1 boc University of Michigan , Department of Molecular , Cellular, and Developmental Biology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
2 afh National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Research Center, RNA Regulation Section, Laboratory of Genetics , Baltimore , MD , USA
3 auo Tokyo Medical University , Department of Biochemistry , Tokyo , Japan
4 bot University of Minnesota , Department of Lab Medicine and Pathology , Minneapolis , MN , USA
5 pi Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, Biochemistry and Food Science , Rehovot , Israel
6 adi MRC Harwell, Mammalian Genetics Unit , Oxfordshire , UK
7 bqf University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine , Department of Neurology , Fukuoka , Japan
8 ble University of Iowa , Department of Internal Medicine , Iowa City , IA , USA
9 be Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Glasgow , Glasgow , UK
10 bxe University of Toronto, Molecular Structure and Function, Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto, ON , Canada
11 bjm University of Florida , Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology , Gainesville , FL , USA
12 zx Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center , Torrance , CA
13 bo Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Mental Health Center , Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology and Psychiatry Research Unit , Beer-Sheva , Israel
14 bia University of Colorado Denver, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Aurora , CO , USA
15 bgc University of California San Francisco , Department of Neurological Surgery , San Francisco , CA , USA
16 brf University of Palermo , Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche , Chimiche e Farmaceutiche (STEBICEF) , Palermo , Italy
17 yn KU Leuven, Laboratory for Cell Death Research and Therapy , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Campus Gasthuisberg , Leuven , Belgium
18 bwj University of Texas, Medical Branch , Department of Pathology , Galveston , TX , USA
19 add Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Department of Otolaryngology , Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai , New York , NY , USA
20 ck Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard , Cambridge , MA , USA
21 azx Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Centre Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire, UMR 7216, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS , Paris , France
22 byh University of Vienna , Department of Chromosome Biology , Max F. Perutz Laboratories , Vienna , Austria
23 ape Sidra Medical and Research Centre , Doha , Qatar
24 bap University College Dublin, School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering , Dublin , Ireland
25 awt Universidad de Oviedo , Departamento de Biología Funcional , Oviedo , Spain
26 my Georgetown University, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center , Departments of Oncology and Pathology , Washington, DC , USA
27 uo IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri , Department of Neuroscience , Milan , Italy
28 sw Institut Pasteur , Department of Immunology , Paris , France
29 dx Centro de Biologia Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (UAM/CSIC), Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED) , Madrid , Spain
30 art Technische Universität München, II. Medizinische Klinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar , Munich , Germany
31 atb The Scripps Research Institute , Department of Immunology and Microbial Science , La Jolla , CA , USA
32 xr KERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Sciences , Bilbao , Spain
33 gx Cleveland Clinic , Department of Cancer Biology , Cleveland , OH , USA
34 td Institute of Biomedical Investigation (INIBIC), Aging, Inflamation and Regenerative Medicine , Coruña , Spain
35 atp Thomas Jefferson University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
36 tx Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) , Departamento de Biotecnología , Madrid , Spain
37 afp National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute , Bethesda , MD , USA
38 ati The Wistar Institute , Philadelphia , PA , USA
39 beo University of Buenos Aires, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry , Buenos Aires , Argentina
40 baq University College London , Department of Clinical Neurosciences , London , UK
41 dc CEA/DSV/12;BM, INSERM U1169, Gene Therapy for Neurodegenerative Diseases , Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex , France
42 agb National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Translational Pharmacology (IFT) , Rome , Italy
43 ait Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry , Department of Preventive Dentistry , Osaka , Japan
44 bgt University of Camerino, School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine , Camerino , Italy
45 bdb University of Barcelona, School of Medicine, Campus Bellvitge , Hospitalet del Llobregat , Spain
46 acb Medical Research Council (MRC), Toxicology Unit , Leicester , UK
47 aih Ohio State University , Department of Microbial Infection and Immunity , Columbus , OH , USA
48 cbi Wayne State University, School of Medicine , Department of Pathology , Karmanos Cancer Institute , Detroit , MI , USA
49 aax Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research , Cambridge , MA , USA
50 bgd University of California San Francisco , Department of Neurology , San Francisco , CA , USA
51 ke Emory University, School of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases , Atlanta , GA , USA
52 f Aarhus University , Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics , Aarhus , Denmark
53 cay Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine , Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences , St. Louis , MO , USA
54 blz University of Leicester , Department of Cancer Studies , Leicester , UK
55 sh INSERM UMR1037, Centre de Recherches en Cancérologie de Toulouse , Toulouse , France
56 byy University of Zaragoza , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology , Faculty of Sciences , Zaragoza , Spain
57 bf Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope , Department of Molecular Pharmacology , Duarte , CA , USA
58 nx Griffith University, Menzies Health Institute Queensland , Australia
59 aez National Institute for Infectious Diseases "L. Spallanzani" IRCCS , Rome , Italy
60 bpw University of Niigata , Department of Neurosurgery , Brain Research Institute , Niigata , Japan
61 bye University of Valencia , Department of Pharmacology , Valencia , Spain
62 ber University of Calabria , Department of Pharmacy , Health and Nutritional Sciences , Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza) , Italy
63 btd University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of Biology , Rome , Italy
64 kf Emory University, School of Medicine , Emory Vaccine Center and Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Atlanta , GA , USA
65 cbr Weizmann Institute of Science , Department of Molecular Genetics , Rehovot , Israel
66 qn IATA-CSIC, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology , Paterna (Valencia) , Spain
67 vs Jikei University School of Medicine, Divison of Respiratory Disease , Department of Internal Medicine , Tokyo , Japan
68 bdp University of Bern, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology , Department of Clinical Research , Bern , Switzerland
69 z Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology , Institute for Aging Studies , Bronx , NY , USA
70 auc Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai , Miyagi , Japan
71 bog University of Michigan, Life Sciences Institute , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
72 bvf University of Sunderland , Department of Pharmacy , Health and Wellbeing, Faculty of Applied Sciences , Sunderland , UK
73 bpe University of Namur, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (URBC), Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences (NARILIS) , Namur , Belgium
74 ccn York College/The City University of New York , Department of Biology , Jamaica , NY , USA
75 yy Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Medical Innocation Center (TMK project) , Kyoto , Japan
76 buz University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Neurology and Pathology , Los Angeles , CA , USA
77 bsu University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres , Department of Biology and Medicine , Trois-Rivieres, Quebec , Canada
78 adn Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences , Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , Nagasaki , Japan
79 ne Georgia Regents University, Medical College of Georgia , Augusta , GA , USA
80 aak Macquarie University , Department of Biomedical Sciences , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences , Sydney , NSW , Australia
81 aqm Stanford University, School of Medicine, Departments of Radiation Oncology and Genetics , Stanford , CA , USA
82 bps University of Nice, INSERM U1065, C3M , Nice , France
83 no Goethe University Medical School, Experimental Neurology , Frankfurt am Main , Germany
84 bnk University of Maryland, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Baltimore , MD , USA
85 bxp University of Turin , Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences , Turin , TO , Italy
86 amo San Paolo Hospital Medical School, Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Milano , Italy
87 mz Georgetown University, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center , Washington, DC , USA
88 arv Tel Aviv University , Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry , Sackler School of Medicine , Tel Aviv , Israel
89 bxj University of Toyama, Division of Natural Drug Discovery, Institute of Natural Medicine , Toyama , Japan
90 on Hampton University , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences , School of Pharmacy , Hampton , VA , USA
92 ab Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Department of Molecular Pharmacology , Bronx , NY , USA
93 bvi University of Sydney , Department of Pathology and Bosch Institute , Sydney, New South Wales , Australia
94 za Kyungpook National University , Department of Physiology , School of Medicine , Jung-gu, Daegu , Korea
95 os Hanyang University, College of Pharmacy , Ansan , Korea
96 cck Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Severance Biomedical Science Institute , Seoul , Korea
97 bnm University of Massachusetts, Medical School , Department of Molecular , Cell and Cancer Biology , Worcester , MA , USA
98 q Ajou University, College of Pharmacy , Gyeonggido , Korea
99 azp Université Montpellier 2, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - UMR CNRS 5554 , Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon , France
100 b A. Mickiewicz University, Department of General Botany, Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Biology , Poznań , Poland
101 cl Brown University , Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology , Providence , RI , USA
102 yq Kunming University of Science and Technology, Medical School , Kunmimg, Yunnan , China
103 aqo State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Diseases , Department of Nephrology , Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology , Beijing , China
104 agz INCI, CNRS UPR3212, Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires and Intégratives , Strasbourg , France
105 re Indian Institute of Science , Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology , Bangalore , India
106 bxz University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" , Department of Biomolecular Sciences , Urbino , Italy
107 ld Federico II University, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) , Department of Medical and Translational Sciences , Naples , Italy
108 bmu University of Malta , Department of Physiology and Biochemistry , Faculty of Medicine and Surgery , Msida , Malta
109 ie CSIR, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Biomaterials Group , Hyderabad , India
110 anl Semmelweis University , Department of Medical Chemistry , Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry , Budapest , Hungary
111 ccc Xuzhou Medical College , Department of Pathology , Xuzhou, Jiangsu , China
112 azk Université du Québec à Montréal , Département des Sciences Biologiques and Centre de Recherche BioMed , Montréal, Québec , Canada
113 qy IMIM-Hospital del Mar CIBERES, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park , Respiratory Medicine Department , Lung Cancer and Muscle Research Group , Barcelona , Spain
114 ali Rice University , Department of BioSciences , Houston , TX , USA
115 hn Columbia University , Department of Medicine , New York , NY , USA
116 ud Iowa State University , Department of Genetics , Development and Cell Biology , Ames , IA , USA
117 anf Scientific Institute IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Laboratory of Molecular Biology , Bosisio Parini, Lecco , Italy
118 avy University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Experimental Therapeutics , Houston , TX , USA
119 bqd University of North Texas Health Science Center , Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics , Fort Worth , TX , USA
120 bhr University of Coimbra , Coimbra , Portugal
121 ayj Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institut des Sciences de la Vie , Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium
122 akh Polytechnic University of Marche , Department of Clinical Science , Faculty of Medicine , Ancona , Italy
123 cbe Washington University, School of Medicine, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pathology and Immunology , St. Louis , MO , USA
124 buk University of South Carolina Upstate , Department of Biology , Division of Natural Sciences and Engineering , Spartanburg, SC
125 bih University of Colorado, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Aurora , CO , USA
126 bgs University of Cambridge, Division of Virology , Department of Pathology , Cambridge , UK
127 azh Université de Sherbrooke , Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences , Sherbrooke, QC , Canada
128 av Atlanta Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center , Decatur , GA
129 lx Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg , Department of Medicine 1 , Erlangen , Germany
130 bii University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases , Aurora , CO , USA
131 abu McMaster University , Department of Biology , Hamilton, Ontario , Canada
132 ko Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Institute of Pharmacy , Greifswald , Germany
133 aqq State University of New York, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering , Albany , NY , USA
134 bbo University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University, Institute for Pathobiochemistry , Mainz , Germany
135 acc Medical School Goethe University, Institute of Biochemistry II , Frankfurt , Germany
136 op Hannover Medical School , Department for Clinical Immunology and Rheumotology , Hannover , Germany
137 bjo University of Florida , Department of Surgery , Gainesville , FL , USA
138 rv INSERM U1081, CNRS UMR7284, Institute of Research on Cancer and Ageing of Nice (IRCAN) , Nice , France
139 ana Sapienza University of Rome , Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine , Rome , Italy
140 sc INSERM U862, Neurocentre Magendie , Bordeaux , France
141 aad Luxembourg Institute of Health and Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg , Luxembourg
142 aku Queen Mary University of London, Blizard Institute, Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research , London , UK
143 baw University Hospital Cologne, CECAD Research Center , Cologne , Germany
144 bck University of Amsterdam, Laboratory of Experimental Virology, Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam (CINIMA), Academic Medical Center (AMC) , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
145 aal Magna Graecia University , Department of Health Sciences , Catanzaro , Italy
146 azb Université de Montréal , Department of Medicine , Montréal, Quebec , Canada
147 bth University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of Experimental Medicine and Surgery , Rome , Italy
148 adk MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology , Cambridge , UK
149 jl Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment , Durham , NC , USA
150 ayy Université de Montpellier, DIMNP, UMR 5235, CNRS , Montpellier , France
151 brh University of Parma , Department of Biomedicine , Biotechnology and Translational Research , Parma , Italy
152 aic Northwestern University, Division of Hematology/Oncology , Chicago , IL , USA
153 akk Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) , Department of Biophysics , Chandigarh , India
154 aff National Institute of Technology Rourkela , Department of Life Science , Rourkela, Odisha , India
155 aro Technical University Munich, Institute of Human Genetics , Munich, Bavaria , Germany
156 sz Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Université Paris-Saclay , Gif-sur-Yvette , France
157 hb CNRS UM, Centre d'études d'agents Pathogènes et Biotechnologies pour la Santé , Montpellier , France
158 kl Eötvös Loránd University , Department of Genetics , Budapest , Hungary
159 axn Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) , Departamento de Farmacologia , Escola Paulista de Medicina , São Paulo, SP , Brazil
160 ml Genentech Inc. , Department of Neuroscience , South San Francisco , CA , USA
161 aqj Stanford University , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Stanford , CA , USA
162 apt Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, INSERM UMRS974, CNRS FRE 3617, Center for Research in Myology , Paris , France
163 avj UCL Cancer Institute , London , UK
164 afk National Institutes of Health, Cell Biology Section, Neurogenetics Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , Bethesda , MD , USA
165 asm The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Laboratory of Developmental Erythropoiesis , Manhasset , NY
166 ben University of Buenos Aires, IDEHU-CONICET, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry , Buenos Aires , Argentina
167 bqr University of Oslo, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences , Oslo , Norway
168 aww Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Unamuno, Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular del Cancer (IBMCC), Centro de Investigacion del Cancer , Salamanca , Spain
169 bdh University of Bayreuth, Cell Biology , Bayreuth , Germany
170 bbs University Medical Centre Utrecht , Laboratory of Translational Immunology and Department of Pediatric Immunology , Utrecht , The Netherlands
171 bro University of Pennsylvania , Department of Biochemistry , SDM , Philadelphia , PA , USA
172 jz Emory University , Department of Cell Biology , Atlanta , GA , USA
173 cai INSPE, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience , San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan , Italy
174 zq Linköping University, Experimental Pathology , Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine , Faculty of Health Sciences , Linköping , Sweden
175 brc University of Padova , Department of Molecular Medicine , Padova , Italy
176 ahm New York University , Department of Psychiatry , New York NY ; and Center for Dementia Research, Nathan S. Kline Institute , Orangeburg , NY , USA
177 wj Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute , Baltimore , MD , USA
178 axh Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , Departamento Farmacoloxía , Facultade de Veterinaria , Lugo , Spain
179 azw Université Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cité, Institut Necker Enfants-Malades (INEM), INSERM U1151-CNRS UMR 8253 , Paris , France
180 bba University Hospital La Coruña , Microbiology Department , La Coruña , Spain
181 amx Sapienza University of Rome, DAHFMO-Section of Histology , Rome , Italy
182 aye Université Bordeaux Segalen, Institut de Biochimie et Génétique Cellulaires, CNRS UMR 5095 , Bordeaux , France
183 buc University of Sherbrooke, Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé , Department of Medicine/Gastroenterology Division , Sherbrooke, Québec , Canada
184 rm Indiana University School of Medicine , Department of Ophthalmology , Indianapolis , IN , USA
185 bvb University of Southern California, The Saban Research Institute, Developmental Neuroscience Program, Children's Hospital Los Angeles , Los Angeles , CA , USA
186 ec Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) , Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology , Madrid , Spain
187 ays Université de Franche-Comté, UFR Sciences et Techniques, Laboratoire de Biochimie , Besançon , France
188 aqw Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Linnean Center for Plant Biology, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Uppsala BioCenter, Uppsala, Sweden
189 nj German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Systems Biology of Cell Death Mechanisms , Heidelberg , Germany
190 ra Imperial College London, National Heart and Lung Institute , London , UK
191 bxu University of Udine , Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche , Udine , Italy
192 mo Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Department of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics , Institute of Microbiology and Genetics , Göttingen , Germany
193 km Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Equipe 11 labellisée par la Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer , Paris , France
194 lj Florida Atlantic University, Schmidt College of Medicine , Department of Biomedical Sciences , Boca Raton , FL , USA
195 byt University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health , Department of Cell and Regenerative Biology , Carbone Cancer Center , Madison , WI , USA
196 bvo University of Tennessee Health Science Center , Department of Physiology , Memphis , TN , USA
197 dt UMR 1324 INRA, 6265 CNRS, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation, Dijon , France
198 brb University of Padova , Department of Biology , Padova , Italy
199 axk Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto do Cancer do Estado de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina , São Paulo, SP , Brazil
200 xg Karolinska Institute, Cancer Center Karolinska , Department of Oncology-Pathology , Stockholm , Sweden
201 bsz University of Rochester Medical Center , Department of Anesthesiology , Rochester , NY , USA
202 mn Genentech Inc., Immunology and Infectious Diseases , South San Francisco , CA , USA
203 rl Indiana University School of Medicine , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Indianapolis , IN , USA
204 rr INRA, UMR 1019 Nutrition Humaine , Centre de Clermont Theix, Saint Genès Champanelle , France
205 btu University of São Paulo, School of Physical Education and Sport, Cellular and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory , São Paulo , Brazil
206 qd Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto , ON , Canada
207 lc Federico II University , Department of Translational Medicine , Naples , Italy
208 ada Monash University, School of Biological Sciences , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
209 bpi University of Nebraska Medical Center , Omaha , NE , USA
210 bqy University of Oxford, Acute Stroke Programme, Radcliffe Department of Medicine , Oxford , UK
211 amh Sabanci University, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program , Istanbul , Turkey
212 dn Centre Antoine Lacassagne , Nice , France
213 bpx University of North Carolina , Department of Genetics , Chapel Hill , NC , USA
214 yo KU Leuven, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Signaling , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Leuven , Belgium
215 bdn University of Belgrade, School of Medicine, Institute of Histology and Embryology , Belgrade , Serbia
