MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study included all pregnancies seen at the SLE Clinic, Kuala Lumpur Hospital from January 2008 to May 2020. Maternal outcomes included SLE flare during pregnancy, preeclampsia and eclampsia. Foetal outcomes included foetal loss, preterm birth and small-for-gestational age (SGA) neonates. Clinical and laboratory variables were examined. Variables from univariate analysis were entered into logistic regression model. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were reported.
RESULTS: Of the 131 pregnancies, 106 (80.9%) were live births. Twenty-six (24.5%) babies were born preterm and 35 (33%) neonates were SGA. Twenty-four (18.3%) women had disease flare during pregnancy, with the majority (22/24) being mild to moderate flares. Four women experienced preeclampsia while none had eclampsia. Predictors of adverse maternal outcomes included high SLEDAI-2K score, proteinuria and hypocomplementemia within 6 months before conception and during pregnancy; history of lupus nephritis (LN), pre-existing hypertension, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), antiphospholipid antibodies, anti-Ro antibody and anti-RNP antibody. Predictors of adverse foetal outcomes comprised APS, preeclampsia, anti-Sm antibody, history of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) and azathioprine use.
CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in SLE women is best deferred until disease activity is in remission for at least 6 months before conception. A history of LN is associated with a 3-fold risk of renal flare during pregnancy. Haematological abnormalities are rare in disease flare during pregnancy.
METHODS: To evaluate the prevalence, risk factors, and adverse outcomes of bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women, a comprehensive systematic review was conducted based on the preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analyses (PRISMA) criteria. PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane database searches were conducted independently by two authors until May 13th, 2023.
RESULTS: The search strategies yielded a total of 2237 records; among them, 12 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the qualitative synthesis. Majority of the included studies demonstrated a high prevalence of BV among African women. The risk of developing BV during pregnancy was highest among women with multiple sexual partners. Additionally, factors including age, socioeconomic status, unhygienic practices, ethnicity, 2nd trimester, spontaneous abortion, vaginal douching, symptoms, and history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were also associated with a higher prevalence of BV. Overall, 7 studies reported adverse outcomes during pregnancy which was directly associated with BV. Based on the review, it was found that PROM, PTB, and LBW were the most frequently reported adverse outcomes in pregnant women with BV.
CONCLUSION: In summary, the high prevalence of bacterial vaginosis necessitates a global surveillance approach to delineate the health risks imposed on both mother and child, and promote cost-effective strategic measures to alleviate the undesired consequences of BV during pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether any association exists between the finding of an increased thickness of placenta, abnormal placenta shape, placental calcification, placental lake and abnormal cord insertion site at 20-22 and 30-32 weeks gestation with an increased risk of uteroplacental complications or a poor pregnancy outcome.
METHODOLOGY: A real-time ultrasound was used at the time of detail scan (at 20-22 weeks gestation) and at 30-32 weeks gestation to look for placenta appearance, fetal growth and anomaly. The main outcome measures were risk of hypertension disease in pregnancy, fetal growth restriction and poor fetal outcomes such as low Apgar score and low cord pH.
RESULT: The majority of the participants were Malay (77.9%). Abnormal placenta found at both gestations were placental lakes and thickness, and only one case had marginal cord insertion. Approximately 6% of the cases were confirmed placenta previa. No abnormal shape or abnormal calcification found at both gestations. About 10% patient developed hypertensive disease in pregnancy, 15% of the fetus was found to have growth restriction and another 16% have low umbilical cord pH. Majority of them delivered at term (90%) and via vaginal delivery (81%). There was no significance between presence of abnormal placental lake and thickness at both gestations with the maternal and fetal outcome.
CONCLUSION: Presence of abnormal placental thickness and lakes at 30-32 weeks scan associated with maternal hypertensive disease, fetal growth restriction and low umbilical cord pH, however these were not statistically significant.
METHODS: A randomized trial was conducted in a university hospital from May 2019 to December 2020. 128 women at their discharge following hospitalization for HG were randomized: 64 to watermelon and 64 to control arm. Women were randomized to consume watermelon and to heed the advice leaflet or to heed the dietary advice leaflet alone. A personal weighing scale and a weighing protocol were provided to all participants to take home. Primary outcomes were bodyweight change at the end of week 1 and week 2 compared to hospital discharge.
RESULTS: Weight change (kg) at end of week 1, median[interquartile range] -0.05[-0.775 to + 0.50] vs. -0.5[-1.4 to + 0.1] P = 0.014 and to the end of week 2, + 0.25[-0.65 to + 0.975] vs. -0.5[-1.3 to + 0.2] P = 0.001 for watermelon and control arms respectively. After two weeks, HG symptoms assessed by PUQE-24 (Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea over 24 h), appetite assessed by SNAQ (Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire), wellbeing and satisfaction with allocated intervention NRS (0-10 numerical rating scale) scores, and recommendation of allocated intervention to a friend rate were all significantly better in the watermelon arm. However, rehospitalization for HG and antiemetic usage were not significantly different.
CONCLUSION: Adding watermelon to the diet after hospital discharge for HG improves bodyweight, HG symptoms, appetite, wellbeing and satisfaction.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was registered with the center's Medical Ethics Committee (on 21/05/2019; reference number 2019327-7262) and the ISRCTN on 24/05/2019 with trial identification number: ISRCTN96125404 . First participant was recruited on 31/05/ 2019.