Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 37 in total

  1. Santos JC, Goulart LF, Giansante L, Lin YH, Sirico ACA, Ng AH, et al.
    Phys Med, 2020 Aug;76:337-344.
    PMID: 32759035 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.07.023
    Mentoring aims to improve careers and create benefits for the participants' personal and professional lives. Mentoring can be an individual or a shared experience for a group, while the mentor's role remains the same in both models. Mentors should increase confidence, teach, inspire, and set examples, helping the mentees to mould their path, contributing to the pursuit of their personal and professional goals. This study aims to report on the experience of early-career medical physics professionals and postgraduate students participating in a global mentoring program and to assess the impact of this activity on their professional development. The objectives of this mentoring program are to develop leadership roles among young medical physicists and to provide guidance and support. An online questionnaire was administered to the mentee participants. The analysis of their responses is reported in this work and the current status of the programme was examined using a SWOT analysis. In general, the mentoring experience had a positive impact on the mentees. The mentors were found especially helpful in the decision-making situations and in other conflicts that may arise with career development. Additionally, the mentees felt that mentoring contributed to the development of leadership skills required for the job market and assist in personal development. This paper concludes that participation of young medical physicists in a mentoring group program is beneficial to their career and therefore should be encouraged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors*; Mentoring*
  2. Thandar Aung K, Ain Binti Jamal NQ
    Enferm Clin, 2018 Feb;28 Suppl 1:139-143.
    PMID: 29650172 DOI: 10.1016/S1130-8621(18)30054-8
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the nurse managers' perspectives on nurses' performance in a mentorship program.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 51 nurse managers in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, by using modified and self-developed questionnaire with the Cronbach's alpha value 0.994. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as central tendency, frequency and percentage.

    RESULTS: The gender of respondents was predominantly female (100%). The mean age is 45.41 (SD ± 4.51). In terms of level of education, the majority of the respondents (76.5%) were having a diploma. The majority has been in practice as a staff nurse between 11 to 20 years, and most of them have been practicing as nurse managers for about five years and less. Meanwhile, results showed that the nurse managers had positive perceptions upon newly graduated nurses' performance in the mentorship program, concerning on their effective communication, professional development and creative thinking.

    CONCLUSIONS: It is vital to identify the effectiveness of the mentorship program among nurses; hence, it enhances job satisfaction among new nurses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors*
  3. Saw A
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Jul;12(2):68-72.
    PMID: 30112135 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1807.015
    Cadaveric dissection is an integral component of medical education. There had been concerns about negative impact on medical students exposed to deceased donors before their clinical years, but most studies reported overall positive outcome following this form of teaching. Due to reducing number of body donations in most parts of the world, many institutions are adopting alternative models especially for the teaching of gross anatomy. A new body donation programme that incorporate humanistic values in the procurement process was initiated by Tsu Chi University of Taiwan in 1996. Early observations following teaching with the so-called "silent mentors" noted less negative emotional impact on the students. With increasing number of body donation following the initiation of the silent mentor programme as reported in some regions, we will be able to continue the time-honoured cadaveric dissection for anatomy teaching, at the same time promoting humanistic values on junior doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  4. Ch'ng KS
    Family Physician, 2000;11:16-7.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  5. Penkunas MJ, Chong SY, Rhule ELM, Berdou E, Allotey P
    Global Health, 2021 06 21;17(1):63.
    PMID: 34154605 DOI: 10.1186/s12992-021-00714-3
    Efficacious health interventions tested through controlled trials often fail to show desired impacts when implemented at scale. These challenges can be particularly pervasive in low- and middle-income settings where health systems often lack the capacity and mechanisms required for high-quality research and evidence translation. Implementation research is a powerful tool for identifying and addressing the bottlenecks impeding the success of proven health interventions. Implementation research training initiatives, although growing in number, remain out of reach for many investigators in low- and middle-income settings, who possess the knowledge required to contextualize challenges and potential solutions in light of interacting community- and system-level features. We propose a realigned implementation research training model that centers on team-based learning, tailored didactic opportunities, learning-by-doing, and mentorship.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  6. Mohd Shafiaai MSF, Kadirvelu A, Pamidi N
    BMC Med Educ, 2020 Dec 07;20(1):494.
    PMID: 33287807 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02408-7
    BACKGROUND: PASS is a peer-led structured academic mentoring program designed to provide academic assistance for new students in their transition from college to university studies and also for students struggling in certain units. This study aims to establish acquired skills by peer leaders associated with peer-led mentoring via the PASS program, and to explore the role played by these acquired skills in their journey to become a successful doctor.

