Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 155 in total

  1. Cheong YL, Rosilawati R, Mohd-Khairuddin CI, Siti-Futri FF, Nur-Ayuni N, Lim KH, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2021 Jun 01;38(2):171-179.
    PMID: 34172707 DOI: 10.47665/tb.38.2.054
    Diseases such as malaria, dengue, Zika and chikungunya remain endemic in many countries. Setting and deploying traps to capture the host/vector species are fundamental to understand their density and distributions. Human effort to manage the trap data accurately and timely is an exhaustive endeavour when the study area expands and period prolongs. One stop mobile app to manage and monitor the process of targeted species trapping, from field to laboratory level is still scarce. Toward this end, we developed a new mobile app named "PesTrapp" to acquire the vector density index based on the mobile updates of ovitraps and species information in field and laboratory. This study aimed to highlight the mobile app's development and design, elucidate the practical user experiences of using the app and evaluate the preliminary user assessment of the mobile app. The mobile app was developed using mobile framework and database. User evaluation of the mobile app was based on the adjusted Mobile App Rating Scale and Standardized User Experience Percentile Rank Questionnaire. The process flows of system design and detailed screen layouts were described. The user experiences with and without the app in a project to study Aedes surveillance in six study sites in Selangor, Malaysia were elucidated. The overall mean user evaluation score of the mobile app was 4.0 out of 5 (SD=0.6), reflects its acceptability of the users. The PesTrapp, a one-stop solution, is anticipated to improve the entomological surveillance work processes. This new mobile app can contribute as a tool in the vector control countermeasure strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors*
  2. Arham AF, Hasim NA, Mokhtar MI, Zainal N, Rusly NS, Amin L, et al.
    J Bioeth Inq, 2022 Dec;19(4):587-598.
    PMID: 36350531 DOI: 10.1007/s11673-022-10216-5
    The release of over 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes (GMM) into uninhabited Malaysian forests in 2010 was a frantic step on the part of the Malaysian government to combat the spread of dengue fever. The field trial was designed to control and reduce the dengue vector by producing offspring that die in the early developmental stage, thus decreasing the local Aedes aegypti population below the dengue transmission threshold. However, the GMM trials were discontinued in Malaysia despite being technologically feasible. The lack of systematic studies in terms of cost-benefit analysis, questionable research efficacy and safety-related concerns might have contributed to the termination of the field trial. Hence, this research aims to evaluate the feasibility of GMM release in Malaysia by using a holistic approach based on an Islamic ethical-legal assessment under the maslahah-mafsadah (benefit-risk) concept. Three main strategies based on the maslahah-mafsadah concept approach have been applied: 1) an evidence-based approach, 2) an impact-based approach and, 3) a priority approach. The analysis concluded that GMM could be categorised as zanniyyah (probable). GMM is a promising alternative for dengue control, but many issues must be addressed before its widespread adoption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/genetics
  3. Azlan A, Halim MA, Mohamad F, Azzam G
    Insect Sci, 2021 Aug;28(4):917-928.
    PMID: 32621332 DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12847
    The Southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus (Cx. quinquefasciatus) is an important vector that transmit multiple diseases including West Nile encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis and lymphatic filariasis. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) involve in many biological processes such as development, infection, and virus-host interaction. However, there is no systematic identification and characterization of lncRNAs in Cx. quinquefasciatus. Here, we report the first lncRNA identification in Cx. quinquefasciatus. By using 31 public RNA-seq datasets, a total of 4763 novel lncRNA transcripts were identified, of which 3591, 569, and 603 were intergenic, intronic, and antisense respectively. Examination of genomic features revealed that Cx. quinquefasciatus shared similar characteristics with other species such as short in length, low GC content, low sequence conservation, and low coding potential. Furthermore, compared to protein-coding genes, Cx. quinquefasciatus lncRNAs had lower expression values, and tended to be expressed in temporally specific fashion. In addition, weighted correlation network and functional annotation analyses showed that lncRNAs may have roles in blood meal acquisition of adult female Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. This study presents the first systematic identification and analysis of Cx. quinquefasciatus lncRNAs and their association with blood feeding. Results generated from this study will facilitate future investigation on the function of Cx. quinquefasciatus lncRNAs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/genetics; Mosquito Vectors/metabolism
  4. Steven MC, Solomon PD, Arumugam P, Rasali R, Dominic AC, Md Ideris H, et al.
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2024 Feb 29;18(2):299-302.
    PMID: 38484359 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.18292
    INTRODUCTION: Given the stagnating progress in the fight against dengue in Kota Kinabalu, there is an urgent need to use other strategies to complement the existing vector control, focusing on larviciding. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has been used in vector control programs in many countries. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using UAVs for larviciding to control Aedes mosquitoes in urban areas.

