Osteoporosis dikaitkan dengan radikal bebas dan tekanan oksidatif. Kandungan polifenol yang tinggi dalam minyak
kelapa dara (VCO) yang bertindak sebagai antioksidan mampu menghalang tekanan oksidatif seterusnya mencegah
osteoporosis. Uji kaji in vitro ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji mekanisme kesan perlindungan polifenol ekstrak daripada
VCO (PF) ke atas sel selanjar pre-osteoblas mencit (MC3T3-E1) teraruh tekanan oksidatif. Untuk mengkaji viabiliti
kesan perlindungan polifenol terhadap MC3T3-E1 daripada toksisiti hidrogen peroksida (H2
), sel MC3T3-E1 dirawat
dengan beberapa dos polifenol selama 24 jam selepas dieram dengan 250 µM (IC50) H2
selama 1 jam. Mekanisme
perlindungan dikaji dengan mengukur aras malondialdehid (MDA) serta aktiviti enzim antioksidan iaitu superoksida
dismutase (SOD), glutation peroksidase (GPx) dan katalase (CAT). Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kepekatan
perencatan median (IC50) H2
pada 1 jam adalah 250 µM. Ujian viabiliti sel mendapati kesemua dos polifenol dapat
melindungi sel MC3T3-E1 daripada toksisiti H2
. Dos 1 dan 0.01 µM polifenol dapat meningkatkan aras GPx dan CAT,
manakala dos 0.01 dan 0.0001 µM dapat meningkatkan aras SOD. Sementara itu, hanya dos 0.01 dan 0.001 µM sahaja
yang dapat menghalang peningkatan aras MDA. Kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat di dalam kajian ini adalah polifenol
daripada minyak kelapa dara mencegah lipid peroksida pada sel MC3T3-E1 yang telah diaruh dengan H2
meningkatkan aktiviti enzim antioksidan.
Pembangunan bahan komposit aloi titanium (Ti6Al4V)/wolastonit (WA) semakin mendapat permintaan yang tinggi
terutamanya dalam aplikasi implan tulang. Ti6Al4V adalah sejenis aloi logam yang terkenal dengan sifat mekanik yang
tinggi dan bioserasi manakala seramik WA merupakan bahan biokaca yang bersifat bioaktif dan sesuai untuk dijadikan
bahan implan. Proses pengacuan suntikan serbuk (PIM) adalah proses teknologi serbuk yang boleh menghasilkan jasad
yang kecil dan berbentuk kompleks pada kos yang rendah. Ketumpatan jasad anum yang rendah boleh menyebabkan
kecacatan seperti retakan berlaku semasa proses penyahikatan dan pensinteran dijalankan. Oleh itu, jasad anum yang
optimum terhadap ketumpatan adalah penting bagi menghasilkan komposit yang mempunyai sifat mekanik dan fizikal
yang baik. Kajian ini memberi tumpuan terhadap kesan parameter proses pengacuanan terhadap jasad anum komposit
Ti6Al4V/WA. Nilai pembebanan serbuk ialah 67.0 % isi padu. Serbuk Ti6Al4V dan WA dengan nisbah peratus berat
masing-masing adalah 90:10 dicampurkan bersama 60 % bt. stearin sawit (SS) dan 40% bt. polietilena (PE) untuk
membentuk bahan suapan. Parameter optimum yang diperoleh bagi proses pengacuanan suntikan ditentukan melalui
kaedah Taguchi berdasarkan ketumpatan jasad anum ialah: suhu penyuntikan pada 130°C, suhu acuan pada 50°C,
tekanan penyuntikan pada 13 bar dan masa penyuntikan pada 10 s. Nilai purata ketumpatan tertinggi adalah 3.095 g/
. Analisis ANOVA menunjukkan suhu acuan memberikan pengaruh paling tinggi iaitu 57.63% bagi mendapatkan jasad
anum yang mempunyai ketumpatan yang tinggi. Uji kaji pengesahan menunjukkan jasad anum yang terhasil berada
dalam julat prestasi optimum yang dijangkakan. Penghasilan jasad anum yang bebas daripada kecacatan adalah penting
bagi menentukan sifat mekanik dan fizikal yang baik pada jasad sinter.
