Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Sadiq MA, Hassan L, Aziz SA, Zakaria Z, Musa HI, Amin MM
    Vet World, 2018 Nov;11(10):1404-1408.
    PMID: 30532493 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2018.1404-1408
    Background: Melioidosis is a fatal emerging infectious disease of both man and animal caused by bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. Variations were suggested to have existed among the different B. pseudomallei clinical strains/genotypes which may implicate bacterial susceptibility and resistance toward antibiotics.

    Aim: This study was designed to determine whether the phenotypic antibiotic resistance pattern of B. pseudomallei is associated with the source of isolates and the genotype.

    Materials and Methods: A collection of 111 B. pseudomallei isolates from veterinary cases of melioidosis and the environments (soil and water) were obtained from stock cultures of previous studies and were phylogenetically characterized by multilocus sequence typing (ST). The susceptibility to five antibiotics, namely meropenem (MEM), imipenem, ceftazidime (CAZ), cotrimoxazole (SXT), and co-amoxiclav (AMC), recommended in both acute and eradication phases of melioidosis treatment were tested using minimum inhibitory concentration antibiotics susceptibility test.

    Results: Majority of isolates were susceptible to all antibiotics tested while few resistant strains to MEM, SXT, CAZ, and AMC were observed. Statistically significant association was found between resistance to MEM and the veterinary clinical isolates (p<0.05). The likelihood of resistance to MEM was significantly higher among the novel ST 1130 isolates found in veterinary cases as compared to others.

    Conclusion: The resistance to MEM and SXT appeared to be higher among veterinary isolates, and the novel ST 1130 was more likely to be resistant to MEM as compared to others.

    MeSH terms: Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents; Ceftazidime; Drug Resistance, Microbial; Genotype; Humans; Male; Melioidosis; Microbial Sensitivity Tests; Soil; Thienamycins; Water; Imipenem; Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole Drug Combination; Burkholderia pseudomallei; Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate Combination; Communicable Diseases, Emerging; Multilocus Sequence Typing
  2. Peter ID, Haron AW, Jesse FFA, Ajat M, Han MHW, Fitri WN, et al.
    Vet World, 2018 Nov;11(10):1466-1472.
    PMID: 30532503 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2018.1466-1472
    Conventionally, plasma or milk progesterone evaluations are used to determine the reproductive status of female animals. Collection of such samples is often associated with difficulties of animal handling and restraint. Measurable quantities of progesterone metabolites are found in feces of animals. Their concentrations are known to be well correlated to plasma progesterone levels and are, therefore, used as non-invasive samples for assessing reproductive function in a wide range of animal species. Although the analysis of fecal progesterone metabolites has been widely accepted in many laboratories, several factors are known to affect the results from this valuable analytical technique. Some of these factors include storage/transportation media for fecal samples, type of solvent that is used for extraction of progesterone metabolites from feces, and the type and sensitivity of an assaying technique employed. Although fecal progesterone metabolites analysis is associated with some difficulties, it can effectively be used to monitor reproductive function in a wide range of animal species. This review aims to highlight the usefulness of fecal progesterone metabolite analysis as a non-invasive technique in monitoring reproductive function in animals. The article mainly focuses on the many opportunities and challenges associated with this analytical technique.
  3. Haque M, Sartelli M, McKimm J, Abu Bakar M
    Infect Drug Resist, 2018;11:2321-2333.
    PMID: 30532565 DOI: 10.2147/IDR.S177247
    Health care-associated infections (HCAIs) are infections that occur while receiving health care, developed in a hospital or other health care facility that first appear 48 hours or more after hospital admission, or within 30 days after having received health care. Multiple studies indicate that the common types of adverse events affecting hospitalized patients are adverse drug events, HCAIs, and surgical complications. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention identifies that nearly 1.7 million hospitalized patients annually acquire HCAIs while being treated for other health issues and that more than 98,000 patients (one in 17) die due to these. Several studies suggest that simple infection-control procedures such as cleaning hands with an alcohol-based hand rub can help prevent HCAIs and save lives, reduce morbidity, and minimize health care costs. Routine educational interventions for health care professionals can help change their hand-washing practices to prevent the spread of infection. In support of this, the WHO has produced guidelines to promote hand-washing practices among member countries.
  4. Hon KL, Leong KF, Leung TN, Leung AK
    Drugs Context, 2018;7:212547.
    PMID: 30532792 DOI: 10.7573/dic.212547
    BACKGROUND: Eczema or atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common relapsing childhood dermatologic illness. Treatment of AD is primarily topical with emollients and corticosteroid/calcineurin inhibitor, which is efficacious for the majority of patients. However, AD is often complicated and difficult to manage in many Asian cities. Effective therapy is impeded by fallacies in the following aspects: (1) mistrust and unrealistic expectations about Western medicine, (2) skin care and allergy treatment, (3) ambiguity about optimal bathing and moisturizing, (4) hesitation and phobias about the usage of adequate topical corticosteroid and immunomodulatory therapies, (5) food and aeroallergen avoidance and dietary supplementation, and (6) complementary and alternative therapies.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven anonymized case scenarios are described to illustrate issues associated with these fallacies. A literature review is performed and possible solutions to handle or dismiss these fallacies are discussed.

