Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 203 in total

  1. Shaari MS, Asbullah MH, Zainol Abidin N, Karim ZA, Nangle B
    PMID: 36767086 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20031720
    Foreign direct investment (FDI) can boost economic growth and provide job opportunities. FDI inflows in ASEAN+3 countries have dropped markedly, which may affect economic development in the region. Many previous studies have investigated a multitude of factors that can influence FDI, such as market size, inflation, trade openness, corruption, and inflation. Previous studies did not, however, consider environmental degradation as a potential factor. Besides corruption and inflation, imposing stringent environmental regulations, such as carbon pricing and taxes to reduce environmental degradation, might deter foreign investors from the country. This is due to heightened costs for foreign investors, which may cause FDI inflows to drop. To shed some light on the reality of this situation, this study examines whether environmental degradation can significantly affect foreign direct investment in the region. This study includes environmental degradation as a potential factor and employs the panel ARDL approach to analyse data from 1995 to 2019. Results show that environmental degradation, infrastructure, and corruption can affect the inflow of FDI in the long run. In the short run, inflation can affect FDI. The findings of this study can be utilized by policymakers in formulating the right policies to attract more investors. An increase in infrastructure facilities should be considered to attract more foreign investment. It is also vital for governments to reduce corruption and inflation to attract more FDI inflows. Environmental incentives should also be introduced to ensure that attempts to reduce environmental degradation do not affect FDI inflows.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  2. Oortwijn W, Broos P, Vondeling H, Banta D, Todorova L
    Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 2013 Oct;29(4):424-34.
    PMID: 24290336 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462313000469
    The aim of this study was to develop and apply an instrument to map the level of health technology assessment (HTA) development at country level in selected countries. We examined middle-income countries (Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Russia) and countries well-known for their comprehensive HTA programs (Australia, Canada, and United Kingdom).
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  3. Bradshaw CJ, Giam X, Sodhi NS
    PLoS One, 2010;5(5):e10440.
    PMID: 20454670 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010440
    Environmental protection is critical to maintain ecosystem services essential for human well-being. It is important to be able to rank countries by their environmental impact so that poor performers as well as policy 'models' can be identified. We provide novel metrics of country-specific environmental impact ranks - one proportional to total resource availability per country and an absolute (total) measure of impact - that explicitly avoid incorporating confounding human health or economic indicators. Our rankings are based on natural forest loss, habitat conversion, marine captures, fertilizer use, water pollution, carbon emissions and species threat, although many other variables were excluded due to a lack of country-specific data. Of 228 countries considered, 179 (proportional) and 171 (absolute) had sufficient data for correlations. The proportional index ranked Singapore, Korea, Qatar, Kuwait, Japan, Thailand, Bahrain, Malaysia, Philippines and Netherlands as having the highest proportional environmental impact, whereas Brazil, USA, China, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, India, Russia, Australia and Peru had the highest absolute impact (i.e., total resource use, emissions and species threatened). Proportional and absolute environmental impact ranks were correlated, with mainly Asian countries having both high proportional and absolute impact. Despite weak concordance among the drivers of environmental impact, countries often perform poorly for different reasons. We found no evidence to support the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis of a non-linear relationship between impact and per capita wealth, although there was a weak reduction in environmental impact as per capita wealth increases. Using structural equation models to account for cross-correlation, we found that increasing wealth was the most important driver of environmental impact. Our results show that the global community not only has to encourage better environmental performance in less-developed countries, especially those in Asia, there is also a requirement to focus on the development of environmentally friendly practices in wealthier countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  4. Kasiske BL, Skeans MA, Leighton TR, Ghimire V, Leppke SN, Israni AK
    Am J Transplant, 2013 Jan;13 Suppl 1:199-225.
    PMID: 23237702 DOI: 10.1111/ajt.12026
    For the first time, OPTN/SRTR has undertaken to publish global transplant rates as part of its Annual Data Report. Understanding why rates vary from country to country may lead to a better understanding of how to improve access to transplant everywhere. Availability of information varies substantially from country to country, and how complete and accurate the data are is difficult to ascertain. For Canada, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom, data were supplied at SRTR request from well-known registries. For many other countries, SRTR was unable to obtain information, and data from the World Health Organization's Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation were used. Transplant counts and rates vary substantially around the world, likely due to 1) differences in rates of end-organ diseases, 2) economic differences in the ability to provide transplants or other end-organ disease treatment, 3) cultural differences that might support or hinder organ donation and transplant, and 4) reporting differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  5. Karami A, Golieskardi A, Keong Choo C, Larat V, Galloway TS, Salamatinia B
    Sci Rep, 2017 04 06;7:46173.
