Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 181 in total

  1. Samia Amin, Sayed Mahmud Saiful Amin
    Meta-analysis is a subset of systematic review; a technique for systematically combining pertinent qualitative
    and quantitative study data from numerous selected studies to broaden a single conclusion that has more
    statistical power. This inference is statistically stronger than the analysis of any single study, due to increase
    numbers of topics, greater variety amongst subjects, or collected effects and outcomes. The aim of this review
    article is to highlight the definition, history, purpose, characteristics, use, advantage, disadvantage, validity,
    and steps in conducting meta-analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  2. Wan Muhamad Amir W. Ahmad, Mohamad Arif Awang Nawi, Mustafa Mamat
    This paper proposes the use of bootstrap, robust and fuzzy multiple linear regressions method in
    handling general insurance in order to get improved results. The main objective of bootstrapping is to
    estimate the distribution of an estimator or test statistic by resampling one's data or a model estimated
    from the data under conditions that hold in a wide variety of econometric applications. In addition,
    bootstrap also provides approximations to distributions of statistics, coverage probabilities of confidence
    intervals, and rejection probabilities of hypothesis tests that produce accurate results. In this paper, we
    emphasize the combining and modelling using bootstrapping, robust and fuzzy regression methodology.
    The results show that alternative methods produce better results than multiple linear regressions (MLR)
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  3. Mohd Bakri Adam, Babangida Ibrahim Babura, Kathiresan Gopal
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(2):187-204.
    The box plot has been used for a very long time since 70s in checking the existence
    of outliers and the asymmetrical shape of data. The existing box plot is constructed
    using five values of statistics calculated from either the discrete or continous data. Many
    improvement of box plots have deviated from the elegant and simplier approach of exploratory
    data analysis by incorporating many other statistic values resulting the turning
    back of the noble philosophy behind the creation of box plot. The modification using
    range value with the minimum and maximum values are being incorporated to suit the
    need of selected discrete distribution when outliers is not an important criteria anymore.
    The new modification of box plot is not based on the asymmetrical shape of distribution
    but more on the spreading and partitioning data into range measure. The new propose
    name for the box plot with only three values of statistics is called range-box plot.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  4. Ye G, Jiao K, Huang X, Goi BM, Yap WS
    Sci Rep, 2020 Dec 03;10(1):21044.
    PMID: 33273539 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78127-2
    Most of existing image encryption schemes are proposed in the spatial domain which easily destroys the correlation between pixels. This paper proposes an image encryption scheme by employing discrete cosine transform (DCT), quantum logistic map and substitution-permutation network (SPN). The DCT is used to transform the images in the frequency domain. Meanwhile, the SPN is used to provide the security properties of confusion and diffusion. The SPN provides fast encryption as compared to the asymmetric based image encryption since operations with low computational complexity are used (e.g., exclusive-or and permutation). Different statistical experiments and security analysis are performed against six grayscale and color images to justify the effectiveness and security of the proposed image encryption scheme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  5. Wan Nor Arifin
    For the purpose of teaching statistics, lecturers often rely on data from real studies, text book examples or painstakingly created datasets. The process of creating a dataset can be made easier with the utilization of PASW Statistics to generate random values. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the creation of data which are measured on continuous scale, using PASW Statistics menus and syntax.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  6. Arasan, Jayanthi
    This paper investigates several asymptotic confidence interval estimates, based on the Wald, likelihood ratio and the score statistics for the parameters of a parallel two-component system model, with dependent failure and a time varying covariate, when data is censored. This model is an extension of the bivariate exponential model. The procedures are investigated via a coverage probability study using the simulated data. The results clearly indicate that the interval estimates, based on the likelihood ratio method, work better than any of the other two methods when dealing with the censored data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  7. Abdul Aziz Jemain
    This paper presents the accuracy of age statistics in the 1991 census. The quality of age statistics were evaluated using Myers index and United Nations index. The indices obtained were compared to the indices of 1970 and 1980. This study found that age statistics for 1991 census are better than the previous censuses and in general the statistics are having high quality.
    Dalam kertas ini dibentangkan ketepatan statistik umur pada banci 1991. Kualiti statistik umur dinilai dengan menggunakan indeks Myers dan United Nations. Indeks yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan indeks pada banci 1970 dan 1980. Kajian ini mendapati statistik umur banci 1991 lebih baik daripada hasil banci sebelumnya dan pada keseluruhannya ia mempunyai kualiti yang baik.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  8. Shafiq M, Alamgir, Atif M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1773-1777.
