Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 698 in total

  1. Walker P, Scallon G, Francis BJ
    Atten Percept Psychophys, 2020 May;82(4):1949-1970.
    PMID: 31898071 DOI: 10.3758/s13414-019-01963-6
    Cross-sensory correspondences can reflect crosstalk between aligned conceptual feature dimensions, though uncertainty remains regarding the identities of all the dimensions involved. It is unclear, for example, if heaviness contributes to correspondences separately from size. Taking steps to dissociate variations in heaviness from variations in size, the question was asked if a heaviness-brightness correspondence will induce a congruity effect during the speeded brightness classification of simple visual stimuli. Participants classified the stimuli according to whether they were brighter or darker than the mid-gray background against which they appeared. They registered their speeded decisions by manipulating (e.g., tapping) the object they were holding in either their left or right hand (e.g., left for bright, right for dark). With these two otherwise identical objects contrasting in their weight, stimuli were classified more quickly when the relative heaviness of the object needing to be manipulated corresponded with the brightness of the stimulus being classified (e.g., the heavier object for a darker stimulus). This novel congruity effect, in the guise of a stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility effect, was induced when heaviness was isolated as an enduring feature of the object needing to be manipulated. It was also undiminished when participants completed a concurrent verbal memory load task, countering claims that the heaviness-brightness correspondence is verbally mediated. Heaviness, alongside size, appears to contribute to cross-sensory correspondences in its own right and in a manner confirming the far-reaching influence of correspondences, extending here to the fluency with which people communicate simple ideas by manipulating a hand-held object.
    Matched MeSH terms: Visual Perception*
  2. R SR, M E A, M M
    J Food Sci, 2021 Sep;86(9):4159-4171.
    PMID: 34383295 DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.15877
    This study was conducted to evaluate consumer profiling of pineapple at five maturity stages using check-all-that-apply (CATA) method and to determine the influence of post-harvest physiological changes on the physical and chemical properties of the pineapple. Nineteen CATA terms describing sensory attributes of pineapples at five maturity stages were generated. Seventy-five consumers were involved in describing the changes in the organoleptic properties of pineapple using CATA questions. The relationship between physicochemical properties and sensory description of pineapples was analyzed using correspondence analysis (CA). The total variance of 97.7% and 92.2% obtained in the CA plot of the physical and chemical properties with the consumer profiling data suggests that consumers have effectively described the pineapple harvested at five maturity stages. Changes in physical and chemical compositions in pineapple upon maturation result in the development of pineapple's desirable organoleptic characteristics, characterized as fresh, attractive, and bright yellowish, with a soft, fibrous, and juicy texture, a sweet odor and pineapple aroma as well as sweet taste. Index 3 pineapple has been described as pale, hard, and crunchy in texture at the early stage of maturity and has a sour taste. The characteristic was transformed to bright yellow, soft, fibrous, and juicy texture after maturation, (25% ripeness onwards), as well as the production of sweet taste and aroma of pineapple. Instrument analysis of yellowness (b value) and carotenoid has strongly influenced the sensory attributes of brightness, freshness, and attractiveness of the pineapple. Changes in total soluble solids (TSS) and a ratio of TSS to total acids (TA) contributes to the development of aromatic compound which increases the appealing quality of the pineapple. Pineapple sensory characteristics, physical properties, and chemical compositions were significantly affected by post-harvest physiology. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Sensory and instrumental methods were used to construct the properties of pineapple at different stages of post-harvest physiology. This article demonstrates that the Check-all-that-apply (CATA) analysis provides adequate sensory profiling information based on customer perceptions in relation to instrumental details, and it can be extended to other pineapple varieties and citrus fruits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  3. Adam MS, Por LY, Hussain MR, Khan N, Ang TF, Anisi MH, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2019 Aug 29;19(17).
