Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 52 in total

  1. Ramli, M., Salmiah, M.A., Nurul Ain, M.
    Background: Having a validated questionnaire in any field would nurture a research path in that particular area. The aim of this study was to validate the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version among clinical subjects who were diabetic patients. Objectives: To determine the reliability and construct validity of the BM DASS by looking at internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis respectively. Methods: The BM DASS was administered to a total of 153 diabetic patients. These patients were selected when they came to 15 retail pharmacies all over the Klang Valley. Results: The BM DASS-21 had very good Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.75, 0.74 and 0.79, respectively for depression, anxiety and stress subscales. For construct validity, it also had good factor loading values for 17 out of 21 items (.31 to .75). Conclusions: The results of this study entrenched the evidence that the BM DASS-21 had excellent psychometric properties and therefore it is suitable to be used for the Malaysian clinical population.
  2. Ramli, M., Aidil Faszrul, A.R., Rosnani, S.
    Background: The Malay short version of Depressive Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) has been widely used as a tool to measure psychological parameters in studies in Malaysia. The version has been found to be reliable for clinical and non-clinical populations. Objectives: To analyse and establish the psychometric properties of the Malay version of the DASS 42-item (BM DASS-42) among medical students. Methods: Concurrent forward and backward translations of original English DASS-42 were completed. Construct validity of the DASS-42 was established by looking at its exploratory factor analysis. Malay DASS-42 and Malay HADS were administered to a total of 411 medical students. Results: Reliability of DASS-
    42 revealed excellent Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.94, 0.90 and 0.87 for depressive, anxiety and stress domains respectively. Construct validity yielded 38 items out of 42 items (90%) had good factor loadings of 0.4 and more. DASS and HADS were strongly correlated for both anxiety (r=0.87) and depression (r=0.68) domains. Conclusions: The BM DASS-42 had admirable psychometric properties among the tested population. Further studies are needed to verify these preliminary outcomes in other Malaysian subjects.
  3. Noor Hasimah, M., Nurhanani, M.N., Ramli, M.
    Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolite disorder with high potential of multisystemic medical complications especially among poorly controlled patients. This study was conducted at Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital, Kota Bharu with objectives to explore the pattern of common diabetic mellitus type 2 complications and to compare between gender and races in relation to other risk factors during their hospitalization. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study based on patients’ record involving 215 patients (110 women and 105 men) who were admitted with diabetic complications in medical ward for a period of 6 months (January to June 2006) Results: Out of total 300 identifi ed subjects, 285 case notes were traceable. From 285, 84.6% (241 subjects) were diagnosed as DM type 2. 215 out of 241 subjects (89.2%) had one or more diabetic complications. In general the most common diabetic complication was diabetic nephropathy 34.9% (75 patients). When we compared between genders, diabetic foot ulcers was the most common diabetic complications among males (43.8%) and diabetic nephropathy for females (40.9%). A total of 199 patients (92.6%) had poor blood sugar control during their hospitalization and 103 patients (47.9%) had hypertension. Conclusion: Patients with DM type 2 had a high prevalence of complications. Common diabetic complications among genders were varied. Patients with diabetic complications had high prevalence of risk factors such as poor blood sugar control, concomitant hypertension and smoking habit.
  4. Ramli, M., Fatnoon, N.N.A., Rohaidah, S.A.

    Wolfram syndrome (WFS) is a rare neurodegerative disorder which is characterized by presentation of diabetes insipidus, juvenile diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy and deafness. We describe a case of WFS with presentation of psychosis. A 17-year-old female presented with psychiatric manifestations, namely inappropriate behaviour and second person auditory hallucination since the age of 16 years. The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus at the age of 10 years old and subsequently progressive hearing and visual loss a year later. Her ophthalmic evaluation revealed total blindness due to optic atrophy. However she did not have renal dysfunction and diabetes insipidus which are also features of the syndrome. There is scarce literature to describe on psychiatric presentation in WFS. In the past, the psychiatric manifestation which was reported most of times was mood and suicidal behaviour. Hardly any article reported about psychosis (hallucination). We believe, her psychiatric manifestations were related to sensory deprivation due to blindness and deafness caused by the progression of WFS.
