This research investigated the behaviour of walls produced from wood wool cement board (WWCB) which were reinforced
with a lesser known commercial timber, Kelempayan, when subjected to compression load. Kelempayan timbers were
shredded into wood wool and used as reinforcement agent in this study. WWCB having dimensions of 600 × 2400 × 50 mm
and 600 × 2400 × 75 mm, respectively, were fabricated. Properties of the WWCB samples, namely swelling, bending and
compression strength were tested. 75 mm WWCB has higher fracture toughness but lower strength compared to 50 mm
WWCB. Four types of wall systems with different type of configuration were produced and the test results were compared
focusing on their value of ultimate load and failure mode. Walls that constructed without application of link and plaster
displayed the poorest performance. Plastered and linked wall had the highest ultimate load and comparable with other
load bearing walls. The results suggested that walls constructed using WWCB reinforced with Kelempayan wood wool
are suitable for load bearing as they exhibited comparable properties when compared to the other load bearing walls
such as masonry and straw bale wall.
Absorption is one of the effective, simple and economical methods to remove oil from oily wastewater. The most widely
used approach is to utilize lignocellulosic biomass as oil absorbent. However, the hygroscopic of cellulose have limited
the oil-water separation capability of lignocellulosic fibers. In this study, the surface functionality of oil palm empty
fruit bunch (EFB) fibers was slightly altered by grafting reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The modified EFB fibers show
a distinct morphological and chemical characteristics changes as the surface of fibers has been coated with rGO. This
was supported by FTIR analysis with the diminishing peak of hydroxyl group region of EFB fibers. While the surface
modification on EFB fibers shows a diminution of a hydrophilic characteristic of 131.6% water absorption in comparison
with 268.9% of untreated EFB fibers. Moreover, modified fibers demonstrated an oil-water separation increment as well,
as it shows 89% of oil uptake and improved ~17 times of oil selectivity in oil-water emulsion than untreated EFB fibers.
MeSH terms: Cellulose; Emulsions; Fruit; Graphite; Oxides; Water; Wettability; Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared; Biomass; Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions; Waste Water
X-ray computed tomography (XCT) became an important instrument for quality assurance in industry products as a
non-destructive testing tool for inspection, evaluation, analysis and dimensional metrology. Thus, a high-quality image
is required. Due to the polychromatic nature of X-ray energy in XCT, this leads to errors in attenuation coefficient
which is generally known as beam hardening artifact. This leads to a distortion or blurring-like cupping and streak in
the reconstruction images, where a significant decrease in imaging quality is observed. In this paper, recent research
publications regarding common practical correction methods that were adopted to improve an imaging quality have been
discussed. It was observed from the discussion and evaluation, that a problem behind beam hardening reduction for the
multi-materials object, especially in the absence of prior information about X-ray spectrum and material characterizations
would be a significant research contribution, if the correction could be achieved without the need to perform forward
projections and multiple reconstructions.
Monazit merupakan mineral fosfat yang mengandungi unsur nadir bumi, torium dan uranium dalam kepekatan tertentu.
Kepekatan torium dalam monazit di Malaysia dilaporkan sekitar 2,525.0 - 40,868 ppm dan berpotensi digunakan
sebagai bahan api untuk kegunaan reaktor nuklear torium. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji
proses pengekstrakan dan penulenan torium oksida (ThO2
) daripada monazit tempatan. Proses pengekstrakan dan
penulenan ThO2
dibahagikan kepada empat peringkat iaitu proses penghadaman, pengasingan, pengekstrakan pelarut
dan pengkalsinan. Pencirian sampel telah dilakukan melalui analisis spektrometri jisim gandingan plasma teraruh (ICPMS), analisis termogravimetri (TGA), pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) dan mikroskopi pengimbas elektron dengan spektroskopi
serakan tenaga sinar-X (SEM-EDS). Proses penghadaman telah menghasilkan larutan larut lesap monazit ((Th,REE,U)
) yang mengandungi sehingga 99.77 ± 7.84 mg torium. Unsur nadir bumi (La, Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm, Eu dan Gd) telah
diasingkan daripada torium pada peratusan 96.73%. Manakala larutan Th(NO3
dan ThO2
yang dihasilkan masing- masing
berketulenan 97.10 ± 0.74% dan 98.85 ± 0.69%. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pengekstrakan
dan penulenan ThO2
daripada monazit tempatan boleh dilakukan melalui proses pengekstrakan berperingkat.
