Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 156 in total

  1. Li X, Romainoor NH
    Heliyon, 2024 May 15;10(9):e30205.
    PMID: 38726138 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30205
    Much research focuses on customers' satisfaction with intangible cultural heritage products, with little consideration given to residents' support toward intangible cultural heritage. Therefore, this study focuses on constructing a conceptual framework that connects the theories of the value-attitude-behavior (VAB) model and planned behavior (TPB), aiming to explain residents' behavioral support for intangible cultural heritage (Gejia batik). To test the proposed model, we collected 412 sets of on-site survey data from four representative Gejia villages, namely Fengxiang, Wangba, Tangdu, and Matang. Six out of seven examined hypotheses were supported. The results showed that social value, aesthetic value, economic value, historical value, and perceived behavioral control of residents were positively and significantly related to residents' behavioral intention, which explained 46.3 % of the variance in behavioral intention. A positive and significant relationship exists between residents' attitudes and their behavioral intentions. Residents' attitude is an intermediary between social value, aesthetic value, economic value, historical value, perceived behavioral control, and residents' behavioral intention. This work provides theoretical and practical support for government departments in formulating protective policies related to Gejia batik.
  2. Shi X, Wu X, Song T, Li X
    Nanoscale, 2016 Jul 22.
    PMID: 27444699
    The design of DNA nanotubes is a promising and hot research branch in structural DNA nanotechnology, which is rapidly developing as a versatile method for achieving subtle nanometer scale materials and molecular diagnostic/curative devices. Multifarious methods have been proposed to achieve varied DNA nanotubes, such as using square tiles and single-stranded tiles, but it is still a challenge to develop a bottom-up assembly way to build DNA nanotubes with different diameters and patterns using certain universal DNA nanostructures. This work addresses the challenge by assembling three types of spatial DNA nanotubes with different diameters and patterns from the so-called "basic bricks", i.e., hierarchical DNA sub-tiles. A high processing rate and throughput synthesis of DNA nanotubes are observed and analyzed by atomic force microscopy. Experimental observations and data analysis suggests the stability and controllability of DNA nanotubes assembled by hierarchical DNA sub-tiles.
  3. Junejo AR, Kaabar MKA, Li X
    Comput Math Methods Med, 2021;2021:9949328.
    PMID: 34938362 DOI: 10.1155/2021/9949328
    Developing new treatments for emerging infectious diseases in infectious and noninfectious diseases has attracted a particular attention. The emergence of viral diseases is expected to accelerate; these data indicate the need for a proactive approach to develop widely active family specific and cross family therapies for future disease outbreaks. Viral disease such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome type 2, HIV infection, and Hepatitis-C virus can cause directly and indirectly cardiovascular disease (CVD). Emphasis should be placed not only on the development of broad-spectrum molecules and antibodies but also on host factor therapy, including the reutilization of previously approved or developing drugs. Another new class of therapeutics with great antiviral therapeutic potential is molecular communication networks using deep learning autoencoder (DL-AEs). The use of DL-AEs for diagnosis and prognosis prediction of infectious and noninfectious diseases has attracted a particular attention. MCN is map to molecular signaling and communication that are found inside and outside the human body where the goal is to develop a new black box mechanism that can serve the future robust healthcare industry (HCI). MCN has the ability to characterize the signaling process between cells and infectious disease locations at various levels of the human body called point-to-point MCN through DL-AE and provide targeted drug delivery (TDD) environment. Through MCN, and DL-AE healthcare provider can remotely measure biological signals and control certain processes in the required organism for the maintenance of the patient's health state. We use biomicrodevices to promote the real-time monitoring of human health and storage of the gathered data in the cloud. In this paper, we use the DL-based AE approach to design and implement a new drug source and target for the MCN under white Gaussian noise. Simulation results show that transceiver executions for a given medium model that reduces the bit error rate which can be learned. Then, next development of molecular diagnosis such as heart sounds is classified. Furthermore, biohealth interface for the inside and outside human body mechanism is presented, comparative perspective with up-to-date current situation about MCN.
  4. Di J, Xiong Y, Li D, Li X, Wang W, Cheng Y, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2022 Dec;44(3):509-516.
    PMID: 36591718