    PMID: 31470520 DOI: 10.3390/s19173732
    Many receiver-based Preamble Sampling Medium Access Control (PS-MAC) protocols have been proposed to provide better performance for variable traffic in a wireless sensor network (WSN). However, most of these protocols cannot prevent the occurrence of incorrect traffic convergence that causes the receiver node to wake-up more frequently than the transmitter node. In this research, a new protocol is proposed to prevent the problem mentioned above. The proposed mechanism has four components, and they are Initial control frame message, traffic estimation function, control frame message, and adaptive function. The initial control frame message is used to initiate the message transmission by the receiver node. The traffic estimation function is proposed to reduce the wake-up frequency of the receiver node by using the proposed traffic status register (TSR), idle listening times (ILTn, ILTk), and "number of wake-up without receiving beacon message" (NWwbm). The control frame message aims to supply the essential information to the receiver node to get the next wake-up-interval (WUI) time for the transmitter node using the proposed adaptive function. The proposed adaptive function is used by the receiver node to calculate the next WUI time of each of the transmitter nodes. Several simulations are conducted based on the benchmark protocols. The outcome of the simulation indicates that the proposed mechanism can prevent the incorrect traffic convergence problem that causes frequent wake-up of the receiver node compared to the transmitter node. Moreover, the simulation results also indicate that the proposed mechanism could reduce energy consumption, produce minor latency, improve the throughput, and produce higher packet delivery ratio compared to other related works.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception; Time Perception
  4. Tan SS, Maul TH, Mennie NR
    PLoS One, 2013;8(5):e63042.
    PMID: 23696791 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063042
    Visual to auditory conversion systems have been in existence for several decades. Besides being among the front runners in providing visual capabilities to blind users, the auditory cues generated from image sonification systems are still easier to learn and adapt to compared to other similar techniques. Other advantages include low cost, easy customizability, and universality. However, every system developed so far has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. In order to improve these systems further, we propose an automated and quantitative method to measure the performance of such systems. With these quantitative measurements, it is possible to gauge the relative strengths and weaknesses of different systems and rank the systems accordingly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception/physiology*; Visual Perception/physiology*
  5. Kalashnikova M, Singh L, Tsui A, Altuntas E, Burnham D, Cannistraci R, et al.
    Dev Sci, 2024 May;27(3):e13459.
    PMID: 37987377 DOI: 10.1111/desc.13459
    We report the findings of a multi-language and multi-lab investigation of young infants' ability to discriminate lexical tones as a function of their native language, age and language experience, as well as of tone properties. Given the high prevalence of lexical tones across human languages, understanding lexical tone acquisition is fundamental for comprehensive theories of language learning. While there are some similarities between the developmental course of lexical tone perception and that of vowels and consonants, findings for lexical tones tend to vary greatly across different laboratories. To reconcile these differences and to assess the developmental trajectory of native and non-native perception of tone contrasts, this study employed a single experimental paradigm with the same two pairs of Cantonese tone contrasts (perceptually similar vs. distinct) across 13 laboratories in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North-America testing 5-, 10- and 17-month-old monolingual (tone, pitch-accent, non-tone) and bilingual (tone/non-tone, non-tone/non-tone) infants. Across the age range and language backgrounds, infants who were not exposed to Cantonese showed robust discrimination of the two non-native lexical tone contrasts. Contrary to this overall finding, the statistical model assessing native discrimination by Cantonese-learning infants failed to yield significant effects. These findings indicate that lexical tone sensitivity is maintained from 5 to 17 months in infants acquiring tone and non-tone languages, challenging the generalisability of the existing theoretical accounts of perceptual narrowing in the first months of life. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: This is a multi-language and multi-lab investigation of young infants' ability to discriminate lexical tones. This study included data from 13 laboratories testing 5-, 10-, and 17-month-old monolingual (tone, pitch-accent, non-tone) and bilingual (tone/non-tone, non-tone/non-tone) infants. Overall, infants discriminated a perceptually similar and a distinct non-native tone contrast, although there was no evidence of a native tone-language advantage in discrimination. These results demonstrate maintenance of tone discrimination throughout development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pitch Perception*; Speech Perception*
  6. Majid A, Roberts SG, Cilissen L, Emmorey K, Nicodemus B, O'Grady L, et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018 Nov 06;115(45):11369-11376.
