Displaying all 12 publications

  1. Tong T, Xiong Y
    Front Psychol, 2022;13:889147.
    PMID: 36033095 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.889147
    Companies in the world today understand that keeping users in touch is essential to enhancing their trust. The primary objective of this study was to determine the intention-based critical determinants of E-commerce utilization in China from the end users' perspective. We developed a framework that identifies the factors that influence E-commerce utilization in China. Besides, we introduced observational research (data analysis) conducted in a real-world E-commerce sense. Results are based on a sample of 400 respondents by employing a comprehensive questionnaire survey. The structural equation modeling (SEM) and the partial least squares (PLS) regression approach was used to analyze the data. Study results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, reputation, trust in vendors, and purchase frequency significantly influence consumers' intention to use E-commerce systems. Research outcomes emphasize transforming social norms, raising consumers' awareness, redesigning policy frameworks, and highlighting the paybacks that E-commerce offers through integrative and consistent efforts.
  2. Di J, Xiong Y, Li D, Li X, Wang W, Cheng Y, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2022 Dec;44(3):509-516.
    PMID: 36591718
    Hyalinising clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) of the lung is an extremely rare tumour that is just recently recognised as one of the salivary gland-type tumours (SGTT) in the latest WHO classification of thoracic tumours. Eleven cases have been reported in English literature since Joaquín et al. reported the first case. Given the very limited number of cases, the clinical and histological features of pulmonary HCCC are equivocal. Herein, we present two cases of pulmonary HCCC. The patients were a 66-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman. The mass was located on the right main bronchus and right middle lobar bronchus separately. One was 2 cm and the other was 3.3 cm in the greatest dimension. The tumours were comprised of small monomorphic cells with clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm and infiltrated in a hyalinising stroma arranged in nests, cords, sheets and trabeculae. Their morphology resembled their head and neck counterparts. Immunohistochemically, the tumour cells were positive for AE1/AE3, P63, while negative for TTF1, Calponin, S-100, HMB45 and PAX8. Ki-67 labeling ranges from 3% to 10%. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) demonstrated EWSR1 rearrangement and Next-generation sequencing (NGS) demonstrated EWSR1- ATF1 (exon 11: exon 3) fusion in case one and EWSR1- ATF1 (exon 2: exon 12) fusion in case two. This is the first time to report the EWSR1-ATF1fusion point other than exon 11: exon 3 in pulmonary HCCC. Case one recurred two years after local resection but didn't metastasise during follow-up 36 months. Case two is alive without disease after lobectomy during follow-up 14 months.
  3. Yang L, Xiong Y, Chen Q
    Front Psychol, 2023;14:1131913.
    PMID: 37082568 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1131913
    This study examined the role of basic linguistic skills (vocabulary, syntax, orthography, and morphological awareness), basic cognitive skills (working memory), and higher-order cognitive skills (inference making and reading monitoring) in reading Chinese as a second language (L2). A total of 252 international students from Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Laos were recruited, and a range of measures including a Chinese reading comprehension test (HSK level 3), four linguistic knowledge tests on Chinese lexical, syntactic, and orthographic knowledge as well as morphological awareness, a reading span test, an inference making task, and an inconsistency detection test. The results of hierarchical multiple regressions showed that the measured linguistic skills and cognitive skills explained 80% of the variances in L2 Chinese reading, among which morphological awareness made the largest contribution. The path analysis revealed that linguistic skills and working memory contributed indirectly to reading comprehension via inference making and comprehension monitoring, while the two higher-order cognitive skills made direct contributions. Overall, this study demonstrates that inference making and comprehension monitoring contributed directly to reading comprehension, while linguistic skills and working memory functioned indirectly via the higher-order cognitive skills It also highlights the importance of morphological awareness in a hierarchical model of L2 Chinese reading.
  4. Chen L, Xie W, Luo Y, Ding X, Fu B, Gopinath SCB, et al.
    PMID: 33786878 DOI: 10.1002/bab.2155
    A highly sensitive silica-alumina (Si-Al)-modified capacitive non-Faradaic glucose biosensor was introduced to monitor gestational diabetes. Glucose oxidase (GOx) was attached to the Si-Al electrode surface as the probe through amine-modification followed by glutaraldehyde premixed GOx as aldehyde-amine chemistry. This Si-Al (∼50 nm) modified electrode surface has increased the current flow upon binding of GOx with glucose. Capacitance values were increased by increasing the glucose concentrations. A mean capacitance value was plotted and the detection limit was found as 0.03 mg/mL with the regression coefficient value, R² = 0.9782 [y = 0.8391x + 1.338] on the linear range between 0.03 and 1 mg/mL. Further, a biofouling experiment with fructose and galactose did not increase the capacitance, indicating the specific glucose detection. This Si-Al-modified capacitance sensor detects a lower level of glucose presence and helps in monitoring gestational diabetes.