    Hyalinising clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) of the lung is an extremely rare tumour that is just recently recognised as one of the salivary gland-type tumours (SGTT) in the latest WHO classification of thoracic tumours. Eleven cases have been reported in English literature since Joaquín et al. reported the first case. Given the very limited number of cases, the clinical and histological features of pulmonary HCCC are equivocal. Herein, we present two cases of pulmonary HCCC. The patients were a 66-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman. The mass was located on the right main bronchus and right middle lobar bronchus separately. One was 2 cm and the other was 3.3 cm in the greatest dimension. The tumours were comprised of small monomorphic cells with clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm and infiltrated in a hyalinising stroma arranged in nests, cords, sheets and trabeculae. Their morphology resembled their head and neck counterparts. Immunohistochemically, the tumour cells were positive for AE1/AE3, P63, while negative for TTF1, Calponin, S-100, HMB45 and PAX8. Ki-67 labeling ranges from 3% to 10%. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) demonstrated EWSR1 rearrangement and Next-generation sequencing (NGS) demonstrated EWSR1- ATF1 (exon 11: exon 3) fusion in case one and EWSR1- ATF1 (exon 2: exon 12) fusion in case two. This is the first time to report the EWSR1-ATF1fusion point other than exon 11: exon 3 in pulmonary HCCC. Case one recurred two years after local resection but didn't metastasise during follow-up 36 months. Case two is alive without disease after lobectomy during follow-up 14 months.
  5. Li X, Cui W, Chee WM
    Heliyon, 2023 Jul;9(7):e17896.
    PMID: 37483812 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17896
    A top-notch travel experience is vital for boosting a destination's competitiveness. Outbound travel notes of online travel agency capture tourists' experiences and emotions during their journeys, providing valuable insights for understanding tourist consumption behavior and improving tourism service policies. This study analyzes 1,012 travel blogs of Chinese tourists visiting Malaysia using grounded theory methodology. A dual-factor theoretical model is developed through open coding, spindle coding, and selective coding, illustrating the attention allocation problem of outbound tourists in their travel experiences. The study's hygiene factors comprise basic features, management aspects, and transportation components, while motivational factors include cultural elements, resource considerations, emotional factors, media influences, and commercial aspects. Research findings indicate that outbound tourists prioritize motivational factors, such as interpersonal service attributes and inherent emotional components. These factors play a crucial role in stimulating travel motivation and crafting memorable experiences. Moreover, hygiene factors, like infrastructure and security conditions, also impact tourists' experiences and are crucial for reducing dissatisfaction among outbound travelers. These results provide fresh perspectives on the factors influencing outbound tourists' experiences and their focal points during trips. The findings have significant implications for public sectors and industry professionals in tourism. By addressing the motivating and hygiene factors important to outbound tourists, they can enhance and fine-tune tourism service policies, ultimately increasing destination competitiveness. Measures such as improving infrastructure, raising service quality, and amplifying cultural experiences at the destination can all contribute to better travel experiences for tourists.
  6. Yang S, Li X, Jiang Z, Xiao M
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0290126.
    PMID: 37844110 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0290126
    Based on the data of the Chinese A-share listed firms in China Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2014 to 2021, this article explores the relationship between common institutional investors and the quality of management earnings forecasts. The study used the multiple linear regression model and empirically found that common institutional investors positively impact the precision of earnings forecasts. This article also uses graph neural networks to predict the precision of earnings forecasts. Our findings have shown that common institutional investors form external supervision over restricting management to release a wide width of earnings forecasts, which helps to improve the risk warning function of earnings forecasts and promote the sustainable development of information disclosure from management in the Chinese capital market. One of the marginal contributions of this paper is that it enriches the literature related to the economic consequences of common institutional shareholding. Then, the neural network method used to predict the quality of management forecasts enhances the research method of institutional investors and the behavior of management earnings forecasts. Thirdly, this paper calls for strengthening information sharing and circulation among institutional investors to reduce information asymmetry between investors and management.
  7. Li X, Romainoor NH, Sun Z
    Heliyon, 2024 Jan 15;10(1):e23085.
    PMID: 38163224 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23085
    In China's vigorous development and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, the sustainability and acceptability of intangible cultural heritage products have become a controversial subject. This study aims to explore the relationship between batik product qualia factors and the purchase intention for batik products and exammine the mediating role of consumer attitude in the relationship. We adopted quantitative research methods and used SPSS 26 and Process 2.15 software to test our hypotheses. We conducted extensive surveys of consumers of different ages, genders, income levels, and educational backgrounds, and finally, a total of 381 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that batik products' creativity, delicacy, beauty, and eco-friendliness were significantly and positively related to consumers' attitudes. In addition, creativity, beauty, and eco-friendliness, but not delicacy, were significantly and positively associated with consumers' purchase intention. Consumer attitude plays an intermediary role between qualia factors and purchase intention. This study analyzes Gejia batik from the perspective of qualia factors, breaking through the limitations of previous studies on the aspects of heritage protection and environmental protection. The study's results can inspire batik manufacturers or designers to enhance the competitiveness of batik design products in the tourism market.