    PMID: 30397135 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1720419115
    Is there a universal hierarchy of the senses, such that some senses (e.g., vision) are more accessible to consciousness and linguistic description than others (e.g., smell)? The long-standing presumption in Western thought has been that vision and audition are more objective than the other senses, serving as the basis of knowledge and understanding, whereas touch, taste, and smell are crude and of little value. This predicts that humans ought to be better at communicating about sight and hearing than the other senses, and decades of work based on English and related languages certainly suggests this is true. However, how well does this reflect the diversity of languages and communities worldwide? To test whether there is a universal hierarchy of the senses, stimuli from the five basic senses were used to elicit descriptions in 20 diverse languages, including 3 unrelated sign languages. We found that languages differ fundamentally in which sensory domains they linguistically code systematically, and how they do so. The tendency for better coding in some domains can be explained in part by cultural preoccupations. Although languages seem free to elaborate specific sensory domains, some general tendencies emerge: for example, with some exceptions, smell is poorly coded. The surprise is that, despite the gradual phylogenetic accumulation of the senses, and the imbalances in the neural tissue dedicated to them, no single hierarchy of the senses imposes itself upon language.
    Matched MeSH terms: Auditory Perception/physiology*; Visual Perception/physiology*; Olfactory Perception/physiology*; Taste Perception/physiology*; Touch Perception/physiology*
  7. Walker P, Scallon G, Francis B
    Perception, 2017 Jul;46(7):772-792.
    PMID: 28622755 DOI: 10.1177/0301006616684369
    Everyday language reveals how stimuli encoded in one sensory feature domain can possess qualities normally associated with a different domain (e.g., higher pitch sounds are bright, light in weight, sharp, and thin). Such cross-sensory associations appear to reflect crosstalk among aligned (corresponding) feature dimensions, including brightness, heaviness, and sharpness. Evidence for heaviness being one such dimension is very limited, with heaviness appearing primarily as a verbal associate of other feature contrasts (e.g., darker objects and lower pitch sounds are heavier than their opposites). Given the presumed bidirectionality of the crosstalk between corresponding dimensions, heaviness should itself induce the cross-sensory associations observed elsewhere, including with brightness and pitch. Taking care to dissociate effects arising from the size and mass of an object, this is confirmed. When hidden objects varying independently in size and mass are lifted, objects that feel heavier are judged to be darker and to make lower pitch sounds than objects feeling less heavy. These judgements track the changes in perceived heaviness induced by the size-weight illusion. The potential involvement of language, natural scene statistics, and Bayesian processes in correspondences, and the effects they induce, is considered.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception/physiology*; Pitch Perception/physiology*; Weight Perception/physiology*
  8. Hussain Ismail AM, Solomon JA, Hansard M, Mareschal I
    Proc Biol Sci, 2019 Nov 06;286(1914):20191492.
    PMID: 31690239 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1492
    Ambiguous images are widely recognized as a valuable tool for probing human perception. Perceptual biases that arise when people make judgements about ambiguous images reveal their expectations about the environment. While perceptual biases in early visual processing have been well established, their existence in higher-level vision has been explored only for faces, which may be processed differently from other objects. Here we developed a new, highly versatile method of creating ambiguous hybrid images comprising two component objects belonging to distinct categories. We used these hybrids to measure perceptual biases in object classification and found that images of man-made (manufactured) objects dominated those of naturally occurring (non-man-made) ones in hybrids. This dominance generalized to a broad range of object categories, persisted when the horizontal and vertical elements that dominate man-made objects were removed and increased with the real-world size of the manufactured object. Our findings show for the first time that people have perceptual biases to see man-made objects and suggest that extended exposure to manufactured environments in our urban-living participants has changed the way that they see the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Space Perception; Visual Perception*
  9. Elnaem MH, Elrggal ME, Syed N, Naqvi AA, Hadi MA
    Curr Diabetes Rev, 2021;17(4):503-511.