This study investigates the relationship between land use types and sedimentary characteristics of fluvial bed at three
rivers in Selangor, Malaysia; namely Sungai Tengi, Selangor and Langat. The diversity in population density and land
development at the adjacent river banks gives associated dominant land use type as forest, agriculture and urban for
Tengi, Selangor and Langat, respectively. Field sampling was conducted at consistent spatial locations for Tengi and
Selangor, whereas for Langat, the bed sediment was taken at non-uniform spatial points due to limited access. Statistical
analysis of the sediment bed mixture shows that forest dominated land gives finer bed sediment size at < 200 µm.
Agriculture-type of land use increases the mean sediment size to medium sand, whereas bed material near to urbanized
areas has coarser sediment size with > 650 µm. Correlation analysis proved that there is a relationship between types
of land use with the mean sediment size. No distinctive correlation can be observed for sorting, skewness and kurtosis
of the sediment with the types of land use.
Bacterial adhesion to host cells is the most important probiotic character. However, the adhesion of probiotic should not
affect the viability of the host cells. In this study, Lactobacillus plantarum strain L8, Lactobacillus plantarum strain L20
and Lactobacillus pentosus strain S1 were tested for their cytotoxic effects through MTT assay and their ability to adhere
and colonize on HT-29 and CCD-18Co intestinal cells as detected microscopically using light microscopy and Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM). No cytotoxicity effects were observed on both intestinal cells following 24 h treatment with
all Lactobacillus strains. Additionally, all strains demonstrated strong adhesive activity where more than 100 bacteria
adhered to both intestinal cells although differences in the adhesion scores observed among different strains. The adhesion
as observed via SEM showed an autoagreggative pattern and adhered as clusters on the surface of both intestinal cells.
In conclusion, all three Lactobacillus strains are non-cytotoxic to both cells with strong adhesion ability on intestinal
cells and this study also proved that Malaysian fermented fish are good source of probiotic bacteria.
Pengimejan tradisi mempunyai banyak kekurangan seperti mempunyai jangka hayat yang pendek serta bersaiz besar
kerana sifat pendafluornya tidak tahan lama atau berlakunya pelunturanfoto. Melalui kajian ini, nanohablur kadmium
sulfida dihasilkan dan berfungsi sebagai pengimejan titik kuantum yang sesuai dengan sifat optiknya yang pelbagai
mengikut saiz zarahnya. Sifat optik titik kuantum kadmium sulfida (TK CdS) boleh dipengaruhi oleh saiz dan juga
komposisi kimia TK seperti perubahan pH. Dalam kajian ini, sifat optik TK CdS dikaji terhadap perubahan nilai pH
dengan menghasilkan TK CdS melalui kaedah koloidal. Kadmium asetat dihidrat (C4
O) dan natrium sulfida
S) digunakan sebagai sebagai bahan pemula bagi menghasilkan TK CdS. Nilai pH diubah suai dengan menitiskan
natrium hidroksida (NaOH) ke dalam larutan TK CdS. Lima jenis larutan disediakan iaitu pada nilai pH5, pH7, pH8,
pH9 dan pH10. Masalah penggumpalan sering berlaku semasa proses sintesis CdS. Oleh itu, kajian ini menggunakan
asid tioglikolik (HSCH2
H) sebagai agen penstabil kepada TK CdS. Spektra keserapan UV memberi anjakan biru
apabila TK CdS pada pH alkali kerana saiz nanohablur mengecil. Hasil daripada spektroskopi pendarfluor mendapati
larutan yang mempunyai nilai pH8 memberi puncak yang tertinggi. Hal ini adalah kerana pada pH ini nanohablur
mampu berubah pada posisi yang tepat dan membentuk TK CdS pada kehabluran yang tinggi. Oleh itu, mekanisme ini
dapat membentuk perangkap lubang dan seterusnya eksiton terbentuk.
