Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 69 in total

    Med J Malaya, 1954 Jun;8(4):296-302.
    PMID: 13193267
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  2. Chen PCY
    Soc Sci Med, 1988;26(10):1073-7.
    PMID: 3393924 DOI: 10.1016/0277-9536(88)90225-0
    In Sarawak, some tribes stay in communal longhouses whilst others live in villages of single dwellings. The present study looks into the question of whether there is an association between the prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis with the quantum of social contact that occurs in these two types of settlement patterns. It was found that the prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis is significantly higher among longhouse dwellers compared with single house dwellers. It was also noted that social groups tended to be larger and to persist for much longer among longhouse dwellers than among those in single dwellings. This lends support to the evidence that social contact in longhouses is more extensive and contributes towards a higher prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  3. Ullah S, Daud H, Dass SC, Fanaee-T H, Kausarian H, Khalil A
    PMID: 32098247 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17041413
    The number of tuberculosis (TB) cases in Pakistan ranks fifth in the world. The National TB Control Program (NTP) has recently reported more than 462,920 TB patients in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan from 2002 to 2017. This study aims to identify spatial and space-time clusters of TB cases in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province Pakistan during 2015-2019 to design effective interventions. The spatial and space-time cluster analyses were conducted at the district-level based on the reported TB cases from January 2015 to April 2019 using space-time scan statistics (SaTScan). The most likely spatial and space-time clusters were detected in the northern rural part of the province. Additionally, two districts in the west were detected as the secondary space-time clusters. The most likely space-time cluster shows a tendency of spread toward the neighboring districts in the central part, and the most likely spatial cluster shows a tendency of spread toward the neighboring districts in the south. Most of the space-time clusters were detected at the start of the study period 2015-2016. The potential TB clusters in the remote rural part might be associated to the dry-cool climate and lack of access to the healthcare centers in the remote areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  4. Al-Darraji H, Hill P, Sharples K, Altice FL, Kamarulzaman A
    Int J Prison Health, 2023 Jan 11.
    PMID: 36622107 DOI: 10.1108/IJPH-01-2022-0001
    PURPOSE: This intensified case finding study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) disease among people with HIV entering the largest prison in Malaysia.

    DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study was conducted in Kajang prison, starting in July 2013 in the men's prison and June 2015 in the women's prison. Individuals tested positive for HIV infection, during the mandatory HIV testing at the prison entry, were consecutively recruited over five months at each prison. Consented participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and asked to submit two sputum samples that were assessed using GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) and culture, irrespective of clinical presentation. Factors associated with active TB (defined as a positive result on either Xpert or culture) were assessed using regression analyses.

    FINDINGS: Overall, 214 incarcerated people with HIV were recruited. Most were men (84.6%), Malaysians (84.1%) and people who inject drugs (67.8%). The mean age was 37.5 (SD 8.2) years, and median CD4 lymphocyte count was 376 cells/mL (IQR 232-526). Overall, 27 (12.6%) TB cases were identified, which was independently associated with scores of five or more on the World Health Organization clinical scoring system for prisons (ARR 2.90 [95% CI 1.48-5.68]).