    PMID: 32928091 DOI: 10.2174/1573399816666200914140939
    INTRODUCTION: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are at significantly higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD). There is a scarcity of literature reviews that describe and summarize T2DM patients' knowledge and perception about CVD prevention.

    OBJECTIVES: To describe and summarize the assessment of knowledge and perceptions about CVD risk and preventive approaches among patients with T2DM.

    METHODS: A scoping review methodology was adopted, and three scientific databases, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and PubMed were searched using predefined search terms. A multistage screening process that considered relevancy, publication year (2009-2019), English language, and article type (original research) was followed. We formulated research questions focused on the assessment of levels of knowledge and perceptions of the illness relevant to CVD prevention and the identification of associated patients' characteristics.

    RESULTS: A total of 16 studies were included. Patients were not confident to identify CVD risk and other clinical consequences that may occur in the prognostic pathway of T2DM. Furthermore, patients were less likely to identify all CV risk factors indicating a lack of understanding of the multi-- factorial contribution of CVD risk. Patients' beliefs about medications were correlated with their level of adherence to medications for CVD prevention. Many knowledge gaps were identified, including the basic disease expectations at the time of diagnosis, identification of individuals' CVD risk factors, and management aspects. Knowledge and perceptions were affected by patients' demographic characteristics, e.g., educational level, race, age, and area of residence.

    CONCLUSION: There are knowledge gaps concerning the understanding of CVD risk among patients with T2DM. The findings necessitate educational initiatives to boost CVD prevention among patients with T2DM. Furthermore, these should be individualized based on patients' characteristics, knowledge gaps, disease duration, and estimated CVD risk.

    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  10. Naufal, N., Narayanasamy S., Ahmad, M., Hairol, M.I., Sharanjeet K., Kadar, M., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(1):225-236.
    Penilaian status visual kanak-kanak prasekolah adalah penting kerana ia adalah salah satu faktor yang menentukan ketersediaan mereka untuk bersekolah. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua kanak-kanak prasekolah mendapat peluang untuk mengikuti program saringan penglihatan. Dalam kajian ini, akuiti visual jauh dan dekat serta tahap stereoakuiti diukur di kalangan kanak-kanak berumur enam tahun (n=385). Parameter tersebut kemudiannya dibandingkan di antara kanak-kanak prasekolah swasta bandar dan prasekolah KEMAS daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah di luar bandar. Tujuh peratus kanak-kanak prasekolah KEMAS adalah gagal dalam ujian saringan penglihatan jauh berbanding dengan 6% kanak-kanak prasekolah swasta. Untuk ujian penglihatan dekat, kadar kegagalan adalah masing-masing 8.7% dan 4.9% bagi kanak-kanak prasekolah swasta dan KEMAS masing-masing. Untuk ujian stereoakuiti, seramai 3.3% kanak-kanak prasekolah swasta dan 2.5% kanak-kanak prasekolah KEMAS dikategorikan sebagai lemah stereopsis. Semua perbezaan tersebut adalah tidak signifikan secara statistik (semua p>0.05). Peratusan kanak-kanak yang gagal ujian saringan penglihatan adalah serupa untuk kedua-dua jenis prasekolah. Oleh itu, program saringan penglihatan perlu dijalankan di semua jenis prasekolah untuk memastikan sebarang masalah penglihatan dapat dikesan, didiagnos, dirawat dan dicegah.

    Matched MeSH terms: Depth Perception
  11. Siti Nurma Hanim Hadie, Asma' Hassan, Zul Izhar Mohd Ismail, Mohd Asnizam Asari, Aaijaz Ahmed Khan, Fazlina Kasim, et al.
