The primary drivers of eutrophication in lakes following the reduction of external nutrient inputs are the release of N and P from sediments. Constructed wetlands play a pivotal role in ameliorating N, P, and other biogenic element levels. However, the presence of large vegetation in these wetlands also substantially contributes to nutrient accumulation in sediments, a phenomenon influenced by seasonal variations. In this study, a typical constructed wetland was selected as the research site. The research aimed to analyze the forms of N and P in sediments during both summer and winter. Simultaneously, a comprehensive pollution assessment and analysis were conducted within the study area. The findings indicate that elevated summer temperatures, together with the presence of wetland vegetation, promote the release of N through the nitrification process. Additionally, seasonal variations exert a significant impact on the distribution of P storage. Furthermore, the role of constructed wetlands in the absorption and release of N and P is primarily controlled by the influence of organic matter on nitrate-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, and available phosphorus, and is also subject to seasonal fluctuations. In summary, under the comprehensive influence of constructed wetlands, vegetation types, and seasons, sediments within the lake generally exhibit a state of mild or moderate pollution. Therefore, targeted measures should be adopted to optimally adjust vegetation types, and human intervention is necessary, involving timely sediment harvesting during the summer to reduce N and P loads, and enhancing sediment adsorption and retention capacity for N and P during the winter.
A marked seasonality of births for the two main ethnic groups of peninsular Malaysia, far exceeding the cyclic fluctuations in births in the United States and Canada, was reported for the 1960s. A 36% excess of births over the average monthly number was observed among Malays each January. Among the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia a regular periodicity in the numbers of births was also found, but it was far less marked and the peak occurred in October or November. The peaks in both groups were due in large measure to conceptions that correlate with religious observances or holidays. Here I report on cyclic birth patterns in peninsular Malaysia for the period 1970-1985. Rapid economic development has occurred during this time and has brought with it demographic changes, such as a massive rise in contraceptive use and a decline in birth rates. These demographic changes have been accompanied by the loss of the pronounced seasonal pattern of births among the Malays. The seasonality of Malay births is now of roughly the same magnitude as the seasonality in the United States and Canada, whereas seasonality of births among the Chinese in Malaysia remains essentially unchanged.
An integrated source apportionment methodology is developed by amalgamating the receptor-oriented model (ROM) and source-oriented numerical simulations (SOM) together to eliminate the weaknesses of individual SA methods. This approach attempts to apportion and dissect the PM2.5 sources in the Yangtze River Delta region during winter. First, three ROM models (CMB, PMF, ME2) are applied and compared for the preliminary SA results, with information from PM2.5 sampling and lab analysis during the winter seasons. The detailed source category contribution of SOM to PM2.5 is further simulated using the WRF-CAMx model. The two pieces of information from both ROM and SOM are then stitched together to give a comprehensive information on the PM2.5 sources over the region. With the integrated approach, the detailed contributing sources of the ambient PM2.5 at different receptors including rural and urban, coastal and in-land, northern and southern receptors are analyzed. The results are compared with previous data and shows good agreement. This integrative approach is more comprehensive and is able to produce a more profound and detailed understanding between the sources and receptors, compared with single models.
The purpose of the investigation was to study the early spring plant diversity distributed in different vegetation types and their life forms, in relation to different altitudes. The investigation was carried out in accordance with itinerary method beginning from the shoreline up to the mountain. The results showed that 100% of the totally collected plants from the desert vegetation were therophytes; 100% from steppe vegetation were geophytes; 50 from forest were geophytes and the other 50% were hemicryptophytes. It is concluded that the life forms of early spring plants change depending on the altitude corresponding to changes in the air temperature as well as climatic and edaphic factors.
This study determines the bulk surface water (BSW) dissolved inorganic nutrients of nitrogen (DINi) and phosphate (DIP) during the upwelling season off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, South China Sea. BSW samples were analysed for DINi and DIP by using a standard automated colorimetric method. BSW DINi and DIP concentrations varied between 0.11 and 2.55 μM (mean 1.12 ± 0.63 μM), and below detection limit, and 0.29 μM (mean 0.11 ± 0.08 μM), respectively. The spatial distribution of higher concentrations between DINi and DIP was distinct. However, the highest concentrations of DINi and DIP were mostly recorded in the month of peak upwelling (July and August), where colder BSW temperatures were also encountered during field sampling. This study provides new evidence on the presence of BSW nutrients of DINi and DIP during upwelling season peak in July and August before their decline in September.