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Limited data exists about the prevalence of TB disease at prison entry, globally and none from Malaysia. The reported high prevalence of TB disease in the study adds an important and highly needed information to design comprehensive TB control programmes in prisons.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  5. Aldhubhani AH, lzham MI, Pazilah I, Anaam MS
    East Mediterr Health J, 2013 Oct;19(10):837-42.
    PMID: 24313146
    Few studies have explored diagnosis delay by tuberculosis (TB) patients and its effects on the rate of infection among their close contacts. A cross-sectional study of the close contacts of 505 newly diagnosed TB patients was conducted in a TB referral centre in Sana'a, Yemen from 2008 to 2010. Only the close contacts of 89 new TB patients agreed to participate and completed the tuberculin skin test (TST). Of the 239 close contacts investigated, 133 (55.6%) had a positive TST result. Index patients were classified as long or short diagnosis delay (above or below the median). There was no significant difference in the number of infected close contacts between long and short delay index patients (Mann-Whitney U-test). A larger sample size, with more incentives for patients to participate and the use of other investigative tools could provide a better picture of the pattern of TB transmission among all contacts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  6. Mapanga KG, Mapanga MB
    Clin Nurse Spec, 2008 Sep-Oct;22(5):226-30.
    PMID: 18753880 DOI: 10.1097/01.NUR.0000325367.54044.d5
    In Africa, there is an overwhelming and increasing prevalence of illnesses such as HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. This constitutes a "burden of disease" facing Africa. Nursing must evolve accordingly to the changing needs of clients, many of whom have chronic illnesses. In achieving desirable outcomes, it is essential to adopt and adapt the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role so that expert and specialist practice is available to clients in a cost-effective manner. The role of the CNS singles out clinical responsibilities in a hospital setting so that nurse administrators can concentrate on the provision of resources. A CNS position in the hospital structure would offer a clinical career pathway for advanced practice nurses who wish to remain "by-the-bedside." Regional initiatives are already beginning to show a need for master's-prepared, advanced practice nurses in the clinical areas so as to reduce maternal mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  7. Paton NI, Borand L, Benedicto J, Kyi MM, Mahmud AM, Norazmi MN, et al.
    Int J Infect Dis, 2019 Oct;87:21-29.
    PMID: 31301458 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2019.07.004
    Asia has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI) in the world. Optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of LTBI is one of the key strategies for achieving the WHO 'End TB' targets. We report the discussions from the Asia Latent TubERculosis (ALTER) expert panel meeting held in 2018 in Singapore. In this meeting, a group of 13 TB experts from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam convened to review the literature, discuss the barriers and propose strategies to improve the management of LTBI in Asia. Strategies for the optimization of risk group prioritization, diagnosis, treatment, and research of LTBI are reported. The perspectives presented herein, may help national programs and professional societies of the respective countries enhance the adoption of the WHO guidelines, scale-up the implementation of national guidelines based on the regional needs, and provide optimal guidance to clinicians for the programmatic management of LTBI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Latent Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  8. Al-Darraji HA, Wong KC, Yeow DG, Fu JJ, Loeliger K, Paiji C, et al.
    J Subst Abuse Treat, 2014 Feb;46(2):144-9.
    PMID: 24074846 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2013.08.023
    People who use drugs (PWUD) represent a key high risk group for tuberculosis (TB). The prevalence of both latent TB infection (LTBI) and active disease in drug treatment centers in Malaysia is unknown. A cross-sectional convenience survey was conducted to assess the prevalence and correlates of LTBI among attendees at a recently created voluntary drug treatment center using a standardized questionnaire and tuberculin skin testing (TST). Participants (N=196) were mostly men (95%), under 40 (median age=36 years) and reported heroin use immediately before treatment entry (75%). Positive TST prevalence was 86.7%. Nine (4.6%) participants were HIV-infected. Previous arrest/incarcerations (AOR=1.1 for every entry, p<0.05) and not being HIV-infected (AOR=6.04, p=0.03) were significantly associated with TST positivity. There is an urgent need to establish TB screening and treatment programs in substance abuse treatment centers and to tailor service delivery to the complex treatment needs of patients with multiple medical and psychiatric co-morbidities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology; Latent Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  9. Permanasari AE, Rambli DR, Dominic PD
    Adv Exp Med Biol, 2011;696:171-9.
    PMID: 21431557 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7046-6_17
    The annual disease incident worldwide is desirable to be predicted for taking appropriate policy to prevent disease outbreak. This chapter considers the performance of different forecasting method to predict the future number of disease incidence, especially for seasonal disease. Six forecasting methods, namely linear regression, moving average, decomposition, Holt-Winter's, ARIMA, and artificial neural network (ANN), were used for disease forecasting on tuberculosis monthly data. The model derived met the requirement of time series with seasonality pattern and downward trend. The forecasting performance was compared using similar error measure in the base of the last 5 years forecast result. The findings indicate that ARIMA model was the most appropriate model since it obtained the less relatively error than the other model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  10. Venugopalan B
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Mar;59(1):20-5.
    PMID: 15535331 MyJurnal
    In the year 2001, 1459 Tuberculosis (TB) cases (43.1/100,000 population) were notified in Selangor. The highest age specific incidence rate was among those aged above 60 years and foreigners accounted for 15% of the cases notified. Fifteen percent of the TB cases were treated in the private sector where treatment efficacy and compliance could not be evaluated. Co- infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection with TB accounted for 51% of the TB deaths notified. Screening programmes in prisons and drug rehabilitation centres had detected 11.7% of HIV/TB coinfection among HIV positive inmates screened in these institutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  11. Aziah AM
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Mar;59(1):1-3.
    PMID: 15535327 MyJurnal
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  12. Sreeramareddy CT, Harsha Kumar HN, Arokiasamy JT
    BMC Infect Dis, 2013;13:16.
    PMID: 23324535 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-16
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge about symptoms and transmission of tuberculosis determines health seeking behavior and helps in prevention of tuberculosis transmission in the community. Such data is useful for policy makers to formulate information, education and communication strategies for tuberculosis control.
    METHODS: A secondary data analysis of India demographic and health survey, 2005/6 was carried out. Questions about self-reported tuberculosis, transmission and curability of tuberculosis were analysed. Correct knowledge (without misconceptions) about tuberculosis transmission was used as a dependant variable and the explanatory variables tested were: demographic data, education, wealth quintiles, frequency of exposure to media and the curability of tuberculosis. Determinants of correct knowledge without misconceptions were tested by univariate and multivariate analyses using national weighting factor to adjust for complex sampling design.
    RESULTS: A total of 109,070 households (response rate of 93.5%) and 198,718 participants (response rate of 91.6%) completed the survey. The samples of men and women interviewed were 74,360 and 124,358 respectively. Prevalence rate of self-reported tuberculosis was 445 per 100,000 usual household residents and 4.60 per 1,000 participants. The number of respondents who had "heard of an illness called tuberculosis" was 177,423 (89.3%). Of these 47,487 (26.8%) participants did not know and 55.5% knew about the correct mode of tuberculosis transmission i.e. "Through the air when coughing or sneezing". The common misconceptions about transmission were "Through food" (32.4%), "Sharing utensils" (18.2%), and "Touching a person with tuberculosis" (12.3%). Only 52,617 (29.7%) participants had correct knowledge without misconceptions. Being male (aOR 1.17, 95% CIs 1.14, 1.21), being a Hindu (aOR 1.20, 95% CIs 1.14, 1.26) or Muslim (aOR 1.26, 95% CIs 1.18, 1.34), listening to radio (aOR 1.08, 95% CIs 1.04, 1.13) and "Tuberculosis can be cured" (aOR 1.47, 95% CIs 1.41, 1.53) were associated with correct knowledge without misconceptions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge about tuberculosis transmission is very poor and misconceptions still exist. Among the traditional mass media, the frequency of listening to radio was associated with correct knowledge about tuberculosis transmission. Strategies to deliver information, education and communication campaigns could be improved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  13. Head MG, Fitchett JR, Newell ML, Scott JA, Harris JN, Clarke SC, et al.
    EBioMedicine, 2015 Sep;2(9):1193-9.
    PMID: 26501117 DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.06.024
    BACKGROUND: The burden of pneumonia continues to be substantial, particularly among the poorest in global society. We describe here the trends for UK pneumonia R&D investment and published outputs, and correlate with 2013 global mortality.