    METHODOLOGY: The Hexarotor Agro Drone (Polardrone Sdn Bhd, Malaysia) was used to carry out larviciding using Vectobac® manufactured by Valent BioSciences LLC, Libertyville, USA. The drone flew at a height of 10 feet and at a speed of 5 m/s. A total of 32 items with 10 larvae in each item were placed to test the effectiveness of larviciding using UAV.

    RESULTS: Out of 32 items used, 4 containers had a 100% larva mortality (13.3% mortality). The drone was not able to reach the designated spraying route that had been pre-programmed. This was due to interference with the electromagnetic waves emitted from the home satellite dishes, that were in front of the houses along the route.

    CONCLUSIONS: This trial showed that UAVs will be more suitable for use in larviciding in an open area without electromagnetic disturbances from electric house poles and satellite TV dishes that are commonly present in urban areas.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors
  5. Vythilingam I, Wong ML, Wan-Yussof WS
    Parasitology, 2018 01;145(1):32-40.
    PMID: 27222102 DOI: 10.1017/S0031182016000901
    Plasmodium knowlesi a simian malaria parasite is currently affecting humans in Southeast Asia. Malaysia has reported the most number of cases and P. knowlesi is the predominant species occurring in humans. The vectors of P. knowlesi belong to the Leucosphyrus group of Anopheles mosquitoes. These are generally described as forest-dwelling mosquitoes. With deforestation and changes in land-use, some species have become predominant in farms and villages. However, knowledge on the distribution of these vectors in the country is sparse. From a public health point of view it is important to know the vectors, so that risk factors towards knowlesi malaria can be identified and control measures instituted where possible. Here, we review what is known about the knowlesi malaria vectors and ascertain the gaps in knowledge, so that future studies could concentrate on this paucity of data in-order to address this zoonotic problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/parasitology; Mosquito Vectors/physiology*
  6. Taai K, Harbach RE, Somboon P, Sriwichai P, Aupalee K, Srisuka W, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Dec 01;36(4):926-937.
    PMID: 33597464
    Some species of the Anopheles dirus species complex are considered to be highly competent malaria vectors in Southeast Asia. Anopheles dirus is the primary vector of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax while An. cracens is the main vector of P. knowlesi. However, these two species are difficult to distinguish and identify based on morphological characters. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of antennal sensilla to distinguish them. Large sensilla coeloconica borne on the antennae of adult females were counted under a compound light microscope and the different types of antennal sensilla were examined in a scanning electron microscope. The antennae of both species bear five types of sensilla: ampullacea, basiconica, chaetica, coeloconica and trichodea. Observations revealed that the mean numbers of large sensilla coeloconica on antennal flagellomeres 2, 3, 7, 10 and 12 on both antennae of both species were significantly different. This study is the first to describe the types of antennal sensilla and to discover the usefulness of the large coeloconic sensilla for distinguishing the two species. The discovery provides a simple, reliable and inexpensive method for distinguishing them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/anatomy & histology*; Mosquito Vectors/classification
  7. Hawkes F, Manin BO, Ng SH, Torr SJ, Drakeley C, Chua TH, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2017 Jul 18;10(1):338.
    PMID: 28720113 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2277-3
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium knowlesi is found in macaques and is the only major zoonotic malaria to affect humans. Transmission of P. knowlesi between people and macaques depends on the host species preferences and feeding behavior of mosquito vectors. However, these behaviours are difficult to measure due to the lack of standardized methods for sampling potential vectors attracted to different host species. This study evaluated electrocuting net traps as a safe, standardised method for sampling P. knowlesi vectors attracted to human and macaque hosts. Field experiments were conducted within a major focus on P. knowlesi transmission in Malaysian Borneo to compare the performance of human (HENET) or macaque (MENET) odour-baited electrocuting nets, human landing catches (HLC) and monkey-baited traps (MBT) for sampling mosquitoes. The abundance and diversity of Anopheles sampled by different methods were compared over 40 nights, with a focus on the P. knowlesi vector Anopheles balabancensis.