216 azd Université de Montréal, Faculty of Pharmacy , Montréal, Québec , Canada
217 hh Columbia University Medical Center , Department of Neurology , New York , NY , USA
218 boh University of Michigan, Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute , Departments of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics , Psychiatry, and Human Genetics , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
219 bdq University of Bern, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine , Bern , Switzerland
220 bxk University of Trento, The Microsoft Research, Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI) , Rovereto , TN , Italy
221 ahl New York University School of Medicine, Skirball Institute , Department of Microbiology , New York , NY , USA
222 dh Center of Experimental Medicine, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine , Prague , Czech Republic
223 x Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Bronx , NY , USA
224 cbs Wenzhou Medical University, School of Optometry and Ophthalmology and Eye Hospital , Wenzhou, Zhejiang , China
225 amd Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey , Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience , Piscataway , NJ , USA
226 ayq Université de Bordeaux, UMR 5095, CNRS, Institut de Biochimie et génétique Cellulaires , Bordeaux , France
227 bmj University of London , RVC Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences , UCL Consortium for Mitochondrial Research , London , UK
228 bfq University of California San Diego , Department of Pediatrics , La Jolla , CA , USA
229 ava Trinity College Dublin, Smurfit Institute of Genetics , Dublin , Ireland
230 uj IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation , Department of Experimental Neurosciences , Rome , Italy
231 bpa University of Montpellier, UMR 866, Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme , Montpellier , France
232 bxg University of Toronto/Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
233 un IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri , Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Pharmacology , Milan , Italy
234 dl Central South University , Department of Pediatrics , Xiangya Hospital , Changsha, Hunan , China
235 bkr University of Idaho, Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences , Moscow , ID , USA
236 ank Second University of Naples , Department of Biochemistry , Biophysics and General Pathology , Naples , Italy
237 anc Sapienza University of Rome , Department of Molecular Medicine , Rome , Italy
238 bhs University of Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology , Coimbra , Portugal
239 gz Cleveland Clinic, Taussig Cancer Institute , Cleveland , OH , USA
240 agp National University of Ireland, Apoptosis Research Centre , Galway , Ireland
241 cw Case Western Reserve University, Molecular Biology and Microbiology , Cleveland , OH , USA
242 avs Umeå University , Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics , Umeå , Sweden
243 bke University of Graz, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, BioTechMed Graz , Graz , Austria
244 kz Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Insititute of Microbiology , Department of Immunology , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
245 aki Polytechnic University of Marche , Department of Life and Environmental Sciences , Ancona , Italy
246 axr Universita' degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia , Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche , Metaboliche e Neuroscienze , Modena , Italy
247 dp Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM), INSERM U1068, CNRS UMR 7258, Aix-Marseille Université , Institut Paoli-Calmette, Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy, Marseille , France
248 ahp Newcastle University, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences and Institute for Ageing , Newcastle upon Tyne , UK
249 axx Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Department of Cell Biology , Physiology and Immunology, Institut de Neurociències , Barcelona , Spain
250 apx Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia , Department of Biomedicinal Chemistry , Barcelona , Spain
251 ll Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori , Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine , Milan , Italy
252 bdf University of Basel , Biozentrum, Basel, BS , Switzerland
253 hf Colonia Ciudad Universitaria , Neurodevelopment and Physiology Department , Neuroscience Division, Instituto de Fisiologia Celular, UNAM , Mexico , DF , Mexico
254 bru University of Pisa, Interdepartmental Research Centre on Biology and Pathology of Aging , Pisa , Italy
255 is Danish Cancer Society Research Center , Unit of Cell Stress and Survival (CSS) , Copenhagen , Denmark
256 qq Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Department of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics , New York , NY , USA
258 axw Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele , Milan , Italy
259 qb Hôpital Kirchberg, Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du Cancer , Luxembourg
260 bxt University of Tuscia , Department for Innovation in Biological , Agro-food and Forest Systems (DIBAF) , Viterbo , Italy
261 bdv University of Bologna , Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie , Bologna , Italy
262 byz University of Zürich , Department of Radiation Oncology , Zurich , Switzerland
263 ge Chonbuk National University , Department of Pharmacology , Medical School , Chonbuk , Korea
264 xj Karolinska Institute , Department of Physiology and Pharmacology , Stockholm , Sweden
265 xb Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital , Department of Pathology , Kaohsiung City , Taiwan
266 bet University of Calcutta , Department of Biotechnology , Dr.B.C. Guha Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology , Kolkata , WB , India
267 bio University of Crete, School of Medicine , Department of Infectious Diseases , Heraklion, Crete , Greece
268 aqx Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences , Glasgow , UK
269 fy Chinese University of Hong Kong , Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care , Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
270 alo Roswell Park Cancer Institute , Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics , Buffalo , NY , USA
271 ub International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Immunology Group , New Delhi , India
272 ael National Cheng Kung University , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , College of Medicine , Tainan , Taiwan
273 bko University of Hong Kong, Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases , School of Biomedical Sciences , LKS Faculty of Medicine , Hong Kong , China
274 mg Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth , Department of Biochemistry , Hanover , NH , USA
275 bcd University of Alabama at Birmingham, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology , Department of Pathology , Birmingham , AL , USA
276 bul University of South Carolina, Environmental Health and Disease Laboratory , Department of Environmental Health Sciences , Columbia , SC , USA
277 tg Institute of Life Sciences , Bhubaneshwar , Odisa , India
278 bj Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, State Key Laboratory of Toxicology and Medical Countermeasures , Beijing , China
279 avo UCL Institute of Ophthalmology , London , UK
280 bpo University of New South Wales, Inflammation and Infection Research Centre, School of Medical Sciences , Sydney, NSW , Australia
281 ari Taichung Veterans General Hospital , Department of Medical Research , Taichung City , Taiwan
282 vz Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University , Department of Urology , Shanghai , China
283 i Academia Sinica, Institute of Biological Chemistry , Taipei , Taiwan
284 aol Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of Chinese Ministry of Education , Shanghai , China
285 aok Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology , Shanghai , China
286 bff University of California Irvine , Department of Neurosurgery , Irvine , CA , USA
287 nf Georgia Regents University, Medical College of Georgia , Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy , Augusta , GA , USA
288 io Dalian Medical University , Department of Food Nutrition and Safety , Dalian , China
289 cbx Wuhan University, College of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Virology , Wuhan, Hubei , China
290 blj University of Kansas Medical Center , Department of Pharmacology , Toxicology and Therapeutics , Kansas City , KS , USA
291 fp Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology , Beijing , China
292 eh Chang Gung University, College of Medicine , Department of Neurology , Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital , Kaohsiung , Taiwan
293 lm Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Division of Biochemical Toxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) , Jefferson , AR , USA
294 j Academia Sinica, Institute of Biomedical Sciences , Taipei , Taiwan
295 ccs Zhejiang University , Department of Food Science and Nutrition , Hangzhou , China
296 aew National Ilan University , Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science , Yilan City , Taiwan
297 akq Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Cardiology , Jinan, Shandong , China
298 apu South China Normal University, College of Biophotonics , Guangdong , China
299 arm Tamkang University , Department of Chemistry , Tamsui, New Taipei City , Taiwan
300 avb Tsinghua University, School of Life Sciences , Beijing , China
301 bcq University of Arizona , Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology , College of Pharmacy , Tucson , AZ , USA
302 ajq Peking University , Department of Immunology , Beijing , China
303 cdc Zhengzhou University Affiliated Cancer Hospital , Zhengzhou , China
304 aaj Mackay Memorial Hospital , Department of Radiation Oncology , Taipei , Taiwan
305 ara Sun Yat-Sen University, Key Laboratory of Gene Engineering of the Ministry of Education, School of Life Science , Guangzhou , China
306 atl Third Military Medical University , Department of Neurosurgery , Southwest Hospital , Shapingba District, Chongqing , China
307 ma Fudan University, Cancer Center , Department of Integrative Oncology , Shanghai , China
308 ccq Zhejiang University, Deparment of Pharmacology, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Hangzhou, Zhejiang , China
309 bml University of Louisville , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics , Louisville , KY , USA
310 gb Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine , Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
311 bnl University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Institute of Human Virology , Baltimore , MD , USA
312 aeh National Cancer Center, Division of Cancer Biology, Research Institute , Gyeonggi , Korea
313 brp University of Pennsylvania , Department of Microbiology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
314 bmm University of Louisville , Department of Medicine (Hem-Onc) , Louisville , KY , USA
315 aek National Cheng Kung University, College of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences , Tainan , Taiwan
316 azg Université de Rennes-1, Oncogenesis, stress, Signaling" (OSS), ERL 440 INSERM, Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer Eugene Marquis , Rennes , France
317 ej Chang Gung University , Department of Biochemistry , College of Medicine , Taoyuan , Taiwan
318 yf Korea University , Department of Life Science and Biotechnology , Seoul , Korea
319 kv European Institute of Oncology (IEO) , Department of Experimental Oncology , Milan , Italy
320 ajv Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine , Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology , Hershey , PA , USA
321 ia Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Core Research Laboratory , Siena , Italy
322 afc National Institute of Gastoenterology, Laboratory of Experimental Immunopathology , Castellana Grotte (BA) , Italy
323 kd Emory University, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Atlanta , GA , USA
324 awk Universidad de Chile, Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS) , Santiago , Chile
325 agt National University of Singapore , Department of Pharmacy , Singapore
326 yz Kyung Hee University, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science , Seoul , Korea
327 xz Konkuk University , Department of Animal Biotechnology , Seoul , Korea
328 akt Queen Elizabeth Hospital , Department of Clinical Oncology , Kowloon, Hong Kong
329 da Catholic University of Korea, College of Pharmacy , Bucheon , Korea
330 anx Seoul St. Mary's Hospital , Department of Internal Medicine , Seoul, Korea
331 cbo Weill Cornell Medical College , New York , NY , USA
332 nw Graduate School of Hallym University , Chuncheon, Kangwon-do , Korea
333 bhc University of Chicago , Department of Pathology , Chicago , IL , USA
334 cbm Weill Cornell Medical College, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Joan and Sanford I . Weill Department of Medicine , New York , NY , USA
335 ccj Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Corneal Dystrophy Research Institute ; and Department of Ophthalmology , Seoul , Korea
336 ov Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, Division of Medical Genetics , Department of Pediatrics , Torrance , CA , USA
337 oe Gustave Roussy Institute , Villejuif , France
338 bhn University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , OH , USA
339 bvl University of Tartu , Department of Pharmacology , Tartu , Estonia
340 aep National Chung Hsing University, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences , Taichung , Taiwan
341 abb Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry , Department of Molecular Cell Biology , Göttingen , Germany
342 bsj University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine , Department of Pathology and Center for Neuroscience , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
343 aeu National Health Research Institutes, Immunology Research Center , Miaoli , Taiwan
344 yg Korea University, Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology , Seoul , Korea
345 yb Konkuk University School of Medicine , Department of Ophthalmology , Seoul , Korea
346 akp Pusan National University , Department of Biological Sciences , Busan , Korea
347 asx The Institute of Cancer Research, Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre, Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging , Sutton, Surrey , UK
348 r Ajou University, School of Medicine , Department of Microbiology , Gyeonggi-do , Korea
349 it Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Unit of Cell Stress and Survival , Copenhagen , Denmark
350 bpg University of Naples Federico II , Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production , Naples , Italy
351 ahb Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Neurobiology Center, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology , Warsaw , Poland
352 anb Sapienza University of Rome , Department of Experimental Medicine , Rome , Italy
353 bmd KU Leuven-University of Leuven, Center for Human Genetics; VIB Center for the Biology of Disease , Leuven , Belgium
354 bmh University of Liverpool, Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Institute of Translational Medicine , Liverpool , UK
355 bda University of Barcelona , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics , Hospital Clínic, IDIBAPS-CIBERehd , Barcelona , Spain
356 blw University of Lausanne , Department of Fundamental Neurosciences , Faculty of Biology and Medicine , Lausanne , Switzerland
357 mw Georgetown University Medical Center , Department of Oncology , Washington, DC , USA
359 bpm University of New Mexico , Department of Pathology and Cancer Research and Treatment Center , Albuquerque , NM , USA
360 azn Universite Libre de Bruxelles, ULB Center for Diabetes Research , Brussels , Belgium
361 vb Istituto Superiore di Sanità , Department of Infectious , Parasitic and Immunomediated Diseases , Rome , Italy
362 bdc University of Bari 'Aldo Moro' , Department of Basic Medical Sciences , Neurosciences and Organs of Senses , Bari , Italy
363 jk Duke University, Medical Center , Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology , Durham , NC , USA
364 bfy University of California San Diego, Moores Cancer Center , La Jolla , CA , USA
365 y Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology , Bronx , NY , USA
366 ds Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB) , Bellaterra , Catalonia , Spain
367 sv Institut Pasteur, CNRS, URA2578, Unité Macrophages et Développement de l'Immunité , Département de Biologie du Développement et des Cellules Souches , Paris , France
368 bri University of Pavia , Department of Biology and Biotechnology , Pavia , Italy
369 vf Italian National Institute of Health , Department of Technology and Health, Rome , Italy
370 cas Wake Forest University , Department of Surgery , Hypertension and Vascular Research Center, Wake Forest Comprehensive Cancer Center , Winston-Salem , NC , USA
371 bve University of Strathclyde, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences , Glasgow , UK
372 cav Washington State University Vancouver, School of Molecular Biosciences , Vancouver , WA , USA
373 wc Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Malaria Research Institute , Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , Baltimore , MD , USA
374 bai University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro , Department of Health Sciences , Catanzaro , Italy
375 rq INMI-IRCCS "L. Spallanzani" , Rome , Italy
376 bhf University of Chile, Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Faculty of Medicine , Santiago , Chile
377 iq Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Cell Death and Metabolism Unit, Center for Autophagy, Recycling and Disease , Copenhagen , Denmark
378 bua University of Sevilla, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS) , Oral Medicine Department , Sevilla , Spain
379 awo Universidad de Córdoba, Campus de Excelencia Agroalimentario (ceiA3), Departamento de Genética , Córdoba , Spain
380 sm INSERM, U1127, CNRS, UMR 7225 , Paris , France
381 boy University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, School of Medicine , Department of Surgery , Medicine, Dentistry and Morphological Sciences , Modena , Italy
382 bxq University of Turin , Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences , Unit of Experimental Medicine and Clinical Pathology , Turin , Italy
383 bfj University of California Los Angeles, Larry Hillblom Islet Research Center, David Geffen School of Medicine , Los Angeles , CA , USA
384 aas Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Center for Human Genetic Research and Department of Neurology , Boston , MA , USA
385 ajj Oviedo University, Morphology and Cellular Biology Department , Oviedo , Spain
386 ut IRO, Institute for Research in Ophthalmology , Sion , Switzerland
387 axa Universidad de Valparaíso, Instituto de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias , Valparaíso , Chile
388 ama Rutgers University , Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience , Piscataway , NJ , USA
389 ach Medical University of South Carolina, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Charleston , SC , USA
390 bgb University of California San Francisco , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , San Francisco , CA , USA
391 bbw University of Aberdeen, Division of Applied Medicine , Aberdeen , UK
392 brz University of Pittsburgh , Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
393 buu University of Southampton, Cancer Sciences , Southampton , UK
394 blo University of Kentucky , Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences , Lexington , KY , USA
395 bxs University of Turin , Turin , Italy
396 awz Universidad de Sevilla, Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis, CSIC , Sevilla , Spain
397 ul IRCCS, "C. Mondino" National Neurological Institute, Experimental Neurobiology Lab , Pavia , Italy
398 bhp University of Coimbra, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology and Faculty of Pharmacy , Coimbra , Portugal
399 awc Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Departamento de Biologia Molecular , Madrid , Spain
400 bui University of South Carolina School of Medicine , Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy , Columbia , SC , USA
401 aky Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Haemato-Oncology, Barts Cancer Institute , London , UK
402 aa Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Department of Medicine , Bronx , NY , USA
403 bhl University of Cincinnati College of Medicine , Department of Cancer Biology , Cincinnati , OH , USA
404 can University of Nevada School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Reno, NV, USA
405 baz University Hospital Jena , Department of General , Visceral and Vascular Surgery, Experimental Transplantation Surgery , Jena , Germany
406 adt Nanjing Medical University, Center for Kidney Disease, 2nd Affiliated Hospital , Jiangsu , China
407 asq The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Key Laboratory of Hepatosplenic Surgery , Department of General Surgery , Harbin , China
408 cae Virginia Commonwealth University, Massey Cancer Center , Department of Medicine , Richmond , VA , USA
409 bvp University of Texas at Austin, College of Pharmacy, Division of Medicinal Chemistry , Austin , TX , USA
410 ayn Université d'Auvergne, M2iSH "Microbes, Intestine, Inflammation, Susceptibility of the Host", UMR 1071 INSERM, Centre Biomédical de Recherche et Valorisation, Faculté de Médecine , Clermont-Ferrand , France
411 uk IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation , Rome , Italy
412 gf Christian Albrechts University, Institut für Biochemie , Kiel , Germany
413 ajn Paris Diderot University, Sorbonne Paris Cité, INSERM, CNRS , Paris , France
414 bcc University of Alabama at Birmingham , Department of Pathology , Center for Free Radical Biology , Birmingham , AL , USA
415 gw Cleveland Clinic , Cleveland , OH , USA
416 gt Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Oncology , Cincinnati , OH , USA
417 avf Tulane University Health Sciences Center , Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , New Orleans , LA , USA
418 ih Curtin University, School of Pharmacy , Bentley , Australia
419 h Alberystwyth University, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences , Penglais , Aberystwyth , Wales , UK
420 bgz University of Cape Town, Redox Laboratory , Department of Human Biology , Cape Town , South Africa
421 hs Complutense University, Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias San Carlos (IdISSC) , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I , School of Biology , Madrid , Spain
422 bno University of Massachusetts, Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute , Worcester , MA , USA
423 wf Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine , Departments of Neurology , Neuroscience and Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences ; Neuroregeneration Program, Institute for Cell Engineering , Baltimore , MD , USA
424 wh Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Neuroregeneration and Stem Cell Programs, Institute for Cell Engineering , Department of Neurology , Department of Physiology , Baltimore , MD , USA
425 btz University of Sevilla , Department of Cell Biology , Sevilla , Spain
426 rb Imperial College London, Neurogenetics Group, Division of Brain Sciences , London , UK
427 asj Texas A&M University , Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology , Texas A&M Health Science Center , Bryan , TX , USA
