METHOD: MEDLINE and Embase were searched from inception until 9 February 2022 for studies that enrolled critically ill patients aged ≥60 years and investigated any area of nutrition therapy. No language or study design restrictions were applied.
RESULTS: Thirty-two studies (5 randomised controlled trials) with 6 topics were identified: (1) nutrition screening and assessments, (2) muscle mass assessment, (3) route or timing of nutrition therapy, (4) determination of energy and protein requirements, (5) energy and protein intake, and (6) pharmaconutrition. Topics (1), (3) and (6) had similar findings among general adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Skeletal muscle mass at ICU admission was significantly lower in older versus young patients. Among older ICU patients, low muscularity at ICU admission increased the risk of adverse outcomes. Predicted energy requirements using weight-based equations significantly deviated from indirect calorimetry measurements in older vs younger patients. Older ICU patients required higher protein intake (>1.5g/kg/day) than younger patients to achieve nitrogen balance. However, at similar protein intake, older patients had a higher risk of azotaemia.
CONCLUSION: Based on limited evidence, assessment of muscle mass, indirect calorimetry and careful monitoring of urea level may be important to guide nutrition therapy in older ICU patients. Other nutrition recommendations for general ICU patients may be used for older patients with sound clinical discretion.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study conducted on children aging 3 to 12 years in Kuwait during three different stages of COVID19 pandemic (pre-total curfew, during total curfew, and post-total curfew). The psychological status was assessed using the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria.
RESULTS: Of 2157 children between the age of 3 to 12 years old, 853 (39.5%) reported increased level of aggression, 789 (36.6%) over-crying, 749 (34.7%) sadness, 493 (22.9%) anxiety, 429 (19.9%) anhedonia, 383 (17.8%) confusion, 274 (12.7%) nightmares, 177 (8.2%) avoidance, 174 (8.1%) physical symptoms and 121 (5.6%) bedwetting during the pandemic. General health status was also affected with reported disturbed sleeping pattern (84.6%), altered appetite (50.9%) and weight changes (36.9%), mainly weight gain. Risk factors included being non-national, as well as having lower parental educational level and lower socioeconomic status; while protective factors involved meeting classmates, indoor and outdoor activities, and less screen time.
CONCLUSIONS: COVID19 crisis had drastic impact on children's mental and general health, requiring serious action regarding evaluating this generation and intervening accordingly.
RESULTS: All EPH samples revealed induction effects towards Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus-Enterococcus and Bacteroidaceae/Prevotellaceae populations similar to those in inulin fermentation. A significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) in pathogenic Clostridium histolyticum group was observed in the response of raw sago palm hearts. In general, all samples stimulate the production of SCFA. Particularly in the colonic fermentation of sago palm heart, acetate and propionate revealed the highest concentrations of 286.18 and 284.83 mmol L-1 in raw and cooked form, respectively.
CONCLUSION: This study concluded that edible palm hearts can be a potential prebiotic ingredient that promotes human gastrointestinal health, as well as discovering a new direction towards an alternative source of functional foods. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.
AIMS AND METHODS: We analyzed Global Adult Tobacco Survey data in Bangladesh, China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Ukraine, Turkey, Uruguay, and Viet Nam during 2014-2018. The weighted prevalence of "awareness" (heard about), "ever" (even once), and "current" (daily/nondaily) EC use among never, current, and former cigarette smokers and quit ratios (past smokers/ever smokers) was estimated. Association of EC use with sociodemographic, and CS, was explored by multilevel regression.
RESULTS: Overall, prevalence of "awareness," "ever," and "current" ECs use was 19.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 27.4, 31.1), 2.6% (95% CI 2.4, 2.8), and 0.7% (95% CI 0.6, 0.8), respectively. In most countries, "ever use" <10%, and "current use" was about 1% except Romania (4.4%) and Russia (3.5%). "Current use" was 0.1%, 2.9%, and 3.1% among never, current, and former smokers, respectively. "Current" and "ever" EC use was higher among current and former than never smokers (2.8% and 3.1% vs. 0.1%; 9.9% and 10.9% vs. 0.7%), respectively. Current EC use was associated with male sex, urban residence and younger age, higher education, and wealth. "Quit attempts" (aOR 1.3, 95% CI 1.2, 1.5) and cigarettes smoked per day (aOR 1.6, 95% CI 1.4, 1.9) were associated with "ever use."
CONCLUSIONS: EC use was low in most countries. "Dual use" was common among current smokers and the quit ratio was higher among ECs users.
IMPLICATIONS: EC use is increasing in high-income countries (HICs) where regulations on ECs are usually permissive. Evidence on the individual- or population-level impact of ECs on CS cessation is inconclusive. Little is known about the prevalence of EC use in LMICs where regulations are nonexistent or less restrictive. Studying the distribution of EC use rates by population subgroups, CS status, and quit ratios for CS among EC users will assist the formulation of EC regulatory policies. We provide comparable nationally representative prevalence estimates of "awareness" about and, use of ECs to serve as a benchmark for future monitoring. EC use was associated with the attempt to quit CS and smoking >10 cigarettes per day. However, "dual use" was common, and the quit ratio for CS was higher among EC users. EC use was very low relative to HICs. Nevertheless, comprehensive EC regulatory policies should be implemented to prevent the escalation of EC use by targeting population subgroups such as young adults, educated and wealthier individuals.
METHODS: This paper use tobacco data and Macroeconomics Indicators from Euromonitor International and World Bank Data. We extend linear regression models by controlling both the serial correlation and endogeneity bias problems. We also observe the properties in the ARMA(2,2) data generating process.
RESULTS: We document that tobacco tends to affect the USA's future economy but not Indonesia. In our robustness check, we conduct a SUR analysis to control the contemporaneous correlations among Asian markets. We further document that tobacco variables tend not to affect the economy in the Asian markets.
CONCLUSION: Our results show that the contribution of tobacco commodity to the economy is overstated. Therefore, the comprehensive and massive tobacco control implementations should be undertaken hence is relevant to put into actions.