Macroinvertebrate community in the intertidal setup plays an important role in coastal ecosystem functions and biogeochemical cycle. However, different land use pattern may influence on their community structure, diversity, and composition in the coastal ecosystems. Using Van-Veen grab sampler, 60 sediment samples were seasonally collected from mangroves-dominated, aquaculture-dominated, and anthropogenically affected area in the lower intertidal zone of the Kohelia channel of Bangladesh, the Northern Bay of Bengal. We have tasted the variation in sediment properties across three land-use types in this intertidal habitat. To understand the patterns of benthic macroinvertebrate distribution, a neutral community model was applied. Our results showed that community composition and biodiversity of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities varied significantly between mangrove-dominated area with anthropogenically affected areas among the four seasons. The neutral community model revealed that community assembly of benthic macroinvertebrates in the lower intertidal habitats is structured by stochastic processes while sediment properties have significant influence on species distribution and interactions. Results suggested that land-use changes altered sediment properties and could change the diversity and distribution of the macroinvertebrate communities in the lower intertidal habitats.
Pseudo-nitzschia is a cosmopolitan phytoplankton genus of which some species can form blooms and produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Identification of Pseudo-nitzschia is generally based on field material or strains followed by morphological and/or molecular characterization. However, this process is time-consuming and laborious, and can not obtain a relatively complete and reliable profile of the Pseudo-nitzschia community, because species with low abundance in the field or potentially unavailable for culturing may easily be overlooked. In the present study, specific ITS primer sets were designed and evaluated using in silico matching. The primer set ITS-84F/456R involving the complete ITS1 region was found optimal. Based on matching with a Pseudo-nitzschia ITS1 reference sequence database carefully-calibrated in this study, a metabarcoding approach using annotated amplicon sequence variants (ASV) was applied in the Taiwan Strait of the East China Sea during two cruises in the spring and summer of 2019. In total, 48 Pseudo-nitzschia species/phylotypes including 36 known and 12 novel were uncovered, and verified by haplotype networks, ITS2 secondary structure comparisons and divergence analyses. Correlation analyses revealed that temperature was a key factor affecting the seasonal variation of the Pseudo-nitzschia community. This study provides an overview of the Pseudo-nitzschia community in the Taiwan Strait, with new insights into the diversity. The developed metabarcoding approach may be used elsewhere as a standard reference for accurate annotation of Pseudo-nitzschia.
Flowering and fruiting phenology can have large impacts on a plant's reproductive success. In many plant species, these phenological events are controlled by seasonal climatic cues, resulting in one-year reproductive cycles. However, parts of SE Asian tropical forests have an aseasonal climate with irregular fluctuations. This database comprises phenology records collected from 1993 to 2011 at the community level in an aseasonal lowland dipterocarp forest of the Lambir Hills National Park in Borneo. Observations were made every two weeks at three sites: The Canopy Biology Plot (CBP) with tree towers and walkways, the Operation Raleigh Tower (ORT) area with a tree tower for tourist attraction, and the Crane Plot located between the CBP and ORT, where plants were monitored from terraces on a canopy crane installed in 2000. The dataset includes in total 172,521 records of 450, 118, and 51 plants in CBP, Crane Plot, and ORT, respectively, representing 303 species. The number of individuals per species ranges from 1 to 21, and 64.9% are represented by only one. The plants in the censuses were mostly trees but also included lianas and epiphytes. The data have been used to study the causes and consequences of synchronized flowering and fruiting at the community level, a phenomenon unique to the region. Previous studies have shown that this synchronization is synergistically driven by cool air temperature and drought. Irregular flowering and fruiting have significant impacts on flower visitors, frugivores, forest material cycling, and plant regeneration. The dataset can also be used for comparing the phenology of the same species or group among forests and regions and exploring its association with climates. One major concern regarding tropical forests in the area is the effects of climate change on this community-wide masting regime, which could disrupt forest regeneration and ecosystem processes. The dataset could be an important source of information for conservation efforts aimed at protecting these amazingly diverse forest ecosystems. This dataset can be freely used for non-commercial purposes. Users of these data should cite this data paper in any publications resulting from its use and acknowledge the Forest Department Sarawak and Sarawak Forestry Corporation.