Fruit and vegetable are the natural foods that contained various nutrients vital for good health and help in weight loss
by suppressing an individual’s appetite. Therefore, this review aimed to investigate the acute effect of fruit and vegetable
intake on satiety and energy intake. We included randomized controlled trial or experimental designs measuring fruit
and/or vegetable intake on satiety using subjective appetite rating and appetite related hormone and energy intake among
healthy adults, published in English-language. The use of extract, powder form or concentrated fruit and/or vegetable
and animal study were excluded. Twelve studies were identified from Pubmed, Science Direct and Cochrane from the
year 1995 to August 2017, consists of six studies on fruit and six studies on vegetable. This review discussed the preload
of fruit and vegetable in promoting satiety and reducing the energy intake. Manipulating energy density rather than
portion size was effective in reducing total energy intake and promotes satiety. Fruit and vegetable in solid form had a
greater satiety effect and significantly reduce energy intake compared to liquid or pureed form. The variation in time
interval between fruit and/or vegetable intake and the test meal may also account a significant effect on satiety up to 2
h and diminished 3 h onward. The satiety effect of fruit and vegetable would be beneficial in body weight management.
This paper describes the development of a simple method to determine the permittivity and moisture content (m.c.) of
ginger. The measurement system consists of a microwave sensor, directional coupler and a PIC microcontroller. The
microwave sensor is a square flanged open-ended coaxial (OEC) sensor made from SMA stub contact panel with outer
diameter (O.D) 4.10 mm. The microwave oven drying method was used to determine the actual m.c. of the ginger. All data
acquisition, processing and display were accomplished using a PIC 16F690 microcontroller programmed using Flowcode
software. The actual values of the permittivity of ginger were obtained by using the Agilent (now Keysight Technologies)
85070B dielectric probe along with a HP 8720B Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The results showed good relationships
between m.c., permittivity (dielectric constant (εʹ) and loss factor (ε̋)) and reflected voltage. The calibration equations
between reflected voltage and m.c. have been established for the sensor. The measurement system provides a simple, fast
and accurate technique to predict m.c., εʹ and ε̋ of ginger from reflected voltage measurements alone. The accuracy in
determination of m.c., εʹ and ε̋ in ginger was within 2.9%, 2.7%, and 3.6%, respectively.
Acute respiratory infections cause significant morbidity and mortality in children. Several new respiratory viruses have
been identified and co-detection of multiple viruses is commonly reported. This is part of a prospective study which
aims to detect respiratory viruses by multiplex molecular method and conventional methods. Nasopharyngeal aspirate
specimens were taken from hospitalised children aged less than 5 years with lower respiratory tract infections. These
were tested using viral culture, immunofluorescence and Seegene Anyplex™ II RV16 real-time polymerase chain reaction.
From 102 samples, 69 (67.6%) were positive by PCR, 12 (11.8%) positive by culture method and 13 (12.7%) positive
by IF. A single viral pathogen was detected in 48 samples (47.1%), while 21 samples (20.6%) had co-detection of 2 to
4 viral pathogens. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was most common, detected in 17 samples (16.7% of all samples),
followed by adenovirus and rhinovirus in 16 (15.7%), respectively. Bocavirus was detected in 15, enterovirus in 15,
influenza A in 8 and parainfluenza-4 in 4 samples, with highest occurrences in co-detection (12/15, 10/15, 5/8 and 3/4,
respectively). RSV was the least likely detected in co-detection (3/17). In PCR-positive samples, 54/69 (78.3%) were patients
aged up to 24 months. Molecular methods detect more viral aetiologies than conventional methods, with simultaneous
detection of multiple respiratory viruses. More sensitive, specific and rapid tools to determine aetiological agents could
be incorporated into diagnostic algorithms of respiratory tract infections. Interpretations, significance, and applicability
in clinical practice could be further explored, particularly for patients up to 2 years old.