  5. Ramli, M., Mohd Ariff, F., Khalid, Y., Rosnani, S.
    Introduction: There is an appealing need to have a validated Bahasa Malaysia (BM) questionnaire that is able to gauge stress coping styles among Malaysian population. A culturally accepted questionnaire will generate further research in the aspect of stress coping patterns in the Malaysia population. Objective: To translate the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) questionnaire into BM and to determine the construct validity, reliability and other psychometric properties of the translated BM version of the English CISS 48-item. Method: Two parallel forward and backward translations were done in BM in accordance to guideline and its validation was determined by using confirmatory factor analysis among 200 Malaysian subjects. Results: The BM CISS had very good Cronbach’s alpha values, 0.91, 0.89 and 0.85 respectively for Task-, Emotional- and Avoidance-oriented. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was 0.91. It also had good factor loading for most of its items where 44 items out of 48 had Confirmatory Factor Analysis values of more than 4.0. Conclusions: BM CISS had been adequately and correctly translated into Bahasa Malaysia with high psychometric properties. Minimal readjustment may be required in a few of its items to obtain excellent results.
  6. Jamian, E., Sanip, Z., Ramli, M., Mohd Daud, K., Mohamad, S., Hassan, R.
    Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) frequently occurs in haemodialysis
    (HD) patients undergoing recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO)
    therapy and is commonly associated with rHuEPO hypo-responsiveness.
    However, the conventional iron indices are inadequate to exhibit the status or
    utilisation of iron during erythropoiesis. The aim of this study was to elucidate
    the accuracy and usefulness of the reticulocyte haemoglobin (RET-He) test
    for diagnosing IDA in HD patients undergoing rHuEPO therapy. Methods: In
    this cross-sectional study, fifty-five blood samples of HD patients on rHuEPO
    therapy were collected and analysed for haematological and biochemical
    parameters. A receiver operating characteristics curve was also plotted for
    sensitivity and specificity analysis. IDA detection rates by RET-He, soluble
    transferrin receptor (sTfR) and serum ferritin were 63.64%, 3.64% and 0%,
    respectively. RET-He level was significantly correlated with sTfR level, mean
    cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin level and the transferrin receptor-ferritin
    index. The sensitivity and specificity of RET-He in detecting IDA were 78.3%
    and 92.0%, respectively, with an area under the curve of 0.864. IDA was more
    frequently detected by RET-He than by ferritin or sTfR in HD patients
    undergoing rHuEPO therapy. The RET-He level also showed higher sensitivity
    and specificity for the iron status in these patients. Therefore, RET-He is a
    useful biomarker for the detection of IDA in HD patients undergoing rHuEPO
  7. Adam, B., Ramli, M., Jamaiyah H., Noor Azimah, M., Khairani, O.
    Introduction: Family Environment Scale (FES) was developed by Moos1, has ten subscales and was categorized into three dimensions.Objective:The objective of this study was to develop factor structure for the Malay-translated version of the FES subscales. Methodology: The study used Malay translated version of FES by Khairani et. al2. This study was a multi centre, cross-sectional study, involving four secondary schools consisted of adolescents, aged between 12-17 years old and a total of 295 participants were enrolled in this study. Exploratory factor analyses was done across two groups of analysis set on the subscales with Cronbach’s alpha more than 0.50 and 0.53 respectively. Results: Two distinct factors were extracted across the four subscales consisted of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization in factor 1 and only Control in factor 2. Conclusion: The finding indicated that element of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization has a good indicator of a good family relationship.
  8. Ramli, M., Jamaiyah, H., Noor Azimah, M., Khairani, O., Adam, B.
    Introduction: As eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and others are generally becoming more prevalent, it is essential to have a culturally accepted and locally validated questionnaire that is able to detect abnormal eating habits. Objective: To translate the Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) into Bahasa Malaysia (BM) and to determine the construct validity, reliability and other psychometric properties of the BM version. Method: Two parallel forward and backward translations were done in BM in accordance to guideline. Its validation was determined by using confirmatory factor analysis among 298 secondary school children. Results: The BM EDE-Q had very good internal consistency with global Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.879. For construct validity, majority of the items managed to produce values of more than 0.4 for confirmatory factor analysis with four unforced distinct factors detected. Conclusions: Analyses of reliability and validity of this BM version of EDE-Q yielded satisfactory results. The BM version produced in this study had good psychometric properties and it is applicable to the Malaysian population. Findings indicated that cultural factors in eating habits certainly influences the effort to adapt the questionnaire within a Malaysian setting.