    METHODS: Data related to awards to UK institutions for pneumonia research from 1997 to 2013 were systematically sourced and categorised by disease area and type of science. Investment was compared to mortality figures in 2010 and 2013 for pneumonia, tuberculosis and influenza. Investment was also compared to publication data.

    RESULTS: Of all infectious disease research between 2011 and 2013 (£917.0 million), £28.8 million (3.1%) was for pneumonia. This was an absolute and proportionate increase from previous time periods. Translational pneumonia research (33.3%) received increased funding compared with 1997-2010 where funding was almost entirely preclinical (87.5%, here 30.9%), but high-burden areas such as paediatrics, elderly care and antimicrobial resistance received little investment. Annual investment remains volatile; publication temporal trends show a consistent increase. When comparing investment to global burden with a novel 'investment by mortality observed' metric, tuberculosis (£48.36) and influenza (£484.21) receive relatively more funding than pneumonia (£43.08), despite investment for pneumonia greatly increasing in 2013 compared to 2010 (£7.39). Limitations include a lack of private sector data and the need for careful interpretation of the comparisons with burden, plus categorisation is subjective.

    CONCLUSIONS: There has been a welcome increase for pneumonia funding awarded to UK institutions in 2011-2013 compared with 1997-2010, along with increases for more translational research. Published outputs relating to pneumonia rose steadily from 1997 to 2013. Investment relative to mortality for pneumonia has increased, but it remains low compared to other respiratory infections and clear inequities remain. Analyses that measure investments in pneumonia can provide an insight into funding trends and research gaps.