    PMID: 28383020 DOI: 10.1038/srep46173
    The occurrence of microplastics (MPs) in saltwater bodies is relatively well studied, but nothing is known about their presence in most of the commercial salts that are widely consumed by humans across the globe. Here, we extracted MP-like particles larger than 149 μm from 17 salt brands originating from 8 different countries followed by the identification of their polymer composition using micro-Raman spectroscopy. Microplastics were absent in one brand while others contained between 1 to 10 MPs/Kg of salt. Out of the 72 extracted particles, 41.6% were plastic polymers, 23.6% were pigments, 5.50% were amorphous carbon, and 29.1% remained unidentified. The particle size (mean ± SD) was 515 ± 171 μm. The most common plastic polymers were polypropylene (40.0%) and polyethylene (33.3%). Fragments were the primary form of MPs (63.8%) followed by filaments (25.6%) and films (10.6%). According to our results, the low level of anthropogenic particles intake from the salts (maximum 37 particles per individual per annum) warrants negligible health impacts. However, to better understand the health risks associated with salt consumption, further development in extraction protocols are needed to isolate anthropogenic particles smaller than 149 μm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  6. Wang L, Li Y, Liang S, Xu M, Qu S
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Dec 20;801:149781.
    PMID: 34467898 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149781
    Increasing trade cooperation under the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative has promoted economic development and intensified the water scarcity risk transmission between China and countries along the route (B&R countries). Local water scarcity risk (LWSR, the potential direct production losses induced by local water scarcity) can transcend geographical boundaries through global supply chains and influence production activities in downstream economies. To understand the vulnerability of the Initiative to water scarcity, we investigated the impacts of LWSR in China and B&R countries on each other's economies during 2001-2013, using a global environmentally extended multi-regional input-output model. Results reveal that more than 80% of China's trade-related water scarcity risk imports (TWSR imports, the vulnerability to foreign water scarcity risk through imports) originates from B&R countries. The share of TWSR from China in total imports of B&R countries has steadily increased. In particular, India, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan and Kazakhstan have the largest TWSR exports (LWSR in each nation transmitted to other nations through its exports) to China, while South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia have the largest imports from China. Water scarcity to their Agriculture sectors is responsible for TWSR transmission between them. Our study can contribute to the policy-making of governments and firms involved in mitigating the supply chain wide water scarcity risk. It also reveals the need for nations to collectively manage water resources to achieve sustainable development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  7. Zhang Q, Chong CW, Abdullah AR, Ali MH
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2021;2021:1370180.
    PMID: 34691167 DOI: 10.1155/2021/1370180
    At present, the development speed of international trade cannot catch up with the economic development speed, and the insufficient development speed of international trade will directly affect the rapid development of national economy. In order to solve the problem of international trade, the overall optimal scheduling of trade vehicles and the optimal planning of trade transportation path are very important to improve enterprise services, reduce enterprise costs, increase enterprise benefits, and enhance enterprise competitiveness. The second development of the program is based on the programming interface provided by Baidu map. This paper proposes a neural network algorithm for genetic optimization of multiple mutations, which overcomes the shortcoming of traditional genetic algorithm population "ten" character distribution by mixing multiple coding methods, and enhances the local search ability of genetic algorithm by introducing a new large-mutation small-range search population. The example application shows that the optimization method can realize the optimization of international trade path under real road conditions and greatly improve the work efficiency of actual trade.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  8. Liu N, Yasin MAI, Alsagoff SA, Ng CF, Li M
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0293296.
