Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 58 in total

  1. Yusof, Z.Y.M., Nambiar, P.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(1):51-58.
    Quality radiographs of diagnostic value are important in root canal treatment. The dentist who has knowledge and skills in the use of radiographs for diagnostic purposes has a professional responsibility to ensure that the radiographs are obtained with minimum risk of radiation dose to and for the benefit of the patient. This article reviews the effectiveness of radiography techniques required for successful root canal treatment with the patient’s interest in mind. Awareness of effectual radiographic techniques, their constraints and applicable techniques for improvements are discussed. It seeks to reduce potentially harmful ionising radiation dose to patients and optimise the use of X-rays to produce diagnostic radiographs during root canal treatment.
  2. Chen, Y.N., Nambiar, P.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2008;29(1):14-19.
    The aim of present study was to determine if the radiological features noticed on dental panoramic radiographs can ascertain the different variants of ameloblastomas. Methods: A total number of 177 cases of ameloblastoma diagnosed in 5 centers in Malaysia were reviewed. The clinical records of these cases were analyzed with respect to age, sex, ethnicity, diagnosis of the lesions, anatomic site, size, side, year of diagnosis, status of the lesion, and characteristics of the lesions. Detailed radiographic features such as septation, calcification, effect on adjacent structures, periosteal reactions, demarcation and cortication of the border of the lesions were recorded. Results: The unicystic, plexiform and acanthomatous ameloblastomas tend to have unilocular radiolucencies as opposed to the follicular ameloblastoma, which demonstrated commonly multilocular radiolucency with soap-bubble appearance. The well-demarcated borders with thin condensed sclerotic border of the lesions appeared to be more significant in unicystic ameloblastoms. Moderately and poorly demarcated lesions are commonly found in follicular and acanthomatous ameloblastomas. Multiplanar pattern of root resorptions, protrusion of roots into lesions and cortical expansions with intact visible margins are commonly seen in ameloblastomas. Conclusion: The various histopathological patterns are not closely related to any specific radiological appearances in the jaws and there seems to be no direct or obvious correlation between the histopathological patterns of the tumours and the radiological appearance of ameloblastomas.
  3. Scully, B., Nambiar, P.
    Ann Dent, 2002;9(1):-.
    Craniofacial superimposition methods are employed for the identification of unknown skulls or living persons. There are many such methods and of particular interest is that technique developed by Furue which is inexpensive to set-up. A study was undertaken to ascertain the validity of this technique and to correlate our findings with other researchers.
  4. Ling, Booi Cie, Nambiar, P.
    Ann Dent, 1996;3(1):-.
    In recent years, dental evidence has played an important role in the positive identification of unknown deceased victims of catastrophies. To improve further dental identification techniques, there is an urgent need to adopt a national policy on denture marking as a compulsory procedure in the fabrication of dentures. The favoured scheme of marking which provides the most information for the identity of the denture wearer is proposed here.
  5. Rahmat, R.A., James, H., Nambiar, P.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2015;37(1):9-16.
    Forensic odontology has been an interdisciplinary part of forensic science for many years. In Malaysia, this forensic discipline has been practiced for more than two decades however it is still considered a new discipline as there are a limited number of specialists. To date, there are less than ten practicing forensic odontologists in Malaysia. Many dentists do not have a clear perception of this field, thus forensic odontology rarely becomes a career of choice. The purpose of this article is to highlight the attributes of a competent forensic odontologist and encourage dentists towards this challenging career path.
  6. Mohd Zefri A.A., Nukman A., Nambiar P.
    Ann Dent, 2017;24(1):33-40.
    This study aims to determine which age assessment data using the third molar development values
    (local or international) is suitable for estimating the age of Malays or Chinese in Malaysia. A sample of 60
    panoramic images of Malays and Chinese aged between 13.58 to 21.25 years were selected. Different
    assessment surveys which included the studies by Yusof et al. (2015), Wilson (2005), Johan et al. (2012),
    Mincer et al. (1993), AlQahtani et al. (2010) and Gunst et al. (2003) were employed to estimate the age
    from the developing third molar on the panoramic images studied. The estimated ages were compared
    to the chronological age of the selected Malaysians. All the datas were then recorded on Microsoft Excel
    sheet. The two observers were then subjected to the Intraclass Correlation Coeffecient (ICC) inter-observer
    reliability test.The highest number of correspondence (65%) between the chronological and estimated age
    (within one year) was for the survey conducted by Wilson. With regards to ethnicities, 70% of Chinese
    matched the mean estimated age by Wilson while Malays showed a high correspondence for the study
    by Mincer et al. (63.3%). Furthermore the ICC reliability test showed strong agreement between the two
    observers. There were similarities between the Malay and Chinese population in the correspondence of
    the estimated age to the chronological age employing the different dental estimation surveys; in addition
    the study by Wilson and Mincer et al. yielded best matching for these Malaysians.
  7. Nambiar, P., Paul, G., Swaminathan, D., Nadesan, K.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):46-50.
    The estimation of age of human foetal remains is of great medico-legal importance. When the remains are intact and fresh, various morphological features such as crown-heel length, weight, appearance of ossification centres particularly around the ankles and knees and other parameters could be used to make a reasonable estimation of the period of gestation. In cases of criminal abortion, infanticide and child murder the question of age of the foetus, viability, live birth and a separate existence become very important. In practice, often at the time of detection, the remains are decomposed or skeletonised. In such a situation the examination of developing teeth will provide a reliable answer pertaining to the foetal age, the possibility of a separate existence and even the period of survival after birth. The.age determination from dental examination is possible from approximately 10 weeks intrauterine up to old age. The presence of neonatal line (birth line) in both dentine and enamel indicates live birth and a separate existence. It is possible that the time period of survival can be estimated by measuring postnatal deposition of these hard tissues. An intact human foetus that has undergone mild to moderate putrefaction was studied. The study of the morphological features and the ossification centres suggested that its approximate age was around nine months intrauterine. It was not possible to decide whether it was a live birth and had a separate existence. The examination of the developing first deciduous molar of the mandible suggested the approximate age was around 30-32 weeks intrauterine. The importance of examination of developing teeth in foetal remains (including neonates), particularly associated with putrefaction or skeletonisation is emphasized.
  8. Nambiar, P., Shukor, N., Tarmidzi, N.R.A., Mohamed, N.H.
    Ann Dent, 2012;19(1):11-18.
    To determine the amount of displacement of a structure
    noticed on an image when the tube of a dental X-ray
    machine was shifted vertically and horizontally. In
    addition, various intraoral images were combined with
    dental panoramic images to determine the location of
    structures. Our research is based on the parallax
    technique which requires manipulation of horizontal
    and vertical angulations of the X-ray tube. A metal
    object is positioned on the buccal and palatal side of
