The present paper reviews the health problems of rural agricultural workers in Malaysia. As is common with most developing countries, the agricultural sector forms the pillar of the national economy in Malaysia, the major products being rubber, palm oil, rice and timber. Most of the agricultural workers, who form the largest occupational group in the country, live in the rural areas under poor socioeconomic and environmental conditions. Their general health problems include large families, substandard housing, overcrowding, lack of piped water supply and sanitary excreta disposal, malnutrition and prevalent diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and parasitic infections. The specific occupational health problems include infectious diseases, agricultural accidents, pesticide poisonings, physical hazards, keratitis nummularis and snake-bites. The organization of agricultural health services in developing countries is also discussed.
The study investigated the extent of acute pesticide poisoning in selected agricultural communities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand, as well as the contributing factors, because it is believed that this type of poisoning is a major problem in developing countries, but not in the industrialized countries, despite their extensive use of pesticides. The study confirmed the existence of this problem, which was found to be due to inadequate knowledge of the safe practices in the use of pesticides among users and to the lack of suitable protective clothing for use by agricultural workers in hot and humid climates.
Paddy fish (Trichogaster pectoralis Regan) were collected from five sampling locations in a major paddy-growing area of Malaysia and analysed for organochlorine residues. During the same period, ten farming families, chosen at random from each of the five sampling sites, were interviewed. Information was obtained about the quantity of paddy fish consumed, the amount and type of pesticide used on the paddy-field, and the frequency of application.The pesticide residues found in the fish samples were aldrin/dieldrin, chlordane, HCH, and DDT. Only the projected maximum intake level for aldrin/dieldrin approached the acceptable daily intake as recommended by FAO/WHO; other residue levels were relatively low. However, this study considered only fish; the total daily intake of pesticide residues by the Malaysian paddy farmer may be considerably increased by consumption of other contaminated food.
Between February and April, 1999, an outbreak of viral encephalitis occurred among pig-farmers in Malaysia. We report findings for the first three patients who died.
Conventional farming demands excessive use of chemicals in the form of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, confirming to the norms of Green Revolution. Farmers in general, specifically in the developing countries resort to injudicious and excessive use of pesticides which is linked to the illiteracy and poverty of the rural farming community. Their overriding concern for profitable agriculture, has rendered the health of the farmers at a greater risk of developing dreadful maladies including various type of cancers, reproductive disorders, respiratory, dermal, and neuropsychological problems etc. The possible means of reducing the health risks are discussed, including the global effort to regulate the manufacture, transport and use of highly toxic pesticides. Slow and programmed transition to alternative agriculture and strengthening of farmers' knowledge on health, ecosystem and environment will prove effective.
Rubber tapping processes posed potential risk of various health problems among rubber workers. It ranges from simple musculoskeletal aches to more serious and complicated structural damage to bone, muscles, tendons and nerves of musculoskeletal system. These health problems might be linked directly to the arduous demands of farm labor.
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease which can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected animal or their products. It is an important public health problem but little is known on brucellosis in the Malaysian population. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Brucella antibodies using commercial Brucella IgG and IgM ELISA kits (Vircell, SL, Barcelona Spain). A total of 184 sera from suspected patients were received from 16 hospitals in Malaysia over the years 2004 to 2009. Only 10 serum samples (5.4%) were positive for Brucella antibodies in which 5 showed the presence of both IgM and IgG. Most of the positive patients were occupationally involved with animals. This study suggests the seroprevalance of brucellosis among individuals who have contact with infected animals in Malaysia is low.
Nipah virus, a newly emerging deadly paramyxovirus isolated during a large outbreak of viral encephalitis in Malaysia, has many of the physical attributes to serve as a potential agent of bioterrorism. The outbreak caused widespread panic and fear because of its high mortality and the inability to control the disease initially. There were considerable social disruptions and tremendous economic loss to an important pig-rearing industry. This highly virulent virus, believed to be introduced into pig farms by fruit bats, spread easily among pigs and was transmitted to humans who came into close contact with infected animals. From pigs, the virus was also transmitted to other animals such as dogs, cats, and horses. The Nipah virus has the potential to be considered an agent of bioterrorism.
A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the effects of pesticide exposure (organophosphate and carbamate) using nerve conductive velocity, current perception threshold (CPT). Cluster random sampling was employed to recruit 64 paddy farmers and 22 fishermen in June 2006. The duration of pesticide exposure was between (5-20) years. The CPT values were measured using Neurometer CPT/Eagle, on the index finger and the great toe with three neuroselective frequencies range (2000, 250, and 5 Hz). The results showed that at the three different frequencies, the CPT values were significantly elevated among farmers on both the medial and peroneal nerves (P < .002). The measurement of CPT can be used as a biomarker to determine and monitor the effects of organophosphate and carbamate exposure among workers who may have been exposed.
A study was undertaken to evaluate the human energy consumption of various field operations involved in lowland rice cultivation in Malaysia. Based on recorded average heart rates, fertilizing was found to be the most strenuous operation, with an average heart rate of 138 beats min(-1). There were no significant differences in the average heart rates of the subjects among the individual tasks within the first plowing, second plowing, and harvesting operations, with the average heart rates for these three tasks being 116, 106, and 106 beats min(-1), respectively. The corresponding energy expenditures were 3.90, 3.43, and 3.35 kcal min(-1). Loading the seed into the blower tank and broadcasting the seed were the most critical tasks for the seed broadcasting operation, with average heart rates of 124 and 136 beats min(-1), respectively. The highest energy expenditure of 418.38 kcal ha(-1) was observed for seed broadcasting, and the lowest energy expenditure of 127.96 kcal ha(-1) was for second plowing. The total seasonal human energy expenditure for rice cultivation was estimated to be 5810.71 kcal ha(-1), 55.7% of which was spent on pesticide spraying. Although the sample size in this study was relatively small, the results indicated that human energy expenditure per unit area (kcal ha(-1)) was positively linked to the average heart rate of the subjects and negatively linked to the field capacity. Thus, mechanization of certain tasks could decrease worker physical effort and fatigue and increase production.
Matched MeSH terms: Agricultural Workers' Diseases/prevention & control
Tests of pulmonary function (FVC, FEV1, FEV 1%, and single breath CO diffusion), renal function (serum creatinine and BUN), liver function (serum ALT, AST, and ALKP) and a full haematological screen were performed on 27 paraquat spraymen (mean spraying time 5.3 years; mean individual annual quantity of paraquat handled, 67.2 kg as paraquat ion) and on two control groups. One of the control groups consisted of 24 general plantation workers with minimal exposure to paraquat arising from occasional work in recently sprayed areas, and the second consisted of 23 latex factory workers with no known occupational exposure to paraquat. The results showed no significant differences as a consequence of occupational exposure to paraquat. Long-term paraquat spraying at the concentrations used produced to quantifiable harmful effects on health as measured by the indices selected for this study.