Recent progress in alternative medicine has highlighted the benefits of olive as an integral part of therapeutic diet to
promote healthy living. Among the thirty different phenolic compounds of olive known to date; oleocanthal, oleuropein,
tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol are being increasingly investigated for their potential in prevention and healing of several
major forms of neurological dysfunctions and disorders. A considerable amount of literature suggests the neuroprotective
effects of olive and its phenolic compounds are owing to their roles as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic
agents. At preclinical level, olive attenuated cognitive dysfunctions and the functional outcomes in spinal cord injury,
delayed the progression of amyloid beta pathology, improved motor and mitochondrial dysfunctions in Parkinson’s
disease, reversed diabetic-related neurological complications and also ameliorated cerebral pathologies in stroke. In this
paper, we aim to review the neuroprotective role of olive and its phenolic derivatives in the following diseases or deficits
of the nervous system that include cognitive dysfunction, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, peripheral neuropathy and
spinal cord injury.
Currently, fetal bovine serum (FBS) have been widely use in culture media to promote human cell proliferation. However,
the usage of FBS for cell therapy in clinical application was associated with the risk of viral and prion transmission as
well as immune rejection. To provide an option for this risk, this study was conducted to determine the effect of adipose
derived stem cells (ADSCs) co-culture with chondrocyte in promoting cell proliferation and chondrogenesis toward
FBS free condition. ADSCs co-cultured with chondrocyte at the ratio of 1:1, 2:1 and 1:2 were tested. Cell morphology
changes, cell proliferation and gene expression level of stemness (Oct4, FGF-4, Nanog) and chondrogenic (Collagen
Type II, ACP) were assessed. The results showed ADSCs in all co-culture groups changed morphology from fibroblastic
spindle to polygonal shape which resembled chondrocytes. The morphological changes were accompanied with increased
expression of chondrogenic genes; denoted chondrogenesis process. While maintaining expression of stemness genes
indicated continuation of cell proliferation. From the three co-culture groups tested; ADSCs and chondrocytes (1:1 ratio)
have been shown to exert better effects in promoting cell proliferation and chondrogenesis. In conclusion, ADSCs could
replace FBS to grow sufficient number of chondrogenic cells to repair cartilage injury in the near future. Further in vivo
study should be performed to test the effectiveness of this co-culture technique in cartilage injury repair.
Glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes (GSTs) catalyze the conjugation reaction between glutathione and electrophilic
compounds. GSTs are involved in the detoxification of toxic and carcinogenic compounds, thus protecting the body from
toxic injuries. Tocotrienols are part of the vitamin E family and is believed to possess potent antioxidant activity. The
objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing doses of tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) supplementation
on liver GSTs gene and protein expression. A total of 30 male ICR white mice were divided into five groups (n=6 for each
group) and given treatment for 14 days through oral supplementation. Groups were divided as follows: - three groups
administered with TRF at doses of 200, 500 and 1000 mg/kg, respectively, a positive control group administered with 100
mg/kg butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and a control group administered with only the vehicle (corn oil). At day 15, the
mice were sacrificed and their livers isolated. Total RNA was extracted from the liver and quantitative real-time polymerase
chain reaction (qPCR) assays were performed to analyze GSTs gene expression. Total liver protein was also extracted
and the protein expression of GSTs was determined by Western blotting. The results showed that TRF oral supplementation
caused a significant dose-dependent increase in liver GST isoenzymes gene and protein expression, compared to controls.
In conclusion, TRF oral supplementation for 14 days resulted in increased gene and protein expression of GST isoenzymes
in mice liver dose-dependently, with the highest expression seen in mice treated with 1000 mg/kg TRF.
