METHODS: In this study, the morphophical changes and apoptosis induction of WEHI 3B leukemia cell line treated with NDV strain AF2240 were studied by scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes techniques.
RESULT: Electron microscopy indicated that NDV strain AF 2240 significantly altered cell morphology and reduced cell viability. Furthermore, early apoptosis was observed 6 h post-inoculation by fluorescence microscope.
CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that NDV has ability to induce significant apoptoic structural changes in WEHI 3B leukemia cell line. These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of action of NDV virotherapy and could lead to the development of more effective treatments for leukemia.
METHODS: 45 rats at 6 weeks of age, were randomly assigned to nine groups with 5 rats in each group, both azoxymethane (AOM) and 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) were given to rats according to the body weight. NDV virus strains (AF2240 and V4-UPM) doses were determined to rats according to CD50 resulted from MTT assay. After 8 doses of NDV strians and 5-FU, tissue sections preparations and histopathological study of rats' organs were done.
RESULTS: In this article morphological changes of rats' organs, especially in livers, after treatment with a colon carcinogen (azoxymethane) and Newcastle disease virus strains have been recorded. We observed liver damage caused by AOM evidenced by morphological changes and enzymatic elevation were protected by the oncolytic viruses sections. Also we found that combination treatment NDV with 5-FU had greater antitumor efficacy than treatment with NDV or 5-FU alone.
CONCLUSION: We noted morphological changes in liver and other rats' organs due to a chemical carcinogen and their protection by NDV AF2240 and NDV V4-UPM seems to be most protective.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effects of HSV-G47Δ oncolytic virus on telomerase and telomere length alterations in U251GBMCSCs (U251-Glioblastoma cancer stem cells) under hypoxia and normoxia conditions.
METHODS: U251-CSCs were exposed to the HSV-G47Δ virus in optimized MOI (Multiplicity of infection= 1/14 hours). An absolute telomere length and gene expression of telomerase subunits were determined using an absolute human telomere length quantification PCR assay. Furthermore, a bioinformatics pathway analysis was carried out to evaluate physical and genetic interactions between dysregulated genes with other potential genes and pathways.
RESULTS: Data revealed that U251CSCs had longer telomeres when exposed to HSV-G47Δ in normoxic conditions but had significantly shorter telomeres in hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, hTERC, DKC1, and TEP1 genes were significantly dysregulated in hypoxic and normoxic microenvironments. The analysis revealed that the expression of TERF2 was significantly reduced in both microenvironments, and two critical genes from the MRN complex, MER11 and RAD50, were significantly upregulated in normoxic conditions. RAD50 showed a significant downregulation pattern in the hypoxic niche. Our results suggested that repair complex in the telomeric structure could be targeted by HSV-G47Δ in both microenvironments.
CONCLUSION: In the glioblastoma treatment strategy, telomerase and telomere complex could be potential targets for HSV-G47Δ in both microenvironments.
METHODS: A total of 90 mice were used and divided into 15 groups, each group comprising of 6 mice. Tumour, body weight and mortality of the mice were determined throughout the experiment, to observe the effect of NDV and NDV + tamoxifen treatments on the mice. In addition, the toxic effect of the treatments was determined through liver function test. In order to elucidate the involvement of cytokine production induced by NDV, a total of six cytokines, i.e. IL-6, IFN-γ, MCP-1, IL-10, IL12p70 and TNF-α were measured using cytometric bead array assay (plasma) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (isolated splenocytes).
RESULTS: The results demonstrated that 4 T1 breast cancer cells in allotransplanted mice treated with AF2240 showed a noticeable inhibition of tumour growth and induce apoptotic-related cytokines.
CONCLUSIONS: NDV AF2240 suppression of breast tumour growth is associated with induction of apoptotic-related cytokines. It would be important to further investigate the molecular mechanism underlaying cytokines production by Newcastle disease virus.