Displaying all 18 publications

  1. Lin KW
    Indian J Med Sci, 2005 Apr;59(4):156-61.
    PMID: 15876780
    CONTEXT: An ethnobotanical study was carried out among the Jah Hut people who live in the central part of peninsular Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The information on the medicinal plants was obtained from interview with a traditional medicinal man. The traditional uses and remedies were documented. The literature searches were carried out for the evaluation on the current status of investigations on these plants.

    RESULTS: In this study, we present 16 species of plants, which are commonly used among the Jah Hut people to cure some common diseases.

    DISCUSSION: This study is important to preserve the knowledge of medicinal plants used by Jah Hut people. The surveys of phytopharmacological literatures of these plants have great pharmacological and ethnobotanical significance.

  2. Sanchez Bornot JM, Wong-Lin K, Ahmad AL, Prasad G
    Brain Topogr, 2018 11;31(6):895-916.
    PMID: 29546509 DOI: 10.1007/s10548-018-0640-0
    The brain's functional connectivity (FC) estimated at sensor level from electromagnetic (EEG/MEG) signals can provide quick and useful information towards understanding cognition and brain disorders. Volume conduction (VC) is a fundamental issue in FC analysis due to the effects of instantaneous correlations. FC methods based on the imaginary part of the coherence (iCOH) of any two signals are readily robust to VC effects, but neglecting the real part of the coherence leads to negligible FC when the processes are truly connected but with zero or π-phase (modulus 2π) interaction. We ameliorate this issue by proposing a novel method that implements an envelope of the imaginary coherence (EIC) to approximate the coherence estimate of supposedly active underlying sources. We compare EIC with state-of-the-art FC measures that included lagged coherence, iCOH, phase lag index (PLI) and weighted PLI (wPLI), using bivariate autoregressive and stochastic neural mass models. Additionally, we create realistic simulations where three and five regions were mapped on a template cortical surface and synthetic MEG signals were obtained after computing the electromagnetic leadfield. With this simulation and comparison study, we also demonstrate the feasibility of sensor FC analysis using receiver operating curve analysis whilst varying the signal's noise level. However, these results should be interpreted with caution given the known limitations of the sensor-based FC approach. Overall, we found that EIC and iCOH demonstrate superior results with most accurate FC maps. As they complement each other in different scenarios, that will be important to study normal and diseased brain activity.
  3. Zhang Q, Sun H, Lin Q, Lin K, Chong KM
    PLoS One, 2024;19(7):e0306726.
    PMID: 38991020 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306726
    In the process of hikers' choosing a destination, searching for information is one of the important elements, playing a decisive role in decision-making. Based on the Baidu Index for "hiking," this paper analyzes the spatial and temporal characteristics of and factors that influenced network attention to hiking in China from 2016 to 2021. The study found that (1) Network attention to hiking in China was generally relatively stable across the period studied, with highly uneven distribution between different months. The search volume was higher on weekends, and mobile searches increased year by year, far exceeding computer searches. (2) Different regions in China experienced different levels of network attention, with the highest levels in the east, followed by the center, and the lowest in the west. Except for East China, network attention to hiking was highly unevenly distributed within each region. (3) The COVID-19 pandemic increased the geographical concentration index and coefficient of variation but reduced the primacy index. A region's level of economic development, degree of network development, population size, and population age structure are proposed as factors that affect network attention to hiking.
  4. Lipoeto NI, Geok Lin K, Angeles-Agdeppa I
    Public Health Nutr, 2013 Sep;16(9):1637-43.
    PMID: 23157893 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980012004569
    OBJECTIVE: The present study was done to confirm the relationship between changes in food patterns and nutrition transition in three South-East Asian countries, namely the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

    DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between August 2008 and August 2009 using three methods: interviews, focus group discussions and analyses of government reports.

    SETTING: The study was conducted in rural and urban areas in Manila and Calabanga (Philippines), Selangor and Kuala Selangor (Malaysia), and Padang, Pariaman Tanah Datar and Limapuluh Kota (West Sumatra, Indonesia).