  8. Miao X, Han J, Wang S, Li X
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Aug;30(36):84949-84971.
    PMID: 37392303 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-28303-4
    The spatial effects of agricultural market integration on industrial agglomeration are an important field of regional economic. This paper collected the data of agricultural market integration and industrial agglomeration in 31 provinces in China from 2010 to 2019, analyzed the spatial effects of the two by constructing a dynamic spatial Dubin model, and explored its long-term and short-term effects of the spatial effects. The results show the following: (1) the primary terms of agricultural market integration were negative and the secondary terms were positive. The impact of agricultural market integration on local industrial agglomeration had a "U-shaped" characteristic. Whether in the short-term or long-term, there was a significant direct effect of "suppression to promotion." (2) The agricultural market integration had a spatial spillover effect on industrial agglomeration in the neighboring areas. This effect had an "inverted U-shaped" characteristic. Whether in the short-term or long-term, there was a prominent spatial spillover effect of "promotion to suppression." (3) For direct effects, the short-term direct effects of agricultural market integration on industrial agglomeration were - 0.0452 and 0.0077, and the long-term direct effects were - 0.2430 and 0.0419. For spatial spillover effects, the short-term spatial spillover effects were 0.0983 and - 0.0179, and the long-term spatial spillover effects were 0.4554 and - 0.0827. The long-term effects were greater than the short-term effects. This paper provides empirical evidence for the effects of agricultural market integration on industrial agglomeration in different regions, and exploring the development of agricultural agglomeration in the long-term.
  9. Li X, Wang X, Song T, Lu W, Chen Z, Shi X
    J Anal Methods Chem, 2015;2015:675827.
    PMID: 26491602 DOI: 10.1155/2015/675827
    DNA strand displacement technique is widely used in DNA programming, DNA biosensors, and gene analysis. In DNA strand displacement, leaky reactions can cause DNA signals decay and detecting DNA signals fails. The mostly used method to avoid leakage is cleaning up after upstream leaky reactions, and it remains a challenge to develop reliable DNA strand displacement technique with low leakage. In this work, we address the challenge by experimentally evaluating the basic factors, including reaction time, ratio of reactants, and ion concentration to the leakage in DNA strand displacement. Specifically, fluorescent probes and a hairpin structure reporting DNA strand are designed to detect the output of DNA strand displacement, and thus can evaluate the leakage of DNA strand displacement reactions with different reaction time, ratios of reactants, and ion concentrations. From the obtained data, mathematical models for evaluating leakage are achieved by curve derivation. As a result, it is obtained that long time incubation, high concentration of fuel strand, and inappropriate amount of ion concentration can weaken leaky reactions. This contributes to a method to set proper reaction conditions to reduce leakage in DNA strand displacement.
  10. Li X, Hussain SA, Sobri S, Md Said MS
    Chemosphere, 2021 May;271:129502.
    PMID: 33465622 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129502
    Most developing countries in the world face the common challenges of reducing air pollution and advancing the process of sustainable development, especially in China. Air pollution research is a complex system and one of the main methods is through numerical simulation. The air quality model is an important technical method, it allows researchers to better analyze air pollutants in different regions. In addition, the SCB is a high-humidity and foggy area, and the concentration of atmospheric pollutants is always high. However, research on this region, one of the four most polluted regions in China, is still lacking. Reviewing the application of air quality models in the SCB air pollution has not been reported thoroughly. To fill these gaps, this review provides a comprehensive narration about i) The status of air pollution in SCB; ii) The application of air quality models in SCB; iii) The problems and application prospects of air quality models in the research of air pollution. This paper may provide a theoretical reference for the prevention and control of air pollution in the SCB and other heavily polluted areas in China and give some1inspirations for air pollution forecast in other countries with complex terrain.
  11. Li X, Tan CP, Liu YF, Xu YJ
    J Agric Food Chem, 2020 Dec 16;68(50):14728-14738.
    PMID: 33289375 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c07378
