Displaying all 18 publications

  1. Yu H, Wang W, Fang S, Zhang YP, Lin FJ, Geng ZC
    Mol Phylogenet Evol, 1999 Dec;13(3):556-65.
    PMID: 10620413
    The sequences of the mitochondrial ND4 gene (1339 bp) and the ND4L gene (290 bp) were determined for all the 14 extant taxa of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup. The average A + T content of ND4 genes is 76.5% and that of ND4L genes is 83.5%. A total of 114 variable sites were scored. The ND4 gene sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 5.4% within the subgroup. The substitution rate of the ND4 gene is about 1.25% per million years. The base substitution of the genes is strongly transition biased. Neighbor-joining and parsimony were used to construct a phylogeny based on the resultant sequence data set. According to these trees, five distinct mtDNA clades can be identified. D. niveifrons represents the most diverged lineage. D. sulfurigaster bilimbata and D. kepulauana form two independent lineages. The other two clades are the kohkoa complex and the albomicans complex. The kohkoa complex consists of D. sulfurigaster sulfurigaster, D. pulaua, D. kohkoa, and Taxon-F. The albomicans complex can be divided into two groups: D. nasuta, D. sulfurigaster neonasuta, D. sulfurigaster albostrigata, and D. albomicans from Chiangmai form one group; and D. pallidifrons, Taxon-I, Taxon-J, and D. albomicans from China form the other group. High genetic differentiation was found among D. albomicans populations. Based on our phylogenetic results, we hypothesize that D. niveifrons diverged first from the D. nasuta subgroup in Papua New Guinea about 3.5 Mya. The ancestral population spread to the north and when it reached Borneo, it diversified sequentially into the kohkoa complex, D. s. bilimbata, and D. kepulauana. About 1 Mya, another radiation occurred when the ancestral populations reached the Indo-China Peninsula, forming the albomicans complex. Discrepancy between morphological groupings and phylogenetic results suggests that the male morphological traits may not be orthologous.
  2. Qiu B, Fang S, Ikhwanuddin M, Wong L, Ma H
    Mol Biol Rep, 2020 Apr;47(4):3011-3017.
    PMID: 32124169 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-020-05348-z
    In this study, we first conducted a genome survey assay for Sillago sihama by Illumina sequencing platform, and then developed 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in a wild population. A total of 129.46 Gb raw data were obtained, of which 115.07 Gb were clean data, with a sequencing depth of 179.3-folds. This genome was estimated to be 522.6 Mb in size, with the heterozygosity, repeat content and GC content being 0.63%, 21% and 44%. A total of 630,028 microsatellites were identified from the genome, of which, dinucleotide repeat was the most abundant (56.80%), followed by mononucleotide repeat (30.23%). Furthermore, 60 pairs of primers were designed and synthesized based on microsatellite sequences, of which 15 were polymorphic in a wild population. A total of 91 alleles were found, with an average of 6.07 per locus. Number of alleles, observed and expected heterozygosity per locus ranged from two to 13, from 0.250 to 0.862, and from 0.396 to 0.901, respectively. Twelve loci were highly informative (PIC > 0.5), and the others were medium informative (0.25 S. sihama.
  3. Xie Z, Tan H, Lin F, Guan M, Waiho K, Fang S, et al.
    Mitochondrial DNA B Resour, 2018 Mar 27;3(1):397-398.
    PMID: 33474181 DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2018.1456374
    The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Atergatis integerrimus from China has been amplified and sequenced in this study. The mitogenome assembly was found to be 15,924 bp in length with base composition of A (32.88%), G (10.58%), C (20.87%), T (35.66%), A + T (68.54%), and G + C (31.46%). It contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and a control region. The phylogenetic position was constructed and the A. integerrimus was closely clustered with Pseudocarcinus gigas and Leptodius sanguineus. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence would be useful for further understanding the evolution of A. integerrimus.
  4. Zhang Y, Wu Q, Fang S, Li S, Zheng H, Zhang Y, et al.
    BMC Genomics, 2020 Aug 14;21(1):559.