    PMID: 37871035 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293296
    'The Belt and Road Initiative' (B&R) was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in September and October 2013 and is now actively supported and participated by more than 100 countries and international organizations. B&R has become a hot topic all over the world since its inception. However, the environmental issues arising from this Initiative should not be underestimated. The concept of 'A Community of Shared Future for Mankind' is being promoted under the context of globalization, and there has been a lot of coverage in the mainstream media from various countries on the topic of environmental cooperation along B&R. This study takes a sample of reports on the 'Belt and Road Environmental Cooperation' from July 2021 to August 2022 and uses Van Dijk's theory of news discourse analysis to analyze 20 articles in depth. This study attempts to explore the kind of thematic structure and lexical style that the mainstream newspapers from different countries use to report the environmental cooperation among the countries along B&R, also the implications of such a thematic structure and lexical style, and the characteristics of the discourse construction of mainstream newspapers in different countries. The research has found that B&R countries are used to holding a positive attitude to make a report and seek international cooperation. The headlines are mostly made up of nouns, and both direct and indirect quotations are used. Besides, to enhance the truth of the report, different number types are also involved; the theme structures are often made up of a two-level hierarchy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  9. Godil DI, Sharif A, Rafique S, Jermsittiparsert K
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Nov;27(32):40109-40120.
    PMID: 32656759 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09937-0
    With the growing interest among researchers in analyzing the ecological footprint of any country, this study focuses on new dimensions to analyze the long-run and short-run asymmetric impact of tourism, financial development, and globalization on ecological footprint in Turkey by using Quantile Autoregressive Distributed Lag model for the period from 1986 to 2018. Further, the EKC hypothesis was also tested. The results show that tourism, globalization, and financial development are positively and significantly associated with the EFP. This means that the increase in these variables will further increase the ecological footprint in Turkey. The U-shaped EKC curve was found to be valid in Turkey. The results also depict nonlinear and asymmetric association among most of the variables. Hence, based on the results, further research directions and practical implications can be suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality
  10. Kamran HW, Pantamee AA, Patwary AK, Ghauri TA, Long PD, Nga DQ
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Mar;28(9):10749-10762.
    PMID: 33099740 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11336-4
    The purpose of this research is to measure the combing impact of corporate social responsibility on company performance and to conduct a comparative analysis among local and foreign companies in this context. This research aims to conduct an empirical analysis about how corporate social responsibility contributes to company performance. The study utilizes AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS theory to conduct research. The results revealed that environmental corporate social responsibility has a vital role in the development of organizational reputation and employee commitment. It can be observed from the results that the weights of environmental CSR, corporate CSR, financial CSR, and social CSR are 0.30, 0.25, 0.24, and 0.21, respectively. The preference of these four criteria is environmental CSR > corporate CSR > financial CSR > social CSR. The corporate CSR criterion got the maximum weight of 0.30, whereas the social CSR criteria received the lowest weight of 0.21. The financial CSR get weights of criteria 0.25, and the commercial potential obtained 0.24 weights, while the financial CSR got the 2nd highest criteria weight of 0.25, and the social CSR get weights of criteria 0.21 lowest weighted. The research provides valuable information for decision-makers. The study provides a valuable information for policy makers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality
  11. Leonhard SE, van der Eijk AA, Andersen H, Antonini G, Arends S, Attarian S, et al.
    Neurology, 2022 Sep 20;99(12):e1299-e1313.
    PMID: 35981895 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000200885
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Infections play a key role in the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and have been associated with specific clinical features and disease severity. The clinical variation of GBS across geographical regions has been suggested to be related to differences in the distribution of preceding infections, but this has not been studied on a large scale.

    METHODS: We analyzed the first 1,000 patients included in the International GBS Outcome Study with available biosamples (n = 768) for the presence of a recent infection with Campylobacter jejuni, hepatitis E virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus.

    RESULTS: Serologic evidence of a recent infection with C. jejuni was found in 228 (30%), M. pneumoniae in 77 (10%), hepatitis E virus in 23 (3%), cytomegalovirus in 30 (4%), and Epstein-Barr virus in 7 (1%) patients. Evidence of more than 1 recent infection was found in 49 (6%) of these patients. Symptoms of antecedent infections were reported in 556 patients (72%), and this proportion did not significantly differ between those testing positive or negative for a recent infection. The proportions of infections were similar across continents. The sensorimotor variant and the demyelinating electrophysiologic subtype were most frequent across all infection groups, although proportions were significantly higher in patients with a cytomegalovirus and significantly lower in those with a C. jejuni infection. C. jejuni-positive patients were more severely affected, indicated by a lower Medical Research Council sum score at nadir (p = 0.004) and a longer time to regain the ability to walk independently (p = 0.005). The pure motor variant and axonal electrophysiologic subtype were more frequent in Asian compared with American or European C. jejuni-positive patients (p < 0.001, resp. p = 0.001). Time to nadir was longer in the cytomegalovirus-positive patients (p = 0.004).