    RESEARCH IN CONTEXT: Pneumonia continues to be a high-burden illness around the globe. This paper shows that although research funding is increasing in the UK (between 1997 and 2013), it remains poorly funded compared to other important respiratory infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and influenza. Publications about pneumonia have been steadily increasing over time, indicating continuing academic and clinical interest in the topic. Though global mortality of pneumonia is declining, it should still be an area of high priority for funders, policymakers and researchers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  14. Culbert GJ, Pillai V, Bick J, Al-Darraji HA, Wickersham JA, Wegman MP, et al.
    J Neuroimmune Pharmacol, 2016 09;11(3):446-55.
    PMID: 27216260 DOI: 10.1007/s11481-016-9676-7
    Throughout Southeast Asia, repressive drug laws have resulted in high rates of imprisonment in people who inject drugs (PWID) and people living with HIV (PLH), greatly magnifying the harm associated with HIV, tuberculosis, and addiction. We review findings from Malaysia's largest prison to describe the negative synergistic effects of HIV, tuberculosis, addiction, and incarceration that contribute to a 'perfect storm' of events challenging public and personal health and offer insights into innovative strategies to control these converging epidemics. The majority of PLH who are imprisoned in Malaysia are opioid dependent PWID. Although promoted by official policy, evidence-based addiction treatment is largely unavailable, contributing to rapid relapse and/or overdose after release. Similarly, HIV treatment in prisons and compulsory drug treatment centers is sometimes inadequate or absent. The prevalence of active tuberculosis is high, particularly in PLH, and over 80 % of prisoners and prison personnel are latently infected. Mandatory HIV testing and subsequent segregation of HIV-infected prisoners increases the likelihood of tuberculosis acquisition and progression to active disease, amplifying the reservoir of infection for other prisoners. We discuss strategies to control these intersecting epidemics including screening linked to standardized treatment protocols for all three conditions, and effective transitional programs for released prisoners. For example, recently introduced evidence-based interventions in prisons like antiretroviral therapy (ART) to treat HIV, isoniazid preventive therapy to treat latent tuberculosis infection, and methadone maintenance to treat opioid dependence, have markedly improved clinical care and reduced morbidity and mortality. Since introduction of these interventions in September 2012, all-cause and HIV-related mortality have decreased by 50.0 % and 75.7 %, respectively. We discuss the further deployment of these interventions in Malaysian prisons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  15. Shanmuganathan R, Subramaniam ID
    Glob J Health Sci, 2015;7(4):110-20.
    PMID: 25946947 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p110
    INTRODUCTION: The main aim of this study was to describe the clinical manifestation of tuberculosis infection cases in Malaysia and to determine the individual risk factors for their occurrence.
    METHODOLOGY: The study adopted a quantitative research approach with use of descriptive statistical approach. The study setting was a community clinic which treats walk in patients who are mainly living and working in the surrounding areas. The study was conducted for a period of one year. All tuberculosis patients who sought treatment in the clinic during the time were included in this study. The total number of cases was 40. Data was collected from the medical records of the tuberculosis patients. The risk factors selected for investigation were demographic characteristics of age and sex, personal habits such as smoking, drug use and alcohol and presence of diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+), diabetes mellitus, cancer, cyanotic heart disease, renal failure and steroid use.
    RESULTS: Patients in the age group ranging from 41 to 50 years had the highest incidence of the infection. Smoking appears to be the most important risk factor for contracting followed by drug abuse, HIV+ infection and diabetes mellitus.
    CONCLUSIONS: People with diseases such as diabetes mellitus and HIV that are high risk factors for TB should be screened for TB so that early detection and intervention is possible. Educational programs should be carried out to create awareness among the at risk groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  16. Rashid Ali MR, Parameswaran U, William T, Bird E, Wilkes CS, Lee WK, et al.
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2015 May;19(5):620-1.
    PMID: 25868033 DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.14.0938
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  17. Al-Darraji HA, Tan C, Kamarulzaman A, Altice FL
    Occup Environ Med, 2015 Jun;72(6):442-7.
    PMID: 25794506 DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102695
    OBJECTIVES: Although prison employees share the same tuberculosis (TB) risk environment with prisoners, the magnitude of TB problems among prison employees is unknown in most resource-limited prisons. This survey was conducted to investigate the prevalence and correlates of tuberculin skin test (TST) positivity among employees in Malaysia's largest prison.

    METHODS: Consented, full-time prison employees were interviewed using a structured questionnaire that included sociodemographic data, history of working in the correctional system and TB-related risk. TST was placed intradermally and read after 48-72 h. Induration size of ≥10 mm was considered positive. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to explore associations with TST positivity.