    PMID: 32795331 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-020-06965-5
    BACKGROUND: Mud crab, Scylla paramamosain, a euryhaline crustacean species, mainly inhabits the Indo-Western Pacific region. Wild mud crab spawn in high-salt condition and the salinity reduced with the growth of the hatching larvae. When the larvae grow up to megalopa, they migrate back to estuaries and coasts in virtue of the flood tide, settle and recruit adult habitats and metamorphose into the crablet stage. Adult crab can even survive in a wide salinity of 0-35 ppt. To investigate the mRNA profile after salinity stress, S. paramamosain megalopa were exposed to different salinity seawater (low, 14 ppt; control, 25 ppt; high, 39 ppt).

    RESULTS: Firstly, from the expression profiles of Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter, chloride channel protein 2, and ABC transporter, it turned out that the 24 h might be the most influenced duration in the short-term stress. We collected megalopa under different salinity for 24 h and then submitted to mRNA profiling. Totally, 57.87 Gb Clean Data were obtained. The comparative genomic analysis detected 342 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The most significantly DEGs include gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase-like, facilitated trehalose transporter Tret1, sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha, rhodanese 1-like protein, etc. And the significantly enriched pathways were lysine degradation, choline metabolism in cancer, phospholipase D signaling pathway, Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis, and sphingolipid signaling pathway. The results indicate that in the short-term salinity stress, the megalopa might regulate some mechanism such as metabolism, immunity responses, osmoregulation to adapt to the alteration of the environment.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the first genome-wide transcriptome analysis of S. paramamosain megalopa for studying its stress adaption mechanisms under different salinity. The results reveal numbers of genes modified by salinity stress and some important pathways, which will provide valuable resources for discovering the molecular basis of salinity stress adaptation of S. paramamosain larvae and further boost the understanding of the potential molecular mechanisms of salinity stress adaptation for crustacean species.

  5. Farhadi A, Fang S, Zhang Y, Cui W, Fang H, Ikhwanuddin M, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2021 Jul 31;183:490-501.
    PMID: 33957197 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.04.186
    The wingless-type MMTV integration site family member-4 (Wnt4), a member of the wingless-related integration site (Wnt) family, is widely accepted as a key regulator of ovarian development in mammals. In this study, a full-length cDNA of Wnt4 (designated as Sp-Wnt4) was cloned, characterized, and functionally studied in mud crab (Scylla paramamosain). The full-length cDNA of Sp-Wnt4 consists of 2659 bp with an open reading frame (ORF) encoding 359 amino acids, a 907 bp 5'-UTR and a 672 bp 3'-UTR. Sp-Wnt4 contains 25 cysteine (Cys) residues and three potential N-glycosylation sites. Sp-Wnt4 protein shared the highest identity (98.9%) to the Wnt4 protein of Portunus trituberculatus. The phylogenetic tree showed that Sp-Wnt4 and Wnt4 protein of Malacostracan crustaceans clustered together, indicating that they had a close genetic distance. Sp-Wnt4 was expressed at a higher level in the ovary compared to other tissues, with the highest expression level at the third stage (O-III) of the ovarian development (P < 0.05). A downward trend was observed in the expression level of Sp-Wnt4 from the embryo stage to crablet stages (P < 0.05). After unilateral eyestalk ablation, the expression level of Sp-Wnt4 significantly increased in testis (14-fold) and downregulated (3.1-fold) in the gill (P < 0.05) of females. In situ hybridization (ISH) assay revealed that Sp-Wnt4 transcripts were mainly localized in the cytoplasm of oocyte cells. These findings showed that Sp-Wnt4 play crucial roles in the ovarian development of S. paramamosain. In conclusion, our study provides novel insights into the evolution and roles of the Wnt4 gene.
  6. Fang S, Zhang Y, Shi X, Zheng H, Li S, Zhang Y, et al.
    Genomics, 2020 01;112(1):404-411.