428 ee Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães/FIOCRUZ-PE , Departamento de Microbiologia , Recife , PE , Brazil
429 ami SaBio, Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos IREC-CSIC-UCLM-JCCM , Ciudad Real , Spain
430 asa Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) , Pozzuoli, Naples , Italy
431 bcm University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Physiopharmacology, Wilrijk , Antwerp , Belgium
432 all Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
433 brt University of Pisa , Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery , Pisa , Italy
434 ir Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Cell Stress and Survival Unit , Copenhagen , Denmark
435 bgi University of California San Francisco, School of Medicine , Department of Pathology , San Francisco , CA , USA
436 kq ETH Zurich, Institute of Biochemistry , Zurich , Switzerland
437 yk KU Leuven , Department of Abdominal Transplant Surgery , Leuven , Belgium
438 ayp Université de Bordeaux, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, CNRS UMR 5293 , Bordeaux , France
439 bud University of Siena , Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine , Siena , Italy
440 amc Rutgers University, New Jersey Medical School , Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine , Newark , NJ , USA
441 ayr Université de Franche-Comté, UFR Sciences et Techniques EA3922/SFR IBCT FED 4234, Estrogènes, Expression Génique et Pathologies du Système Nerveux Central , Besançon , France
442 bns University of Melbourne , Department of Physiology , Parkville , Australia
443 ayk Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institute of Neuroscience , Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium
444 asb Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory , Singapore
445 bjr University of Freiburg , Department of Dermatology , Medical Center, Center for Biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA) , Freiburg , Germany
446 blt University of La Réunion, CYROI, IRG Immunopathology and Infection Research Grouping , Reunion , France
447 bzw Virginia Commonwealth University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Richmond , VA , USA
448 bpz University of North Carolina, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center , Chapel Hill , NC , USA
449 bpn University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center , Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology , Albuquerque , NM , USA
450 kt ETH Zürich, LFW D 18.1 , Zürich , Switzerland
451 bad Université Paris-Sud, INSERM 1030, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus , Paris , France
452 asi Texas A&M University , Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics , College Station , TX , USA
453 acx Monash University, Clayton Campus , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
454 btj University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of System Medicine , Rome , Italy
455 amz Sapienza University of Rome , Department of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli" , Rome , Italy
456 ew Children's Hospital , Department of Neurology , Boston , MA , USA
457 cbb Washington University, School of Medicine , Department of Developmental Biology , St. Louis , MO , USA
458 awl Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas , Santos Dumont , Santiago de Chile
459 bcg University of Alcala , Department of System Biology , Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Unit, School of Medicine , Madrid , Spain
460 amt Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute , La Jolla , CA , USA
461 awa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, CIBERER , Madrid , Spain
462 bup University of South Florida, Byrd Alzheimer's Institute , Tampa , FL , USA
463 bln University of Kentucky , Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry , Lexington , KY , USA
464 anu Seoul National University , College of Pharmacy , Seoul , Korea
465 biz University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush, The Roslin Insitute , Midlothian , UK
466 nq Goethe University School of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry II and Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences , Frankfurt am Main , Germany
467 bfc University of California Davis , Department of Plant Biology and the Genome Center , College of Biological Sciences , Davis , CA , USA
468 aov Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute , Shanghai , China
469 bcr University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Department of Cardiology , Little Rock , AR , USA
470 btn University of Salento , Department of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology , Lecce , Italy
471 bjc University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Department of Internal Medicine 3 , Erlangen , Germany
472 cbg Washington University, School of Medicine, John Cochran VA Medical Center, Center for Cardiovascular Research , St. Louis , MO , USA
473 ayo Université de Bordeaux, INSERM U916, Institut Bergonié , Bordeaux cedex , France
474 aeb NAS of Ukraine , Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology , Institute of Cell Biology , Lviv , Ukraine
475 bgx University of Canterbury, Biomolecular Interaction Centre, School of Biological Sciences , Christchurch , New Zealand
476 np Goethe University of Frankfurt, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry , Frankfurt am Main , Germany
477 bpl University of New Mexico , Department of Internal Medicine , Albuquerque , NM , USA
478 bae Université Paris-Sud, Institut Gustave Roussy, CNRS UMR 8126 , Villejuif , France
479 byg University of Verona , Department of Neurological, Biomedical and Movement Sciences , Verona , Italy
480 rj Indiana University School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Indianapolis , IN , USA
481 bvr University of Texas , Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine , Center for Autophagy Research, Dallas , TX , USA
482 bph University of Nebraska Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Omaha , NE , USA
483 amm San Diego State University , Department of Biology and Center for Microbial Sciences , San Diego , CA , USA
484 bah University "G. dAnnunzio" , Department of Medical , Oral and Biotechnological Sciences , Chieti , Italy
485 cax Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine , Department of Internal Medicine , St. Louis , MO , USA
486 by Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences Ukraine , General and Molecular Pathophysiology Department , Kiev , Ukraine
487 bcu University of Arkansas, Center of Excellence for Poultry Science , Fayetteville , AR , USA
488 arx Tel Aviv University, Oncogenetic Laboratory, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba and Sackler Faculty of Medicine , Tel Aviv , Israel
489 bi Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood Vessel Diseases , Beijing , China
490 afb National Institute of Biological Sciences , Beijing , China
491 me Fujian Provincial Hospital, Department of Urology , Fuzhou , China
492 aqr Stellenbosch University , Department of Physiological Sciences , Stellenbosch , South Africa
493 akw Queen Mary University of London, Blizard Institute , Department of Neuroscience and Trauma , London , UK
494 alx Rush University Medical Center , Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Chicago , IL , USA
495 aim Ohio State University, DHLRI , Department of Medicine , Columbus , OH , USA
496 rg Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering , Guwahati , Assam , India
497 bas University College London, UCL Consortium for Mitochondrial Research and Department of Cell and Developmental Biology , London , UK
498 bbd University Hospital of Lausanne, Service and Central Laboratory of Hematology , Lausanne , Switzerland
499 bbk University Lille, INSERM, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1011, EGID , Lille , France
500 si INSERM UMRS 1166, Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Cardiovasculaires, du Métabolisme et de la Nutrition , Paris , France
501 lu Freiburg University, Center for Biological Systems Analysis (ZBSA), Core Facility Proteomics , Freiburg , Germany
502 bnz University of Michigan , Department of Cell and Developmental Biology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
503 ct Cardiff University, Institute of Cancer and Genetics , Cardiff , Wales, UK
504 bji University of Florida, College of Medicine , Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Gainesville , FL , USA
505 ry INSERM U1118, Mécanismes Centraux et Périphétiques de la Neurodégénérescence , Strasbourg , France
506 se INSERM U916, Université de Bordeaux, Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie , Pessac , France
507 abt McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute , Montreal, QC , Canada
508 ayg Université Bordeaux, CNRS, Institut de Biochimie et Génétique Cellulaires, UMR 5095 , Bordeaux , France
509 bzk VA Pittsburgh Health System, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
510 cd Brandeis University , Department of Biology , Waltham , MA , USA
511 alw Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Division of Pediatric Neurology , Department of Pediatrics , Heidelberg University Hospital , Heidelberg , Germany
512 st Institut Pasteur, CNRS URA2582 , Cell Biology and Infection Department , Membrane Traffic and Cell Division Lab , Paris , France
513 acn Medical University of Vienna , Department of Dermatology , Vienna , Austria
514 bhy University of Colorado Denver , Boulder , CO , USA
515 bfe University of California Irvine , Department of Developmental and Cell Biology , Irvine , CA , USA
516 bhx University of Cologne, Medical Faculty, Center for Biochemistry , Cologne , Germany
517 cbq Weizmann Institute of Science , Department of Chemical Biology , Rehovot , Israel
518 bb Baylor College of Medicine , Department of Medicine , Houston , TX , USA
519 ajz Laboratory of Translational Oncology and Experimental Cancer Therapeutics, Department of Hematology/Oncology and Molecular Therapeutics Program, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
520 aaf Luxembourg Institute of Health, Department of Oncology, Luxembourg City , Luxembourg
521 cbp Weizmann Institute of Science , Department of Biological Chemistry , Rehovot , Israel
522 byx University of York , Department of Biology , Heslington, York , UK
523 brj University of Pavia , Department of Health Sciences , Pavia , Italy
524 bxf University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
525 bqs University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, Nordic EMBL Partnership , Oslo , Norway
526 arp Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute , Department of Biochemistry , Haifa , Israel
527 ajf Oslo University Hospital, Institute for Microbiology , Oslo , Norway
528 alu Ruhr University Bochum, Medical Faculty, System Biochemistry , Bochum , Germany
529 zk Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre , Riga , Latvia
530 bvn University of Tasmania, School of Health Sciences , Launceston , Tasmania
531 bkp University of Houston, College of Pharmacy, Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences , Houston , TX , USA
532 bmi University of Ljubljana, Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine , Ljubljana , Slovenia
533 co C.S.I.C./U.A.M., Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols , Madrid , Spain
534 bkj University of Helsinki , Department of Biosciences , Helsinki , Finland
535 bka University of Glasgow, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation , Glasgow , UK
536 bhu University of Cologne , Department of Dermatology , Cologne , Germany
537 amy Sapienza University of Rome , DAHFMO-Section of Anatomy , Rome , Italy
538 um IRCCS, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata , Rome , Italy
539 bvc University of Southern Denmark, Villum Center for Bioanalytical Sciences , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Odense , Denmark
540 zc Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
541 fk Chinese Academy of Sciences, Division of Physical Biology and Bioimaging Center, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics , Shanghai , China
542 bsc University of Pittsburgh , Department of Surgery , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
543 bne University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology , Department of Physiology , Baltimore , MD , USA
544 xu King's College London , Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience , IoPPN , London , UK
545 bdz University of Brescia , Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine , Brescia , Italy
546 ayw Université de Lyon, INSERM, U 1111, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5308 , Lyon , France
547 rs INRA, UMR866 Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme , Montpellier , France
548 agq National University of Ireland, Pharmacology and Therapeutics , Galway , Ireland
549 btk University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of Systems Medicine , Rome , Italy
550 ads Nanchang University, Institute of Life Science , Nanchang , China
551 afl National Institutes of Health, Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, National Cancer Institute , Bethesda , MD , USA
552 bkn University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong , China
553 awu Universidad de Oviedo, Instituto Universitario de Oncología , Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular , Oviedo , Spain
554 aws Universidad de Navarra, Centro de Investigacion Medica Aplicada , Pamplona , Spain
555 tr Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas de Barcelona, CSIC-IDIBAPS and Centro de Investigacion en Red en enfermedades hepáticas y digestivas, CIBEREHD, ISCIII , Barcelona , Spain
556 awr Universidad de León, Área de Biología Celular, Instituto de Biomedicina , León , Spain
557 abh Mayo Clinic, Schulze Center for Novel Therapeutics, Division of Oncology Research , Department of Oncology , Rochester , MN , USA
558 ayi Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC) , Brussels , Belgium
559 uh IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Laboratory of Skeletal Muscle Development and Metabolism , Rome , Italy
560 bgw University of Campinas , Department of Biochemistry and Tissue Biology , Campinas, São Paulo , Brazil
561 biq University of Debrecen , Debrecen , Hungary
562 amn San Diego State University , Department of Biology , San Diego , CA , USA
563 abe Mayo Clinic , Department of Neuroscience , Jacksonville , FL , USA
564 axc Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) , Department of Biophysics and Center of Biotechnology , Porto Alegre , Brazil
565 aqs Stephen A. Wynn Institute for Vision Research , Iowa City , IA , USA
566 bgh University of California San Francisco, Departments of Neurology and Physiology ; Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease , San Francisco , CA , USA
567 ss Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, Department of Chemistry, Portici (Naples), Italy
568 cab Virginia Commonwealth University, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine , Department of Human and Molecular Genetics , Richmond , VA , USA
569 aln Rockefeller University , New York , NY , USA
570 az Babraham Institute, Signalling Program , Cambridge , UK
571 bgn University of Cambridge, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research , Cambridge , UK
572 axs Università del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro" , Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute , Novara , Italy
573 abs McGill University, McGill Parkinson Program , Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery , Montreal, QC , Canada
574 ug IRCCS Neuromed , Pozzilli, IS , Italy
575 bal University Clinic Heidelberg , Department of Experimental Surgery , Heidelberg , Germany
576 bpj University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Redox Biology Center and School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences , Lincoln , NE , USA
577 do Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Faculty of Pharmacy , Québec , Canada
578 sq Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine , Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy Cedex , France
579 bij University of Copenhagen, Biotech Research and Innovative Center (BRIC) , Copenhagen , Denmark
580 aft National Institutes of Health, NIAID, Laboratory of Systems Biology , Bethesda , MD , USA
581 blq University of Kiel , Department of Cardiology , Kiel , Germany
582 ayv Université de Lyon, Faculty of Medicine , Saint Etienne , France
583 adh MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge, Hutchison/MRC Research Centre , Cambridge , UK
584 adg Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Division of Liver Diseases , New York , NY , USA
585 qf Houston Methodist Research Institute, Genomic Medicine Program , Houston , TX , USA
586 ala Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Experimental Medicine , Belfast , UK
587 awq Universidad de Extremadura, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED) , Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Genética , Facultad de Enfermería y Terapia Ocupacional , Cáceres , Spain
588 bwd University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Neuro-Oncology , Houston , TX , USA
589 wn Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology , Tokyo , Japan
590 afe National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry , Department of Degenerative Neurological Diseases , Tokyo , Japan
591 as Asahikawa Medical University, Division of Gastroenterology and Hematology/Oncology , Department of Medicine , Hokkaido , Japan
592 aty Tohoku University , Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences , Graduate School of Life Sciences, Sendai , Miyagi , Japan
593 ns Goethe University, Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in Pediatrics , Frankfurt , Germany
594 uf IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Medical Genetics Unit , San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) , Italy
595 acg Medical University of Silesia , Department of Pharmacology , Katowice , Poland
596 oq Hannover Medical School , Department of Biochemistry , Hannover , Germany
597 ayl Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Laboratory of Cell Physiology , Brussels , Belgium
598 cau Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) , Department of Physiological Sciences , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Warsaw , Poland
599 u Al Jalila Foundation Research Centre , Dubai , UAE
600 ath The Weizmann Institute of Science , Department of Plant Sciences , Rehovot , Israel
601 hr Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, Unidad de Neuropsicofarmacología , Albacete , Spain
602 bbn University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institute of Neuropathology , Hamburg , Germany
603 app Sorbonne Universités, CNRS, UPMC, Univ Paris 06, UMR 7622, IBPS , Paris , France
604 bja University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre , Edinburgh , UK
605 qr Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry , Center for Cognitive Health, Mount Sinai Alzheimer's Disease Research Center , New York , NY , USA
606 bfh University of California Irvine , Irvine , CA , USA
607 bbx University of Adelaide, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Laboratory , Adelaide , Australia
608 biv University of Dundee, MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit, School of Life Sciences , Dundee , UK
609 bjv University of Geneva, School of Medicine , Department of Pathology and Immunology , Geneva , Switzerland
610 bnn University of Massachusetts, Medical School , Department of Neurology , Worcester , MA , USA
611 ass The Fourth Military Medical University, School of Basic Medical Sciences , Department of Physiology , Xi'an , China
612 aoq Shanghai Jiao Tong University, State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Renji-Med X Clinical Stem Cell Research Center, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine , Shanghai , China
613 tn Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET) , Rosario , Argentina
614 ae Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Departments of Medicine (Endocrinology) and Molecular Pharmacology , Bronx , NY , USA
615 tv Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Barcelona IIBB-CSIC , Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona-IDIBAPS and CIBEREHD, Barcelona , Spain
616 bmb University of Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Laboratory for Cell Death Research and Therapy , Leuven , Belgium
617 ak All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Department of Gastroenterology , New Delhi , India
618 awb Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Departamento de Biología Molecular , Madrid , Spain
619 abc Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Translational Research in Psychiatry , Munich , Germany
620 p Aix-Marseille Université, U2M, Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy , Marseille , France
621 dq Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Nantes-Angers, CNRS UMR6299, INSERM U892 , Nantes , France
622 ad Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Departments of Biochemistry and of Medicine , Bronx , NY , USA
623 bex University of California Berkeley, Howard Hughes Medical Institute , Department of Molecular and Cell Biology , Berkeley , CA , USA
624 lf First Hospital of Jilin University , Department of Neurosurgery , Changchun , China
625 aoj Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Shanghai , China
626 aem National Cheng Kung University , Department of Pharmacology , Tainan , Taiwan
627 if CSS-Mendel Institute, Neurogenetics Unit , Rome , Italy
628 axt Università del Piemonte Orientale , Novara , Italy
629 ox Harvard Medical School , Boston , MA , USA
630 du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Unité Propre de Recherche , Strasbourg , France
631 bgf University of California San Francisco , Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , San Francisco , CA , USA
632 caf Virginia Commonwealth University, Massey Cancer Center , Richmond , VA , USA
633 bmz University of Manitoba , Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science , Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada
634 o Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS UMR 7278, IRD198, INSERM U1095, Medicine Faculty , Marseille , France
635 al All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Department of Physiology , New Delhi , India
636 vd Istituto Superiore di Sanità , Rome , Italy
637 iv Democritus University of Thrace , Department of Pathology , Alexandroupolis , Greece
638 bqw University of Ottawa , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Ottawa, Ontario , Canada
639 box University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Department of Surgery , Medicine, Dentistry and Morphological Sciences , Modena , Italy
640 bmy University of Manitoba, CancerCare Manitoba, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology , Departments of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics and Immunology , Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada
641 asc Temple University, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Center for Biotechnology, College of Science and Technology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
642 bma University of Leicester , Department of Genetics , Leicester , UK
643 ux Cancer Pharmacology Lab, AIRC Start-Up Unit, University of Pisa , Pisa , Italy
644 bxa University of Toronto , Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
645 rw Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Biomedical Department, Monaco, Principality of Monaco
646 awm Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias , Departamento de Biología , Centro de Regulación del Genoma , Santiago , Chile
