METHODS: Of the 75 patients enrolled in the MARVEL 2 study, 73 had a rhythm assessment and were included in the analysis. The enhanced MARVEL 2 algorithm included a mode-switching algorithm that automatically switches between VDD and ventricular only antibradycardia pacing (VVI)-40 depending upon AVC status.
RESULTS: Forty-two patients (58%) had persistent third degree AV block (AVB), 18 (25%) had 1:1 AVC, 5 (7%) had variable AVC status, and 8 (11%) had atrial arrhythmias. Among the 42 patients with persistent third degree AVB, the median ventricular pacing (VP) percentage was 99.9% compared to 0.2% among those with 1:1 AVC. As AVC status changed, the algorithm switched to VDD when the ventricular rate dropped less than 40 bpm. During atrial fibrillation (AF) with ventricular response greater than 40 bpm, VVI-40 mode was maintained. No pauses longer than 1500 ms were observed. Frequent ventricular premature beats reduced the percentage of AV synchrony. During AF, the atrial signal was of low amplitude and there was infrequent sensing.
CONCLUSION: The mode switching algorithm reduced VP in patients with 1:1 AVC and appropriately switched to VDD during AV block. No pacing safety issues were observed during arrhythmias.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report the performance of the Micra AV leadless pacemaker from the worldwide Micra AV post-approval registry (PAR) through 12 months.
METHODS: The Micra AV PAR is a prospective, single-arm, observational registry designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of Micra AV in a real-world setting. For the present interim analysis, major complications and system revisions through 12 months were summarized and compared to a historical cohort of 2667 patients implanted with a transvenous dual-chamber pacing system.
RESULTS: The device was successfully implanted in 796 of 801 patients (99.4%) at 97 centers in 19 countries. Micra AV patients were older (74.1 years vs 71.1 years; P < .0001) with a higher incidence of renal disease (22.3% vs 9.8%; P < .0001) compared with transvenous dual-chamber patients. Through 12 months, the major complication rate was 3.7% in Micra AV patients compared with 8.8% in transvenous dual-chamber patients (hazard ratio 0.42; 95% confidence interval 0.28-0.61; P < .001). The system revision rate was 1.5% in Micra AV patients compared with 5.5% for transvenous dual-chamber patients (hazard ratio 0.25; 95% confidence interval 0.13-0.47; P < .001); this reduction was largely driven by the absence of lead dislodgments requiring revision. The median AV synchrony index was 79.4% (interquartile range 65.2%-86.4%) in patients paced >90%.
CONCLUSION: The Micra AV leadless pacemaker was implanted with a high rate of success in patients with multiple comorbidities, with a significantly lower rate of complications and system revisions through 12 months compared to a historical cohort of patients with transvenous dual-chamber pacemakers.
BACKGROUND: Despite many advantages, leadless pacemakers are currently only capable of single-chamber ventricular pacing.
METHODS: The prospective MARVEL 2 (Micra Atrial tRacking using a Ventricular accELerometer 2) study assessed the performance of an automated, enhanced accelerometer-based algorithm downloaded to the Micra leadless pacemaker for up to 5 h in patients with AV block. The primary efficacy objective was to demonstrate the superiority of the algorithm to provide AV synchronous (VDD) pacing versus VVI-50 pacing in patients with sinus rhythm and complete AV block. The primary safety objective was to demonstrate that the algorithm did not result in pauses or heart rates of >100 beats/min.
RESULTS: Overall, 75 patients from 12 centers were enrolled; an accelerometer-based algorithm was downloaded to their leadless pacemakers. Among the 40 patients with sinus rhythm and complete AV block included in the primary efficacy objective analysis, the proportion of patients with ≥70% AV synchrony at rest was significantly greater with VDD pacing than with VVI pacing (95% vs. 0%; p
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe the natural history of acute elevated Micra vs traditional transvenous lead thresholds.