    The intestine is an important digestive organ of the human body, and its barrier is the guardian of the body from the external environment. The impairment of the intestinal barrier is believed to be an important determinant in various foodborne diseases. Food hazards can lead to the occurrence of many foodborne diseases represented by inflammation. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of the impact of the food hazards on intestinal barriers is essential for promoting human health. This review examined the relationship between food hazards and the intestinal barrier in three aspects: apoptosis, imbalance of gut microbiota, and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The mechanism of dysfunctional gut microbiota caused by food hazards was also discussed. This review discusses the interaction among food hazards, intestinal barrier, and foodborne diseases and, thus, offers a new thought to deal with foodborne disease.
  12. Harreld JH, Mohammed N, Goldsberry G, Li X, Li Y, Boop F, et al.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2015 May;36(5):993-9.
    PMID: 25614472 DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A4221
    Postoperative intraspinal subdural collections in children after posterior fossa tumor resection may temporarily hinder metastasis detection by MR imaging or CSF analysis, potentially impacting therapy. We investigated the incidence, imaging and clinical features, predisposing factors, and time course of these collections after posterior fossa tumor resection.
  13. Tay K, Kamarul T, Lok WY, Mansor M, Li X, Wong J, et al.
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Jul;14(2).
    PMID: 32313613 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2007.001
    With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases and related deaths worldwide, we decided to share the development of this condition in Singapore and Malaysia. First few cases were diagnosed in the two countries at the end of January 2020, and the numbers have surged to thousands by end of March 2020. We will focus on strategies adopted by the government and also the Orthopaedic community of the two countries up till the beginning of April 2020. We hope that by sharing of relevant information and knowledge on how we are managing the COVID-19 condition, we can help other communities, and health care workers to more effectively overcome this pandemic.
  14. Li X, Gopinath SCB, Peng X, Lv J
    J Biomed Nanotechnol, 2021 Dec 01;17(12):2495-2504.
    PMID: 34974872 DOI: 10.1166/jbn.2021.3213
    An aptasensor was developed on an interdigitated microelectrode (IDME) by current-volt sensing for the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis by detecting the biomarker lipocalin-2. Higher immobilization of the anti-lipocalin-2 aptamer as a probe was achieved by using sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate-aided zeolite particles. FESEM and FETEM observations revealed that the size of the zeolite particles was <200 nm, and they displayed a uniform distribution and spherical shape. XPS analysis attested the occurrence of Si, Al, and O groups on the zeolite particles. Zeolite particles were immobilized on IDME by a (3-aminopropyl)-trimethoxysilane amine linker, and then, the aptamer as the probe was tethered on the zeolite particles through a biotin-streptavidin strategy assisted by a bifunctional aldehyde linker. Due to the high occupancy of the aptamer and the efficient electric transfer from zeolite particles, higher changes in current can be observed upon interaction of the aptamer with lipocalin-2. The lower detection of lipocalin-2 was noted as 10 pg/mL, with a linear range from 10 pg/mL to 1 μg/mL and a linear regression equation of y=8E-07x+8E-08; R² = 0.991. Control experiments with complementary aptamer and matrix metalloproteinase-9 indicate the specific detection of lipocalin-2. Furthermore, spiking lipocalin-2 in human serum does not interfere with the identification.
  15. Yang C, Li X, Li Q, Zhang B, Li H, Lin J
    Neuroreport, 2017 Dec 06;28(17):1180-1185.
    PMID: 28953094 DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000903
    Chicken embryos are used widely in the fields of developmental biology and neurobiology. The chicken embryo also serves as a model to analyze gene expression and function using in ovo electroporation. Plasmids may be injected into the spinal cord or tectum of the chicken central nervous system by microinjection for electroporation. Here, we developed a novel method that combines in ovo electroporation and neuronal culturing to study gene function in the chicken tectum during embryo development. Our method can be used to study in-vivo and in-vitro exogenous genes' function. In addition, live cell imaging microscopy, immunostaining, and transfection can be used with our method to study neuronal growth, development, neurite growth and retraction, and axonal pathfinding. Our result showed that axons were present in isolated neurons after culturing for 24 h, and cell debris was low after replacing the media at 48 h. Many GFP-expressing neurons were observed in the cultured cells after 48 h. We successfully cultured the neurons for 3 weeks. Together, this method combines in ovo electroporation and neuronal culturing advantages and is more convenient for the gene function analysis.
  16. Li X, Che CC, Li Y, Wang L, Chong MC
    BMC Nurs, 2023 Sep 12;22(1):312.
    PMID: 37700282 DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01473-9
    BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that second-victim experiences could increase risks of the compassion fatigue while support from individuals and organisations is most often protection. However, the risk for poor compassion satisfaction and increased compassion fatigue in nurses aroused by adverse events remains an underestimated problem, meanwhile, litter known about the role of positive and negative coping styles among nurses suffering from adverse events. This study aims to investigate the effect of second-victim experiences on the professional quality of life among nurses and to determine the mediating role of coping styles in the relationship between second-victim experiences and professional quality of life.