    METHODS: Study participants were forty selected second-year undergraduate medical students at Monash University Malaysia with commendable examination results. Validated pre-test and post-test questionnaires were administered to explore changes in the level of communication, leadership, professional, and pedagogical skills before and after participation in peer mentoring program. Qualitative analysis of focused group interviews was performed by an independent investigator to identify how the skills developed as a peer mentor may help with becoming a good doctor. Major themes were identified with the thematic-analysis approach.

    RESULTS: Thirty-eight students completed the pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Peer leaders reported improvement in oral and written skills for teaching; increased confidence to give constructive feedback; better stress management; efficient time management; improved interpersonal skills; and enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking capabilities. Eight major themes were identified from the interview and peer leaders reported positive experience of working in diverse environments and shouldering of responsibilities.

    CONCLUSIONS: Peer-led mentoring provides a good opportunity for medical students to shoulder responsibilities as a leader and offers an experience of managing a team of their peers and juniors which in turn may enhance their communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  7. Tay KT, Tan XH, Tan LHE, Vythilingam D, Chin AMC, Loh V, et al.
    J Interprof Care, 2021;35(6):927-939.
    PMID: 33290115 DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2020.1818700
    Interprofessional mentoring in palliative care sees different members of the interprofessional team providing holistic, personalised andlongitudinal mentoring support, skills training and knowledge transfer as they mentor trainees at different points along their mentoring journeys. However, gaps in practice and their risk of potential mentoring malpractice even as interprofessional mentoring use continues to grow in palliative medicine underlines the need for careful scrutiny of its characteristics and constituents in order to enhance the design, evaluation and oversight of interprofessional mentoring programmes. Hence, a systematic scoping review on prevailing accounts of interprofessional mentoring in medicine is conducted to address this gap. Using Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) methodological framework for conducting scoping reviews and identical search strategies, 6 reviewers performed independent literature reviews of accounts of interprofessional mentoring published in 10 databases. Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis approach was adopted to evaluate across different mentoring settings. A total of 11111 abstracts were identified from 10 databases, 103 full-text articles reviewed and 14 full-text articles were thematically analysed to reveal 4 themes: characterizing, implementing, evaluating and obstacles to interprofessional mentoring. Interprofessional mentoring is founded upon a respectful and collaborative mentoring relationship that thrives despite inevitable differences in individual values, ethical perspectives at different career stages within diverse working environments. This warrants effective mentor-mentee trainings, alignment of expectations, roles and responsibilities, goals and timelines, and effective oversight of the programmes. Drawing upon the data provided, an interprofessional mentoring framework is forwarded to guide the design, evaluation and oversight of the programmes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  8. Khatijah, L.A.
    JUMMEC, 2007;10(2):37-42.
    Leadership style has been shown to be an important determinant of organisational success. The aim of this preliminary study was to develop an understanding of leadership style of three employees with leadership responsibility in a hospital. All the participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire around a framework on leadership behaviours followed by self administered T-P leadership questionnaire and voluntary completion of a leadership perception survey by each of the participant’s colleagues. The results suggest that whilst individuals are aspiring to be transformational in style, key barriers such as organisational culture, inter-professional dynamics and lack of leadership development meant responses more characteristic of a transactional style were encountered. There is a need to have joint responsibility between developing the individual leadership style and the organisation that facilitates such development for their leaders. The author concludes that a more analytical approach to leadership and mentorship opportunities for developments is required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  9. Mak, Joon-Wah
    The research mentorship programme is unique in that it is a planned journey undertaken by the mentor and mentee, preferably with well-defined milestones along the journey. During the journey, familiar landmarks will be pointed out by the mentor. In path-finding situations the experience and wisdom of the mentor and the critical appraisal of both mentor and mentee will contribute to learning from the encounter. In most mentor-mentee partnerships, a formal acceptance to the relationship, well-defined landmarks measuring progress in the journey, regular appraisal of the skills developed and acquired, and phased, judicious modification in the individual roles of that relationship will be required. Although there is no consensus on the elements of mentorship, there are some strategies which can contribute to the success of the relationship. Critical success factors include convergence of the research area within the broad expertise of the research mentor. The research mentor should have a proven research track record and is committed to serve in that official capacity. The research mentoring process is dynamic and characteristics of both mentor and mentee contribute to the robustness of that relationship. The mentee would have identified some attributes of the mentor that are desirable and is willing to work hard to achieve, build on, and improve upon. In the research setting endpoint measurements of success will be based on recognition of the research standing of the mentee, measurable outcomes such as number of papers in top tier journals, citation indices, etc. consultancies attracted as well as invitations to deliver plenaries in scientific conferences, patents filed and research findings translated and applied, and other measures of research productivity. In the pursuit of research excellence the mentee would have imbibed values of professionalism and ethics in research and would have constantly kept in mind that to be successful, the mentee would be able to excel beyond his mentor and that the next generation of researchers will seek mentorship from him.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  10. Nalliah S
    Mentoring in academic medicine requires the trained mentor to commit time, purpose and dedication for the personal and professional development of three categories of protégés or mentees i.e. medical students, the clinician-trainee and the clinical-educator. Conventionally, assigned mentors monitor the progress of the first two categories of personnel as their career pathway is clearly defined. On the other hand the clinician–educator in academic medicine could be a scientist or a career clinician expected to contribute to medical education activities and research. The clinician educator has grown in complexity as he multitasks in providing clinical care, assists in delivering the medical curriculum and is expected to do research and publish. Although there is dearth of research in mentoring the clinician-educator, it is clear that mentored clinicaleducators are more productive by way of scientific publications. Trained mentors are expected to identify the needs of the mentee with regards to the level of his career development and his aptitude to move up the academic ladder, successfully nurturing the maturation process. Processes of mentoring in the clinical setting, attributes of the successful mentor and facilitating the mentee in overcoming challenges in academic medicine are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  11. Devi V, Abraham RR
    Natl Med J India, 2021 3 24;33(2):102-106.
    PMID: 33753639 DOI: 10.4103/0970-258X.310920
    Background: . Undergraduate research experience has become increasingly relevant for today's medical students, considering the professional requirements of their challenging future.