Pengecilan saiz antarahubung dalam papan litar bercetak (PCB) membawa kepada migrasi elektrokimia (ECM) dan
kemudiannya menyebabkan litar pintas. ECM merupakan salah satu jenis kakisan yang ketara menjejaskan kebolehtahanan
kakisan kepada peralatan elektronik. Migrasi ini ialah fenomena ion logam bergerak dari satu kawasan ke kawasan yang
lain di dalam medium logam, menyebabkan endapan berlaku di bahagian katod logam ataupun aloi. Justeru, kajian ini
dijalankan untuk menentukan kelakuan kakisan melalui ujian titisan air (WDT) pateri bebas plumbum Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu
(SAC305) di dalam larutan natrium hidroksida (NaOH) yang berbeza kepekatan iaitu 0.05M, 0.1M, 0.5M dan 1.0M.
Purata masa-ke-kegagalan (MTTF) pateri SAC305 berkurangan apabila didedahkan kepada medium larutan NaOH
yang semakin tinggi kepekatannya. Pembentukan dendrit dikesan selepas kakisan pateri SAC305 akibat proses ECM dan
menyebabkan litar pintas. Hasil kakisan Cu(OH)2
dan SnO2 juga didapati terbentuk selepas pateri terkakis. Bopeng
kecil kelihatan terbentuk terutamanya pada kepekatan yang tinggi adalah disebabkan oleh perlarutan pada anod Sn.
Praseodymium ion, Pr3+ doped Gd2
S nanophosphors were successfully synthesized via gamma irradiation route
along with the heat treatment. The effect of the gamma irradiation (0-150 kGy) on the structural, morphology and
photoluminescence properties of Gd2
S:Pr3+ were characterized via X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning
electron microscope (FESEM) and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The thermal properties of precursor sample
were tested by the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The chemical bonding of
the precursor samples were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The XRD result confirmed the
formation of hexagonal phase of Gd2
S:Pr3+ without the presence of any impurities. The FESEM inspection showed the
non-symmetrical shape of particles transformed into grain-like shape. The optimum photoluminescence (PL) emission
intensities of Gd2-xO2
S:xPr3+ occur at 50 kGy dose of gamma irradiation and 2 mol% concentration dopant of Pr3+ ions.
The spectra under 325 nm UV excitation shows a strong green emission at 515 nm, which match the 3
P0 → 3
of Pr3+ ions. The Gd2
S:Pr3+ nanophosphors possessed many useful approaches in various applications mainly as
radiation detection and biomedical diagnostic.
Currently, there is a growing interest of using woven material in composite production for many applications such as
structural applications, non-structural applications, household utilities, parts for automobile, aerospace components,
flooring and ballistic laminate composites. The structure and properties of the woven fabric is very important as it dictate
the woven composite properties. The properties of yarn like linear density, twist factor and strength can influence most
of the woven fabric properties. Strength of woven fabric is one of the most important properties which make it superior
in final composite applications. In this study, the effects of linear density i.e. 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 tex on physical
and mechanical properties of kenaf yarn were evaluated. The assessment on twist type, twist angle, yarn diameter, yarn
structure, fibre density, moisture content, water absorption and mechanical properties were carried out on kenaf yarns.
The yarn mechanical properties were tested on the tensile strength, Young’s Modulus and elongation. It was found that,
different linear density of yarn exhibited different behavior of yarn properties. Higher linear density yarn produced
wider yarn diameter compared to lower linear density yarn, resulting to higher fibre and moisture content yarn. Yarn
tensile strength has increased by 46% when linear density was changed from 500 to 2000 tex due to higher amount of
individual fibres. However, for Young’s Modulus, the values reduced as the yarn linear density increased due to several
factors including number of fibres and moisture content of yarn.