647 bej University of British Columbia , Department of Urological Sciences , Vancouver, BC , Canada
648 bpb University of Montpellier, UMR 5554 , Montpellier , France
649 bjw University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine , Department of Biosciences and Diagnostic Imaging , Athens , GA , USA
650 bzh US Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicology Research, Division of Microbiology , Jefferson , AR , USA
651 axi Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (FCFRP, USP) , São Paulo , Brazil
652 afa National Institute for Infectious Diseases , Department of Epidemiology and Preclinical Research , Translational Research Unit , Rome , Italy
653 ahi New York Medical College , Department of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Physiology , Valhalla , NY , USA
654 bfb University of California Davis , Department of Neurobiology , Physiology, and Behavior , Davis , CA , USA
655 bry University of Pittsburgh , Department of Critical Care Medicine , Center for Critical Care Nephrology, Clinical Research Investigation and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness (CRISMA) Center , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
656 bts University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical School , Department of Biochemistry and Immunology , Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo , Brazil
657 jx Ege University, Faculty of Science , Department of Biology , Bornova , Izmir , Turkey
658 ady Nankai University, College of Life Sciences , Tianjin , China
659 ur IRCM, INSERM, U896, Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier , Montpellier , France
660 avz Universidad Austral de Chile , Department of Physiology , Valdivia , Chile
661 brm University of Pennsylvania, Center for Cell and Molecular Therapy, The Children Hospital of Philadelphia , Department of Neurology , Perelman School of Medicine , Philadelphia , PA , USA
662 go CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER) , Valencia , Spain
663 bcf University of Alberta , Department of Biochemistry , Edmonton, Alberta , Canada
664 bya University of Utah School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Salt Lake City , UT , USA
665 avw Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences , Department of Anesthesiology , Bethesda , MD , USA
666 bwz University of Toronto , Department of Cell and Systems Biology , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
667 ci British Columbia Cancer Agency , Genome Sciences Centre , Vancouver, BC , Canada
668 aat Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Cutaneous Biology Research Center , Charlestown , MA
669 yw Kyoto University , Department of Botany , Kyoto , Japan
670 hx Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis , Sevilla , Spain
671 dd Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center , Los Angeles , CA , USA
672 arz Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine , Tel Aviv , Israel
673 n Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, IBDM, UMR 7288 , Campus de Luminy, Marseille , France
674 aay Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing , Cologne , Germany
675 bzz Virginia Commonwealth University , Department of Internal Medicine , Richmond , VA , USA
676 blu University of L'Aquila , Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences , Division of Radiotherapy and Radiobiology , L'Aquila , Italy
677 aqe St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , Memphis , TN , USA
678 beb University of Bristol, School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Bristol , UK
679 alq Royal Military College, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kingston , ON , Canada
680 uw Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia , Department of Drug Discovery and Development , Laboratory of Molecular Medicine , Genoa , Italy
681 azj Université de Strasbourg/CNRS UPR3572, Immunopathologie et Chimie Thérapeutique, IBMC , Strasbourg , France
682 blc University of Iowa, Children's Hospital , Iowa City , IA , USA
683 ams Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute, Cell Death and Survival Networks Program , La Jolla , CA , USA
684 acm Medical University of Vienna , Department of Dermatology , CD Lab - Skin Aging , Vienna , Austria
685 nl German Institute of Human Nutrition , Department of Molecular Toxicology , Nuthetal , Germany
686 bfr University of California San Diego , Department of Pharmacology and Moores Cancer Center , La Jolla , CA , USA
687 awe Universidad Complutense, School of Pharmacy , Madrid , Spain; and CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metab olicas Asociadas (CIBERDEM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
688 gy Cleveland Clinic , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Cleveland , OH , USA
689 yj KU Leuven , Clinical Division and Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine , Department Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Leuven , Belgium
690 aus Tongji University School of Medicine , Department of Gastroenterology , Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital , Shanghai , China
691 avp UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Brain Research Institute , Los Angeles , CA , USA
692 vr Jiangsu University, School of Pharmacy , Zhenjiang, Jiangsu , China
693 atf The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University , Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine , Guangzhou, Guangdong , China
694 bxn University of Tübingen, Center for Plant Molecular Biology (ZMBP) , Department of Plant Biochemistry , Tübingen , Germany
695 bga University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences , La Jolla , CA , USA
696 lt The Francis Crick Institute, Mill Hill Laboratory , London , UK
697 nv Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy , Department of System Cancer Science , Goyang , Korea
698 bdx University of Bonn, Institute for Cell Biology , Bonn , Germany
699 auf Tokai University School of Medicine , Department of Molecular Life Sciences , Kanagawa , Japan
700 bp Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine , Hamburg , Germany
701 gr Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Clinical Pharmacology , Cincinnati , OH , USA
702 bna University of Manitoba , Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology , Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada
703 ni German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Lysosomal Systems Biology , Heidelberg , Germany
704 alj RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Laboratory for Developmental Neurobiology , Saitama , Japan
705 nt Goethe University, Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Molecular Developmental Biology , Frankfurt , Hesse , Germany
706 aix Osaka University , Department of Genetics , Graduate School of Medicine , Osaka , Japan
707 bpf University of Namur, Research Unit in Molecular Physiology (URPhyM) , Namur , Belgium
708 aor University of Sharjah, College of Medicine, United Arab Emirates
709 bqz University of Oxford, CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology , Oxford , UK
710 ccx Zhejiang University, Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biochemical Pharmaceutics , Hangzhou , China
711 cda Zhejiang University, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, College of Medicine , Hangzhou, Zhejiang , China
712 wk Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine, Wilmer Eye Institute , Baltimore , MD , USA
713 afw National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, LCMB , Bethesda , MD , USA
714 bqg University of Occupational and Environmental Health , Third Department of Internal Medicine , Kitakyushu , Japan
715 bdj University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Sinisa Stankovic" , Belgrade , Serbia
716 pb Harvard Medical School , Department of Cell Biology , Boston , MA , USA
717 xs King Saud University, College of Science , Department of Zoology , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
718 ajk Oxford University, Department of Oncology , Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Molecular Oncology Laboratories , Oxford , UK
719 acw Monash University, Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Lupus Research Laboratory , Clayton , Victoria , Australia
720 bju University of Geneva , Department of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism , Geneva , Switzerland
721 bay University Hospital Freiburg , Department of Medicine II , Freiburg , Germany
722 wt Kagoshima University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Human Pathology , Department of Oncology , Course of Advanced Therapeutics , Kagoshima , Japan
723 mt George Washington University , Department of Anatomy and Regenerative Biology , Washington, DC , USA
724 mu George Washington University, Flow Cytometry Core Facility , Washington, DC , USA
725 aia Northwestern University , Department of Cell and Molecular Biology , Feinberg School of Medicine , Chicago , IL , USA
726 ags National University of Singapore , Department of Biological Sciences , Singapore
727 atk Third Military Medical University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Chongqing , China
728 apd Sichuan University, West China Hospital, State Key Labortary of Biotherapy , Sichuan , China
729 vv Jinan University, Anti-stress and Health Center, College of Pharmacy , Guangzhou , China
730 vw Jinan University , Department of Immunobiology , College of Life Science and Technology , Guangzhou , China
731 ji Duke University, Medical Center , Department of Immunology , Durham , NC , USA
732 bhb University of Chicago , Department of Medicine , Section of Dermatology , Chicago , IL , USA
733 atg The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Development and Cancer Division , Parkville , VIC , Australia
734 afx National Institutes of Health, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, Coxiella Pathogenesis Section , Hamilton , MT , USA
735 bkb University of Glasgow, Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, MVLS, Institute of Cancer Sciences , Glasgow , UK
736 bqt University of Osnabrueck, Division of Microbiology , Osnabrueck , Germany
737 cg Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School , Boston , MA , USA
738 caw Washington State University, School of Molecular Biosciences , Pullman , WA , USA
739 aij Ohio State University , Department of Molecular Genetics , Columbus , OH , USA
740 axj Universidade de São Paulo , Departamento de Parasitología , Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas , São Paulo , Brazil
741 lg FISABIO, Hospital Dr. Peset , Valencia , Spain
742 bge FONDAP Center for Geroscience, Brain Health and Metabolism, Santiago, Chile
743 bwn University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , TX , USA
744 auv Tottori University, Research Center for Bioscience and Technology , Yonago , Japan
745 hw Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine López-Neyra , Granada , Spain
746 bmn University of Louisville , Department of Medicine , Institute of Molecular Cardiology, Diabetes and Obesity Center , Louisville , KY , USA
747 bwr University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Medicine and Molecular Biology , Dallas , TX
748 nb Georgia Regents University , Department of Neurology , Augusta , GA , USA
749 xm Kawasaki Medical School , Department of Hepatology and Pancreatology , Kurashiki, Okayama , Japan
750 arh Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Linnean Center for Plant Biology , Department of Plant Biology , Uppsala BioCenter , Uppsala , Sweden
751 bpt University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, INSERM U1081, CNRS 7284, Faculty of Medicine , Nice , France
752 nk German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) , Munich , Germany
753 w Albert Einstein Cancer Center , New York , NY , USA
754 rp Inje University , Department of Rehabilitation Science, College of Biomedical Science & Engineering, u-Healthcare & Anti-aging Research Center (u-HARC), Gimhae , Korea
755 cco York University, School of Kinesiology and Health Science , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
756 cam VU University Medical Center , Department of Pathology , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
757 bhv University of Cologne, Institute for Genetics, CECAD Research Center , Cologne , Germany
758 blk University of Kaohsiung Medical University , Department of Physiology , Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine , Kaohsiung , Taiwan
759 ek Chang Gung University , Department of Biomedical Sciences , College of Medicine , Taoyuan , Taiwan
760 agk National Taiwan University, Institute of Molecular Medicine, College of Medicine , Taipei , Taiwan
761 ao Anhui University of Science and Technology , Department of Immunology and Medical Inspection , Huainan , Anhui , China
762 bku University of Illinois at Chicago, Departments of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology , Chicago , IL , USA
763 akn Providence Portland Medical Center, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute , Portland , OR , USA
764 fa China Agricultural University , Department of Nutrition and Food Safety , Beijing , China
765 bwo University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research , Dallas , TX , USA
766 agm National Tsing Hua University , Department of Chemical Engineering , Hsinchu , Taiwan
767 fg Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Molecular Immunology and Cancer Pharmacology Group, State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substance and Function of Natural Medicines, Institute of Materia Medica , Beijing , China
768 boi University of Michigan, Neurosurgery , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
769 apc Sichuan University, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy/Collaborative Innovation Center of Biotherapy; West China Hospital , Chengdu , China
770 em Chang Jung Christian University , Department of Bioscience Technology , Tainan , Taiwan
771 agi National Taiwan University , Department of Urology , College of Medicine , Taipei , Taiwan
772 el Chang Gung University, Molecular Regulation and Bioinformatics Laboratory , Department of Parasitology , Taoyuan , Taiwan
773 zy Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Shreveport , LA , USA
774 aoo Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai Institute of Immunology , Shanghai , China
775 agg National Taiwan University , Department of Life Science , Taipei , Taiwan
776 aom Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Renji Hospital , Shanghai , China
777 qp Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Department of Neuroscience , New York , NY , USA
778 v Albany Medical College, Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience , Albany , NY , USA
779 ai Albert Ludwigs University, Renal Division , Freiburg , Germany
780 bls University of Kiel, Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science , Kiel , Germany
781 ant Seoul National University , Department of Biological Sciences , Seoul , Korea
782 bkk University of Helsinki , Department of Physiology , Faculty of Medicine , Helsinki , Finland
783 gk Chungnam National University, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Daejeon , Korea
784 bew University of California Berkeley , Department of Molecular and Cell Biology , Berkeley , CA , USA
785 apz St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung, Children's Cancer Research Institute, Immunological Diagnostics , Vienna, Austria
786 abk McGill University , Department of Critical Care , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
787 afr National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Clinical Research Program , Research Triangle Park , NC , USA
788 at Asan Medical Center, Asan Institute for Life Sciences , Seoul , Korea
789 aoy Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital , Department of Urology , Taipei , Taiwan
790 aur Tokyo Women's Medical University , Department of Endocrinology and Hypertension , Tokyo , Japan
791 wl Juntendo University , Department of Research for Parkinson's Disease , Tokyo , Japan
792 bow University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Department of Life Sciences , Modena , Italy
793 ar Asahi University, School of Dentistry , Department of Oral Microbiology , Division of Oral Infections and Health Sciences , Mizuho , Gifu , Japan
794 btp University of Salerno , Department of Pharmacy , Fisciano, Salerno , Italy
795 atq Thomas Jefferson University , Department of Pathology , Anatomy and Cell Biology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
796 py The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay , Kowloon, Hong Kong
797 pc Harvard Medical School, Laboratory of Comparative Immunology, Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute , Boston , MA , USA
798 ed Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología (CIBICI-CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba , Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica , Facultad de Ciencias Químicas , Córdoba , Argentina
799 aiu Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Nephrology , Osaka , Japan
800 baj University Belgrade, School of Medicine , Belgrade , Serbia
801 ev Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Research Institute , Philadelphia , PA , USA
802 bsn University of Pittsburgh, Vascular Medicine Institute , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
803 th Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Cell Biology and Immunology Division , Chandigarh , India
804 aub Tohoku University, Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences , Sendai , Japan
805 xp Keio University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Department of Biochemistry , Tokyo , Japan
806 air Oregon State University , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences , College of Pharmacy , Corvallis , OR , USA
807 adq Nagoya University School of Medicine , Nagoya , Japan
808 aru Technische Universität München, Plant Systems Biology , Freising , Germany
809 jm Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Program , Singapore
810 et Chiba University , Department of Nanobiology , Chiba , Japan
811 bzx Virginia Commonwealth University , Department of Human and Molecular Genetics , Richmond , VA , USA
812 dy Centro de Biologia Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (UAM/CSIC), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , Department of Cell Biology and Immunology , Madrid , Spain
813 amk Saitama Medical University, Saitama Medical Center , Department of General Thoracic Surgery , Saitama , Japan
814 aqu Stony Brook University , Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology , Stony Brook , NY , USA
815 bkc University of Göttingen, Department of Geobiology , Göttingen , Germany
816 bni University of Maryland, School of Medicine , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Baltimore , MD , USA
817 aj All India Institute of Medical Sciences , Department of Anatomy , New Delhi , India
818 avl UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust , London , UK
819 bvt University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston , Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , Houston , TX , USA
820 aje Oslo University Hospital , Department of Molecular Cell Biology , Institute for Cancer Research , Oslo , Norway
821 aef National Brain Research Centre , Manesar, Gurgaon , India
822 xo Keimyung University, School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , Department of Internal Medicine , Daegu , Korea
823 bib University of Colorado, Denver ; and Denver VAMC , Denver , CO , USA
824 aae Luxembourg Institute of Health, Laboratory of Experimental Hemato-Oncology , Department of Oncology , Luxembourg City , Luxembourg
825 ep Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin , Department of Neuropathology , Campus Charité Mitte , Berlin , Germany
826 anp Seoul National University College of Medicine , Department of Physiology and Biomedical Sciences , Seoul , Korea
827 e Aarhus University , Department of Clinical Medicine , Aarhus , Denmark
828 gi Chungbuk National University, College of Veterinary Medicine , Cheongju, Chungbuk , Korea
829 li Florida Atlantic University , Department of Biological Sciences , Jupiter , FL , USA
830 mb Cancer Institute, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center , Collaborative Innovation Center of Cancer Medicine, Department of Oncology , Shanghai Medical College , Fudan University, Shanghai , China
831 asp The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University , Department of General Surgery , Harbin, Heilongjiang Province , China
832 gd Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Life Science, Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology and State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology , Sha Tin, Hong Kong
833 adu Nanjing Medical University , Department of Neurology , Nanjing First Hospital , Nanjing , China
834 bek University of British Columbia, Medical Genetics, and BC Cancer Agency, Terry Fox Laboratory , Vancouver, BC , Canada
835 fu Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology , Beijing , China
836 adb Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Electron Microscopy Platform , Warsaw , Poland
837 dg Center for Dementia Research, Nathan S. Kline Institute , Orangeburg , NY , USA
838 lw Freshwater Aquaculture Collaborative Innovation Center of Hubei Province , Wuhan , China
839 awv Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Miguel de Unamuno , Departamento de Microbiología y Genética , Salamanca , Spain
840 cct Zhejiang University , Hangzhou , China
841 bpr University of Newcastle, School of Medicine and Public Health , Callaghan, NSW , Australia
842 amf Rutgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School , Pharmacology Department , Piscataway , NJ , USA
843 but University of South Florida , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences , College of Pharmacy, Byrd Alzheimer's Institute , Tampa , FL , USA
844 gl Chungnam National University, School of Medicine, Infection Signaling Network Research Center , Daejeon , Korea
845 bxm University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway, Molecular Cancer Research Group, Institute of Medical Biology , Tromsø , Norway
846 brw University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
847 bee University of British Columbia , Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences , Vancouver, BC , Canada
848 bwf University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Houston , TX , USA
849 te Institute of Cancer Research, Divisions of Molecular Pathology and Cancer Therapeutics , London , UK
850 alc Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Nijmegen , The Netherlands
851 awh Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Facultad de Medicina , Departamento Ciencias Medicas , Albacete , Spain
852 bjk University of Florida , Department of Aging and Geriatric Research , Gainesville , FL , USA
853 bst University of Pretoria , Department of Physiology , Pretoria, Gauteng , South Africa
854 mc Fudan University , Department of Biosynthesis , Key Laboratory of Smart Drug Delivery, Ministry of Education, School of Pharmacy , Shanghai , China
855 aqv Stony Brook University , Department of Pathology , Stony Brook , NY , USA
856 agf National Taiwan University , Department of Life Science , Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology , Taipei , Taiwan
857 bci University of Amsterdam , Department of Cellbiology and Histology , Academic Medical Center , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
858 kj Eötvös Loránd University , Department of Anatomy , Cell and Developmental Biology , Budapest , Hungary