    Anatomy is an important knowledge for medical practice. Insufficient anatomy knowledge leading to errors in identification of anatomical structures during medical practices has been reported in many countries. Many medical students seem to have difficulties in learning anatomy and retaining the knowledge for future practice, thus this might reflect the possible flaws in anatomy education. In order to achieve optimum anatomy education environment and to close the gaps in education, measuring the students' perception on anatomy teaching and learning is a pre-emptive measure needed by educationists. At present, there is no valid and reliable inventory available to specifically evaluate the anatomy education environment. Therefore, this article highlights the importance of having such inventory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  12. Yap KC, Aminah A
    Int J Cosmet Sci, 2011 Jun;33(3):245-50.
    PMID: 21272038 DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2494.2010.00621.x
    Sensory analysis of lipstick product by trained panellists started with recruiting female panels who are lipstick users, in good health condition and willing to be a part of sensory members. This group of people was further scrutinized with duo-trio method using commercial lipstick samples that are commonly used among them. About 40% of the 15 panels recruited were unable to differentiate the lipstick samples they usually use better than chance. The balance of nine panels that were corrected at least with 65% across all trials in panels screening process was formed a working group to develop sensory languages as a means of describing product similarities and differences and a scoring system. Five sessions with each session took about 90 min were carried out using 10 types of lipsticks with different waxes mixture ratio in the formulation together with six commercial lipsticks that are the most common to the panels. First session was focus on listing out the panels' perception towards the characteristic of the lipstick samples after normal application on their lips. Second session was focus on the refining and categorizing the responses gathered from the first session and translated into sensory attributes with its definition. Third session was focus on the scoring system. Fourth and fifth sessions were repetition of the third session to ensure consistency. In a collective effort of the panels, sensory attributes developed for lipstick were Spreadability, Off flavour, Hardness, Smoothness, Moist, Not messy, Glossy and Greasy. Analysis of variance was able to provide ample evidence on gauging the panel performance. A proper panels selecting and training was able to produce a reliable and sensitive trained panel for evaluating the product based on the procedures being trained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  13. Kaland C, Baumann S
    J Acoust Soc Am, 2020 04;147(4):2974.
    PMID: 32359299 DOI: 10.1121/10.0001008
    Phrase-level prosody serves two essential functions in many languages of the world: chunking information into units (demarcating) and marking important information (highlighting). Recent work suggests that prosody has a mainly demarcating function in the Trade Malay language family. That is, the use of pitch accents in these languages is limited or absent, as the main prosodic events occur on the final two syllables in a phrase. The current study investigates the extent to which Papuan Malay phrase prosody is used for demarcating and highlighting, taking into account the potential influence of word stress. This is done by means of acoustic analyses on a corpus of spontaneous speech. Both the form (F0 movement) and the possible functions (demarcating and highlighting) of the final two syllables in Papuan Malay phrases are investigated. Although most results favor the demarcating function of Papuan Malay phrase prosody, a highlighting function cannot be ruled out. The results suggest that Papuan Malay might hold an exceptional position in the typology of prosodic prominence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  14. Hamzan MI, Wan Sulaiman WA, Ismail NN
    J Plast Surg Hand Surg, 2022 Feb;56(1):30-37.