Proses penuaan seringkali dikaitkan dengan kemerosotan pada sistem kognitif. Kemerosotan kognitif bermula seawal
usia dua puluhan dan berterusan secara linear. Selain itu, kemerosotan kognitif juga menjadi lebih nyata dengan
kehadiran hingar latar. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan penuaan ke atas mekanisme pemprosesan persepsi pertuturan
menggunakan tugasan mengulang secara terus (FRT) dalam senyap dan hingar belum difahami dengan jelas. Dalam
kajian ini, pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) digunakan untuk membandingkan kesan penuaan ke atas
kehubungan efektif otak yang terhasil daripada tugasan FRT ke atas subjek normal dengan empat kumpulan umur yang
berlainan iaitu 20 - 29 tahun (n = 15), 30 - 39 tahun (n = 15), 40 - 49 tahun (n = 10) dan 50 - 65 tahun (n = 14). Satu siri
lima perkataan yang diselang-seli dalam keadaan hingar dengan senyap diberikan secara auditori. Pemetaan statistik
berparameter (SPM8) dan pemodelan dinamik penyebab (DCM10) digunakan untuk menentukan kehubungan efektif otak.
Kawasan yang terlibat dalam pembinaan model kehubungan efektif otak adalah STG, HG dan PCG. Model optimum yang
dipilih dalam kajian ini adalah model yang menunjukkan keseimbangan antara ketepatan dan kesukaran. Keputusan
fMRI kehubungan efektif menunjukkan bahawa komunikasi antara intrahemisfera tidak berubah dengan menggunakan
tugasan FRT ini apabila seseorang semakin berusia, tetapi komunikasi antara interhemisfera menjadi semakin kompleks.
MeSH terms: Animals; Ataxia Telangiectasia; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Gastropoda; Magnets
Nicotine is claimed to increase free radicals, DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in male reproductive organs. Nigella
sativa has been identified to ameliorate these adverse effects due to nicotine intake. This study was conducted to
evaluate potential protective effects of N. sativa oil on the adverse effects of nicotine on androgen receptors (AR) and
ultrastructural features of rat seminal vesicles and prostate glands. Twenty four Sprague Dawley male rats, 7-9 weeks
of age and 200-250 g body weight (BW) were randomly divided into; Group 1 Saline (S), forced fed with 0.1 mL/100 g
BW of 0.9% normal saline; Group 2 Nicotine (N), intramuscularly injected with 0.5 mg/100 g BW of nicotine; Group 3 N.
sativa (NS), forced fed with 6.0 µL/100 g BW of N. sativa and Group 4 Nicotine-N. sativa (NNS), co-administered with 0.5
mg/100 g BW of nicotine and 6.0 µL/100 g BW of N. sativa. The seminal vesicles and prostate glands were extracted after
100 days of treatment. The seminal vesicle and prostate gland were processed for ultrastructural study and androgen
receptor detection. The epithelial cells in prostate gland and seminal vesicle of the N group showed weaker brown staining
intensity as compared to that of in the NS and NNS groups. This was consistent with the presence of some ultracellular
changes observed in the prostate gland and seminal vesicle tissues of the N group. Findings from this study suggested
that administration of N. sativa results in ameliorating effects on both the prostate gland and seminal vesicle structures
and functions of the nicotine-treated rats.
Increased the consumption of polyunsaturated (PUFA) and omega-3 fatty acid may be one of the strategies to prevent
morbidity and mortality among elderly. This study aimed to identify the plasma fatty acid profile and intake among
older adults who aged successfully (SA) as compared to the usual agers (UA). This cross-sectional comparative study
was conducted among 48 SA (mean age 66.4+4.7 years old) and 42 UA (mean age 68.4+4.8 years old). The plasma fatty
acid profile was determined using gas chromatography. Fatty acid intake was measured by using the validated Fatty
Acid Omega-3 intake food frequency questionnaire. The percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in blood plasma of
UA (men 62.2+6.4%, women 62.9+7.0%) were significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to SA (men 53.7+15.8%, women
57.1+9.5%). On the other hand, the percentage of monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids were the opposites. Fatty acids intake among SA was higher compared to UA. SFA (SA=5.0+2.5%,
UA=4.6+2.9%) and total omega-3 (SA=0.5+0.4%, UA=0.4+0.3%) intakes met the recommended nutrient intake (RNI).