    RESULTS: HLC caught more An. balabacensis than any other method (3.6 per night). In contrast, no An. balabacensis were collected in MBT collections, which generally performed poorly for all mosquito taxa. Anopheles vector species including An. balabacensis were sampled in both HENET and MENET collections, but at a mean abundance of less than 1 per night. There was no difference between HENET and MENET in the overall abundance (P = 0.05) or proportion (P = 0.7) of An. balabacensis. The estimated diversity of Anopheles species was marginally higher in electrocuting net than HLC collections, and similar in collections made with humans or monkey hosts.

    CONCLUSIONS: Host-baited electrocuting nets had moderate success for sampling known zoonotic malaria vectors. The primary vector An. balabacensis was collected with electrocuting nets baited both with humans and macaques, but at a considerably lower density than the HLC standard. However, electrocuting nets were considerably more successful than monkey-baited traps and representatively characterised anopheline species diversity. Consequently, their use allows inferences about relative mosquito attraction to be meaningfully interpreted while eliminating confounding factors due to trapping method. On this basis, electrocuting net traps should be considered as a useful standardised method for investigating vector contact with humans and wildlife reservoirs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/classification; Mosquito Vectors/physiology*
  8. Lee JM, Wasserman RJ, Gan JY, Wilson RF, Rahman S, Yek SH
    Ecohealth, 2020 03;17(1):52-63.
    PMID: 31786667 DOI: 10.1007/s10393-019-01457-9
    Knowledge of the interrelationship of mosquito communities and land use changes is of paramount importance to understand the potential risk of mosquito disease transmission. This study examined the effects of land use types in urban, peri-urban and natural landscapes on mosquito community structure to test whether the urban landscape is implicated in increased prevalence of potentially harmful mosquitoes. Three land use types (park, farm, and forest nested in urban, peri-urban and natural landscapes, respectively) in Klang Valley, Malaysia, were surveyed for mosquito larval habitat, mosquito abundance and diversity. We found that the nature of human activities in land use types can increase artificial larval habitats, supporting container-breeding vector specialists such as Aedes albopictus, a dengue vector. In addition, we observed a pattern of lower mosquito richness but higher mosquito abundance, characterised by the high prevalence of Ae. albopictus in the urban landscape. This was also reflected in the mosquito community structure whereby urban and peri-urban landscapes were composed of mainly vector species compared to a more diverse mosquito composition in natural landscape. This study suggested that good environmental management practices in the tropical urban landscape are of key importance for effective mosquito-borne disease management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors*
  9. Panda BB, Mohanty I, Rath A, Pradhan N, Hazra RK
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Sep 01;36(3):610-619.
    PMID: 33597483
    India contributes substantially to global malaria incidents. Vector dynamics is the significant determinant of malaria risk. Hence, knowledge on the interaction between rainfall, malaria cases and malaria vector density can be very useful for controlling malaria transmission. Kalahandi was screened for malaria cases, Anopheline vector density and their temporal relationship with rainfall. Epidemiological data was obtained from National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Odisha, India. Three years vector population study was carried out. Rainfall data was obtained from a database maintained by the Govt. of Odisha and was analysed using Univariate ANOVA and Pearson correlation co-efficient tests using R-prog. Malaria was found to be prevalent throughout the year attaining peak between July to August and another peak in December, amidst which the clinical malaria cases being recorded implied highest incidents in the month of July. The results estimated the seasonality of the population of An. culicifacies, An. fluviatilis and An. annularis over the region and determined the influence of rainfall on the vector population dynamics. Simple linear regression analysis suggested that at one month lag monthly rainfall (P=0.0007) was a significant meteorological factor. Rainfall seemed to be one of the best malaria predictors because of its positive correlation with proliferation of malaria cases in conjunction with An. culicifacies density making malaria a serious health issue in Kalahandi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/parasitology
  10. Pramasivan S, Ngui R, Jeyaprakasam NK, Low VL, Liew JWK, Vythilingam I
    Parasit Vectors, 2023 Oct 09;16(1):355.
    PMID: 37814287 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-023-05984-x
    BACKGROUND: Malaria parasites such as Plasmodium knowlesi, P. inui, and P. cynomolgi are spread from macaques to humans through the Leucosphyrus Group of Anopheles mosquitoes. It is crucial to know the distribution of these vectors to implement effective control measures for malaria elimination. Plasmodium knowlesi is the most predominant zoonotic malaria parasite infecting humans in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Vector data from various sources were used to create distribution maps from 1957 to 2021. A predictive statistical model utilizing logistic regression was developed using significant environmental factors. Interpolation maps were created using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method and overlaid with the corresponding environmental variables.