    SUBJECTS: Adults aged 18 to 77 years.

    RESULTS: The results showed that Filipinos, Malaysians and Indonesians have retained many aspects of their traditional diets. In fact, most participants in the study considered Western-style and franchise fast foods as snack or recreational foods to be consumed once in a while only. However, a significant difference was noted between urban and rural areas in food varieties consumed. Participants in urban areas consumed more varieties of traditional foods owing to their availability and the participants’ food purchasing power. Although traditional food patterns were maintained by most of the participants, more sugar and vegetable oils were consumed and added to the traditional recipes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The rapid nutrition transition in this region may be due, instead, to increasing food availability and food purchasing power, rather than to a shift in food preferences towards modern Western foods.

  5. Marjan ZM, Taib MN, Lin KG, Siong TE
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 1998 Dec;7(3/4):307-10.
    PMID: 24393689
    The data presented is part of the findings from a four-year collaborative research project between Universiti Putra Malaysia, the Institute for Medical Research and the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The project assessed the nutritional status of the major functional groups in Peninsular Malaysia. Mukim Sayong and Pulau Kemiri in the District of Kuala Kangsar, Perak were two of the subdistricts selected to represent small rubber holdings in Peninsular Malaysia. This paper attempts to analyse the socio-economic profile of the households and the nutritional status of children below 9 years of age. A total of 307 households were studied. Approximately 63% of the households were involved in rubber activities and the majority of them were hired tappers. The average monthly income of the households was RM467 and the income ranged between RM30 to RM2120. Based on the per capita poverty line income of RM84.38, it was found that 14.1% of the households earned less than RM42.19, which can be considered as hard-core poor, while 32.7% were poor (monthly per capita income between RM42.19 and RM84.38). Slightly more than half (52.7%) earned income above the poverty line. The average family size was 4.5, ranging from 1 through to 16. The majority of the heads of households (56.6%) had between 3 and 6 years of education, and 14.5% did not receive any formal education. The prevalence of stunting among children 0-5 years of age was 26%, while 31.5% were underweight and 3.8% wasted. Among children aged between 5 and 9 years, almost the same pattern of nutritional status was noted. The overall percentages of stunting, underweight and wasting among these children were 29.2%, 26.1% and 0.62%, respectively. Analysis on nutritional status according to income level showed a noticeable difference in the prevalence of malnutrition in children above and below the poverty line income. The Student's t-test indicated significant differences in weight-for-age and weight-for-height between the two poverty line income for children below 5 years of age. Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a significant correlation between height-for-age with household size (r = -0.26, p<0.05), and monthly per capita income with weight-for-height (r = 0.25, p<0.05). There was a highly significant correlation between acreage of land cultivated and weight-for-height (r = 0.42, p<0.01), and weight-for-age (r = 0.25, p<0.05). The findings indicated the influence of socio-economic factors on the nutritional status of children.