859 anr Seoul National University Hospital , Department of Internal Medicine , Seoul , Korea
860 bux University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine , Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , Los Angeles , CA , USA
861 kx Evelina's Children Hospital, Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust , Department of Paediatric Neurology , Neuromuscular Service , London , UK
862 ri Indiana University School of Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Denver , CO , USA
863 aag Maastricht University, Maastricht Radiation Oncology (MaastRO) Lab, GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology , Maastricht , The Netherlands
864 bpp University of New South Wales, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences , Sydney, NSW , Australia
865 biy University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital , Department of Ophthalmology , Kuopio , Finland
866 bvm University of Tartu, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine , Tartu , Estonia
867 avt UMR 1280 , Nantes , France
868 zo Linköping University , Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine , Linköping , Sweden
869 boj University of Michigan, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
870 bgj University of California San Francisco, UCSF Diabetes Center , Department of Cell and Tissue Biology , San Francisco , CA , USA
871 oh Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center , Department of Neurology , Jerusalem , Israel
872 auw Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Research Centre , Faridabad , India
873 aey National Institute for Basic Biology, Sokendai , Okazaki , Japan
874 iw Democritus University of Thrace, Laboratory of Molecular Hematology , Alexandroupolis , Greece
875 xk Karolinska Institute, Institute of Environmental Medicine , Stockholm , Sweden
876 bcx University of Groningen, Department of Cell Biology, Groningen, The Netherlands
877 oy Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital , Department of Genetics , Division of Genetics , Boston , MA , USA
878 bsb University of Pittsburgh , Department of Surgery , Hillman Cancer Center , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
879 oi Hallym University , Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology , College of Medicine , Kangwon-Do , Korea
880 ahs Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Laboratory of Biosignaling , Niigata , Japan
881 aqb St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , Department of Immunology , Memphis , TN , USA
882 aue Tohoku University School of Medicine , Department of Orthopaedic Surgery , Miyagi , Japan
883 uc Iowa State University , Department of Biomedical Science , Iowa Center for Advanced Neurotoxiclogy , Ames , IA , USA
884 ql Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, Clayton , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
885 jb Department of Medical Chemistry , Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry , Budapest , Hungary
886 act Merck Research Laboratories , Rahway , NJ , USA
887 bou University of Minnesota , Department of Neuroscience , Minneapolis , MN , USA
888 vi Jadavpur University, Life Science and Biotechnology, Kolkata , West Bengal , India
889 bgl University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke's Hospital , Department of Medicine , Cambridge , UK
890 bqb University of North Carolina, Microbiology and Immunology , Chapel Hill , NC , USA
891 bsg University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine , Department of Anesthesiology , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
892 ei Chang Gung University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences , College of Medicine , Taoyuan County , Taiwan
893 aou Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Shanghai , China
894 afn National Institutes of Health, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases , Bethesda , MD , USA
895 aip Oregon Health and Science University, Casey Eye Institute , Portland , OR , USA
896 bky University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology , Urbana , IL , USA
897 bzs Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine , Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics , Nashville , TN , USA
898 rz INSERM U1138 , Paris , France
899 aby Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University , Mainz , Germany
900 wb John Wayne Cancer Institute , Department of Neurosciences , Santa Monica , CA , USA
901 cbk Wayne State University, School of Medicine , Detroit , MI , USA
902 bar University College London, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology , London , UK
903 rn Indiana University School of Medicine , Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , Indianapolis , IN , USA
904 xf Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Toxicology and Genetics , Karlsruhe , Germany
905 bzv Venus Medicine Research Center (VMRC) , Baddi , Himachal Pradesh , India
906 avx Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Radiation Combined Injury Program, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute , Bethesda , MD , USA
907 bfu University of California San Diego, Division of Biological Sciences , La Jolla , CA , USA
908 pu Hokkaido University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Sapporo , Japan
909 hj Columbia University Medical Center , New York , NY , USA
910 yd Korea Cancer Center Hospital , Department of Internal Medicine , Seoul , Korea
911 of Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry and Convergence Medical Science and Institute of Health Sciences , JinJu , Korea
912 bor University of Minnesota , Department of Biochemistry , Molecular Biology and Biophysics , Minneapolis , MN , USA
913 jc Dong-A University, College of Medicine and Mitochondria Hub Regulation Center , Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Busan , Korea
914 cbw Wonkwang University , Department of Dental Pharmacology , School of Dentistry , Chonbuk , Korea
915 bjp University of Florida , Gainesville , FL , USA
916 ann Seoul National University College of Medicine , Department of Advanced Education for Clinician-Scientists (AECS) , Seoul , Korea
917 bxx University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center , Department of Surgery , Seoul , Korea
918 bzq Vanderbilt University Medical Center , Department of Pediatric Surgery , Nashville , TN , USA
919 bnu University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine , Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology , Miami , FL , USA
920 jd Dong-Eui University , Department of Chemistry , Busan , Korea
921 bxd University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
922 bxw University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Seoul , Korea
923 aeg National Cancer Center, Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology Branch, Division of Cancer Biology, Research Institute , Goyang , Korea
924 ok Hallym University , Department of Microbiology , College of Medicine , Chuncheon, Gangwon , Korea
925 bce University of Alabama , Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Tuscaloosa , AL , USA
926 oz Harvard Medical School, Dana Farber Cancer Institute , Boston , MA , USA
927 bub University of Sheffield , Department of Biomedical Sciences , Sheffield , UK
937 aze Université de Montréal, Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer , Montréal, Québec , Canada
938 ea Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe , Valencia , Spain
939 gm Chung-Shan Medical University, Institute of Medicine , Taichung , Taiwan
940 ahh New York Institute of Technology , Department of Biomedical Sciences , College of Osteopathic Medicine , Old Westbury , NY , USA
941 bbt University Medicine Göttingen , Department of Neurology , Göttingen , Germany
942 boz University of Montpellier, INRA, UMR 866, Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme , Montpellier , France
943 cbu Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1, Institute of Experimental Musculoskeletal Medicine , Münster , Germany
944 ol Hallym University, Ilsong Institute of Life Science , Chuncheon , Korea
945 ks ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology , Zurich , Switzerland
946 wm Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience , Tokyo , Japan
947 aht Niigata University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Niigata , Japan
948 ws Juntendo University , Tokyo , Japan
949 atw Tianjin Medical University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Tianjin , China
950 aes National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) , Busan , Korea
951 bcv University of Athens , Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics , Faculty of Biology , Athens , Greece
952 agy Nationwide Children's Hospital, Center for Microbial Pathogenesis , Columbus , OH , USA
953 asu The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC), Institute of Food Research, Gut Health and Food Safety Programme , Norwich , UK
954 pp Helsinki University, Central Hospital, Medical Faculty, Division of Child Psychiatry , Helsinki , Finland
955 iy Democritus University of Thrace, School of Medicine , Alexandroupolis , Greece
956 brk University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine , Department of Radiation Oncology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
957 kp ETH Zurich , Department of Biology , Institute of Molecular Health Sciences , Zurich , Switzerland
958 wx Kanazawa Medical University, Diabetology and Endocrinology , Ishikawa , Japan
959 byi University of Vienna, Max F. Perutz Laboratories , Vienna , Austria
960 aid Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine , Department of Neurology , Chicago , IL , USA
961 bwq University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center , Department of Neuroscience , Dallas , TX
962 bdk University of Belgrade, Institute of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine , Belgrade , Serbia
963 kr ETH Zurich, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences , Zurich , Switzerland
964 he CNRS, UMR 5534 , Villeurbanne , France
965 mr Georg-August-University Göttingen, Institute of Cellular Biochemistry , Göttingen , Germany
966 bwy University of Toledo , Department of Biological Sciences , Toledo , OH , USA
967 od Gustave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center , Villejuif , France
968 bco University of Arizona College of Medicine, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix Children's Hospital , Department of Child Health , Phoenix , AZ , USA
969 bms University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine , Luxembourg
970 ay Babraham Institute , Cambridge , UK
971 auq Tokyo University of Science , Department of Applied Biological Science and Imaging Frontier Center , Noda, Chiba , Japan
972 bvy University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio , Department of Urology , San Antonio , TX , USA
973 bmq University of Louisville, School of Medicine , Department of Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology , Louisville , KY , USA
974 bwt University of the District of Columbia, Cancer Research Laboratory , Washington, DC , USA
975 lo George Washington University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Washington, DC , USA
976 bug University of South Australia and SA Pathology, Centre for Cancer Biology, Adelaide , SA , Australia
977 aqc St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , Department of Pathology , Memphis , TN , USA
978 aet National Health Research Institutes , Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine, Miaoli , Taiwan
979 and Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Sapporo , Japan
980 aii Ohio State University , Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry , Columbus , OH , USA
981 zp Linköping University , Department of Medical and Health Sciences , Linköping , Sweden
982 acy Monash University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Victoria , Australia
983 xn Keimyung University , Daegu , Korea
984 anw Seoul National University, Protein Metabolism Medical Research Center and Department of Biomedical Sciences , College of Medicine , Seoul , Korea
985 amr Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine , La Jolla , CA , USA
986 su Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, CNRS, INSERM, Lille Regional University Hospital Centre, Lille University , Lille , France
987 ro Indiana University School of Medicine, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Occupational Medicine , Indianapolis , IN , USA
988 bys University of Wisconsin , Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences , McPherson Eye Research Institute , Madison , WI , USA
989 bwl University of Texas, Medical School at Houston, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine , Department of Medicine , Houston , TX , USA
990 bxl University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway , Department of Medical Biology , Tromsø , Norway
991 bcn University of Arizona Cancer Center , Department of Medicine , Tucson , AZ , USA
992 bea University of Bristol, School of Biochemistry , Bristol , UK
993 ayh Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Agrosup Dijon, UMR PAM, Équipe Vin, Aliment, Microbiologie, Stress , Dijon , France
994 cm Brown University , Department of Molecular Biology , Cell Biology and Biochemistry , Providence , RI , USA
995 sg INSERM U964, CNRS UMR7104, Université de Strasbourg , Department of Translational Medecine , Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) , Illkirch , France
996 arn Tampere University Hospital , Department of Gastroenterology and Alimentary Tract Surgery , Tampere , Finland
997 byk University of Virginia , Department of Cell Biology , Charlottesville , VA , USA
998 arq Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Unit of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine , Haifa , Israel
999 cf Brigham and Women's Hospital, Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases , Department of Neurology , Harvard Medical School , Boston , MA , USA
1000 aai Macau University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine , Macau , China
1001 px Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Department of Health Technology and Informatics , Faculty of Health and Social Sciences , Kowloon, Hong Kong
1002 bqe University of Nottingham, School of Life Sciences , Nottingham , UK
1003 hz Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad de Salamanca, Experimental Therapeutics and Translational Oncology Program, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer , Salamanca , Spain
1004 qu ICM, Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier , Montpellier , France
1005 bfk University of California Riverside , Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience , Riverside , CA , USA
1006 azy Université Paris Diderot, Unité Biologie Fonctionnelle et Adaptative - CNRS UMR 8251 , Paris , France
1007 aam Mahidol University , Department of Anatomy , Faculty of Science , Bangkok , Thailand
1008 sx Institut Pasteur, INSERM, Biology of Infection Unit , Paris , France
1009 ans Seoul National University, College of Pharmacy and Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science , Seoul , Korea
1010 fb China Medical University , Department of Microbiology , Taichung , Taiwan
1011 wv KAIST , Department of Biological Sciences , Daejon , Korea
1012 yc Konkuk University, School of Medicine , Department of Anatomy , Seoul , Korea
1013 age National Taiwan University , Department of Life Science and Center for Biotechnology , Taipei , Taiwan
1014 bfm University of California San Diego , Department of Medicine , La Jolla , CA , USA
1015 bob University of Michigan , Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1016 rd Incheon National University, Division of Life Siences , Incheon , Korea
1017 arf Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severans Biomedical Science Institute and Department of Internal Medicine , Seoul , Korea
1018 cce Yale University School of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine , New Haven , CT , USA
1019 anq Seoul National University College of Medicine, Neuroscience Research Institute , Department of Medicine , Seoul , Korea
1020 aev National Health Research Institutes, Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research , Miaoli County , Taiwan
1021 xa Kansas State University, Division of Biology , Manhattan , KS , USA
1022 db Catholic University of Korea , Seoul , Korea
1023 ye Korea University , Department of Biotechnology , BK21-PLUS Graduate School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology , Seoul , Korea
1024 jf Duke University , Department of Medicine , Human Vaccine Institute , Durham , NC , USA
1025 es Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Center for Translational Medicine , Chiayi City , Taiwan
1026 afo National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Urologic Oncology Branch , Bethesda , MD , USA
1027 bjq University of Florida, Institute on Aging , Gainesville , FL , USA
1028 cj British Columbia Cancer Agency, Terry Fox Laboratory , Vancouver, BC , Canada
1029 bab Université Paris-Sud, CEA, CNRS, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell , Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex , France
1030 avd Tsinghua University, Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied Mathematics , Beijing , China
1031 ly Fudan University Shanghai Medical College , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , School of Basic Medical Sciences, Institute of Biomedical Sciences , Shanghai , China
1032 mh Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Lebanon , NH , USA
1033 og Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism Service , Department of Medicine , Jerusalem , Israel
1034 bir University of Debrecen, Faculty of Pharmacy , Department of Pharmacology , Debrecen , Hungary
1035 dv Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Sorbonne Universités UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 8226, Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire des Eucaryotes, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique , Paris , France
1036 acl Medical University of South Carolina, Departments of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences , and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Charleston , SC , USA
1037 bkg University of Heidelberg, Center for Molecular Biology , Heidelberg , Germany
1038 qc Hôpital Paul Brousse - Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris-Sud, Biochimie et Oncogénétique , Villejuif , France
1039 ny Guangzhou Medical University , Department of Human Anatomy , School of Basic Science , Guangzhou, Guangdong , China
1040 abf Mayo Clinic, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension , Rochester , MN , USA
1041 akc Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania , Department of Genetics , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1042 bjy University of Glasgow, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute , Glasgow , UK
1043 qh Howard Hughes Medical Institute , Dallas , TX
1044 avm UCL Institute of Neurology , Department of Molecular Neuroscience , London , UK
1045 bzd University Paul Sabatier, INSERM U1048 , Toulouse , France
1046 bmp University of Louisville, James Graham Brown Cancer Center , Department of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology , Louisville , KY , USA
1047 byq Washington University in St Louis, Department of Biology, St. Louis, MO , USA
1048 bzr Vanderbilt University , Department of Neurology , Nashville , TN , USA
1049 fe Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology , Beijing , China
1050 pw Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Chinese Medicine , Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
1051 aqz Sun Yat-Sen University , Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology , School of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Guangzhou , China
1052 fj Chinese Academy of Sciences, Division of Medical Physics, Institute of Modern Physics , Lanzhou, Gansu Province , China
1053 abl McGill University , Department of Neuroscience , Montreal Neurological Institute , Montreal, QC , Canada
1054 fq Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Developmental and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences , Shanghai , China
1055 cq Capital Medical University, Center for Medical Genetics, Beijing Children's Hospital , Beijing , China
1056 fv Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology , Beijing , China
1057 jr East China Normal University , Shanghai , China
1058 ang Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, Key Laboratory of Digestive System Tumors , Gansu , China
1059 apv Southern Medical University , Department of Cardiology , Nanfang Hospital , Guangzhou , China
1060 acf Medical University of Lodz , Department of Molecular Pathology and Neuropathology , Lodz , Poland
1061 bnx University of Michigan Medical School , Department of Pathology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1062 ya Konkuk University , Department of Veterinary Medicine , Seoul , Korea
1063 aga National Neuroscience Institute , Singapore
1064 gj Chungnam National University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Infection Signaling Network Research Center, Cancer Research Institute , Daejeon , Korea
1065 bsp University of Porto, Cancer Drug Resistance Group, IPATIMUP - Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology , Porto , Portugal
1066 xc Kaohsiung Medical University , Graduate Institute of Medicine , Kaohsiung , Taiwan
1067 ark Taipei Medical University , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Institute of Medical Sciences , Taipei , Taiwan
1068 apn Soochow University, School of Pharmaceutical Science , Department of Pharmacology , Laboratory of Aging and Nervous Diseases , Su Zhou, Jiangsu Province , China
1069 hk Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons , Department of Pediatrics , New York , NY , USA
1070 ccu Zhejiang University, Institute of Agriculture and Biotechnology , Hangzhou , China
1071 mm Genentech Inc. , Department of Translational Oncology , South San Francisco , CA , USA
1072 aik Ohio State University , Department of Surgery , Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute , Columbus , OH , USA
1073 cby Xiamen University, School of Life Sciences , Fujian , China
1074 agh National Taiwan University , Department of Pharmacology , College of Medicine , Taipei , Taiwan
1075 aaa Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Molecular Biology and Lung Cancer Program , Albuquerque , NM , USA
1076 avq UFRJ, Instituto de Biofisica Carlos Chagas Filho , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
1077 bki University of Helsinki, Biomedicum , Helsinki , Finland
1078 bnq Cell Signalling and Cell Death Division, and University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research , Department of Medical Biology , Parkville , Victoria , Australia
1079 bkd University of Göttingen , Department of Neurology , Göttingen , Germany
1080 gg Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel , Department of Nephrology and Hypertension , Kiel , Germany
1081 ms George Mason University , Manassas , VA , USA
1082 bng University of Maryland, School of Medicine , Department of Anesthesiology , Baltimore , MD , USA
1083 bld University of Iowa , Department of Health and Human Physiology , Iowa City , IA , USA
1084 bmv University of Manchester, Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Unit, Manchester Centre for Cellular Metabolism , UK
1085 jh Duke University , Department of Ophthalmology , Durham , NC , USA
1086 apb Sichuan University, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy/Collaborative Innovation Center of Biotherapy, West China Hospital , Chengdu , China