    RESULTS: Based on the IDW analysis, high vector abundances were found in the southwestern part of Sarawak, the northern region of Pahang and the northwestern part of Sabah. However, most parts of Johor, Sabah, Perlis, Penang, Kelantan and Terengganu had low vector abundance. The accuracy test indicated that the model predicted sampling and non-sampling areas with 75.3% overall accuracy. The selected environmental variables were entered into the regression model based on their significant values. In addition to the presence of water bodies, elevation, temperature, forest loss and forest cover were included in the final model since these were significantly correlated. Anopheles mosquitoes were mainly distributed in Peninsular Malaysia (Titiwangsa range, central and northern parts), Sabah (Kudat, West Coast, Interior and Tawau division) and Sarawak (Kapit, Miri, and Limbang). The predicted Anopheles mosquito density was lower in the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia, the Sandakan Division of Sabah and the western region of Sarawak.

    CONCLUSION: The study offers insight into the distribution of the Leucosphyrus Group of Anopheles mosquitoes in Malaysia. Additionally, the accompanying predictive vector map correlates well with cases of P. knowlesi malaria. This research is crucial in informing and supporting future efforts by healthcare professionals to develop effective malaria control interventions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/parasitology
  11. Jeyaprakasam NK, Low VL, Pramasivan S, Liew JWK, Wan-Sulaiman WY, Vythilingam I
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2023 Jun;17(6):e0011438.
    PMID: 37384790 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011438
    BACKGROUND: The elimination of malaria in Southeast Asia has become more challenging as a result of rising knowlesi malaria cases. In addition, naturally occurring human infections with other zoonotic simian malaria caused by Plasmodium cynomolgi and Plasmodium inui adds another level of complexity in malaria elimination in this region. Unfortunately, data on vectors which are responsible for transmitting this zoonotic disease is very limited.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted longitudinal studies to investigate the entomological parameters of the simian malaria vectors and to examine the genetic diversity and evolutionary pattern of their simian Plasmodium. All the captured Anopheles mosquitoes were dissected to examine for the presence of oocysts, sporozoites and to determine the parous rate. Our study revealed that the Anopheles Leucosphyrus Group mosquitoes are highly potential competent vectors, as evidenced by their high rate of parity, survival and sporozoite infections in these mosquitoes. Thus, these mosquitoes represent a risk of human infection with zoonotic simian malaria in this region. Haplotype analysis on P. cynomolgi and P. inui, found in high prevalence in the Anopheles mosquitoes from this study, had shown close relationship between simian Plasmodium from the Anopheles mosquitoes with its vertebrate hosts. This directly signifies the ongoing transmission between the vector, macaques, and humans. Furthermore, population genetic analysis showed significant negative values which suggest that both Plasmodium species are undergoing population expansion.