  9. Siti Nur Illiani, J., Azlina, D., Sanisah, S., Ramli, M., Nik Noor Fatnoon, N.A.
    Background of Study: Patients with thyroid disorders were found to have
    continued to experience symptoms of depression despite the great of treatment has
    been given to the patient to balance the thyroid hormones. Objective: The aim of
    this study is to determine the level of depression symptoms among various types
    of thyroid disorders patients.

    Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out at
    one of the government hospital at central region of Peninsular Malaysia from
    August to October 2016. Patients were diagnosed as thyroid disorders, Malaysian
    citizen, above 18 years old and did not have any psychiatric disorders were
    included in this study.Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-42 (DASS-42) was
    selected to determine the severity of depression symptoms and interpreted as
    follow: less than 9-no depression, between 10 and 13-mild depression, between
    14-20-moderate depression, between 21 and 27- severe depression and more than
    28-extreme severe depression. Descriptive statistic was analysed by IBM
    Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0.

    Results: About
    15% (23) out of 153 thyroid patients had varies degree of depression symptoms
    from mild to severe extremely depression. Patients who had hyperthyroid were
    found to have more depressed, followed by hypothyroid and thyroid cancer group.

    Conclusion: These findings would suggest that the depression score was higher in
    the patients who have hyperthyroid. A more detail and thorough study is
    recommended to be done, in order to confirm these findings.
  10. Ariff F, Suthahar A, Ramli M
    Singapore Med J, 2011 Jan;52(1):29-34.
    PMID: 21298238
    INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between hypertensive patients and their coping style and associated lifestyle factors.
    METHODS: A total of 502 participants attending nine outpatient clinics completed the validated Bahasa Malaysia version of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations and sociodemographic questionnaires. The height, weight, pulse rate and blood pressure of all the participants were measured using standardised methods.
    RESULTS: A total of 264 (52.6 percent) participants were hypertensive, while 238 (47.4 percent) were not. Participants with a high task-oriented score showed a significantly lower risk of hypertension compared to those with a low score (odds ratio [OR] 0.546; 95 percent confidence interval [CI] 0.371-0.804). Those with a high emotion-oriented coping score were associated with an increased risk of hypertension (OR 1.691; 95 percent CI 1.107-2.582). Hypertension was also significantly associated with a higher mean body mass index, positive family history of hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. In multiple logistic regression analysis with hypertension status as the dependent variable, a high emotion-oriented coping score, a low task-oriented coping score, age, body mass index, positive family history of hypertension and history of diabetes mellitus remain significant factors in the final model.
    CONCLUSION: These results indicated a significant relationship between hypertension and coping styles and lifestyle factors. They underscored the importance of further study as well as the development and implementation of intervention measures to improve coping skills among hypertensive patients, which may be incorporated into the management of hypertension.
  11. Ramli M, Nora M, Roszaman R, Hatta S
    Malays Fam Physician, 2012;7(1):24-7.
    PMID: 25606241 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the features of patients with vaginismus first presented to a gynaecologist for infertility before being referred for psychiatric evaluation and management. The case series aim to provide some insight on features and presentations of Asian women with vaginismus. Vaginismus is characterised by persistent or recurrent difficulties in vaginal penetration despite the woman's wish for coitus. Avoidance, phobia, anticipatory fear of pain and involuntary pelvic muscle contraction are the most common symptoms.

    METHOD: We report a series of cases of Malaysian women who had been suffering from vaginismus and 'infertility'. All the cases had never been attended to medically and there were long delays in seeking intervention. There was no history of traumatic sexual experience or any major psychiatric illness in these patients. Majority of the patients had prominent symptoms of anxiety.

    CONCLUSION: The cases illustrate that it is important to rule out the possibility of vaginismus among patients with infertility. The former have unique psychological features which require psychological interventions.