Population blooms of scyphozoan jellyfish in tropical shallow water regions can fuel localized fisheries but also negatively impact human welfare. However, there is a lack of baseline ecological data regarding the scyphozoans in the region, which could be used to manage a fast-growing fishery and mitigate potential impacts. Thus, this study aims to investigate the temporal factors driving the distribution of scyphozoan community along the environmental gradients under different monsoon seasons, rainfall periods, moon phases, and diel-tidal conditions in the Klang Strait located in the central region along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, where bloom events are increasing. Scyphozoan samples were collected using commercial bag nets during a 19-month survey. Temporal variations in species abundance and composition were evident and related to the local environmental parameters (salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, and pH) that varied with the regional monsoon events, although these effects appeared to be species-specific. Phyllorhiza punctata, Acromitus flagellatus, Lychnorhiza malayensis, and Rhopilema esculentum were more abundant during the wetter northeast monsoon (NEM) while the abundance of Chrysaora chinensis and Lobonemoides robustus increased during the drier southwest monsoon (SWM). During the wet period of NEM, scyphozoan abundance was generally higher during the daytime than night-time. The regional monsoon regime and local hydrological events account for jellyfish abundance in the nearshore area with concurrent threats to coastal tourism and power plants, as well as benefits to fisheries especially during the NEM.
Ovitrap surveillance was conducted in a selected urban area and suburban area, ie. Taman Permai Indah(TPI) and Kampung Pasir Gebu (KPG) in Penang for 14 months. It was found that Aedes albopictus was the most abundant Aedes species in both study areas, even though a small percentage of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus were found to breed simultaneously in the same ovitrap. This study indicated that the main dengue vector was Ae. albopictus. A strong correlation was found between rainfall and egg population in both of the study sites (r = 0.982 and r = 0.918).
Samples of threadfin breams Nemipterus japonicus were collected from a village in Kuala Nyalau and a fish landing centre at Bintulu from April 2013 to March 2014. A total of 360 individuals of N. japonicus (214 male and 146 female) were used in this reproductive study.? The total length (TL) of individuals were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and body weight (BW) was recorded to the nearest 0.1 g. Month-wise distribution of the sexes was significantly higher for males in September and March, while in the month of May the number of females was significantly higher (X(2) = 6.53; P < 0.05). Males showed a preponderance in the size-class of 19.0-20.9 cm (X(2) = 80.24; P < 0.001), 21.0 -22.9 cm (X(2) = 56.39; P < 0.001) and 23.0 -24.9 cm (X(2) = 17; P < 0.001). The gonadosomatic index (GSI) values of N. japonicus ranged from 0.07 to 0.19 for males and 0.34 to 4.99 for females. Females had higher GSI than males throughout the study period. For males, a higher GSI (0.11-0.19) was observed during January to February, while it was found to be higher (2.73-4.99) for females during January to March, indicating the spawning season. The present study revealed that ovarian maturity based on histological analysis of N. japonicus was classified into seven stages namely, immature (I), immature (II), maturing (III), mature (IV), ripe (V), spawning (VI) and spent (VII). The fecundity of N. japonicus was estimated to be within a range of 19221 to 85923 with higher GSI (3.08-6.78) from the coastal waters of Bintulu, Sarawak.