    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: With constant microevolutionary processes, there are potential for both P. inui and P. cynomolgi to emerge and spread as a major public health problem, following the similar trend of P. knowlesi. Therefore, concerted vector studies in other parts of Southeast Asia are warranted to better comprehend the transmission dynamics of this zoonotic simian malaria which eventually would aid in the implementation of effective control measures in a rapidly changing environment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/parasitology
  12. Kayode FI, Taiwo IE, Adeogun AO, Olalekan O, Chimdalu IP, Olayilola OI, et al.
    Afr Health Sci, 2023 Mar;23(1):255-261.
    PMID: 37545927 DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v23i1.27
    OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the susceptibility status of Anopheles gambiae in two communities of Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria to DDT, deltamethrin, lambda cyhalothrin and bendiocarb.

    METHODS: Anopheles immature stages were collected from their habitats in the surveyed community and allowed to emerge before exposure adult females to discriminating doses of WHO insecticides including DDT, deltamethrin, lambda cyhalothrin, bendiocarb and malathion. PBO synergistic bioassay was conducted for insecticides where the mosquito samples showed resistance. PCR assay was used for the detection of kdr mutation in the mosquitoes.

    RESULTS: Resistance to DDT (40% and 86%) and lambda cyhalothrin (75% and 84%) in Oke-Ota and Majidun respectively. Suspected resistance to deltamethrin (94.9%) and bendiocarb (93.5%) was recorded in Oke-Ota community and the mosquitoes were susceptible to malathion in both communities. KDR mutation (L1014F) from resistance samples from both locations though with a low frequency that significantly departs from Hardy-Weinberg's probability (P> 0.01). PBO synergized bioassay was able to increase knockdown, percentage mortality and restore full susceptibility to deltamethrin and bendiocarb.