    PMID: 30851358 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2019.03.003
    In this study, we first identified male-specific SNP markers using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing, and further developed a PCR-based sex identification technique for Charybdis feriatus. A total of 296.96 million clean reads were obtained, with 114.95 and 182.01 million from females and males. After assembly and alignment, 10 SNP markers were identified being heterozygous in males but homozygous in females. Five markers were further confirmed to be male-specific in a large number of individuals. Moreover, two male-specific sense primers and a common antisense primer were designed, using which, a PCR-based genetic sex identification method was successfully developed and used to identify the sex of 103 individuals, with a result of 49 females and 54 males. The presence of male-specific SNP markers suggests an XX/XY sex determination system for C. feriatus. These findings should be helpful for better understanding sex determination mechanism, and drafting artificial breeding program in crustaceans.
  7. Waiho K, Shi X, Fazhan H, Li S, Zhang Y, Zheng H, et al.
    Front Genet, 2019;10:298.
    PMID: 31024620 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00298
    Mud crab, Scylla paramamosain is one of the most important crustacean species in global aquaculture. To determine the genetic basis of sex and growth-related traits in S. paramamosain, a high-density genetic linkage map with 16,701 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was constructed using SLAF-seq and a full-sib family. The consensus map has 49 linkage groups, spanning 5,996.66 cM with an average marker-interval of 0.81 cM. A total of 516 SNP markers, including 8 female-specific SNPs segregated in two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for phenotypic sex were located on LG32. The presence of female-specific SNP markers only on female linkage map, their segregation patterns and lower female: male recombination rate strongly suggest the conformation of a ZW/ZZ sex determination system in S. paramamosain. The QTLs of most (90%) growth-related traits were found within a small interval (25.18-33.74 cM) on LG46, highlighting the potential involvement of LG46 in growth. Four markers on LG46 were significantly associated with 10-16 growth-related traits. BW was only associated with marker 3846. Based on the annotation of transcriptome data, 11 and 2 candidate genes were identified within the QTL regions of sex and growth-related traits, respectively. The newly constructed high-density genetic linkage map with sex-specific SNPs, and the identified QTLs of sex- and growth-related traits serve as a valuable genetic resource and solid foundation for marker-assisted selection and genetic improvement of crustaceans.
  8. Cui W, Fang S, Lv L, Huang Z, Lin F, Wu Q, et al.
    Front Vet Sci, 2021;8:712942.
    PMID: 34395579 DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.712942
    In order to uncover the sexual difference in morphology and how early they appear during the development stage of mud crab Scylla paramamosain, we measured, observed, and biostatistically analyzed morphological traits related to sex. For unveiling the morphological differences between sexes, morphological traits involving abdomen width (AW), carapace length (CL), and carapace width (CW) were first measured during the crablet development stage of S. paramamosain in the present study. The correlation analyses and path analyses exhibited that sexual dimorphism in the third abdomen width (AW3) and fourth abdomen width (AW4) could be used for sex identification from stage C VI (stage VI of crablet). Based on the stepwise discriminant analysis and standardized traits, a sex discriminant equation was constructed, which is capable for sex identification in crablets from stage C VI. Observations for secondary sexual traits and abdomen morphology (shape and pleopods) using a dissecting microscope or scanning electron microscope indicated that sexes are easily identified at stage C VIII according to the abdomen shape; meanwhile, at stage C II based on pleopod difference, and at stage C I by the presence or absence of gonopores. The findings in this study contribute greatly to the accuracy of sex identification of S. paramamosain during the early development stage, which promotes the understanding of the morphological differentiation mechanism of sex.
  9. Rothan HA, Zhong Y, Sanborn MA, Teoh TC, Ruan J, Yusof R, et al.
    Antiviral Res, 2019 11;171:104590.