Cooling spaces have an optimistic influence on surface urban heat islands (SUHI). Blue spaces benefit from balancing the changing climate and heat variations. Because of the rapid deforestation and SUHI increase, the climate is gradually changing in Paschim Bardhhaman, West Bengal state, India. Paschim Bardhhaman has two sectors: specifically, Durgapur is the main industrial centre and Asansol has coal mines. This investigation aims to categorize spatiotemporal variations and seasonal differences in cooling spaces and their influence on SUHI, land use and land cover (LULC), and thermal differences using Landsat datasets for the years 1992, 2004, 2012, and 2022 in summer and winter. The coal mining and industrial range decreased from 10,391.92 (1992) to 3591.1 ha (2022), respectively. Open pit mining distresses fresh water by heavy water uses in ore processing, and mining water was applied to excerpt minerals. Among the two sub-divisions, the blue space amount was higher in Asansol because mining actions were higher in Asansol than in Durgapur. The open vegetation volume has reduced from 46,441.03 (1992) to 25,827.55 ha (2022) and dense vegetation has erased from 7368.02 (1992) to 15,608.56 ha (2022). Dense vegetation improved because of heavy precipitation in those regions. Mostly, Raghunathpur, Saraswatiganja, Bhagabanpur, Bistupur, Paschim Gangaram, Garkilla Kherobari, and Gourbazar have dense vegetation. The outcomes similarly demonstrate that the total built-up part has increased by 8412.82 ha in between 30 years. The built-up zone changes near the southeast and western Paschim Bardhhaman district. Those region needs appropriate attention and planning to survive soon.
To discuss the cold resistance performance of different Herba Rhodiolae and successfully transplant Herba Rhodiolae to the Gansu plateau area for nursing, domestication and planting, this paper systematically studies six physiological and biochemical features of Rhodiola kirilowii, Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola crenulata and Herba Rhodiolae that are closely associated with cold resistance features and concludes with the cold resistance capability of Rhodiola kirilowii. In the selected six main indexes of the Herba Rhodiolae, the POD, SOD and CAT activity and MDA and Pro content in the leaf are the main physiological and biochemical indexes to indicate the cold resistance performance of four Herba Rhodiolae seedlings and can be regarded as the preliminary indexes to assess the winter performance of Herba Rhodiolae. The research work will provide the theoretical basis for the wild variants of Herba Rhodiolae and GAPJ base construction.
Three drought yield QTLs, qDTY 2.2, qDTY 3.1, and qDTY 12.1 with consistent effect on grain yield under reproductive stage drought stress were pyramided through marker assisted breeding with the objective of improving the grain yield of the elite Malaysian rice cultivar MR219 under reproductive stage drought stress. Foreground selection using QTL specific markers, recombinant selection using flanking markers, and background selection were performed. BC1F3-derived lines with different combinations of qDTY 2.2 , qDTY 3.1, and qDTY 12.1 were evaluated under both reproductive stage drought stress and non-stress during the dry seasons of 2013 and 2014 at IRRI.
Renewable energy assessments for resort islands in the South China Sea were conducted that involves the collection and analysis of meteorological and topographic data. The meteorological data was used to assess the PV, wind and hydropower system potentials on the islands. Furthermore, the reconnaissance study for hydro-potentials were conducted through topographic maps in order to determine the potential sites suitable for development of run-of-river hydropower generation. The stream data was collected for 14 islands in the South China Sea with a total of 51 investigated sites. The data from this study are related to the research article "Optimal combination of solar, wind, micro-hydro and diesel systems based on actual seasonal load profiles for a resort island in the South China Sea" published in Energy (Khan et al., 2015) [1].
Ability to possess ball during football matches are link to success. Domination of Johor Darul Ta’zim FC (JDT FC) in recent years in Malaysia Super League impressed many. The aim of this study was to compare the performance between JDT FC and their opponents in Malaysia Super League 2015 season. Successful and unsuccessful passes, ball possession rates, attempt on goal, shot on target, and goal scored were selected as Performance Indicator (P.I) in this study. Twelve matches from Malaysia Super League (MSL) season 2015 were selected. The video of 12 matches was obtained from Media Prima Sdn. Bhd., and live recordings. Longo Match 1.0 match analysis software was used for post-coding. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z was used to analyses the differences while Spearman's rho correlation test was utilized to determine the correlation. Percentage of successful passes (p=0.034), ball possessions rate (p=0.000), and goal scored (p=0.002) were significantly different between JDT FC and their opponents. There were also positive correlations between possessions and all variables except for unsuccessful passes. This study concluded that in Malaysian football matches, high percentage of successful passes, and high rate of ball possessions influenced total shot in football game.