    RESULTS: Of the 445 recruited prison employees, 420 (94.4%) had complete data. Most were young (median=30.0 years) men (88.8%) who had only worked at this prison (76.4%) for a median total employment period of 60 months (IQR 34.5-132.0). The majority were correctional officers, while civilian employees represented only 7.6% of the sample. Only 26 (6.2%) reported having ever been screened for TB since employment. Prevalence of TST positivity was 81% and was independently associated with longer (≥12 months) prison employment (AOR 4.9; 95% CI 1.5 to 15.9) and current tobacco smoking (AOR=1.9, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.2).

    CONCLUSIONS: Latent TB prevalence was high in this sample, approximating that of prisoners in this setting, perhaps suggesting within prison TB transmission in this facility. Formal TB control programmes for personnel and prisoners alike are urgently needed within the Malaysian correctional system.

    Matched MeSH terms: Latent Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  18. Jeyakumar D
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):492-5.
    PMID: 11072468
    This retrospective study documents a strong correlation between tuberculin reactivity and the subsequent development of active tuberculosis in student nurses. 12% of the 25 student nurses with tuberculin reactions above 20 mm developed tuberculosis over a period of 2 years, compared to only 0.3% of the 341 student nurses with reactions of 20 mm or less. The implications of these findings for preventive therapy are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology
  19. Hayati IN, Ismail Y, Zurkurnain Y
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Dec;48(4):416-20.
    PMID: 8183165
    Between January 1990 and December 1991, 100 cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis were identified at the General Hospital Kota Bharu representing 11% of all the newly diagnosed tuberculosis. It was commonest in the third decade of life and the sites involved were the lymph nodes (34%), osteoarticular (14%), miliary (12%) and pleura (10%). Tuberculous lymphadenitis appears to be more common in females and younger patients. Fourteen patients had concurrent active pulmonary tuberculosis and in 36 others the chest X-rays showed satisfactory response to standard chemotherapy. Six patients died and six were lost to follow-up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
  20. Dony JF, Ahmad J, Yap KT
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):8-18.
    PMID: 14670341 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2003.08.002
    The objectives in this epidemiology review are to measure and report the extent of morbidity and mortality due to tuberculosis (TB), the proportion of new sputum smear positive cases in districts and the status of cohort analysis as of 1999. As for leprosy, the main objective is to determine morbidity and the treatment outcomes of Multiple Drug Therapy (MDT). Based on the results obtained, a comprehensive action plan for prevention, control and monitoring of tuberculosis and leprosy cases and patients is being produced and implemented throughout the state. The analysis concentrated on patients diagnosed at all out-patient units and admitted in all of the state's hospitals. The patient particulars were recorded using a standardized format based on TB and Leprosy Health Management Information System (TB HMIS). TB was the second highest by notification of communicable diseases in Malaysia in 2001. 29% or about one-third of the national TB cases are from Sabah. However, it has been noted that there was an average decline of 2.6% in annual notification since 10 years ago to date. There was also a reduction of 11.4% in 2001 as compared to annual notification in 2000. Immigrants contribute more than 24% in detection of new cases since 1990. Treatment success rate in term of completion of treatment to date is 82%. Mortality rate has steadily declined from 14 deaths to 7 deaths per 100,000 population. Leprosy in Sabah also contributes to 30% of the yearly total caseload of Malaysia and has the highest notification rate of 2 per every 100,000 population as compared to other states. The average registered leprosy cases over the past 5 years are 239 cases and the prevalence rate is 0.7/10,000 population. The state has successfully achieved its goal to decrease leprosy as per the World Health Organization (WHO) goal of yearly overall prevalence rate of less than 1 case for every 10,000 population. However, the districts of Kudat, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Kota Kinabalu and Semporna are still within the prevalence rate of more than one per 10,000 population. This review highlights some interesting findings which can be incorporated into the State and Districts action plans and strategies. It is also noted that in order to translate National Plans and Strategies into effective action at the community level, health workers need relevant up-to-date knowledge of the pattern of health and disease, and of their determinants, in each district. The Sabah Health Department continues to organize and support programs related to management and control of tuberculosis and leprosy to progressively reduce the incidence of these diseases in the community by breaking the chain of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae, respectively.
    Study site: outpatient clinics, inpatients, hospitals, Sabah, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Tuberculosis/epidemiology*
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