response to clopidogrel. In this era of 'personalised medicine', combining genotyping and phenotyping as a strategy to personalise antiplatelet therapy warrants further exploration.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and impact of CYP2C19*2, *3 and *17 genotypes on clopidogrel responsiveness in a multiethnic Malaysian population planned for percutaneous coronary intervention.

    SETTING: Between October 2010 and March 2011, a total of 118 consecutive patients planned for percutaneous coronary intervention were enrolled in Sarawak General Hospital, Borneo. All patients received at least 75 mg aspirin daily for at least 2 days and 75 mg clopidogrel daily for at least 4 days prior to angiography.

    METHOD: Genotyping for CYP2C19*2 (rs4244285, 681G > A), *3 (rs4986893, 636G > A) and *17 (rs11188072, -3402C > T) alleles were performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment linked polymorphism method. Whole blood ADP-induced platelet aggregation was assessed with multiple electrode platelet aggregometry (MEA) using the Multiplate Analyzer.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The distribution of CYP2C19*2, *3 and *17 among different ethnic groups and the association between genotype, clopidogrel responsiveness and clinical outcome were the main outcome measures.

    RESULTS: The highest prevalence of poor metabolisers (carriers of at least one copy of the *2 or *3 allele) was among the Chinese (53.7 %), followed by the Malays (26.9 %), Ibans (16.4 %) and other races (3.0 %). Poor metabolisers (PMs) had the highest mean MEA (303.6 AU*min), followed by normal metabolisers (NMs) with 270.5 AU*min and extensive metabolisers (EMs) with 264.1 AU*min (p = 0.518). Among poor responders to clopidogrel, 65.2 % were PMs and NMs, respectively, whereas none were EMs (p = 0.350). Two cardiac-related deaths were reported.

    CONCLUSION: There was a diverse inter-ethnic difference in the distribution of CYP2C19 polymorphism. The findings of this study echo that of other studies where genotype appears to have a limited impact on clopidogrel responsiveness and clinical outcome in low-risk patients.

  14. Nordin NA, Lawai V, Ngaini Z, Abd Halim AN, Hwang SS, Linton RE, et al.
    Nat Prod Res, 2020 Jun;34(11):1505-1514.
    PMID: 30507306 DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2018.1517120
    In searching for drugs from natural product scaffolds has gained interest among researchers. In this study, a series of twelve halogenated thiourea (ATX 1-12)via chemical modification of aspirin (a natural product derivative) and evaluated for cytotoxic activity against nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell lines, HK-1 via MTS-based colorimetric assay. The cytotoxicity studies demonstrated that halogens at meta position of ATX showed promising activity against HK-1 cells (IC50 value ≤15 µM) in comparison to cisplatin, a positive cytotoxic drug (IC50 value =8.9 ± 1.9 µM). ATX 11, bearing iodine at meta position, showed robust cytotoxicity against HK-1 cells with an IC50 value of 4.7 ± 0.7 µM. Molecular docking interactions between ATX 11 and cyclooxygenase-2 demonstrated a robust binding affinity value of -8.1 kcal/mol as compared to aspirin's binding affinity value of -6.4 kcal/mol. The findings represent a promising lead molecule from natural product with excellent cytotoxic activity against NPC cell lines.
  15. Khew CY, Mori IC, Matsuura T, Hirayama T, Harikrishna JA, Lau ET, et al.
    J Plant Res, 2020 Jan;133(1):73-94.
    PMID: 31853665 DOI: 10.1007/s10265-019-01156-0
    Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is one of the most popular and oldest spices in the world with culinary uses and various pharmacological properties. In order to satisfy the growing worldwide demand for black pepper, improved productivity of pepper is highly desirable. A primary constraint in black pepper production is the non-synchronous nature of flower development and non-uniform fruit ripening within a spike. The uneven ripening of pepper berries results in a high labour requirement for selective harvesting contributes to low productivity and affects the quality of the pepper products. In Malaysia, there are a few recommended varieties for black pepper planting, each having some limitations in addition to the useful characteristics. Therefore, a comparative study of different black pepper varieties will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms regulates fruit development and ripening. Plant hormones are known to influence the fruit development process and their roles in black pepper flower and fruit development were inferred based on the probe-based gene expression analysis and the quantification of the multiple plant hormones using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). In this study, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid were found to play roles in flowering and fruit setting, whereas auxin, gibberellin and cytokinins are important for fruit growth. Abscisic acid has positive role in fruit maturation and ripening in the development process. Distinct pattern of plant hormones related gene expression profiles with the hormones accumulation profiles suggested a complex network of regulation is involved in the signaling process and crosstalk between plant hormones was another layer of regulation in the black pepper fruit development mechanisms. The current study provides clues to help in elucidating the timing of the action of each specific plant hormone during fruit development and ripening which could be applied to enhance our ability to control the ripening process, leading to improving procedures for the production and post-harvest handling of pepper fruits.
  16. Koh CMM, Hwang SS, Lau BT, Palombo EA, Ginjom IRH, Ha CHX, et al.
    ACS Infect Dis, 2025 Feb 14;11(2):413-429.
    PMID: 39423324 DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.4c00549
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the predominant bacterium found in many chronic biofilm infections. Over the past few decades, biofilm-related infections have posed a significant challenge to medical practice due to the increasing emergence of multidrug resistance. Cis-2-decenoic acid (CDA), a small molecule found in P. aeruginosa, has been shown to disperse biofilms formed by various bacteria and to work in synergy with common antibiotics. Despite that, the binding mechanism between CDA and the predicted cyclases/histidine kinases associated sensory extracellular (CHASE) domain of sensor protein DspS remains unknown in the absence of a crystallized protein structure. Moreover, the therapeutic potential of CDA is limited by its susceptibility to oxidative degradation and isomerization. In this work, we propose a structural model for the DspS CHASE domain. The resulting model displays an overall topology reminiscent of the sensor protein PcrK in Xanthomonas campestris. Through molecular dynamics simulations, a stable potential binding site for CDA was further identified. Virtual screening against the predicted site of DspS CHASE using our developed pipeline discovered two promising compounds, compounds 2 and 9, capable of dislodging 7-day P. aeruginosa biofilms at 50 μM without affecting bacterial growth. These compounds also enhanced the effects of ciprofloxacin against P. aeruginosa, reduced the survival of dispersed cells, and increased the expression of matrix-degrading enzyme genes pelA, pslG, and eddA. This study provides insights into CDA recognition by DspS and represents the first large-scale effort to uncover first-in-class DspS activators. At the same time, this work also underscores the effectiveness of a computational-aided drug discovery process in finding new activators, even without a known protein structure.
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