    CONCLUSIONS: The first step in patient care is to accurately assess the patient and the family to evaluate possible concerns, anxiety, and phobias that could impede therapeutic efficacy. Education about the disease should be individualized. Conflicting recommendations on the usage of topical steroid have a detrimental effect on management outcomes, which must be avoided.

  5. Munawar K, Kuhn SK, Haque S
    PLoS One, 2018;13(12):e0208595.
    PMID: 30533033 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208595
    One of the most consistently observed phenomena in autobiographical memory research is the reminiscence bump: a tendency for middle-aged and elderly people to access more personal memories from approximately 10-30 years of age. This systematic review (PROSPERO 2017:CRD42017076695) aimed to synthesize peer-reviewed literature pertaining to the reminiscence bump. The researchers conducted searches in nine databases for studies published between the date of inception of each database and the year 2017. Keywords used included: reminiscence, bump, peak, surge, blip, reminiscence effect, and reminiscence component. Sixty-eight quantitative studies, out of 523, met the inclusion criteria. The researchers implemented a thematic analytic technique for data extraction. Four main themes were generated: methods of memory activation/instruction for life scripts, types of memory/life scripts recalled, location of the reminiscence bump, and theoretical accounts for the bump. The two prevailing methods of memory activation implemented were the cuing method and important memories method. Three types of memories/life scripts were recalled: personal/autobiographical memory, memories for public events, and life script events. The findings illustrate differing temporal periods for the bump: approximately 10-30 years for memories for important events, approximately 5-30 years for memories that were induced by word cues, and 6-39 years for studies using life scripts. In explaining the bump, the narrative/identity account and cultural life script account received the most support.
    MeSH terms: Anniversaries and Special Events; Cues; Humans; Life Change Events; Mental Recall*; Memory, Episodic*
  6. Thiruvenkadam S, Izhar S, Hiroyuki Y, Harun R
    Biomed Res Int, 2018;2018:1931634.
    PMID: 30533428 DOI: 10.1155/2018/1931634
    Subcritical water extraction (SCW) was used to extract oil from Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The operational factors such as reaction temperature, reaction time, and biomass loading influence the oil yield during the extraction process. In this study, response surface methodology was employed to identify the desired extraction conditions for maximum oil yield. Experiments were carried out in batch reactors as per central composite design with three independent factors including reaction temperature (170, 220, 270, 320, and 370°C), reaction time (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 min), and biomass loading (1, 3, 5, 10, and 15%). A maximum oil yield of 12.89 wt.% was obtained at 320°C and 15 min, with 3% biomass loading. Sequential model tests showed the good fit of experimental data to the second-order quadratic model. This study opens the great potential of SCW to extract algal oil for use in algal biofuel production.
    MeSH terms: Biotechnology/methods*; Chlorella/isolation & purification*; Fresh Water; Regression Analysis; Temperature; Time Factors; Water/chemistry*; Biomass; Bioreactors
  7. Fakhrul-Hatta SNN, Nelson BR, Shafie NJ, Zahidin MA, Abdullah MT
    Data Brief, 2018 Dec;21:2089-2094.
    PMID: 30533456 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.058
    This data article informs about Chiropteran diversity, new records, ecosystem services and possible pathogen carriers in fragmented forests (sub-divided by utility corridors, man-made structures, untouched and secondary plantations) within districts Setiu (Setiu Research Station), Hulu Terengganu (Saok and Lasir waterfalls) and Besut (Gunung Tebu Forest Reserve) of state Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. These bats were captured using harp traps and mist nets that were set 10 m apart across flyways, streams and less cluttered trees in the 50 m × 50 m transect zones (identified at each site). All animals were distinguished by morphology and gender before their release at the site of capture. The data comprise of five bat family groups