    Methods: . In the mentored student project (MSP) programme at Melaka Manipal Medical College, students undertake a short-term group research project under the guidance of their mentor. After data collection and analysis, students are required to write an abstract, present a poster and also write individual reflective summaries of their research experience. We evaluated the MSP programme using reflective summaries of a batch of undergraduate medical students. Data from 41 reflective summaries were analysed using the thematic analysis approach. The learning outcomes at the third and fourth levels of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model were determined from the summaries.

    Results: . Students' reflective summaries indicated that they were satisfied with the MSP experience. In all the summaries, there was a mention of an improvement in teamwork skills through MSP. Improved relations with mentors were another relevant outcome. Improvement in communication skills and a positive change related to research attitude were also reported by students.

    Conclusions: . Reflective summaries as a means to evaluate the MSP programme was found to be an easy, feasible and cost-effective method. The qualitative approach adopted for data analysis enabled the programme coordinators to assess the strengths and barriers of the programme.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  12. Rizal Abu Bakar, Hii, Kong Loi
    This study aims to examine the relationship between mentoring program, personality and mentee outcomes. One hundred respondents from different faculties in one of the universities in East Malaysia were involved in this study. Pearson Correlation was employed to determine the relationship between mentoring program and mentee outcomes, personality and mentee outcomes, mentoring program and psychological and emotional support. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between mentoring program and mentee outcomes. Multiple Regressions was used to assess whether personality act as a moderator between mentoring program and mentee outcomes. The findings indicated that personality moderates the relationship between mentoring program and mentee outcomes. The findings of this research are beneficial for mentoring program in universities in Malaysia, especially, in ensuring better mentoring outcomes. Implication of this research on organization and individuals was also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  13. John N, Rai RP, Amidi A, Poddar S
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:188-191.
    PMID: 32713566 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2020.02.005
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to identify the nurse's overall experience with a mentoring programme and the study specifically seeks to determine the attitudes and perceived benefits of students in different semesters regarding the mentoring programme.