    CONCLUSION: Results from this study indicates that the metabolic resistance mechanism is highly implicated in the resistance to different classes of insecticide in Ikorodu and this should be taken into consideration when implementing vector control activities in this area.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/genetics
  13. Rathod L, Mishra S, Samuel S, Yadav K, Sharma G, Singh S, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Jun 01;41(2):209-213.
    PMID: 39154275 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.2.012
    Monitoring mosquito host choice to identify high-risk groups for different vector-borne diseases is important to devise vector control strategies and disease management. The present study was conducted to develop and validate a PCR-based method to identify human sex in blood-fed Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Several human genes present in both the X and Y chromosomes were screened and diagnostic PCR primers were successfully designed and amplified for the human STS gene. The limit of detection of this PCR assay was carried out on Ae. aegypti fed with human blood up to 5 days (120 hours) post blood-meal under laboratory condition. The efficiency of this PCR assay was evaluated in field-collected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes and compared with other existing methods. The developed PCR primers can successfully amplify and distinguish human sex in mosquitoes up to 72 hours after a blood meal, with an amplified product of 627bp and 298bp for male (XY) and 627bp for female (XX) blood-fed mosquitoes. Further, validation of this assay in field-collected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes revealed that this assay could detect human sex in mosquito blood meal substantially more efficiently (c2 = 4.5, p = 0.034) than other PCR based assay. The newly developed PCR assay highly specific to human DNA and can distinguish male and female DNA for up to 72 hours. This assay can be is used for identifying highrisk groups and extended to other medically important hematophagous insects to assess their role in disease transmission and epidemic preparedness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/genetics
  14. Muhammad NAF, Abu Kassim NF, Ab Majid AH, Abd Rahman A, Dieng H, Avicor SW
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0241688.
    PMID: 33175896 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241688
    Urbanization could potentially modify Aedes albopictus' ecology by changing the dynamics of the species, and affecting their breeding sites due to environmental changes, and thus contribute to dengue outbreaks. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the biting rhythm, fecundity and longevity of adult female Ae. albopictus in relation to urbanization strata; urban, suburban and rural areas in Penang Island, Malaysia. The experiments were done in comparison to a laboratory strain. Twenty-four hours biting activity of all the mosquito strains showed a clear bimodal biting activity, with morning and evening twilight peaks. The interaction effect between biting time and mosquito strains was not significant. Meanwhile, differences in fecundity among mosquito strains were statistically significant (F(3,442) = 10.559, P < 0.05) with urban areas having higher mean number of eggs (mean = 107.69, standard error = 3.98) than suburban (mean = 94.48, standard error = 5.18), and rural areas (mean = 72.52, standard error = 3.87). Longevity of adult females were significantly higher (F(3,441) = 31.259, P < 0.05) for mosquito strains from urban areas compared to the other strains. These findings would provide crucial information for the planning of control programs in Malaysia, particularly Penang.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/physiology
  15. Amelia-Yap ZH, Sofian-Azirun M, Chen CD, Suana IW, Lau KW, Elia-Amira NMR, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2019 04 16;56(3):811-816.
    PMID: 30715464 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjz007
    The emergence of pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti (L.) has limited the success of vector control. Early detection of resistance could assist authorities in deciding well-suited control strategies to minimize operational failures of Ae. aegypti control. Herein, biochemical analysis was performed to investigate the mechanisms involved in pyrethroid resistance in nine populations of Indonesian Ae. aegypti. Enzymes of adult Ae. aegypti such as esterases (ESTs), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), and mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) were characterized. Elevated MFO activity was correlated with resistance phenotype, indicating the role of this enzyme in contributing to pyrethroid resistance. No significant correlations were shown between pyrethroid resistance phenotype and α-ESTs, suggesting that marginally exceeded enzyme levels relative to the reference strain in some pyrethroid-susceptible populations were causative factor for insecticide resistance in other groups of insecticides. However, significant correlation was demonstrated between β-ESTs and pyrethroid resistance phenotype. The lowest enzyme levels in GSTs indicated that this enzyme was not predominant in causing pyrethroid resistance, despite the presence of significant correlations. Because metabolic detoxification fails to comprehensively explain the pyrethroid resistance in some Indonesian Ae. aegypti, additional mechanisms such as altered target sites in voltage-gated sodium channel may also contribute to the high pyrethroid resistance in Ae. aegypti.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/drug effects*; Mosquito Vectors/enzymology; Mosquito Vectors/genetics
  16. Avicor SW, Wajidi MFF, Achoribo ES, Ong MT, Hamzah SN
    Trop Biomed, 2021 Jun 01;38(2):186-191.
    PMID: 34172709 DOI: 10.47665/tb.38.2.056
    Plants contain bioactive compounds and are constantly explored as safer alternatives to conventional insecticides. Despite numerous studies on many plants, information on the insecticidal potential of underutilised plants like tiger nut, Cyperus esculentus L., are scant, although their pharmacological potentials are well known. Hence, this study investigated the larvicidal potential of crude aqueous extracts of two C. esculentus varieties (black and yellow) on the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say). Mosquito larvae were exposed to C. esculentus crude extracts using the larval bioassay technique of the World Health Organization. Differential larvicidal responses were observed in the test mosquitoes and extracts of Black Dried Tiger nuts (BDT) were more larvicidal than Yellow Dried Tiger nuts (YDT). Acute larval toxicity of the extracts was more pronounced on Cx. quinquefasciatus than Ae. aegypti. The results indicate the potential of C. esculentus (particularly BDT) as a source of mosquito bioinsecticide and merits further studies as a safer alternative to conventional insecticide-based vector control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors
  17. Guzman H, Contreras-Gutierrez MA, Travassos da Rosa APA, Nunes MRT, Cardoso JF, Popov VL, et al.
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2018 02;98(2):410-419.
    PMID: 29016330 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0350
    Three novel insect-specific flaviviruses, isolated from mosquitoes collected in Peru, Malaysia (Sarawak), and the United States, are characterized. The new viruses, designated La Tina, Kampung Karu, and Long Pine Key, respectively, are antigenically and phylogenetically more similar to the mosquito-borne flavivirus pathogens, than to the classical insect-specific viruses like cell fusing agent and Culex flavivirus. The potential implications of this relationship and the possible uses of these and other arbovirus-related insect-specific flaviviruses are reviewed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors/genetics; Mosquito Vectors/pathogenicity; Mosquito Vectors/virology
  18. Ong SQ, Pauzi MBM, Gan KH
    Acta Trop, 2022 Jul;231:106447.
    PMID: 35430265 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2022.106447
    Mosquito-borne diseases are emerging and re-emerging across the globe, especially after the COVID19 pandemic. The recent advances in text mining in infectious diseases hold the potential of providing timely access to explicit and implicit associations among information in the text. In the past few years, the availability of online text data in the form of unstructured or semi-structured text with rich content of information from this domain enables many studies to provide solutions in this area, e.g., disease-related knowledge discovery, disease surveillance, early detection system, etc. However, a recent review of text mining in the domain of mosquito-borne disease was not available to the best of our knowledge. In this review, we survey the recent works in the text mining techniques used in combating mosquito-borne diseases. We highlight the corpus sources, technologies, applications, and the challenges faced by the studies, followed by the possible future directions that can be taken further in this domain. We present a bibliometric analysis of the 294 scientific articles that have been published in Scopus and PubMed in the domain of text mining in mosquito-borne diseases, from the year 2016 to 2021. The papers were further filtered and reviewed based on the techniques used to analyze the text related to mosquito-borne diseases. Based on the corpus of 158 selected articles, we found 27 of the articles were relevant and used text mining in mosquito-borne diseases. These articles covered the majority of Zika (38.70%), Dengue (32.26%), and Malaria (29.03%), with extremely low numbers or none of the other crucial mosquito-borne diseases like chikungunya, yellow fever, West Nile fever. Twitter was the dominant corpus resource to perform text mining in mosquito-borne diseases, followed by PubMed and LexisNexis databases. Sentiment analysis was the most popular technique of text mining to understand the discourse of the disease and followed by information extraction, which dependency relation and co-occurrence-based approach to extract relations and events. Surveillance was the main usage of most of the reviewed studies and followed by treatment, which focused on the drug-disease or symptom-disease association. The advance in text mining could improve the management of mosquito-borne diseases. However, the technique and application posed many limitations and challenges, including biases like user authentication and language, real-world implementation, etc. We discussed the future direction which can be useful to expand this area and domain. This review paper contributes mainly as a library for text mining in mosquito-borne diseases and could further explore the system for other neglected diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors
  19. Nik Abdull Halim NMH, Che Dom N, Dapari R, Salim H, Precha N
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:1074028.
    PMID: 36600940 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1074028
    INTRODUCTION: The Aedes mosquito species, which are the vectors for the transmission of the dengue virus (DENV) to humans, are becoming increasingly susceptible to the formidable effects of influential factors, especially temperature. However, there are still very few studies that have systematically reviewed the existing literature. Hence, in the present study, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis was conducted into the effects of temperature on dengue vectors.