  12. Wan Fatein Nabeila W.O., Sithu A., Aszrin A., Azarisman S.M.S., Jamalludin A.R., Norlelawati A.T., et al.
    Hypertension is the most prevalent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases in Malaysia. 17.3% of hypertension cases in Malaysia is attributed to adults aged 18 to 39 years. Psychosocial distress is a possible risk factor for elevated blood pressure in young adults, and cortisol could be the mediating factor. The aim of this study is to evaluate the mediating role of cortisol in hypertension and psychosocial distress in young adults. Methods and materials:A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in 240 young adults aged 18 to 45 years. The body mass index, waist circumference and blood pressure parameters were recorded. Serum cortisol, creatinine, fasting blood glucose and lipid profile were measured following acute mental stress test. Psychosocial distress was assessed using the DASS-21 questionnaire. Results:Mean (standard deviation) values for SBP, DBP, MAP were 126.0(16.3), 84.1(12.2) and 98.1(13.1) mmHg respectively. Anxiety was significantly associated with systolic blood pressure (β=0.644), diastolic blood pressure (β=0.454) and mean arterial pressure (β=0.516) after adjusting for sex, age and cortisol. However, it was not mediated by cortisol. Depression and stress were not found to have any effect on blood pressure of the young adults studied. Conclusion:The data suggest that there is no elevated risk for psychosocial distress and hypertension that cortisol poses in young adults.
  13. Ramli, M., Mohd Aznan, M.A., Maliya. S., Muhamad Shaiful Lizam, M.A., Muhammad Salman, M.H., Mohamad Faqihuddin, H., et al.
    Introduction: Lack of knowledge and negative attitude towards HIV/AIDS may be the risk factors for HIV infection among transsexuals. Research on knowledge and attitude towards HIV infection in transsexual communities is very limited at both local and international levels. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude towards HIV infection among the male-to-female transsexual community in Kuantan, Pahang.
    Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from July to August 2014 among 33 male-to-female transsexuals in Kuantan, Pahang. Convenience sampling was used. Participants who gave consent answered a self-administered questionnaire. Data obtained was analyzed with descriptive statistics, χ2-test, and independent sample t test.
    Results: The majority of the subjects in this study were 29 years and below (48.5%), Muslims (93.9%), and had completed up to secondary education (60.6%). Most of them were sex workers (60.6%), and had relatively low income (no income to RM 3000, mean of RM1528). A total of 87.9% of the subjects demonstrated good knowledge and also positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS. Level of education was significantly associated with scores in knowledge (p=0.01).
    Conclusions: Despite the positive outcome from this study, misconceptions towards HIV/AIDS still exist among transsexuals. Education and interventions from multiple directions on HIV/AIDS are essential to deliver the correct information to this population, so as to emphasize prevention, early detection, and holistic medical care. Transsexuals also require attention from religious bodies and non-governmental organizations to help them in employment, financial, spiritual, and psycho-social issues.
  14. Ramli M, Zafri AB, Junid MR, Hatta S
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Dec;67(6):560-4.
    PMID: 23770945 MyJurnal
    The escalating problem of opiate dependence in Malaysia and the limitations of regimental approach of forced admission to rehabilitation centres had triggered the government to expand the methadone maintenance therapy to become a national programme. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term outcomes of the Methadone Maintenance Therapy programme in one of the busiest hospital in east coast Malaysia. We also explored the prevalence on non-compliance and factors associated to it. A total of 172 patient case notes at Methadone Clinic Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) were retrieved for relevant data. A short survey was also conducted to determine the subjects' current employment and marital status. The programme's retention rate was 62% and factors associated with poor compliance were unemployment, low quality of life scores and low dose of methadone. A special attention on the patients with these three risk factors may improve their compliance to MMT. The short-term evaluation of MMT at HTAA revealed favourable findings.
    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
  15. Ramli MR, Siew WL, Cheah KY
    J Food Sci, 2008 Apr;73(3):C140-5.
    PMID: 18387090 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00657.x
    High-oleic palm oil (HOPO) with an oleic acid content of 59.0% and an iodine value (IV) of 78.2 was crystallized in a 200-kg De Smet crystallizer with a predetermined cooling program and appropriate agitation. The slurry was then fractionated by means of dry fractionation at 4, 8, 10, 12, and 15 degrees C. The oil and the fractionated products were subjected to physical and chemical analyses, including fatty acid composition, triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol composition, solid fat content, cloud point, slip melting point, and cold stability test. Fractionation at 15 degrees C resulted in the highest olein yield but with minimal oleic acid content. Due to the enhanced unsaturation of the oil, fractionation at relatively lower crystallization temperature showed a considerable effect on fatty acid composition as well as triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol composition of liquid fractions compared to higher crystallization temperature. The olein and stearin fractionated at 4 degrees C had the best cold stability at 0 degrees C and sharper melting profile, respectively.
