Ann Parasitol Hum Comp, 1977 7 1;52(4):471-9.
PMID: 931324


Onchocerca dewittei n. sp. was collected from a wild Boar at the metatarse level (tendons and subcutaneous connective tissue); it can be differentiated from other species by the female cuticle showing straight ridges which overlap in the lateral fields, and by its relatively thick microfilaria (length 228-247 mu and width 6-7 mu). This suidean Onchocerca displays some primitive characters such as straight ridges and persistency of ten pairs of caudal papillae in the male; but as a whole this species is undoubtedly more highly evolved than O. raillieti Bain, Müller and coll., 1976, a parasite of Equidae.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.