    DISCUSSION: Across geographical regions, the distribution of infections was similar, but the association between infection and clinical phenotype differed. A mismatch between symptom reporting and serologic results and the high frequency of coinfections demonstrate the importance of broad serologic testing in identifying the most likely infectious trigger. The association between infections and outcome indicates their value for future prognostic models.

    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality
  12. Leow BL, Shohaimi SA, Mohd Yusop FF, Sidik MR, Mohd Saeid FH
    Trop Biomed, 2023 Jun 01;40(2):220-235.
    PMID: 37650410 DOI: 10.47665/tb.40.2.014
    Wild aquatic birds are natural reservoirs of influenza A viruses and H3 subtype is one of the most prevalent subtypes in waterfowl. Two H3N8 viruses of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) were isolated via egg inoculation technique from the fecal swab specimens from imported barnacle goose and paradise shelduck in Veterinary Research Institute Ipoh, Malaysia. The full length of eight gene segments of the two viruses were amplified and sequenced with specific primers. The sequences were molecularly characterized, and the sequence identity were assessed with other published sequences. The two viruses are identical and they possess the same amino acid sequences for all the eight gene segments. The viruses were highly similar to the H3 virus from Netherlands and N8 virus from Belgium respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all the eight gene segments were grouped in the Eurasian lineage, and genetic reassortment may occur between the internal genes of the H3 viruses and other AI subtypes. Though four amino acid substitutions were identified in the hemagglutinin gene, the viruses retained most of the avian-type receptor binding preference. Few amino acid substitutions were observed in all internal genes. Most of the neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantine resistance related mutation were not seen in the viruses. The replicative capacity, cross species transmissibility, and potential zoonotic risk of the viruses are worth further investigation. As H3 virus poses potential threats to both human and animals, and with the increase in the international trade of birds; strict quarantine practice at the entry point and good laboratory diagnostic capabilities is crucial to prevent the introduction of new AI virus into our country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality
    Med J Malaya, 1955 Jun;9(4):276-80.
    PMID: 13253127
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  14. Lehtimaki S, Allotey P, Schwalbe N
    Lancet, 2021 Jul 10;398(10295):115.
    PMID: 34181879 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01223-X
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  15. Sharif A, Afshan S, Chrea S, Amel A, Khan SAR
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Jul;27(20):25494-25509.
    PMID: 32350832 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08782-5
    This paper uses the quantile autoregressive distributed lag (QARDL) model to analyze the impact of economic growth, tourism, transportation, and globalization on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the Malaysian economy. The QARDL model is employed utilizing quarterly data from 1995Q1 to 2018Q4. The results demonstrate that economic growth is significantly positive with CO2 emissions at lower to upper quantiles. Interestingly, tourism has a negative effect on CO2 emissions at higher quantiles. Moreover, globalization and transportation services are positive, with CO2 emissions at upper-middle to higher quantiles. Furthermore, we tested the environmental Kuznets curve, and the outcomes confirm the presence of the inverted U-shaped curve in the Malaysian economy. The results of this study suggest that ecotourism is beneficial for economic growth in underdeveloped areas; it increases employment opportunities and, thus, achieves a win-win situation for protection and development. The government should encourage the low-carbon development of ecotourism and achieve green development of both tourism and the economy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  16. Bhowmik R, Zhu Y, Gao K
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261270.
    PMID: 34936662 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261270
    China-ASEAN are the two huge markets in trade world, they can bring out greater dynamism from within their economies and contribute to regional economic development. This study explores the present situation on the trade between the Central region of China and ASEAN through empirical assessment and try to find the potential effects and trade flows between them. Firstly, we analysis the trade integration index, HM index, explicit comparative advantage index, and trade complementarity index. Finally, we use the gravity model of international trade and data on 2006-2018. The bilateral trade relations between the central region and ASEAN are getting closer, but the central region has not yet become the major trade area of ASEAN countries in the Chinese market. The bilateral economic development level plays a positive role in promoting the export trade between the Central region and ASEAN, while the bilateral distance plays a negative role in difficulty. The empirical results show that trade potential between the Central region and Indonesia and the Philippines is huge, and there is still opportunity for the development of the trade potential with Thailand. The trade prospective with Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam is limited, and new approaches need to be developed to achieve further trade cooperation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  17. Ahmed Z, Wang Z, Mahmood F, Hafeez M, Ali N
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Jun;26(18):18565-18582.