Various natural biological conduits have been investigated to bridge peripheral nerve injury especially in critical
gap (greater than 3 cm in human). Autograft, the current gold standard, has several drawbacks including limited
availability of donor graft, donor-site morbidity and mismatch in size in clinical practices. The aim of this study was
to analyze the development of nerve conduit using decellularized human umbilical cord (HUC) artery seeded with
neurodifferentiated human MSCs (ndMSCs) in bridging peripheral nerve gap. Artery conduits obtained from HUC were
decellularized to remove native cells (n=3), then characterized by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining and nuclei
counterstaining with DAPI. The decellularized artery conduit was measured for every 2 weeks until 12 weeks. Next,
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were differentiated into neural lineage using 400 µg/mL of Centella asiatica. Then,
of MSCs or ndMSCs were seeded into decellularized artery conduit to study cell attachment. H&E staining
and nuclei counterstaining with DAPI showed that all cellular components were removed from the HUC arteries. The
decellularized artery conduit did not collapse and the lumen remained rigid for 12 weeks. Immunocytochemistry
analysis with neural markers namely S100β, P75 NGFR, MBP and GFAP showed that MSCs had differentiated into
neural lineage cells. H&E staining showed that the seeded MSCs and ndMSCs attached to the lumen of the conduits
as early as 2 days. In conclusion, this study showed that nerve conduit using decellularized HUC artery seeded with
neurodifferentiated human MSCs was successfully developed and have the potential to bridge critical nerve gap.
The limitation of self-repair and proliferation capacity of chondrocytes in cartilage reconstruction lead to alternative
search of cell source that can improve the auricular regeneration. Human adipose-derived stem cells (HADSC) are an
alternative cell source that have unique characteristics to self-renew and differentiate into various tissues making it
suitable for cell therapy and tissue engineering. This study aimed to examine the chondrogenic differentiation potential of
(HADSC) in monolayer culture by the presence of different transforming growth factor beta’s, TFG-β1, -β2 and -β3. HADSC
at passage 3 (1.5 × 105 cell/mL) were cultured in chondrogenic medium containing 5 ng/mL of different transforming
growth factor beta’s, TFG-β1, -β2 and -β3 for 7, 14 and 21 days. Data analysis was evaluated based on the growth
rate of cells, cells morphological changed, production of collagen type II and glycosaminoglycan sulphate (sGAG). The
quantitative RT-PCR was carried out to determine the chondrogenic, fibrogenic and hypertrophic gene expression levels.
Differentiation of HADSC into chondrocytes using TFG-β indicates the occurrence of the chondrogenesis process. The best
chondrogenic differentiation was observed in HADSC induced by TFG-β3 through the chondrocytes-like cells morphology
with cells aggregation and high production of proteoglycan matrices compared to other TGF-βs groups. Additionally,
the expression of chondrocytes-specific genes such as Type II collagen, Aggrecan core protein, Elastin and Sox 9 was
high. In conclusion, this study has showed that TGF-β3 is the potential growth factor in producing chondrogenic cells
for auricular cartilage tissue engineering.
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban (CA) is a well- known plant used to improve brain and memory functions in traditional
medicine. Scientifically it was proven to show neurogenic effect on neural cell lines and in rat’s hippocampus. Its effect
on spinal cord (SC) neurons, however, have not been studied. Aim of this study was to investigate the effects of raw
extract of CA (RECA) on neurite outgrowths in an organotypic model of SC injury (OMSCI). OMSCI was prepared using SC
slices obtained from postnatal-day 8 rat pups. Spinal cord tissues were embedded in gelatine gel and sliced to produce
300 µm thick slices. These slices were 100% viable for 8 days in culture. RECA, in concentrations of 0-800 µg/mL was
added to the OMSCI media for 7 days, followed by immunostaining for TUJ-1 and GFAP. The investigated parameters
were mean neurite count, mean neurite length, mean longest neurite and growth ratio. The tested RECA concentrations
showed no cytotoxicity. ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests showed no significant difference between groups in all the tested
parameters. This may be due to low content of neurotrophic bioactive compounds content in the extract, which probably
due to differences in geographical location, extraction method and absence of neurotrophic factors in the media. In
conclusion, the tested RECA concentration were found to be safe; but without notable neurotrophic effects on the spinal
cord organotypic model as demonstrated in this study.