Estimates of general combining ability of parents for yield and girth obtained separately from seedlings and their corresponding clonal families in Phases II and IIIA of the RRIM breeding programme are compared. A highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.71***) is found between GCA estimates from seedling and clonal families for yield in Phase IIIA, but not in Phase II (r = -0.03(NS)) nor for girth (r= -0.27(NS)) in Phase IIIA. The correlations for Phase II yield and Phase IIIA girth, however, improve when the GCA estimates based on small sample size or reversed rankings are excluded.When the best selections (based on present clonal and seedling information) are compared, all five of the parents top-ranking for yield are common in Phase IIIA but only two parents are common for yield and girth in Phases II and IIIA respectively. However, only one parent for yield in Phase II and two parents for girth in Phase IIIA would, if selected on clonal performance, have been omitted from the top ranking selections made by previous workers using seedling information.These findings, therefore, justify the choice of parents based on GCA estimates for yield obtained from seedling performance. Similar justification cannot be offered for girth, for which analysis is confounded by uninterpretable site and seasonal effects.
Tropical peat forests are a globally important reservoir of carbon, but little is known about CO2 exchange on an annual basis. We measured CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and tropical peat swamp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia using the eddy covariance technique over 4 years from 2011 to 2014. The CO2 fluxes varied between seasons and years. A small carbon uptake took place during the rainy season at the beginning of 2011, while a substantial net efflux of >600 g C/m2 occurred over a 2 month period in the middle of the dry season. Conversely, the peat ecosystem was a source of carbon during both the dry and rainy seasons in subsequent years and more carbon was lost during the rainy season relative to the dry season. Our results demonstrate that the forest was a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere during every year of measurement with annual efflux ranging from 183 to 632 g C m-2 year-1 , noting that annual flux values were sensitive to gap filling methodology. This is in contrast to the typical view of tropical peat forests which must have acted as net C sinks over time scales of centuries to millennia to create the peat deposits. Path analyses revealed that the gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (RE) were primarily affected by vapour pressure deficit (VPD). Results suggest that future increases in VPD could further reduce the C sink strength and result in additional net CO2 losses from this tropical peat swamp forest in the absence of plant acclimation to such changes in atmospheric dryness.
This study analyzes the performance of two PV modules, amorphous silicon (a-Si) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) and predicts energy yield, which can be seen as facilitation to achieve the target of 35% reduction of greenhouse gases emission by 2030. Malaysia Energy Commission recommends crystalline PV modules for net energy metering (NEM), but the climate regime is a concern for output power and efficiency. Based on rainfall and irradiance data, this study aims to categorize the climate of peninsular Malaysia into rainy and dry seasons; and then the performance of the two modules are evaluated under the dry season. A new mathematical model is developed to predict energy yield and the results are validated through experimental and systematic error analysis. The parameters are collected using a self-developed ZigBeePRO-based wireless system with the rate of 3 samples/min over a period of five days. The results unveil that efficiency is inversely proportional to the irradiance due to negative temperature coefficient for crystalline modules. For this phenomenon, efficiency of c-Si (9.8%) is found always higher than a-Si (3.5%). However, a-Si shows better shadow tolerance compared to c-Si, observed from a lesser decrease rate in efficiency of the former with the increase in irradiance. Due to better spectrum response and temperature coefficient, a-Si shows greater performance on output power efficiency (OPE), performance ratio (PR), and yield factor. From the regression analysis, it is found that the coefficient of determination (R2) is between 0.7179 and 0.9611. The energy from the proposed model indicates that a-Si yields 15.07% higher kWh than c-Si when luminance for recorded days is 70% medium and 30% high. This study is important to determine the highest percentage of energy yield and to get faster NEM payback period, where as of now, there is no such model to indicate seasonal energy yield in Malaysia.