    METHOD: Several research methodologies were incorporated into the current study, and a review was carried out using PRISMA as a guide. The publications for this study were chosen from two prominent databases, Scopus and Web of Science. All of the studies were assessed, reviewed, and evaluated independently by two reviewers. The meta-analysis tool, Review Manager (RevMan Copenhagen Version 5.4.1), was used to record the extracted data for the meta-analysis. Moran's I 2 and a funnel plot were utilized to measure heterogeneity, and publication bias was investigated. A 95% confidence interval (CI) and overall risk difference (RD) were estimated using a random-effects model.

    RESULT AND DISCUSSION: As a consequence of the search efforts, a total of 46 articles were selected for inclusion in the systematic review and meta-analysis. This review was divided into five major themes, based on a thematic analysis: (i) hatching rate, (ii) development time, (iii) longevity, (iv) survival rate, and (v) wing morphology. In addition, the development time, survival rate, and wing morphology revealed significantly higher risk differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures (RD: 0.26, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.36; p = < 0.00001; RD: 0.10, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.14; p < 0.0001; and RD: 0.07, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.12; p = 0.006, respectively). This study makes several substantial contributions to the body of knowledge and to practical applications. Finally, a number of recommendations are made at the conclusion of this research for the future reference of researchers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Vectors
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