
  • 1 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Marine Sciences, Shantou University, 243 Daxue Road, Shantou, 515063, China
  • 2 STU‑UMT Joint Shellfish Research Laboratory, Shantou University, Shantou, 515063, China
  • 3 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Marine Sciences, Shantou University, 243 Daxue Road, Shantou, 515063, China.
Mol Biol Rep, 2020 Apr;47(4):3011-3017.
PMID: 32124169 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-020-05348-z


In this study, we first conducted a genome survey assay for Sillago sihama by Illumina sequencing platform, and then developed 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in a wild population. A total of 129.46 Gb raw data were obtained, of which 115.07 Gb were clean data, with a sequencing depth of 179.3-folds. This genome was estimated to be 522.6 Mb in size, with the heterozygosity, repeat content and GC content being 0.63%, 21% and 44%. A total of 630,028 microsatellites were identified from the genome, of which, dinucleotide repeat was the most abundant (56.80%), followed by mononucleotide repeat (30.23%). Furthermore, 60 pairs of primers were designed and synthesized based on microsatellite sequences, of which 15 were polymorphic in a wild population. A total of 91 alleles were found, with an average of 6.07 per locus. Number of alleles, observed and expected heterozygosity per locus ranged from two to 13, from 0.250 to 0.862, and from 0.396 to 0.901, respectively. Twelve loci were highly informative (PIC > 0.5), and the others were medium informative (0.25 

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

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