However, mean intakes of MUFA (SA=5.3+2.4%, UA=4.7+2.7%) and linoleic acid (LA) (SA=0.5+0.7%, UA=0.3+0.5%)
were below than the RNI. Percentages of subjects who did not meet the RNI for omega-3 and MUFA were 44.2% and 97.7%
for SA and 47.4% and 95% for UA, respectively. SA had a higher level of plasma PUFA and MUFA, but lower in SFA when
compared to UA. MUFA and LA were more likely to be inadequate in the diet of older adults, particularly the UA.
The prevalence of osteoporosis is increasing in Asian countries. Optimum calcium intake and vitamin D level are
important to prevent osteoporosis. The attitude of the society towards calcium food sources and supplements, as well
as sun exposure, influence their bone health practices. This review aimed to summarize the current literature on the
attitude of Asians on calcium and vitamin D rich foods and supplements to understand the barriers among the Asians
in achieving adequate calcium intake and vitamin D level. Studies showed that most Asians have a negative attitude
towards calcium-rich foods, mainly dairy products due to lactose intolerance, aversion to the taste of dairy products or
the absence of motivation. Although they took supplements to fill the gap in their diet, they were not aware of the daily
recommended intake of calcium. Besides, the majority of them have a negative attitude towards sun exposure due to the
fear of getting skin cancer or tanning. As a conclusion, most of Asians are still not aware of the importance of calcium
and vitamin D for their health and their negative attitude must be corrected to prevent the rise of osteoporosis.
This study attempted to identify and determine distribution of Leptospira spp. in environmental samples using 16S
rRNA and rpoβ genes amplification. The samples were collected from high risk areas in Selangor, Malaysia. A total of
105 environmental samples consisting of soil and water were subjected to direct DNA extraction and PCR reaction. PCR
products were analysed using gel electrophoresis and subjected to sequence analysis. Thirteen out of 105 (12.38%)
samples were amplified for 16S rRNA with an expected amplicon size of 330 bp, while 50 out of 105 (47.62%) samples
showed amplification using rpoβ primers, but were not of expected size. Of the 13 16S rRNA amplified samples, only 5
were identified as Leptospira in the gene sequence analysis and clustered under uncultured group via phylogenetic tree.
This study showed the DNA-based approach using PCR and sequence analysis is able to detect the presence of Leptospira,
although environmental samples may contain diverse microbial populations that may complicate the detection. Overall,
the study suggested the importance of surveillance for Leptospira from environmental samples.
Although electrospun poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) may mimic structural features of extracellular matrix, its highly
hydrophobic nature causes reduced cell attachment. This study analysed the physicochemical and structural changes
of the surface modified PMMA nanofiber. The electrospun PMMA nanofibers (PM) were surface-treated as follows: PM
alone, collagen coated-PM (PM-C), UV-irradiated PM (PM-UV), collagen coated UV-irradiated PM (PM-C-UV) and collagen
coated-PM crosslinked with genipin (PM-C-GEN). They were subjected to scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR), cell attachment analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy and X-ray
powder diffraction (XRD). The surface roughness was lower in PM-C-UV group compared to others. Based on FTIR
results, all expected functional group were present in all groups. XPS result showed that there are changes in the mass
concentration of UV-treated surfaces and in the collagen coated surfaces. All PM groups showed amorphous nature through
XRD. UV irradiation and collagen coating were shown to increase PM’s functional groups and modify its surface, which
contributed to the increased attachment of cells onto the inert PM scaffold. As conclusion, collagen coated UV irradiated
PMMA provided a better surface for cell to attach hence are suitable to be used further as scaffold for in vitro model.
Vocalisations of tropical birds are still largely unexplored particularly the nocturnal species. This study examined and
quantitatively described the territorial calls and duets of the Sunda Scops-Owl (Otus lempiji), Brown Boobook (Ninox
scutulata) and Spotted Wood-Owl (Strix seloputo) based on 105 territorial call and four duetting recordings collected
from one forest reserve and oil palm smallholdings in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests found
significant differences (p<0.05) for almost all vocal parameters measured from the spectrograms derived from the duets
with one higher-pitched than the other. Being the first study to describe the vocal structure of the duetting calls of the
three Malaysian strigids, this study serves as a baseline for future behavioural study of nocturnal birds particularly
pertaining to conspecific interactions in the Sunda region.