METHODS: Micra study VVI patients with threshold data (at 0.24 ms) at implant (n = 711) were compared with Capture study patients with de novo transvenous leads at 0.4 ms (n = 538). In both cohorts, high thresholds were defined as >1.0 V and very high as >1.5 V. Change in pacing threshold (0-6 months) with high (1.0 to ≤1.5 V) or very high (>1.5 V) thresholds were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
RESULTS: Of the 711 Micra patients, 83 (11.7%) had an implant threshold of >1.0 V at 0.24 ms. Of the 538 Capture patients, 50 (9.3%) had an implant threshold of >1.0 V at 0.40 ms. There were no significant differences in patient characteristics between those with and without an implant threshold of >1.0 V, with the exception of left ventricular ejection fraction in the Capture cohort (high vs low thresholds, 53% vs 58%; P = .011). Patients with an implant threshold of >1.0 V decreased significantly (P < .001) in both cohorts. Micra patients with high and very high thresholds decreased significantly (P < .01) by 1 month, with 87% and 85% having 6-month thresholds lower than the implant value. However, when the capture threshold at implant was >2 V, only 18.2% had a threshold of ≤1 V at 6 months and 45.5% had a capture threshold of >2 V.
CONCLUSIONS: Pacing thresholds in most Micra patients with elevated thresholds decrease after implant. Micra device repositioning may not be necessary if the pacing threshold is ≤2 V.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report was to describe the prespecified long-term safety objective of Micra at 12 months and electrical performance through 24 months.
METHODS: The Micra Transcatheter Pacing Study was a prospective single-arm study designed to assess the safety and efficacy of the Micra VVIR leadless/intracardiac pacemaker. Enrolled patients met class I or II guideline recommendations for de novo ventricular pacing. The long-term safety objective was freedom from a system- or procedure-related major complication at 12 months. A predefined historical control group of 2667 patients with transvenous pacemakers was used to compare major complication rates.
RESULTS: The long-term safety objective was achieved with a freedom from major complication rate of 96.0% at 12 months (95% confidence interval 94.2%-97.2%; P < .0001 vs performance goal). The risk of major complications for patients with Micra (N = 726) was 48% lower than that for patients with transvenous systems through 12 months postimplant (hazard ratio 0.52; 95% confidence interval 0.35-0.77; P = .001). Across subgroups of age, sex, and comorbidities, Micra reduced the risk of major complications compared to transvenous systems. Electrical performance was excellent through 24 months, with a projected battery longevity of 12.1 years.
CONCLUSION: Long-term performance of the Micra transcatheter pacemaker remains consistent with previously reported data. Few patients experienced major complications through 12 months of follow-up, and all patient subgroups benefited as compared to transvenous pacemaker historical control group.
METHODS AND RESULTS: The primary outcome (risk of cardiac failure, pacemaker syndrome, or syncope related to the Micra system or procedure) was compared between successfully implanted patients from the Micra IDE trial with a primary pacing indication associated with AF or history of AF (AF group) and those without (non-AF group). Among 720 patients successfully implanted with Micra, 228 (31.7%) were in the non-AF group. Reasons for selecting VVI pacing in non-AF patients included an expectation for infrequent pacing (66.2%) and advanced age (27.2%). More patients in the non-AF group had a condition that precluded the use of a transvenous pacemaker (9.6% vs. 4.7%, P = 0.013). Atrial fibrillation patients programmed to VVI received significantly more ventricular pacing compared to non-AF patients (median 67.8% vs. 12.6%; P
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report the worldwide experience with successful retrieval of the Micra TPS.
METHODS: A list of all successful retrievals of the currently available leadless pacemakers (LPs) was obtained from the manufacturer of Micra TPS. Pertinent details of retrieval, such as indication, days postimplantation, equipment used, complications, and postretrieval management, were obtained from the database collected by the manufacturer. Other procedural details were obtained directly from the operators at each participating site.
RESULTS: Data from the manufacturer consisted of 40 successful retrievals of the Micra TPS. Operators for 29 retrievals (73%) provided the consent and procedural details. Of the 29 retrievals, 11 patients underwent retrieval during the initial procedure (immediate retrieval); the other 18 patients underwent retrieval during a separate procedure (delayed retrieval). Median duration before delayed retrieval was 46 days (range 1-95 days). The most common reason for immediate retrieval was elevated pacing threshold after tether removal. The most common reasons for delayed retrieval included elevated pacing threshold at follow-up, endovascular infection, and need for transvenous device. Mean procedure duration was 63.11 ± 56 minutes. All retrievals involved snaring via a Micra TPS delivery catheter or steerable sheath. No serious complications occurred during the reported retrievals.
CONCLUSION: Early retrieval of the Micra TPS is feasible and safe.