    the maxilla on the canine area of a skull. The X-ray
    tube is shifted incrementally to obtain images on
    phosphor plates. Subsequently, panaromic and occlusal
    images were taken to assist in localization of the metal
    object. To obtain a clear image shift of 2-3mm using
    the parallax method, there must be an adequate
    horizontal tube shift of approximately 30-35 degrees.
    When images were used in combination of dental
    panoramic images, it was found that the buccally
    placed structures can be accurately located with the
    periapical or occlusal images. However, the
    displacement of images in the palatally placed
    structures in panoramic imaging is not fully
    appreciated with the principle of parallax method. Tube
    movement of 30-35 degrees horizontally is needed for
    a 2-3 mm image shift. To successfully localize a buccal
    structure, a combination of either periapical or occlusal
    images with a dental panoramic imaging can be
    employed. However, this combination with panoramic
    imaging is limited when looking at palatally placed
  9. Purmal K, Nambiar P
    Int Dent J, 2009 Jun;59(3):155-60.
    PMID: 19637524
    To study the success and failures of the mediation process of complaints from 2004-2007 by the Complaints Bureau Steering Committee and the Public Complaints Bureau Committee of the Malaysian Dental Association (MDA).
  10. Maruyama S, Minaguchi K, Takezaki N, Nambiar P
    Leg Med (Tokyo), 2008 May;10(3):160-2.
    PMID: 18180191 DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2007.11.002
    Allele frequencies for 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA (AmpF/STR Identifiler PCR Amplification kit, PE Applied Biosystems) were obtained from a sample of 110 unrelated individuals from the Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the characteristics of the population was compared with other East Asian populations.
  11. Nambiar P, Yaacob H, Menon R
    J Forensic Odontostomatol, 1996 Dec;14(2):30-3.
    PMID: 9227080
    Teeth are the most durable structures in the human body. The timing and sequence of their development, as contained in dental development charts, have been used as valid criteria for age determination. The third molars however are the last teeth to erupt and are regarded as the most variable in the dentition. Age estimation in a legal context, using developing third molars must be carefully applied otherwise justice may miscarry. A case of wrongful use of the technique is presented here.
  12. Nambiar P, Jalil N, Singh B
    Int Dent J, 1997 Feb;47(1):9-15.
    PMID: 9448783
    On 15 September 1995 a Malaysian Airlines (MAS) Fokker 50 plane plunged while descending and crashed, killing thirty-four passengers aboard. The dental disaster victim identification team comprising dental surgeons from the Dental faculty, University of Malaya; Ministry of Health, Sabah; and the Malaysian Defence Forces played an active role in the identification process. Most of the bodies were badly mutilated, disfigured and severely incinerated. Problems were encountered due to inadequate facilities and space at the mortuary. Difficulties were also encountered during the procurement and deciphering of information from dental records. This disaster has however created greater awareness amongst Malaysians of the important role of forensic odontology in mass disasters.
  13. Yusof, Z.Y.M., Marhazlinda, J., Nambiar, P., Chai, W.L., Shim, C.N., Lee, M.Y.
    Ann Dent, 2012;19(2):51-55.
    Background: In an academic setting due to financial constrain, it is not uncommon during non-surgical procedures dental students and clinical supervisors wash their gloved hands with disinfectants in between patients or when touching on non-contaminated objects. Whether this practice could cause any deterioration of the glove and expose clinicians and patients to infectious micro-organisms was a concern.
    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of multiple washes of gloved hands with a disinfectant on the integrity of the gloves. Methods: Three brands of commonly used gloves in a dental school were tested for leaks after multiple washes with a disinfectant. Thirty pairs of each type of gloves were subjected to 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 washes with a disinfectant solution at a 5-minute interval between each wash. After each washing cycle, the gloves were filled with 1L of water and hanged for 2 minutes to observe any signs of water leaks.
    Results: The results showed that the type of gloves and number of washes were significantly associated with the leakage rates (p<0.001). Washing of gloves for more than 5 times were at least 6 times higher to suffer from leakage (OR=6.23, 95% CI=2.14–18.08). Powdered gloves were almost 13 times higher to leak in all washes (OR=12.78, 95% CI= 4.40–37.14) and were almost 25 times more likely to leak when washed for more than 5 times (OR = 24.92, 95% CI = 5.79 – 107.21) when compared to the non-powdered gloves.
    Conclusion: The practice of washing gloved hands with a disinfectant deteriorates the integrity of the gloves.
    Key words: Cross infection, disinfectant, glove, leakage, micropores
  14. Nambiar P, Naidu MD, Subramaniam K
    Clin Anat, 1999;12(1):16-9.
    PMID: 9890725
    The uniqueness of anatomical structures and their variations provides the basis for forensic identification of unknown deceased persons. Similar to fingerprints, each frontal sinus is so distinctive and unique that the chances of two individuals having the same morphology of the frontal sinuses is extremely remote. Radiographs, especially the occipitomental view commonly used in the assessment of paranasal pathology, provide excellent records of these sinuses. The case illustrated here is an application of the frontal sinus identification of a victim in a mass disaster.
  15. Yaacob H, Nambiar P, Naidu MD
    Malays J Pathol, 1996 Jun;18(1):1-7.
    PMID: 10879216
    Determining the racial affinity of an unknown individual from dentition for identification is indeed a difficult endeavour. However, there are certain dental characteristics which are predominant in certain racial groups and these contribute important indicators in the identification process. Inherited dental characteristics are modified by prenatal and postnatal environmental and nutritional conditions. They can also become less discernible due to admixture of the various races.
  16. Maruyama S, Nohira-Koike C, Minaguchi K, Nambiar P
    Int J Legal Med, 2010 Mar;124(2):165-70.
    PMID: 19533161 DOI: 10.1007/s00414-009-0355-6
    Control region polymorphisms in the mitochondrial DNA of 124 unrelated individuals from the Malay population living in or around Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia were investigated and phylogenetic haplogroup lineages were determined. The intergenic COII/tRNALys 9-bp deletion, 3010 and 5178 mutations, and several coding region polymorphisms were examined to discriminate some phylogenetic haplogroups. Sequence comparison of the control regions led to the identification of 117 mitochondrial haplotypes, in which 103 types were observed in only one individual and the other nine types were shared by more than two individuals. Gene diversity was estimated to be 0.997. Phylogenetic haplogroup determination revealed that the gene pool of the modern Malay population in Malaysia consisted mainly of southeast Asian, east Asian, unidentified and unique, and aboriginal southeast-specific haplogroups. These results suggest a multi-original nature for the modern Malay population. The present database may help not only in personal identification but also in determining geographic origin in forensic casework in Malaysian, Southeast Asian and East Asian populations.
  17. Al-koshab M, Nambiar P, John J
    PLoS One, 2015;10(3):e0121682.
    PMID: 25803868 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121682
    INTRODUCTION: Proper imaging allows practitioners to evaluate an asymptomatic tempormandibular joint (TMJ) for potential degenerative changes prior to surgical and orthodontic treatment. The recently developed cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) allows measurement of TMJ bony structures with high accuracy. A study was undertaken to determine the morphology, and its variations, of the mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa among Malay and Chinese Malaysians.