  6. Wai TN, Lin KG, Siong TE, Hashim N
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2000 Jun;9(2):115-21.
    PMID: 24394397
    The present study is unique in the Malaysian context on two counts; first, it employs for the first time a functional group approach (groups based on occupational or economic activity) in the assessment of community nutritional status. Second, the study provides on a nationwide-sampling basis, information on total blood cholesterol (TC) levels in rural children (7.0-12.9 years; n = 1921) and adolescents (13.0-17.9 years; n = 753) which were hitherto unavailable. Total blood cholesterol measurements were performed on 7184 subjects ranging from 7 to 75-years-old (males = 3151; females = 4033) from households in 69 rural villages and seven estates in peninsular Malaysia, which were based on selected multistage random sampling according to the household's involvement in the following economic activities: rice farming, rubber smallholding, coconut smallholding, fishing and employment in estates. In all functional groups, TC values increased with age and there was a distinct gender effect, namely females had higher TC values than males throughout the age spectrum analyzed. Mean TC levels for children and adolescents were in the range 3.85-4.37 mmol/L, rising markedly during adulthood to an overall mean of 4.91 ± 1.13 mmol/L for men and 5.17 ± 1.11 mmol/L for women. In adults (>= 18.0 years), there was marked disparity in mean TC values among the functional groups; males and females from rice households had the lowest mean TC values (4.58 and 4.99 mmol/L, respectively). Individuals at 'high risk' (TC > 6.20 mmol/L) averaged 16.0% in women and 11.6% in men, with women from the fishing, rubber and coconut households particularly affected (17.1-21.1%). When compared to earlier rural TC data reported for closely similar rural communities in the peninsula, the present findings suggest a 'hypercholesterolemic shift' approximating 0.39 mmol/L (15 mg/dL) in the adult population; however, this was not apparent in the children and adolescents from these rural communities.
  7. Singh O, Chan JY, Lin K, Heng CC, Chowbay B
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e51771.
    PMID: 23272163 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051771
    This study aimed to explore the influence of SLC22A1, PXR, ABCG2, ABCB1 and CYP3A5 3 genetic polymorphisms on imatinib mesylate (IM) pharmacokinetics in Asian patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
  8. Lin KH, Hsu HT, Teng TH, Lin PY, Ko CJ, Hsieh CE, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Dec;39(3):289-291.
    PMID: 29279592
    BACKGROUND: Liver regeneration is dependent on the proliferation of hepatocytes. Hepatic progenitor cells are intra-hepatic precursor cells capable of differentiating into hepatocytes or biliary cells. Although liver progenitor cell proliferation during the regenerative process has been observed in animal models of severe liver injury, it has never been observed in vivo in humans because it is unethical to take multiple biopsy specimens for the purpose of studying the proliferation of liver progenitor cells and the roles they play in liver regeneration. Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) is a staged procedure for inducing remnant liver hypertrophy so that major hepatectomy can be performed safely. This staged procedure allows for liver biopsy specimens to be taken before and after the liver begins to regenerate.