    PMID: 33840334 DOI: 10.1080/2000656X.2021.1908313
    Researchers have long tried to search for the 'perfect' aesthetic outcome of breast surgery. Although lots of anthropometric studies have been done, there is no consensus when dealing with harmony, abstract, and proportion that make up for its ideal shape. This study was convened via a survey to find the most perfect breast shape by assessing the upper pole contour and upper pole to lower pole ratio (UP:LP) preference among the Malays, Chinese, and Indians races. Hundred thirty-five individuals partook in this survey. Most of the participants generally preferred a more convex shape of upper pole contour with the Malay (50%) and Indian (35.7%) favored a more convex shape while the Chinese preferred it to be just slightly convex (42.8%). Single unmarried individuals (64.7%) significantly preferred a more convex upper pole contour (p = 0.018). The UP:LP ratio of 45:55 (p = 0.002) was the most significantly preferred proportion (37.8%) which largely comprised of the Chinese (51%), followed by Indian (21.6%) and Malay (19.6%). With these findings, using a controlled perception-preference method is a more preferred choice when describing an ideal breast shape as compare to an anthropometric measurement that might be less accurate. Therefore, breast and plastic surgeons alike need to look beyond the anthropometric numbers and should consider the other 'abstract' aesthetic shape which difficult to measure including the upper pole breast that has more convexity and the UP:LP ratio of 45:55 which showed to be the most aesthetically perfect form as agreed in the current works of literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  15. Abdul Razakek NFS, Yusof ZYM, Yusop FD, Obaidellah UH, Kamsin A, Nor NAM
    J Clin Pediatr Dent, 2024 Jan;48(1):101-110.
    PMID: 38239162 DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.096
    The effectiveness of children's oral health education (OHE) is determined by the appropriateness of the educational materials used, which can influence their attitude towards oral health. However, there is a lack of studies exploring the benefits of OHE materials from the perspective of schoolchildren. This study aimed to explore schoolchildren's opinions on the newly developed ToothPoly board game as an OHE tool. A qualitative approach using focus group discussions (FGDs) was conducted among 44 schoolchildren aged 12 years old from a public school in Malaysia. Convenience sampling was employed to recruit the schoolchildren. The ToothPoly board game was playtested and FGDs were conducted after the playtesting session ended. Data collection and analyses were performed concurrently until data saturation was reached. The data were transcribed and coded using Atlas.Ti software version 9.1.3 followed by the framework method analysis. Mixed opinions were observed among the schoolchildren with a majority expressing favourable opinions on the advantages of the ToothPoly board game as an OHE tool. Five themes emerged from the advantages aspect, i.e., fun and enjoyable, promote focus, attention and oral health-related learning, attractive board game features, and enhance peer interaction. Meanwhile, two themes emerged that were related to the disadvantages of the board game, i.e., "competition with online games and media" and "not practical for a large group activity". The findings showed that the ToothPoly board game was perceived as a useful, interactive, and enjoyable tool to learn about oral health in small groups. The findings of the study highlight the importance of tailoring OHE activities to fulfil the needs of specific target groups to ensure its acceptance and future success.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception*
  16. Tan KH, Jospa MEAW, Mohd-Said NE, Awang MM
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Dec 03;18(23).
    PMID: 34886478 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182312754
    This review aims to examine the discrimination and prejudices toward the accent of non-native English speakers and cyberbullying as the ripple effect of these negative consequences. Following Arksey and O'Malley's framework of conducting a scoping review, 60 studies from 2012 to 2021 were retrieved from the ERIC and Google Scholar databases. The studies were reviewed from two aspects: (1) psychological impact on speakers with a non-native English accent, (2) attitudes toward non-native English accents from the victim's and perpetrator's perspectives. The findings suggested that speaking with a non-native English accent drew negative cognitive, affective, and behavioral experiences. Biases toward non-native English accents were due to the general derogatory perception of an accent and the comprehensibility of speakers' accent and pronunciation. "Accent acceptability" can be inculcated at all levels of education, not only through multicultural education but also through the concerted effort of policy makers and practitioners to seriously address this social issue. Accent awareness can dispel unwarranted and undesirable judgements of non-native English accent speakers. Future studies should be conducted on the effects of social and mental health experiences, particularly of non-native ESL and EFL teachers, given that this may be the only profession required to teach "live" during the pandemic and thus be subjected to public praise or ridicule.
    Matched MeSH terms: Speech Perception*
  17. Sharanjeet-Kaur, Kulikowski JJ, Carden D
    Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 1998 Jan;18(1):49-56.