Hipposideridae, Megadermatidae, Pteropodidae, Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae. It is interesting to note that untouched Saok Waterfalls is home to wide variety of bats listed (68.8%), followed by secondary forests of Gunung Tebu Forest Reserve (24.8%), untouched Lasir Waterfalls (4.8%) and lastly, Setiu Research Station as least favored (1.6%). Chiroptera like Cynopterus brachyotis (n = 23, 37.7%), Hipposideros bicolor (n = 6, 9.8%) and Scotophilus kuhli (n = 6, 9.8%) were most dominant in the checklist whereas Hipposideros armiger, Murina suilla and Scotophilus kuhlii are new data records in the fragmented forests of Terengganu. The data were interpret into Shannon, Simpson, Margalef, Menhinik and Evenness indices to individually or collectively distinguish chiropteran variety in Terengganu State whereas weight-forearm length (W/FA) informs about chiropteran Body Condition Index (-0.25 to 0.25). The function of bats were also identified to distinguish service providers (pollination and forests regeneration) and zoonotic pathogen carriers (in particular to Leptospira bacteria, Nipah virus and Sindbis virus).
    MeSH terms: Animals; Chiroptera; Conservation of Natural Resources; Forearm; Leptospira; Malaysia; Regeneration; Sindbis Virus; Trees; Ecosystem; Nipah Virus; Rivers; Pollination; Checklist; Forests
  8. Anbarasan A, Mohamad NH, Mariapan S
    Trauma Case Rep, 2018 Dec;18:42-45.
    PMID: 30533482 DOI: 10.1016/j.tcr.2018.11.013
    Open traumatic scapulothoracic dissociation is a rare and devastating injury. We are reporting a 21-year-old male factory worker who sustained a traumatic open scapulothoracic dissociation. His left arm was caught in conveyer belts resulting the arm, scapula, clavicle, and pectoral muscle torn from the body by tremendous traction force. He presented with pulseless, flail and cold limb and was promptly resuscitated and surgically managed with forequarter amputation.
    MeSH terms: Amputation; Clavicle; Male; Musculoskeletal System; Pectoralis Muscles; Scapula; Traction; Lacerations
  9. Devadas S, Bhassu S, Christie Soo TC, Yusoff FM, Shariff M
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2018 Sep;7(11).
    PMID: 30533648 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01053-18
    We sequenced the genome of Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain ST17.P5-S1, isolated from Penaeus vannamei cultured in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The strain contains several antibiotic resistance genes and a plasmid encoding the Photorhabdus insect-related (Pir) toxin-like genes, pirAvp and pirBvp, associated with acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND).
    MeSH terms: Acute Disease; Animals; Base Sequence; Drug Resistance, Microbial; Malaysia; Plasmids; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Photorhabdus; Penaeidae
  10. Too CC, Ong KS, Lee SM, Yule CM, Keller A
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2018 Sep;7(12).
    PMID: 30533674 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01083-18
    The bacterium Dyella sp. strain C9 was isolated from North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest, Malaysia, and studied using whole-genome sequencing. The putative genes involved in biogeochemical processes were annotated, and the genome sequence is publicly available in the NCBI database.
    MeSH terms: Base Sequence; Chromosome Mapping; Malaysia; Soil; Wetlands; Forests
  11. Suzuki K, Aziz FAA, Honjo M, Nishimura T, Masuda K, Minoura A, et al.
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2018 Nov;7(18).
    PMID: 30533775 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01009-18
    A batch culture was enriched on phenol with trichloroethene-contaminated aquifer soil as an inoculum. Cupriavidus sp. strain P-10 was isolated from the culture using a diluted plating method. Here, we report the draft genome sequence and annotation of strain P-10, which provides insights into the metabolic processes of phenol degradation.
    MeSH terms: Base Sequence; Environmental Pollution; Phenols; Soil; Trichloroethylene; Phenol; Cupriavidus; Groundwater; Batch Cell Culture Techniques
  12. Devadas S, Bhassu S, Christie Soo TC, Mohamed Iqbal SN, Yusoff FM, Shariff M
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2018 Jul;7(2).
    PMID: 30533806 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00829-18