    PMID: 31421166 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104590
    Two major flaviviruses, dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV), cause severe health and economic burdens worldwide. Recently, genome-wide screenings have uncovered the importance of regulators of the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase-mediated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway for flavivirus replication in host cells. Here we report the identification of the compound Bardoxolone methyl (CDDO-me) as a potent inhibitor of the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase-mediated ERAD, which possesses a broad-spectrum activity against both DENV and ZIKV. Cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA) suggested that CDDO-me binds to grp94, a key component of the Hrd1 pathway, at a low nanomolar concentration, whereas interaction was not detected with its paralog Hsp90. CDDO-me and the grp94 inhibitor PU-WS13 substantially suppressed DENV2 replication and the cytopathic effects caused by DENV and ZIKV infection. The antiviral activities of both compounds were demonstrated for all four DENV serotypes and four ZIKV strains in multiple human cell lines. This study defines grp94 as a crucial host factor for flavivirus replication and identified CDDO-me as a potent small molecule inhibitor of flavivirus infection. Inhibition of grp94 may contribute to the antiviral activity of CDDO-me. Further investigation of grp94 inhibitors may lead to a new class of broad-spectrum anti-flaviviral medications.
  10. Shahbazi R, Yasavoli-Sharahi H, Alsadi N, Sharifzad F, Fang S, Cuenin C, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2023 Sep 27;24(19).
    PMID: 37834058 DOI: 10.3390/ijms241914610
    Puberty is a critical developmental period of life characterized by marked physiological changes, including changes in the immune system and gut microbiota development. Exposure to inflammation induced by immune stressors during puberty has been found to stimulate central inflammation and lead to immune disturbance at distant sites from the gut; however, its enduring effects on gut immunity are not well explored. Therefore, in this study, we used a pubertal lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced inflammation mouse model to mimic pubertal exposure to inflammation and dysbiosis. We hypothesized that pubertal LPS-induced inflammation may cause long-term dysfunction in gut immunity by enduring dysregulation of inflammatory signaling and epigenetic changes, while prebiotic/probiotic intake may mitigate the gut immune system deregulation later in life. To this end, four-week-old female Balb/c mice were fed prebiotics/probiotics and exposed to LPS in the pubertal window. To better decipher the acute and enduring immunoprotective effects of biotic intake, we addressed the effect of treatment on interleukin (IL)-17 signaling related-cytokines and pathways. In addition, the effect of treatment on gut microbiota and epigenetic alterations, including changes in microRNA (miRNA) expression and DNA methylation, were studied. Our results revealed a significant dysregulation in selected cytokines, proteins, and miRNAs involved in key signaling pathways related to IL-17 production and function, including IL-17A and F, IL-6, IL-1β, transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3), p-STAT3, forkhead box O1 (FOXO1), and miR-145 in the small intestine of adult mice challenged with LPS during puberty. In contrast, dietary interventions mitigated the lasting adverse effects of LPS on gut immune function, partly through epigenetic mechanisms. A DNA methylation analysis demonstrated that enduring changes in gut immunity in adult mice might be linked to differentially methylated genes, including Lpb, Rorc, Runx1, Il17ra, Rac1, Ccl5, and Il10, involved in Th17 cell differentiation and IL-17 production and signaling. In addition, prebiotic administration prevented LPS-induced changes in the gut microbiota in pubertal mice. Together, these results indicate that following a healthy diet rich in prebiotics and probiotics is an optimal strategy for programming immune system function in the critical developmental windows of life and controlling inflammation later in life.
  11. Che Abdullah CA, Azad CL, Ovalle-Robles R, Fang S, Lima MD, Lepró X, et al.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2014 Jul 9;6(13):10373-80.
    PMID: 24933259 DOI: 10.1021/am5018489
    Here, we explore the use of two- and three-dimensional scaffolds of multiwalled-carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) for hepatocyte cell culture. Our objective is to study the use of these scaffolds in liver tissue engineering and drug discovery. In our experiments, primary rat hepatocytes, the parenchymal (main functional) cell type in the liver, were cultured on aligned nanogrooved MWNT sheets, MWNT yarns, or standard 2-dimensional culture conditions as a control. We find comparable cell viability between all three culture conditions but enhanced production of the hepatocyte-specific marker albumin for cells cultured on MWNTs. The basal activity of two clinically relevant cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, are similar on all substrates, but we find enhanced induction of CYP1A2 for cells on the MWNT sheets. Our data thus supports the use of these substrates for applications including tissue engineering and enhancing liver-specific functions, as well as in in vitro model systems with enhanced predictive capability in drug discovery and development.