1087 ani Second Military Medical University , Department of Pharmacology , Shanghai , China
1088 apk Soochow University , Department of Neurology , Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University and Institute of Neuroscience , Suzhou , China
1089 bok University of Michigan, School of Dentistry , Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1090 aeq National Chung Hsing University, Institute of Molecular Biology , Taichung , Taiwan
1091 ex China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences of Xiyuan Hospital , Beijing , China
1092 bfw University of California San Diego, Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Molecular Biology , La Jolla , CA , USA
1093 ef Chang Gung Memorial Hospital , Department of Pathology , Chiayi , Taiwan
1094 apa Sichuan University, Key Laboratory of Bio-Resources and Eco-Environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Science , Chengdu, Sichuan , China
1095 asf Texas A&M Health Science Center, Institute of Biosciences and Technology , Houston , TX , USA
1096 ip Dalian Medical University, Institute of Cancer Stem Cell , Dalian , China
1097 aso The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University , Department of Pulmonary , Anhui Geriatric Institute , Anhui , China
1098 ate The Second Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou Institute of Cardiovascular Disease , Guangzhou, Guangdong Province , China
1099 apw Southern Medical University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangzhou , Guangdong , China
1100 ccz Zhejiang University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Hangzhou, Zhejiang , China
1101 bwb University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology , Houston , TX , USA
1102 aob Shandong University, School of Life Sciences , Jinan , China
1103 adv Nanjing University School of Medicine, Jinling Hospital , Department of Neurology , Nanjing , China
1104 qk Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Department of Biomedical Engineering , College of Life Science and Technology , Wuhan, Hubei , China
1105 atv Tianjin Medical University , Department of Immunology , Tianjin Key Laboratory of Medical Epigenetics , Tianjin , China
1106 lk Florida International University , Department of Dietetics and Nutrition , Miami , FL , USA
1107 bak University Bourgogne Franche Comté, EA 7270/INSERM , Dijon , France
1108 cbf Washington University, School of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research , Department of Medicine , St. Louis , MO , USA
1109 na Georgia Regents University, Cancer Center , Department of Medicine , Augusta , GA , USA
1110 agw National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Singapore
1111 ki Emory University, Winship Cancer Institute , Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology , Atlanta , GA , USA
1112 bwa University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology , Houston , TX , USA
1113 zn Medical University of Silesia, ENT Department, School of Medicine, Katowice, Poland
1114 bsd University of Pittsburgh , Department of Surgery , University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1115 ahq Newcastle University, The Medical School, Institute of Cellular Medicine , Newcastle upon Tyne , UK
1116 bsi University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine , Department of Immunology , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1117 ato Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals , Department of Radiation Oncology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1118 bmt University of Macau, State Key Lab of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences , Macao , China
1119 am Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Vascular Research Laboratory, Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center , Department of Medicine , Providence , RI , USA
1120 cca Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , School of Basic Medical Sciences , Shaanxi , China
1121 ake Pfizer Inc., Drug Safety Research and Development , San Diego , CA , USA
1122 gu City University of Hong Kong , Department of Biomedical Sciences , Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong , China
1123 ru INSERM U1065, C3M, Team 2 , Nice , France
1124 bez University of California Davis , Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology , School of Medicine , Davis , CA , USA
1125 bvd University of St Andrews, School of Medicine , St Andrews, Fife , UK
1126 boo Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
1127 df Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, VAGLAHS-UCLA, Pancreatic Research Group , Los Angeles , CA , USA
1128 aux Trev and Joyce Deeley Research Centre; and University of Victoria, BC Cancer Agency; and Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology , Victoria, BC , Canada
1129 beg University of British Columbia , Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , James Hogg Research Centre , Vancouver, BC , Canada
1130 bll University of Kentucky, College of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences , Lexington , KY , USA
1131 akf Plymouth University, Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry , Plymouth , UK
1132 aoi Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Center for Reproductive Medicine, Renji Hospital , Shanghai , China
1133 atu Tianjin Medical University , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , School of Basic Medical Sciences, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Medical Epigenetics , Tianjin , China
1134 btr University of São Paulo, Institute of Biomedical Science , Department of Cell and Developmental Biology , São Paulo, SP , Brazil
1135 ac Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Department of Pathology , Bronx , NY , USA
1136 ue Iowa State University, Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology , Ames , IA , USA
1137 bzo Van Andel Research Institute, Laboratory of Systems Biology , Grand Rapids , MI , USA
1138 bhe University of Chicago , The Ben May Department for Cancer Research , Chicago , IL , USA
1139 ccd Yale University School of Medicine , Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Howard Hughes Medical Institute , New Haven , CT , USA
1140 bct University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Department of Pharmacology/Toxicology , Little Rock , AR , USA
1141 asd Temple University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry ; and Center for Translational Medicine , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1142 cv Case Western Reserve University , Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences , Cleveland , OH , USA
1143 bwx University of Tokyo, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences , Tokyo , Japan
1144 bjn University of Florida , Department of Pediatrics/Genetics and Metabolism , Gainesville , FL , USA
1145 awd Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , Departamento de Biología , Madrid , Spain
1146 bnp University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Cellular and Molecular Signaling , Newark , NJ , USA
1147 rh Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur , Department of Biotechnology , Kharagpur , India
1148 cah San Raffaele Scientific Institute, European Institute for Research in Cystic Fibrosis , Milan , Italy
1149 avv UMRS 1138, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers , Paris , France
1150 ace Medical University of Graz, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Centre of Molecular Medicine , Graz , Austria
1151 aiq Oregon Health and Science University, Knight Cardiovascular Institute , Portland , OR , USA
1152 bnv University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center , Miami , FL , USA
1153 pa Harvard Medical School, Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , Department of Radiation Oncology , Boston , MA , USA
1154 jp DZNE, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, and CAESAR Research Center , Bonn , Germany
1155 caj San Raffaele Scientific Institute , Milan , Italy
1156 avu UMR CNRS 5286, INSERM 1052, Cancer Research Center of Lyon , Lyon , France
1157 avn UCL Institute of Neurology , London , UK
1158 aau Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School , Department of Molecular Biology ; Department of Genetics , Boston , MA , USA
1159 kc Emory University, School of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology and Neurology , Atlanta , GA , USA
1160 arb Sun Yat-Sen University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Guangzhou , China
1161 asn The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, North Shore LIJ Health System, Litwin-Zucker Research Center for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease , New York , NY , USA
1162 bom University of Milan , Department of Health Sciences , Milan , Italy
1163 ajm Paris Descartes University-Sorbonne Paris Cité, Imagine Institute , Paris , France
1164 anj Second University of Naples , Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics , Naples , Italy
1165 anm Semmelweis University, Institute of Human Physiology and Clinical Experimental Research , Budapest , Hungary
1166 bbp University Medical Center Utrecht , Department of Cell Biology , Groningen , The Netherlands
1167 buy University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research , Department of Cell and Neurobiology , Los Angeles , CA , USA
1168 uq IRCE, Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) , Barcelona , Spain
1169 ha CNR, Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology and IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation , Rome , Italy
1170 bqx University of Oviedo , Department of Animal Physiology , Faculty of Medicine, Campus del Cristo , Oviedo , Spain
1171 bdl University of Belgrade, Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine , Belgrade , Serbia
1172 bli University of Kansas and University of Kansas Cancer Center , Departments of Molecular Biosciences and Radiation Oncology , Lawrence , KS , USA
1173 bdu University of Bologna , Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences , Bologna , Italy
1174 auy Trinity College Dublin , Department of Genetics , The Smurfit Institute , Dublin , Ireland
1175 yl KU Leuven , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Leuven , Belgium
1176 dz Centro de Biologia Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (UAM/CSIC) , Department of Virology and Microbiology , Madrid , Spain
1177 tp Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols, CSIC/UAM, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd) , Madrid , Spain
1178 bbj National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
1179 af Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology , Bronx , NY , USA
1180 ats Thomas Jefferson University , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1181 eb Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, AC, Unidad de Biotecnología Médica y Farmacéutica , Guadalajara , Jalisco , México
1182 bzm Vall d'Hebron Research Institute-CIBERNED, Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Group , Barcelona , Spain
1183 amw São Paulo University , Biochemistry Department ; and Santo Amaro University, Life Sciences , São Paulo , Brazil
1184 t Akita University, Graduate School of Medicine , Akita , Japan
1185 bhd University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine , Department of Neurology , Chicago , IL , USA
1186 up IRCCS-MultiMedica , Milan , Italy
1187 vc Istituto Superiore di Sanità , Department of Therapeutic Research and Medicine , Evaluation Section of Cell Aging, Degeneration and Gender Medicine , Rome , Italy
1188 ys Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine , Department of Cardiovascular Medicine , Graduate School of Medical Science , Kyoto , Japan
1189 cch Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Human Genetics , Yokohama , Japan
1190 xx Kobe University, Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Orthopaedic Surgery , Hyogo , Japan
1191 ais Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science , Osaka , Japan
1192 afg National Institute on Aging, Intramural Research Program, Laboratory of Neurosciences , Baltimore , MD , USA
1193 ahf Neurounion Biomedical Foundation , Santiago , Chile
1194 cag Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Autoimmunity and Vascular Inflammation Unit , Milan , Italy
1195 bos University of Minnesota , Department of Genetics , Cell Biology and Development , Minneapolis , MN , USA
1196 blv University of Lausanne , Department of Biochemistry , Epalinges , Switzerland
1197 abm McGill University , Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1198 aw Austral University-CONICET, Gene and Cell Therapy Laboratory , Pilar , Buenos Aires , Argentina
1199 cb Boston University , Department of Biology , Boston , MA , USA
1200 ij Dalhousie University , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada
1201 xi Karolinska Institute , Department of Microbiology , Tumor and Cell Biology , Stockholm , Sweden
1202 ban University College Cork, Cork Cancer Research Centre, BioSciences Institute, Co. Cork , Ireland
1203 jg Duke University , Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology , Durham , NC , USA
1204 bjz University of Glasgow, Institute of Cancer Sciences , Glasgow , UK
1205 sb INSERM U830, Stress and Cancer Laboratory, Institut Curie , Paris , France
1206 bch University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology and Radiobiology , Amsterdam, North Holland , The Netherlands
1207 bvj University of Szeged , Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunobiology , Szeged, Csongrád , Hungary
1208 btw University of Science and Technology of China, CAS Key Laboratory of Innate Immunity and Chronic Disease, School of Lifesciences , Hefei, Anhui , China
1209 bcj University of Amsterdam , Department of Medical Biochemistry , Academic Medical Center , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
1210 gv City University of New York , Department of Biology , Queens College and The Graduate Center , Flushing , NY , USA
1211 adm MRC Toxicology Unit , Leicester , UK
1212 btf University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of Chemistry , Rome , Italy
1213 axl Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Centro de Biociencias e Biotecnologia, Lab Biologia Celular e Tecidual, Setor de Toxicologia Celular, Campos dos Goytacazes , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
1214 qe Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, CIBERNED , Neurobiology Department , Madrid , Spain
1215 bxb University of Toronto , Department of Molecular Genetics , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
1216 nn Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) , Catalonia , Spain
1217 qo iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica , Oeiras , Portugal
1218 aod Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Division of Antitumor Pharmacology , Shanghai , China
1219 im Dalian Medical University, Cancer Center, Institute of Cancer Stem Cell , Dalian, Liaoning Province , China
1220 atr Thomas Jefferson University , Department of Pathology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology , Sydney Kimmel Medical College , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1221 ua Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Laboratório de Biologia Celular , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
1222 di Center of Investigation and Advanced Studies, Cinvestav-IPN , Mexico City , Mexico
1223 uy Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli IOR-IRCCS, Laboratory of Musculoskeletal Cell Biology , Bologna , Italy
1224 bla University of Innsbruck, Institute for Biomedical Aging Research , Innsbruck , Austria
1225 atn Third Military Medical University, Research Center for Nutrition and Food Safety, Institute of Military Preventive Medicine , Chongqing , China
1226 bt Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes, UMR5004 CNRS/INRA/UM2/SupAgro, Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Plantes , Montpellier , France
1227 adc Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Department of Medicine , New York , NY , USA
1228 alr Royal North Shore Hospital, Cardiovascular and Hormonal Research Laboratory, Royal North Shore Hospital and Kolling Institute, Sydney , NSW , Australia
1229 bgp University of Cambridge , Department of BIochemistry , Cambridge , UK
1230 bwe University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Systems Biology , Houston , TX , USA
1231 ajg University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Prostate Cancer Research Group, Centre for Molecular Medicine (Norway) , Oslo , Norway
1232 asw The Hospital for Sick Children , Department of Paediatrics , Toronto, Ontario , Canada
1233 bjt University of Fribourg , Department of Medicine , Division of Physiology , Fribourg , Switzerland
1234 aly Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics , Kazan, Tatarstan , Russia
1235 bs Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Parkville , Victoria , Australia
1236 bol University of Milan , Department of Experimental Oncology , European Institute of Oncology and Department of Biosciences , Milan , Italy
1237 awx Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Sevilla , Sevilla , Spain
1238 brn University of Pennsylvania , Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1239 bfs University of California San Diego , Department of Pharmacology , La Jolla , CA , USA
1240 bwv University of Tokyo , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine , Tokyo , Japan
1241 tu Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência , Oeiras , Portugal
1242 jt Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland, Università Svizzera italiana, Lugano , Switzerland
1243 g Aarhus University, Medical Research Laboratory, Institute for Clinical Medicine , Aarhus , Denmark
1244 ayx Université de Lyon, UMR 5239 CNRS, Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon , Lyon , France
1245 hy Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer , Salamanca , Spain
1246 bre University of Padova, Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine , Department of Biomedical Science , Padova , Italy
1247 blf University of Iowa , Department of Medicine , Iowa City , IA , USA
1248 ahe Neuroscience Research Institute , Santa Barbara , CA , USA
1249 bzn Van Andel Institute, Center for Neurodegenerative Science , Grand Rapids , MI , USA
1250 bjd University of Exeter Medical School, European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH), Truro , Cornwall , UK
1251 awp Universidad de Costa Rica, CIET , San José , Costa Rica
1252 bho University of Coimbra, CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology and Faculty of Medicine , Coimbra , Portugal
1253 bzf University Roma Tre , Department of Science , LIME, Rome , Italy
1254 aps Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, INSERM U1135, CNRS ERL 8255, Center for Immunology and Microbial Infections - CIMI-Paris , Paris , France
1255 aml Saitama University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering , Saitama , Japan
1256 buh University of South Australia, Early Origins of Adult Health Research Group, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Sansom Institute for Health Research, Adelaide , SA , Australia
1257 amj Saint Louis University School of Medicine , Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , St. Louis , MO , USA
1258 akj Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , Physiology Department , Santiago , Chile
1259 amq Sanford Burnham Prebys NCI-Cancer Center, Cell Death and Survival Networks Program , La Jolla , CA , USA
1260 rc Imperial College London, Section of Microbiology, MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection , London , UK
1261 bme University of Liege , GIGA-Signal Transduction Department , Protein Signalisation and Interaction Laboratory , Liège , Belgium
1262 byw University of York, Centre for Immunology and Infection , Department of Biology , Hull York Medical School , York , UK
1263 mv Georgetown University Medical Center , Department of Neuroscience , Washington, DC , USA
1264 bcw University of Athens, Medical School , Second Department of Internal Medicine and Research Institute , Attikon University General Hospital , Athens , Greece
1265 byp University of Wisconsin , Department of Dermatology , Madison , WI , USA
1266 bic University of Colorado , Department of Pediatrics , Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders , Aurora , CO , USA
1267 hc CNRS, Immunopathology and Therapeutic Chemistry, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire , Strasbourg , France
1268 bl Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), L'Hospitalet, Cell Death Regulation Group , Barcelona , Spain
1269 bzb University of Zurich, Institute of Experimental Immunology , Zurich , Switzerland
1270 atj The Wistar Institute, Program in Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1271 auz Trinity College Dublin, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute , Dublin , Ireland
1272 mj Genentech Inc. , Department of Cancer Immunology , South San Francisco , CA , USA
1273 bgu University of Camerino, School of Pharmacy , Camerino , Italy
1274 aui Tokyo Denki University, Division of Life Science and Engineering , Hatoyama, Hiki-gun, Saitama , Japan
1275 aei National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry , Department of Degenerative Neurological Diseases , Kodaira, Tokyo , Japan
1276 yu Kyoto Sangyo University , Department of Life Sciences , Kyoto , Japan
1277 ale Radboud University, Institute for Molecules and Materials , Department of Molecular Materials , Nijmegen , The Netherlands
1278 rk Indiana University School of Medicine , Department of Dermatology , Indianapolis , IN , USA
1279 byv University of Wyoming, School of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences , Laramie , WY , USA
1280 atx Toho University, School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry , Tokyo , Japan
1281 auk Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology , Tokyo , Japan
1282 buq University of South Florida , Department of Cell Biology , Microbiology, and Molecular Biology , Tampa , FL , USA
1283 pd Harvard Medical School, Neurology Residency Program, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital , Boston , MA , USA
1284 bgo University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre , Cambridge , UK
1285 bzy Virginia Commonwealth University , Department of Internal Medicine , Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine , Richmond , VA , USA
1286 btt University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical School , Department of Physiology , Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo , Brazil
1287 bvv University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio, CTRC Institute for Drug Development , San Antonio , TX , USA
1288 bfv University of California San Diego, Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Molecular Biology , La Jolla, CA , USA
1289 bkw University of Illinois at Chicago, Deprtment of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics , Chicago , IL , USA
1290 bjg University of Ferrara , Department of Morphology , Surgery and Experimental Medicine , Ferrara , Italy
1291 alb Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Division of Endocrinology , Nijmegen , The Netherlands
1292 bcz University of Aveiro/QOPNA , Department of Chemistry , Aveiro , Portugal
1293 ahg New York Blood Center, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute , New York , NY , USA
1294 byl University of Warwick, Life Sciences , Coventry , UK
1295 bxo University of Tübingen, Institute of Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics , Tübingen , Germany