Zingiber zerumbet has been traditionally used as an anti-inflammation and antioxidant agent. The present study
investigates the neuroprotective effects of ethyl acetate extract of Z. zerumbet against oxidative stress on paraquat
(PQ)-induced Parkinsonism in rats. Forty male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups: Negative control
(normal saline), positive control (N-acetylcysteine, NAC 20 mg/kg + PQ 10 mg/kg), PQ only, 200 mg/kg Z. zerumbet +
PQ and 400 mg/kg Z. zerumbet + PQ. The extract was given orally for 19 consecutive days and PQ was administered
intraperitoneally on day 8-12th of the treatment regime. Both serum and fresh brains containing substantia nigra (SN)
region were taken for biochemical and histological analysis. Administration of both 200 and 400 mg/kg ethyl acetate
Z. zerumbet extracts to the PQ-treated groups have resulted in: Decreased levels of MDA and PC in the SN homogenates;
and increased SOD, GPx; and CAT activities in the SN and serum. Overall, ethyl acetate extract of Z. zerumbet reduced
oxidative stress in the SN of PQ-induced neuronal damages, therefore, has the potential to be developed as a preventive
agent for neurodegenerative disorders caused by environmental toxins.
Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is considered to be an otological emergency. The intratympanic
(IT) steroid injection technique is introduced to decrease the side effects of systemic steroids and assumed to deliver
a higher concentration of corticosteroids into the affected cochlea. The objective of the current study was to evaluate
the hearing outcomes of high dose IT methylprednisolone among ISSNHL patients after failure of systemic corticosteroid
therapy (SCT). Hearing outcomes of SCT were evaluated over a 15 months period. Upon failure of SCT, the treatment was
continued with higher dose IT steroid (methylprednisolone 62.5 mg/mL). Pre-treatment and post-treatment audiometric
evaluations were analysed using pure tone audiogram (PTA). There were 36 patients diagnosed with ISSNHL included
in the study. After two weeks of SCT, eighteen (56.3%) patients had hearing improvement of more than 10 dB. Another
fourteen (43.7%) patients had no hearing improvement (less than 10 dB). Following that, twelve patients were recruited
for weekly IT methylprednisolone for three weeks. During the one month follow up after completion of IT therapy, six
patients (50%) showed more than 10 dB improvement in the PTA with a mean of 19.37 dB (p<0.05). Out of the six, two
patients had more than 20 dB hearing improvement. Almost all patients in this study had an improvement in their symptoms
of tinnitus and vertigo. High dose IT methylprednisolone after failure of SCT resulted in significant improvement in the
patients’ hearing outcome during one month follow up. The IT therapy not only improved the patients’ hearing but in
addition reduced the symptoms of tinnitus and vertigo.
Falls are a public health concern among older adults. There is a need to take significant measures such as screening for the risk of a fall as a means of prevention and management. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine discriminative and predictive ability of physical performance measures in identifying the risk of fall among Malaysian community dwelling older adults. Three hundred twenty-five Malaysian community dwelling older adults aged 60 years and above (67.67+ 5.5 years) participated in this study. This study was a part of a larger longitudinal study ‘LRGS TUA’. Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA), a comprehensive tool for quantifying risk of fall was used as a standard measure of comparison to 6 Meter Gait Speed (GS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Walking While Talking (WWT) tests to establish discriminative and predictive ability. Participants recorded incidence of falls in a ‘falls diary’ over a span of six months. To determine the optimum cut off scores of the test identified to classify fall risk, receiver operator curves (ROC) were used and its sensitivity and specificity were calculated. A significant mean difference between fallers and non-fallers was demonstrated only with TUG test (p<0.05). TUG test cut off score in discriminating older adults at risk of fall was established at eight seconds, with a sensitivity and specificity of 83.95% and 32.4%, respectively, in this study. Eighty-four percent older adults who experienced a fall in our study were identified to be at risk of fall when screened using this TUG cut off score. Our study results suggested TUG test to be an optimal screening tool for risk of fall among community dwelling older adults.