  12. Wang DY, Wardani RS, Singh K, Thanaviratananich S, Vicente G, Xu G, et al.
    Rhinology, 2011 Aug;49(3):264-71.
    PMID: 21866280 DOI: 10.4193/Rhino10.169
    BACKGROUND: Based on the `European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal polyps (EP3OS 2007)`, this study aimed to investigate general practitioners (GPs) and other specialists` understanding when managing patients with acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) in Asia.
    METHODOLOGY: Among a total of 2662 questionnaires completed, 2524 (94.8%) were valid for analysis. There were 1308 GPs (51.8%), 989 otolaryngologists (39.2%) and 227 paediatricians (9%) from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan.
    RESULTS: ARS is affecting an estimated 6 - 10% of patients seen in a daily out-patient practice. The EP3OS criteria are well supported by Asian physicians (94.1%). Most physicians (62.7%) agreed that radiological investigation is not needed to diagnose ARS. However, even for mild ARS (common cold), medical treatments were still recommended by 87% of GPs, 83.9% of otolaryngologists, and 70% of paediatricians. The top three first-line treatments prescribed were antihistamines (39.2%), nasal decongestants (33.6%), and antibiotics (29.5%). Antibiotics usage increased as the first line treatment of moderate (45.9%) and severe (60.3%) ARS.
    CONCLUSION: ARS is commonly managed by GPs, otolaryngologists, and paediatricians in Asia. However, understanding of the management of ARS needs further improvement to minimize unnecessary use of radiological investigations, overuse of antibiotics, and under use of nasal corticosteroids.
  13. Zhang T, Wang Y, Zhu J, Chen C, Jiang T, Fang S, et al.
    Food Chem, 2025 Jan 20;472:142991.
    PMID: 39848055 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2025.142991
    To investigate the mechanism of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa on structural protein degradation and taste development of Jinhua ham, the effects of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Pichia kudriavzevii on proteolytic enzyme activities, surface hydrophobicity, myofibril microstructure, protein degradation, free amino acids and sensory attributes were investigated during the dry-ripening of Jinhua ham. The inoculation of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa EIODSF019 (RE) and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa XZY63-3 (RX) consistently exhibited higher proteolytic enzyme activities compared with Pichia kudriavzevii XS-5 (PK). The decrease of α-helix exposing more internal hydrophobic groups of myofibrillar proteins, contributed to higher surface hydrophobicity of RE compared with PK and RX. RE showed the highest proteolysis index among all groups, which could be attributed to more degradation of myosin, actin and troponin; the changes were confirmed by the intense breakdown of myofibrils observed by atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. 36 down-regulated proteins mainly derived from myofibrils and catalysis-related enzymes were identified in RE by TMT-labeled quantitative proteomics analysis. The degradation of myosin, actin and troponin showed the most intense response to the accumulation of glutamic acid, lysine and alanine. Partial least square regression analysis and correlation analysis revealed that the breakdown of MYH14, MYH3, TNNI1 and TNNTI was highly correlated with improvement of umami, richness and aftertaste.
  14. Xu H, Detto M, Fang S, Chazdon RL, Li Y, Hau BCH, et al.
    Commun Biol, 2020 06 19;3(1):317.
    PMID: 32561898 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-1041-y
    Legumes provide an essential service to ecosystems by capturing nitrogen from the atmosphere and delivering it to the soil, where it may then be available to other plants. However, this facilitation by legumes has not been widely studied in global tropical forests. Demographic data from 11 large forest plots (16-60 ha) ranging from 5.25° S to 29.25° N latitude show that within forests, leguminous trees have a larger effect on neighbor diversity than non-legumes. Where soil nitrogen is high, most legume species have higher neighbor diversity than non-legumes. Where soil nitrogen is low, most legumes have lower neighbor diversity than non-legumes. No facilitation effect on neighbor basal area was observed in either high or low soil N conditions. The legume-soil nitrogen positive feedback that promotes tree diversity has both theoretical implications for understanding species coexistence in diverse forests, and practical implications for the utilization of legumes in forest restoration.