1296 s Akershus University Hospital , Oslo , Norway
1297 xh Karolinska Institute, Center for Alzheimer Research , Department of Neurobiology , Care Sciences and Society, Division for Neurogeriatrics , Huddinge , Sweden
1298 aex National Institute for Basic Biology , Department of Cell Biology , Okazaki , Japan
1299 aej National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry , Department of Neuromuscular Research , National Institute of Neuroscience , Tokyo , Japan
1300 apl Soochow University , Department of Pathogenic Biology , Suzhou, Jiangsu , China
1301 aho New York University, Nathan Kline Institute , Orangeburg , NY , USA
1302 bnh University of Maryland, School of Medicine , Department of Chemistry , Baltimore , MD , USA
1303 aiy Osaka University, Graduate School of Dentistry , Osaka , Japan
1304 bhw University of Cologne, Institute of Biochemistry I, Medical Faculty , Koeln , Germany
1305 bcl University of Antwerp , Department of Paediatric Oncology , Antwerp , Belgium
1306 bly Hakim Sabzevari University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran
1307 pe Harvard Medical School, Ophthalmology , Boston , MA , USA
1308 bjj University of Florida, College of Medicine , Department of Neuroscience , Gainesville , FL , USA
1309 aco Medical University of Vienna, Internal Medicine I , Vienna , Austria
1310 wo Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Neuroscience for Neurodegenerative Disorders , Tokyo , Japan
1311 cu Cardiff University, Systems Immunity Research Institute , Cardiff , Wales, UK
1312 brl University of Pennsylvania, Abramson Cancer Center , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1313 nh German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Clinical Cooperation Unit (CCU) Pediatric Oncology , Heidelberg , Germany
1314 hv Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas , Madrid , Spain
1315 afd National Institute of Infectious Diseases , Department of Bacteriology I , Tokyo , Japan
1316 aci Medical University of South Carolina , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Hollings Cancer Center , Charleston , SC , USA
1317 aqh St. Marianna University School of Medicine , Department of Physiology , Kanagawa , Japan
1318 cci Yonsei University, College of Life Science and Biotechnology , Department of Systems Biology , Seoul , Korea
1319 yp Kumamoto University, Institute of Resource Development and Analysis , Kumamoto , Japan
1320 aug Tokushima Bunri University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kagawa Campus, Sanuki City , Kagawa , Japan
1321 akl Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) , Department of Urology , Chandigarh , India
1322 aiz Osaka University, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences , Osaka , Japan
1323 ww Kanazawa Medical University , Department of Medicine , Ishikawa , Japan
1324 ts Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina López Neyra (IPBLN), CSIC , Granada , Spain
1325 bil University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences , Section for Genetics and Microbiology , Copenhagen , Denmark
1326 bws University of Virginia, Departments of Biology and Cell Biology, Charlottesville, VA, USA
1327 byc University of Valencia , Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular , IATA-CSIC , Valencia , Spain
1328 byf University of Valencia , Department of Physiology , Burjassot, Valencia , Spain
1329 uz Istituto Superiore di Sanità , Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences , Rome , Italy
1330 bym University of Washington , Department of Pathology , Seattle , WA
1331 aum Tokyo Medical and Dental University , Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , Tokyo , Japan
1332 aiv Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Pediatrics , Osaka , Japan
1333 xt King's College London, Cardiovascular Division , London , UK
1334 bbr University Medical Centre Göttingen , Department of Neurodegeneration and Restorative Research , Göttingen , Germany
1335 bsf University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine , Department of Endodontics , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1336 acr Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , NY , USA
1337 bpk University of New Mexico, Comprehensive Cancer Center , Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology , Albuquerque , NM , USA
1338 aib Northwestern University , Department of Neurology , Feinberg School of Medicine , Chicago , IL , USA
1339 azc Université de Montréal , Department of Pharmacology , Faculty of Medicine , Montreal, QC , Canada
1340 zg Laboratory for Biomedical Neurosciences NSI/EOC, Neurodegeneration Group , Torricella-Taverne , Switzerland
1341 bso University of Poitiers, EA3808 Molecular Targets and Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease , Poitiers , France
1342 rx University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Institute of Research on Cancer and Ageing of Nice, CNRS UMR 7284/INSERM U1081 , Nice , France
1343 bsk University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine , Department of Pediatrics , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1344 er Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science , Department of Genetics and Microbiology , Prague , Czech Republic
1345 azo Université Lyon, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon , Lyon , France
1346 sa INSERM U1147 , Paris , France
1347 d Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine , Aarhus , Denmark
1348 btg University of Rome "Tor Vergata" , Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine , Rome , Italy
1349 cdb Zhejiang University, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital , Department of Medical Oncology , Hangzhou, Zhejiang , China
1350 agl Department of Cardiology, Nanhai Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Foshan, Guangdong Province, China
1351 sy Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Centre for Experimental Medicine , Department of Metabolism and Diabetes , Prague , Czech Republic
1352 awf Universidad de Buenos Aires, Inmunología, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica , Buenos Aires , Argentina
1353 aee National and Kapodistrian University of Athens , Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics , Faculty of Biology , Athens , Greece
1354 bjh University of Florence , Department of Biology , Florence , Italy
1355 axb IIS Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza/Araid, Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón , Zaragoza , Spain
1356 bzu Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine, Pathology Microbiology and Immunology , Nashville , TN , USA
1357 abz Medical College of Wisconsin , Department of Biochemistry , Milwaukee , WI , USA
1358 ccm Yonsei University, Division of Biological Science and Technology , Wonju , Korea
1359 yh Korea University, Division of Life Sciences , Seoul , Korea
1360 bid University of Colorado, HHMI , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry , Aurora , CO , USA
1361 bkh University of Heidelberg, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology , Heidelberg , Germany
1362 ayf Université Bordeaux Segalen, U1035 INSERM, Hématopoïèse Leucémique et Cibles Thérapeutiques , Bordeaux , France
1363 amv Sanofi , Vitry Sur Seine , France
1364 il Dalhousie University , Department of Pharmacology , Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada
1365 bbc University Hospital of Göttingen , Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology , Göttingen , Germany
1366 ahr New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical Center , New York , NY , USA
1367 us IRCM, Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier , Montpellier , France
1368 bum University of South Dakota, Division of Basic Biomedical Sciences , Vermillion , SD , USA
1369 abn McGill University , Goodman Cancer Research Centre and Department of Biochemistry , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1370 bbb University Hospital Muenster Albert-Schweitzer-Campus, Internal Medicine D , Department of Nephrology , Hypertension and Rheumatology , Münster , Germany
1371 bhg P Catholic University of Chile, Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Faculty of Medicine , Santiago , Chile
1372 bjf University of Extremadura , Department of Medicine , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Cáceres , Spain
1373 azt Université Paris Descartes, Institut Necker-Enfants Malades, INSERM, U1151 , Paris , France
1374 dj College of Science, Central China Normal University , Wuhan , China
1375 tj Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA) , Vienna , Austria
1376 bnt Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, University of Melbourne , Department of Paediatrics , Royal Children's Hospital , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
1377 lb Federal University of São Paulo , Department of Pharmacology , Paulista School of Medicine , São Paulo , Brazil
1378 bht University of Coimbra, IBILI, Faculty of Medicine , Coimbra , Portugal
1379 ty Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Neurochemistry Unit , Mexico City , Mexico
1380 bzl Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Neurodegenerative Diseases Lab , Barcelona , Spain
1381 aqp State University of New York, College of Medicine , Departments of Medicine , Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Syracuse , NY , USA
1382 bse University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1383 beq University of Calabria , Department of Biology , Ecology and Earth Science, Laboratory of Electron Microscopy , Cosenza , Italy
1384 ig Curtin University, School of Biomedical Sciences , Perth , Australia
1385 bix University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Health Science, School of Pharmacy/Toxicology , Kuopio , Finland
1386 cak VU University Medical Center , Department of Medical Oncology , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
1387 bik University of Copenhagen , Department of Biology , Copenhagen , Denmark
1388 afy National Jewish Health , Denver , CO , USA
1389 abo McGill University, Health Centre Research Institute, Meakins Christie Laboratories , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1390 aja Oslo University Hospital, Center for Eye Research , Oslo , Norway
1391 aha NCI/CCR, Basic Research Laboratory , Frederick , MD , USA
1392 azq Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, UMR E-4320TIRO-MATOs CEA/iBEB, Faculté de Médecine , Nice , France
1393 tz Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Neuroimmunology and Neuro-Oncology Unit , Mexico City , Mexico
1394 arw Tel Aviv University , Department of Neurobiology , Tel-Aviv , Israel
1395 ah Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , NY , USA
1396 bel University of British Columbia, Michael Smith Laboratories , Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Vancouver, BC , Canada
1397 vl Jesse Brown VA Medical Center , Department of Medicine , Chicago , IL , USA
1398 als Ruhr University Bochum, Biochemie Intrazellulärer Transportprozesse , Bochum , Germany
1399 aql Stanford University, School of Medicine , Department of Pathology , Stanford , CA , USA
1400 mp Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Institute of Microbiology and Genetics , Department of Genetics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms , Göttingen , Germany
1401 bxh University of Toulouse, INSERM UMR 1037, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse , Toulouse , France
1402 hq Comenius University in Bratislava , Department of Biochemistry , Faculty of Natural Sciences , Bratislava , Slovak Republic
1403 axq Universita' degli Studi di Milano , Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari , Milan , Italy
1404 abq McGill University, Health Centre Research Institute, Meakins-Christie Laboratories , Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1405 bue University of Silesia , Department of Animal Histology and Embryology , Katowice , Poland
1406 bzi USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University , Department of Neuroscience and Aging , Boston , MA , USA
1407 bra University of Oxford , Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Oxford , UK
1408 bfa University of California Davis , Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology , Davis , CA , USA
1409 dw Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas , Sevilla , Spain
1410 wa Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, University Medical Center , Department of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene , Mainz , Germany
1411 ayd Université Bordeaux Ségalen, Institut de Biochimie et de Génétique Cellulaires, CNRS, UMR 5095 , Bordeaux , France
1412 bgy University of Cape Town , Department of Human Biology , Cape Town, Western Province , South Africa
1413 afv National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, Genetics of Development and Disease Branch , Bethesda , MD , USA
1414 js Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Interfaculty Institute of Cell Biology , Tübingen , Germany
1415 bip University of Cyprus , Department of Biological Sciences , Bioinformatics Research Laboratory , Nicosia , Cyprus
1416 cbh Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute , Detroit , MI , USA
1417 afj National Institutes of Health, Cell Biology and Physiology Center, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute , Bethesda , MD , USA
1418 bie University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus , Aurora , CO , USA
1419 byr University of Wisconsin , Department of Medicine , Madison , WI , USA
1420 bm Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Neurometabolic Diseases Laboratory , Barcelona , Spain
1421 bav University Hospital Center, University of Lausanne, Clinic of Neonatology , Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery , Lausanne , Switzerland
1422 big University of Colorado, School of Medicine , Department of Immunology and Microbiology , Aurora , CO , USA
1423 cx Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine , Department of Physiology and Biophysics , Cleveland , OH , USA
1424 ccv Zhejiang University, Institute of Hematology, First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine , Hangzhou , China
1425 apo Soochow University, School of Pharmaceutical Science , Department of Pharmacology , Suzhou , China
1426 aqd St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , Department of Structural Biology , Memphis , TN , USA
1427 byo University of Waterloo , Department of Kinesiology , Waterloo, Ontario , Canada
1428 bjx University of Georgia , Department of Infectious Diseases , Athens , GA , USA
1429 afu National Institutes of Health, NIAMS, Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation , Bethesda , MD , USA
1430 bsa University of Pittsburgh , Department of Pathology , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1431 iu Dartmouth College , Department of Chemistry , Hanover , NH , USA
1432 cad Virginia Commonwealth University, Massey Cancer Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Richmond , VA , USA
1433 bbz University of Alabama at Birmingham , Department of Cell , Developmental, and Integrative Biology (CDIB), Comprehensive Diabetes Center (UCDC) , Birmingham , AL , USA
1434 bqi University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center , Department of Pathology , Oklahoma City , OK , USA
1435 bam University Clinics, Institute of Cellular and Molecular Anatomy (Anatomie 3) , Frankfurt , Germany
1436 bvw University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio , Department of Molecular Medicine , San Antonio , TX , USA
1437 avh U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research , Silver Spring , MD , USA
1438 bwi University of Texas, Medical Branch , Department of Nutrition and Metabolism , Galveston , TX , USA
1439 pj Heidelberg University, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Proteostasis in Neurodegenerative Disease (B180), CHS Research Group at CellNetworks , Heidelberg , Germany
1440 wd Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine , Baltimore , MD , USA
1441 pz Hôpital Beaujon , Paris , France
1442 buj University of South Carolina School of Medicine , Department of Pathology , Microbiology, and Immunology , Columbia , SC , USA
1443 cba Washington University, School of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division , Department of Medicine , St. Louis , MO , USA
1444 byn University of Waterloo , Department of Biology , Waterloo, Ontario , Canada
1445 alp Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , Department of Physiology and Medical Physics , Dublin , Ireland
1446 ayc Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I , Düsseldorf , Germany
1447 ask Texas A&M University, Texas A&M Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Institute of Biosciences and Technology , Houston , TX , USA
1448 m Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam , Department of Cell Biology and Histology , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
1449 ajx Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine , Department of Pharmacology , Hershey , PA , USA
1450 bgq University of Cambridge , Department of Medical Genetics , Cambridge Institute for Medical Research , Cambridge , UK
1451 iz Denver VAMC , Denver , CO , USA
1452 axp Universidal de Salamanca, Campus Miguel de Unamuno , Departamento de Microbiologia y Genetica , Salamanca , Spain
1453 byu University of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine , Department of Pathobiological Sciences , Madison , WI , USA
1454 aqf St. Louis University School of Medicine , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , St. Louis , MO , USA
1455 bby University of Adelaide , Department of Genetics and Evolution , School of Biological Sciences , Adelaide , SA , Australia
1456 bcp University of Arizona , Department of Entomology , Tucson , AZ , USA
1457 zw Lorraine University, CITHéFOR EA3452, Faculté de Pharmacie , Nancy , France
1458 ail Ohio State University , Department of Veterinary Biosciences , College of Veterinary Medicine , Columbus , OH , USA
1459 amu Sangamo Biosciences , Richmond , CA , USA
1460 axv Università Politecnica delle Marche , Department of Clinical and Molecular Sciences , Ancona , Italy
1461 brg University of Parma , Department of Biomedical , Biotechnological and Translational Sciences , Parma , Italy
1462 axm Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG , Departamento de Morfologia , Instituto de Ciências Biológicas , Belo Horizonte , Minas Gerais , Brazil
1463 bhm University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children's Hospital , Cincinnati , OH , USA
1464 bec University of British Columbia , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Vancouver, BC Canada
1465 arr Technische Universität Braunschweig, Biozentrum , Braunschweig , Germany
1466 biu University of Dundee, Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, College of Life Sciences , UK
1467 axg Universidade de Lisboa, Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa), Faculty of Pharmacy , Lisboa , Portugal
1468 ib BioCruces Health Research Institute, Cruces University Hospital, Stem Cells and Cell Therapy Laboratory , Barakaldo , Spain
1469 ja Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Center for Biological Research and Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases , Madrid , Spain
1470 bz Boise State University , Department of Biological Sciences, Boise , ID , USA
1471 ack Medical University of South Carolina , Department of Ophthalmology , Charleston , SC , USA
1472 blb University of Insubria , Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences , Varese , Italy
1473 brs University of Perugia , Department of Experimental Medicine , Perugia , Italy
1474 axd Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (FCM-UNCUYO), Instituto de Histologia y Embriologia (IHEM-CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Medicas , Mendoza , Argentina
1475 aya Universitat de Barcelona, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat , Departament de Ciències Fisiol∫giques II , Campus de Bellvitge, Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) , Barcelona , Spain
1476 ako Public Health England, Health Protection Services, Modelling and Economics Unit, Colindale , London , UK
1477 ii Dalhousie University, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Halifax, NS , Canada
1478 blr University of Kiel, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology , Kiel , Germany
1479 bcb University of Alabama at Birmingham , Department of Pathology , Birmingham , AL , USA
1480 sp Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS) , Hemato-oncology Department , Barcelona , Spain
1481 bze University Pierre et Marie Curie, UMR8256/INSERM U-1164, Biological Adaptation and Ageing (B2A) , Paris , France
1482 bq Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Medical Genetics , Boston , MA , USA
1483 awy Universidad de Sevilla, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla , Sevilla , Spain
1484 bgm University of Cambridge, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Addenbrooke's Hospital , Department of Medical Genetics , Cambridge , UK
1485 blm University of Kentucky , Department of Biology , Lexington , KY , USA
1486 bn Ben-Gurion University , Department of Clinical Biochemistry and the National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev , Beer-Sheva , Israel
1487 eq Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove , Department of Medical Biology and Genetics , Hradec Kralove , Czech Republic
1488 aaq Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology , Mannheim , Germany
1489 aio Ohio University, Division of Physical Therapy , Athens , OH , USA
1490 agc National Research Council, Institute of Food Sciences , Avellino , Italy
1491 bes University of Calabria , Department of Pharmacy , Health and Nutritional Sciences, Section of Preclinical and Translational Pharmacology , Rende (Cosenza) , Italy
1492 tc Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics , Kazan , Russia
1493 cbn Weill Cornell Medical College , Joan and Sanford I. Weill Department of Medicine , New York , NY , USA
1494 cbv Whitehead Institute, HHMI and Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge , MA , USA
1495 hu Concordia University , Department of Biology , Montreal , Canada
1496 kw European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Structural and Computational Biology Unit , Heidelberg , Germany
1497 afi National Institutes of Health, Cardiovascular Branch, NHLB , Bethesda , MD , USA
1498 alz Rutgers New Jersey Medical School , Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine , Newark , NJ , USA
1499 ary Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine , Department of Cell and Developmental Biology , Tel Aviv , Israel
1500 bvx University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio , Department of Pathology , San Antonio , TX , USA
1501 ahv Nippon Medical School , Department of Cardiovascular Medicine , Tokyo , Japan
1502 auh Tokushima University, Division of Molecular Genetics, Institute for Enzyme Research , Tokushima , Japan
1503 nz Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine , Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery , Gunma , Japan
1504 auj Tokyo Institute of Technology, Frontier Research Center , Yokohama , Japan
1505 anv Seoul National University , Department of Plant Science , Seoul , Korea
1506 apy Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Cell Division and Cancer Group , Madrid , Spain
1507 avk UCL Cancer Institute, Samantha Dickson Brain Cancer Unit , London , UK
1508 bov University of Minnesota , Department of Surgery , Minneapolis , MN , USA
1509 bg Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope , Department of Neuroscience , Irell and Manella Graduate School of Biological Science , Duarte , CA , USA
