METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 326 patients from three tertiary care hospitals in the United Arab Emirates. The frequency and severity of urogenital symptoms, emotional and physical functioning, and treatment burden were assessed using the validated genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptoms and vaginal treatments acceptability questionnaire (GSM-SVATQ). To examine the mediating roles of emotional and physical functioning, as well as the perceived treatment burden on sexual functioning, a partial least squares-structural equation model was developed using the SmartPLS 4 Software.
RESULTS: The measurement model was successfully established. All constructs had a reliability of > 0.70 and discriminant validity of < 0.90. Emotional, physical and sexual functioning showed an adjusted R2 values of 0.377, 0.282 and 0.169, respectively.The multistep multiple mediator model revealed a full mediation effect of both emotional and physical functioning between symptom, treatment burden and sexual functioning. The model showed high predictive performance with all manifest variables showing lower mean absolute errors compared to the naiive benchmark model.
CONCLUSION: This study enhances our understanding of the relationships between urogenital symptoms, perceived treatment burden, emotional functioning, and sexual well-being. The findings emphasize the importance of addressing emotional well-being in managing urogenital symptoms and in addressing emotional factors associated with the use of vaginal treatments.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and implement a sexting intervention module guided by the prototype willingness model (PWM), delivered using web-based animated video, and evaluate its effectiveness among diploma students from a public higher educational institution. The primary outcomes were intention and willingness to sext, while the secondary outcomes were knowledge, attitude, perceived norms, and prototype perceptions of sexting.
METHODS: This 2-armed, parallel, single-blinded cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted in a public higher educational institution in the state of Melaka, Malaysia. Diploma students from 12 programs were randomly allocated into intervention and control groups. Both groups answered a self-administered web-based questionnaire assessing the outcomes at the baseline. The intervention group received a newly developed intervention module based on the PWM in the form of 5 animated videos posted on a private YouTube platform, while the control group was put on the waitlist. The intervention group was encouraged to discuss any issues raised with the researchers via WhatsApp private chat after viewing the videos. All participants were observed immediately and 3 months postintervention. Data analysis was performed with SPSS (version 26; IBM Corp). A generalized linear mixed model was used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.
RESULTS: There were a total of 300 participants with an attrition rate of 8.3% (n=25). After adjusting for age, sex, relationship status, and the amount of time spent on the web, there were significant differences in the intention to sext (β=-.12; P=.002; Cohen d=0.23), willingness to sext (β=-.16; Psexual and reproductive health among young adults in Malaysia can consider the implementation of this module.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Thai Clinical Trial Registry TCTR20201010002;