    Countless statistical tools are available to extract information from data. Life time modeling is considered as one of
    the most prominent fields of statistics, which is evident from the developments made in this field in the last few decades.
    Almost every statistic for life time analysis is based on precise life time observations, however, life time is not a precise
    measurement but more or less fuzzy. Therefore, in addition to classical statistical tools, fuzzy number approaches to
    describe life time data are more suitable. In order to incorporate fuzziness of the observations, fuzzy estimators for the
    three parameter lognormal distribution were suggested. The proposed estimators cover stochastic variation as well as
    fuzziness of the observations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  9. Danaraj TJ
    Cardiol Prat, 1962 Feb;13:212-24.
    PMID: 13883338
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry*
    Med J Malaya, 1958 Sep;13(1):14-24.
    PMID: 13589364
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry*
  11. Kolda L, Krejcar O, Selamat A, Kuca K, Fadeyi O
    Sensors (Basel), 2019 Aug 26;19(17).
    PMID: 31455045 DOI: 10.3390/s19173709
    Biometric verification methods have gained significant popularity in recent times, which has brought about their extensive usage. In light of theoretical evidence surrounding the development of biometric verification, we proposed an experimental multi-biometric system for laboratory testing. First, the proposed system was designed such that it was able to identify and verify a user through the hand contour, and blood flow (blood stream) at the upper part of the hand. Next, we detailed the hard and software solutions for the system. A total of 40 subjects agreed to be a part of data generation team, which produced 280 hand images. The core of this paper lies in evaluating individual metrics, which are functions of frequency comparison of the double type faults with the EER (Equal Error Rate) values. The lowest value was measured for the case of the modified Hausdorff distance metric - Maximally Helicity Violating (MHV). Furthermore, for the verified biometric characteristics (Hamming distance and MHV), appropriate and suitable metrics have been proposed and experimented to optimize system precision. Thus, the EER value for the designed multi-biometric system in the context of this work was found to be 5%, which proves that metrics consolidation increases the precision of the multi-biometric system. Algorithms used for the proposed multi-biometric device shows that the individual metrics exhibit significant accuracy but perform better on consolidation, with a few shortcomings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  12. Fulsom BG, Pedlar TK, Adachi I, Aihara H, Al Said S, Asner DM, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Dec 07;121(23):232001.
    PMID: 30576207 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.232001
    We report the observation of ϒ(2S)→γη_{b}(1S) decay based on an analysis of the inclusive photon spectrum of 24.7  fb^{-1} of e^{+}e^{-} collisions at the ϒ(2S) center-of-mass energy collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e^{+}e^{-} collider. We measure a branching fraction of B[ϒ(2S)→γη_{b}(1S)]=(6.1_{-0.7-0.6}^{+0.6+0.9})×10^{-4} and derive an η_{b}(1S) mass of 9394.8_{-3.1-2.7}^{+2.7+4.5}  MeV/c^{2}, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. The significance of our measurement is greater than 7 standard deviations, constituting the first observation of this decay mode.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  13. Li YB, Shen CP, Yuan CZ, Adachi I, Aihara H, Al Said S, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Mar 01;122(8):082001.
    PMID: 30932568 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.082001
    We present the first measurements of absolute branching fractions of Ξ_{c}^{0} decays into Ξ^{-}π^{+}, ΛK^{-}π^{+}, and pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+} final states. The measurements are made using a dataset comprising (772±11)×10^{6} BB[over ¯] pairs collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^{+}e^{-} collider. We first measure the absolute branching fraction for B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0} using a missing-mass technique; the result is B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})=(9.51±2.10±0.88)×10^{-4}. We subsequently measure the product branching fractions B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+}), B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→ΛK^{-}π^{+}), and B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+}) with improved precision. Dividing these product branching fractions by the result for B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0} yields the following branching fractions: B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+})=(1.80±0.50±0.14)%, B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→ΛK^{-}π^{+})=(1.17±0.37±0.09)%, and B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+})=(0.58±0.23±0.05)%. For the above branching fractions, the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. Our result for B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+}) can be combined with Ξ_{c}^{0} branching fractions measured relative to Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+} to yield other absolute Ξ_{c}^{0} branching fractions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  14. Azlindarita A. Mohd Abdullah, Norasyikin Mustafa, Pei LV, Subrayan V
    To assess the agreement of the Scheimpflug camera system Pentacam with the optical low-coherence reflectometry (OLCR) device LENSTAR LS900 in measuring anterior segment biometry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  15. Saw SH
    Demography, 1967 Jun;4(2):859-75.