  5. Song C, Xiong Y, Jin P, Sun Y, Zhang Q, Ma Z, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Oct 15;895:164986.
    PMID: 37353016 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164986
    China is responsible for the biggest shellfish and macroalgae production in the world. In this study, comprehensive methods were used to assess the CO2 release and sequestration by maricultured shellfish and macroalgae in China. Through considering CaCO3 production and CO2 release coefficient (Φ, moles of CO2 released per mole of CaCO3 formed) in different waters, we find that cultured shellfish released 0.741 ± 0.008 Tg C yr-1 through calcification based on the data of 2016-2020. In addition to calcification, maricultured shellfish released 0.580 ± 0.004 Tg C yr-1 by respiration. Meanwhile, shellfish sequestered 0.145 ± 0.001 and 0.0387 ± 0.0004 Tg C yr-1 organic carbon in sediments and shells, respectively. Therefore, the net released CO2 by maricultured shellfish was 1.136 ± 0.011 Tg C yr-1, which is about four times higher than that maricultured macroalgae could sequester (0.280 ± 0.010 Tg C yr-1). To achieve carbon neutrality within the mariculture system, shellfish culture may need to be restricted and meanwhile the expansion of macroalgae cultivation should be carried out. The mean carbon sequestration rate of seven kinds of macroalgae was 174 ± 6 g m-2 yr-1 while some cultivated macroalgae had higher CO2 sequestration rates, e.g. 356 ± 24 g C m-2 yr-1 for Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis and 331 ± 17 g C m-2 yr-1 for Undaria pinnatifida. In scenario 0.5 (CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) sequesters 0.5 Gt CO2 per year), using macroalgae culture cannot achieve China's carbon neutrality by 2060 but in scenarios 1.0 and 1.5 (CCUS sequesters 1.0 and 1.5 Gt CO2 per year, respectively) it is feasible to achieve carbon neutrality using some macroalgae species with high carbon sequestration rates. This study provides important insights into how to develop mariculture in the context of carbon-neutrality and climate change mitigation.
  6. Feng Y, Xiong Y, Hall-Spencer JM, Liu K, Beardall J, Gao K, et al.
    Glob Chang Biol, 2024 Jan;30(1):e17018.
    PMID: 37937464 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17018
    Blooms of microalgal red tides and macroalgae (e.g., green and golden tides caused by Ulva and Sargassum) have caused widespread problems around China in recent years, but there is uncertainty around what triggers these blooms and how they interact. Here, we use 30 years of monitoring data to help answer these questions, focusing on the four main species of microalgae Prorocentrum donghaiense, Karenia mikimotoi, Noctiluca scintillans, and Skeletonema costatum) associated with red tides in the region. The frequency of red tides increased from 1991 to 2003 and then decreased until 2020, with S. costatum red tides exhibiting the highest rate of decrease. Green tides started to occur around China in 1999 and the frequency of green tides has since been on the increase. Golden tides were first reported to occur around China in 2012. The frequency of macroalgal blooms has a negative linear relationship with the frequency and coverage of red tides around China, and a positive correlation with total nitrogen and phosphorus loads as well as with atmospheric CO2 and sea surface temperature (SST). Increased outbreaks of macroalgal blooms are very likely due to worsening levels of eutrophication, combined with rising CO2 and SST, which contribute to the reduced frequency of red tides. The increasing grazing rate of microzooplankton also results in the decline in areas affected by red tides. This study shows a clear shift of algal blooms from microalgae to macroalgae around China over the past 30 years driven by the combination of eutrophication, climate change, and grazing stress, indicating a fundamental change in coastal systems in the region.
  7. Qian Z, Wang C, Zhou N, Zhang C, Goh BT, Dai Z, et al.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2024 Dec 04;16(48):66350-66357.
    PMID: 39573967 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c14459
    Covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) have attracted tremendous attention with respect to their rich nitrogen content, functional triazine units, and high porosity. However, efficient and simple preparation of CTF monoliths is still a challenge. Here, we propose a novel and facile approach for the in situ preparation of CTF aerogels. Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid was used as the solvent and catalyst, which could not only promote the polymerization reaction to form a gel but also protonate the CTFs. By virtue of the simplicity and efficiency of the strategy, a series of macroscopic CTF aerogels with tunable density were obtained by adjusting the monomer concentration. Due to the porous and partially crystalline structure, the as-produced macroscopic CTF aerogels behaved with good mechanical and thermal insulation performances. This finding thus offers an effective and easily scalable approach toward fabricating macroscopic CTF aerogels and broadens the applications of CTFs in a variety of domains.
  8. Zhong X, Xiong Y, Wei D, Wang S, Xiao Z, Liu M, et al.
    Complement Ther Med, 2020 Aug;52:102491.
    PMID: 32951740 DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102491
    BACKGROUND: Inconsistencies exist with regard to effect of maternal vitamin D supplementation on infant vitamin D status. The inconsistencies could be attributed to numerous factors, such as duration of intervention and dosage, among others. In this work, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the influence of maternal vitamin D supplementation on infant vitamin D status.