    METHODS: CBCT was used to assess 200 joints in 100 subjects (mean age, 30.5 years). i-CAT CBCT software and The Mimics 16.0 software were employed to measure the volume, metrical size, position of each condyle sample and the thickness of the roof of the glenoid fossa (RGF).

    RESULTS: No significant gender differences were noted in thickness of the RGF and condylar length; however condylar volume, width, height and the joint spaces were significantly greater among males. With regards to comparison of both TMJs, the means of condylar volume, width and length of the right TMJ were significantly higher, while the means of the left condylar height and thickness of RGF were higher. When comparing the condylar measurements and the thickness of RGF between the two ethnic groups, we found no significant difference for all measurements with exception of condylar height, which is higher among Chinese.

    CONCLUSION: The similarity in measurements for Malays and Chinese may be due to their common origin. This information can be clinically useful in establishing the diagnostic criteria for condylar volume, metrical size, and position in the Malaysian East Asians population.

  18. Nambiar P, Carson G, Taylor JA, Brown KA
    J Forensic Odontostomatol, 2001 Jun;19(1):5-8.
    PMID: 11494677
    A wad of used chewing gum recovered from the scene of a burglary contained impressions of human teeth. Casts of these impressions displayed unique morphological characteristics which were found to show concordance with corresponding features present on casts of the posterior teeth of a suspect.
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