  16. Ramli M, Hussein MZ, Yusoff K
    Int J Nanomedicine, 2013;8:297-306.
    PMID: 23345976 DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S38858
    A new organic-inorganic nanohybrid based on zinc-layered hydroxide intercalated with an anti-inflammatory agent was synthesized through direct reaction of salicylic acid at various concentrations with commercially available zinc oxide. The basal spacing of the pure phase nanohybrid was 15.73 Å, with the salicylate anions arranged in a monolayer form and an angle of 57 degrees between the zinc-layered hydroxide interlayers. Fourier transform infrared study further confirmed intercalation of salicylate into the interlayers of zinc-layered hydroxide. The loading of salicylate in the nanohybrid was estimated to be around 29.66%, and the nanohybrid exhibited the properties of a mesoporous-type material, with greatly enhanced thermal stability of the salicylate compared with its free counterpart. In vitro cytotoxicity assay revealed that free salicylic acid, pure zinc oxide, and the nanohybrid have a mild effect on viability of African green monkey kidney (Vero-3) cells.
  17. Ramli M, Hassan AS, Rosnani S
    Int J Eat Disord, 2009 Apr;42(3):290-2.
    PMID: 19016482 DOI: 10.1002/eat.20596
    Hypoglycemic attack had been reported as one of the medical complications in anorexia nervosa.
  18. Ramli M, Nora M, Zafri A, Junid M, Umeed A, Hajee M
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):77-82.
    PMID: 25606168 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: High prevalence of high-risk behaviours and concurrent medical illnesses among opioid drug users would influence the outcome of Methadone Maintenance Programme. It would also require a special medical attention to contain these issues.
    OBJECTIVES: This study explored patients' characteristics and their high-risk behaviours in order to understand more about opioid dependent users in Malaysia.
    METHODS: A total of 172 patient case notes at Methadone Clinic Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) were retrieved for relevant data.
    RESULTS: Many of the patients were engaged in high-risk behaviours such as needle sharing, unsafe sex and criminal activities. A large number of the subjects had contracted blood-borne diseases such as HIV and hepatitis infections.
    CONCLUSIONS: Education on the issue of medical and psychosocial complications related to high risk behaviours is essential. Medical professionals dealing with this group have to pay attention and update their knowledge on the medical issue.
    KEYWORDS: Methadone therapy; high-risk behaviours; opioid dependence
    Study site: Methadone clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
  19. Abdullah NH, Mohammad N, Ramli M, Wan Ghazali WS
    BMJ Case Rep, 2019 Aug 28;12(8).
    PMID: 31466966 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-226760
    We reported a case of a woman with no past medical illness who presented with a few days' history of fever, myalgia, arthralgia, hypochromic microcytic anaemia and thrombocytopaenia and who was nonstructural protein 1 antigen (NS1Ag)-positive. Haemolytic anaemia including full blood picture work-up revealed high reticulocyte count and haemolysis with positive direct Coombs test. She was started on prednisolone and was discharged well.
  20. Mohd Ramli SS, Abdullah A, Md Pauzi SH, Ramli M
    Medeni Med J, 2021;36(3):270-275.
    PMID: 34915686 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2021.36974
    Ceruminous adenoma is described as a glandular neoplasm of ceruminous glands. It is seen for less than one percent of all external ear tumours. Ceruminous adenoma cases were reported to have recurrence and residual tumour, however there was no malignant transformation known in ceruminous adenoma up to this date. Here, we report a young adult woman with two years history of progressive reduced hearing and tinnitus of the right ear. She was proven to have right moderate conductive hearing loss with pure tone audiometry. There was a cystic mass with serous content arising from the posterior wall of the right ear canal. We proceeded with wide local excision of the mass via trans-canal approach. Ceruminous adenoma was confirmed with histopathology and immunohistochemistry of CK7 staining. The hearing impairment was resolved completely post excision and there was no recurrence of the tumour on one year follow-up. We concluded wide local excision with appropriate margin of the mass is adequate to prevent recurrence in ceruminous adenoma cases.
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