Aroylthiourea ligands, 1-aroyl-3-cyclohexyl-3-methylthiourea (HL1
), 1-(2-chloroaroyl)-3-cyclohexyl-3-methylthiourea
), 1-(3-chloroaroyl)-3-cyclohexyl-3-methylthiourea (HL3
) and 1-(4-chloroaroyl)-3-cyclohexyl-3-methylthiourea
) were synthesized through a condensation reaction of methylcyclohexylamine and aroylisothiocyanate with a
general formula (X-Ph)(CO)NH(CS)N(C6
) where X = H, o-Cl, m-Cl and p-Cl, fully characterized by CHNS micro
elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible, nuclear magnetic resonance (1
H, 13C) and X-ray crystallography.
1-(3-chloroaroyl)-3-cyclohexyl-3-methylthiourea (HL3
) crystallized in the monoclinic system, a=14.504(3), b=4.9599(11),
c=22.325(5) Å, β=98.461(7)°, Z= 4 and V=1588.5(6) Å with space group P21
/c. The IR spectra of the ligands exhibits
the characteristic v(CO) and v(N-H) at range 1701-1640 cm-1 and 3317-3144 cm-1, respectively. Whereas the 1
H and 13C NMR spectra shows the resonances for N-H and -CO groups at range 8.3-8.5 and 160-163 ppm, respectively. A onepot reaction involving the aroylthiourea ligand, oxovanadium(IV) ion and potassium hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)
borate (KTp*) complex gave the desired [oxovanadium(IV)(tris(pyrazolyl)borate)(aroylthiourea)] complexes namely
, Tp*VOL2
, Tp*VOL3
and Tp*VOL4
and all complexes were characterized accordingly. X-ray study showed that
adopted a monoclinic crystal, a=3.415(2), b=19.463(3), c=14.22(3) Å, β=107.411(4)°, Z= 4 and V=3542.7(11)
Å with P21
/c space group. The VO2+ center adopted a pseudo-octahedral geometry O2N3S, with the oxovanadium(IV)
coordinated to the bidentate ligand (X-Ph)(CO)NH(CS)N(C6
) and tridentate Tp* ligands. The results showed
that aroylthiourea ligands behave as bidentate chelate through O and S atom and the Tp* C3v symmetry adds stabilization
to the VO2+ through its protective tripodal geometry.
The present study was aimed at determining the compounds available in Eleusine indica methanol extract and the effects on
herpes simplex virus type 1 (HHV1) replication cycle and progeny infectivity. Twelve compounds mostly from the flavonoid
and phenolic groups were identified by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. The
effect on replication phases of HHV1 was determined by time-of-addition, time-removal and virus yield reduction assays
with expression of selected genes analysed by quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). The extract
inhibited plaque formation the most during the first 2 h and at 24 h of infection. Plaque formation inhibition was also
noted at all other time points but at lesser percentage. Treatment with E. indica reduced progeny infectivity when treated
for 10 h and was dose-dependent. E. indica methanol extract inhibited immediate early, early and late phases of HHV1
replication cycle by modifying the expression of UL
54, UL
27 and UL
30 genes during the infection. Immunostaining of
infected cells confirmed that E. indica inhibited mainly Glycoproteins B but not Glycoprotein C and D. Thus, the methanol
extract of E. indica has the ability to alter HHV1 replication cycle at almost all stages and reduce progeny infectivity.
MeSH terms: Methanol; Chromatography, Liquid; Flavonoids; Viral Envelope Proteins; Herpesvirus 1, Human; Eleusine; Tandem Mass Spectrometry; Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Pembiakbakaan padi tahan kemarau menjadi agenda utama ahli pembiak baka namun ia amatlah penting bagi memastikan
kultivar padi baru tahan kemarau yang bakal dihasilkan mampu memenuhi cita rasa pengguna daripada segi ciri
fisio-kimia serta kualiti beras dan nasi. Dalam kajian ini, sebanyak sepuluh genotip padi yang terdiri daripada lapan
titisan piramid padi tahan kemarau (PLs) dan dua induk, MR219 dan MRQ74 dinilai bagi ciri fisio-kimia dan kualitinya.
