METHODS: Sixteen women who underwent an EmCS in the past year and experienced traumatic childbirth in a tertiary hospital in Luoyang, Henan Province had participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews between February and May 2023. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data.
RESULTS: Four themes and ten sub-themes were extracted from the data: Theme 1: Journey from crisis to renewal: the psychological recovery process of women experienced traumatic childbirth after EmCS (stress phase, reaction phase, emotional processing and adjustment phase, and stabilization and reconstruction phase); Theme 2: Empowering mothers and families: addressing the multifaceted needs of comprehensive perinatal health education (insufficient individualized care: diversity and challenges of maternal needs, the gap in spousal involvement in perinatal health education); Theme 3: The barriers between patient-professional communication in healthcare (breaking the silence: needs to address the ineffective communication, beyond the diagnosis: needs for empathy in healthcare); and Theme 4: Limited family support (the forgotten mothers, husbands' emotional absence).
CONCLUSIONS: This study contributed to our understanding of the childbirth process for women undergoing EmCS. Women in this period experienced a range of negative emotions, they were lacking in sufficient health education, good communication between healthcare professionals and adequate family support. The research findings are valuable for us to identify their difficulties and needs, enabling us to provide assistance.
METHODS: A web-based survey was sent to neonatologists from 16 provinces representing 59.6% (824.2 million) of the total population of China on October 2015 and December 2017.
RESULTS: A total of 117 and 219 responses were received in 2015 and 2017, respectively. Compared to 2015, respondents in 2017 were more likely to resuscitate infants <25 weeks of gestation (86% vs. 72%; p < 0.05), but few would resuscitate infants ≤23 weeks of gestation in either epoch (10% vs. 6%). In both epochs, parents were responsible for >50% of the costs of intensive care, but in 2017, significantly fewer clinicians would cease intensive care (75% vs. 88%; p < 0.05) and more would request for economic aid (40% vs. 20%; p < 0.05) if parents could not afford to pay. Resource availability (e.g. ventilators) was not an important factor in either initiation or continuation of intensive care (~60% in both epochs).
CONCLUSION: Cost is an important factor in the initiation and continuation of neonatal intensive care in a developing country like China. Such factors need to be taken into consideration when interpreting outcome data from these regions.
METHODS: To scrutinize the moderation-mediation nexus between cultural context and social development, a distribution of 500 questionnaires was administered to Chinese university students, yielding 413 responses, corresponding to an 82.6% response rate. Methodologically, this study employed moderation and mediation analyses, incorporating statistical techniques such as a principal component matrix, factor analysis, and hierarchical regression.
FINDINGS: Prominent findings underscore the significant impact of age on educational progress, shaping the trajectory of academic advancement. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) emerges as a promising metric, establishing a link between academic performance and educational progress. Active involvement in sports and physical activities (PSPA) positively affects academic performance and study habits. Participation in sports teams and clubs (ISTC) enriches social development by nurturing interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and leadership skills. Sports activities (ESA) correlate with enhanced cognitive focus and improved psychological well-being. Significantly, the findings unveil a nuanced association between Perceived Social Development Through Sports (PSDTS) and educational progress.
CONCLUSIONS: Cultural Context (CC) moderates PSDTS, Sport-induced Cognitive Focus (SICF), and PWB, influencing educational progress. This study emphasizes the need for enhanced support systems-academic guidance, awareness, sports programs, and cultural competence training-to advance student well-being and academic achievement in China, fostering an empowering educational environment for societal progress.
METHODS: The search was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines and utilized the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. Inclusion and exclusion criteria: population, research methods, keywords, and time limit were described for this study. This article predominantly includes cross-sectional studies, so we have used the AXIS risk assessment methodology.
RESULTS: The study included ten articles, seven of which (70%) were quantitative. Three key findings emerged from this review: first, the studies on self-efficacy were more noteworthy than the studies on burnout. Second, female teachers were more expressive in their digital teaching, while male teachers had higher levels of self-efficacy in their digital teaching. Finally, the study explored various factors affecting self-efficacy and burnout in relation to digital teaching. The study demonstrated that professional development has a higher impact on physical education teachers' self-efficacy, and in turn, self-efficacy reduces burnout. Additionally, burnout had a significant impact on professional development.
CONCLUSION: This study describes the limitations of risk assessment and uses the AXIS tool to assess the methodological quality of this review report instead of using the risk of bias tool. The use of digital teaching methods can increase self-efficacy and alleviate burnout among physical education teachers. This review analyses the effects of digital technology, self-efficacy, and burnout on the career progression of physical education instructors and examines the implications for future developments.
DESIGN: A cross sectional study.
METHOD: A self-administered online survey was used from August to October 2022, with a sample size of 417 nursing students selected through convenience sampling. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and PROCESS macro v4.1 (Model 4) were used for data analysis.
RESULTS: The results revealed that virtual learning infrastructure, access to electronic facilities, and student collaboration, significantly predict student computer competency and e-learning outcomes. Virtual learning infrastructure and access to electronic facilities were found to be the strongest predictors of student computer competency, while student collaboration had a smaller but still significant effect. Student computer competency was found to mediate the relationship between virtual learning infrastructure, access to electronic facilities, student collaboration, and e-learning outcomes.