Chondrocytes obtained from osteoarthritis (OA) joints has been recognized as an abnormal cell; however, it’s proven to
have potential in supporting cartilage regeneration. We have isolated chondrocytes from OA joints (OAC) and expanded
chondrocytes growth medium (CGM). The growth kinetic, immunophenotyping and cell multilineage differentiation
were analyzed to confirm the OAC stemness. The optimal condition to developed PLGA nanofibre with ratio 50:50 were
20% concentration of PLGA, flow rate with 0.3 mL/h, 10 kv voltage and 10 cm distance from nozzle to the collector. The
toxicity level, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and q-PCR analysis was performed in the present study. OAC fulfills
the minimal criteria to be known to have stem cell as the cell easily adheres to the culture plate, shows high expression
(≥95%) for CD13, CD29, CD44, CD73 and CD90 and less expression (≤2%) for CD45 and HLA-DR and potentially induced
to mesodermal multilineage, which is osteocytes, adipocytes and chondrocytes. Toxicity test showed no adverse effect of
PLGA towards the cell. Based on the cell-PLGA nanofibre interaction, difference in fibre size will influence the proliferation
of the cell. Nanofibres with 100 nm in size showed high proliferation of OAC and better gene and protein expression
compared to monolayer culture. Thus, we concluded that OAC has the potential to be used in cartilage regeneration
based on the presence of stem cell markers as similar to the human bone marrow. The cartilage regeneration will be
more efficient if OAC cultured on 3D microenvironment as showed in the present study.
Despite remarkable mechanical durability and strength, hyaline cartilage has very limited capacity for self-repair when injured and over time, may degenerate to osteoarthritis. We evaluated the most significant mile stones attained, in the pursuit of cure for cartilage defects and osteoarthritis. The basic treatment options include: Natural or physical therapy, medications, nutritional supplements, nutriceuticals and chondroprotective agents. Next are repairs and replacements, which include surgical procedures: Debridement/chondroplasty, microfracturing, mosaicplasty, periosteum transplantation, osteochondral autografting and allografting, high tibial osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty. But, current trend has shifted from repair, replacement, to most recently regeneration. Regenerations include the cell and gene therapies. While cell therapy involves the use of cells isolated from different tissues to cause regeneration of cartilage; gene therapy involves the selection of appropriate gene and optimal vector to incorporate cDNA. There has been much positivity reported with big animal models, which has led to several ongoing clinical trials. Translations of these findings hold high promises, though not without inherent regulatory hurdles. Considering the initial success rates, there are increasing hopes of realizing these treatments from bench to bedsides. Significant improvements in the treatment of cartilage degenerations and osteoarthritis have been made so far, but no gold standard delineated.
Growing application of radiatioUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysian sources and lack of awareness among workers in practicing protective measures imply
an increased risk of radiation exposure to eye. This study determined the status of colour vision and its association with
working duration amongst staff working with radiation in a university hospital. A total of 55 employees (28 exposed (RS)
and 27 not directly exposed to radiation (NRS)) were recruited and 30 employees were used as controls. Visual acuity (VA)
was measured using Snellen chart. Colour vision assessments were conducted using Ishihara plates, D15 panel and FM
100 hues and the results were analysed using one way ANOVA. The subjects’ age ranged between 29 and 44 years old.
Mean VA for all subjects was 6/6. More than 50% of the subjects has colour defects, 3.45% of RS failed D15, 37.93%
failed FM 100 hue, 7.4% of NRS failed D15 and 55.56% failed FM 100 hue. Significant difference was found in the total
error scores between RS (77.10 ± 6.05) and NRS (84.89 ± 7.76) with the controls (41.47 ± 3.10) [ANOVA F(2,83)=16.084,
p=0.00]. There was no association between working duration and severity of colour defect [r(104)= -0.123, p>0.05].
This study concludes that majority of the studied subjects has color deficiency but not significantly correlated with their
working duration. Protective measures need to be taken to improve the situation.