    CASE PRESENTATION: The liver progenitor cell proliferation is observed in a patient undergoing ALPPS for a metastatic hepatic tumour. Liver biopsy is acquired before and after ALPPS for the calculation of average number of liver progenitor cell under high magnification examination by stain of immunomarkers. This is the first in vivo evidence of growing liver progenitor cells demonstrated in a regenerating human liver.

  9. Matsuoka H, Wang J, Hirai M, Arai M, Yoshida S, Kobayashi T, et al.
    J Hum Genet, 2004;49(10):544-547.
    PMID: 15349799 DOI: 10.1007/s10038-004-0187-7
    We conducted a survey of malaria diagnoses and treatments in remote areas of Myanmar. Blood specimens from more than 1,000 people were collected by the finger-prick method, and 121 (11%) of these people were found to be glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient. Of these 121, 50 consented to analysis of the G6PD genome. We read the G6PD sequences of these subjects and found 45 cases of G6PD Mahidol (487G>A), two of G6PD Coimbra (592C>T), two of G6PD Union (1360C>T), and one of G6PD Canton (1376G>T). Taken together with data from our previous report, 91.3% (73/80) of G6PD variants were G6PD Mahidol. This finding suggests that the Myanmar population is derived from homogeneous ancestries and are different from Thai, Malaysian, and Indonesian populations.
  10. Tze Lin K, Mahat NA, Azman AR, Wahab RA, Oyewusi HA, Abdul Hamid AA
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2023 Mar 07.
    PMID: 36880661 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2186709
    Being commonly found at crime scenes, fingerprints are crucial for human identification, attributable to their uniqueness, persistence and systematic classification of ridge patterns. In addition to latent fingerprints being invisible to the naked eye, the escalating trends of disposing forensic evidence bearing such prints in watery bodies would further complicate criminal investigations. Taking into account the toxicity of small particle reagent (SPR) commonly used in visualising latent fingerprints on wet and non-porous objects, a greener alternative using the nanobio-based reagent (NBR) has been suggested. However, NBR only applies to white and/or relatively light-coloured objects. Thus, conjugation of sodium fluorescein dye with NBR (f-NBR) may be beneficial for increasing the contrast of fingerprint on multi-colored objects. Hence, this study was aimed at investigating the possibility of such conjugation (i.e., f-NBR) as well as proposing suitable interactions between the f-NBR and lipid constituents of fingerprints (tetra-, hexa- and octadecanoic acids) via molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. The binding energies between CRL with its ligands were observed at -8.1, -5.0, -4.9 and -3.6 kcal/mole for sodium fluorescein, tetra-, hexa- and octadecanoic acids, respectively. Besides, the formations of hydrogen bonds observed in all complexes (ranged between 2.6 and 3.4 Å), further supported by the stabilized root mean square deviation (RMSDs) plots in MD simulations. In short, the conjugation of f-NBR was computationally feasible, and thereby merits further investigations in the laboratory.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
  11. Iwai K, Hirono A, Matsuoka H, Kawamoto F, Horie T, Lin K, et al.
    Hum Genet, 2001 Jun;108(6):445-9.
    PMID: 11499668
    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a heterogeneous enzyme abnormality with high frequency in tropical areas. We performed population screening and molecular studies of G6PD variants to clarify their distribution and features in Southeast Asia. A total of 4317 participants (2019 males, 2298 females) from 16 ethnic groups in Myanmar, Lao in Laos, and Amboinese in Indonesia were screened with a single-step screening method. The prevalence of G6PD-deficient males ranged from 0% (the Akha) to 10.8% (the Shan). These G6PD-deficient individuals and 12 G6PD-deficient patients who had been diagnosed at hospitals in Indonesia and Malaysia were subjected to molecular analysis by a combination of polymerase-chain-reaction-based single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing. Ten different missense mutations were identified in 63 G6PD-deficient individuals (50 hemizygotes, 11 heterozygotes, and 2 homozygotes) from 14 ethnic groups. One missense mutation (1291 G-->A) found in an Indonesian Chinese, viz., G6PD Surabaya, was previously unknown. The 487 G-->A (G6PD Mahidol) mutation was widely seen in Myanmar, 383 T-->C (G6PD Vanua Lava) was specifically found among Amboinese, 871 G-->A (G6PD Viangchan) was observed mainly in Lao, and 592 C-->T (G6PD Coimbra) was found in Malaysian aborigines (Orang Asli). The other five mutations, 95 A-->G (G6PD Gaohe), 1003 G-->A (G6PD Chatham), 1360 C-->T (G6PD Union), 1376 G-->T (G6PD Canton), and 1388 G-->A (G6PD Kaiping) were identified mostly in accordance with distributions reported previously.
  12. Perialathan K, Johari MZ, Jaafar N, Yuke Lin K, Lee Lan L, Sodri NA, et al.
    J Prim Care Community Health, 2021 5 11;12:21501327211014096.
    PMID: 33966530 DOI: 10.1177/21501327211014096
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess and explore perceived sustainability and challenges of the intervention among Health Care Providers (HCPs) who were involved.

    METHODS: The study applied mixed-method embedded design to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative approach was used to evaluate sustainability perception from 20 intervention clinics via self-reported assessment form whereas qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interview (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGDs) 14 health care professionals participated in IDI session and were either care coordinators, liaison officers (LOs)/clinic managers, or medical officers-in-charge for the clinic's intervention. Nine FGDs conducted comprised 58 HCPs from various categories.