    METHODS: Multistage sampling was used to recruit registered nurses from Hunan province in China. Registered nurses who identified themselves as experiencing adverse events from nine tertiary hospitals were included in this study. Participants were recruited to complete a survey on the second victim experience and support tool, the simplified coping style questionnaire, and the professional quality of life scale. The stress coping theory was used to develop the framework in this study. The structural equation modelling approach was used for conducting the mediating effects analysis via IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 and Mplus 8.3.

    RESULTS: In total, 67% (n = 899) of nurses reported a second victim experience during their careers. In a bivariate analysis, both second-victims experiences and coping styles were significantly associated with their professional quality of life. The results showed that the effects of second victim experiences on their professional quality of life were fully mediated by coping styles. A total of 10 significantly indirect pathways were estimated, ranging from -0.243 to 0.173.

    CONCLUSIONS: Second-victim experiences are common among nurses in this study. Since the mediating effects of coping styles were clarified in this study, it is imperative to promote the perception of negative coping styles and encourage nurses to adopt more positive coping styles with adequate support systems.

  17. Ong P, Jian J, Li X, Yin J, Ma G
    PMID: 37804706 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.123477
    Spectroscopy in the visible and near-infrared region (Vis-NIR) region has proven to be an effective technique for quantifying the chlorophyll contents of plants, which serves as an important indicator of their photosynthetic rate and health status. However, the Vis-NIR spectroscopy analysis confronts a significant challenge concerning the existence of spectral variations and interferences induced by diverse factors. Hence, the selection of characteristic wavelengths plays a crucial role in Vis-NIR spectroscopy analysis. In this study, a novel wavelength selection approach known as the modified regression coefficient (MRC) selection method was introduced to enhance the diagnostic accuracy of chlorophyll content in sugarcane leaves. Experimental data comprising spectral reflectance measurements (220-1400 nm) were collected from sugarcane leaf samples at different growth stages, including seedling, tillering, and jointing, and the corresponding chlorophyll contents were measured. The proposed MRC method was employed to select optimal wavelengths for analysis, and subsequent partial least squares regression (PLSR) and Gaussian process regression (GPR) models were developed to establish the relationship between the selected wavelengths and the measured chlorophyll contents. In comparison to full-spectrum modelling and other commonly employed wavelength selection techniques, the proposed simplified MRC-GPR model, utilizing a subset of 291 selected wavelengths, demonstrated superior performance. The MRC-GPR model achieved higher coefficient of determination of 0.9665 and 0.8659, and lower root mean squared error of 1.7624 and 3.2029, for calibration set and prediction set, respectively. Results showed that the GPR model, a nonlinear regression approach, outperformed the PLSR model.
  18. Li X, Lam SS, Xia C, Zhong H, Sonne C
    Science, 2023 Dec;382(6674):1007.
    PMID: 38033061 DOI: 10.1126/science.adl6721
  19. Lv H, Low J, Tan SK, Tang L, Li X
    BMC Med Educ, 2024 Jan 24;24(1):86.
    PMID: 38267919 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-024-05037-6
    BACKGROUND: Rain Classroom was one of the most popular online learning platforms in Chinese higher education during the pandemic. However, there is little research on user intention under the guidance of technology acceptance and unified theory (UTAUT).

    OBJECTIVE: This research aims to determine factors influencing students' behavioural intention to use Rain Classroom.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional and correlational investigation, 1138 medical students from five medical universities in Guangxi Province, China, made up the sample. This study added self-efficacy (SE), motivation (MO), stress (ST), and anxiety (AN) to the UTAUT framework. This study modified the framework by excluding actual usage variables and focusing only on intention determinants. SPSS-26 and AMOS-26 were used to analyze the data. The structural equation modelling technique was chosen to confirm the hypotheses.

    RESULTS: Except for facilitating conditions (FC), all proposed factors, including performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), self-efficacy (SE), motivation (MO), anxiety (AN), and stress (ST), had a significant effect on students' behavioural intentions to use Rain Classroom.

    CONCLUSIONS: The research revealed that the proposed model, which was based on the UTAUT, is excellent at identifying the variables that influence students' behavioural intentions in the Rain Classroom. Higher education institutions can plan and implement productive classrooms.

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