    PMID: 31054053 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05224-9
    This study focuses to investigate the relationship between globalization and the ecological footprint for Malaysia from 1971 to 2014. The results of the Bayer and Hanck cointegration test and the ARDL bound test show the existence of cointegration among variables. The findings disclose that globalization is not a significant determinant of the ecological footprint; however, it significantly increases the ecological carbon footprint. Energy consumption and economic growth stimulate the ecological footprint and carbon footprint in Malaysia. Population density reduces the ecological footprint and carbon footprint. Further, financial development mitigates the ecological footprint. The causality results disclose the feedback hypothesis between energy consumption and economic growth in the long run and short run.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  18. Nash KL, MacNeil MA, Blanchard JL, Cohen PJ, Farmery AK, Graham NAJ, et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2022 May 31;119(22):e2120817119.
    PMID: 35605118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2120817119
    Fish are an important source of bioavailable micronutrients and essential fatty acids, and capture fisheries have potential to substantially reduce dietary deficiencies. Vigorous debate has focused on trade and fishing in foreign waters as drivers of inequitable distribution of volume and value of fish, but their impact on nutrient supplies from fish is unknown. We analyze global catch, trade, and nutrient composition data for marine fisheries to quantify distribution patterns among countries with differing prevalence of inadequate nutrient intake. We find foreign fishing relocates 1.5 times more nutrients than international trade in fish. Analysis of nutrient flows among countries of different levels of nutrient intake shows fishing in foreign waters predominantly (but not exclusively) benefits nutrient-secure nations, an outcome amplified by trade. Next, we developed a nutritional vulnerability framework that shows those small island developing states and/or African nations currently benefiting from trade and foreign fishing, and countries with low adaptive capacity, are most vulnerable to future changes in nutrient supplies. Climate change exacerbates vulnerabilities for many nations. Harnessing the potential of global fisheries to address dietary deficiencies will require greater attention to nutrition objectives in fisheries’ licensing deals and trade negotiations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  19. Cao Z, Soh W, Razak NHA, Noordin BAA
    PLoS One, 2025;20(2):e0317765.
    PMID: 39933010 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0317765
    Due to dedollarization and deglobalization trends, countries are pursuing currency diversification to reduce reliance on the U.S. dollar and mitigate currency risks. The research on the drivers of currency internationalization still faces problems such as small sample sizes, fewer methods, and incomplete theoretical frameworks. This study aims to investigate the effects of economic development, money confidence, and the financial market on currency internationalization. It also explores whether purchasing power mediates the relationships between the first two exogenous variables and currency internationalization. The Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method is used to analyze secondary data from 9 of the 10 most used currencies (excluding the euro) from 2000 to 2020 to examine these relationships. The findings show that economic development and money confidence have negative and significant relationships with currency internationalization, while financial market and purchasing power have positive and significant relationships with currency internationalization. The relationships between economic development and currency internationalization, as well as between money confidence and currency internationalization, are both mediated by purchasing power. These mediation effects are partially complementary mediation effects. Accordingly, to promote currency internationalization, this study recommends governments should adopt policies to develop the financial market, increase openness, and reduce capital controls. It also highlights the importance of managing inflation, diversifying reserve assets, and maintaining a flexible exchange rate to prevent currency depreciation. This study is limited by the exclusion of the euro, reliance on hard data, a small sample size, and a narrow focus on economic factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality*
  20. Abdellah A, Noordin MI, Wan Ismail WA
    Saudi Pharm J, 2015 Jan;23(1):9-13.
    PMID: 25685037 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2013.06.003
    Pharmaceutical excipients are no longer inert materials but it is effective and able to improve the characteristics of the products' quality, stability, functionality, safety, solubility and acceptance of patients. It can interact with the active ingredients and alter the medicament characteristics. The globalization of medicines' supply enhances the importance of globalized good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements for pharmaceutical excipients. This review was intended to assess the globalization status of good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements for pharmaceutical excipients. The review outcomes demonstrate that there is a lack of accurately defined methods to evaluate and measure excipients' safety. Furthermore good manufacturing practice requirements for excipients are not effectively globalized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Internationality
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