    PMID: 21318696 DOI: 10.2307/2060325
    The first section of this paper is devoted to an analysis of some theoretical aspects of the Chinese system of reckoning ages, and the second section offers a method of collecting the age statistics of a Chinese population: A discussion of the errors found in the age returns and the unsuccessful measures taken to eradicate these errors in the Malayan censuses conducted prior to1957 leads to an appraisal of the method of collecting Chinese age data in the 1957 census.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  16. Shahrizan Jamaludin, Nasharuddin Zainal, W. Mimi Diyana W. Zaki
    Iris recognition has become a widely popular biometric system. The stable textures and features of the human iris have made such biometric systems efficient and accurate for purposes of verification and identification. The term non-ideal iris refers to a situation in which the iris is occluded by noise, including reflections, eyelashes, eyelids and so on. Most current iris recognition algorithms assume that the iris is not occluded, which is less accurate. A method using only some parts of the iris may be suitable to deal with a non-ideal iris. The current application of iris recognition systems are plagued by weaknesses such as slow processing times, especially when dealing with many irises. In this study, a sub-iris recognition technique is proposed to deal with the non-ideal iris, while reducing execution time via an embedded system using a graphical processing unit (GPU). The experiment revealed that the proposed method was accurate and fast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  17. Noratiqah Mohd Ariff, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1377-1387.
    Rainfalls data have been broadly used in researches including in hydrological and meteorological areas. Two common ways in extracting observations from hourly rainfalls data are the window-based analysis (WBA) and storm-event analysis (SEA) approach. However, the differences in the qualitative and quantitative properties of both methods are still vaguely discussed. The aim of studying these dissimilarities is to understand the effects of each approach in modelling and analysis. The qualitative difference is due to the way the two analyses define the accumulated rainfalls for observations which are referred to as rainfall and storm depths, respectively. The repetitiveness of rainfall depths provide nested structure while the storm depths are considered independent. The quantitative comparisons include their statistical and scaling properties that are linked by the self-similarity concept from simple scaling characteristics. If self-similarity concept
    holds, then the rainfall or storm depths follow simple scaling and the analysis would be simplified. The rainfall depths showed clearer simple scaling characteristics compared to the storm depths. Though the storm depths do not yield self-similarity for a large range of storm duration but the characteristics of simple scaling can be observed for a reduced range of the considered duration. In general, the context of the research and the region of the time interval and duration will be an important aspects to consider in choosing which method is best to use for analyzing the data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  18. Seyed Ehsan Saffari, Robiah Adnan
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1483-1487.
    A Poisson model typically is assumed for count data, but when there are so many zeroes in the response variable, because of overdispersion, a negative binomial regression is suggested as a count regression instead of Poisson regression. In this paper, a zero-inflated negative binomial regression model with right truncation count data was developed. In this model, we considered a response variable and one or more than one explanatory variables. The estimation of regression
    parameters using the maximum likelihood method was discussed and the goodness-of-fit for the regression model was examined. We studied the effects of truncation in terms of parameters estimation, their standard errors and the goodnessof-fit statistics via real data. The results showed a better fit by using a truncated zero-inflated negative binomial regression model when the response variable has many zeros and it was right truncated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
  19. Hazarika PJ, Chakraborty S
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1801-1809.
    Hidden truncation (HT) and additive component (AC) are two well known paradigms of generating skewed distributions from known symmetric distribution. In case of normal distribution it has been known that both the above paradigms lead to Azzalini's (1985) skew normal distribution. While the HT directly gives the Azzalini's ( 1985) skew normal distribution, the one generated by AC also leads to the same distribution under a re parameterization proposed by Arnold and Gomez (2009). But no such re parameterization which leads to exactly the same distribution by these two paradigms has so far been suggested for the skewed distributions generated from symmetric logistic and Laplace distributions. In this article, an attempt has been made to investigate numerically as well as statistically the closeness of skew distributions generated by HT and AC methods under the same re parameterization of Arnold and Gomez (2009) in the case of logistic and Laplace distributions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biometry
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