    RESULTS: HCPs from all the 20 clinics involved responded to each listed Enhanced Primary Healthcare (EnPHC) intervention components as being implemented but the perceived sustainability of these implementation varies between them. Quantitative feedback showed sustainable interventions included risk stratification, non-communicable disease (NCD) screening form, referral within clinics and hospitals, family health team (FHT), MTAC services and mechanisms and medical adherence status. Qualitative feedback highlighted implementation of each intervention components comes with its challenges, and most of it are related to inadequate resources and facilities in clinic. HCPs made initiatives to adapt based on clinical setting to implement the interventions at best level possible, whereby this seems to be one of the core values for sustainability.

    CONCLUSION: Overall perceptions among HCPs on sustainability of EnPHC interventions are highly influenced by current experiences with existing resources. Components perceived to have inadequate resources are seen as a challenge to sustain. It's crucial for stakeholders to understand implications affecting implementation process if concerns raised are not addressed and allocation of needed resources to ensure overall successfulness and long term sustainability.

  13. Lin K, Eyal S, Demarchi IG, Ben-Shushan T, Auvin S, Khoo CS, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2025 Jan 29.
    PMID: 39878760 DOI: 10.1111/epi.18286
    Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and consensus-based recommendations (CBRs) require considerable effort, collaboration, and time-all within the constraints of finite resources. Professional societies, such as the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), must prioritize what topics and questions to address. Implementing evidence-based care remains a crucial challenge in clinical practice. Using rigorous processes to ensure that the best available research evidence informs health care recommendations is of the utmost importance. We aimed to develop a structured and transparent process for prioritizing future CPGs and CBRs supported by the ILAE. A multidisciplinary group of researchers and experts from the ILAE Prioritization Task Force conducted a scoping review to identify prioritization approaches for CPG and CBR development. This scoping review was reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and Cochrane recommendations. A Problem/population, Concept, and Context (PCC) strategy was applied to the literature search and selection of the studies. We searched Medline/PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus without time or language limits. The findings were synthesized qualitatively. A consensus-based process was followed to develop a prioritization scoring tool for CPGs and another for CBRs. Thirty-nine participants, including clinicians, experts in the field, methodologists, and other relevant stakeholders, contributed to developing the final instrument (based on a 5-point Likert scale). Of 721 unique citations, 8 papers reporting prioritization approaches for guideline development were included. Based on these, we developed an initial tool with 10 criteria. It was iteratively optimized and revised by the ILAE Standards and Best Practice Council, which unanimously approved the instrument. The ILAE Executive Committee subsequently approved its final version. The ILAE Prioritization Tool is intended to standardize the prioritization processes and optimize the ILAE's use of resources to select CPGs and CBRs for endorsement.
  14. Giannakopoulou O, Lin K, Meng X, Su MH, Kuo PH, Peterson RE, et al.
    JAMA Psychiatry, 2021 Nov 01;78(11):1258-1269.
    PMID: 34586374 DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.2099
    IMPORTANCE: Most previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of depression have used data from individuals of European descent. This limits the understanding of the underlying biology of depression and raises questions about the transferability of findings between populations.

    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the genetics of depression among individuals of East Asian and European descent living in different geographic locations, and with different outcome definitions for depression.

    DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Genome-wide association analyses followed by meta-analysis, which included data from 9 cohort and case-control data sets comprising individuals with depression and control individuals of East Asian descent. This study was conducted between January 2019 and May 2021.

    EXPOSURES: Associations of genetic variants with depression risk were assessed using generalized linear mixed models and logistic regression. The results were combined across studies using fixed-effects meta-analyses. These were subsequently also meta-analyzed with the largest published GWAS for depression among individuals of European descent. Additional meta-analyses were carried out separately by outcome definition (clinical depression vs symptom-based depression) and region (East Asian countries vs Western countries) for East Asian ancestry cohorts.

    MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Depression status was defined based on health records and self-report questionnaires.