    METHOD: The research design was quantitative. Face-to-face survey method based on a given questionnaire was conducted with all the targeted respondents. The methodology used was a non-experimental descriptive research design. Total of 146 respondents out of 243 populations were selected using a stratified random sampling strategy to determine the research sample to give equal opportunity.

    RESULTS: Findings of hypotheses test using one-way ANOVA indicated that there is a significant difference in attitudes towards the mentoring programme and perceived benefits between different groups of nursing at Training Institute Ministry of Health (Nursing) Sandakan.

    CONCLUSION: In general, the mentoring programme had a positive impact. However, the level of attitude and perceived benefit is different among students in different semesters. The overall mean result is good and reflecting nursing students are fairly benefited from the mentoring programme.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  14. Cheah, Whye Lian, Helmy Nazmi, Hoo, Jordan Ching Bing, Chew, Jia Ying, Nurul Nazleatul Nadira Mohd Nazif, Siti Nurva'ain Mohd Kamil
    Introduction: Peer mentoring is one of the mentoring essential components in any higher institution of learning. In the Medical Faculty of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), this mentoring system has existed long but has not undergone any formal evaluation. Objective: The main objective of this study is to determine the perception of peer mentoring among medical students of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), UNIMAS. Method: It was a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaire. All medical undergraduate students of FMHS were recruited. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. Result: A total of 234 respondents participated in this study. Peer mentoring system was preferred against other mentoring system. Majority of the respondents reported that academic gain was the main benefits they gained from peer mentoring system. Negative attitude of the mentee and poor time management for the meeting were the top two worst experience encountered by both mentors and mentees respectively. More than half of the mentor and mentee perceived that peer mentoring system was beneficial to them compared to other systems, with reason that the interaction between student themselves were more easier and comfortable. Nevertheless, there should be more interaction between the mentors and mentees. Conclusion: The findings indicated there is a positive contribution of peer mentoring towards the mentoring system of the faculty. There is a need to relook at the current mentoring system and consider peer mentoring to improve the student support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  15. Cheah, Whye Lian, Helmy Hazmi, Kiu, Ling Hui, Lee, Sze Ee, Ling, Wei Nii, Wong, Veronica Huey Shin
    Introduction: Mentoring medical students is one of the essential responsibilities or missions of a medical school faculty. Objective: This study aimed to determine the perceptions of mentorship and mentoring practices among mentors using a convergent parallel method. Method: Quantitative data was collected by using an adopted validated self- administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Qualitative data was done using one-to-one interview based on semi structured interview guide and analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: A total of 61 respondents participated in the quantitative survey. Approximately 75% of the respondents had 5 to 10 mentees, with majority rated themselves as satisfactory mentor. More than 60% of them met their mentees at least once every six months. Most respondents were friendly (86.9%) and frank to their mentees (68.9%) and were interested in their mentees’ professional development (95.1%). Phone calling (93.4%) and E-mail (95.1%) were preferred as modes of contact. Mentees were allowed to call their mentors anytime of the day (74.1%). Respondents preferred to counsel their mentees (80.3%) and would refer them for professional help whenever necessary (70.5%). For qualitative data, a total of 5 participants participated with themes emerged: concepts of mentoring, factors contributing to ineffective mentoring and ways to improve mentoring practices. Conclusion: The respondents had positive perceptions regarding their mentorship and practices. A more structured approach with clear mentoring guideline and proper training should be in place.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  16. Hassan S
    Background: Reflection on the process of learning is an essential ingredient in transforming novice into expert learners. Learning to compile portfolio encourages reflective skills, which help students to work systemically in translating metacognition into self-regulatory control in order to adjust their action and monitor their learning objectives. Introducing to compile portfolio in the early years of postgraduate training is an effective tool to stimulate students’ reflective abilities. Reflective learners are better motivated than the conventional learners to take the responsibilities as researcher in future. Reflective skills achieve both learning in right direction and learning for whole life. However, use of formal methods of reflective portfolio to monitor the learning objectives is an uncommon practice in postgraduate training, primarily due to intensive time and labor required. Challenged with those constraints in Master’s of Surgery Program of Otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery in School of Medical Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia, a structured self-reflective portfolio was introduced to determine its feasibility and acceptance among supervisors and trainees. Portfolio was practiced as one of the tool for formative assessment and for making recommendations to certify independent thyroid surgery allowed to practice in future. Methodology: A self-reflective structured portfolio was introduced to monitor the learning objectives in trainees of 2007 cohort, using a model as "mentor-system for authentic and structured learning with self-reflective assessment" (MASSRA). Initially a semi-structured portfolio comprising of 12 items and guidelines to compile a portfolio was followed by a structured format in training of thyroid module in sub-specialty of Head and Neck Surgery. Mentoring was organized by putting one-mentor verses 9 students to provide general pastoral guidance to compile portfolio as two entries a year. Mentors held the counseling session with student twice a year after evaluating the portfolios to monitor their progress. Besides, candidates were also observed for their performance in thyroid surgery during a 4-years training program. Those identified with problems for their level of training were referred to "Joint Committee for Surgical Training" comprising of 3 supervisors from Head and Neck Surgery Sub-specialty and a chairman supposedly the head of the department. 7 randomly selected students were also interviewed for direct feedback to evaluate this model. Result: 28 trainees at different level of their training compiled a self-reflection structured portfolio minimum twice a year with instructional feedback from the mentor, which was used as a tract for their personal development plan (produced by each trainee) for training in thyroid surgery. Initial analysis of portfolio revealed interesting feedback from the trainees reflecting on their knowledge, surgical skills and attitude towards thyroid surgery seen in tables 2-4. Conclusion: Self-reflections about each structured items in portfolio-helped trainees to identify their problems, seek mentors guidance and work systemically to help adjust their actions by revising learning objectives. Though time and labor intensive, portfolio was rated as feasible and practical.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  17. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Abdul Rahman Noor, Nor Azwany Yaacob, Zabidi Azhar Mohd Hussin
    Objective: BigSib Students' Peer-Group Mentoring Programme was implemented as an innovative, interactive and integrated instructional method in the Universiti Sains Malaysia medical school curriculum designed to enhance and strengthen medical students training in soft skills and professional development. This study was conducted to evaluate first- and second-year medical students’ perceptions of and attitudes towards the Programme.

    Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried on 314 medical students. Questionnaires assessing medical students' perceptions and attitudes towards the Programme were administered. Data were analysed by using SPSS version 12.

    Results: 45.9 % of the students perceived the BigSib Students' Peer-Group Mentoring Programme as successful. More than 50% of the students are willing to participate in the Programme. About 60% of the students perceived it as an effective Programme in developing their soft skills and professionalism.

    Conclusion: Medical students have positive attitudes toward the Programme and it is perceived as a successful and effective Programme in developing students' personal attributes. Similar peer-group mentoring programme may be considered relevant to be incorporated into the medical curriculum in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
  18. Cheah Whye Lian, Nan Ommar, Joanne Tan Sze Fern, Surizi Ismail, Tengku Sarah Tengku Mohd Sharifudin, Wong Syn Hwan
    Objective: To determine the perception of medical students towards mentor-mentee system in Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of UNIMAS. Method: It was a cross-sectional study involving all 104 second year and 80 fifth year medical students. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic details, general perceptions on mentor-mentee system, academic support, personal development, and emotional and psychological support was distributed. The data was analysed using the SPSS version 19. Result: Majority of the subjects had a positive outlook towards the mentor-mentee system with a range of 45.6% to 57%. Three of the top rated perceptions were ‘mentor analyses mentee’s examination results and provides constructive feedback’, ‘mentor advises how to improve academic performance’, and ‘mentor gives encouragement and support for the challenges faced’ (66.8%, 68.0% and 62.9% respectively). Pre-cinical medical students had significantly better perception on mentor-mentee system than clinical students (p≤0.002) while those with non-clinician mentors significantly had better perceptions than those with clinician mentors (p≤0.003) on the system. No significant difference was found between the perceptions of males and females for all components (p=0.234 to 0.722). Conclusion: The mentor-mentee system was found to be successful as more than half of the respondents had posititve perception on the system and its aspects. However, pre-clinical students benefited more compared to clinical students, which reflects the need to look at the support given to clinical students. It was recommended that future studies should incorporate the perceptions of mentors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mentors
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