1510 va Istituto Superiore di Sanità , Department of Haematology , Oncology and Molecular Medicine , Rome , Italy
1511 brr Laboratoire Européen Performance Santé Altitude, EA 4604, University of Perpignan Via Domitia , Font-Romeu , France
1512 axe Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Junta de Andalucía , Sevilla , Spain
1513 awi Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Biomédicas , Albacete , Spain
1514 acp MedImmune, Respiratory, Inflammation and Autoimmunity Research Department , Gaithersburg , MD , USA
1515 ag Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Departments of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology , New York , NY , USA
1516 bgv University of Camerino, School of Pharmacy, Section of Experimental Medicine , Camerino, MC , Italy
1517 vk Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Life Sciences , New Delhi , India
1518 bc Baylor College of Medicine , Department of Molecular and Human Genetics , Houston , TX , USA
1519 bds University of Birmingham, Institute of Biomedical Research, Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, College of Medical and Dental Sciences , Edgbaston, Birmingham , UK
1520 ph Health Research Institute Germans Trias i Pujol , Badalona , Spain
1521 bgg University of California San Francisco , Department of Surgery , San Francisco , CA , USA
1522 eu Chiba University, Medical Mycology Research Center , Chiba , Japan
1523 wy Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences , Department of Human Pathology , Kanazawa , Japan
1524 ob Gunma University, Laboratory of Molecular Traffic, Institute for Moleclualr and Cellular Regulation , Gunma , Japan
1525 oa Gunma University, Laboratory of Molecular Membrane Biology, Institute for Moleclualr and Cellular Regulation , Gunma , Japan
1526 bfn University of California San Diego , Department of Medicine , San Diego , CA , USA
1527 acu Miami VA Healthcare System and University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Oncology/Hematology , Miami , FL , USA
1528 cp Cambridge University , Department of Medicine , Cambridge , UK
1529 nr Goethe University, Institue of Pharmacology and Toxicology , Frankfurt am Main , Germany
1530 alg Research Center Borstel , Borstel , Germany
1531 bbg University Hospital Zürich, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatolog , Zürich , Switzerland
1532 bev University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Calgary, AB , Canada
1533 cao VU University, Medical Center , Academic Medical Center, Department of Clinical Genetics and Alzheimer Center , Amsterdam , Netherlands
1534 vg IUF-Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine , Duesseldorf , Germany
1535 vn Jewish General Hospital , Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery , Department of Medicine , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1536 afq National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Cytokine Biology Section , Bethesda , MD , USA
1537 bbq University Medical Centre Göttingen , Clinic for Neurology and Department of Neuroimmunology , Göttingen , Germany
1538 po Systems-oriented Immunology and Inflammation Research, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research , Braunschweig , Germany
1558 caz Washington University , Department of Medicine , St. Louis , MO , USA
1559 wg Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Institute for Cell Engineering and McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine , Baltimore , MD , USA
1560 bmo University of Louisville , Department of Physiology , Louisville , KY , USA
1561 bza University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute , Zurich , Switzerland
1562 wu Kagoshima University, The Near-Future Locomoter Organ Medicine Creation Course, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences , Kagoshima , Japan
1563 jn Dulbecco Telethon Institute and Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) , Naples , Italy
1564 zs Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center , Department of Oncology , Washington, DC , USA
1565 att Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College , Philadelphia , PA , USA
1566 bnc University of Maryland , Department of Nutrition and Food Science , College Park , MD , USA
1567 k Academia Sinica, Institute of Molecular Biology , Taipei , Taiwan
1568 qm Hungkuang University , Department of Physical Therapy , Taichung , Taiwan
1569 agv National University of Singapore , Department of Physiology , Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine , Singapore
1570 agr National University of Ireland, Regenerative Medicine Institute , Galway , Ireland
1571 aon Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai Institute of Hypertension , Shanghai , China
1572 apm Soochow University, School of Pharmaceutical Science , Department of Pharmacology and Laboratory of Aging and Nervous Diseases , Suzhou , China
1573 cr Capital Normal University , Beijing , China
1574 ahu NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Synaptic Function Section , Bethesda , MD , USA
1575 cbt Western University , Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , London, ON , Canada
1576 aqi St. Paul's Hospital, Centre for Heart Lung Innovation , Vancouver, BC , Canada
1577 bzg US Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research, Division of Systems Biology , Jefferson , AR , USA
1578 btx University of Science and Technology of China, School of Life Sciences, and Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale , Hefei, Anhui , China
1579 ccf Yamaguchi University, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Veterinary Hygiene , Yamaguchi , Japan
1580 aea NARO Institute of Floricultural Science , Tsukuba , Japan
1581 bpd University of Nagasaki, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Graduate School of Human Health Science , Nagasaki , Japan
1582 aer National Chung-Hsing University, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, College of Life Sciences , Taichung , Taiwan
1583 arj Taipei Medical University , Department of Biochemistry , College of Medicine , Taipei City , Taiwan
1584 vt Jikei University School of Medicine, Research Center for Medical Sciences, Division of Gene Therapy , Tokyo , Japan
1585 aun Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Medical Research Institute, Pathological Cell Biology , Tokyo , Japan
1586 an Amorepacific Corporation RandD Center, Bioscience Research Institute , Gyeonggi , Korea
1587 xw Kobe University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Laboratory of Pathology, Division of Medical Biophysics , Hyogo , Japan
1588 aud Tohoku University, Laboratory of Bioindustrial Genomics, Graduate School of Agricultural Science , Miyagi , Japan
1589 yx Kyoto University , Department of Cardiovascular Medicine , Kyoto , Japan
1590 zb Kyushu University , Department of Surgery and Science , Fukuoka , Japan
1591 aah Maastricht University, Medical Centre, NUTRIM , Department of Molecular Genetics , Maastricht , The Netherlands
1592 cc Boston University , Department of Medicine , Boston , MA , USA
1593 abj McGill University , Department of Biochemistry , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1594 xe Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital , Department of Medical Education and Research , Kaohsiung , Taiwan
1595 bkv University of Illinois at Chicago, Departments of Ophthalmology and Microbiology and Immunology , Chicago , IL , USA
1596 aed National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology , Lviv , Ukraine
1597 bfo University of California San Diego , Department of Pathology , La Jolla , CA , USA
1598 ahk New York University School of Medicine, Departments of Neuroscience and Physiology, and Psychiatry , New York , NY , USA
1599 id CSIR - Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology , Hyderabad , India
1600 avg U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research , Silver Spring , MD , USA
1601 avr Ulm University, Institute of Pharmacology of Natural Compounds and Clinical Pharmacology , Ulm , Germany
1602 adj MRC Human Immunology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine and BRC Translational Immunology Lab, NDM , Oxford , UK
1603 bdr University of Bern, Institute of Pharmacology , Bern , Switzerland
1604 bde University of Bari 'Aldo Moro', Division of Medical Genetics, DIMO, School of Medicine , Bari , Italy
1605 brv University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1606 wi Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Wilmer Eye Institute , Baltimore , MD , USA
1607 ahw North Dakota State University , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry , Fargo , ND , USA
1608 abg Mayo Clinic , Rochester , MN , USA
1609 akg Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics , Warsaw , Poland
1610 dr Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research , Hyderabad , India
1611 apr Sorbonne Universités, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris 6, Brain and Spine Institute, INSERM U1127, CNRS UMR722 , Paris , France
1612 ix Democritus University of Thrace, Medical School , Department of Pathology , Alexandroupolis , Greece
1613 mf Gdansk University of Technology , Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry , Gdansk , Poland
1614 bqv University of Ottawa , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , Faculty of Medicine , Ottawa, Ontario , Canada
1615 aar Masaryk University , Department of Biology , Faculty of Medicine , Brno , Czech Republic
1616 ahy Northeastern University , Department of Bioengineering , Boston , MA , USA
1617 acv Moffitt Cancer Center , Department of Tumor Biology , Tampa , FL , USA
1618 aao Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Institute of Molecular Biosciences , Nakorn Pathom , Thailand
1619 ym KU Leuven , Department of Imaging and Pathology , Leuven , Belgium
1620 bnw University of Michigan Medical School , Department of Internal Medicine , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1621 aif Norwegian Veterinary Institute , Oslo , Norway
1622 rf Indian Institute of Science, Microbiology and Cell Biology , Bangalore , India
1623 ky Ewha W. University, Brain and Cognitive Sciences/Pharmacy , Seoul , Korea
1624 qx IIT University, School of Biotechnology , Orissa , India
1625 ap Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation , Alachua , FL , USA
1626 anz Shandong University , Department of Toxicology , Jinan, Shandong , China
1627 vm Jewish General Hospital, Bloomfield Centre for Research in Aging, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1628 zd La Trobe University , Department of Biochemistry and Genetics , La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
1629 abv MD Anderson Cancer Center , Department of Cancer Biology , Houston , TX , USA
1630 agu National University of Singapore , Department of Physiology , Singapore
1631 bfz University of California San Diego, School of Medicine , Department of Psychiatry , La Jolla , CA , USA
1632 bmx University of Manchester, Institute of Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences , Manchester , UK
1633 car Wake Forest University , Department of Surgery and Cancer Biology , Winston-Salem , NC , USA
1634 aan Chulabhorn International College of Medicine, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
1635 bop University of Minho, Molecular and Environmental Biology Centre (CBMA)/Department of Biology , Braga , Portugal
1636 zl Leiden University, Institute of Biology , Leiden , The Netherlands
1637 ald Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center , Department of Radiation Oncology , Nijmegen , The Netherlands
1638 bdg University of Basel , Biozentrum, Basel , Switzerland
1639 bta University of Rochester Medical Center , Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , Rochester , NY , USA
1640 lh Flinders University, School of Biological Sciences, Bedford Park , South Australia , Australia
1641 bfp University of California San Diego , Department of Pediatrics , Division of Infectious Diseases , La Jolla , CA , USA
1642 eo Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin , Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine , Campus Charité Mitte and Campus Virchow-Klinikum , Berlin , Germany
1643 blp University of Kentucky , Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, Lexington , KY , USA
1644 ce Brescia University , Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences , Brescia , Italy
1645 bmf University of Lille, INSERM UMR1011, Institut Pasteur de Lille, EGID , Lille , France
1646 bsm University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine , Department of Surgery , Division of Endocrine Surgery , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1647 gs Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology , Cincinnati , OH , USA
1648 bwp University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Dallas , TX
1649 bdi University of Bayreuth , Department of Biochemistry , Bayreuth , Germany
1650 bfl University of California San Diego , Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine , La Jolla , CA , USA
1651 bv Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases , Athens , Attiki , Greece
1652 bfg University of California Irvine , Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior , Irvine , CA , USA
1653 ajd Oslo University Hospital , Department of Biochemistry , Institute for Cancer Research , Oslo , Norway
1654 tm Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Centre for Radiobiology and Biological Dosimetry , Dorodna , Poland
1655 zm Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Nanotechnology Characterization Lab, Cancer Research Technology Program , Frederick , MD , USA
1656 jv Edinburgh Napier University, School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences , Edinburgh , UK
1657 hl Columbia University , Department of Biological Sciences , New York , NY , USA
1658 vh J. Stefan Institute , Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Structural Biology , Ljubljana , Slovenia
1659 aaz Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Group Maintenance of Genome Stability , Martinsried , Germany
1660 pn Heinrich-Heine-University, Institute of Molecular Medicine , Düsseldorf , Germany
1661 bau University Hospital Aachen , IZKF and Department of Internal Medicine III , Aachen , Germany
1662 ain Ohio State University, The James Comprehensive Cancer Center . Department of Molecular Virology , Immunology and Medical Genetics and Department of Surgery , Division of Surgical Oncology , Columbus , OH , USA
1663 aqt Stockholm University , Department of Neurochemistry , Stockholm , Sweden
1664 br Binghamton University, State University of New York , Binghamton , NY , USA
1665 tl Institute of Molecular Pathology and Biology, FMHS UO , Hradec Kralove , Czech Republic
1666 bkm University of Hong Kong, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry , Hong Kong
1667 vq Jiangsu University , Department of Immunology , Zhenjiang, Jiangsu , China
1668 cy Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine , Department of Medicine , Cleveland , OH , USA
1669 atd The Scripps Research Institute , Department of Neuroscience , Jupiter , FL , USA
1670 bvh University of Sydney , Department of Neurogenetics , Kolling Institute , St Leonards, NSW , Australia
1671 om Hallym University, School of Medicine , Department of Physiology , Chuncheon , Korea
1672 aut Tongji University, School of Life Science and Technology , Shanghai , China
1673 bwh University of Texas, Medical Branch , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Galveston , TX , USA
1674 bkx University of Illinois at Chicago, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , Department of Medicine , Chicago , IL , USA
1675 kg Emory University, School of Medicine, Winship Cancer Institute , Atlanta , GA , USA
1676 adx Nanjing University, School of Life Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology , Nanjing, Jiangsu , China
1677 bof University of Michigan , Department of Radiation Oncology , Division of Radiation and Cancer Biology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1678 ga Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Digestive Diseases , Shatin, Hong Kong
1679 xq Keio University, School of Medicine , Medical Education Center , Tokyo , Japan
1680 bwu University of Tokyo, Bioimaging Center, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences , Chiba , Japan
1681 atz Tohoku University , Department of Neurology , Sendai , Japan
1682 alk RIKEN Global Research Cluster, Glycometabolome Team, Systems Glycobiology Research Group , Saitama , Japan
1683 mx Georgetown University , Department of Pharmacology and Physiology , Washington, DC , USA
1684 boa University of Michigan , Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1685 zv University College London Cancer Institute , London , UK
1686 aac Lund University, Biomedical Centre , Department of Experimental Medical Science , Lund , Sweden
1687 bmk University of Louisiana at Monroe, School of Pharmacy , Monroe , LA , USA
1688 akv Queen Mary University of London, Barts Cancer Institute, Center for Molecular Oncology , London , UK
1690 kk Eötvös Loránd University , Department of Biological Anthropology , Budapest , Hungary
1691 aka Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine , Hershey Cancer Institute and Department of Pediatrics , Hershey , PA , USA
1692 aq Asahi University , Department of Internal Medicine , Gifu , Japan
1693 xl Kawasaki Medical School , Department of General Internal Medicine 4 , Okayama , Japan
1694 bje University of Exeter, School of Biosciences , Exeter , UK
1695 bxr University of Turin, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi , Turin , Italy
1696 azs Université Paris Descartes, Institut Cochin, Faculté de Médecine Sorbonne Paris Cité , Paris , France
1697 aks Qingdao University , Department of Neurology , Qingdao Municipal Hospital, School of Medicine , Qingdao, Shandong Province , China
1698 aap Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals , Pulau Pinang , Malaysia
1699 buf University of South Alabama, Mitchell Cancer Institute , Mobile , AL , USA
1700 a A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology , Singapore
1701 aup Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Laboratory of Protein Metabolism , Tokyo , Japan
1702 yr Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine , Department of Basic Geriatrics , Kyoto , Japan
1703 fw Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology , Beijing , China
1704 wq Juntendo University, School of Medicine , Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience , Tokyo , Japan
1705 ps Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine , Hirosaki , Japan
1706 aav Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Experimental Therapeutics and Molecular Imaging Laboratory, Neuroscience Center , Charlestown , MA , USA
1707 ade Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , Department of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics , New York , NY , USA
1708 lp Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas , Heraklion, Crete , Greece
1709 ave Tufts University, USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging , Boston , MA , USA
1710 bdt University of Birmingham, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy , Birmingham, West Midlands , UK
1711 aqa Howard Hughes Medical Institute, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Cell and Molecular Biology , Memphis , TN , USA
1712 zr Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine , Department of Parasitology , Liverpool, Merseyside , UK
1713 aec Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, Immunology and Molecular Biology Laboratory , Moscow , Russia
1714 cs Cardiff University, Heath Park, Institute of Cancer and Genetics , Cardiff , Wales , UK
1715 sf INSERM U955, Faculté de Médecine de Créteil, UMR-S955 , Créteil , France
1716 gh Chulalongkorn University , Department of Clinical Chemistry , Faculty of Allied Health Sciences , Bangkok , Thailand
1717 bvs University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, Center for Human Genetics, Institute of Molecular Medicine , Houston , TX , USA
1718 aca Medical College of Wisconsin , Department of Pediatrics , Milwaukee , WI , USA
1719 bmg University of Limoges , Department of Histology and Cell Biology , Limoges , France
1720 bd Baylor University Medical Center , Department of Internal Medicine , Division of Gastroenterology, Baylor Research Institute , Dallas , TX
1721 hg Colorado Mesa University , Department of Biological Sciences , Grand Junction , CO , USA
1722 or Hannover Medical School, Institute of Molecular and Translational Therapeutic Strategies (IMTTS) , Hannover , Germany
1723 qz Imperial College London, MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection , London , UK
1724 bdy University of Bonn, Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology , Bonn , Germany
1725 bpy University of North Carolina , Department of Microbiology-Immunology , Chapel Hill , NC , USA
1726 ht Concordia University , Biology Department , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1727 bei University of British Columbia , Department of Psychiatry , Vancouver, BC , Canada
1728 cac Virginia Commonwealth University, Internal Medicine, VCU Pauley Heart Center , Richmond , VA , USA
1729 zu London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK , London , UK
1730 vo Jewish General Hospital , Department of Oncology , Montreal, Quebec , Canada
1731 ajb Oslo University Hospital, Centre for Cancer Biomedicine , Oslo , Norway
1732 bmw University of Manchester, Faculty of Life Sciences , Manchester , UK
1733 bny University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , MI , USA
1734 bdm University of Belgrade, School of Medicine , Belgrade , Serbia
1735 la Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho, Laboratory of Immunoreceptors and Signaling , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
1736 tb Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, Spanish Research Council (IQAC-CSIC) , Department of Biomedicinal Chemistry , Barcelona , Spain
1737 asg Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Center for Translational Cancer Research, Institute of Bioscience and Technology , Houston , TX , USA
1738 alf Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Experimental Chemotherapy Laboratory , Rome , Italy
1739 awj Universidad de Chile, Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas , Santiago , Chile
1740 aen National Cheng Kung University, Institute of Clinical Medicine , Tainan , Taiwan
1741 bdo University of Bern, Division of Experimental Pathology, Institute of Pathology , Bern , Switzerland
1742 adp Nagasaki University, Division of Dental Pharmacology, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences , Nagasaki , Japan
1743 brx University of Pittsburgh Medical Center , Department of Surgery , Pittsburgh , PA , USA
1744 bwk University of Texas, Medical School at Houston , Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy , Houston , TX , USA
1745 aos Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Renji Hospital , Shanghai , China
1746 bdd University of Bari 'Aldo Moro' , Department of Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Oncology , Bari , Italy
1747 buv University of Southampton, Centre for Biological Sciences, Highfield Campus , Southampton , UK
1748 bem University of British Columbia, Michael Smith Laboratories , Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada
1749 ajc Oslo University Hospital, Centre for Immune Regulation , Oslo , Norway
1750 bmr University of Louisville, School of Medicine , Department of Physiology and Biophysics , Louisville , KY , USA
1751 pv Hokkaido University, Research Faculty of Agriculture , Sapporo , Japan