    METHODS: A comprehensive systematic search was performed in Scopus, EMBASE, Web of Science, and PubMed/MEDLINE, by investigators, from database inception until November 2019, without using any restrictions. Weighted mean difference (WMD) with the 95 % CI was used for assessing the effects of maternal vitamin D supplementation on 25(OH) D levels in infants.

    RESULTS: Overall results from 14 studies revealed a non-significant effect of maternal vitamin D administration on the level of 25(OH) D in breastfeeding infants (WMD: -0.464 ng/mL, 95 % CI: -6.68 to 5.75, p = 0.884, I2 = 98 %). Subgroup analyses demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation dosage ≥2000 IU/day (WMD: 9 ng/mL, 95 % CI: 8.19, 9.82, I2 = 99 %) and intervention duration ≥20 weeks (WMD: 16.20 ng/mL, 95 % CI: 14.89, 17.50, I2 = 99 %) significantly increased 25(OH) D.

    CONCLUSIONS: The main results indicate a non-significant increase in infant vitamin D following maternal vitamin D supplementation. Additionally, vitamin D supplementation dosage ≥2000 IU/day and intervention duration ≥20 weeks significantly increased infant 25(OH) D.

  9. Qiao Z, Xue L, Sun M, Ma N, Shi H, Yang W, et al.
    J Agric Food Chem, 2024 Jan 10;72(1):857-864.
    PMID: 38134022 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07582
    Salmonellosis continues to impose a significant economic burden globally. Rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella is crucial to preventing the outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, yet it remains a formidable challenge. Herein, a dual-functional tetrahedron multivalent aptamer assisted amplification-free CRISPR/Cas12a assay was developed for Salmonella detection. In the system, the aptamer was programmatically assembled on the tetrahedral DNA nanostructure to fabricate a multivalent aptamer (TDN-multiApt), which displayed a 3.5-fold enhanced avidity over the monovalent aptamer and possessed four CRISPR/Cas12a targeting fragments to amplify signal. Therefore, TDN-multiApt could directly activate Cas12a to achieve the second signal amplification without any nucleic acid amplification. By virtue of the synergism of high avidity and cascaded signal amplifications, the proposed method allowed the ultrasensitive detection of Salmonella as low as 7 cfu mL-1. Meanwhile, this novel platform also exhibited excellent specificity against target bacteria and performed well in the detection of various samples, indicating its potential application in real samples.
  10. Zeng L, Chua EG, Xiong Y, Ding S, Ai H, Hou Z, et al.
    JGH Open, 2020 Aug;4(4):707-712.
    PMID: 32782960 DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12322
    Background and Aim: While adenoma detection rate (ADR) is an important quality metric for screening colonoscopy, it remains difficult to be accessed due to the lack of integrated endoscopy and pathology databases. Hence, the use of an adenoma-to-polyp detection rate quotient and polyp detection rate (PDR) has been proposed to predict ADR. This study aimed to examine the usefulness of estimated ADR across different colonic segments in two age groups for Shenzhen people in China.

    Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 7329 colonoscopy procedures performed by 12 endoscopists between January 2012 and February 2014. The PDR, actual ADR, and estimated ADR of the entire, proximal, and distal colon, and within each colonic segment, in two patient age groups: <50 and ≥50 years, were calculated for each endoscopist.

    Results: The overall polyp and adenoma prevalence rates were 19.1 and 9.3%, respectively. The average age of adenoma-positive patients was significantly higher than that of adenoma-negative patients (54 ± 12.6 years vs 42.9 ± 13.2 years, respectively). A total of 1739 polyps were removed, among which 826 were adenomas. More adenomatous polyps were found in the proximal colon (60.4%, 341/565) than in the distal colon (40.9%, 472/1154). Overall, both actual and estimated ADR correlated strongly at the entire colon level and within most colonic segments, except for the cecum and rectum. In both age groups, these parameters correlated strongly within the traverse colon and descending colon.

    Conclusion: Caution should be exercised when predicting ADR within the sigmoid colon and rectum.

  11. Wang H, Zheng K, Wang M, Ma K, Ren L, Guo R, et al.
    Microbiol Spectr, 2024 Feb 06;12(2):e0336723.
    PMID: 38214523 DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.03367-23
    Shewanella is a prevalent bacterial genus in deep-sea environments including marine sediments, exhibiting diverse metabolic capabilities that indicate its significant contributions to the marine biogeochemical cycles. However, only a few Shewanella phages were isolated and deposited in the NCBI database. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of a novel Shewanella phage, vB_SbaS_Y11, that infects Shewanella KR11 and was isolated from the sewage in Qingdao, China. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that vB_SbaS_Y11 has an icosahedral head and a long tail. The genome of vB_SbaS_Y11 is a linear, double-stranded DNA with a length of 62,799 bp and a G+C content of 46.9%, encoding 71 putative open reading frames. No tRNA genes or integrase-related feature genes were identified. An uncharacterized anti-CRISPR AcrVA2 gene was detected in its genome. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of whole genomes and comparative genomic analyses indicate that vB_SbaS_Y11 has a novel genomic architecture and shares low similarity to Pseudomonas virus H66 and Pseudomonas phage F116. vB_SbaS_Y11 represents a potential new family-level virus cluster with eight metagenomic assembled viral genomes named Ranviridae.IMPORTANCEThe Gram-negative Shewanella bacterial genus currently includes about 80 species of mostly aquatic Gammaproteobacteria, which were isolated around the globe in a multitude of environments, such as freshwater, seawater, coastal sediments, and the deepest trenches. Here, we present a Shewanella phage vB_SbaS_Y11 that contains an uncharacterized anti-CRISPR AcrVA2 gene and belongs to a potential virus family, Ranviridae. This study will enhance the knowledge about the genome, diversity, taxonomic classification, and global distribution of Shewanella phage populations.
  12. Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, et al.
    Autophagy, 2016;12(1):1-222.
    PMID: 26799652 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
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