  15. Wills C, Wang B, Fang S, Wang Y, Jin Y, Lutz J, et al.
    PLoS Comput Biol, 2021 Apr;17(4):e1008853.
    PMID: 33914731 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008853
    When Darwin visited the Galapagos archipelago, he observed that, in spite of the islands' physical similarity, members of species that had dispersed to them recently were beginning to diverge from each other. He postulated that these divergences must have resulted primarily from interactions with sets of other species that had also diverged across these otherwise similar islands. By extrapolation, if Darwin is correct, such complex interactions must be driving species divergences across all ecosystems. However, many current general ecological theories that predict observed distributions of species in ecosystems do not take the details of between-species interactions into account. Here we quantify, in sixteen forest diversity plots (FDPs) worldwide, highly significant negative density-dependent (NDD) components of both conspecific and heterospecific between-tree interactions that affect the trees' distributions, growth, recruitment, and mortality. These interactions decline smoothly in significance with increasing physical distance between trees. They also tend to decline in significance with increasing phylogenetic distance between the trees, but each FDP exhibits its own unique pattern of exceptions to this overall decline. Unique patterns of between-species interactions in ecosystems, of the general type that Darwin postulated, are likely to have contributed to the exceptions. We test the power of our null-model method by using a deliberately modified data set, and show that the method easily identifies the modifications. We examine how some of the exceptions, at the Wind River (USA) FDP, reveal new details of a known allelopathic effect of one of the Wind River gymnosperm species. Finally, we explore how similar analyses can be used to investigate details of many types of interactions in these complex ecosystems, and can provide clues to the evolution of these interactions.
  16. Chu C, Lutz JA, Král K, Vrška T, Yin X, Myers JA, et al.
    Ecol Lett, 2019 Feb;22(2):245-255.
    PMID: 30548766 DOI: 10.1111/ele.13175
    Climate is widely recognised as an important determinant of the latitudinal diversity gradient. However, most existing studies make no distinction between direct and indirect effects of climate, which substantially hinders our understanding of how climate constrains biodiversity globally. Using data from 35 large forest plots, we test hypothesised relationships amongst climate, topography, forest structural attributes (stem abundance, tree size variation and stand basal area) and tree species richness to better understand drivers of latitudinal tree diversity patterns. Climate influences tree richness both directly, with more species in warm, moist, aseasonal climates and indirectly, with more species at higher stem abundance. These results imply direct limitation of species diversity by climatic stress and more rapid (co-)evolution and narrower niche partitioning in warm climates. They also support the idea that increased numbers of individuals associated with high primary productivity are partitioned to support a greater number of species.
  17. Zhong Y, Chu C, Myers JA, Gilbert GS, Lutz JA, Stillhard J, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2021 May 25;12(1):3137.
    PMID: 34035260 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23236-3
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EcM) associations are critical for host-tree performance. However, how mycorrhizal associations correlate with the latitudinal tree beta-diversity remains untested. Using a global dataset of 45 forest plots representing 2,804,270 trees across 3840 species, we test how AM and EcM trees contribute to total beta-diversity and its components (turnover and nestedness) of all trees. We find AM rather than EcM trees predominantly contribute to decreasing total beta-diversity and turnover and increasing nestedness with increasing latitude, probably because wide distributions of EcM trees do not generate strong compositional differences among localities. Environmental variables, especially temperature and precipitation, are strongly correlated with beta-diversity patterns for both AM trees and all trees rather than EcM trees. Results support our hypotheses that latitudinal beta-diversity patterns and environmental effects on these patterns are highly dependent on mycorrhizal types. Our findings highlight the importance of AM-dominated forests for conserving global forest biodiversity.
  18. Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, et al.
    Autophagy, 2016;12(1):1-222.
    PMID: 26799652 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
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