    RESULTS: There were a total of 194 548 study participants (approximate mean age, 51.3 years; 62.8% women). Participants included 15 771 individuals with depression and 178 777 control individuals of East Asian descent. Five novel associations were identified, including 1 in the meta-analysis for broad depression among those of East Asian descent: rs4656484 (β = -0.018, SE = 0.003, P = 4.43x10-8) at 1q24.1. Another locus at 7p21.2 was associated in a meta-analysis restricted to geographically East Asian studies (β = 0.028, SE = 0.005, P = 6.48x10-9 for rs10240457). The lead variants of these 2 novel loci were not associated with depression risk in European ancestry cohorts (β = -0.003, SE = 0.005, P = .53 for rs4656484 and β = -0.005, SE = 0.004, P = .28 for rs10240457). Only 11% of depression loci previously identified in individuals of European descent reached nominal significance levels in the individuals of East Asian descent. The transancestry genetic correlation between cohorts of East Asian and European descent for clinical depression was r = 0.413 (SE = 0.159). Clinical depression risk was negatively genetically correlated with body mass index in individuals of East Asian descent (r = -0.212, SE = 0.084), contrary to findings for individuals of European descent.

    CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: These results support caution against generalizing findings about depression risk factors across populations and highlight the need to increase the ancestral and geographic diversity of samples with consistent phenotyping.

  15. Ho WK, Tai MC, Dennis J, Shu X, Li J, Ho PJ, et al.
    Genet Med, 2022 Mar;24(3):586-600.
    PMID: 34906514 DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2021.11.008
    PURPOSE: Non-European populations are under-represented in genetics studies, hindering clinical implementation of breast cancer polygenic risk scores (PRSs). We aimed to develop PRSs using the largest available studies of Asian ancestry and to assess the transferability of PRS across ethnic subgroups.

    METHODS: The development data set comprised 138,309 women from 17 case-control studies. PRSs were generated using a clumping and thresholding method, lasso penalized regression, an Empirical Bayes approach, a Bayesian polygenic prediction approach, or linear combinations of multiple PRSs. These PRSs were evaluated in 89,898 women from 3 prospective studies (1592 incident cases).

    RESULTS: The best performing PRS (genome-wide set of single-nucleotide variations [formerly single-nucleotide polymorphism]) had a hazard ratio per unit SD of 1.62 (95% CI = 1.46-1.80) and an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.635 (95% CI = 0.622-0.649). Combined Asian and European PRSs (333 single-nucleotide variations) had a hazard ratio per SD of 1.53 (95% CI = 1.37-1.71) and an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.621 (95% CI = 0.608-0.635). The distribution of the latter PRS was different across ethnic subgroups, confirming the importance of population-specific calibration for valid estimation of breast cancer risk.

    CONCLUSION: PRSs developed in this study, from association data from multiple ancestries, can enhance risk stratification for women of Asian ancestry.

  16. Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2024 Jun 28;132(26):261902.
    PMID: 38996325 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.261902
    A combination of fifteen top quark mass measurements performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is presented. The datasets used correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to 5 and 20  fb^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. The combination includes measurements in top quark pair events that exploit both the semileptonic and hadronic decays of the top quark, and a measurement using events enriched in single top quark production via the electroweak t channel. The combination accounts for the correlations between measurements and achieves an improvement in the total uncertainty of 31% relative to the most precise input measurement. The result is m_{t}=172.52±0.14(stat)±0.30(syst)  GeV, with a total uncertainty of 0.33 GeV.
  17. Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, et al.
    Autophagy, 2016;12(1):1-222.
    PMID: 26799652 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
  18. Aad G, Abbott B, Abeling K, Abicht NJ, Abidi SH, Aboulhorma A, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2024 Jan 12;132(2):021803.
    PMID: 38277607 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.021803
    The first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a Z boson and a photon is presented, with a statistical significance of 3.4 standard deviations. The result is derived from a combined analysis of the searches performed by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations with proton-proton collision datasets collected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from 2015 to 2018. These correspond to integrated luminosities of around 140  fb^{-1} for each experiment, at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The measured signal yield is 2.2±0.7 times the standard model prediction, and agrees with the theoretical expectation within 1.9 standard deviations.
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