    PMID: 9666910
    The purpose of this study was to optimise the testing paradigm for isolating the contributions of chromatic and achromatic mechanisms to the human spectral sensitivity function. Spectral sensitivity was determined for a test spot size of 1.2 deg presented with various spatial and temporal masks on a large, 10 deg background field of moderate intensity (1000 td) and colour temperature, CT = 2700 K. Sinusoidal temporal presentation (1 Hz) and a masking annulus of between 3 and 10 min of arc surrounding the test spot, was found to be most effective in separating chromatic from achromatic mechanisms. Square-wave (1 Hz) temporal presentation combined with the annulus was slightly less selective. The presence of the annulus did not affect the shape of flicker detection at 25 Hz which is a measure of the luminosity (achromatic) spectral sensitivity function.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception*; Visual Perception
  18. Shafizadeh M, Davids K, Correia V, Wheat J, Hizan H
    J Sports Sci, 2016 Sep;34(17):1596-601.
    PMID: 26652039 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1125011
    The aim of this study was to examine whether perceptual variables can provide informational constraints for the goalkeepers to intercept the ball successfully in 1v1 dyads. Video images of 42 actions (1v1 in direct shots) were selected randomly from different matches and divided into conceded goals (n = 20) and saved actions (n = 22) to investigate interceptive actions of 20 goalkeepers in the English Premier League in season 2013-2014. Time to Contact (TTC) of the closing distance gap between shooter and goalkeeper was obtained by digitising actions in the 18-yard penalty box. Statistical analyses revealed that, in sequences of play resulting in an intercepted shot at goal, goalkeepers closed down outfield players in the X axis, whereas when a goal was conceded, there was a significantly delayed movement by goalkeepers toward the shooters in this plane. The results of canonical correlations showed that a decreasing distance between a shooter and goalkeeper, and accompanied reduction in relative interpersonal velocity followed a temporal pattern. Findings of this study showed how perception of key informational constraints on dyadic system relations, such as TTC, interpersonal distance and relative velocity, constrain elite goalkeepers' interceptive actions, playing an important role in successful performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Space Perception/physiology*; Time Perception/physiology*
  19. Al-Naggar RA, Abdulghani M, Osman MT, Al-Kubaisy W, Daher AM, Nor Aripin KN, et al.
    Adv Med Educ Pract, 2014;5:177-84.
    PMID: 24959093 DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S61805
    Students' perceptions of their learning environment, by defining its strengths and weaknesses, are important for continuous improvement of the educational environments and curriculum. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore students' perceptions of their learning environment, among medical students in Malaysia. Various aspects of the education environment were compared between year levels and sex.

    This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Management and Science University, Shah Alam, Malaysia in 2012. A total number of 438 medical students participated in this study, and the response rate was 87.6%. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Comparisons of the mean scores of Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) subscales were calculated. The t-test was used to determine statistically significant differences.

    The majority of the study participants were female, Malay, and from year 3 (68.7%, 65.3%, and 55.7%; respectively). Analysis of each of the 50 items of the DREEM inventory showed that 47 items scored ranged between 2.00 and 3.00, and three items scored below 2.00. These were identified as problem areas in this medical school that are required to be critically addressed. The overall score showed that the medical students' perceptions were positive. The students' perception toward educational environment was positive for all five DREEM subscales.

    The study found that, in general, the perceptions of the participants about the learning environment were positive. Nevertheless, the study also found there is a need for curriculum improvement in this school and identified priority areas for such improvement.

    DREEM; Malaysia; learning environment; medical education; students’ perceptions
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  20. Ismail S, Salam A, Alattraqchi AG, Annamalai L, Chockalingam A, Elena WP, et al.
    Adv Med Educ Pract, 2015;6:231-7.
    PMID: 25878516 DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S78441
    Didactic lecture is the oldest and most commonly used method of teaching. In addition, it is considered one of the most efficient ways to disseminate theories, ideas, and facts. Many critics feel that lectures are an obsolete method to use when students need to perform hands-on activities, which is an everyday need in the study of medicine. This study evaluates students' perceptions regarding lecture quality in a new medical school.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
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