METHODS: Isotropic multiband functional MRI (1.5 mm) with sparse sampling (effective TR = 9000 ms, acquisition duration = 1962 ms) and continuous sampling (TR = 2000 ms) with ANC were compared in 15 normally hearing participants. A sustained broadband noise stimulus was presented to drive activation of both sustained and transient auditory responses within subcortical and cortical auditory regions.
RESULTS: Robust broadband noise-related activity was detected throughout the auditory pathways. Continuous sampling with ANC was found to give a statistically significant advantage over sparse sampling for the detection of the transient (onset) stimulus responses, particularly in the auditory cortex (P < .001) and inferior colliculus (P < .001), whereas gains provided by sparse over continuous ANC for detecting offset and sustained responses were marginal (p ~ 0.05 in superior olivary complex, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex).
CONCLUSIONS: Sparse and continuous ANC multiband functional MRI protocols provide differing advantages for observing the transient (onset and offset) and sustained stimulus responses.
METHODS: Speech-and-noise signals were presented to, and recorded from, six hearing aids mounted on a head and torso simulator. Test stimuli were nonsense words mixed with pink, cafeteria, or speech-modulated noise at 0 dB SNR. Fricatives /s, z/ were extracted from the recordings for analysis.
RESULTS: Analysis of the noise confirmed that MBNR in all hearing aids was activated for the recordings. More than 1.0 dB of acoustic change occurred to /s, z/ when MBNR was turned on in four out of the six hearing aids in the pink and cafeteria noise conditions. The acoustics of /s, z/ by female talkers were affected more than male talkers. Significant relationships between amount of noise reduction and acoustic change of /s, z/ were found. Amount of noise reduction accounts for 42.8% and 16.8% of the variability in acoustic change for /s/ and /z/ respectively.
CONCLUSION: Some clinically-available implementations of MBNR have measurable effects on the acoustics of fricatives. Possible implications for speech perception are discussed.
OBJECTIVES: To analyze the presence of DPOAE across frequencies and DP amplitude in infants with and without IDA.
METHOD: DPOAE were recorded on 40 infants with IDA and 40 infants without IDA in the age range of 6-24 months. Cubic DPOAEs (2f1-f2) were measured at six f2 frequencies (1500 Hz, 2000 Hz, 3000 Hz, 4500 Hz, 6000 Hz & 8000 Hz) with primary tone stimulus of intensity L1 equal to 65 dBSPL and L2 equal to 55 dBSPL. Immittance audiometry was performed using 226 Hz probe tone prior to DPOAE recording to ascertain normal middle ear functioning.
RESULTS: DPOAEs were present in all infants with and without IDA across frequencies tested. DP amplitude across the frequencies did not show any statistically significant difference (p