    We report the first draft genome sequence of a Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain (VpAHPND), which causes acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) in Penaeus monodon. The strain has a pVA1-like plasmid carrying pirAvp and pirBvp genes. Whole-genome comparisons revealed >98% similarity to VpAHPND isolates from Thailand, Mexico, and Vietnam.
    MeSH terms: Acute Disease; Animals; Base Sequence; Mexico; Necrosis; Plasmids; Thailand; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Vietnam; Penaeidae
  13. Gan HM, Lee MVJ, Savka MA
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2018 Sep;7(9).
    PMID: 30533933 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01045-18
    Using Illumina and Nanopore reads, we assembled a high-quality draft genome sequence of Allorhizobium vitis K309T (= ATCC 49767T, = NCPPB 3554T), a phytopathogenic strain isolated from a grapevine in Australia. The hybrid approach generated 50% fewer contigs and a 3-fold increase in the N 50 value compared with the previous Illumina-only assembly.
  14. Maniam G, Mai CW, Zulkefeli M, Dufès C, Tan DM, Fu JY
    Front Pharmacol, 2018;9:1358.
    PMID: 30534071 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01358
    Plant-derived phytonutrients have emerged as health enhancers. Tocotrienols from the vitamin E family gained high attention in recent years due to their multi-targeted biological properties, including lipid-lowering, neuroprotection, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. Despite well-defined mechanism of action as an anti-cancer agent, their clinical use is hampered by poor pharmacokinetic profile and low oral bioavailability. Delivery systems based on nanotechnology were proven to be advantageous in elevating the delivery of tocotrienols to tumor sites for enhanced efficacy. To date, preclinical development of nanocarriers for tocotrienols include niosomes, lipid nanoemulsions, nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) and polymeric nanoparticles. Active targeting was explored via the use of transferrin as targeting ligand in niosomes. In vitro, nanocarriers were shown to enhance the anti-proliferative efficacy and cellular uptake of tocotrienols in cancer cells. In vivo, improved bioavailability of tocotrienols were reported with NLCs while marked tumor regression was observed with transferrin-targeted niosomes. In this review, the advantages and limitations of each nanocarriers were critically analyzed. Furthermore, a number of key challenges were identified including scale-up production, biological barriers, and toxicity profiles. To overcome these challenges, three research opportunities were highlighted based on rapid advancements in the field of nanomedicine. This review aims to provide a wholesome perspective for tocotrienol nanoformulations in cancer therapy directed toward effective clinical translation.
  15. Ansari AS, Yazid MD, Sainik NQAV, Razali RA, Saim AB, Idrus RBH
    Stem Cells Int, 2018;2018:2406462.
    PMID: 30534156 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2406462
    Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs) are emerging as a promising source for bone regeneration in the treatment of bone defects. Previous studies have reported the ability of WJ-MSCs to be induced into the osteogenic lineage. The purpose of this review was to systematically assess the potential of WJ-MSC differentiation into the osteogenic lineage. A comprehensive search was conducted in Medline via Ebscohost and Scopus, where relevant studies published between 1961 and 2018 were selected. The main inclusion criteria were that articles must be primary studies published in English evaluating osteogenic induction of WJ-MSCs. The literature search identified 92 related articles, but only 18 articles met the inclusion criteria. These include two animal studies, three articles containing both in vitro and in vivo assessments, and 13 articles on in vitro studies, all of which are discussed in this review. There were two types of osteogenic induction used in these studies, either chemical or physical. The studies demonstrate that WJ-MSCs are able to differentiate into osteogenic lineage and promote osteogenesis. In light of these observations, it is suggested that WJ-MSCs can be a potential source of stem cells for osteogenic induction, as an alternative to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
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