METHODS: Literature from PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane database and Google Scholar was searched with a combination of medical subject headings (MeSH) and free-text terms related to inappropriate prescriptions, paediatrics and potentially inappropriate prescription tools. Studies reported in English and published from inception of the databases until May 2023 were selected based on fulfilment of eligibility criteria. All eligible articles were assessed for methodological quality and examined using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Twelve studies met the inclusion criteria. The majority of the studies were of high quality. Four themes emerged-namely, evaluation tools and calculation methods of inappropriate prescriptions, prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs), and predictors of PIM and PPO in children. Among the nine tools identified, the original and modified version of the POPI tool was most commonly used. The prevalence of PIM and PPO ranged from 0.04% to 69% and from 1.5% to 55.9%, respectively. Age was the most common predictor reported, whereby PIMs and PPOs were more likely in children aged 2-6 and 6-12 years, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Potentially inappropriate prescriptions in paediatric patients is highly prevalent, despite the wide variation in the reported prevalence range and limited implementation of the available tools in practice. Future efforts need to be focused on the development and implementation of age-, disease- or country-specific tools to effectively evaluate and further determine the economic impact of PIMs in children.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this process-based audit was to assess the educational value (EV), clarity (COI), reliability (ROI), understandability (UOI), and actionability (AOI) of information regarding occlusal device therapy for sleep bruxism in YouTube videos provided by dental professionals.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: YouTube was searched systematically using 4 search terms. A total of 19 videos were identified using predetermined criteria. EV was assessed using a 4-point scoring system across 10 predetermined domains. A 3-point scoring system was applied to evaluate COI. Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Benchmark Criteria was applied to evaluate ROI. Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for audio-visual material (PEMAT-A/V) was used to determine UOI and AOI. Descriptive statistics, interrater and intrarater reliability tests were conducted using a statistical software program.
RESULTS: Most videos had been uploaded by general dental practitioners (95%) followed by orthodontists (5%). The mean number of reported domains was 4.68 ±2.73 (out of 10), with the highest scoring domain being "Indications of occlusal device" (1.24 ±0.87), and the lowest being "Cost of occlusal device" (0.00 ±0.00). Overall, the EV score per video was 5.61 ±5.10 (out of 30), while the COI score was 0.55 ±0.50 (out of 2). The ROI averaged 1.95 ±0.40 (out of 4), with "Attribution" scoring lowest (0.026 ±0.11) and "Currency" highest (1). Overall, the videos had a mean understandability of 66.6% and actionability of 45.6%.
CONCLUSIONS: Videos uploaded by dental professionals lack sufficient educational value pertaining to the cost of occlusal devices. The videos demonstrated low reliability regarding the credibility of sources and poor understandability and actionability.
METHODS: In 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with 18 sandwich generation caregivers in Tehran, Iran, who were responsible for both elderly parents and their own children. These interviews were conducted either in person or by telephone. Subsequently, the collected data were analyzed using the inductive content analysis method within the MAXQDA software (2018 version).
RESULTS: Data analysis revealed three categories of coping strategies: "distancing from the situation", "self-soothing" (including sub categories of spiritual matters, establishing relationships, emotional outlet, and engaging in favorite activities), and "diversifying responses to needs" (including transferring responsibility to the family members, prioritizing needs for responsiveness, utilizing available community services, mediating to reduce conflict, and remote monitoring of the older adult).
CONCLUSION: Sandwich generation caregivers use various coping strategies, each with different outcomes. This study found that self-care and using social resources can greatly reduce caregiving burdens. Therefore, providing these caregivers with training in problem-solving and self-care skills is recommended to better prepare them for their responsibilities.
METHODS: There were 307 undergraduate nursing students who participated in the cross-sectional methodological study, from December 2022 to January 2023. Content validity, Construct validity and reliability of the APSQ-III was evaluated.
RESULTS: In the exploratory factor analysis, three factors were identified from 11 items, accounting for 58% of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis indices confirmed the model fit (χ2(38) = 91.851, p
METHOD: This cross-sectional study used the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) to evaluate behavioral issues and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to assess anxiety levels. Primary school teachers, who had known the children for at least a year, provided the reports. Data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test.
RESULTS: Forty children with dyslexia (n = 40) and fifty typically developing children (n = 50) were assessed, in which both groups are predominantly boys (70%, 54%) aged 7-12 years (Mean age:9.3 ± 1.5). The results indicate a significantly greater degree of behavioural problems t(88) = 8.39,p
AIM: To identify and select suitable tools community pharmacists use with targeted patient-centred outcomes for dispensing contraceptives.
METHODS: Five electronic databases, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar as additional sources for published and unpublished studies, were searched to identify literature for contraceptive tools or strategies for pharmacists to decide on contraceptive choice and dispensing by pharmacist. Studies involving pharmacists or tools suitable for pharmacists from any country, published since 1990 were considered.
RESULTS: A total of 21 publications met the inclusion criteria. Robvis' tool was used for visualizing the risk of bias for each result. There were three studies that used the tools specifically by community pharmacists and others focused on general family planning users and pharmacists. The suitability of patient-centred interventions in community pharmacy settings was further evaluated.
CONCLUSION: The evidence for special tools for pharmacists for dispensing contraceptives in community settings is limited and further research is needed to develop and evaluate novel interventions for pharmacists in community settings.