Kesemua genotip mempunyai kandungan amilosa (AC) yang sederhana iaitu dalam julat 20% hingga 25% kecuali PLMR219-G1 (AC rendah - 16%) dan induk MRQ74 (AC tinggi - 27%). Selain itu, kesemua genotip juga mempunyai suhu
pengelatinan (GT) yang sederhana, konsistensi gel (GC) yang lembut serta mempunyai bentuk beras yang tirus. Tiada
perbezaan yang signifikan diperoleh antara PLs dan induk untuk kesemua atribut dalam analisis hedonik kecuali bagi
ciri aroma dalam populasi MRQ74. Skor PL-MRQ74-G1 bagi ciri aroma dalam ujian sensori berbeza secara signifikan
dengan induk menunjukkan bahawa nasi yang dihasilkan PL ini tidak wangi. Analisis genotip turut mengesahkan gen
yang mengawal ciri aroma, alel badh2 tiada dalam PL-MRQ74-G1 disebabkan rekombinasi semasa silangan. Namun
demikian, alel badh2 hadir dalam PL-MRQ74-G2 yang menyokong hasil ujian hedonik dan PL ini tidak berbeza dengan
MRQ74 bagi atribut aroma. Secara amnya, PLs serupa dengan beras komersial yang merupakan induk mereka bagi ciri
fisio-kimia dan kualiti. PLs yang tahan kemarau ini boleh dikomersialkan kerana memenuhi cita rasa pengguna Malaysia
yang sukakan nasi yang lembut dan tirus selain tempoh memasak yang singkat.
A single sample from the logged section at eastern side of Gua Panjang limestone hill, southwest of Kampung Kubang
Rasa Village, Merapoh, has yielded 5 very important conodont species. They are Hindeodus parvus erectus, Hindeodus
parvus parvus, Hindeodus latidentatus latidentatus, Hindeodus latidentatus praeparvus, Hindeodus postparvus, Hindeodus
eurypge and Isarcicella staeschi. These Early Triassic conodonts were obtained in a bioclastic dolostone sample, located
2.5 m above bioclastic grainstone which yielded Late Permian foraminifera. The conodonts found were given Conodont
Alteration Index (CAI) scale of 5, consistent with the heating of Main Range granitoid during Indosinian Orogeny.
Limestone harbouring basal Triassic conodonts in Gua Panjang is interpreted to be deposited in an open shallow marine
shelf environment.
In this paper, antioxidant properties of Aegle marmelos (stem bark, leaves) and Murraya koenigii (stem bark, root) were
evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazy (DPPH) free radical scavenging, 2,2’-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiozoline-6-sulfonic
acid) (ABTS) decolourisation, cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)
and linoleic acid/β-carotene assays. The chloroform extract of Murraya koenigii stem bark was found to possess the
highest antioxidant activity in CUPRAC (1490.89 mgTE/g extract). In contrary, the hexane extract from Aegle marmelos
leaves exhibited the weakest antioxidant activity in the DPPH assay (81.06 mgTE/g extract). The bioactive compound
mahanimbine (7) isolated from the stem bark of Murraya koenigii was found to be the most active antioxidant agent
with TEAC of 927.73 and 1649.31 mgTE/g corresponding to the ABTS and CUPRAC assays, respectively, as well as a good
lipid peroxidation inhibitor with an inhibitory percentage of 70.95%. These CUPRAC and ABTS assays are the first report
for Malaysian Murraya koenigii species.
The stability of the limestone cliff at Gunung Kandu, Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia was assessed based on the Slope Mass
Rating (SMR) system on 53 cross sections of the Gunung Kandu hill slopes. The slopes of Gunung Kandu were identified
as class I (very good) to IV (poor). The kinematic analysis showed that 12 out of 53 hill slopes of Gunung Kandu were
identified as having potential wedge, planar and toppling failures. The assessment showed that the stability of the western
flanks can be classified as stable to unstable with the probability of failure from 0.2 to 0.6. The stability of the eastern and
southern flanks range from very stable to partially stable with the probability of failure from 0.0 to 0.4. While the stability
of northern flanks are from very stable to stable with the probability of failure of 0.0 - 0.2. This systematic approach
offers a practical method especially for large area of rock slope stability assessment and the results from probability of
failure values will help engineers to design adequate mitigation measures.